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CO(2) homeostasis during periodic breathing in obstructive sleep apnea.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The contribution of apnea to chronic hypercapnia in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has not been clarified. Using a model (D. M. Rapoport, R. G. Norman, and R. M. Goldring. J. Appl. Physiol. 75: 2302-2309, 1993), we previously illustrated failure of CO(2) homeostasis during periodic breathing resulting from temporal dissociation between ventilation and perfusion ("temporal V/Q mismatch"). This study measures acute kinetics of CO(2) during periodic breathing and addresses interapnea ventilatory compensation for maintenance of CO(2) homeostasis in 11 patients with OSA during daytime sleep (37-171 min). Ventilation and expiratory CO(2) and O(2) fractions were measured on a breath-by-breath basis by means of a tight-fitting full facemask. Calculations included CO(2) excretion, metabolic CO(2) production, and CO(2) balance (metabolic CO(2) production - exhaled CO(2)). CO(2) balance was tabulated for each apnea/hypopnea event-interevent cycle and as a cumulative value during sleep. Cumulative CO(2) balance varied (-3,570 to +1,388 ml). Positive cumulative CO(2) balance occurred in the absence of overall hypoventilation during sleep. For each cycle, positive CO(2) balance occurred despite increased interevent ventilation to rates as high as 45 l/min. This failure of CO(2) homeostasis was dependent on the event-to-interevent duration ratio. The results demonstrate that 1) periodic breathing provides a mechanism for acute hypercapnia in OSA, 2) acute hypercapnia during periodic breathing may occur without a decrease in average minute ventilation, supporting the presence of temporal V/Q mismatch, as predicted from our model, and 3) compensation for CO(2) accumulation during apnea/hypopnea may be limited by the duration of the interevent interval. The relationship of this acute hypercapnia to sustained chronic hypercapnia in OSA remains to be further explored.  相似文献   

Sleep-induced periodic breathing and apnea: a theoretical study   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To elucidate the mechanisms that lead to sleep-disordered breathing, we have developed a mathematical model that allows for dynamic interactions among the chemical control of respiration, changes in sleep-waking state, and changes in upper airway patency. The increase in steady-state arterial PCO2 accompanying sleep is shown to be inversely related to the ventilatory response to CO2. Chemical control of respiration becomes less stable during the light stage of sleep, despite a reduction in chemoresponsiveness, due to a concomitant increase in "plant gain" (i.e., responsiveness of blood gases to ventilatory changes). The withdrawal of the "wakefulness drive" during sleep onset represents a strong perturbation to respiratory control: higher magnitudes and rates of withdrawal of this drive favor instability. These results may account for the higher incidence of periodic breathing observed during light sleep and sleep onset. Periodic ventilation can also result from repetitive alternations between sleep onset and arousal. The potential for instability is further compounded if the possibility of upper airway occlusion is also included. In systems with high controller gains, instability is mediated primarily through chemoreflex overcompensation. However, in systems with depressed chemoresponsiveness, rapid sleep onset and large blood gas fluctuations trigger repetitive episodes of arousal and hyperpnea alternating with apneas that may or may not be obstructive. Between these extremes, more complex patterns can arise from the interaction between chemoreflex-mediated oscillations of shorter-cycle-duration (approximately 36 s) and longer-wavelength (approximately 60-80 s) state-driven oscillations.  相似文献   

To discover whether increases in inhaled O2 fraction (FIO2; up to 40%) decrease apnea via an increase in minute ventilation (VE) or a change in respiratory pattern, 15 preterm infants (birth weight 1,300 +/- 354 g, gestational age 29 +/- 2 wk, postnatal age 20 +/- 9 days) breathed 21, 25, 30, 35, and 40% O2 for 10 min in quiet sleep. A nosepiece and a flow-through system were used to measure ventilation. Alveolar PCO2, transcutaneous PO2, and sleep states were also assessed. All infants had periodic breathing with apneas greater than or equal to 3 s. With an increase in FIO2 breathing became more regular and apneas decreased (P less than 0.001). This regularization in breathing was not associated with significant changes in VE. However, the variability of VE, tidal volume, and expiratory and inspiratory times decreased significantly. The results indicate that the more regular breathing observed with small increases in FIO2 was not associated with significant changes in ventilation. The findings suggest that the increased oxygenation decreases apnea and periodicity in preterm infants, not via an increase in ventilation, but through a decrease in breath-to-breath variability of VE.  相似文献   

Because neonatal apnea is frequently associated with airway obstruction, we compared relative changes in activity between various upper airway muscles and the diaphragm during hypercapnic stimulation. The technique of hyperoxic CO2 rebreathing was employed in 17 healthy, sleeping preterm infants studied at a postnatal age of 32 +/- 12 days. Surface diaphragm (DIA) electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded in all infants, and noninvasive measurements of posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA), genioglossus (GG), and alae nasi (AN) EMGs were analyzed in 11, 9, and 8 infants, respectively. During the control period, consistent phasic EMGs were recorded from the DIA in all infants and from the PCA in 8 infants, but from the GG and AN each in only one infant. During CO2 rebreathing, minute ventilation and end-tidal CO2 increased linearly as CO2 rose from 31 +/- 5 to 51 +/- 5 Torr. DIA and PCA EMGs also had proportional and comparable increases throughout rebreathing. In contrast, both GG and AN responses differed from the DIA and PCA (P less than 0.001) and exhibited minimal or absent responses at low levels of hypercapnia. Consistent GG and AN EMGs appeared at comparable levels of end-tidal CO2 (47 +/- 5 and 45 +/- 5 Torr, respectively) and subsequently increased linearly in most infants. We conclude that during CO2 rebreathing the initially delayed and subsequently linear responses of the GG and AN EMGs indicate a high CO2 threshold for these muscles.  相似文献   

Mother-infant bed sharing, compared withthe solitary sleeping condition, has recently been associated withseveral physiological and behavioral effects. Because the physiologicaleffects of bed sharing may also include respiratory changes, wecompared the incidence of central and obstructive apneas and periodicbreathing in bed-sharing and solitary sleeping infants. Twentyroutinely bed-sharing mother-infant pairs and fifteen routinelysolitary sleeping pairs slept for 3 nights in a sleep laboratory. After an initial adaptation night, each pair spent 1 night bed sharing and 1 night in solitary sleep in random order. Apnea and periodic breathingwere scored from polysomnographic recordings. The frequency of centralapnea was significantly increased on the bed-sharing night, comparedwith the solitary night, regardless of routine sleeping arrangement.There were significantly fewer obstructive apneas on the bed-sharingnight than on the solitary night, but only in routinely solitarysleeping infants. In both groups, there was a significantly higherfrequency of periodic breathing events on the bed-sharing night than onthe solitary night. These findings demonstrate that the bed-sharingenvironment can have a significant impact on respiratory control in theinfant. Evidence is also presented to suggest that routine bed sharingmay result in subtle neurophysiological and/or developmentaldifferences in infants.


Traditionally, the increase in ventilation occurring after approximately 4 s of CO2 inhalation in preterm infants has been attributed to an action at the peripheral chemoreceptors. However, on a few occasions, we have observed a short apnea (2-3 s) in response to 3-5% CO2 in these infants. To test the hypothesis that this apnea reflects a respiratory sensory reflex to CO2, we gave nine preterm infants [birth wt 1.5 +/- 0.1 (SE) kg, gestational age 31 +/- 1 wk] 7-8% CO2 while they breathed 21% O2. To study the dose-response relationship, we also gave 2, 4, 6, and 8% CO2 to another group of seven preterm infants (birth wt 1.5 +/- 0.1 kg, gestational age 31 +/- 1 wk). In the first group of infants, minute ventilation during 21% O2 breathing (0.232 +/- 0.022 l.min-1.kg-1) decreased after CO2 administration (0.140 +/- 0.022, P < 0.01) and increased with CO2 removal (0.380 +/- 0.054, P < 0.05). This decrease in ventilation was related to an apnea (12 +/- 2.6 s) occurring 7.7 +/- 0.8 s after the beginning of CO2 inhalation. There was no significant change in tidal volume. In the second group of infants, minute ventilation increased during administration of 2, 4, and 6% CO2 but decreased during 8% CO2 because of the presence of an apnea. These findings suggest that inhalation of a high concentration of CO2 (> 6%) inhibits breathing through a respiratory sensory reflex, as described in adult cats (H. A. Boushey and P. S. Richardson. J. Physiol. Lond. 228: 181-191, 1973).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J Hedner  T Hedner 《Life sciences》1987,41(20):2303-2312
Bovine beta-casomorphin, beta-casomorphin, morphiceptin or morphine were administered systemically (i.v. or i.p.) and intracerebroventricularly (lateral or IVth ventricles) to anesthetized adult rats and preterm newborn rabbits. All agents caused dose-related depressions of respiratory frequency and tidal volume. Morphiceptin and beta-casomorphin were approximately equipotent to morphine while beta-casomorphin was 10 times as potent after intracerebroventricular injection. The beta-casomorphins decreased inspiratory drive and prolonged the expiratory phase by delaying the setpoint for inspiration. A respiratory depression could be elicited by systemic administration of morphiceptin but not by beta-casomorphin or beta-casomorphin. All ventilatory effects induced by the beta-casomorphins could be readily reversed or prevented by naloxone. Intracerebroventricular but not intraperitoneal injection of beta-casomorphin depressed ventilation in preterm newborn rabbits in a similar pattern with apnoic periods to that seen in the adult rats. In addition, an irregular breathing pattern was elicited. Thus, the bovine beta-casomorphins possess potent central respiratory depressive effects. However, after systemic administration, only morphiceptin which is more metabolically stable induced a shortlasting effect on ventilation in adult rats.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that raising arterial PCO(2) (Pa(CO(2))) by small increments in dogs ventilated below the apneic threshold (AT) results in almost complete tracheal constriction before the return of phrenic activity (Dickstein JA, Greenberg A, Kruger J, Robicsek A, Silverman J, Sommer L, Sommer D, Volgyesi G, Iscoe S, and Fisher JA. J Appl Physiol 81: 1844-1849, 1996). We hypothesized that, if increasing chemical drive above the AT mediates increasing constrictor drive to tracheal smooth muscle, then pulmonary slowly adapting receptor input should elicit more tracheal dilation below the AT than above. In six methohexital sodium-anesthetized, paralyzed, and ventilated dogs, we measured changes in tracheal diameter in response to step increases in tidal volume (VT) or respiratory frequency (f) below and above the AT at constant Pa(CO(2)) ( approximately 40 and 67 Torr, respectively). Increases in VT (400-1,200 ml) caused significantly more (P = 0.005) tracheal dilation below than above AT (7.0 +/- 2.2 vs. 2.8 +/- 1.0 mm, respectively). In contrast, increases in f (14-22 breaths/min) caused similar (P = 0.93) tracheal dilations below and above (1.0 +/- 1.3 and 1.0 +/- 0.8 mm, respectively) AT. The greater effectiveness of dilator stimuli below compared with above the AT is consistent with the hypothesis that drive to tracheal smooth muscle increases even after attainment of maximal constriction. Our results emphasize the importance of controlling PCO(2) with respect to the AT when tracheal smooth muscle tone is experimentally altered.  相似文献   

Equipment was developed for bedside lung function testing in the newborn using the simultaneous measurement of air flow rate, tidal volume, and esophageal pressure changes as a measure of transpulmonary pressure. The equipment has a number of advantages for the investigation of very low birthweight infants. A flow-through technique was used to eliminate the dead space of the face mask and a very thin micro-tipped catheter permits ready measurement of esophageal pressure. With this equipment, long-term measurements are also possible in oxygen-dependent newborns and the air-tightness of the mask can be monitored continuously. Long-time measurements in neonates are a prerequisite for standardizing the measuring conditions and adapting the duration of the measurement to the variability of the signals, especially in newborn with an irregular pattern of breathing.  相似文献   

Some infants sleep facedown for long periods with no ill effects, whereas others become hypoxemic. Rebreathing of expired air has been determined by CO(2) measurement; however, O(2) levels under such conditions have not been determined. To evaluate this and other factors influencing inspired gas concentrations, we studied 21 healthy infants during natural sleep while facedown on soft bedding. We measured gas exchange with the environment and bedding, ventilatory response to rebreathing, and concentrations of inspired CO(2) and O(2). Two important factors influencing inspired gas concentrations were 1) a variable seal between bedding and infants' faces and 2) gas gradients in the bedding beneath the infants, with O(2)-poor and CO(2)-rich air nearest to the face, fresher air distal to the face, and larger tidal volumes being associated with fresher inspired air. Minute ventilation increased significantly while rebreathing because of an increase in tidal volume, not frequency. The measured drop in inspired O(2) was significantly greater than the accompanying rise in inspired CO(2). This appears to be due to effects of the respiratory exchange ratio and differential tissue solubilities of CO(2) and O(2) during unsteady conditions.  相似文献   

Periodic breathing occurs commonly in full-term and preterm infants. The mechanisms which switch breathing on and off within a cycle of periodic breathing are not certain. Since immature infants may experience diaphragmatic muscle fatigue, one potential switching mechanism is fatigue. Power spectra of the electromyogram, uncontaminated by the electrocardiograph artifact, were studied for evidence of diaphragmatic muscle fatigue during spontaneous periodic breathing in infants. A fall in the high-frequency (103-600 Hz) power and an increase in the low-frequency (23-47 Hz) power during periodic as compared with normal breathing would indicate fatigue. This effect was not observed in any of the infants studied. Hence, there is no evidence that periodic breathing is the result of diaphragmatic muscle fatigue. This finding suggests that the effect of drugs such as theophylline in eliminating periodic breathing may be unrelated to the fact that they also reduce fatigue.  相似文献   

Brief end-expiratory airway occlusions were performed in 22 preterm babies, 17 with and 5 without clinical apnea, and 4 full-term babies, 1 with Pierre-Robin syndrome. Airway stability was evaluated by comparing pressures measured simultaneously in the chest and nasal passages during occluded inspiratory efforts. The airway remained patent throughout all 301 trials in 20 babies during rapid-eye-movement (REM) and quiet sleep. Airway closure occurred during 31/102 trials in 6 babies (5 preterm and 1 term with Pierre-Robin syndrome), more commonly in quiet than in REM sleep. Overall and within individuals, mean closing pressures were significantly lower than the mean maximum falls in airway pressure recorded during occlusions without closure. Mixed-obstructive and obstructive apnea was significantly more frequent in babies with airway closure than in those without (5.3 +/- 4.0 vs. 0.4 +/- 0.8 episodes/h). Pauses in breathing greater than or equal to 3 s occurred during 28% of occlusions in preterm infants and 2% of occlusions in full-term babies. There was no significant difference between the mean frequency of pauses during occlusion and during the preceding control period or in the incidence of pauses in occlusions with vs. those without closure. It is concluded that the airway of most preterm and full-term babies is remarkably stable under load. Intermittent closure occurs in certain infants and may be related to airway muscle dysfunction.  相似文献   

Effect of testosterone on the apneic threshold in women during NREM sleep.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The hypocapnic apneic threshold (AT) is lower in women relative to men. To test the hypothesis that the gender difference in AT was due to testosterone, we determined the AT during non-rapid eye movement sleep in eight healthy, nonsnoring, premenopausal women before and after 10-12 days of transdermal testosterone. Hypocapnia was induced via nasal mechanical ventilation (MV) for 3 min with tidal volumes ranging from 175 to 215% above eupneic tidal volume and respiratory frequency matched to eupneic frequency. Cessation of MV resulted in hypocapnic central apnea or hypopnea depending on the magnitude of hypocapnia. Nadir minute ventilation as a percentage of control (%Ve) was plotted against the change in end-tidal CO(2) (Pet(CO(2))); %Ve was given a value of zero during central apnea. The AT was defined as the Pet(CO(2)) at which the apnea closest to the last hypopnea occurred; hypocapnic ventilatory response (HPVR) was defined as the slope of the linear regression Ve vs. Pet(CO(2)). Both the AT (39.5 +/- 2.9 vs. 42.1 +/- 3.0 Torr; P = 0.002) and HPVR (0.20 +/- 0.05 vs. 0.33 +/- 0.11%Ve/Torr; P = 0.016) increased with testosterone administration. We conclude that testosterone administration increases AT in premenopausal women, suggesting that the increased breathing instability during sleep in men is related to the presence of testosterone.  相似文献   

Arousal is an important protective mechanism that aids in the resolution of obstructive sleep apnea in adults and children, but its role in neonatal apnea has not been investigated. The primary aim of the present study was to determine the role of arousal in the termination of apnea in preterm infants. Videorecording was used to identify spontaneous behavioral arousal in a group of healthy full-term (n = 7) and preterm (n = 10) infants before and during polygraphic monitoring of cardiorespiratory variables and in a group of preterm infants with apnea (n = 10) during similar polygraphic monitoring. Spontaneous arousal rates (mean +/- SE) in full-term infants before and during polygraphic monitoring were 0.18 +/- 0.03 and 0.23 +/- 0.07 episodes/min, respectively. Corresponding values in nonapneic preterm infants were 0.24 +/- 0.03 and 0.24 +/- 0.02 episodes/min. In apneic preterm infants, mean spontaneous arousal rate during polygraphic recording was 0.26 +/- 0.02, but it was considerably higher during apneic sleep periods (0.59 +/- 0.17) than during nonapneic sleep periods (0.25 +/- 0.01). The frequency of occurrence of arousal was significantly higher (P less than 0.005) in long vs. short apnea, mixed vs. central apnea, and severe vs. mild apnea. Although a clear association between arousal and apneic resolution was observed in preterm infants, lack of arousal responses in a large number of apneic episodes suggests that behavioral arousal is not essential for the termination of apnea in these infants.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the influence of breathing pattern on the variations of functional residual capacity during sleep in newborn infants. Functional residual capacity was measured by the He-dilution method. Neurophysiologic criteria were used to identify sleep states. Movements of chest and abdomen were monitored. Twenty-six healthy newborn infants were studied. Sixteen were premature and 10 were at term. Functional residual capacity did not change in relation to changes in sleep states. In active sleep it was 1.48 +/- 0.07 ml/cm compared with 1.50 +/- 0.06 ml/cm in quiet sleep. Functional residual capacity decreased when rib cage and abdomen moved out-of-phase with a value of 1.38 +/- 0.09 ml/cm as compared to 1.56 +/- 0.09 ml/cm when in phase (P less than 0.01), in the 7 infants who displayed these two opposite patterns.  相似文献   

The effect of PGF2 alpha has been evaluated in 11 unanaesthetized unrestrained piglets and in 3 anaesthetized piglets (2-3 days old) using a barometric-plethysmographic technique. PGF2 alpha (mg 0.25/pig) was administered as aerosol for 5 min. In 3 of the unanaesthetized newborn pigs the effect of PGF2 alpha aerosol has been evaluated after indomethacin (mg 1/Kg i.v.). The vagal dependent activity of the prostaglandin was also evaluated after atropine (mg 0.08/Kg i.m.). Our results show that PGF2 alpha in newborn pigs causes hypoventilation due to a decrease in respiratory rate and to a lengthening in TE. The changes in TE are due to an increase in the incidence and duration of apneic events characterizing the respiratory activity at birth. After indomethacin PGF2 alpha does not change the breathing pattern. Atropine only partially reduces the effects of PGF2 alpha while, after anaesthesia, prostaglandin does not change the breathing pattern. Consequently our results show that PGF2 alpha in newborn animals similar to other prostaglandins acts as a depressant of respiratory activity.  相似文献   

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