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The development and successful application of high-throughput technologies are transforming biological research. The large quantities of data being generated by these technologies have led to the emergence of systems biology, which emphasizes large-scale, parallel characterization of biological systems and integration of fragmentary information into a coherent whole. Complementing the reductionist approach that has dominated biology for the last century, mathematical modeling is becoming a powerful tool to achieve an integrated understanding of complex biological systems and to guide experimental efforts of engineering biological systems for practical applications. Here I give an overview of current mainstream approaches in modeling biological systems, highlight specific applications of modeling in various settings, and point out future research opportunities and challenges.  相似文献   

Yang JO  Charny P  Lee B  Kim S  Bhak J  Woo HG 《Bioinformation》2007,2(5):194-196
GS2PATH is a Web-based pipeline tool to permit functional enrichment of a given gene set from prior knowledge databases, including gene ontology (GO) database and biological pathway databases. The tool also provides an estimation of gene set enrichment, in GO terms, from the databases of the KEGG and BioCarta pathways, which may allow users to compute and compare functional over-representations. This is especially useful in the perspective of biological pathways such as metabolic, signal transduction, genetic information processing, environmental information processing, cellular process, disease, and drug development. It provides relevant images of biochemical pathways with highlighting of the gene set by customized colors, which can directly assist in the visualization of functional alteration.

Availability  相似文献   

The computational identification of oncogenic lesions is still a key open problem in cancer biology. Although several methods have been proposed, they fail to model how such events are mediated by the network of molecular interactions in the cell. In this paper, we introduce a systems biology approach, based on the analysis of molecular interactions that become dysregulated in specific tumor phenotypes. Such a strategy provides important insights into tumorigenesis, effectively extending and complementing existing methods. Furthermore, we show that the same approach is highly effective in identifying the targets of molecular perturbations in a human cellular context, a task virtually unaddressed by existing computational methods. To identify interactions that are dysregulated in three distinct non‐Hodgkin's lymphomas and in samples perturbed with CD40 ligand, we use the B‐cell interactome (BCI), a genome‐wide compendium of human B‐cell molecular interactions, in combination with a large set of microarray expression profiles. The method consistently ranked the known gene in the top 20 (0.3%), outperforming conventional approaches in 3 of 4 cases.  相似文献   

Quantitative microscopy and systems biology: seeing the whole picture   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Understanding cellular function requires studying the spatially resolved dynamics of protein networks. From the isolated proteins we can only learn about their individual properties, but by investigating their behavior in their natural environment, the cell, we obtain information about the overall response properties of the network module in which they operate. Fluorescence microscopy methods provide currently the only tools to study the dynamics of molecular processes in living cells with high temporal and spatial resolution. Combined with computational approaches they allow us to obtain insights in the reaction-diffusion processes that determine biological function on the scale of cells.  相似文献   

Green seaweeds exhibit a wide range of morphologies and occupy various ecological niches, spanning from freshwater to marine and terrestrial habitats. These organisms, which predominantly belong to the class Ulvophyceae, showcase a remarkable instance of parallel evolution toward complex multicellularity and macroscopic thalli in the Viridiplantae lineage. Within the green seaweeds, several Ulva species (“sea lettuce”) are model organisms for studying carbon assimilation, interactions with bacteria, life cycle progression, and morphogenesis. Ulva species are also notorious for their fast growth and capacity to dominate nutrient-rich, anthropogenically disturbed coastal ecosystems during “green tide” blooms. From an economic perspective, Ulva has garnered increasing attention as a promising feedstock for the production of food, feed, and biobased products, also as a means of removing excess nutrients from the environment. We propose that Ulva is poised to further develop as a model in green seaweed research. In this perspective, we focus explicitly on Ulva mutabilis/compressa as a model species and highlight the molecular data and tools that are currently available or in development. We discuss several areas that will benefit from future research or where exciting new developments have been reported in other Ulva species.  相似文献   

Revealing mechanisms underlying complex diseases poses great challenges to biologists. The traditional linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis that have been successful in the identification of genes responsible for Mendelian traits, however, have not led to similar success in discovering genes influencing the development of complex diseases. Emerging functional genomic and proteomic ('omic') resources and technologies provide great opportunities to develop new methods for systematic identification of genes underlying complex diseases. In this report, we propose a systems biology approach, which integrates omic data, to find genes responsible for complex diseases. This approach consists of five steps: (1) generate a set of candidate genes using gene-gene interaction data sets; (2) reconstruct a genetic network with the set of candidate genes from gene expression data; (3) identify differentially regulated genes between normal and abnormal samples in the network; (4) validate regulatory relationship between the genes in the network by perturbing the network using RNAi and monitoring the response using RT-PCR; and (5) genotype the differentially regulated genes and test their association with the diseases by direct association studies. To prove the concept in principle, the proposed approach is applied to genetic studies of the autoimmune disease scleroderma or systemic sclerosis.  相似文献   

Genome-wide protein–protein interaction (PPI) determination remains a significant unsolved problem in structural biology. The difficulty is twofold since high-throughput experiments (HTEs) have often a relatively high false-positive rate in assigning PPIs, and PPI quaternary structures are more difficult to solve than tertiary structures using traditional structural biology techniques. We proposed a uniform pipeline, Threpp, to address both problems. Starting from a pair of monomer sequences, Threpp first threads both sequences through a complex structure library, where the alignment score is combined with HTE data using a naïve Bayesian classifier model to predict the likelihood of two chains to interact with each other. Next, quaternary complex structures of the identified PPIs are constructed by reassembling monomeric alignments with dimeric threading frameworks through interface-specific structural alignments. The pipeline was applied to the Escherichia coli genome and created 35,125 confident PPIs which is 4.5-fold higher than HTE alone. Graphic analyses of the PPI networks show a scale-free cluster size distribution, consistent with previous studies, which was found critical to the robustness of genome evolution and the centrality of functionally important proteins that are essential to E. coli survival. Furthermore, complex structure models were constructed for all predicted E. coli PPIs based on the quaternary threading alignments, where 6771 of them were found to have a high confidence score that corresponds to the correct fold of the complexes with a TM-score >0.5, and 39 showed a close consistency with the later released experimental structures with an average TM-score = 0.73. These results demonstrated the significant usefulness of threading-based homologous modeling in both genome-wide PPI network detection and complex structural construction.  相似文献   

Bayesian methods are valuable, inter alia, whenever there is a need to extract information from data that are uncertain or subject to any kind of error or noise (including measurement error and experimental error, as well as noise or random variation intrinsic to the process of interest). Bayesian methods offer a number of advantages over more conventional statistical techniques that make them particularly appropriate for complex data. It is therefore no surprise that Bayesian methods are becoming more widely used in the fields of genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and computational systems biology, where making sense of complex noisy data is the norm. This review provides an introduction to the growing literature in this area, with particular emphasis on recent developments in Bayesian bioinformatics relevant to computational systems biology.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current state of systems biology approaches, including the experimental tools used to generate ‘omic’ data and computational frameworks to interpret this data. Through illustrative examples, systems biology approaches to understand gene expression and gene expression regulation are discussed. Some of the challenges facing this field and the future opportunities in the systems biology era are highlighted.  相似文献   

Computer science and biology have enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship for decades. Biologists rely on computational methods to analyze and integrate large data sets, while several computational methods were inspired by the high‐level design principles of biological systems. Recently, these two directions have been converging. In this review, we argue that thinking computationally about biological processes may lead to more accurate models, which in turn can be used to improve the design of algorithms. We discuss the similar mechanisms and requirements shared by computational and biological processes and then present several recent studies that apply this joint analysis strategy to problems related to coordination, network analysis, and tracking and vision. We also discuss additional biological processes that can be studied in a similar manner and link them to potential computational problems. With the rapid accumulation of data detailing the inner workings of biological systems, we expect this direction of coupling biological and computational studies to greatly expand in the future.  相似文献   

Cary MP  Bader GD  Sander C 《FEBS letters》2005,579(8):1815-1820
Pathway information is vital for successful quantitative modeling of biological systems. The almost 170 online pathway databases vary widely in coverage and representation of biological processes, making their use extremely difficult. Future pathway information systems for querying, visualization and analysis must support standard exchange formats to successfully integrate data on a large scale. Such integrated systems will greatly facilitate the constructive cycle of computational model building and experimental verification that lies at the heart of systems biology.  相似文献   

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