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The denaturation behavior of bovine lens gamma-crystallin fractions II, III, and IV and their susceptibility to proteolysis in vitro was compared to determine whether differences in their stability could play a role in cataract formation. Tertiary and secondary structure changes induced by increasing concentrations of urea, guanidine hydrochloride, and sodium dodecyl sulfate and by increasingly alkaline pH were followed by near-UV and far-UV circular dichroism, Trp fluorescence emission, and exposure of sulfhydryl groups. Major differences were found in the denaturation and proteolysis behavior of the three gamma-crystallin fractions. In general, the unfolding of gamma-II and gamma-III crystallins is rather gradual, suggesting the presence of intermediate unfolding states; in contrast, the order-disorder transition of gamma-IV crystallin is abrupt. The gamma-IV crystallin fraction is the most stable in urea and guanidine hydrochloride, but is most susceptible to nonspecific proteolysis and alkaline pH denaturation. Differences in denaturation and proteolysis behavior are attributed to the inherent differences in the tertiary structures of these crystallins.  相似文献   

C S Randall  R Zand 《Biochemistry》1985,24(8):1998-2004
Myelin basic protein conformation and hydrophobicity, along with the protein's behavior in the presence of the fluorescent probe 6-(p-toluidino)-2-naphthalenesulfonate, have been studied by using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopy. The FT-IR and Raman spectra provided compelling evidence for the presence of a small amount of beta structure, ca. 25%, in the aqueous solution and solid-state forms of myelin basic protein. The enhanced fluorescence and shift in the emission maximum of 6-(p-toluidino)-2-naphthalenesulfonate when bound to myelin basic protein are consistent with the presence of at least one hydrophobic region in the molecule. Loss of the fluorescence enhancement in the presence of denaturing agents indicates that native myelin basic protein has a folded structure in solution. All of the results provide support for conformational predictions derived from the application of Edmundson wheels to the primary structure.  相似文献   

A systematic structural comparison of several carp gamma-crystallins with high methionine contents was made by the secondary-structure prediction together with computer model-building based on the established X-ray structure of calf gamma-II crystallin. The overall surface hydrophilicity profile and the distribution of helices, beta-sheets, and beta-turns along the polypeptide chains are very similar among these carp gamma-crystallins. In addition, their general polypeptide packing is close to the characteristic 2 domain/4 motif Greek key three-dimensional conformation depicted for the calf gamma-II crystallin. Interestingly, most hydrophobic methionine residues are located on the protein surface with only a few buried inside the protein surface or in the interface between two motifs of each domain. The exposed hydrophobic and polarizable methionine cluster on the protein surface may have a bearing on the crystallin stability and dense packing in the piscine species, and probably also provides a malleable nonpolar surface for the interaction with other crystallin components for the maintenance of a clear and transparent lens.  相似文献   

S H Chiou  S W Chen  T Itoh  H Kaji  T Samejima 《FEBS letters》1990,275(1-2):111-113
gamma-Crystallin isolated from the shark of cartilaginous fishes was compared with the cognate gamma-crystallin from the carp of bony fishes. Distinct differences in amino acid compositions, primary, secondary and tertiary structures were found. The most salient features of shark gamma-crystallin lie in the fact that this crystallin possessed a significant alpha-helical structure in the peptide backbone as revealed by circular dichroism study, in contrast to those orthologous gamma-crystallins from other vertebrate species including bony fishes which all show a predominant beta-sheet secondary structure. The tertiary structure as reflected in the intrinsic microenvironments of various aromatic amino acids in the native crystallins also shows unambiguous differences between these two classes of gamma-crystallins. N-Terminal sequence analysis corroborates the structural differences between shark and carp gamma-crystallins. gamma-Crystallin from the more primitive shark seems to be more in line with the main evolutionary phylogeny leading to the modern mammalian gamma-crystallin.  相似文献   

K Mandal  B Chakrabarti 《Biochemistry》1988,27(12):4564-4571
The solute perturbation techniques of fluorescence of tryptophan (Trp) and dye-labeled thiol groups of cysteine as well as phosphorescence of tyrosine (Tyr) were utilized to obtain information on the relative solvent exposure and accessibility of these residues in gamma-crystallins. Both acrylamide and iodide quenchers were used to evaluate the quenching parameters in terms of accessibility and charge characteristics of the proteins. Stern-Volmer plots reveal the presence of more than one class of Trp residues in gamma-III and gamma-IV, and these residues in gamma-II are least accessible compared to the other two. Both steady-state and lifetime quenching studies of the dye-labeled fluorescence indicate that distinct differences also exist among these crystallins in cysteine (Cys) accessibilities. All three proteins, gamma-II, gamma-III, and gamma-IV, show two distinct lifetime components of the dye-labeled Cys residues. Both components of gamma-II undergo dynamic quenching, whereas only the major component of the other two crystallins is affected by the quenchers. Addition of acrylamide causes a decrease in Tyr phosphorescence of gamma-III and gamma-IV, but no change in the emission of gamma-II. The decrease is attributed to the formation of a nonemittive ground-state complex between the acrylamide and Tyr of the proteins; the association constant, Ka, calculated from the emission data, has been considered as a measure of Tyr accessibility. Ka values indicate that Tyr residues in gamma-III are most exposed and accessible compared to those in the other two proteins. Results of quenching by iodide ion reveal significant differences in the surface charge of the proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of nine plastocyanins were examined using four published methods for the prediction of secondary structure in proteins. The results of the four methods were combined in such a way as to maximize agreement, and the position of alpha helices, beta sheets, and beta turns in plastocyanin was predicted. From this result and other information, such as the position of conserved residues and the requirements for coordination of copper, a preliminary model for the mainchain folding of the molecule was presented.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of supercoiled DNA was varied by changes in ionic strength. For I = 0.075-0.4 the structure remained in the previously established branched form with only minor alterations in molecular dimensions. In 4M-NaCl, which induces linear DNA to change its secondary structure to the C structure and brings about an increase in the superhelix density of the molecule, no extra branches were observed on the molecules. The limiting factors that dictate supercoil structure seem to be the number and position of potential branch points and the proximity with which the two intertwining DNA strands can approach each other on the arms of the branches. This value is close to 10nm under the conditions described, and is 14-15nm at I = 0.2. It is suggested that such values should be borne in mind when models of chromosome structure are being constructed.  相似文献   

The thermal behavior of gamma II, gamma IIIA, gamma IIIB, and gamma IVA crystallin, from calorimetric and spectral studies, has been analyzed in terms of selective unfolding of domains, interdomain interactions, conformational stability, and the existence of intermediates in the order-disorder transition equilibrium. The major endothermic transition (Tm) observed calorimetrically for all four fractions occurs between 67 and 78 degrees C, with enthalpy change (delta H) from 80 to 150 kcal/mol, values that agree reasonably well with those from spectroscopic measurements. gamma II and gamma IIIB show a second thermal event at T less than Tm whereas gamma IIIA and gamma IVA showed no additional transition. Urea-induced equilibrium unfolding of gamma II at acidic pH, unlike gamma IVA, is biphasic as monitored by CD and fluorescence, indicating the existence of an intermediate. The absence of a cooperative transition in gamma IVA in acidic urea and the appearance of a single endotherm in differential scanning calorimetry at low pH have been attributed to a structured intermediate that melts at low temperature. The difference in the folding/unfolding of gamma II and gamma IVA has been explained by subtle differences in the packing arrangement of their two domains and interactions between them. Thermal aggregation of gamma-crystallins could be prevented either by preincubation with ionic detergents or at low pH or in the presence of chemical denaturant, indicating that the protein surface charge and solvent polarity influence their stability. An increase in the 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate-bound fluorescence during heat denaturation also suggests that the thermal aggregation is governed by hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Atomic coordinates of E. Coli tRNA1Val have been generated from the X-ray crystal structure of Yeast tRNAPhe by base substitution followed by idealization...  相似文献   

The solution structure of the 45-residue plant protein, alpha 1-purothionin, is investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy. Using a combination of two-dimensional n.m.r. techniques to demonstrate through-bond and through-space (less than 5 A) connectivities, the 1H n.m.r. spectrum of alpha 1-purothionin is assigned in a sequential manner. The secondary structure elements are then delineated on the basis of a qualitative interpretation of short-range nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) involving the NH, C alpha H and C beta H protons. There are two helices extending from residues 10 to 19 and 23 to 28, two short beta-strands from residues 3 to 5 and 31 to 34 which form a mini anti-parallel beta-sheet, and five turns. In addition, a number of long-range NOE connectivities are assigned and a low resolution tertiary structure is proposed.  相似文献   

For natural eukaryotic DNA in solution, we suggest the existence of secondary-helix components superponed to parts of the DNA double helices. In a previous report we found, for calf thymus DNA in solution and of different mean molar mass Mr, an electrostatically driven rise of the hydrodynamically operative contour length of the double helix. This result was derived from Mr-dependent systematic deviations from the almost but not exactly linear plots of intrinsic viscosity [eta] as a function of 1/cs1/2 (cs = Na+ concentration) accurately determined by a titration technique [K.G. and K.E.R., Nucl. Acids Res. 8, 2807 (1980)]. In order to discriminate between DNA elongation contributions caused by secondary or by tertiary structure effects, respective measurements have now been extended to different temperatures for two eukaryotic and two prokaryotic DNA species. The slope of the curves obtained for the (apparent) gradual elongation effect as a function of temperature is negative for the eukaryotic DNAs investigated and is smaller and positive for the prokaryotic species, thus revealing different underlying main elongation mechanisms. We propose that, for the eukaryotic DNA samples, an electrostatically driven partial abolition of tertiary structure components is responsible for the prevailing part of the DNA elongation effect measured. (A helix elongation of this type may be the result of an abolition of an apparent helix shortening as realized in a very high degree on formation of nucleosome chains or in a less degree by DNA molecules with a respective evolutionarily fitted tertiary structure). For the smaller effects of prokaryotic DNA species something like a base breathing seems to dominate. Recent literature results support such an interpretation.  相似文献   

In the N-terminal domain of lambda repressor, the Asp 14 side chain forms an intrahelical, hydrogen bond/salt bridge with the Arg 17 side chain and a tertiary hydrogen bond with the Ser 77 side chain. By measuring the stabilities to urea denaturation of the wild-type N-terminal domain and variants containing single, double, and triple alanine substitutions at positions 14, 17, and 77, the side-chain interaction energies, the coupling energy between interactions, and the intrinsic effects of each wild-type side chain on protein stability have been estimated. These studies indicate that the Asp 14-Arg 17 and Asp 14-Ser 77 interactions are stabilizing by roughly 0.8 and 1.5 kcal/mol, respectively, but that Asp 14, by itself, is destabilizing by roughly 0.9 kcal/mol. We also show that a peptide model of alpha-helix 1, which contains Asp 14 and Arg 17, forms a reasonably stable, monomeric helix in solution and responds to alanine mutations at positions 14 and 17 in the fashion expected from the intact protein studies. These studies suggest that it is possible to view the stability effects of mutations in intact proteins in a hierarchical fashion, with the stability of units of secondary structure being distinguishable from the stability of tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Binding isotherms (20 degrees C) of ethidium bromide to a number of tRNA species at various ionic strengths indicate that i) the number ni of intercalation sites is high 7 to 11 per molecule, in the low salt form III, but small, 2 to 1, at high Mg2+ or Na+ when form I predominates. ii) modification of tRNA at strategic positions for 3D folding prevents full expression of intercalation restriction iii) maximal restriction is obtained at salt concentrations higher than needed for full conversion to form I. It is inferred that restriction, which is not observed with bihelical RNA (or DNA), requires the native tRNA 3D structure but also some physical coupling between the region of 3D folding and bihelical arms. Ribosomal RNAs, some viral RNAs, mRNA from sheep mammary gland as well as the random copolymers Poly UG, Poly AUG, Poly AUCG all exhibit intercalation restriction. Hence 3D folding of the polyribonucleotide chains appears to be a feature common to single-stranded RNAs when free in solution under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

We present experimental evidence which confirms recently proposed ring current prediction methods for assigning hydrogen-bond proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra from tRNA (Robillard, G. T., Tarr, C. E., Vosman, F., & Berendsen, H. J. C. (1976) Nature (London) 262, 363-369; Robillard, G. T., Tarr, C. E., Vosman, F., & Sussman, J. L. (1977) Biophys. Chem. 6, 291-298). The evidence is a series of temperature-dependent studies on yeast tRNAPhe monitoring both the high- and low-field NMR spectral regions, which are correlated with independent optical and temperature-jump (temp-jump) studies performed under identical ionic strength conditions. Using assignments derived from the new prediction methods, the melting patterns of the hydrogen-bonded resonances agree with those expected on the basis of optical, temp-jump, and NMR studies on the high-field spectral region. The implication of these results is that previous assignment procedures are at least partially incorrect and, therefore, studies based on those procedures must be reexamined.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic methods for analysis of protein secondary structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several methods for determination of the secondary structure of proteins by spectroscopic measurements are reviewed. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy provides rapid determinations of protein secondary structure with dilute solutions and a way to rapidly assess conformational changes resulting from addition of ligands. Both CD and Raman spectroscopies are particularly useful for measurements over a range of temperatures. Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy require only small volumes of protein solution. The frequencies of amide bands are analyzed to determine the distribution of secondary structures in proteins. NMR chemical shifts may also be used to determine the positions of secondary structure within the primary sequence of a protein. However, the chemical shifts must first be assigned to particular residues, making the technique considerably slower than the optical methods. These data, together with sophisticated molecular modeling techniques, allow for refinement of protein structural models as well as rapid assessment of conformational changes resulting from ligand binding or macromolecular interactions. A selected number of examples are given to illustrate the power of the techniques in applications of biological interest.  相似文献   

The secondary structure within histone IV and its fragments obtained by cyanogen bromide (CNBr) and cleavage at Met 84 has been examined by circular dichroism and spectophotometric pH titration measurements. These studies have confirmed the existence of stable secondary structure within the C-terminal fragment of histone IV (C-peptide which can be perturbed only by 6M urea at pH greater than 8 or 8 M guanidine-HCL. In contrast, the N-terminal fragment (N-peptide) appears to lack significant secondary structure at low ionic strengths but acquires approximately 15% betasheet conformation and 5% alpha-helix upon aggregation at ionic strengths larger than or equal to 0.4. The rates of nitration of the N- and C-peptides by tetranitromethane (TNM) have also been measured as a function of ionic strengths. Under comparable conditions, the rate constant for nitration of the N-peptide was found to be about six times greater than that for the C-peptide, further evidence in support of the presence of stable secondary structure within the C-terminal region of histone IV. After binding these histone IV fragments to DNA, however, the nitration reaction rate constants for the N- and C-peptide in the bound form are found to be 2% and 27% of the corresponding free peptides. Reconstituted nucleohistone IV is about 10% as reactive to TNM as histone IV at comparable ionic strength.  相似文献   

An in vitro selection system was devised to select RNAs based on their tertiary structural stability, independent of RNA activity. Selection studies were conducted on the P4-P6 domain from the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron, an autonomous self-folding unit that contains several important tertiary folding motifs including the tetraloop receptor and the A-rich bulge. Partially randomized P4-P6 molecules were selected based on their ability to fold into compact structures using native gel electrophoresis in the presence of decreasing concentrations of MgCl2. After 10 rounds of the selection process, a number of sequence alterations were identified that stabilized the P4-P6 RNA. One of these, a single base deletion of C209 within the P4 helix, significantly stabilized the P4-P6 molecule and would not have been identified by an activity-based selection because of its essential role for ribozyme function. Additionally, the sequence analysis provided evidence that stabilization of secondary structure may contribute to overall tertiary stability for RNAs. This system for probing RNA structure irrespective of RNA activity allows analysis of RNA structure/function relationships by identifying nucleotides or motifs important for folding and then comparing them with RNA sequences required for function.  相似文献   

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