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Summary Four independent osmoregulatory mutants,osml, osm3,osm4, and osm7, were isolated on the basis of their requirement for growth medium of high osmotic strength. In normal low-osmoticstrength medium, in contrast to wild-type cells, the mutants grow poorly or not at all; in distilled water mutant cells are immobilized and eventually swell and burst. The mutants were examined by ordinary brightfield and phase-contrast microscopy, videomicroscopy, and electron microscopy. The four mutants showed different defects in the contractile vacuole (CV) cycle. Timing of various stages of the CV cycle showed thatosm1 was affected primarily in the early stage of the cycle when the CV begins to grow,osm3 primarily in midcycle when vacuoles fuse to form the CV proper,osm7 at a late stage of the cycle at docking and fusion of the CV with the plasma membrane, andosm4 during contraction of the CV. At the electron microscopic level, in dilute medium, mutant cells by comparison with wild-type cells had large autophagosomes, swollen mitochondria, and dilated ER cisternae. Although electron microscopy showed general abnormalities of the contractile vacuoles consistent with the videomicroscopic observations of living cells, no obvious vacuole membrane abnormalities were seen which would explain the mutational defects. The mutations help define the separate processes that contribute to the coordinated CV cycle inChlamydomonas, and open the way to eventual isolation of some of the genes responsible for CV function.Abbreviations CV contractile vacuole - TAP Tris-acetate-phosphate medium - TAP+L medium supplemented with lactose - TAP+S medium supplemented with sucrose or other sugar  相似文献   

The work addressed the adjustment of the photosystem ratio in the green algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii. It is shown that green algae, much like cyanophytes and higher plants, adjust and optimize the ratio of the two photosystems in chloroplasts in response to the quality of irradiance during growth. Such adjustments are compensation reactions and helpC. reinhardtii to retain a quantum efficiency of oxygen evolution near the theoretical maximum. Results show variable amounts of PS I and a fairly constant amount of PS II in chloroplasts and suggest that photosystem stoichiometry adjustments, occurring in response to the quality of irradiance during plant growth, are mainly an adjustment in the concentration of PS I. The work delineates chromatic effects on chlorophyll accumulation in the chloroplast ofC. reinhardtii from those pertaining to the regulation of the PS I/PS II ratio. The detection of the operation of a molecular feedback mechanism for the PS I/PS II ratio adjustment in green algae strengthens the notion of the highly conserved nature of this mechanism among probably all oxygen evolving photosynthetic organisms. Findings in this work are expected to serve as the basis of future biochemical and mutagenesis experiments for the elucidation of the photosystem ratio adjustment in oxygenic photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the maternal chloroplast inheritance ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii by epifluorescence microscopy after staining with DNA specific fluorochrome DAPI and by genetic methods, using wild type cells and cells containing previously isolated mutation of cond-1 and cond-2. Wild type cells contained about 7 chloroplast (cp) nucleoids, while mutants, cond-1(+) and cond-2(+), contained about 14 and 23 cp nucleoids, respectively, after one week culture on agar plates. The total cpDNA contents were almost proportional to the numbers of cp nucleoids. When cells containing cond-1 or cond-2 mutation were used as a parental source to cross with wild type cells of the other parent, preferential digestion of cp nucleoids from male parent (mt) origin occurred in the zygotes, although the frequencies of the digestion were slightly lower than that in the zygotes from the cross between wild type cells. Western blot analysis of the protein ofzyslB gene, which has been found related to preferential digestion of mt origin cp-nucleoids DNA, showed that a high amount of this protein was detected with the initiation of preferential digestion of mt cp nucleoids and disappeared with the completion of the digestion. Cp genetic markers for antibiotic resistance were maternally inherited in all crosses. These results showed that although the preferential digestion of cp nucleoids consisting of large number and large cpDNA amount requires a slightly longer period to complete, this high ploidy of the cp nucleoids does not disturb maternal inheritance.  相似文献   

Summary Forty or more independently functioning contractile vacuoles (CVs) occupy the central region of fresh water sponge pinacocytes. Each CV undergoes a cycle of enlargement by fusion, movement, shape change, rounding up, and emptying over the course of 5–30 min. Diameter at discharge varies between 1 and 13 m. CVs in all cell types are associated with submicroscopic coated vesicles. Filled CVs are bounded by an unmodified trilaminar membrane, but vacuoles with excess membrane frequently show coated evaginations. These evaginations are thought to pinch off as coated vesicles, providing an avenue for membrane recycling in the CV system.Supported by NIH grants AS-T01-GM-0723 and GM-23708-CBY  相似文献   

Summary In vitro protein synthesis was used to characterize the antibiotic sensitivity of cytoplasmic ribosomes from wild-type and antibiotic-resistant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cytoplasmic ribosomes from two cycloheximide-resistant mutants, act-1 and act-2, were resistant to the antibiotic in vitro. The alteration effected by the act-1 mutation, which was dominant in diploids, was localized to the large subunit of the cytoplasmic ribosomes, but no ribosomal protein alterations were detected using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The act-2 mutation, which was semidominant in diploids, was frequently associated with a charge alteration in the large subunit ribosomal protein (r-protein) cyL38 that segregated independently from the antibiotic-resistant phenotype in crosses.  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii has been transformed with a chimeric gene consisting of the chloroplastatpA promoter and the bacterial gene for aminoglycoside adenine transferase (aadA). TheatpA-aadA cassette has been placed within the chloroplast DNAEcoRI restriction enzyme fragment 14, or within the chloroplastBamH1 fragment 10. The chimeric constructs were introduced into the chloroplast by particle bombardment. Integration of the cassette into chloroplast DNA then occurred via homologous recombination of sequences flanking the cassette with their corresponding chloroplast sequences. We demonstrate that the chloroplastatpA promoter inatpA-aadA routinely recombines with its endogenous counterpart, resulting in heteroplasmic chloroplast DNA populations that may persist for many generations. The heterologous gene does not require a 3 inverted repeat sequence for its expression. TheatpA-aadA gene copy number, which is dictated here by its position in the chloroplast genome, is proportional to the steady state level ofatpA-aadA mRNA. However, neither genomic position, gene copy number, or mRNA level have a significant effect on cellular resistance to spectinomycin, nor activity of theaadA gene productin vitro. These results suggest that, in the case ofaadA, the limiting step for expression of this gene is at the translational or post-translational level. TheatpA-aadA cassette should prove a useful model for future studies on the maintenance and expression of heterologous genes inC. reinhardtii chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of xanthine as the sole nitrogen source for growth byChlamydomonas reinhardtii cells involved the formation of a transient, intracellular pool of xanthine. Up to 20% of the total xanthine supplied to the medium was not assimilated after uptake but stored in the cells at concentrations that exceeded xanthine solubility in water. At the subcellular level, a massive accumulation of starch grains in the chloroplast and the appearance of many vacuoles in the cytoplasm distinguished xanthine-grown from ammonium-grown cells. Starch accumulation, but not development of vacuoles, was also observed in N-starved cells. Uptake experiments with radio-labelled xanthine showed that this accumulates only in the cytoplasm, most probably inside vacuoles. The electron-dense material observed in vacuoles of xanthine-grown cells suggests that the intracellular xanthine is in part solid xanthine.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of uncase (urate oxidase) fromChlamydomonas reinhardtii has been investigated by using specific polyclonal antibodies. By Western blot analyses performed under nondenaturing conditions, a 124 kDa protein band corresponding to active uricase was detected in protein extracts from cells cultured with urate or nitrogen-starved cells. This protein band was absent in cells cultured with ammonium. Besides the 124 kDa band, the antibodies also reacted with a massive protein band, with an apparent molecular mass of 500 kDa, that was detected in all nutritional conditions assayed. In vitro, inactive uricase from cells grown with ammonium was activated by incubation in presence of urate. The appearance of uricase activity in vitro coincided with a decrease of the 500 kDa protein and an increase of the 124 kDa band corresponding to the active enzyme. We suggest that a posttranslational regulation of uricase synthesis takes place inC. reinhardtii, and that urate may be responsible for the assembly or maturation of inactive precursors to form the active uricase.  相似文献   

Gametes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii synthesize numerous proteins not observed in vegetative cells and vice versa. Gametogenesis induced changes in gene expression were confirmed by SDS-PAGE of in vitro translation products using total RNA from gametes and vegetative cells. Vegetative cells and gametes thus represent two cell types with distinct patterns of gene expression. The generation of mature gametes from liquid cultures of asynchronously growing vegetative cells was dependent on light. This light requirement could not be substituted for by an organic source of energy and carbon, indicating that light serves as a signal in gametogenesis. The light signal was shown to become effective only after preincubation in nitrogen-free medium. This delayed competence for light indicates that the two external signals — nitrogen-starvation and light —may function in sequence. Execution of the light dependent step in gamete formation required cytoplasmic protein synthesis and RNA synthesis.Abbreviations CAM chloramphenicol - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - PSII photosystem II - TAP Tris acetate phosphate - TMP Tris minimal phosphate This paper is dedicated by C. F. Beck to Professor John L. Ingraham, teacher and friend, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Plant chloroplast genes have a codon use that reflects the genome compositional bias of a high A+T content with the single exception of the highly translatedpsbA gene which codes for the photosystem II D1 protein. The codon usage of plantpsbA corresponds more closely to the limited tRNA population of the chloroplast and is very similar to the codon use observed in the chloroplast genes of the green algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii. This pattern of codon use may be an adaptation for increased translation efficiency. A correspondence between codon use of plantpsbA andChlamydomonas chloroplast genes and the tRNAs coded by the chloroplast genome, however, is not observed in all synonymous codon groups. It is shown here that the degree of correspondence between codon use and tRNA population in different synonymous groups is correlated with the second codon position composition. Synonymous groups with an A or T at the second codon position have a high representation of codons for which a complementary tRNA is coded by the chloroplast genome. Those with a G or C at the second position have an increased representation of codons that bind a chloroplast tRNA by wobble. It is proposed that the difference between synonymous groups in terms of codon adaptation to the tRNA population in plantpsbA andChlamydomonas chloroplast genes may be the result of differences in second position composition.  相似文献   

Although cytochrome f from the Antarctic psychrophile, Chlamydomonas raudensis UWO 241, exhibits a lower apparent molecular mass (34 kD) than that of the mesophile C. reinhardtii (41 kD) based on SDS-PAGE, both proteins are comparable in calculated molecular mass and show 79% identity in amino acid sequence. The difference in apparent molecular mass was maintained after expression of petA from both Chlamydomonas species in either E. coli or a C. reinhardtii ΔpetA mutant and after substitution of a unique third cysteine-292 to phenylalanine in the psychrophilic cytochrome f. Moreover, the heme of the psychrophilic form of cytochrome f was less stable upon heating than that of the mesophile. In contrast to C. raudensis, a C. reinhardtii ΔpetA mutant transformed with petA from C. raudensis exhibited the ability to undergo state transitions and a capacity for intersystem electron transport comparable to that of C. reinhardtii wild type. However, the C. reinhardtii petA transformants accumulated lower levels of cytochrome b 6 /f complexes and exhibited lower light saturated rates of O2 evolution than C. reinhardtii wild type. We show that the presence of an altered form of cytochrome f in C. raudensis does not account for its inability to undergo state transitions or its impaired capacity for intersystem electron transport as previously suggested. A combined survey of the apparent molecular mass, thermal stability and amino acid sequences of cytochrome f from a broad range of mesophilic species shows unequivocally that the observed differences in cytochrome f structure are not related to psychrophilly. Thus, caution must be exercised in relating differences in amino acid sequence and thermal stability to adaptation to cold environments. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

In most photosynthetic organisms, inorganic arsenic taken up into the cells inhibits photosynthesis and cellular growth. In a green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 0.5 mM arsenate inhibited photosynthesis almost completely within 30 min. However, in cells acclimated with a sublethal concentration (0.05 to 0.1 mM) of Cd, the inhibition of photosynthesis at 30 min after the addition of arsenate was relieved by more than 50%. The concentrations of arsenic incorporated into the cells were not significantly different between the Cd-acclimated and the non-acclimated cells. The Cd-acclimated cells accumulated Cd and synthesized phytochelatin (PC) peptides, which are known to play an important role in detoxification of heavy metals in plants. By the addition of an inhibitor of glutathione (an intermediate in the PC biosynthetic pathway) biosynthesis, buthionine sulfoximine, cells lost not only Cd tolerance but also arsenate tolerance. These results suggest that glutathione and/or PCs synthesized in Cd-acclimated cells are involved in mechanisms of arsenate tolerance. The authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Microsomal membranes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii possess PPase and V-ATPase activities. By immunogold labelling we have shown that H+-pyrophosphatase (PPase) is localized to membranes of lytic and contractile vacuoles of Chlamydomonas, in which the density of antigen in the latter is much higher. In addition, PPase is conspicuously present in trans cisternae and transpole elements of the Colgi apparatus. Such a distribution for PPase has hitherto not been reported. A positive in situ identification for PPase at the plasma membrane, including the flagellar membrane, was also made, and has also been confirmed by Western blotting and activity measurements on isolated plasma membranes. V-ATPase antisera which cross react with polypeptides of this transport complex from maize roots failed to recognize anything in Western blots of Chlamydomonas microsomal membranes. Thus immunogold labelling for V-ATPase was not possible with Chlamydomonas. On the other hand, surfaces of contractile vacuole membranes as revealed by deepetching were covered by conspicuous 9 ? 11.5 nm diameter smooth particles which had a central hole. These were very similar to those previously identified by Heuser et al., (1993) as the V,-head of V-ATPase in Dictyostelium contractile vacuoles. Another type of membrane image, designated “intermediate-sized vesicle”, was found associated with the contractile vacuole. It was characterized by densely-packed 6 ? 7.5nm diameter polygonal particles, which upon rotation analysis showed both 5- and 6-fold symmetries, also with a central hole. These particles are interpreted as representing either PPase complexes or the V0 body of the V-ATPase in etched fractured membrane surfaces. We have incorporated these findings into a model of contractile vacuole function.  相似文献   

Summary A Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C. reinhardtii) chloroplast expression vector, papc-B, containing the apc-B gene that encodes the beta subunit of the light-harvesting antenna protein allophycocyanin (APC) of cyanobacteria, was constructed and transferred to the chloroplast genome of C. reinhardtii by the biolistic method. The transformants were identified by Southern blot, Western blot and ELISA assays after selection on resistant medium. The recombinant APC beta subunit was expressed in the C. reinhardtii chloroplast and accounted for up to 2–3% (w/w) of the total soluble protein (TSP), suggesting a promising prospect of using C. reinhardtii chloroplasts to produce functional plant-derived proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were undertaken to characterize the cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and to compare immunologically several cytoplasmic r-proteins with those of chloroplast ribosomes of this alga, Escherichia coli, and yeast. The large and small subunits of the C. reinhardtii cytoplasmic ribosomes were shown to contain, respectively, 48 and 45 r-proteins, with apparent molecular weights of 12,000–59,000. No cross-reactivity was seen between antisera made against cytoplasmic r-proteins of Chlamydomonas and chloroplast r-proteins, except in one case where an antiserum made against a large subunit r-protein cross-reacted with an r-protein of the small subunit of the chloroplast ribosome. Antisera made against one out of five small subunit r-proteins and three large subunit r-proteins recognized r-proteins from the yeast large subunit. Each of the yeast r-proteins has been previously identified as an rRNA binding protein. The antiserum to one large subunit r-protein cross-reacted with specific large subunit r-proteins from yeast and E. coli.  相似文献   

Hu Z  Zhao Z  Wu Z  Fan Z  Chen J  Wu J  Li J 《Mitochondrion》2011,11(5):716-721
The efficient expression of exogenous gene in mitochondria of photosynthetic organism has been an insurmountable problem. In this study, the pBsLPNCG was constructed by inserting the egfp gene into a site between TERMINVREP-Left repeats and the cob gene in a fragment of mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-124 and introduced into the mitochondria of respiratory deficient dum-1 mutation of C. reinhardtii CC-2654. Sequencing and DNA Southern analyses revealed that egfp gene had been integrated into the mitochondrial genome of transgenic algae as expected and no other copy of egfp existed in their nucleic genome. Both the fluorescence detection and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of eGFP protein in the transgenic algae; it indicated that the egfp gene was successfully expressed in the mitochondria of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

A method for preparing DNA for PCR has been adapted from the forensic work of Walsh et al. (Biotechniques 10:506–513) for use withChlamydomonas reinhardtii andArabidopsis thaliana. The method consists of a short incubation of cells or tissue in ethanol, followed by addition of Chelex-100 and heat treatment. Following centrifugation, the supernatant is added directly to the PCR reaction; forChlamydomonas, amplification product is visible over a range of four orders of magnitude of starting cells. Using this method, DNA suitable for PCR template can also be obtained fromArabidopsis leaf tissue without grinding, organic extraction or precipitation steps. This method may prove to be useful for other plant and algal species.  相似文献   

K. P. Gaffal 《Protoplasma》1988,143(2-3):118-129
Summary The results of this work clarify several structural and temporal aspects of biogenesis of the basal body-root complex inChlamydomonas reinhardtii. The two phases of basal body development (probasal body assembly and conversion of probasal body into mature basal body) occur at identical mitotic stages in successive mitoses during multiple fission, which indicates a tight coupling between basal body development and the mitotic cycle. The two steps of basal body development are separated from one another in time,i.e. immature probasal bodies originate during an interval lasting ca. 5 min between mid-metaphase and early telophase, but mature after a quasi-dormant period only during early prophase of the next mitotic round. The duration of the dormant period depends on the interval between two mitoses: during synchronized vegetative growth there is an interval of ca. 20 h (interphase growth) between two rounds of multiple fissions, but only a maximum interval of 1.5 h between the successive mitoses of one round of multiple fissions.The microtubular root system, which is bisected at the same time as the basal body apparatus in a plane perpendicular to the distal connecting fiber during prophase, and whose roots seem to be reduced in length, starts duplication at early metaphase with the successive origin of two short bud-like partner roots just opposite the remnants. These initial roots elongate during subsequent phases by unilateral and radial growth from the basal bodies and along the cell's periphery, but exactly where they terminate is not known. The two-stranded roots opposite each other appear to be again connected as early as anaphase.The striation pattern of the distal connecting fiber is lost during early prophase thus indicating a partial breakdown of the fiber.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. C.-G. Arnold (Erlangen) on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Acetamide, a nitrogen and carbon source for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, is hydrolyzed by acetamidase to ammonium and acetate. It also induces urea pathway activities. Fluoroacetamide (F-acetamide) is toxic to wild-type through conversion to F-citrate, a respiratory inhibitor. Resistant mutants were selected on plates of F-acetamide plus urea. When tested on acetamide plates two mutant classes were obtained, acm+ (utilized acetamide as sole N source) and acm-. All acm+ isolates had acetamidase activity and were obligate phototrophs (i.e. dark-diers). Acm- isolates had either normal urea assimilation (ure+) or lacked all urea pathway activities, namely transport, urea carboxylase and allophanate hydrolase (ure-). Inheritance patterns for both types indicated single nuclear gene mutations. The acm- ure+ type presumably resulted from a defective acetamidase gene, and the acm- ure- strains might be regulatory gene mutants. Temperature conditional F-acetamide tolerant mutants were also obtained. Acetamidase extracted from one such strain was more thermolabile than the wild-type enzyme, indicating a mutation in the coding region. The hypothesis that acetamidase is involved in urea assimilation was not supported by the genetic and biochemical evidence.Abbreviations F-acetamide fluoroacetamide - F-acetate fluoroacetate - TAP tris-acetate-phosphate medium - CDB Chlamydomonas dilution buffer - TCA trichloroacetic acid - AH allophanate hydrolase - UC urea carboxylase - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

The sexual agglutinin from the mating-type minus gametes ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii was purified by gel filtration and hydroxyapatite chromotography. The minus agglutinin was identified as a single glycopolypeptide termed Agg(-) of very high molecular weight by SDS-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was also observed as a glycoprotein with agglutinin activity on non-SDS polyacrylamide gels. The native agglutinin appeared to be composed of a complex of Agg(-) subunits. It consisted of about 60% protein and 40% carbohydrate and the activity was diminished by a mild periodate oxidation. When the plus agglutinin was also purified and compared with the minus agglutinin, it was found that both agglutinins migrate in the same position by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas their behaviors on gel filtration and hydroxyapatite chromatography are different.Abbreviations mt +/– mating-tape plus or minus - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Ve elution volume - Vo void volume - kDa kilodalton  相似文献   

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