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Retinoic acid (RA) synthesized by Raldh3 in the frontonasal surface ectoderm of chick embryos has been suggested to function in early forebrain patterning by regulating Fgf8, Shh, and Meis2 expression. Similar expression of Raldh3 exists in E8.75 mouse embryos, but Raldh2 is also expressed in the optic vesicle at this stage suggesting that both genes may play a role in early forebrain patterning. Furthermore, Raldh3 is expressed later in the forebrain itself (lateral ganglionic eminence; LGE) starting at E12.5, suggesting a later role in forebrain neurogenesis. Here we have analyzed mouse embryos carrying single or double null mutations in Raldh2 and Raldh3 for defects in forebrain development. Raldh2(-/-);Raldh3(-/-) embryos completely lacked RA signaling activity in the early forebrain, but exhibited relatively normal expression of Fgf8, Shh, and Meis2 in the forebrain. Thus, we find no clear requirement for RA in controlling expression of these important forebrain patterning genes, but Raldh3 expression in the frontonasal surface ectoderm was found to be needed for normal Fgf8 expression in the olfactory pit. Our studies revealed that later expression of Raldh3 in the subventricular zone of the LGE is required for RA signaling activity in the ventral forebrain. Importantly, expression of dopamine receptor D2 in E18.5 Raldh3(-/-) embryos was essentially eliminated in the developing nucleus accumbens, a tissue lying close to the source of RA provided by Raldh3. Our results suggest that the role of RA during forebrain development begins late when Raldh3 expression initiates in the ventral subventricular zone.  相似文献   

From an architectural point of view, the forebrain acts as a framework upon which the middle and upper face develops and grows. In addition to serving a structural role, we present evidence that the forebrain is a source of signals that shape the facial skeleton. In this study, we inhibited Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling from the neuroectoderm then examined the molecular changes and the skeletal alterations resulting from the treatment. One of the first changes we noted was that the dorsoventral polarity of the forebrain was disturbed, which manifested as a loss of Shh in the ventral telencephalon, a reduction in expression of the ventral markers Nkx2.1 and Dlx2, and a concomitant expansion of the dorsal marker Pax6. In addition to changes in the forebrain neuroectoderm, we observed altered gene expression patterns in the facial ectoderm. For example, Shh was not induced in the frontonasal ectoderm, and Ptc and Gli1 were reduced in both the ectoderm and adjacent mesenchyme. As a consequence, a signaling center in the frontonasal prominence was disrupted and the prominence failed to undergo proximodistal and mediolateral expansion. After 15 days of development, the upper beaks of the treated embryos were truncated, and the skeletal elements were located in more medial and proximal locations in relation to the skeletal elements of the lower jaw elements. These data indicate that a role of Shh in the forebrain is to regulate Shh expression in the face, and that together, these Shh domains mediate patterning within the frontonasal prominence and proximodistal outgrowth of the middle and upper face.  相似文献   

The division of the mammalian forebrain into distinct left and right hemispheres represents a critical step in neural development. Several signaling molecules including sonic hedgehog (SHH), fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8), and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been implicated in dorsal midline development, and prior work suggests that the organizing centers from which these proteins are secreted mutually regulate one another during development. To explore the role of the ventral organizing center in the formation of two hemispheres, we assessed dorsal midline development in Shh mutant embryos and in wildtype embryos treated with the SHH signaling inhibitor HhAntag. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that SHH signaling plays an important role in maintaining the normal expression patterns of Fgf8 and Bmp4 in the developing forebrain. We further show that FGF8 can induce the expression of Zic2, which is normally expressed at the midline and is required in vivo for hemispheric cleavage, suggesting that FGF signaling may stimulate dorsal midline development by inducing Zic2 expression.  相似文献   

Otx2 plays essential roles in each site at each step of head development. We previously identified the AN1 enhancer at 91 kb 5' upstream for the Otx2 expressions in anterior neuroectoderm (AN) at neural plate stage before E8.5, and the FM1 enhancer at 75 kb 5' upstream and the FM2 enhancer at 122 kb 3' downstream for the expression in forebrain/midbrain (FM) at brain vesicle stage after E8.5. The present study identified a second AN enhancer (AN2) at 88 kb 5' upstream; the AN2 enhancer also recapitulates the endogenous Otx2 expression in choroid plexus, cortical hem and choroidal roof. However, the enhancer mutants indicated the presence of another AN enhancer. The study also identified a third FM enhancer (FM3) at 153 kb 5' upstream. Thus, the Otx2 expressions in anterior neuroectoderm and forebrain/midbrain are regulated by more than six enhancers located far from the coding region. The enhancers identified are differentially conserved among vertebrates; none of the AN enhancers has activities in caudal forebrain and midbrain at brain vesicle stage after E8.5, nor do any of the FM enhancers in anterior neuroectoderm at neural plate stage before E8.5.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the gene regulatory network that governs formation of the Zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI), a signaling center that secretes Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) to control the growth and regionalization of the caudal forebrain. Using loss- and gain-of-function, explants and grafting experiments in amphibians, we demonstrate that barhl2 acts downstream of otx2 and together with the iroquois (irx)-3 gene in establishment of the ZLI compartment initiated by Shh influence. We find that the presumptive (pre)-ZLI domain expresses barhl2, otx2 and irx3, whereas the thalamus territory caudally bordering the pre-ZLI expresses barhl2, otx2 and irx1/2 and early on irx3. We demonstrate that Barhl2 activity is required for determination of the ZLI and thalamus fates and that within the p2 alar plate the ratio of Irx3 to Irx1/2 contributes to ZLI specification and size determination. We show that when continuously exposed to Shh, neuroepithelial cells coexpressing barhl2, otx2 and irx3 acquire two characteristics of the ZLI compartment—the competence to express shh and the ability to segregate from anterior neural plate cells. In contrast, neuroepithelial cells expressing barhl2, otx2 and irx1/2, are not competent to express shh. Noteworthy in explants, under Shh influence, ZLI-like cells segregate from thalamic-like cells. Our study establishes that Barhl2 activity plays a key role in p2 alar plate patterning, specifically ZLI formation, and provides new insights on establishment of the signaling center of the caudal forebrain.  相似文献   

The Rho family of small GTPases has been implicated in many neurological disorders including mental retardation, but whether they are involved in primary microcephaly (microcephalia vera) is unknown. Here, we examine the role of Rac1 in mammalian neural progenitors and forebrain development by a conditional gene-targeting strategy using the Foxg1-Cre line to delete floxed-Rac1 alleles in the telencephalic ventricular zone (VZ) of mouse embryos. We found that Rac1 deletion in the telencephalic VZ progenitors resulted in reduced sizes of both the striatum and cerebral cortex. Analyses further indicated that this abnormality was caused by accelerated cell-cycle exit and increased apoptosis during early corticogenesis (approximately E14.5), leading to a decrease of the neural progenitor pool in mid-to-late telencephalic development (E16.5 to E18.5). Moreover, the formation of patch-matrix compartments in the striatum was impaired by Rac1-deficiency. Together, these results suggest that Rac1 regulates self-renewal, survival, and differentiation of telencephalic neural progenitors, and that dysfunctions of Rac1 may lead to primary microcephaly.  相似文献   

Little is known about the molecular players driving proliferation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) during embryonic mouse development. Here, we demonstrate that proliferation of NPCs in the developing forebrain depends on a particular combination of cell cycle regulators. We have analyzed the requirements for members of the cyclin‐dependent kinase (cdk) family using cdk‐deficient mice. In the absence of either cdk4 or cdk6, which are both regulators of the G1 phase of the cell cycle, we found no significant effects on the proliferation rate of cortical progenitor cells. However, concomitant loss of cdk4 and cdk6 led to a drastic decrease in the proliferation rate of NPCs, specifically the basal progenitor cells of both the dorsal and ventral forebrain at embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5). Moreover, basal progenitors in the forebrain of Cdk4;Cdk6 double mutant mice exhibited altered cell cycle characteristics. Cdk4;cdk6 deficiency led to an increase in cell cycle length and cell cycle exit of mutant basal progenitor cells in comparison to controls. In contrast, concomitant ablation of cdk2 and cdk6 had no effect on the proliferation of NCPs. Together, our data demonstrate that the expansion of the basal progenitor pool in the developing telencephalon is dependent on the presence of distinct combinations of cdk molecules. Our results provide further evidence for differences in the regulation of proliferation between apical and basal progenitors during cortical development. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 78: 660–670, 2018  相似文献   

We consider here how morphogenetic signals involving retinoic acid (RA) are switched on and off in the light of positive and negative feedback controls which operate in other embryonic signalling systems. Switching on the RA signal involves the synthetic retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (RALDH) enzymes and it is currently thought that switching off the RA signal involves the CYP26 enzymes which catabolise RA. We have tested whether these enzymes are regulated by the presence or absence of all-trans-RA using the vitamin A-deficient quail model system and the application of excess retinoids on beads to various locations within the embryo. The Raldhs are unaffected either by the absence or presence of excess RA, whereas the Cyps are strongly affected. In the absence of RA some, but not all domains of Cyp26A1, Cyp26B1 and Cyp26C1 are down-regulated, in particular the spinal cord (Cyp26A1), the heart and developing vasculature (Cyp26B1) and the rhombomeres (Cyp26C1). In the presence of excess RA, the Cyps show a differential regulation-Cyp26A1 and Cyp26B1 are up-regulated whereas Cyp26C1 is down-regulated. We tested whether the Cyp products have a similar influence on these genes and indeed 4-oxo-RA, 4-OH-RA and 5,6-epoxy-RA do. Furthermore, these 3 metabolites are biologically active in that they fully rescue the vitamin A-deficient quail embryo. Finally, by using retinoic acid receptor selective agonists we show that these compounds regulate the Cyps through the RARalpha receptor. These results are discussed with regard to positive and negative feedback controls in developing systems.  相似文献   

Hox proteins control structural morphogenesis, pattern formation and cell fate in the developing embryo. To determine if Hoxb-5 participates in patterning of early airway branching during lung morphogenesis, gestational day 11.5 embryonic lung cultures were treated with retinoic acid (RA) to up-regulate and antisense oligonucleotides to down-regulate Hoxb-5 protein expression. RA (10?6 M) and Hoxb-5 antisense oligonucleotide (20 μM) treatment each significantly decreased branching morphogenesis (P<0.001), but the morphology of branching under these conditions was very different. RA-treated lungs had elongated primary branches but decreased further branching with increased Hoxb-5 immunostaining in subepithelial regions underlying these elongated airways. Western blots confirmed that Hoxb-5 protein was increased by 189±20% (mean±S.E.M., P<0.05) in RA-treated lungs compared to controls. In contrast, lungs treated with Hoxb-5 antisense oligos plus RA had foreshortened primary branches with rudimentary distal clefts resulting in decreased numbers of primary and subsequent branches. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that Hoxb-5 antisense oligos inhibited Hoxb-5 protein expression even in the presence of RA. We conclude that regional and quantitative changes in Hoxb-5 protein expression influence morphogenesis of the first airway divisions from the mainstem bronchi. RA-induced alterations in branching are mediated in part through regulated Hoxb-5 expression.  相似文献   

The telencephalon shows the greatest degree of size variation in the vertebrate brain. Understanding the genetic cascade that regulates telencephalon growth is crucial to our understanding of how evolution of the normal human brain has supported such a variation in size. Here, we present a simple and quick approach to analyze this cascade that combines caged-mRNA technology and the use of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides in zebrafish embryos. Lhx2, a LIM-homeodomain protein, and Six3s (Six3b and Six3a), another homeodomain proteins, show very similar expression patterns early in forebrain development, and these are known to be involved in the growth of this part of the brain. The telencephalon of six3b and six3a double morphant (six3 morphant) embryos is markedly reduced in size due to impaired cellular proliferation. Head-specific overexpression of Lhx2 by photoactivation of a caged-lhx2 mRNA completely rescued this size reduction, whereas similar head-specific activation of Six3b could not rescue the knockdown effect of lhx2. In the forebrain of medaka embryos, Six3 facilitates cellular proliferation by sequestration of Geminin from Cdt1, a key component in the assembly of the prereplication complex. Our results suggest that Lhx2 may mediate an alternative or parallel pathway for control of cellular proliferation in the developing forebrain via Six3.  相似文献   

Pigment cells of mammals are characterized by two different developmental origins: cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) originate from the optic cup of the developing forebrain, whereas melanocytes arise from the neural crest. The pigmentation gene tyrosinase is expressed in all pigment cells but differentially regulated in melanocytes and RPE. The tyrosinase promoter does not confer strong expression in pigment cells in vivo, while inclusion of a distal regulatory element at position -15 kb is necessary and sufficient to provide strong expression in melanocytes. Nevertheless, the regulatory elements responsible for correct spatial and temporal tyrosinase expression in the RPE remained unidentified so far. In this report, we show that a 186 kb BAC containing the tyrosinase gene provides transgene expression in both RPE and melanocytes indicating the presence of regulatory sequences required for expression in the RPE. A deletion analysis of the BAC was performed demonstrating that a RPE-regulatory element resides between -17 and -75 kb. Using multi-species comparative genomic analysis we identified three conserved sequences within this region. When tested in transgenic mice one of these sequences located at -47 kb targeted expression to the RPE. In addition, deletion of this regulatory element within a tyrosinase::lacZ BAC provided evidence that this sequence is not only sufficient but also required for correct spatial and temporal expression in the RPE. The identification of this novel element demonstrates that tyrosinase gene expression is controlled by separate distal regulatory sequences in melanocytes and RPE.  相似文献   

The accumulation of lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) has been implicated in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in humans. The exact composition of lipofuscin is not known but its best characterized component is N-retinylidene-N-retinylethanolamine (A2E), a byproduct of the retinoid visual cycle. Utilizing our recently developed matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI–IMS)-based technique to determine the spatial distribution of A2E, this study compares the relationships of lipofuscin fluorescence and A2E in the murine and human RPE on representative normal tissue. To identify molecules with similar spatial patterns, the images of A2E and lipofuscin were correlated with all the individual images in the MALDI–IMS dataset. In the murine RPE, there was a remarkable correlation between A2E and lipofuscin. In the human RPE, however, minimal correlation was detected. These results were reflected in the marked distinctions between the molecules that spatially correlated with the images of lipofuscin and A2E in the human RPE. While the distribution of murine lipofuscin showed highest similarities with some of the known A2E-adducts, the composition of human lipofuscin was significantly different. These results indicate that A2E metabolism may be altered in the human compared to the murine RPE.  相似文献   

Positional identity in the visual system affects the topographic projection of the retina onto its central targets. In this review we discuss gradients and positional information in the retina, when and how they arise, and their functional significance in development. When the axons of retinal ganglion cells leave the eye, they navigate through territory in the central nervous system that is rich in positional information. We review studies that explore the navigational cues that the growth cones of retinal axons use to orient towards their target and organize themselves as they make this journey. Finally, these axons arrive at their central targets and make a precise topographic map of visual space that is crucial for adaptive visual behavior. In the last section of this review, we examine the topographic cues in the tectum, what they are, when, and how they arise, and how retinal axons respond to them. We also touch on the role of neural activity in the refinement of this topography. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural crest (NC) cells originate from the neural folds and migrate into the various embryonic regions where they differentiate into multiple cell types. A population of cephalic neural crest‐derived cells (NCDCs) penetrates back into the developing forebrain to differentiate into microvascular pericytes, but little is known about when and how cephalic NCDCs invade the telencephalon and differentiate into pericytes. Using a transgenic mouse line in which NCDCs are genetically labeled with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), we observed that NCDCs started to invade the telencephalon together with endothelial cells from embryonic day (E) 9.5. A majority of NCDCs located in the telencephalon expressed pericyte markers, that is, PDGFRβ and NG2, and differentiated into pericytes around E11.5. Surprisingly, many of the NC‐derived pericytes express p75, an undifferentiated NCDC marker at E11.5, as well as NCDCs in the mesenchyme. At the same time, a minor population of NCDCs that located separately from blood vessels in the telencephalon were NG2‐negative and some of these NCDCs also expressed p75. Proliferation and differentiation of pericytes appeared to occur in a specific mesenchymal region where blood vessels penetrated into the telencephalon. These results indicate that (i) NCDCs penetrate back into the telencephalon in parallel with angiogenesis, (ii) many NC‐derived pericytes may be still in pre‐mature states even though after differentiation into pericytes in the early developing stages, (iii) a small minority of NCDCs may retain undifferentiated states in the developing telencephalon, and (iv) a majority of NCDCs proliferate and differentiate into pericytes in the mesenchyme around the telencephalon.  相似文献   

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