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There is a marked increase in the half-cystine content of bacterial spores, especially the coat layers at the time of formation of the outer coat. When a cysteine auxotroph of Bacillus cereus T is grown on limiting cysteine, the spores contain the normal content of half-cystine, suggesting an alternate source. Glutathione appears to be such a supply of cysteine since it is hydrolyzed during sporulation and there are increased activities of the hydrolyzing enzymes at the same time. In addition, a cysteine auxotroph with a second alteration, a temperature-sensitive glutathione disulfide reductase, produces lysozyme-sensitive spores at 40 C. These spores appear to be defective in the formation of outer spore coat. During sporulation at 40 C, the double mutant accumulates oxidized glutathione which is a poor substrate for the hydrolytic enzymes. As a result, sporulating cells are deficient in half-cystines which are essential for outer spore coat morphogenesis. This alteration can be overcome by a shift to 30 C or by addition of cystinyl-pencillamine or cysteinyl-glycine to cultures sporulating at 40 C.  相似文献   

Loliginid and sepiolid squid light organs are known to host a variety of bacterial species from the family Vibrionaceae, yet little is known about the species diversity and characteristics among different host squids. Here we present a broad-ranging molecular and physiological analysis of the bacteria colonizing light organs in loliginid and sepiolid squids from various field locations of the Indo-West Pacific (Australia and Thailand). Our PCR-RFLP analysis, physiological characterization, carbon utilization profiling, and electron microscopy data indicate that loliginid squid in the Indo-West Pacific carry a consortium of bacterial species from the families Vibrionaceae and Photobacteriaceae. This research also confirms our previous report of the presence of Vibrio harveyi as a member of the bacterial population colonizing light organs in loliginid squid. pyrH sequence data were used to confirm isolate identity, and indicates that Vibrio and Photobacterium comprise most of the light organ colonizers of squids from Australia, confirming previous reports for Australian loliginid and sepiolid squids. In addition, combined phylogenetic analysis of PCR-RFLP and 16S rDNA data from Australian and Thai isolates associated both Photobacterium and Vibrio clades with both loliginid and sepiolid strains, providing support that geographical origin does not correlate with their relatedness. These results indicate that both loliginid and sepiolid squids demonstrate symbiont specificity (Vibrionaceae), but their distribution is more likely due to environmental factors that are present during the infection process. This study adds significantly to the growing evidence for complex and dynamic associations in nature and highlights the importance of exploring symbiotic relationships in which non-virulent strains of pathogenic Vibrio species could establish associations with marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

The interrelationship of photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis in the gametophyte of the fern Pteridium aquilinum was examined in detail. High energy red light produces filamentous gametophytes composed of greatly elongated cells. Blue light of equal energy produces normal cordate gametophytes composed of isodiametric cells. The assimilative rates of the two forms are identical during the initial stages of development. However, the filamentous gametophytes eventually exhibit a decline in assimilation not matched by their normal counterparts. Although this decrease in assimilation of gametophytes exposed to red light may be traced to a decrease in the photo-synthetic rate due to a decrease in chlorophyll synthesis, these events occur subsequent to the establishment of the filamentous mode of growth and are therefore a result, not a cause, of filamentous development. Gametophyte assimilation is also impeded under low energy blue light, due to a reduction in the photosynthetic rate at this low energy; and the initial filamentous stage, in which the cells remain normally isodiametric, is not exceeded. The addition of extra exogenous sucrose restores the capacity for growth and normal cordate prothalli result. It may therefore be concluded that the ultimate form of the gametophyte is under the control of a photoreceptor that is sensitive to blue light, and activated at a relatively low energy level. Red light at any level is ineffective in promoting normal cordate development, but is effective in supporting growth through vigorous photosynthesis, yielding a filament composed of greatly elongated cells. The eventual photosynthetic decline of the filamentous form is due directly to this particular growth mode. Low energy blue light is sufficient to effect form (the cells remain isodiametric), but insufficient to provide the necessary energy for growth through vigorous photosynthesis. Therefore, in order for the gametophyte to reach maturity it must be supplied with light energy that not only satisfies the requirement for form but the requirement for growth as well. The implications of these requirements are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

Summary: Bacterial cells utilize three-dimensional (3D) protein assemblies to perform important cellular functions such as growth, division, chemoreception, and motility. These assemblies are composed of mechanoproteins that can mechanically deform and exert force. Sometimes, small-nucleotide hydrolysis is coupled to mechanical deformations. In this review, we describe the general principle for an understanding of the coupling of mechanics with chemistry in mechanochemical systems. We apply this principle to understand bacterial cell shape and morphogenesis and how mechanical forces can influence peptidoglycan cell wall growth. We review a model that can potentially reconcile the growth dynamics of the cell wall with the role of cytoskeletal proteins such as MreB and crescentin. We also review the application of mechanochemical principles to understand the assembly and constriction of the FtsZ ring. A number of potential mechanisms are proposed, and important questions are discussed.  相似文献   

In certain bacterial mutants, called groE, T4 phage head assembly is blocked specifically, implying that the host plays a direct role in head assembly. The block occurs early in the assembly process at the level of action of T4 gene 31.  相似文献   

Involvement of a Bacterial Factor in Morphogenesis of Bacteriophage Capsid   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
A new bacterial factor has been found necessary for the activity of T4 gene 31, the only catalytic factor in the early stage of phage head formation, to process the assembly of head precursor proteins. In a mutant missing this factor, the precursors of phage head aggregate on the bacterial membrane.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the morphology of the luminous organ of the squid Loligo duvauceli, caught in the sea off Indonesia and Thailand. Two luminous organs are situated on the ventral surface of the ink sac, near the anus. Each organ consists of a luminous sac divided into numerous discrete chambers containing bacteria. On the ventral side the organ is bordered by a lens-like structure, consisting of muscle cells. On the remaining sides the bacterial chambers are limited by a cup-shaped reflector layer with numerous parallel lamellae. The reflector separates the bacterial chamber from the ink sac. A ciliated channel connects the interior of the bacterial chamber with the mantle cavity.  相似文献   

Root development in suspension cultures of Yucca schidigerawas light-mediated. The green cultures consisted of roots, smalltissue aggregates and suspension cells. Roots possessed an apicalmeristem with a root cap, meristematic region and region ofdifferentiating tissues. Phloem, xylem vessels and tracheidsoccurred in discrete polyarch vascular bundles. Xylary wallthickening was reticulate, and endodermis and pericycle werepresent. Roots of intact Y. schidigera plants had a similardistribution of vascular tissues. Dark-grown cultures were cream-colouredand contained only lobed tissue aggregates and suspension cells. Yucca schidigera Roezl., tissue cultures, morphogenesis, root organ, light/dark  相似文献   

Members of several bacterial lineages are known only as symbionts of insects and move among hosts through maternal transmission. Such vertical transfer promotes strong fidelity within these associations, favoring the evolution of microbially mediated effects that improve host fitness. However, phylogenetic evidence indicates occasional horizontal transfer among different insect species, suggesting that some microbial symbionts retain a generalized ability to infect multiple hosts. Here we examine the abilities of three vertically transmitted bacteria from the Gammaproteobacteria to infect and spread within a novel host species, the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Using microinjection, we transferred symbionts from three species of natural aphid hosts into a common host background, comparing transmission efficiencies between novel symbionts and those naturally infecting A. pisum. We also examined the fitness effects of two novel symbionts to determine whether they should persist under natural selection acting at the host level. Our results reveal that these heritable bacteria vary in their capacities to utilize A. pisum as a host. One of three novel symbionts failed to undergo efficient maternal transmission in A. pisum, and one of the two efficiently transmitted bacteria depressed aphid growth rates. Although these findings reveal that negative fitness effects and low transmission efficiency can prevent the establishment of a new infection following horizontal transmission, they also indicate that some symbionts can overcome these obstacles, accounting for their widespread distributions across aphids and related insects.  相似文献   

Vesicomyid clams harbor intracellular sulfur-oxidizing bacteria that are predominantly maternally inherited and co-speciate with their hosts. Genome recombination and the occurrence of non-parental strains were recently demonstrated in symbionts. However, mechanisms favoring such events remain to be identified. In this study, we investigated symbionts in two phylogenetically distant vesicomyid species, Christineconcha regab and Laubiericoncha chuni, which sometimes co-occur at a cold-seep site in the Gulf of Guinea. We showed that each of the two species harbored a single dominant bacterial symbiont strain. However, for both vesicomyid species, the symbiont from the other species was occasionally detected in the gills using fluorescence in situ hybridization and gene sequences analyses based on six symbiont marker genes. Symbiont strains co-occurred within a single host only at sites where both host species were found; whereas one single symbiont strain was detected in C. regab specimens from a site where no L. chuni individuals had been observed. These results suggest that physical proximity favored the acquisition of non-parental symbiont strains in Vesicomyidae. Over evolutionary time, this could potentially lead to genetic exchanges among symbiont species and eventually symbiont displacement. Symbiont densities estimated using 3D fluorescence in situ hybridization varied among host species and sites, suggesting flexibility in the association despite the fact that a similar type of metabolism is expected in all symbionts.  相似文献   

Although Buchnera, the endosymbiotic bacteria of aphids, are close relatives of Escherichia coli, their genome size is only a seventh that of E. coli. In this study, we estimated the genomic copy number of Buchnera by dot-blot hybridization and fluorimetry using a video-intensified microscope photon-counting system and obtained convincing evidence that each cell of these bacteria contains an average of 120 genomic copies. Thus, the Buchnera symbiont, with many copies of a small-sized genome, is reminiscent of cell organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Received: 25 November 1998 / Accepted: 25 December 1998  相似文献   

The exogenous application of hormones has led to their implication in a number of processes within the plant. However, proof of their function in vivo depends on quantitative data demonstrating that the exogenous concentration used to elicit a response leads to tissue hormone levels within the physiological range. Such proof is often lacking in many investigations. We are using abscisic acid (ABA)-induced turion formation in Spirodela polyrrhiza L. to investigate the mechanism by which a hormone can trigger a morphogenic switch. In this paper, we demonstrate that the exogenous concentration of ABA used to induce turions leads to tissue concentrations of ABA within the physiological range, as quantified by both enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and high-performance liquid chromatography/gas chromatography-electron capture detection analysis. These results are consistent with ABA having a physiological role in turion formation, and they provide an estimate of the changes in endogenous ABA concentration required if environmental effectors of turion formation (e.g. nitrate deficiency, cold) act via an increased level of ABA. In addition, we show that the (+)- and (-)-enantiomers of ABA are equally effective in inducing turions. Moreover, comparison of the ABA; levels attained after treatment with (+)-, (-)-, and ([plus or minus])-ABA and their effect on turion induction and comparison of the effectiveness of ABA on turion induction under different pH regimes suggest that ABA most likely interacts with a plasmalemma-located receptor system to induce turion formation.  相似文献   

Formation of lateral organ primordia from the shoot apical meristem creates boundaries that separate the primordium from surrounding tissue. Morphological and gene expression studies indicate the presence of a distinct set of cells that define the boundaries in the plant shoot apex. Cells at the boundary usually display reduced growth activity that results in separation of adjacent organs or tissues and this morphological boundary coincides with the border of different cell identities. Such morphogenetic and patterning events and their spatial coordination are controlled by a number of boundary-specific regulatory genes. The boundary may also act as a reference point for the generation of new meristems such as axillary meristems. Many of the genes involved in meristem initiation are expressed in the boundary. This review summarizes the cellular characters of the shoot organ boundary and the roles of regulatory genes that control different aspects of this unique region in plant development.  相似文献   

Marine sponges and other sessile macro-organisms were collected at a shallow water hydrothermal site in Eyjafjörður, Iceland. Bacteria were isolated from the organisms using selective media for actinomycetes, and the isolates were screened for antimicrobial activity. A total of 111 isolates revealed antimicrobial activity displaying different antimicrobial patterns which indicates production of various compounds. Known test strains were grown in the presence of ethyl acetate extracts from one selected isolate, and a clear growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus was observed down to 0.1 % extract concentration in the medium. Identification of isolates shows different species of Actinobacteria with Streptomyces sp. playing the largest role, but also members of Bacilli, Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. Sponges have an excellent record regarding production of bioactive compounds, often involving microbial symbionts. At the hydrothermal vents, however, the majority of active isolates originated from other invertebrates such as sea anemones or algae. The results indicate that antimicrobial assays involving isolates in full growth can detect activity not visible by other methods. The macro-organisms inhabiting the Eyjafjörður hydrothermal vent area host diverse microbial species in the phylum Actinobacteria with antimicrobial activity, and the compounds responsible for the activity will be subject to further research.  相似文献   

While many endosymbionts have beneficial effects on hosts under specific ecological conditions, there can also be associated costs. In order to maximize their own fitness, hosts must facilitate symbiont persistence while preventing symbiont exploitation of resources, which may require tight regulation of symbiont populations. As a host ages, the ability to invest in such mechanisms may lessen or be traded off with demands of other life history traits, such as survival and reproduction. Using the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, we measured survival, lifetime fecundity, and immune cell counts (hemocytes, a measure of immune capacity) in the presence of facultative secondary symbionts. Additionally, we quantified the densities of the obligate primary bacterial symbiont, Buchnera aphidicola, and secondary symbionts across the host''s lifetime. We found life history costs to harboring some secondary symbiont species. Secondary symbiont populations were found to increase with host age, while Buchnera populations exhibited a more complicated pattern. Immune cell counts peaked at the midreproductive stage before declining in the oldest aphids. The combined effects of immunosenescence and symbiont population growth may have important consequences for symbiont transmission and maintenance within a host population.  相似文献   

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