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Ng J  Luo L 《Neuron》2004,44(5):779-793
Rho GTPases are essential regulators of cytoskeletal reorganization, but how they do so during neuronal morphogenesis in vivo is poorly understood. Here we show that the actin depolymerization factor cofilin is essential for axon growth in Drosophila neurons. Cofilin function in axon growth is inhibited by LIM kinase and activated by Slingshot phosphatase. Dephosphorylating cofilin appears to be the major function of Slingshot in regulating axon growth in vivo. Genetic data provide evidence that Rho or Rac/Cdc42, via effector kinases Rok or Pak, respectively, activate LIM kinase to inhibit axon growth. Importantly, Rac also activates a Pak-independent pathway that promotes axon growth, and different RacGEFs regulate these distinct pathways. These genetic analyses reveal convergent and divergent pathways from Rho GTPases to the cytoskeleton during axon growth in vivo and suggest that different developmental outcomes could be achieved by biases in pathway selection.  相似文献   

Rho family GTPases regulate VEGF-stimulated endothelial cell motility   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Migration of endothelial cells induced by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a critical step in angiogenesis. Stimulation of motility by growth factors such as VEGF requires interaction with the signal transduction pathways activated by the extracellular matrix (ECM). Here we demonstrate that the Rac GTPase is the critical intersection activated by type 1 collagen ECM and VEGF during stimulation of endothelial cell motility. To analyze the role of the Rho family GTPases in VEGF-stimulated endothelial cell chemotaxis and ECM-stimulated haptotaxis, we transduced the respective fusion proteins in human foreskin dermal endothelial cells using a Tat peptide from the human immunodeficiency virus Tat protein. VEGF signaling required Rac activation during chemotaxis, and Rac and Cdc42 were activated during haptotaxis on type I collagen. Similar to VEGF, Rac activation induced an increase in endothelial cell stress fiber and focal adhesion. Surprisingly, Rho activation was not present in collagen-induced haptotaxis or stimulation of chemotaxis by VEGF, although Rho induced stress fibers and focal adhesions similar to Rac activation. The result of constitutive Rho activation was an inhibition of haptotaxis. Thus, Rac is required and sufficient for the activation of endothelial cell haptotaxis and VEGF-stimulated chemotaxis.  相似文献   

Small molecules that regulate lifespan: evidence for xenohormesis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Barring genetic manipulation, the diet known as calorie restriction (CR) is currently the only way to slow down ageing in mammals. The fact that CR works on most species, even microorganisms, implies a conserved underlying mechanism. Recent findings in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicate that CR extends lifespan because it is a mild biological stressor that activates Sir2, a key component of yeast longevity and the founding member of the sirtuin family of deacetylases. The sirtuin family appears to have first arisen in primordial eukaryotes, possibly to help them cope with adverse conditions. Today they are found in plants, yeast, and animals and may underlie the remarkable health benefits of CR. Interestingly, a class of polyphenolic molecules produced by plants in response to stress can activate the sirtuins from yeast and metazoans. At least in the case of yeast, these molecules greatly extend lifespan by mimicking CR. One explanation for this surprising observation is the 'xenohormesis hypothesis', the idea that organisms have evolved to respond to stress signalling molecules produced by other species in their environment. In this way, organisms can prepare in advance for a deteriorating environment and/or loss of food supply.  相似文献   

Phagocytic NADPH oxidase plays a critical role in superoxide generation in macrophage cells. Small GTPases, including Rac1 and Rac2, have been implicated in the regulation of NADPH oxidase activity. Rap1, which has no effect in a cell-free system of oxidase activation, recently has been proven to colocalize with cytochrome b(558). In addition, neutrophils from rap1A(-/-) mice reduce fMLP-stimulated superoxide production. Here, we tried to determine whether Rap1 also plays a role in the production of superoxide. IgG-opsonized zymosan (IOZ) particles treatment induced Rap1 activation and superoxide generation. Knock-down of Rap1 by si-Rap1 suppressed IOZ-induced superoxide formation. Sh-RhoA also reduced superoxide levels, but 8CPT-2Me-cAMP, an activator of Epac1 (a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) of Rap1), could recover the levels to the control value. When cells were stimulated by IOZ, Rap1 and Rac1 were translocated to the membrane, and then interacted with p22(phox). 8CPT-2Me-cAMP rescued sh-RhoA-induced reduction of the interaction between Rac1 and p22(phox), and enhanced lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-induced increase of their interaction. Moreover, Rac1 activity was increased by both LPA and 8CPT-2Me-cAMP when treated with IOZ particles. Si-Vav2 impaired GTP-Rac1 levels in response to 8CPT-2Me-cAMP/IOZ. Phosphorylation of RhoA activates Rac1 in response to IOZ by the enhanced binding of phospho-RhoA to RhoGDI, leading to the release of Rac1 from the Rac1-RhoGDI complex. In conclusion, IOZ treatment induces Rap1 activation and phosphorylation of RhoA, which in turn cause Rac1 activation and promote Rac1 translocation to the membrane leading to binding with p22(phox) that activates NADPH oxidase and produces superoxide.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 is a major structural element of epithelial tissue basement membranes. In the matrix of cultured epithelial cells, laminin-5 is arranged into intricate patterns. Here we tested a hypothesis that myosin II-mediated actin contraction is necessary for the proper assembly of a laminin-5 matrix by cultured SCC12 epithelial cells. To do so, the cells were treated with ML-7, a myosin II light chain kinase inhibitor, or Y-27632, an inhibitor of Rho-kinase (ROCK), both of which block actomyosin contraction. Under these conditions, laminin-5 shows an aberrant localization in dense patches at the cell periphery. Since ROCK activity is regulated by the small GTPase Rho, this suggests that members of the Rho family of GTPases may also be important for laminin-5 matrix assembly by SCC12 cells. We confirmed this hypothesis since SCC12 cells expressing mutant proteins that inhibit RhoA, Rac, and Cdc42 assemble the same aberrant laminin-5 protein arrays as drug-treated cells. We have also evaluated the organization of the laminin-5 receptors alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 integrin and hemidesmosome proteins in ML-7- and Y-27632-treated cells or in cells in which RhoA, Rac, and Cdc42 activity were inhibited. In all instances, alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 integrin heterodimers, as well as hemidesmosome proteins, localize precisely with laminin-5 in the matrix of the cells. In summary, our results provide evidence that myosin II-mediated actin contraction and the activity of Rho GTPases are necessary for the proper organization of a laminin-5 matrix and localization of hemidesmosome protein arrays in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Src family protein-tyrosine kinases have a central role in several biological functions, including cell adhesion and spreading, chemotaxis, cell cycle progression, differentiation and apoptosis. Surprisingly, these kinases also participate in mitogenic signalling by receptors that themselves exhibit an intrinsic protein-tyrosine kinase activity, including those for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor and colony-stimulating factor-1. Indeed, Src kinases are strictly required for the nuclear expression of the c-myc proto-oncogene and thus for DNA synthesis in response to PDGF. However, the nature of the signalling pathways by which Src kinases participate in the induction of c-myc expression by tyrosine kinase receptors is still unknown. Here we show that PDGF enhances c-myc expression and stimulates the c-myc promoter in a Src-dependent manner, and that neither Ras nor the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway mediate these effects. In contrast, we present evidence that PDGF stimulates Vav2 through Src, thereby initiating the activation of a Rac-dependent pathway that controls the expression of the c-myc proto-oncogene.  相似文献   

Rho小G蛋白作为一个信号分子家族具有多样化的功能, 可以调节细胞骨架重排 、细胞迁移、细胞极性、基因表达、细胞周期调控等. Rho小G蛋白家族对细胞周期 调控的研究主要集中在其对于有丝分裂期细胞的调节作用,包括调节有丝分裂期前 期细胞趋圆化、后期染色体排列及收缩环的收缩作用.近期的研究显示,Rho小G蛋白及其效应分子对于细胞周期G1、S、G2期的调控主要是通过影响细胞周期的正调控因子细胞周期蛋白D1 (cyclin D1) 和负调控因子细胞周期蛋白依赖型激酶相互作用蛋白1及细胞周期蛋白依赖型激酶抑制蛋白27 (p21cip1/p27kip1) 进行的.本文总结了Rho小G蛋白及其效应分子在细胞周期调控,尤其是对G1/S期调控的研究进展,并简要阐述了Rho小G蛋白介导的细胞周期调控异常与癌症发生的关系.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis occurs primarily through two main processes in macrophages: the Fcγ receptor- and the integrin αMβ2-mediated processes. Complement C3bi-opsonized particles are known to be engulfed through integrin αMβ2-mediated process, which is regulated by RhoA GTPase. C3 toxin fused with Tat-peptide (Tat-C3 toxin), an inhibitor of the Rho GTPases, was shown to markedly inhibit the phagocytosis of serum (C3bi)-opsonized zymosans (SOZs). However, 8CPT-2Me-cAMP, an activator of exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac, Rap1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor), restored the phagocytosis of the SOZs that was previously inhibited by the Tat-C3 toxin. In addition, a constitutively active form of Rap1 GTPase (CA-Rap1) also restored the phagocytosis that was previously reduced by a dominant negative form of RhoA GTPase (DN-RhoA). This suggests that Rap1 can replace the function of RhoA in the phagocytosis. Inversely, CA-RhoA rescued the phagocytosis that was suppressed by DN-Rap1. These findings suggest that both RhoA and Rap1 GTPases collectively regulate the phagocytosis of SOZs. In addition, filamentous actin was reduced by the Tat-C3 toxin, which was again restored by 8CPT-2Me-cAMP. Small interfering profilin suppressed the phagocytosis, suggesting that profilin is essential for the phagocytosis of SOZs. Furthermore, 8CPT-2Me-cAMP increased the co-immunoprecipitation of profilin with Rap1, whereas Tat-C3 toxin decreased that of profilin with RhoA. Co-immunoprecipitations of profilin with actin, Rap1, and RhoA GTPases were augmented in the presence of GTPγS rather than GDP. Therefore, we propose that both Rap1 and RhoA GTPases regulate the formation of filamentous actin through the interaction between actin and profilin, thereby collectively inducing the phagocytosis of SOZs in macrophages.  相似文献   

Small rho GTPases regulate antigen presentation in dendritic cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dendritic cells (DC) are involved in the regulation of innate and adaptive immunity. However, the molecular mechanisms maintaining DC function remain to be elucidated. In this study, we report on the role of small Rho GTPases: Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA in the regulation of DC adherence, Ag presentation, migration, chemotaxis, and endocytosis. Murine DC were transfected with vaccinia virus-based constructs, encoding dominant-negative or constitutively active (ca) mutant forms of Rho GTPases. We demonstrate that Cdc42 plays a major role in the regulation of DC adhesion, because caCdc42-transfected DC had significant up-regulation of adhesion to extracellular matrix, which was blocked by the Rho GTPase inhibitor toxin B (ToxB). In contrast, caRho-transfected DC only modestly elevated DC adhesion, and caRac had no effect. Additionally, caCdc42 and caRho increased the ability of DC to present OVA peptide to specific T cells. This effect was abrogated by ToxB. Activation of Cdc42 in DC significantly inhibited spontaneous and chemokine-induced DC migration. Furthermore, uptake of dextran 40 by DC was significantly enhanced by Rho GTPase activators cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 and PMA, and reduced by ToxB. caCdc42 also increased endocytotic activity of DC, whereas dominant-negative Cdc42 blocked it. Thus, Rho GTPases Cdc42, RhoA, and Rac1 regulate DC functions that are critical for DC-mediated immune responses in vivo.  相似文献   

In vivo, apoptotic cells are removed by surrounding phagocytes, a process thought to be essential for tissue remodeling and the resolution of inflammation [1]. Although apoptotic cells are known to be efficiently phagocytosed by macrophages, the mechanisms whereby their interaction with the phagocytes triggers their engulfment have not been described in mammals. Here, we report that primary murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (using alpha(v)beta(3) integrin for apoptotic cell uptake) extend lamellipodia to engulf apoptotic cells and form an actin cup where phosphotyrosine accumulates. Rho GTPases and PI 3-kinases have been widely implicated in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton [2, 3]. We show that inhibition of Rho GTPases by Clostridium difficile toxin B prevents apoptotic cell phagocytosis and inhibits the accumulation of both F-actin and phosphotyrosine. Importantly, the Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42 are required for apoptotic cell uptake whereas Rho inhibition enhances uptake. The PI 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 also prevents apoptotic cell phagocytosis but has no effect on the accumulation of F actin and phosphotyrosine. These results indicate that both Rho GTPases and PI 3-kinases are involved in apoptotic cell phagocytosis but that they play distinct roles in this process.  相似文献   

To isolate a unit ligand recognized by human monocyte beta-glucan receptors, acid-solubilized oligoglucosides were prepared by partial acid hydrolysis of purified yeast cell walls, gel filtered sequentially on Bio-Gel P-4 and P-2, derivatized with 2-aminopyridine, and separated by normal-phase HPLC. Ligand recognition was assessed by quantitating the effect of pretreatment with isolated materials on the capacities of adherent monocytes to phagocytose zymosan particles. Partial acid hydrolysis solubilized 23 +/- 4% (mean +/- SD; n = 7) of the cell wall glucans; at an input of 50 micrograms/ml, the solubilized products reduced the numbers of monocytes ingesting zymosan by an average of 44%. Gel filtration of acid-solubilized glucans on Bio-Gel P-4 revealed several peaks with phagocytosis-inhibiting activity, and fractions from the peak containing the smallest oligoglucosides, which accounted for 10 +/- 2% (mean +/- SD; n = 7) of the carbohydrate applied, were pooled. Further purification on Bio-Gel P-2 resolved this phagocytosis-inhibiting activity to a single peak that contained apparent heptaoses and accounted for 8 +/- 2% (mean +/- SD; n = 6) of the carbohydrate applied. At a concentration of 0.5 microgram/ml, the oligoglucosides pooled from the Bio-Gel P-4 and P-2 columns reduced the numbers of ingesting monocytes by 45 +/- 1% and 42 +/- 7% (mean +/- SD; n = 3), respectively. When derivatized with 2-aminopyridine, the oligoglucosides were resolved by HPLC to a number of peaks; a peak that eluted as an apparent heptaglucoside contained virtually all the inhibitory activity and accounted for only 6.6 +/- 0.7% (mean +/- SD, n = 7) of the carbohydrate applied. Gas chromatography analysis revealed only glucose and FAB-mass spectrometric analysis showed only heptaglucoside and no noncarbohydrate molecules. At a concentration of 1.6 ng/ml, the derivatized yeast heptaglucoside reduced the numbers of monocytes ingesting zymosan and glucan particles by 44 +/- 9% (mean +/- SD; n = 5) and 45 +/- 6% (n = 3), respectively. Thus, a heptaglucoside present in yeast cell walls is a unit ligand for human monocyte beta-glucan receptors.  相似文献   

Phospholipases D1 and D2 coordinately regulate macrophage phagocytosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Phagocytosis is a fundamental feature of the innate immune system, required for antimicrobial defense, resolution of inflammation, and tissue remodeling. Furthermore, phagocytosis is coupled to a diverse range of cytotoxic effector mechanisms, including the respiratory burst, secretion of inflammatory mediators and Ag presentation. Phospholipase D (PLD) has been linked to the regulation of phagocytosis and subsequent effector responses, but the identity of the PLD isoform(s) involved and the molecular mechanisms of activation are unknown. We used primary human macrophages and human THP-1 promonocytes to characterize the role of PLD in phagocytosis. Macrophages, THP-1 cells, and other human myelomonocytic cells expressed both PLD1 and PLD2 proteins. Phagocytosis of complement-opsonized zymosan was associated with stimulation of the activity of both PLD1 and PLD2, as demonstrated by a novel immunoprecipitation-in vitro PLD assay. Transfection of dominant-negative PLD1 or PLD2 each inhibited the extent of phagocytosis (by 55-65%), and their combined effects were additive (reduction of 91%). PLD1 and PLD2 exhibited distinct localizations in resting macrophages and those undergoing phagocytosis, and only PLD1 localized to the phagosome membrane. The COS-7 monkey fibroblast cell line, which has been used as a heterologous system for the analysis of receptor-mediated phagocytosis, expressed PLD2 but not PLD1. These data support a model in which macrophage phagocytosis is coordinately regulated by both PLD1 and PLD2, with isoform-specific localization. Human myelomonocytic cell lines accurately model PLD-dependent signal transduction events required for phagocytosis, but the heterologous COS cell system does not.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that several agents which interfere with binding of ligands to the mannose-glycoprotein receptor on macrophages can inhibit zymosan-induced lysosomal enzyme secretion. Here we show that mannose only reduces the association of zymosan with macrophages during the first hour of exposure; after longer periods of uptake no effect is detectable. We have previously shown that mannose reduces surface binding of zymosan, probably by interfering selectively with binding to the mannose receptor. The present inhibition of association of zymosan with macrophages during short exposures can be entirely explained by this reduction of binding. Macrophages must therefore internalize zymosan at sites in addition to the mannose receptor. In contrast to macrophages the murine macrophage-like cell line P388D1 is lacking the mannose-glycoprotein receptor. Accordingly we find that binding of zymosan to P388D1 is much slighter than to macrophages and is unaffected by mannose or mannose-6-phosphate. The spontaneous lysosomal enzyme secretion of P388D1 is also unaffected by mannose. The data on macrophages confirm our previous suggestion that agents interfering with the mannose receptor inhibit the induction of lysosomal enzyme secretion by acting directly on the receptor. The data on P388D1 cells support this assertion by excluding effects at later steps in the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Ral GTPases have been implicated in the regulation of a variety of dynamic cellular processes including proliferation, oncogenic transformation, actin-cytoskeletal dynamics, endocytosis, and exocytosis. Recently the Sec6/8 complex, or exocyst, a multisubunit complex facilitating post-Golgi targeting of distinct subclasses of secretory vesicles, has been identified as a bona fide Ral effector complex. Ral GTPases regulate exocyst-dependent vesicle trafficking and are required for exocyst complex assembly. Sec5, a membrane-associated exocyst subunit, has been identified as a direct target of activated Ral; however, the mechanism by which Ral can modulate exocyst assembly is unknown. Here we report that an additional component of the exocyst, Exo84, is a direct target of activated Ral. We provide evidence that mammalian exocyst components are present as distinct subcomplexes on vesicles and the plasma membrane and that Ral GTPases regulate the assembly interface of a full octameric exocyst complex through interaction with Sec5 and Exo84.  相似文献   

The Vav family of proteins have the potential to act as both signalling adapters and GEFs for Rho GTPases. They have therefore been proposed as regulators of the cytoskeleton in various cell types. We have used macrophages from mice deficient in all three Vav isoforms to determine how their function affects cell morphology and migration. Macrophages lacking Vav proteins adopt an elongated morphology and have enhanced migratory persistence in culture. To investigate the pathways through which Vav proteins exert their effects we analysed the responses of macrophages to the chemoattractant CSF-1 and to adhesion. We found that morphological and signalling responses of macrophages to CSF-1 did not require Vav proteins. In contrast, adhesion-induced cell spreading, RhoA and Rac1 activation and cell signalling were all dependent on Vav proteins. We propose that Vav proteins affect macrophage morphology and motile behaviour by coupling adhesion receptors to Rac1 and RhoA activity and regulating adhesion signalling events such as paxillin and ERK1/2 phosphorylation by acting as adapters.  相似文献   

The reggies/flotillins were discovered as proteins upregulated during axon regeneration. Here, we show that expression of a trans-negative reggie-1/flotillin-2 deletion mutant, R1EA, which interferes with oligomerization of the reggies/flotillins, inhibited insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-induced neurite outgrowth in N2a neuroblastoma cells and impaired in vitro differentiation of primary rat hippocampal neurons. Cells expressing R1EA formed only short and broad membrane protrusions often with abnormally large growth cones. R1EA expression strongly perturbed the balanced activation of the Rho-family GTPases Rac1 and cdc42. Furthermore, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) activity was also enhanced by R1EA expression, while other signaling pathways like ERK1/2, PKC or PKB signaling were unaffected. These severe signaling defects were caused by an impaired recruitment of the reggie/flotillin-associated adaptor molecule CAP/ponsin to focal contacts at the plasma membrane. Thus, the reggies/flotillins are crucial for coordinated assembly of signaling complexes regulating cytoskeletal remodeling.  相似文献   

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