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本文介绍了进行脑电节律同化效应的实验系统和方法,并报道了20个受试者的统计实验结果,对节律同化效应的生理和临床意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

甄宗秋 《生物学通报》1994,29(3):28-29,34
浅谈营养与智力的关系甄宗秋(江苏省沛具师范学校221600)随着近代科学的发展,人们逐渐地发现,合理的营养对保证胎儿的正常发育、儿童的身心健康,德、智、体、美、劳全面发展起着非常重要的作用,而且对成年人某些疾病的预防,亦需从儿童期,甚至胎儿期开始调整...  相似文献   

实验在氯醛糖麻醉、去缓冲神经、用三碘季铵酚麻痹和人工呼吸的86只猫身上进行。应用自功率谱(autosperum)和相干分析法(coherence analysis)证实了大脑额-项叶电活动(EEG)和心下交感神经冲动(SND)之间明显相关(34/44例)。SND活动落后于EEG50±20ms,互相关值(cross-correlation value)为0.4±0.1,相干值为0.25±0.05,均有显著的统计学意义。去大脑(A_3平面)使SND(3-4.2Hz频带)的功率明显下降的同时BP下降(5.47±0.13kPa),但EEG的总功率却保持不变,只是它与SND之间不再存在相关关系。在1h内SND节律和BP逐渐恢复。如果事先损伤下丘脑外侧部或中央丘脑,则上述去大脑的现象大大减弱。实验结果表明:猫前脑通过间脑有关的结构下传冲动调节和设置了交感神经活动的水平,一旦这种联系被阻断,脑干有关的心血管中枢就会代偿性维持交感神经活动。  相似文献   

脑电与认知活动的相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要介绍了认知活动与脑电(包括自发脑电、诱发脑电、脑电事件相关电位、40HZ脑电事件相关电位)的相关性及其应用前景。  相似文献   

比较小波变换和平均叠加两种方法提取“模拟自然阅读”刺激模式下的诱发脑电信号,分析其时频特性,并进行脑功能源分布定位分析。结果显示,采用平均叠加法来提取和分析诱发电位信号,损失了某些重要的诱发电位成分,且其功能源分布定位反映的只是等效功能源的静态过程;而使用小波变换和脑功能源定位来提取和分析单次诱发电位信号,既能观察到丰富的诱发电位成分,又能反映脑功能源的实时动态活动过程。这表明,小波变换下的时频分析是脑电信号处理的一种可行的新方法。  相似文献   

橡胶树蒸腾特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2013年2—11月,应用Granier热消散探针对西双版纳地区橡胶树蒸腾进行了连续观测,并同步测定了环境因子(光合有效辐射(PAR)、气温、相对湿度和土壤含水量),结果表明:橡胶树蒸腾速率为昼高夜低的单峰曲线,晴天平均蒸腾速率、蒸腾量是雨天的4倍之多;雨季蒸腾启动时间较干季提前0.5~1.0 h、峰值时间较干季提前2.0~4.5 h,观测阶段日平均蒸腾量为27.84 kg·d-1;4月蒸腾量最大,其值为54.3 mm,11月蒸腾量最小,其值为29.6 mm。干季环境因子对蒸腾速率影响的大小顺序为:气温相对湿度PAR土壤含水量,雨季为:PAR相对湿度气温土壤含水量。干季橡胶林出现水分亏缺,但橡胶树通过其发达的根系可以获取深层土壤水,因此未对其造成严重的水分胁迫。  相似文献   

近年来,皮肤电作为反映情绪状态的一个敏感指标,引起了人们的广泛关注。为了研究情绪对皮肤电的具体影响.本研究用皮电检测仪(EDSD)的“能量过筛”技术,检测被试应激前后的皮肤电阻和电容的变化,提出了用皮肤电的综合情况来表征人体调节能力的概念。试验采用音乐、噪声、静息为应激源,让被试接受10min的刺激,并在刺激前后进行“能量过筛”,统计结果显示:(1)人体在应激前后的皮肤电的综合情况变化具有显著差异;(2)音乐可以调节人体的生理状态,而噪声则对人体十分有害;(3)在应激前后配以POMS心境量表检测被试的心理指标,以及对心率、血压生理指标的测量,也从不同水平上证实了不同的应激源对心理和生理指标的影响。  相似文献   

为了研究不同生理状态下的脑电复杂度变化特点,本文依照1994年徐京华等人应用的算法,对4种状态(安静睁眼、清醒闭目、浅度睡眠、深度睡眠)下的三种脑电复杂度(KC、C1、2)的变化规律进行了比较分析,KC与C1的变化相一致。从安静睁眼到清醒闭目到浅睡到深度睡眠,KC与C1值均依次下降。C2值的变化则与它们相反,尤其在深睡期显著升高。实验结果提示,复杂度可做为脑电时间序列的研究指标。  相似文献   

针对目前多分类运动想象脑电识别存在特征提取单一、分类准确率低等问题,提出一种多特征融合的四分类运动想象脑电识别方法来提高识别率。对预处理后的脑电信号分别使用希尔伯特-黄变换、一对多共空间模式、近似熵、模糊熵、样本熵提取结合时频—空域—非线性动力学的初始特征向量,用主成分分析降维,最后使用粒子群优化支持向量机分类。该算法通过对国际标准数据集BCI2005 Data set IIIa中的k3b受试者数据经MATLAB仿真处理后获得93.30%的识别率,均高于单一特征和其它组合特征下的识别率。分别对四名实验者实验采集运动想象脑电数据,使用本研究提出的方法处理获得了72.96%的平均识别率。结果表明多特征融合的特征提取方法能更好的表征运动想象脑电信号,使用粒子群支持向量机可取得较高的识别准确率,为人脑的认知活动提供了一种新的识别方法。  相似文献   

目的:心电信号(Electrocardio-signal,ECG)是人体中最重要的生物信号之一,是一种具有非平稳性和非线性特性的信号.分析ECG信号是诊断心脏疾病的有利工具,近年来国内外很多学者致力于这方面的研究.本文探讨短时Fourier变换(STFT)和离散小波变换(DWT)这两种时频分析方法在ECG信号分析中的应用.方法:本文采用麻省理工学院的MIT-BIH数据库中提供的数据,运用MATLAB软件编程,讨论短时Fourier变换和离散小波变换在ECG信号分析中的应用.结果:通过编程,做出了正常ECG信号和失常ECG信号的短时Fourier变换的时域图和频谱图以及正常ECG信号和失常ECG信号的单级离散小波变换的结果.结论:正常ECG信号和失常ECG信号的STFT变换的时域图和频谱图都能反应出信号的频率和时间的变化关系.但是,正常信号和失常信号的频率和时间有明显不同,正常信号的能量随时间和频率的变化关系有序整齐,而且周围有较少的杂波;失常信号的能量随时间和频率的变化关系杂乱,而且周围存在较多的杂波.通过离散小波变化后,正常信号和失常信号均产生了不同的离散小波系数,根据不同的离散小波系数,可以很容易判断正常信号和失常信号的区别.  相似文献   

The discrimination of complex sensory stimuli in a noisy environment is an immense computational task. Sensory systems often encode stimulus features in a spatiotemporal fashion through the complex firing patterns of individual neurons. To identify these temporal features, we have developed an analysis that allows the comparison of statistically significant features of spike trains localized over multiple scales of time-frequency resolution. Our approach provides an original way to utilize the discrete wavelet transform to process instantaneous rate functions derived from spike trains, and select relevant wavelet coefficients through statistical analysis. Our method uncovered localized features within olfactory projection neuron (PN) responses in the moth antennal lobe coding for the presence of an odor mixture and the concentration of single component odorants, but not for compound identities. We found that odor mixtures evoked earlier responses in biphasic response type PNs compared to single components, which led to differences in the instantaneous firing rate functions with their signal power spread across multiple frequency bands (ranging from 0 to 45.71 Hz) during a time window immediately preceding behavioral response latencies observed in insects. Odor concentrations were coded in excited response type PNs both in low frequency band differences (2.86 to 5.71 Hz) during the stimulus and in the odor trace after stimulus offset in low (0 to 2.86 Hz) and high (22.86 to 45.71 Hz) frequency bands. These high frequency differences in both types of PNs could have particular relevance for recruiting cellular activity in higher brain centers such as mushroom body Kenyon cells. In contrast, neurons in the specialized pheromone-responsive area of the moth antennal lobe exhibited few stimulus-dependent differences in temporal response features. These results provide interesting insights on early insect olfactory processing and introduce a novel comparative approach for spike train analysis applicable to a variety of neuronal data sets.  相似文献   

水稻种子萌发过程中α—淀粉酶与萌发速率关系的分析   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
赵玉锦  王台 《植物学通报》2001,18(2):226-230
用丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术和3,5-二硝基水杨酸(DNS)测定还原糖法,对不同萌发时间农垦58F,农垦58S和农垦58种子胚中α-淀粉酶同工酶及其酶活性变化进行研究,0-36小时萌发过程中,农垦58F和农垦58Sα-淀粉酶活性高于农垦58。胚中检测出五条酶,A2,A4和A5为上述种子共有酶带,A3为农垦58F和农垦58S特异性酶带,A1为农垦58特异性酶带,据此认为α-淀粉酶对水稻种子萌发速度起重要调控作用,A1和A3可能是调控种子发芽快慢的重要酶分子。  相似文献   



High frequency oscillations (HFOs) have been proposed as a new biomarker for epileptogenic tissue. The exact characteristics of clinically relevant HFOs and their detection are still to be defined.


We propose a new method for HFO detection, which we have applied to six patient iEEGs. In a first stage, events of interest (EoIs) in the iEEG were defined by thresholds of energy and duration. To recognize HFOs among the EoIs, in a second stage the iEEG was Stockwell-transformed into the time-frequency domain, and the instantaneous power spectrum was parameterized. The parameters were optimized for HFO detection in patient 1 and tested in patients 2–5. Channels were ranked by HFO rate and those with rate above half maximum constituted the HFO area. The seizure onset zone (SOZ) served as gold standard.


The detector distinguished HFOs from artifacts and other EEG activity such as interictal epileptiform spikes. Computation took few minutes. We found HFOs with relevant power at frequencies also below the 80–500 Hz band, which is conventionally associated with HFOs. The HFO area overlapped with the SOZ with good specificity > 90% for five patients and one patient was re-operated. The performance of the detector was compared to two well-known detectors.


Compared to methods detecting energy changes in filtered signals, our second stage - analysis in the time-frequency domain - discards spurious detections caused by artifacts or sharp epileptic activity and improves the detection of HFOs. The fast computation and reasonable accuracy hold promise for the diagnostic value of the detector.  相似文献   

Automatic imitation is a cornerstone of nonverbal communication that fosters rapport between interaction partners. Recent research has suggested that stable dimensions of personality are antecedents to automatic imitation, but the empirical evidence linking imitation with personality traits is restricted to a few studies with modest sample sizes. Additionally, atypical imitation has been documented in autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia, but the mechanisms underpinning these behavioural profiles remain unclear. Using a larger sample than prior studies (N=243), the current study tested whether performance on a computer-based automatic imitation task could be predicted by personality traits associated with social behaviour (extraversion and agreeableness) and with disorders of social cognition (autistic-like and schizotypal traits). Further personality traits (narcissism and empathy) were assessed in a subsample of participants (N=57). Multiple regression analyses showed that personality measures did not predict automatic imitation. In addition, using a similar analytical approach to prior studies, no differences in imitation performance emerged when only the highest and lowest 20 participants on each trait variable were compared. These data weaken support for the view that stable personality traits are antecedents to automatic imitation and that neural mechanisms thought to support automatic imitation, such as the mirror neuron system, are dysfunctional in autism spectrum disorders or schizophrenia. In sum, the impact that personality variables have on automatic imitation is less universal than initial reports suggest.  相似文献   

残基相互作用网络是体现蛋白质中残基与残基之间协同和制约关系的重要形式。残基相互作用网络的拓扑性质以及社团结构与蛋白质的功能和性质有密切的关系。本文在构建一系列耐热木聚糖酶和常温木聚糖酶的残基相互作用网络后,通过计算网络的度、聚类系数、连接强度、特征路径长度、接近中心性、介数中心性等拓扑参数来确定网络拓扑结构与木聚糖酶耐热性的关系。识别残基相互作用网络的hub点,分析hub点的亲疏水性、带电性以及各种氨基酸在hub点中所占的比例。进一步使用GA-Net算法对网络进行社团划分,并计算社团的规模、直径和密度。网络的高平均度、高连接强度、以及更短的最短路径等表明耐热木聚糖酶残基相互作用网络的结构更加紧密;耐热木聚糖酶网络中的hub节点比常温木聚糖酶网络hub节点具有更多的疏水性残基,hub点中Phe、Ile、Val的占比更高。社团检测后发现,耐热木聚糖酶网络拥有更大的社团规模、较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度。社团规模越大表明耐热木聚糖酶的氨基酸残基更倾向于形成大的社团,而较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度则表明社团内部氨基酸残基的相互作用比常温木聚糖酶更强。  相似文献   

残基相互作用网络是体现蛋白质中残基与残基之间协同和制约关系的重要形式。残基相互作用网络的拓扑性质以及社团结构与蛋白质的功能和性质有密切的关系。本文在构建一系列耐热木聚糖酶和常温木聚糖酶的残基相互作用网络后,通过计算网络的度、聚类系数、连接强度、特征路径长度、接近中心性、介数中心性等拓扑参数来确定网络拓扑结构与木聚糖酶耐热性的关系。识别残基相互作用网络的hub点,分析hub点的亲疏水性、带电性以及各种氨基酸在hub点中所占的比例。进一步使用GA-Net算法对网络进行社团划分,并计算社团的规模、直径和密度。网络的高平均度、高连接强度、以及更短的最短路径等表明耐热木聚糖酶残基相互作用网络的结构更加紧密;耐热木聚糖酶网络中的hub节点比常温木聚糖酶网络hub节点具有更多的疏水性残基,hub点中Phe、Ile、Val的占比更高。社团检测后发现,耐热木聚糖酶网络拥有更大的社团规模、较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度。社团规模越大表明耐热木聚糖酶的氨基酸残基更倾向于形成大的社团,而较小的社团直径和较大的社团密度则表明社团内部氨基酸残基的相互作用比常温木聚糖酶更强。  相似文献   

The wettability of the articular surface of cartilage depends on the condition of its surface active phospholipid overlay, which is structured as multi-bilayer. Based on a hypothesis that the surface of cartilage facilitates the almost frictionless lubrication of the joint, we examined the characteristics of this membrane surface entity in both its normal and degenerated conditions using a combination of atomic force microscopy, contact angle measurement, and friction test methods. The observations have led to the conclusions that (1) the acid–base equilibrium condition influences the lubrication effectiveness of the surface of cartilage and (2) the friction coefficient is significantly dependent on the hydrophobicity of the surface of the tissue, thereby confirming the hypothesis tested in this paper. Both wettability angle and interfacial energy were obtained for varying conditions of the cartilage surface both in its wet, dry and lipid-depleted conditions. The interfacial energy also increased with mole fraction of the lipid species reaching an asymptotic value after 0.6. Also, the friction coefficient was found to decrease to an asymptotic level as the wettability angle increased. The result reveal that the interfacial energy increased with pH till pH = 4.0, and then decreased from pH = 4.0 to reach equilibrium at pH = 7.0.  相似文献   

诊断相关组——预付款制度被越来越多的国家和地区应用到医疗管理领域中。中国经过多年的探索和研究,以新一轮医药卫生体制改革为契机,部分省市(如北京)的健康保健部门有计划地将诊断相关组——预付款制度应用到医疗费用管理中,然而对于诊断相关组——预付款制度与临床路径的关系仍然存在热议。着重研究诊断相关组——预付款制度与临床路径的内涵和实质,分析二者之间的内在联系,并在此基础上提出促进二者协调发展的建议。  相似文献   

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