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3D Traction forces in cancer cell invasion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell invasion through a dense three-dimensional (3D) matrix is believed to depend on the ability of cells to generate traction forces. To quantify the role of cell tractions during invasion in 3D, we present a technique to measure the elastic strain energy stored in the matrix due to traction-induced deformations. The matrix deformations around a cell were measured by tracking the 3D positions of fluorescent beads tightly embedded in the matrix. The bead positions served as nodes for a finite element tessellation. From the strain in each element and the known matrix elasticity, we computed the local strain energy in the matrix surrounding the cell. We applied the technique to measure the strain energy of highly invasive MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma and A-125 lung carcinoma cells in collagen gels. The results were compared to the strain energy generated by non-invasive MCF-7 breast and A-549 lung carcinoma cells. In all cases, cells locally contracted the matrix. Invasive breast and lung carcinoma cells showed a significantly higher contractility compared to non-invasive cells. Higher contractility, however, was not universally associated with higher invasiveness. For instance, non-invasive A-431 vulva carcinoma cells were the most contractile cells among all cell lines tested. As a universal feature, however, we found that invasive cells assumed an elongated spindle-like morphology as opposed to a more spherical shape of non-invasive cells. Accordingly, the distribution of strain energy density around invasive cells followed patterns of increased complexity and anisotropy. These results suggest that not so much the magnitude of traction generation but their directionality is important for cancer cell invasion.  相似文献   

Cell migration is essential for tissue development in different physiological and pathological conditions. It is a complex process orchestrated by chemistry, biological factors, microstructure and surrounding mechanical properties. Focusing on the mechanical interactions, cells do not only exert forces on the matrix that surrounds them, but they also sense and react to mechanical cues in a process called mechano-sensing. Here, we hypothesize the involvement of mechano-sensing in the regulation of directional cell migration through a three-dimensional (3D) matrix. For this purpose, we develop a 3D numerical model of individual cell migration, which incorporates the mechano-sensing process of the cell as the main mechanism regulating its movement. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that factors, such as substrate stiffness, boundary conditions and external forces, regulate specific and distinct cell movements.  相似文献   

Cancer invasion into an extracellular matrix (ECM) results from a biophysical reciprocal interplay between the expanding cancer lesion and tissue barriers imposed by the adjacent microenvironment. In vivo, connective tissue provides both densely packed ECM barriers adjacent to channel/track-like spaces and loosely organized zones, both of which may impact cancer invasion mode and efficiency; however little is known about how three-dimensional (3D) spaces and aligned tracks present in interstitial tissue guide cell invasion. We here describe a two-photon laser ablation procedure to generate 3D microtracks in dense 3D collagen matrices that support and guide collective cancer cell invasion. Whereas collective invasion of mammary tumor (MMT) breast cancer cells into randomly organized collagen networks required matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity for cell-derived collagen breakdown, re-alignment and track generation, preformed tracks supported MMP-independent collective invasion down to a track caliber of 3 μm. Besides contact guidance along the track of least resistance and initial cell deformation (squeezing), MMP-independent collective cell strands led to secondary track expansion by a pushing mechanism. Thus, two-photon laser ablation is useful to generate barrier-free microtracks in a 3D ECM which guide collective invasion independently of pericellular proteolysis.  相似文献   

Cells sense and respond to the rigidity of their microenvironment by altering their morphology and migration behavior. To examine this response, hydrogels with a range of moduli or mechanical gradients have been developed. Here, we show that edge effects inherent in hydrogels supported on rigid substrates also influence cell behavior. A Matrigel hydrogel was supported on a rigid glass substrate, an interface which computational techniques revealed to yield relative stiffening close to the rigid substrate support. To explore the influence of these gradients in 3D, hydrogels of varying Matrigel content were synthesized and the morphology, spreading, actin organization, and migration of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumor cells were examined at the lowest (<50 μm) and highest (>500 μm) gel positions. GBMs adopted bipolar morphologies, displayed actin stress fiber formation, and evidenced fast, mesenchymal migration close to the substrate, whereas away from the interface, they adopted more rounded or ellipsoid morphologies, displayed poor actin architecture, and evidenced slow migration with some amoeboid characteristics. Mechanical gradients produced via edge effects could be observed with other hydrogels and substrates and permit observation of responses to multiple mechanical environments in a single hydrogel. Thus, hydrogel-support edge effects could be used to explore mechanosensitivity in a single 3D hydrogel system and should be considered in 3D hydrogel cell culture systems.  相似文献   

Han  Ping  Liu  Jingmei  Lei  Yu  Lin  Zhuoying  Tian  Dean  Yan  Wei 《Journal of physiology and biochemistry》2019,75(4):489-498
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - Collective cell migration plays an important role in embryonic development, wound healing, and cancer metastasis. We aimed to investigate the expression,...  相似文献   

Model systems mimicking the extracellular matrix (ECM) have greatly helped in quantifying cell migration in three dimensions and elucidated the molecular determinants of cellular motility in morphogenesis, regeneration, and disease progression. Here we tested the suitability of proteolytically degradable synthetic poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based hydrogels as an ECM model system for cell migration research and compared this designer matrix with the two well-established ECM mimetics fibrin and collagen. Three-dimensional migration of dermal fibroblasts was quantified by time-lapse microscopy and automated single-cell tracking. A broadband matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, a potent MMP-inducer in fibroblasts, were used to alter MMP regulation. We demonstrate a high sensitivity of migration in synthetic networks to both MMP modulators: inhibition led to an almost complete suppression of migration in PEG hydrogels, whereas MMP upregulation increased the fraction of migrating cells significantly. Conversely, migration in collagen and fibrin proved to be less sensitive to the above MMP modulators, as their fibrillar architecture allowed for MMP-independent migration through preexisting pores. The possibility of molecularly recapitulating key functions of the natural extracellular microenvironment and the improved protease sensitivity makes PEG hydrogels an interesting model system that allows correlation between protease activity and cell migration.  相似文献   

Extracellular proteolysis during cell invasion is thought to be tightly organized, both temporally and spatially. This work presents a simple kinetic model that describes the interactions between extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, proteinases, proteolytic fragments, and integrins. Nonmonotonous behavior arises from enzyme de novo synthesis consecutive to integrin binding to fragments or entire proteins. The model has been simulated using realistic values for kinetic constants and protein concentrations, with fibronectin as the ECM protein. The simulations show damped oscillations of integrin-complex concentrations, indicating alternation of maximal adhesion periods with maximal mobility periods. Comparisons with experimental data from the literature confirm the similarity between this system behavior and cell invasion. The influences on the system of cryptic functions of ECM proteins, proteinase inhibitors, and soluble antiadhesive peptides were examined. The first critical parameter for oscillation is the discrepancy between integrin affinity for intact ECM proteins and the respective proteolytic fragments, thus emphasizing the importance of cryptic functions of ECM proteins in cell invasion. Another critical parameter is the ratio between proteinase and the initial ECM protein concentration. These results suggest new insights into the organization of the ECM degradation during cell invasion.  相似文献   

Cell migration is essential for a variety of biological processes, such as embryogenesis, wound healing, and the immune response. After more than a century of research—mainly on flat surfaces—, there are still many unknowns about cell motility. In particular, regarding how cells migrate within 3D matrices, which more accurately replicate in vivo conditions. We present a novel in silico model of 3D mesenchymal cell migration regulated by the chemical and mechanical profile of the surrounding environment. This in silico model considers cell’s adhesive and nuclear phenotypes, the effects of the steric hindrance of the matrix, and cells ability to degradate the ECM. These factors are crucial when investigating the increasing difficulty that migrating cells find to squeeze their nuclei through dense matrices, which may act as physical barriers. Our results agree with previous in vitro observations where fibroblasts cultured in collagen-based hydrogels did not durotax toward regions with higher collagen concentrations. Instead, they exhibited an adurotactic behavior, following a more random trajectory. Overall, cell’s migratory response in 3D domains depends on its phenotype, and the properties of the surrounding environment, that is, 3D cell motion is strongly dependent on the context.  相似文献   

Introduction: Trophoblast homing to maternal spiral arteries is mandatory for successful placentation. Cell-cell adhesion molecules regulate this process and adhesion molecule expression is altered in impaired placentation. We hypothesize that, similar to immune cell recruitment, trophoblast cell adherence and rolling are primarily mediated by adhesion molecules like, cadherins, immunoglobulins, selectins and their partnering ligands. Here, the interdependence of adhesion molecule expression in trophoblastic cell lines of diverse origin was investigated in relation to their interaction with endothelial cell networks on Matrigel® co-cultures and the effect of specific adhesion molecule knockdown analyzed. Methods: Trophoblastic cells were labeled in red and co-cultured with green HUVEC networks on Matrigel®. Association was quantified after collection of fluorescence microscopy pictures using Wimasis® internet platform and software. Expression of adhesion molecules was analyzed by PCR and Western blot, immuno-fluorescence and flow cytometry. The impact of adhesion molecules on trophoblast-endothelial-cell interaction was investigated using siRNA technique. Results: N-cadherin and CD162 were specifically expressed in the trophoblast cell line HTR-8/SVneo, which closely adhere to and actively migrate toward HUVEC networks on Matrigel®. Suppression of N-cadherin led to a significant alteration in trophoblast-endothelial cell interaction. Expression of VE-cadherin in closely interacting trophoblast cells was not confirmed in vitro. Discussion: We identified N-cadherin to mediate specific interaction between HUVEC and the migrating trophoblast cells HTR-8/SVneo in a Matrigel® co-culture model. VE-cadherin contribution could not be confirmed in vitro. Our results support the hypothesis that impaired N-cadherin but not VE-cadherin expression is involved in trophoblast recruitment to the maternal endothelium.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA), due to cartilage degeneration, is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Currently, there are not efficacious therapies to reverse cartilage degeneration. In this study we evaluated the potential of hybrid hydrogels, composed of a biodegradable and thermosensitive triblock copolymer cross-linked via Michael addition to thiolated hyaluronic acid, in contrasting inflammatory processes underlying OA. Hydrogels composed of different w/w % concentrations of hyaluronan were investigated for their degradation behavior and capacity to release the polysaccharide in a sustained fashion. It was found that hyaluronic acid was controllably released during network degradation with a zero-order release kinetics, and the release rate depended on cross-link density and degradation kinetics of the hydrogels. When locally administered in vivo in an OA mouse model, the hydrogels demonstrated the ability to restore, to some extent, bone remineralization, proteoglycan production, levels of Sox-9 and Runx-2. Furthermore, the downregulation of proinflammatory mediators, such as TNF-α, NFkB, and RANKL and proinflammatory cytokines was observed. In summary, the investigated hydrogel technology represents an ideal candidate for the potential encapsulation and release of drugs relevant in the field of OA. In this context, the hydrogel matrix could act in synergy with the drug, in reversing phenomena of inflammation, cartilage disruption, and bone demineralization associated with OA.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a multiscale, individual-based simulation environment that integrates CompuCell3D for lattice-based modelling on the cellular level and Bionetsolver for intracellular modelling. CompuCell3D or CC3D provides an implementation of the lattice-based Cellular Potts Model or CPM (also known as the Glazier-Graner-Hogeweg or GGH model) and a Monte Carlo method based on the metropolis algorithm for system evolution. The integration of CC3D for cellular systems with Bionetsolver for subcellular systems enables us to develop a multiscale mathematical model and to study the evolution of cell behaviour due to the dynamics inside of the cells, capturing aspects of cell behaviour and interaction that is not possible using continuum approaches. We then apply this multiscale modelling technique to a model of cancer growth and invasion, based on a previously published model of Ramis-Conde et al. (2008) where individual cell behaviour is driven by a molecular network describing the dynamics of E-cadherin and β-catenin. In this model, which we refer to as the centre-based model, an alternative individual-based modelling technique was used, namely, a lattice-free approach. In many respects, the GGH or CPM methodology and the approach of the centre-based model have the same overall goal, that is to mimic behaviours and interactions of biological cells. Although the mathematical foundations and computational implementations of the two approaches are very different, the results of the presented simulations are compatible with each other, suggesting that by using individual-based approaches we can formulate a natural way of describing complex multi-cell, multiscale models. The ability to easily reproduce results of one modelling approach using an alternative approach is also essential from a model cross-validation standpoint and also helps to identify any modelling artefacts specific to a given computational approach.  相似文献   

Summary Examination of estrogen-responsive processes in cell culture is used to investigate hormonal influence on cancer cell growth and gene expression. Most experimental studies have used breast cancer cell lines, in particular MCF7 cells, to investigate estrogen responsiveness. In this study we examined an ovarian cancer cell line, BG-1, which is highly estrogen-responsive in vitro. This observation, plus the fact that the cells are of ovarian rather than mammary gland origin, makes it an attractive alternative model. 17β-Estradiol, epidermal growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor induced proliferation of BG-1 and MCF7 cells. Viability was dependent on these growth factors in BG-1 cells, but not in MCF7 cells. Therefore, we examined the differences between these two cell lines with respect to estrogen and growth factor receptors. BG-1 cells have twice as many estrogen receptors as MCF7 cells, and BG-1 cells have higher insulin-like growth factor-1 and epidermal growth factor receptor levels than MCF7 cells. This may also explain why BG-1 cells proliferate 56% more robustly in serum and show more serum dependence in culture. In both BG-1 and MCF7 cells, epidermal growth factor receptor number is low (<20 000/cell), while insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor level was highest in estrogen receptor positive cell lines. For example, insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor was higher in BG-1 and MCF7 cells than in estrogen receptor negative cells (HeLa>MDA-MB-435>HBL100). In conclusion, BG-1 cells are an excellent model for understanding hormone responsiveness in ovarian tissue and an alternative for examining estrogen receptor-mediated and insulin-like growth factor-1/epidermal growth factor/estrogen cross-talk processes because of their sensitivity to these factors.  相似文献   

An outstanding problem in cancer therapy is the battle against treatment-resistant disease. This is especially true for ovarian cancer, where the majority of patients eventually succumb to treatment-resistant metastatic carcinomatosis. Limited perfusion and diffusion, acidosis, and hypoxia play major roles in the development of resistance to the majority of front-line therapeutic regimens. To overcome these limitations and eliminate otherwise spared cancer cells, we utilized the cationic photosensitizer EtNBS to treat hypoxic regions deep inside in vitro 3D models of metastatic ovarian cancer. Unlike standard regimens that fail to penetrate beyond ~150 μm, EtNBS was found to not only penetrate throughout the entirety of large (>200 μm) avascular nodules, but also concentrate into the nodules' acidic and hypoxic cores. Photodynamic therapy with EtNBS was observed to be highly effective against these hypoxic regions even at low therapeutic doses, and was capable of destroying both normoxic and hypoxic regions at higher treatment levels. Imaging studies utilizing multiphoton and confocal microscopies, as well as time-lapse optical coherence tomography (TL-OCT), revealed an inside-out pattern of cell death, with apoptosis being the primary mechanism of cell killing. Critically, EtNBS-based photodynamic therapy was found to be effective against the model tumor nodules even under severe hypoxia. The inherent ability of EtNBS photodynamic therapy to impart cytotoxicity across a wide range of tumoral oxygenation levels indicates its potential to eliminate treatment-resistant cell populations.  相似文献   

The technique of photoaffinity labeling is applied to the actinomycin D system to provide a novel probe for the examination of the interactions of actinomycin D with nucleic acids. The capacity for covalent attachment of actinomycin D will aid greatly in the study of target-site specificities and the correlations of biological effects with biophysical DNA interactions. Through chemical modification of the parent actinomycin D molecule with a photoreactive azido substituent, a functional analog of the parent actinomycin D is generated having equilibrium binding properties identical to those of the parent molecule yet with the capacity to form a covalent attachment to DNA upon photolysis. The results presented here describe the noncovalent interactions of this photoreactive probe to DNA (absence of light) and compares the binding properties observed to those of the parent actinomycin D and 7-aminoactinomycin D analog. These studies demonstrate that the DNA binding properties (i.e. binding affinity, binding site size, and sequence specificity) retained by the 7-azidoactinomycin D, thus providing a suitable probe for examining actinomycin D-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

This paper examines a new technique for the visualization of and the interaction with trees, objects frequently used to convey hierarchical relationships in biological data. Motivated by the quality of 2D tree interaction, we adapt the planar tree-of-life metaphor to a virtual, semi-immersive 3D environment. A 3D environment extends the utility of this metaphor by allowing the user to view an entire data set in a single screen. Interrogation of the tree is implemented using 3D input devices. This real-time interrogation of the tree itself provides a quick means by which to qualitatively analyse the hierarchical data. In this paper, we describe the techniques underlying the implementation of such an environment. We conclude by considering the utility of tree metaphors as a basis for the representation of highly dimensional data sets. AVAILABILITY: Arbor3D (source code, a binary executable for SGI IRIX 6.4, Perl parsers, and sample Newick data files) are available via the Internet (http://xian.tamu.edu/Arbor3D/). Arbor3D can be displayed in "CAVE simulator" mode on an SGI workstation screen, or as an interactive virtual environment on a projection workbench. CONTACT: druths@rice.edu; echen@cs.rice.edu; leland@xian.tamu.edu  相似文献   

A number of treatments are being investigated for vocal fold (VF) scar, including designer implants. The aim of the present study was to validate a 3D model system for probing the effects of various bioactive moieties on VF fibroblast (VFF) behavior toward rational implant design. We selected poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels as our base‐scaffold due to their broadly tunable material properties. However, since cells encapsulated in PEGDA hydrogels are generally forced to take on rounded/stellate morphologies, validation of PEGDA gels as a 3D VFF model system required that the present work directly parallel previous studies involving more permissive scaffolds. We therefore chose to focus on hyaluronan (HA), a polysaccharide that has been a particular focus of the VF community. Toward this end, porcine VFFs were encapsulated in PEGDA hydrogels containing consistent levels of high M w HA (${\rm HA}_{{\rm H}{M}_{\rm W} } $ ), intermediate Mw HA (${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ ), or the control polysaccharide, alginate, and cultured for 7 and 21 days. ${\rm HA}_{{\rm H}{M}_{\rm W} } $ promoted sustained increases in active ERK1/2 relative to ${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ . Furthermore, VFFs in ${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ gels displayed a more myofibroblast‐like phenotype, higher elastin production, and greater protein kinase C (PkC) levels at day 21 than VFFs in ${\rm HA}_{{\rm H}{M}_{\rm W} } $ and alginate gels. The present results are in agreement with a previous 3D study of VFF responses to ${\rm HA}_{{\rm I}{M}_{\rm W} } $ relative to alginate in collagen‐based scaffolds permissive of cell elongation, indicating that PEGDA hydrogels may serve as an effective 3D model system for probing at least certain aspects of VFF behavior. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 821–831 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An abundance of microfibril-associated glycoprotein 3-like (MFAP3L) significantly correlates with distant metastasis in colorectal cancer (CRC), although the mechanism has yet to be explained. In this study, we observed that MFAP3L knock-down resulted in reduced CRC cell invasion and hepatic metastasis. We evaluated the cellular location and biochemical functions of MFAP3L and found that this protein was primarily localized in the nucleus of CRC cells and acted as a protein kinase. When EGFR translocated into the nucleus upon stimulation with EGF, MFAP3L was phosphorylated at Tyr287 within its SH2 motif, and the activated form of MFAP3L phosphorylated ERK2 at Thr185 and Tyr187. Moreover, the metastatic behavior of CRC cells in vitro and in vivo could be partially explained by activation of the nuclear ERK pathway through MFAP3L phosphorylation. Hence, we experimentally demonstrated for the first time that MFAP3L likely participates in the nuclear signaling of EGFR and ERK2 and acts as a novel nuclear kinase that impacts CRC metastasis.  相似文献   

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