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Background and aims

The emerging consensus posits that ultraviolet (UV) radiation accelerates litter decomposition in xeric environments mainly by preconditioning litter for subsequent microbial decomposition. However, how UV radiation affects the interactions among litter chemistry, microbes, and eventually litter mass during different decomposition stages is still poorly understood.


Here, we conducted a 29-month in situ decomposition experiment with litter exposed to ambient and reduced UV in a semi-arid grassland.


The decomposition rate for Cleistogenes squarrosa and Stipa krylovii under ambient UV was 82 and 111% greater than that under reduced UV, respectively. UV’s positive effect showed three-stage temporal dynamics. During the early stage, UV had no impact on either litter chemistry or mass loss. During the intermediate stage, UV decreased litter carbon concentration and increased dissolved organic carbon concentration, but still had no effect on litter mass. During the late stage, UV exposure increased microbial population size in the surface soil and significantly increased litter mass loss.


Overall, our study suggested that UV exposure accelerated litter decomposition first by improving litter biodegradability during the intermediate stage and then by enhancing microbial decomposition during the late stage. More long-term photodegradation experiments are needed to explore the biotic and abiotic interactions during different decomposition stages.

Adult organ-specific stem cells are essential for organ homeostasis and repair in adult vertebrates. The intestine is one of the best-studied organs in this regard. The intestinal epithelium undergoes constant self-renewal throughout adult life across vertebrates through the proliferation and subsequent differentiation of the adult stem cells. This self-renewal system is established late during development, around birth, in mammals when endogenous thyroid hormone (T3) levels are high. Amphibian metamorphosis resembles mammalian postembryonic development around birth and is totally dependent upon the presence of high levels of T3. During this process, the tadpole intestine, predominantly a monolayer of larval epithelial cells, undergoes drastic transformation. The larval epithelial cells undergo apoptosis and concurrently, adult epithelial stem/progenitor cells develop de novo, rapidly proliferate, and then differentiate to establish a trough-crest axis of the epithelial fold, resembling the crypt-villus axis in the adult mammalian intestine. We and others have studied the T3-dependent remodeling of the intestine in Xenopus laevis. Here we will highlight some of the recent findings on the origin of the adult intestinal stem cells. We will discuss observations suggesting that liganded T3 receptor (TR) regulates cell autonomous formation of adult intestinal progenitor cells and that T3 action in the connective tissue is important for the establishment of the stem cell niche. We will further review evidence suggesting similar T3-dependent formation of adult intestinal stem cells in other vertebrates.  相似文献   

The FERTILE experiment was twice performed onboard the Mir space station during the Cassiopée and Pégase French space missions. The goal was to analyze the effects of microgravity on fertilization and embryonic development, and then on further development on the ground in the amphibian Pleurodeles waltl. The present paper reports development that occurred in the laboratory after landing. Recovered on the ground at the hatching stage, young larvae reared at room temperature underwent metamorphosis and became adults without obvious abnormalities. Of particular interest was the rearing temperature that induced a delayed metamorphosis for animals from the Cassiopée space mission, but not for animals from the Pégase mission. The rate of development and the morphology were analogous in these animals and in ground controls reared in a similar annual period. Analysis of offspring was performed using these animals. Males born in space were first mated with control ground-born females and then with females born in space. The mating gave progeny that developed normally. Depending on the methods used and on the limits of the analyses, the results clearly demonstrated that animals born in space were able to live and reproduce after return to the ground.  相似文献   

The ozone layer depletion evokes the increase of solar UV-B radiation intensity and corresponding reductions of growth (height, leaf area, fresh and dry weight), photosynthetic activity and flowering in higher plants. Competitive interactions also may be altered indirectly by differential growth responses. The UV-B-sensitivity of plants varies both among species and among cultivars of a given species. Photosynthetic activity may be reduced by direct effects on the photosynthetic process or metabolic pathways, or indirectly through effects on photosynthetic pigments or stomatal function. Plants may also respond by accumulating UV-absorbing compounds in their outer tissue layers, which presumably protect sensitive target from UV-damage. The key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathways of these compounds are specifically induced by UV-B irradiation via gene activation. The effects of UV-B radiation on plants can be modified by prevailing microclimatic conditions. Plants tend to be less sensitive to UV-B under drought or mineral deficiency, while sensitivity increases under low levels of visible light. Prognoses of agricultural yield reduction and economic loss for different scenarious of stratospheric ozone depletion are presented.  相似文献   

1. A series of growth experiments were conducted with natural plankton communities from a lake and river in northern Quebec, to evaluate the response of microbial foodweb structure to changes in ambient temperature and solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR). 2. Bioassays were incubated for 6 days at two temperatures (10 and 20 °C) and three near-surface irradiance conditions [photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) + UVA + UVB, PAR + UVA, and PAR only). 3. The concentration of total bacteria showed no net response to temperature, but the percentage of actively respiring bacteria, as measured with the cellular redox probe 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC), was up to 57% higher at 20 °C relative to 10 °C. Chlorophyll a concentrations in the < 2 μm size fraction also reacted strongly to temperature, with a net increase of up to 61% over the temperature range of 10–20 °C. 4. The UVR effects were small or undetectable for most of the measured variables; however, the percentage of actively respiring bacteria was significantly inhibited in the presence of UVR at 20 °C, decreasing by 29–48% on day 6 in the lake experiments and by 59% on day 2 in one river experiment. 5. The results show differential sensitivity to temperature among organisms of microbial communities in subarctic freshwaters, and a resilience by the majority of micro-organisms to their present UVR conditions. Microbial foodwebs in northern freshwaters appear to be relatively unresponsive to short-term (days) changes in UVR. However, the observed responses to temperature suggest that climate change could influence community structure, with warmer temperatures favouring picoplanktonic phototrophs and heterotrophs, and a shift in nanoplankton species composition and size structure.  相似文献   

Irradiation with ultraviolet B (UVB; 290–320 nm) initiates systemic immunosuppression of contact hypersensitivity (CHS). UV dose-responses for suppression of CHS to trinitrochlorobenzene were established in 18 strains of inbred mice. Three phenotypes with significantly different susceptibilities to UV suppression were identified. The phenotypes were: high (HI) susceptibility, 50% suppression with 0.7–2.3 kJ/m2 UV (C57BL/6, C57BL/10, and C57L and NZB females); low (LO) susceptibility, 50% suppression with 9.6–12.3 kJ/m2 UV (BALB/c, AKR, SJL and NZW), and intermediate (INT) susceptibility, 50% suppression with 4.7–6.9 kJ/m2 UV (DBA/2, C57BR, C3H/HeJ, C3H/HeN, CBA/N and A/J). UV suppression was not correlated with skin pigmentation or with the magnitude of the CHS response in non-irradiated animals. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotype was not correlated with UV suppression in MHC congenic strains B10.D2/oSnJ, B10.D2/nSnJ, B10.BR/SgSnJ, and A.BY/SnJ. There were no sex differences in UV suppression in BALB/c, C57BL/6, or NZW animals. In the autoimmune NZB strain, however, male mice (LO) were seven times less sensitive to UV suppression than NZB female mice (HI). Both sexes of (NZB × NZW)F1 and (NZW × NZB)F1 mice were HI, supporting dominance of HI over LO. Thus there are genetic factors and interacting sex-limited factors determining susceptibility to UV suppression. These findings may be of relevance to UV-related diseases such as photosensitive lupus and skin cancer. Correspondence to: F. P. Noonan.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that natural ultraviolet (UV) radiation increases secondary products such as phenolics but can significantly inhibit biomass accumulation in lettuce plants. In the work presented here, the effect of UV radiation on phenolic concentration and biomass accumulation was assessed in relation to photosynthetic performance in red and green lettuce types. Lettuce plants in polythene clad tunnels were exposed to either ambient (UV transparent film) or UV-free conditions (UV blocking film). The study tested whether growth reduction in lettuce plants exposed to natural UV radiation is because of inhibition of photosynthesis by direct damage to the photosynthetic apparatus or by internal shading by anthocyanins. Ambient levels of UV radiation did not limit the efficiency of photosynthesis suggesting that phenolic compounds may effectively protect the photosynthetic apparatus. Growth inhibition does, however, occur in red lettuce and could be explained by the high metabolic cost of phenolic compounds for UV protection. From a commercial perspective, UV transparent and UV blocking films offer opportunities because, in combination, they could increase plant quality as well as productivity. Growing plants continuously under a UV blocking film, and then 6 days before the final harvest transferring them to a UV transparent film, showed that high yields and high phytochemical content can be achieved complementarily.  相似文献   

Sheĭman IM  Shkutin MF 《Biofizika》2003,48(1):111-116
The effect of weak electromagnetic radiation (36 GHz, 100 mu W/cm2) on the development of the grain beetle Tenebrio molitor was studied. Insects were irradiated in different larval instars and at the pupal stage. It was found that weak electromagnetic radiation stimulated the molting and pupation of larvae and the metamorphosis of pupae. The stimulating effect of radiation was weak when animals were exposed in the initial period of the instar and the pupal stage and was more pronounced if the irradiation was carried out in the second half of the current instar and the pupil stage. The effect of weak electromagnetic radiation on the development of beetle can be related to the function of the hormones of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Experiments using a monospecific antibody directed against one type of epidermis-specific keratin from adult skin of the amphibian Xenopus laevis have demonstrated that polysomes synthesizing this protein first appear within larval skin during natural metamorphosis. Further experiments demonstrated that the synthesis of keratin within larval skin could be induced precociously by the thyroid hormone, 3,3′,5-triiodo-l-thyronine, both in vivo and when the isolated larval skin is cultured in vitro. The earliest developmental age responsive to such hormone induction appeared to be Stage 5052 of larval development. This is about 20–24 days before keratin would normally make its appearance within the skin during natural metamorphosis. Hormone treatment of tadpoles at this age will also cause a precocious increase in the amount of keratin messenger RNA present within larval skin. This has been demonstrated directly by the isolation of poly(A)-containing messenger RNA from hormone-treated larvae and its translation in a wheat germ cell-free system to give immunoprecipitable keratin. Peptide analysis of the in vitro translation product indicates that the hormone-induced mRNA probably codes for an initial protein product that is slightly larger than keratin itself.  相似文献   

Abstract Pounds et al. recently argued that the dramatic, fungal pathogen‐linked extinctions of numerous harlequin frogs (Atelopus spp.) in upland rainforests of South America mostly occurred immediately following exceptionally warm years, implicating global warming as a likely trigger for these extinctions. I tested this hypothesis using temperature data for eastern Australia, where at least 14 upland‐rainforest frog species have also experienced extinctions or striking population declines attributed to the same fungal pathogen, and where temperatures have also risen significantly in recent decades. My analyses provide little direct support for the warm‐year hypothesis of Pounds et al., although my statistical power to detect effects of small (0.5°C) temperature increases was limited. However, I found stronger support for a modified version of the warm‐year hypothesis, whereby frog declines were likely to occur following three consecutive years of unusually warm weather. This trend was apparent only at tropical latitudes, where rising minimum temperatures were greatest. Although much remains uncertain, my findings appear consistent with the notion that global warming could predispose some upland amphibian populations to virulent pathogens.  相似文献   

Immunological factors are important participants in the pathogenesis of experimental skin tumors. We therefore studied cutaneous immune responses in subjects with either low natural incidence (Black individuals), or a high frequency rate (White individuals) of skin cancer. We performed whole body irradiation with a low dose of ultraviolet light B (UV-B) and evaluated peripheral lymphocytes. UV-B irradiation was associated with small but significant changes in lymphocyte phenotype frequency. In White subjects this consisted of an increased number of CD19 (B cells) and CD 4/29 (inducer of helper T cells); Black subjects had a slight decrease in CD3 (T cells). Natural killer activity, not affected by UV-B in White subjects, increased significantly in Black subjects. UV-B was devoid of immunological effects in vitro for any of the parameters tested. As expected, the low UV-B dose used in this study induced increases of serum vitamin D3 concentrations in White subjects, with lack of response in the Black subjects. We conclude that Black individuals selectively exhibit an increase in Natural Killer activity in response to irradiation with low dose UV-B. This race group-specific immune response to ultraviolet radiation appears to require mediation by the skin. Enhanced Natural Killer activity could underlie at least partly the resistance in Black individuals to the development of photodependent skin cancer.  相似文献   

Ecosystem disturbance is increasing in extent, severity and frequency across the globe. To date, research has largely focussed on the impacts of disturbance on animal population size, extinction risk and species richness. However, individual responses, such as changes in body condition, can act as more sensitive metrics and may provide early warning signs of reduced fitness and population declines. We conducted the first global systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the impacts of ecosystem disturbance on reptile and amphibian body condition. We collated 384 effect sizes representing 137 species from 133 studies. We tested how disturbance type, species traits, biome and taxon moderate the impacts of disturbance on body condition. We found an overall negative effect of disturbance on herpetofauna body condition (Hedges' g = −0.37, 95% CI: −0.57, −0.18). Disturbance type was an influential predictor of body condition response and all disturbance types had a negative mean effect. Drought, invasive species and agriculture had the largest effects. The impact of disturbance varied in strength and direction across biomes, with the largest negative effects found within Mediterranean and temperate biomes. In contrast, taxon, body size, habitat specialisation and conservation status were not influential predictors of disturbance effects. Our findings reveal the widespread effects of disturbance on herpetofauna body condition and highlight the potential role of individual-level response metrics in enhancing wildlife monitoring. The use of individual response metrics alongside population and community metrics would deepen our understanding of disturbance impacts by revealing both early impacts and chronic effects within affected populations. This could enable early and more informed conservation management.  相似文献   

1. Liver catalase, D-amino acid oxidase, urate oxidase of Alytes obstetricans and Xenopus laevis (anuran amphibians) and fatty acyl-CoA oxidase of Alytes were present at all post-embryonic stages. 2. Catalase and D-amino acid oxidase activities increased during spontaneous metamorphosis of the two species. 3. During triiodothyronine-induced metamorphosis of Alytes larvae, catalase and D-amino acid oxidase activities increased after a latent period. 4. Our results suggest that expression of some hepatic peroxisomal enzymes is modulated by thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

Roughly 80% of animal species have complex life cycles spanning a major habitat shift, and delayed life history effects play an important role in their population dynamics. Through their effect on size at metamorphosis, factors in the pre‐ metamorphic environment often have profound effects upon survival and fecundity in the post‐metamorphic environment. Here, we adopted a combined experimental and field observational approach to investigate the factors that determine size at metamorphosis in pond‐breeding amphibians, and to predict some of their downstream effects on population stability. We set up ecologically realistic mesocosm communities for the endangered California tiger salamander Ambystoma californiense to test the effects of larval density, prey density and hydroperiod on mean size at metamorphosis. We found significant effects for all three factors, with mean size at metamorphosis negatively correlated with larval density and positively correlated with prey density and hydroperiod. We also used six years of field survey data to identify the most informative model explaining mean size at metamorphosis and thus validate our mesocosm results. The optimal three‐term model identified terms that were roughly analogous to each of the mesocosm treatments and with similar effect sizes, providing strong field confirmation of our experimental results. The field data also provide correlations between each factor and the number of metamorphs recruited to the population, allowing us to predict the effect of each factor on population stability. Finally, we show that these populations of the endangered A. californiense are strongly resource limited, which has important implications for their management and recovery as an endangered taxon.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet B radiation (UVBR) damages the DNA of exposed cells, causing dimers to form between adjacent pyrimidine nucleotides. These dimers block DNA replication, causing mutations and apoptosis. Most organisms utilize biochemical or biophysical DNA repair strategies to restore DNA structure; however, as with most biological reactions, these processes are likely to be thermally sensitive. Tadpoles exposed to elevated UVBR at low environmental temperatures have significantly higher rates of mortality and developmental deformities compared with tadpoles exposed to the same levels of UVBR at higher environmental temperatures. We hypothesized that low environmental temperatures impair the primary enzymatic (photolyase) DNA repair pathway in amphibians, leading to the accumulation of DNA damage. To test this hypothesis, we compared DNA repair rates and photolyase gene expression patterns in Limnodynastes peronii. Tadpoles were acutely exposed to UVBR for 1 hr at either 20 or 30°C, and we measured DNA damage and photolyase expression levels at intervals following this exposure. Temperature had a significant effect on the rate of DNA repair, with repair at 30°C occurring twice as fast as repair at 20°C. Photolyase gene expression (6‐4 PP and CPD) was significantly upregulated by UVBR exposure, with expression levels increasing within 6 hr of UVBR exposure. CPD expression levels were not significantly affected by temperature, but 6‐4 PP expression was significantly higher in tadpoles in the 30°C treatment within 12 hr of UVBR exposure. These data support the hypothesis that DNA repair rates are thermally sensitive in tadpoles and may explain why enigmatic amphibian declines are higher in montane regions where UVBR levels are naturally elevated and environmental temperatures are lower.  相似文献   

Robert A. Newman 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):9-16
Phenotypic plasticity is adaptive for an organism inhabiting a variable environment if the optimal phenotype of a trait that affects fitness varies with environmental conditions, and if the organism can perceive environmental conditions and respond appropriately. Wilbur and Collins have proposed that amphibian larvae might respond adaptively to changes in their resource environment. If conditions for growth in the aquatic environment deteriorate, then a tadpole should metamorphose earlier and smaller than a tadpole under constant high growth conditions. Several experiments on a variety of species have tested this prediction, but only one demonstrated such a response. That experiment involved Couch's spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus couchii) and employed a gradual decrease in food level, whereas the others all used an abrupt switch from high to low food. The purpose of the present experiment was to examine the response of S. couchii to an abrupt change in food level, and to determine if the response depended on the level of two other factors, density and temperature, that also affect larval development. The average effects of the abrupt change in food level were similar to those seen in studies on other species: age at metamorphosis was primarily determined by the early food regime, and size at metamorphosis was determined by food level late in the larval period, suggesting that the effect of decreased food depends on how the food change is done. However, the response to even an abrupt food change depended on interactions with other environmental factors. At high temperature, high initial food, and low density, development was very rapid and tadpoles switched from high to low food metamorphosed at about the same time and size as those at constant high food. In contrast, under high temperature and high initial food conditions, but at high density, tadpoles switched to low food metamorphosed somewhat earlier and smaller, on average, than tadpoles kept at high food. At low temperature, the direction of response depended on density: tadpoles metamorphosed much smaller and slightly, but significantly, earlier at low density, but smaller and later at high density. The developmental response to increased food also varied with temperature. Larvae at high temperature metamorphosed earlier and larger than those at constant low food. At low temperature, larvae metamorphosed larger, but at nearly the same time as their counterparts at constant low food. The combination of high density and constant low food prevented any tadpoles from metamorphosing at high temperature, and allowed relatively few metamorphs at low temperature. Under conditions which impose either very rapid or retarded development, the opportunity to respond to altered food level may be limited. Interactions among environmental factors, therefore, may constrain responses to changing conditions, and may even prevent completion of development. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   

Direct predation upon parasites has the potential to reduce infection in host populations. For example, the fungal parasite of amphibians, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), is commonly transmitted through a free‐swimming zoospore stage that may be vulnerable to predation. Potential predators of Bd include freshwater zooplankton that graze on organisms in the water column. We tested the ability of two species of freshwater crustacean (Daphnia magna and D. dentifera) to consume Bd and to reduce Bd density in water and infection in tadpoles. In a series of laboratory experiments, we allowed Daphnia to graze in water containing Bd while manipulating Daphnia densities, Daphnia species identity, grazing periods and concentrations of suspended algae (Ankistrodesmus falcatus). We then exposed tadpoles to the grazed water. We found that high densities of D. magna reduced the amount of Bd detected in water, leading to a reduction in the proportion of tadpoles that became infected. Daphnia dentifera, a smaller species of Daphnia, also reduced Bd in water samples, but did not have an effect on tadpole infection. We also found that algae affected Bd in complex ways. When Daphnia were absent, less Bd was detected in water and tadpole samples when concentrations of algae were higher, indicating a direct negative effect of algae on Bd. When Daphnia were present, however, the amount of Bd detected in water samples showed the opposite trend, with less Bd when densities of algae were lower. Our results indicate that Daphnia can reduce Bd levels in water and infection in tadpoles, but these effects vary with species, algal concentration, and Daphnia density. Therefore, the ability of predators to consume parasites and reduce infection is likely to vary depending on ecological context.  相似文献   

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