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Glycogen synthase stimulated the autophosphorylation and autoactivation of phosphorylase kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle. This stimulation was additive to that by glycogen and the reaction was dependent on Ca2+. The effect by glycogen synthase was maximum within the activity ratio (the activity of enzyme without glucose-6-P divided by the activity with 10 mM glucose-6-P) of 0.3 and over 0.3 it was rather inhibitory. The results suggest that autophosphorylation of phosphorylase kinase in the presence of glycogen synthase on glycogen particles may be an important regulatory mechanism of glycogen metabolism in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

A calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase distinct from phosphorylase kinase has been purified approximately equal to 5000-fold from rabbit skeletal muscle by a procedure involving fractionation with ammonium sulphate (0-33%), and chromatographies on phosphocellulose, calmodulin-Sepharose and DEAE-Sepharose. 0.75 mg of protein was obtained from 5000 g of muscle within 4 days, corresponding to a yield of approximately equal to 3%. The Km for glycogen synthase was 3.0 microM and the V 1.6-2.0 mumol min-1 mg-1. The purified enzyme showed a major protein staining band (Mr 58 000) and a minor component (Mr 54 000) when examined by dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was determined to be 696 000 by sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation, indicating a dodecameric structure. Electron microscopy suggested that the 12 subunits were arranged as two hexameric rings stacked one upon the other. Following incubation with Mg-ATP and Ca2+-calmodulin, the purified protein kinase underwent an 'autophosphorylation reaction'. The reaction reached a plateau when approximately equal to 5 mol of phosphate had been incorporated per 58 000-Mr subunit. Both the 58 000-Mr and 54 000-Mr species were phosphorylated to a similar extent. Autophosphorylation did not affect the catalytic activity. The calmodulin-dependent protein kinase initially phosphorylated glycogen synthase at site-2, followed by a slower phosphorylation of site-1 b. The protein kinase also phosphorylated smooth muscle myosin light chains, histone H1, acetyl-CoA carboxylase and ATP-citrate lyase. These findings suggest that the calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase may be a enzyme of broad specificity in vivo. Glycogen synthase kinase-4 is an enzyme that resembles the calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase in phosphorylating glycogen synthase (at site-2), but not glycogen phosphorylase. Glycogen synthase kinase-4 was unable to phosphorylate any of the other proteins phosphorylated by the calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase, nor could it phosphorylate site 1 b of glycogen synthase. The results demonstrate that glycogen synthase kinase-4 is not a proteolytic fragment of the calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase, that has lost its ability to be regulated by Ca2+-calmodulin.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was purified from rabbit brain and its properties were compared with those of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II from rat brain and calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle. Rabbit brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was clearly distinguished from rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase kinase with respect to size, behavior on autophosphorylation, immunological cross-reactivity and peptide mapping, but was indistinguishable from rat brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in all respects examined. Thus, differences between calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and glycogen synthase kinase appear not to reflect a species difference but to reflect a tissue difference.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle contains a protein whose molecular mass as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is 571 000 Da. The protein was found to possess a higher affinity for glycogen as compared to phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase. The protein separated from kinase by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column produced during SDS electrophoresis one protein band corresponding to Mr of 95 200 Da. The above properties of the protein and the glycogen synthetase activity revealed in the presence of glucose-6-phosphate suggest that phosphorylase kinase preparations contain a hexameric form of glycogen synthetase.  相似文献   

A form of glycogen synthase kinase designated GSK-M3 was purified 4000-fold from rat skeletal muscle by phosphocellulose, Affi-Gel blue, Sephacryl S-300 and carboxymethyl-Sephadex column chromatography. Separation of GSK-M from the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase was facilitated by converting the catalytic subunit to the holoenzyme form by addition of the regulatory subunit prior to the gel filtration step. GSK-M had an apparent Mr 62,000 (based on gel filtration), an apparent Km of 11 microM for ATP, and an apparent Km of 4 microM for rat skeletal muscle glycogen synthase. The kinase had very little activity with 0.2 mM GTP as the phosphate donor. Kinase activity was not affected by the addition of cyclic nucleotides, EGTA, heparin, glucose 6-P, glycogen, or the heat-stable inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase from rat skeletal muscle by GSK-M reduced the activity ratio (activity in the absence of Glc-6-P/activity in the presence of Glc-6-P X 100) from 90 to 25% when approximately 1.2 mol of phosphate was incorporated per mole of glycogen synthase subunit. Phosphopeptide maps of glycogen synthase obtained after digestion with CNBr or trypsin showed that this kinase phosphorylated glycogen synthase in serine residues found in the peptides containing the sites known as site 2, which is located in the N-terminal CNBr peptide, and site 3, which is located in the C-terminal CNBr peptide of glycogen synthase. In addition to phosphorylating glycogen synthase, GSK-M phosphorylated inhibitor 2 and activated ATP-Mg-dependent protein phosphatase. Activation of the protein phosphatase by GSK-M was dependent on ATP and was virtually absent when ATP was replaced with GTP. GSK-M had minimal activity toward phosphorylase b, casein, phosvitin, and mixed histones. These data indicate that GSK-M, a major form of glycogen synthase kinase from rat skeletal muscle, differs from the known glycogen synthase kinases isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify calpain substrates in muscle cells. Our hypothesis was that the yeast two-hybrid method could be used to identify novel calpain substrates. To accomplish this, native mu- and m-calpains, as well as a variety of calpain DNA fragments, were expressed in yeast cells and used to screen for binding proteins in a human skeletal muscle cDNA library. Calpain constructs that were used in the screening process included native mu- and m-calpains, a dominant negative (DN) m-calpain (i.e. active site modified), N-terminal truncated DN m-calpain (i.e. autolyzed DN-m-calpain) and, finally, an N- and C-terminal truncated m-calpain (i.e. autolyzed DN-m-calpain lacking a calcium-binding domain). Yeast cells were transformed using yeast two-hybrid expression vectors containing the different calpain constructs as "baits". Beta-galactosidase activity was assayed as an index of interaction between calpain and its potential target proteins. From this analysis, four clones (Ca2+-ATPase, novel nebulin-related protein (N-RAP), creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase) were recovered. Two of these, creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase, were selected for further study. In in-vitro assays, calpain was able to partially digest both proteins, suggesting that both creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase are natural calpain substrates.  相似文献   

Rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase was phosphorylated by kinase Fa, phosphorylase kinase, and cAMP-independent synthase (casein) kinase-1 to determine the differences among these kinase-catalyzed reactions. The stoichiometry of phosphate incorporation, the extent of inactivation, and the sites of phosphorylation were compared. Synthase (casein) kinase-1 catalyzes the highest level of synthase phosphorylation (4 mol/subunit) and inactivation (reduction of the activity ratio to below 0.05). The sites, defined by characteristic tryptic peptides, phosphorylated by synthase (casein) kinase-1 are distinguishable from those by kinase Fa and phosphorylase kinase. In addition, synthase (casein) kinase-1, unlike kinase Fa, does not activate ATP X Mg2+-dependent protein phosphatase. These results demonstrate that synthase (casein) kinase-1 is a distinct glycogen synthase kinase.  相似文献   

A cyclic AMP-independent casein (phosvitin) kinase eluted from a phosphocellulose column with 0.35 M KCl also possesses glycogen synthase kinase activity. This kinase, designated synthase kinase 1, is separable from other cyclic AMP-independent protein kinases, which also contain glycogen synthase kinase activity, by chromatography on a phosphocellulose column. This kinase was purified 15,000-fold from the crude extract. Synthase kinase activity co-purifies with casein and phosvitin kinase activities. Heat inactivation of these three kinase activities follow similar kinetics. It is suggested that these three kinase activities reside in a single protein. This kinase has a molecular weight of approximately 34,000 as determined by glycerol density gradient centrifugation and by gel filtration. The Km values for the synthase kinase-catalyzed reaction are 0.12 mg/ml (0.35 micronM) for synthase, 12 micronM for ATP, and 0.15 mM for Mg2+. The phosphorylation of glycogen synthase by the kinase results in the incorporation of 4 mol of phosphate/85,000 subunit; however, only two of the phosphate sites predominantly determine the glucose-6-P dependency of the synthase. Synthase kinase activity is sensitive to inhibition by NaCl or KCl at concentrations encountered during purification. Synthase kinase activity is insensitive to the allosteric effector (glucose-6-P) or substrate (UDP-glucose) of glycogen synthase at concentrations usually found under physiological condition.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase kinase is phosphorylated by glycogen synthase (casein) kinase-1 (CK-1) primarily on the beta subunit (beta = 1 mol of PO4; alpha = 0.2 mol of PO4) when the reaction was carried out in beta-glycerophosphate. The resultant enzyme activation was 16-fold (Singh, T. J., Akatsuka, A., and Huang, K.-P. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 13379-13384). In the present study we found that in Tris-Cl buffer CK-1 catalyzes the incorporation of greater than 2 mol of PO4/monomer into each of the alpha and beta subunits. Phosphorylase kinase activation resulting from the higher level of phosphorylation remained 16-fold. 32P-Labeled tryptic peptides from the alpha and beta subunits were analyzed by isoelectric focusing. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A-kinase) phosphorylates a single major site in each of the alpha and beta subunits at 1.5 mM Mg2+. In addition to these two sites, A-kinase phosphorylates at least three other sites in the alpha subunit at 10 mM Mg2+. CK-1 also catalyzes the phosphorylation of multiple sites in both the alpha and beta subunits. Of the two major sites phosphorylated by CK-1 in the beta subunit, one of these sites is also recognized by A-kinase. At least three sites are phosphorylated by CK-1 in the alpha subunit. One of these sites is recognized by CK-1 only after a prior phosphorylation of phosphorylase kinase by A-kinase at a single site in each of the alpha and beta subunits at 1.5 mM Mg2+. The roles of the different phosphorylation sites in phosphorylase kinase activation are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular motion of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene embedded in intact guinea pig alveolar macrophage membranes was investigated by using techniques of nanosecond timeresolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements in the temperature range of 0–50 °C, and as a function of benzyl alcohol concentration. It was shown that molecular arrangement and microheterogeneity of the hydrocarbon region surrounding 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene molecules are dependent on the temperature and benzyl alcohol concentration. The lipid orientation order parameter, Sv, showed a discontinuity in the temperature range 12–40 °C, which may indicate a phase transition. N-Formylmethionylphenylalanine-stimulated production of O2? from macrophages increased with temperature parallel with changes in Sv. Benzyl alcohol decreases the magnitude of the lipid order parameter at all temperatures studied. In the same concentration range of benzyl alcohol, stimulated O2? production by macrophages was inhibited. These data show the complex relationship between lipid integrity in macrophage membranes and a physiological function of these cells. In addition, the results indicate that benzyl alcohol influences the integrity of both the protein and lipid hydrophobic regions of the membrane.  相似文献   

We have purified and generated antisera to a 95 kDa skeletal muscle protein that constitutes the largest mass fraction of gelatin-agarose binding proteins in skeletal muscle. Preliminary results indicated that this 95 kDa chicken skeletal muscle protein bound strongly to gelatin-agarose and type IV collagen-agarose, suggesting a possible function in muscle cell adhesion to collagen. However, N-terminal sequencing of proteolytic fragments of the 95 kDa protein indicates that it is the chicken skeletal muscle form of glycogen phosphorylase, the binding of which to gelatin-agarose is unlikely to be biologically relevant. Further characterization showed that the skeletal muscle form of glycogen phosphorylase is immunologically distinct from the liver and brain forms in the chicken, and suggests that, unlike mammalian skeletal muscle, chicken skeletal muscle may have two phosphorylase isoforms. Furthermore, immunolocalization data and solubility characteristics of glycogen phosphorylase in muscle extraction experiments suggest the enzyme may interact strongly with an unidentified component of the muscle cytoskeleton. Thus, this study yields a novel purification technique for skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase, provides new information on the distribution and isoforms of glycogen phosphorylase, and provides a caveat for using gelatin affinity chromatography as a primary step in purifying collagen-binding proteins from skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The interaction of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) with rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase kinase has been studied. Direct evidence of binding of phosphorylase kinase with FAD has been obtained using analytical ultracentrifugation. It has been shown that FAD prevents the formation of the enzyme-glycogen complex, but exerts practically no effect on the phosphorylase kinase activity. The dependence of the relative rate of phosphorylase kinase-glycogen complex formation on the concentration of FAD has cooperative character (the Hill coefficient is 1.3). Under crowding conditions in the presence of 1 M trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), FAD has an inhibitory effect on self-association of phosphorylase kinase. The data suggest that the complex of glycogen metabolism enzymes in protein-glycogen particles may function as a flavin depot in skeletal muscle. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 6, pp. 808–814.  相似文献   

The influence of ATP on complex formation of phosphorylase kinase (PhK) with glycogen in the presence of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) has been studied. The initial rate of complex formation decreases with increasing ATP concentration, the dependence of the initial rate on the concentration of ATP having a cooperative character. Formation of the complex of PhK with glycogen in the presence of ATP occurs after a lag period, which increases with increasing ATP concentration. The dependence of the initial rate of complex formation (v) on the concentration of non-hydrolyzed ATP analogue, beta,gamma-methylene-ATP, follows the hyperbolic law. A correlation between PhK-glycogen complex formation and (32)P incorporation catalyzed by PhK itself and by the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase has been shown. For ADP (the product and allosteric effector of the PhK reaction) the dependence of v on ADP concentration has a complicated form, probably due to the sequential binding of ADP at two allosteric sites on the beta subunit and the active site on the gamma subunit.  相似文献   

Summary cAMP dependent protein kinase and cAMP independent synthase kinase incorporated up to two Pi/subunit in rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase I. The first Pi/subunit was incorporated much faster than the second. After incorporation of one Pi/subunit by the CAMP dependent protein kinase, the ratio of independence (RI) was 0.20 and the dissociation constant Kc for Glc-6-P was 0.3 mm, and quite different from the RI of 0.02 and Kc (Glc-6-P) of 1 mM, obtained when one Pi/subunit was incorporated by the cAMP independent synthase kinase. Within the first Pi/subunit, the cAMP dependent protein kinase predominantly phosphorylated in the trypsin sensitive region (60–70%), corresponding to two trichloro-acetic acid soluble tryptic phosphopeptides, termed site-1 and site-2. Site-2 was found to be phosphorylated prior to site-1. CNBr degradation resolved the phosphorylated regions in two phosphopeptides with Mr 28,000 and 10,000.The larger CNBr phosphopeptides were derived from the trypsin sensitive region. Within the first Pi/subunit, synthase kinase almost exclusively phosphorylated in the trypsin insensitive region (80%) corresponding to the smaller CNBr phosphopeptide. However, when two Pi/subunit were incorporated by either the cAMP dependent protein kinase or the synthase kinase the phosphates were almost equally distributed between the trypsin sensitive and insensitive regions and Kc (Glc-6-P) increased to 2 mm, Maximum phosphorylation (2.8–3.3 Pi/subunit and Kc (Glc-6-P) 9–11 mm) was only obtainable when both the cAMP dependent protein kinase and the synthase kinase were present.The phosvitin kinase very slowly incorporated one Pi/subunit.We suggest that within the first P1subunit phosphorylation in the trypsin insensitive region determine the affinity for the allosteric activator, glucose-6-phosphate. Thereafter phosphorylation in the trypsin sensitive region is the major determinant. Purified glycogen-free rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase binds glycogen with lower affinity than polymorphonuclear leukocyte glycogen synthase. Glycogen was found to increase the initial rate of phosphorylation and facilitate the phosphorylation of site-1.Abbreviations cAMP adenosine cyclic 3:5-monophosphate - Glc-6-P glucose-6-phosphate - UDP-Glc uridine 5-diphosphoglucose - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethylether)-N,N-tetraacetic acid - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - CNBr cyanogen bromide - DTT dithiothreitol - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - RI ratio of independence  相似文献   

A casein kinase was highly purified from rabbit skeletal muscle whose substrate specificity and enzymatic properties were virtually identical to those of casein kinase-I from rabbit reticulocytes. Prolonged incubation of glycogen synthase with high concentrations of skeletal muscle casein kinase-I and Mg-ATP resulted in the incorporation of greater than 6 mol phosphate/mol subunit and decreased the activity ratio (+/- glucose-6P) from 0.8 to less than 0.02. The sites phosphorylated by casein kinase-I were all located in the N and C-terminal cyanogen bromide peptides, termed CB-1 and CB-2. At an incorporation of 6 mol phosphate/mol subunit, approximately equal to 2 mol/mol was present in CB-1 and approximately equal to 4 mol/mol in CB-2. Within CB-1, casein kinase-I phosphorylated the serines that were 3, 7 and 10 residues from the N-terminus of glycogen synthase, with minor phosphorylation at threonine-5. Within CB-2, approximately equal to 90% of the phosphate incorporated was located between residues 28 and 53, and at least five of the seven serine residues in this region were phosphorylated. The remaining 10% of phosphate incorporated into CB-2 was located between residues 98 and 123, mainly at a serine residue(s). Two of the major sites labelled by casein kinase-I (serine-3 and serine-10 of CB-1) are not phosphorylated by any other protein kinase. This will enable the role of casein kinase-I as a glycogen synthase kinase in vivo to be evaluated.  相似文献   

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