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This study shows that significant changes in the pattern of glycogen deposition are brought about by irradiation with 2,000 R gamma-rays. The sharp fall during the 1st week can be attributed to its emergent mobilization. However, glycogen stored in the liver during the 2nd and 3rd week prior to the resorptive process substantiates the fact that tadpoles complete metamorphic transformations in spite of sublethal irradiation.  相似文献   

Regional differences in potential difference and short-circuit current between the body (dorsal) and the tail skin during metamorphosis of Rana catesbeiana tadpoles were investigated. In body skin, the potential difference and the short-circuit current across the skin develop in two successive steps. At stage XX, the potential difference and the short-circuit current across the body skins were amiloride-insensitive (1st step). At stage XXII, however, amiloride-sensitive potential difference and the short circuit current appeared (2nd step). By contrast, in tail skin the potential difference and the short-circuit current remained amiloride-insensitive (1st step) even at stage XXIII. Since the tail regresses after stage XXIII, the appearance of the second step could not be followed in vivo. To determine whether or not the second step can be induced in the tail, tail skin was cultured under conditions where the skin survives for a much longer period than it does in normally developing tadpoles. Such cultured tail skin generated the amiloride-sensitive potential difference and the short-circuit current and cultured body skin also generated them. Therefore, development of the 2nd step in the tail skin may be delayed in vivo. To characterize the differences between body and tail skin, skins were mutally grafted between body and tail at stage XIII–XV. The body skin grafted on the tail underwent both the 1st and 2nd steps by stage XXII, whereas the tail skin grafted on the body only showed the 1st step by the same stage. These results suggest that the regional specificity of the skin is already established before the prometamorphic stage.Abbreviations CMFS Ca2+- and Mg2+-free saline - CTS charcoal-treated serum - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra-acetate - I current - PD potential difference - R skin resistance - SCC short-circuit current  相似文献   

Thyroxine (T4)-prolactin interactions on hepatic arginase and ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) as well as hind legs, tail, digestive tract and median eminence were investigated in tadpoles, Rana catesbeiana. Prolactin completely blocked T4-induced tail resorption, but failed to suppress hind-leg growth, shortening of digestive tract and promotion by T4 of the median eminence development. Prolactin blocked T4-induced increase in hepatic arginase activity but not in hepatic OTC activity. A possibility that T4 and prolactin are regulating the hepatic arginase indirectly is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of triiodothyronine (T3′) on the uptake of several amino acids into the amino acid pools and into proteins of Rana catesbeiana tadpole liver and tail muscle and tail fin has been studied. Labeling of the alanine and glycine pool was stimulated in the liver more than the leucine pool. After exposure to T3 for 3 days, uptake of α-aminoisobutyric acid (a transport model substrate) into liver was stimulated about 55%. In tail tissues uptake of leucine was stimulated but uptake of alanine was depressed by T3. Incorporation of leucine and alanine into tissue protein was stimulated in the liver but inhibited in tail tissues after T3 injection.Changes in other macromolecules and ATP and ADP levels in liver and tail muscle were also investigated during induced metamorphosis. In the liver, the total DNA content did not change, but the RNA and protein content per liver increased significantly. The increase in RNA/DNA and protein/DNA ratios, suggested that liver cells underwent hypertrophy during induced metamorphosis. The ATP level showed a transient decrease after 3 days of T3 treatment. In tail muscle, protein and RNA content decreased as the muscle regressed, but the DNA content and ATP level remained unchanged throughout the experimental period.  相似文献   

Cross sections through the middle segment of the anuran rectus abdominis muscle were analyzed morphometrically at nine stages of development, from early larval life through full maturity. The numbers, sizes, and relative distributions of twitch and slow muscle fibers, newly differentiated fibers, degenerating fibers, and satellite cells were determined at each stage. The data indicate that the muscle increases slowly in size and fiber content during early larval life. New fibers appear to form primarily along the medial margin of the muscle. During mid-larval stages, when thyroid hormone levels are rising, new fibers form throughout the medial portion of the muscle. At a slightly later stage, fibers in the lateral region of the muscle begin to degenerate. Structurally normal presynaptic elements are present on both degenerating fibers and the empty basal laminae of fibers that had been removed by phagocytes. Both fiber formation and fiber loss slow during midmetamorphic climax, at the time when thyroid hormone levels reach a peak in anurans and begin to decline. Degenerating fibers appear within the body of the muscle at the end of metamorphosis. By the end of the second postmetamorphic month, neither degenerating nor newly differentiated fibers are present. The muscle continues to grow through adult life primarily by fiber hypertrophy.  相似文献   

1. Alanine aminopeptidase activity and autolysis increase concomitantly in tail tissue of Rana catesbeiana tadpoles during metamorphosis. 2. significant increases first appear at Taylor and Kollros state XX and coincide with the beginning of tail regression as determined by the tail wt body wt ration. 3. The results suggest a role of alanine aminopeptidase in the mechanism of tail resorption.  相似文献   

Summary In anuran tadpole tails, the myelinated motor nerve fibers branch in the myoseptum to innervate both red and white muscle fibers at, or near, their ends. There are no significant ultrastructural differences between the nerve endings of the two types of muscle fibers.Intense acetylcholinesterase reaction product was observed in synaptic clefts and junctional folds, as well as in transverse tubules. As metamorphosis proceeded, the junctional folds of the nerve endings disappeared, however, acetylcholinesterase reaction product was still observed in the synaptic clefts. As muscle fibers began to degenerate, nerve endings began to separate from them. However, after nerve endings were completely separated from the surfaces, degenerated muscle fibers, synaptic and cored vesicles were still well preserved although no acetylcholinesterase reaction product was found. It seems clear that the mechanism of the muscle degeneration in the tadpole tail during metamorphosis is not the result of the degeneration of its nerve endings.  相似文献   

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