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Actin polymerization: Where the WASP stings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How do extracellular signals induce actin polymerization, as required for many cellular responses? Key signal transducers, such as the small GTPases Cdc42 and Rac, have now been shown to link via proteins of the WASP family to the Arp2/3 complex, which nucleates actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization: forcing flat faces forward   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actin polymerization has been shown to be sufficient to propel curved objects, for example beads and vesicles coated with the Listeria monocytogenes protein ActA. Recent studies suggest that actin polymerization on flat surfaces can also provide the propulsive force to push them forward.  相似文献   

This paper surveys several aspects of the consequences of ATP hydrolysis associated with actin polymerization, and their physiological implications. ATP hydrolysis occurs on F-actin in two subsequent reactions, cleavage of ATP followed by the slower release of Pi. The latter reaction is linked to a conformation change of the actin subunit that causes a destabilization of the actin-actin interactions in the filament, i.e., a structural change of the filament. The nature of the nucleotide bound to terminal subunits therefore affects the dynamics of actin filaments. It is shown that this regulation is different at the two ends, terminal F-ADP-Pi subunits being present at steady state at the barbed end, while F-ADP-subunits are present at the pointed end. While cleavage of ATP on F-actin is irreversible, Pi release is reversible, which allows the regulation of filament dynamics by cellular Pi. The nature of the divalent metal ion — Ca2+ or Mg2+ — tightly bound to actin, in direct interaction with ATP, also affects the conformation of actin and the rate of ATP hydrolysis, therefore regulating actin dynamics. Finally, the rate of nucleotide exchange on G-actin is relatively slow, which allows the critical concentration to increase with the number of filaments in ATP, a property largely used by the cell via the action of severing proteins.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization processes in plant cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Growing evidence shows that the actin cytoskeleton is a key effector of signal transduction, which controls and maintains the shape of plant cells, as well as playing roles in plant morphogenesis. Recently, several signaling pathways, including those triggered by hormones, Ca(2+), and cAMP, have been reported to be connected to the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The molecular mechanisms involved in such signaling cascades are, however, largely unknown. The Arabidopsis genome sequence is a valuable tool for identifying some of the highly conserved molecules that are involved in such signaling cascades. Recent work has begun to unravel these complex pathways using a panoply of techniques, including genetic analysis, live-cell imaging of intracellular actin dynamics, in vivo localization of factors that are involved in the control of actin dynamics, and the biochemical characterization of how these factors function.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization in cellular oxidant injury   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Microfilaments undergo an ATP-dependent disruption into shortened bundles following cellular exposure to oxidants. This phenomenon does not require a net change in the amount of polymerized actin. However, increased amounts of polymerized actin have been detected in oxidant-injured cells and it was the purpose of this study to determine the conditions under which the actin polymerization may occur. Utilizing the formation of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) as an indicator of cellular sulfhydryl oxidation, conditions were chosen to accentuate sulfhydryl oxidation within the target P388D1 cell line following exposure to the oxidants, H2O2 and diamide. Using the DNase I and flow cytometric assays of actin polymerization, significant polymerization of actin was detected only under conditions in which sulfhydryl oxidation occurred after exposure to the two oxidizing agents. Greater sulfhydryl oxidation early in the course of injury was associated with a greater rate and extent of actin polymerization in the injured cells. Experiments with cells depleted of glutathione (GSH) demonstrated that neither loss of GSH nor absolute levels of GSSG formed during oxidant exposure were responsible for the polymerization of actin. The data presented are consistent with the hypothesis that oxidizing conditions which induce significant sulfhydryl oxidation in target cells are correlated with assembly of polymerized actin and that this represents a process which is distinct and separate from the ATP-dependent gross disruption of microfilaments.  相似文献   

Two recent studies have identified a Drosophila homolog of cyclase-associated protein (CAP) as a developmentally important negative regulator of actin polymerization that may also directly mediate signal transduction.  相似文献   

The protein content of sympathetic neurones explanted from 10–11-day old chick embryos into culture medium containing nerve growth factor (NGF) increases steadily from about 100 to about 400 pg/cell in 7 days. Actin remains at close to 5% of the total protein during this period, but the proportion of unpolymerized actin falls. As measured by the inhibition of DNase I activity, rounded neurones without neurites contain 70 ± 7% of their total actin in monomeric form, whereas cells in mature, neurite-bearing cultures contain 39 ± 7%. When allowance is made for the increase in size of the neuronal cell bodies, the actin present in the neurites (‘axons’) alone is found to be almost entirely in filamentous form.Cultures exposed to radioactive leucine rapidly incorporate radioactivity into both sedimentable and non-sedimentable forms of actin. Actin-specific activities in the two fractions—estimated after isolation of the actin on small DNase I—Sepharose affinity columns—are similar after labelling for less than 1 h. Direct incorporation of newly-synthesized actin into filaments is suggested from these results.Pulse-chase experiments show that non-sedimentable protein in cultured sympathetic neurones turns over more rapidly than sedimentable protein. However, this is not true for actin, which shows a similar specific activity in sedimentable and non-sedimentable forms—even after 6 days of cold chase. This anomalous behaviour is simply explained by an exchange of actin molecules between filamentous and non-filamentous forms. Control experiments indicate that exchange does not occur to this degree during preparation of subcellular fractions. It is consequently attributed to exchange processes in the living cell.  相似文献   

肌动蛋白是盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)细胞吞噬过程中的关键组分,通过其细胞内的定位和多聚化形式在确定的时间和地点连接特定的分子,使吞噬过程得以完成。profilin是肌动蛋白多聚化的重要调节分子,在磷脂酰肌醇信号转导与细胞骨架相交处起关键作用。许多小分子G蛋白参与细胞骨架调节,CAP蛋白是两者间重要连接分子。所以,吞噬作用是细胞内诸分子协同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Actin polymerization and pseudopod extension during amoeboid chemotaxis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Amoebae of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum are an excellent model system for the study of amoeboid chemotaxis. These cells can be studied as a homogeneous population whose response to chemotactic stimulation is sufficiently synchronous to permit the correlation of the changes in cell shape and biochemical events during chemotaxis. Having demonstrated this synchrony of response, we show that actin polymerization occurs in two stages during stimulation with chemoattractants. The assembly of F-actin that peaks between 40 and 60 sec after the onset of stimulation is temporally correlated with the growth of new pseudopods. F-actin, which is assembled by 60 sec after stimulation begins, is localized in the new pseudopods that are extended at this time. Both stages of actin polymerization during chemotactic stimulation involve polymerization at the barbed ends of actin filaments based on the cytochalasin sensitivity of this response. We present a hypothesis in which actin polymerization is one of the major driving forces for pseudopod extension during chemotaxis. The predictions of this model, that localized regulation of actin nucleation activity and actin filament cross-linking must occur, are discussed in the context of current models for signal transduction and of recent information regarding the types of actin-binding proteins that are present in the cell cortex.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization is essential for pollen tube growth   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
Actin microfilaments, which are prominent in pollen tubes, have been implicated in the growth process; however, their mechanism of action is not well understood. In the present work we have used profilin and DNAse I injections, as well as latrunculin B and cytochalasin D treatments, under quantitatively controlled conditions, to perturb actin microfilament structure and assembly in an attempt to answer this question. We found that a approximately 50% increase in the total profilin pool was necessary to half-maximally inhibit pollen tube growth, whereas a approximately 100% increase was necessary for half-maximal inhibition of cytoplasmic streaming. DNAse I showed a similar inhibitory activity but with a threefold more pronounced effect on growth than streaming. Latrunculin B, at only 1--4 nM in the growth medium, has a similar proportion of inhibition of growth over streaming to that of profilin. The fact that tip growth is more sensitive than streaming to the inhibitory substances and that there is no correlation between streaming and growth rates suggests that tip growth requires actin assembly in a process independent of cytoplasmic streaming.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization modifies stimulus-oxidase coupling in rat neutrophils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxidase activity in rat neutrophils was monitored by oxygen consumption rate and luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. Two agents which inhibit actin polymerization, cytochalasin B and dihydrocytochalasin B, produced a marked enhancement (up to 10-fold) of oxidase activation induced by two Ca2+-dependent stimuli, chemotactic peptide and ionophore A23187. In contrast, activation by the calcium-independent stimulus, phorbol myristate acetate, was unaffected by these agents. Other agents that interact with the cytoskeleton, phalloidin and colchicine have no effect on activation by any stimulus tested. The effect of cytochalasin B, when added after stimulation by chemotactic peptide, was transient with t0.5 approx. 10 s. Similarly, the degree of actin polymerization following stimulation by chemotactic peptide was transient, decaying with a t0.5 of approx. 10 s. The half-maximal concentration of cytochalasin B for inhibition of actin polymerization was similar to that for enhancement of oxidase activation. It was concluded, therefore, that the intracellular Ca2+ rise in rat neutrophils that accompanies stimulation by chemotactic peptide affects actin polymerization in a manner that modifies oxidase activation.  相似文献   

Host cell entry by Toxoplasma gondii depends critically on actin filaments in the parasite, yet paradoxically, its actin is almost exclusively monomeric. In contrast to the absence of stable filaments in conventional samples, rapid-freeze electron microscopy revealed that actin filaments were formed beneath the plasma membrane of gliding parasites. To investigate the role of actin filaments in motility, we treated parasites with the filament-stabilizing drug jasplakinolide (JAS) and monitored the distribution of actin in live and fixed cells using yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-actin. JAS treatment caused YFP-actin to redistribute to the apical and posterior ends, where filaments formed a spiral pattern subtending the plasma membrane. Although previous studies have suggested that JAS induces rigor, videomicroscopy demonstrated that JAS treatment increased the rate of parasite gliding by approximately threefold, indicating that filaments are rate limiting for motility. However, JAS also frequently reversed the normal direction of motility, disrupting forward migration and cell entry. Consistent with this alteration, subcortical filaments in JAS-treated parasites occurred in tangled plaques as opposed to the straight, roughly parallel orientation observed in control cells. These studies reveal that precisely controlled polymerization of actin filaments imparts the correct timing, duration, and directionality of gliding motility in the Apicomplexa.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,129(6):1589-1599
The cortical actin gel of eukaryotic cells is postulated to control cell surface activity. One type of protrusion that may offer clues to this regulation are the spherical aneurysms of the surface membrane known as blebs. Blebs occur normally in cells during spreading and alternate with other protrusions, such as ruffles, suggesting similar protrusive machinery is involved. We recently reported that human melanoma cell lines deficient in the actin filament cross-linking protein, ABP-280, show prolonged blebbing, thus allowing close study of blebs and their dynamics. Blebs expand at different rates of volume increase that directly predict the final size achieved by each bleb. These rates decrease as the F-actin concentration of the cells increase over time after plating on a surface, but do so at lower concentrations in ABP-280 expressing cells. Fluorescently labeled actin and phalloidin injections of blebbing cells indicate that a polymerized actin structure is not present initially, but appears later and is responsible for stopping further bleb expansion. Therefore, it is postulated that blebs occur when the fluid-driven expansion of the cell membrane is sufficiently rapid to initially outpace the local rate of actin polymerization. In this model, the rate of intracellular solvent flow driving this expansion decreases as cortical gelation is achieved, whether by factors such as ABP-280, or by concentrated actin polymers alone, thereby leading to decreased size and occurrence of blebs. Since the forces driving bleb extension would always be present in a cell, this process may influence other cell protrusions as well.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization is important in the control of pollen tube growth. Thus, treatment of pollen tubes with low concentrations of latrunculin B (Lat-B), which inhibits actin polymerization, permits streaming but reversibly blocks oscillatory growth. In the current study, we employ Jasplakinolide (Jas), a sponge cyclodepsipeptide that stabilizes actin microfilaments and promotes polymerization. Uniquely, Jas (2 microM) blocks streaming in the shank of the tube, but induces the formation of a toroidal-shaped domain in the swollen apex, of which longitudinal optical sections exhibit circles of motion. The polarity of this rotary motion is identical to that of reverse fountain motility in control pollen tubes, with the forward direction occurring at the edge of the cell and the rearward direction in the cell interior. Support for the idea that actin polymerization in the apical domain contributes to the formation of this rotary motility activity derives from the appearance therein of aggregates and flared cables of F-actin, using immunofluorescence, and by the reduction in G-actin as indicated with fluorescent DNAse. In addition, Jas reduces the tip-focused Ca2+ gradient. However, the alkaline band appears in the swollen apex and is spatially localized with the reverse fountain streaming activity. Taken together, our results support the idea that actin polymerization promotes reversal of streaming in the apex of the lily pollen tube.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization. The mechanism of action of cytochalasin D   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Fluorescence changes using actin covalently labeled with N-(1-pyrenyl)iodoacetamide have been used to determine the effect of cytochalasin D on actin polymerization. A mechanism for the effect of cytochalasin D on actin polymerization is presented, which explains the experimental observation of a cytochalasin D-induced increase in the initial rate of polymerization and a decrease in the final extent of the reaction. Central to this mechanism is the Mg2+-dependent formation of cytochalasin D-induced dimers. The dimers serve as nuclei to enhance the polymerization rate. Binding of Mg2+ to a low affinity site on the dimer induces a conformational change which can be observed as a rapid fluorescence increase. A subsequent time-dependent fluorescence decrease observed prior to polymerization appears to represent ATP hydrolysis resulting in dissociation of the dimer and release of actin monomers containing ADP. We postulate that a slow rate of exchange of ATP for bound ADP relative to hydrolysis results in the accumulation of monomers containing ADP. As these monomers have a high critical concentration, the final extent of polymerization is reduced dramatically. The Mg2+ dependence of the final extent of polymerization in the presence of cytochalasin D is also explained in the context of this mechanism.  相似文献   

Sorting of cargoes in endosomes occurs through their selective enrichment into sorting platforms, where transport intermediates are generated. The WASH complex, which directly binds to lipids, activates the Arp2/3 complex and hence actin polymerization onto such sorting platforms. Here, we analyzed the role of actin polymerization in the physiology of endosomal domains containing WASH using quantitative image analysis. Actin depolymerization is known to enlarge endosomes. Using a novel colocalization method that is insensitive to the heterogeneity of size and shape of endosomes, we further show that preventing the generation of branched actin networks induces endosomal accumulation of the WASH complex. Moreover, we found that actin depolymerization induces a dramatic decrease in the recovery of endosomal WASH after photobleaching. This result suggests a built-in turnover, where the actin network, i.e. the product of the WASH complex, contributes to the dynamic exchange of the WASH complex by promoting its detachment from endosomes. Our experiments also provide evidence for a role of actin polymerization in the lateral compartmentalization of endosomes: several WASH domains exist at the surface of enlarged endosomes, however, the WASH domains coalesce upon actin depolymerization or Arp2/3 depletion. Branched actin networks are thus involved in the regulation of the size of WASH domains. The potential role of this regulation in membrane scission are discussed.  相似文献   

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