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Role of trichomes in soybean resistance to cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Role of leaf trichome density and length in Glycine max (L.) Merr. resistance to Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) was evaluated at different leaf positions on a relatively resistant soybean, plant introduction (PI) 227687, and a relatively susceptible cultivar, Davis. The uppermost (juvenile) leaf within both PI 227687 and Davis plants, which is densely covered with trichomes, was most resistant to T. ni larval feeding and survival. When these trichomes were shaven off, such leaves became as susceptible to T. ni larval feeding as unshaven TL3 and TL5 leaves (PI 227687) or all other unshaven leaves (Davis). Bioassays for antifeedants in ethyl acetate and hexane extractables from leaves at the different positions on PI 227687 and Davis plants showed that the resistance observed in the uppermost Davis leaf is attributable to trichomes (i.e., a morphological factor); whereas, in the uppermost PI 227687 leaf it involves both morphological (trichomes) and chemical factors, but the trichome parameter is dominant.
Résumé L'influence de la densité et de la longueur des trichomes de Glycine max sur la résistance à Trichoplusia ni a été évaluée suivant la position des feuilles sur une lignée résistante (PI 227687) et sur un cultivar sensible (Davis).Les feuilles apicales (juvéniles) tant de PI 227687 que de Davis, recouvertes de trichomes denses, résistèrent mieux à l'alimentation larvaire et à la survie de T. ni.Quand ces trichomes étaient éliminés, ces feuilles ne résistaient pas plus à l'alimentation des larves de T. ni que les feuilles non rasées TL3 et TL5 de PI 227687 ou toutes les autres feuilles de Davis.Les tests avec des extraits dans l'acétate d'éthyle et l'hexane de feuilles provenant de différentes positions de PI 227687 et Davis, destinés à mettre en évidence des phagodissuadants, ont montré que la résistance observée chez les feuilles apicales de Davis était attribuable aux trichomes (c'est-à-dire à un caractère morphologique), tandis que chez les mêmes feuilles de PI 227687 elle impliquait à la fois des trichomes (morphologie) et des substances chimiques, mais avec une prédominance de l'influence des trichomes.

Summary The development of the peritrophic membrane in the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The development of this membrane is characterized by a series of events suggested by the observations to be (1) secretion of material among and above the microvilli of the midgut epithelial cells, (2) maturation of this material into a randomly cross-linked fibrous matrix, and (3) aggregation of amorphous materials in and within the matrix. The membrane, possessing small discontinuities, remains intact in the midgut, but shows gross damage by the time it is passed from the insect, surrounding the feces.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effects of two naturally occurring beta-carboline alkaloids and two synthetic tricyclic antidepressants on the growth and food consumption of fifth instar larvae of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In artificial diets at high concentrations (3,000 ppm), harmane, amitriptyline, and imipramine reduce growth and feeding; harmane reduced feeding consistently at a lower concentration (200 ppm). In animals other than insects, beta-carboline alkaloids inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity and thus affect rates of disposition of serotonin and other monoamine neurotransmitters. Because brain serotonin levels are associated with variation in rates of carbohydrate and protein intake in insects, the effects of beta-carboline alkaloid ingestion on dietary self-selection behavior were examined. Choosing between diets lacking carbohydrate but containing protein and diets lacking protein but containing carbohydrate, larvae consumed a greater proportion of diet containing protein but lacking carbohydrate in the presence of harmane than in its absence. These results are consistent with beta-carboline alkaloid-mediated persistence of serotonin in the brain due to MAO inhibition. Alternatively, these results could reflect alkaloid-mediated peripheral inhibition of sucrose taste receptors influencing ingestive behaviors. That beta-carboline alkaloid ingestion is associated with changes in feeding behavior is consistent with a possible defensive role for these compounds in plant foliage.  相似文献   

Volatiles from different plants may have quite distinct effects on insect behaviors, i.e., attraction, repulsion or neutrality. Our study used Tenax® to trap volatiles from plants at room temperature, and assayed female adult Trichoplusia ni's (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) responses to such volatiles. The results showed that volatiles from PI 227687 soybean leaves were repellent to T. ni, while those from Davis soybean were attractive to the moth, and those from an unnumbered PI soybean had no significant behavioral effect. Odors from Henderson lima bean, one of the more preferred hosts of T. ni, also did not influence the insect's behavior. The HPLC, GLC and GLC-MS analyses indicated that qualitative and quantitative differences among volatiles from plant species, varieties or plant introductions account for these effects. The attractive volatiles from Davis soybean contain much more 4-hexen-1-ol acetate, 2,2-dimethyl hexanal and 2-hexenal than those of PI 227678, but do not have the repellent tetradecene and dodecene which are major components in PI 227687 soybean odors. The composition of the neutral volatiles from Henderson lima bean is more complex than that of the volatiles from soybeans.  相似文献   

Costs and stability of cabbage looper resistance to a nucleopolyhedrovirus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The goal of this study was to examine the possible costs and the stability of the resistance of cabbage loopers (Trichoplusia ni) to the single (S) nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus of T. ni (TnSNPV). Resistance to the virus did not appear to incur any measurable fitness costs under laboratory conditions. When reared in the absence of the virus, there was no difference in the number of eggs produced or egg hatch of control and selected individuals. There even was a tendency for selected cabbage loopers to develop faster and to produce heavier pupae. The difference in the pupal weight and developmental time of control and selected T. ni did not covary with the number of generations of selection. Furthermore, the offspring of hybrid crosses (control × selected moths) were as fit as those of pure pairings (control × control or selected × selected adults). Finally, the resistance of cabbage loopers to TnSNPV did not decline when exposure to the virus ceased for nine generations.  相似文献   

Trichoplusia ni is a subtropical moth that migrates annually from southern California to southern British Columbia, Canada where it invades vegetable greenhouses and field crops. The heated greenhouse environment has altered the natural extinction–recolonization dynamics of T. ni populations, and allows year‐round persistence in some locations. In addition, the extensive use of the biopesticide, Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki (Bt) in some greenhouses has selected for resistance. Here we investigated the genetic structure of T. ni populations in British Columbia greenhouses and in field populations in California and British Columbia using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) as related to patterns of Bt resistance. The majority of British Columbia field populations were similar to the California field populations, the potential source of migrants. However populations in two geographic areas with high concentrations of greenhouses showed local genetic differentiation. Some of these populations experienced severe bottlenecks over‐winter and following Bt sprays. Greenhouse populations showed a pattern of isolation by distance and a strong positive relationship between genetic differentiation and levels of Bt resistance. These patterns indicate that greenhouses that sometimes support year‐round populations of T. ni and the ensuing strong bottlenecking effects following winter cleanups and Bt application cause genetic differentiation of T. ni populations. Long distance migrants to field populations contribute to genetic homogeneity of these.  相似文献   

Four viruses were tested for vertical transmission in Trichoplusia ni: T. ni nucleopolyhedrovirus (TnSNPV), T. ni cypovirus (TnCPV), Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV), and AcMNPV engineered to express a scorpion toxin (AcMNPV.AaIT). Fifth instars were exposed to each virus, the survivors were reared and mated, and second-generation (F(1)) insects were examined for infection. TnSNPV was transmitted to offspring at a prevalence rate of 15.4%, TnCPV at 10.2%, and AcMNPV at 10.1%. Only one of 2484 F(1) insects was infected with AcMNPV.AaIT; this experiment was repeated, and none of 4774 insects was infected. Thus, vertical transmission is unlikely to contribute to AcMNPV.AaIT contacting non-target organisms after its field release. There was evidence that TnCPV and possibly TnSNPV were activated to overt infections by ingestion of a different virus. TnCPV, but not the NPVs, routinely infected 0.3-1.7% of non-treated insects, probably indicating that it is vertically transmitted at enzootic levels.  相似文献   

Ingredient substitutions for agar or carrageenan in artificial diets for lepidopterous larvae were evaluated. A sodium polyacrylamide polyacrylate gelling agent, Water-Lock G-400, was compared with agar for solidifying diets of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner), omnivorous looper, Sabulodes aegrotata (Gueneé), and the western avocado leafroller, Amorbia cuneana Walsingham. Water-Lock G-400 is considerably less expensive than agar or carrageenan, it does not require heating to gel, and it is made from a dependable supply of agricultural starch. Sabulodes aegrotata pupae from larvae reared on agar were significantly heavier than those reared on Water-Lock G-400. However, the remainder of the variables observed (larval survival, developmental times, fecundity, sex ratio and pupal weights for A. cuneana and T. ni) were all independent of diet. Decreasing the total amount of ingredients in a Water-Lock-G-400 diet produced fewer and smaller T. ni pupae than did an agar diet when the larvae were reared using a mass production protocol. However, these lower values were still above acceptable levels for mass production and reduced the cost of diet production by 65%.Further ingredient substitutions impaired larval development (i.e., replacing pinto beans with soy protein or combinations of soy protein and -cellulose), while others did not (i.e., excluding pinto beans and reducing water content and replacing pinto beans with -cellulose or corn cob grits). Moisture control by adding corn cob grits to diets increased the yield of pupae, while removing water from diets increased survivorship and the yield of pupae.  相似文献   

Quantitative levels of melatonin and 5-hydroxytryptamine were measured over the scotophase in the protocerebrum, subesophageal ganglion, optic lobes, thoracic ganglia, and hemolymph of adult male cabbage looper moths, Trichoplusia ni, using HPLC with electrochemical detection. Melatonin levels were very low (s < 1 pmol) or undetectable during the photophase, but increased in all tissues during the dark. Lowest mean levels in the dark were observed in the optic lobes (0.3 to 0.7 pmols). Maximal mean levels in the protocerebrum (5.2 pmols) occurred in the early part of the scotophase, but in all other tissues (2.8 in the subesophageal ganglion; 9.5 in thoracic ganglia) and hemolymph (18 pg/l) maximal mean levels were observed later in the dark. Levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine in each tissue, in contrast, were higher than melatonin levels in the photophase, and in the protocerebrum and thoracic ganglia decreased during the dark, but in the optic lobes and subesophageal ganglion remained unchanged. Further, decreases in 5-hydroxytryptamine during the dark were significantly lower than the increased levels of melatonin, suggesting that active synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine was occurring. In a second experiment, when measured from individuals in three different photoperiods (618, 1212, 186 lightdark) maximum mean melatonin levels in the brain (protocerebral and subesophageal ganglia) peaked within the first 1.5 h of the dark and remained at measurable levels for the duration of the dark. In a third experiment, levels of melatonin in the brain and thoracic ganglia displayed rhythmicity in continuous dark conditions but not in continuous light, when compared with profiles obtained in a normal light dark regime.Abbreviations CNS Central nervous system - HPLC-ECD high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection - MEL melatonin - 5HT 5-hydroxytryptamine - N-ac-SHT N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine  相似文献   

A new tissue isolation technique was used to create intact midgut epithelial wholemounts from three Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larval instars. The protease, dispase, removed the basal lamina and associated connective tissue and allowed for high resolution light microscopy of entire epithelia. Columnar, goblet, differentiating, and stem cells were characterized by double fluorescent labelling of f-actin and nuclei. A comparison of cell populations by digital image analysis revealed significant regional and temporal changes in the density and number of differentiating and stem cells. Growth of the midgut epithelium from third to fourth instar, and from fourth to fifth instar, was accomplished by both cell differentiation and cell division. Cell division however, was greatly reduced from fourth to fifth instar with a concomitant sharp decrease in the stem cell population.  相似文献   

Resistance of insects to insecticides is often associated with reduced fitness in the absence of selection. We examined fitness trade-offs associated with resistance to the microbial insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), across full-sib families in a resistant population of Trichoplusia ni. Significant genetic variation in and heritability of susceptibility to Bt occurred among the full-sib families. Male pupal weight was positively correlated with Bt susceptibility, indicating a potential fitness cost, but no such correlation occurred for females. Significant heritability for pupal weight was present for males but not females. A significant negative genetic correlation existed between development time and Bt susceptibility, indicating that resistant larvae developed more slowly than susceptible larvae. Selection for Bt resistance in T. ni resulted in changes in life-history traits that affected males more than females.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of experience with several antifeedants on the feeding behavior of a generalist herbivore, Trichoplusia ni. Second-, third-, and fifth-instar larvae of T. ni were examined for their feeding responses to plant extracts (Melia volkensii, Origanum vulgare) and individual plant allelochemicals (cymarin, digitoxin, xanthotoxin, toosendanin, and thymol), after being exposed to them continually beginning as neonates. All tested instars of T. ni were capable of showing a decreased antifeedant response following prolonged exposure to most of the antifeedants tested compared with their naive conspecifics. Cardenolides (digitoxin and cymarin) were the exceptions. The response to oregano was affected as a result of previous exposure to different concentrations of oregano, unlike M. volkensii, leading us to conclude that T. ni sensitivity varies between stimuli and cannot be generalized. To demonstrate that decreased deterrence following prolonged exposure to M. volkensii was the result of learned habituation, three aversive stimuli were used. A high concentration of the particular antifeedant, xanthotoxin, acted as a noxious stimulus and dishabituated (reversed) the decrement in the antifeedant response to M. volkensii. Cold shock or CO2 was marginally effective in dishabituating the response. The fact that the decrease in antifeedant response can be dishabituated has implications for pest management.  相似文献   

Mated female cabbage looper months that were caged with cotton, celery, or soybean foliage were attracted significantly more often than inexperienced moths to the odor of the same species of plant the following night. Moths that were caged with cotton or celery foliage were attracted significantly more often the following night only to the foliage of the same species, and not to the foliage of the other plant species. Brief contact by a moth or a single oviposition on plant foliage was sufficient to increase subsequent attraction to plant foliage. This behavior appears to be associative learning of host odor.  相似文献   

Abstract. In southern parts of the United States the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is multivoltine, and therefore successive generations experience different environmental conditions during development from larvae to adults.Since environmental conditions are thought to influence pheromone communication, we tested the effects of two different temperature and light regimes (selected to mimic those occurring in the spring and summer growing seasons in the south) during rearing on the response characteristics of the adult male olfactory receptor neurons responsible for detecting the major component of the female pheromone.The dose-response functions of receptor neurons from the warm- and cold-reared insects were similar in both their slopes and thresholds to stimulation with the major component of the female-emitted pheromone, (Z)-7, dodecen-1-ol acetate and (Z)-7, dodecen-1-ol, a behavioural inhibitor.In double pulse experiments, designed to emulate the temporal dispersion of pheromone in nature, neurons were stimulated with short pulses (200 ms) of (Z)-7, dodecen-1-ol acetate separated by varying intervals.Intervals as short as 30 ms reduced the response to a second pulse by over 50%.When the intervals between pulses were longer than 2 s, significant differences were not seen between the responses to the first and to the second pulse.These temporal response patterns were similar in both warm- and cold-reared animals.  相似文献   

Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson, a solitary larval parasitoid of several species of Noctuidae, has been imported into the United States from Australia. A closely related species, Microplitis croceipes (Cresson), is native to the United States. The host-selection behavior of M. demolitor females is similar to that of M. croceipes in that it is stimulated by kairomones (including 13-methylhentriacontane) in the frass of Heliothis zea (Boddie) larvae, larval diet affects the kairomonal activity of the frass, and exposure to frass prior to release stimulates host-selection behavior. M. demolitor females also respond to frass from Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) larvae that had fed on Pink Eye Purple Hull Cowpea cotyledons.
Réponse de femelles de Microplitis demolitor sur la nourriture de chenilles de noctuelles et sur 13-methylhentriacontane
Résumé Microplitis demolitor, un parasitoïde solitaire de plusieurs espèces de chenilles de noctuelles, a été introduit d'Australie aux Etats-Unis comme agent potentiel de contrôle biologique. Les fèces des chenilles d'Heliothis zea et Trichoplusia ni élevées sur des cotyledons de pois (Pink Eye Purple Hull Cowpea) stimulent les femelles à sélectionner un hôte, mais les fèces des chenilles des deux espèces élevées sur diète CSM ne possèdent pas cette activité. Un extrait hexanique des fèces des chenilles de H. zea élevées sur cotyledons de pois stimule également ce comportement, de même que le 13-methylhentriacontane, substance présente dans les fèces des chenilles de H. zea (Jones et al., 1971). Les femelles de M. demolitor exposées immédiatement avant leur lâcher en serre aux fèces des chenilles de H. zea, nourries de cotyledons de pois, parasitent un plus fort pourcentage (41.7%) de chenilles de H. zea que cells qui n'ont pas été exposées aux fèces (13.9%).Le comportement de sélection de l'hôte des femelles de M. demolitor est donc semblable à celui des femelles de Microplitis croceipes, un parasitoïde étroitement apparenté indigène des Etats-U-nis. La femelle, par exemple, est stimulée par une kairomone des fèces des larves de H. zea nourries sur des cotyledons de pois (incluant le 13-methyl-hentriacontane), la diète affecte l'activité kairomonale des fèces, et une exposition préalable aux fèces avant le lâcher stimule le comportement de sélection de l'hôte.La stimulation du comportement de sélection de l'hôte, au moment du lâcher peut être utilisée pour améliorer l'efficacité des lâchers des parasitoïdes dans les programmes de contrôle biologique.

Ten essential oils were tested against the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni larvae for contact, residual and fumigant toxicities and feeding deterrent effects. Against third instar T. ni, Syzygium aromaticum (LD50 = 47.8 μg/larva), Thymus vulgaris (LD50 = 52.0 μg/larva) (the two positive controls) and Cinnamomum glanduliferum (LD50 = 76.0 μg/larva) were the most toxic via topical application. Litsea pungens (LD50 = 87.1 μg/larva), Ilex purpurea (LD50 = 94.0 μg/larva), Cinnamomum cassia (LD50 = 101.5 μg/larva) and Litsea cubeba (LD50 = 112.4 μg/larva) oils were equitoxic. Thymus vulgaris (LC50 = 4.8 mg/ml) and S. aromaticum (LC50 = 6.0 mg/ml) oils were the most toxic in residual bioassays. Cymbopogon citratus (LC50 = 7.7 mg/ml) and C. cassia (LC50 = 8.5 mg/ml) oils were equitoxic followed by Cymbopogon nardus (LC50 = 10.1 mg/ml) in this bioassay. The remaining five oils showed little or no residual effects. In a fumigation bioassay, L. cubeba (LC50 = 16.5 μl/l) and I. purpurea (LC50 = 22.2 μl/l) oils were the most toxic. Cinnamomum glanduliferum (LC50 = 29.7 μl/l) and Sabina vulgaris (LC50 = 31.2 μl/l) oils were equitoxic. Interestingly, S. aromaticum did not exhibit any fumigant toxicity. Cymbopogon citratus, C. nardus and C. cassia strongly deterred feeding by third instar T. ni (DC50s = 26.9, 33.8 and 39.6 μg/cm2, respectively) in a leaf disc choice bioassay. The different responses of T. ni larvae to the oils in different bioassays suggest that these essential oils exhibit different modes of action. Based on their comparable efficacy with essential oils already used as active ingredients in many commercial insecticides (i.e. clove oil and thyme oil), some of these essential oils may have potential as botanical insecticides against T. ni.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Granulosis virus-infected Trichoplusia ni (Hûbner) larvae exhibited an increased larval life span with no supernumerary moult and no pupation. Weight gain was not affected. Insects infected shortly after hatching were slower in reaching the fourth and fifth stadia than were control insects. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres were lower in virus-infected insects than control insects, but these differences were only significant ( P <0.05) in the fifth stadium. Electron microscopic examination of the pro thoracic glands revealed extensive granulosis virus infection, and glands from virus-infected insects produced no RIA-detectable ecdysteroids in vitro. Injection of 20-OII-ecdysone into virus-infected larvae at various concentrations and times did not induce pupation.  相似文献   

Virus replication and polyhedra production of two polyhedron-positive recombinant nuclear polyhedrosis viruses of Autographa californica, AcJHE.KK and AcAaIT which encode juvenile hormone esterase and scorpion toxin, respectively, were compared with those of a plaque purified wild-type nuclear polyhedrosis virus, AcMNPV-C6, in Trichoplusia ni larvae. Though average times required to kill the T. ni larvae increased with the age of the larvae, killing time by either recombinant virus was significantly shorter than that by wild-type virus. Killing time was reduced ca. 30% for AcAaIT-infected larvae and 5 to 8% for AcJHE.KK-infected larvae as compared to that for AcMNPV-C6-infected larvae. The average weight of larvae infected with AcAaIT was significantly lower than that of larvae infected with AcJHE.KK and AcMNPV-C6. The mean numbers of polyhedra produced in each larva inoculated with AcAaIT and AcJHE.KK were ca. 20% and 60%, respectively, of those for AcMNPV-C6. Total virus titers in AcMNPV-C6-infected larvae were significantly higher than those in AcJHE.KK- and AcAaIT-infected larvae until 2 days post infection.  相似文献   

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