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Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) represents small, random variation from symmetry in otherwise bilaterally symmetrical characters. Significant increases in FA have been found for several species of plants and animals in response to various stresses, including environmental and genetic factors. In this study, we investigated the effects of elevated CO2 on leaf symmetry of two oak species, Quercus geminata and Q. myrtifolia, and the responses of three species of leaf miners and one gall‐making species to random variation in leaf morphology. Leaf FA decreased with an increase in CO2 concentration. There were fewer asymmetric leaves and lower levels of asymmetry on leaf width and leaf area on elevated CO2 compared with ambient CO2. Leaf miners responded to leaf asymmetry, attacking asymmetric leaves more frequently than expected by chance alone. Differences in secondary chemistry and nitrogen (N) content between symmetric and asymmetric leaves may be responsible for these results due to lower levels of tannins and higher levels of N found on asymmetric leaves of Q. myrtifolia and Q. geminata.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Geographical distributions of individual foliage‐feeding forest herbivore species have been found to be aligned closely with the distribution of their host trees, however little is known about the extent to which broad herbivore communities are geographically associated with distinct host communities. 2. Large‐scale geographic variation in canopy herbivore communities in a 80 000 km2 area (the state of Maine, U.S.A.) was characterised using historical insect survey data. Variation in insect communities was compared with corresponding variation in forest over‐storey composition, which was quantified using data from a regional forest inventory survey. 3. Principal components analysis was used to characterise associations among herbivore and tree species. Analysis of the herbivore data identified three main insect groups: group A corresponded to a single species (Choristoneura fumiferana), group B corresponded to pine‐feeding species including Semiothisa sp., and group C corresponded to the spruce‐feeding species Gilpinia hercyniae and Pikonema alaskensis. Analysis of the forest inventory data characterised three important forest types: northern hardwoods, eastern white pine, and northern spruce‐fir forest types. 4. Spatial analyses were carried out on the first two components of each of the principal components analyses. Factor 1 of the insect data showed a trend of decreasing values from south to north, while factor 2 of the forest inventory data showed an opposite trend. These inverse trends reflected the distribution of the main contributing species to the principal components analysis, C. fumiferana and Pinus strobus respectively. These distributions were highlighted further by the significant negative cross‐correlations that were found between the two factors up to distances of 120 km. 5. Analyses indicated a parallel between the geographic variation in the insect guilds associated with conifers and the geographic pattern of their conifer hosts. Hardwood‐feeding caterpillars, on the other hand, did not form well‐defined guilds and showed varying geographical distributions. The survey data showed varying quality in defining large‐scale associations in the structures of herbivore and host communities. 6. Implications for biodiversity management are discussed.  相似文献   

植物抗旱性机制包括耐旱性和避旱性。耐旱性的特征主要是木质部易栓塞性和膨压损失点,而避旱性的特征则是叶片脱落和落叶性。虽然这些机制可以权衡物种连续性,但对于干旱引发的叶片脱落和持续时间的变化如何影响木质部和叶片耐受性之间的关系却知之甚少。在本研究中,我们研究两种具有不同叶片脱落叶行为的橡树(栎属)的耐旱性程度差异。我们预测了Quercus deserticola 在旱季结束时落叶(晚落叶)而面临更大的空化风险,导致其比Q. laeta更耐旱,对水分的利用也更加保守。Q. laeta 只在旱季中期很短的时间内落叶(短落叶)。本研究在墨西哥中部进行,两种橡树各具有单个种群,它们之间相距1.58公里,海拔差为191米。Q. deserticola (晚落叶)多出现在下坡,而Q. laeta (短落叶)多出现在沿坡度海拔较高的地方。我们评估了样地内茎干的水分传导率的季节差异(雨季和旱季),并检测了两个物种间木质部对空化的脆弱性、叶片水分利用和叶片膨松损失点的差异。两种橡树在耐旱性状方面没有显著差异,主要包括木质部易栓塞性、叶片膨松损失点和气孔导度。然而,两种植物在旱季都有不同的表现:短落叶植物对木质部功能的负面影响要比晚落叶植物低。综上所述,两种橡树在植物生理性能方面的季节变化取决于冠层叶面积的减少。  相似文献   

Quercus rugosa and Q.laurina are species that presents a wide geographical distribution range in temperate forests of Mexico. Oak canopies contain a considerable portion of arthropod diversity and the arthropods fauna fulfill a wide variety of ecological roles. We examined the effect of oak species and seasonal changes on some community structure parameters (diversity, composition, similarity, biomass, rare species, and density of arthropod fauna) of canopy arthropods. In total, 40 oak canopies were fogged during rainy and dry season. A total of 614 identified arthropod morphospecies were recognized belonging to 22 orders associated with tree canopies. A separation of host tree species during both seasons, suggesting a different community structure on host plants species was demonstrated by the principal component analyses (PCA), therefore, differences between oak species results in phenotypes that structure the composition of the arthropod community. Q.laurina registered the highest densities, diversity index and number of rare species in comparison with Q.rugosa. While arthropod biomass showed an inverse pattern. Trees more close to one another (spatial distance) register a more similar canopy arthropod fauna. This study suggests that the trees of Q.laurina could act as a center of biodiversity by the accumulation of arthropod fauna with a considerable number of rare species, which presents wide ecological roles or is involved in critical processes that maintain forest ecosystems[Current Zoology 55(2):132-144,2009].  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The pedunculate oak, Quercus robur L., suffers high annual levels of spring defoliation in Wytham Woods, Oxon. The two major defoliators, Tortrix viridana L. and Operophtera brumata L., sometimes reach high enough densities to completely defoliate trees.
2. Experiments with larvae of both species enclosed on oak trees in Wytham Woods suggest considerable potential for intra- and interspecific competition between T. viridana and O. brumata.
3. T. viridana and O. brumata consume equivalent amounts of leaf tissue per unit caterpillar density. Despite this, O. brumata is the superior competitor, measured by mortality during the larval feeding period.
4. Evidence is presented that T. viridana larvae depend upon the protected microclimate of leaf rolls to maintain water balance, and that leaf damage may disrupt the construction of, and microclimate within, leaf rolls. O. brumata may therefore be competitively superior because it indirectly interferes with the water balance of T. viridana.
5. The importance of interspecific competition in the dynamics of T. viridana and O. brumata populations is discussed. Stochastic mortality factors acting on first instar larvae of both species probably make intense competition a rare event.  相似文献   

Question: How do broadleaf tree species affect humus characteristics, herb layer composition and species diversity through their leaf litter quality and canopy structure? Location: Mixed broadleaf forests in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Methods: We studied the herb and tree layer composition in 129 undisturbed stands using a 10‐degree cover‐abundance and percentage scale, respectively. The main floristic gradients were extracted by non‐metric multidimensional scaling. Effects of tree species on the herb layer were analysed with partial Spearman rank correlation. We assessed affinities for specific tree species using indicator species analysis. Results: Both beech and oak influenced herb layer composition mainly through their litter quality, which resulted in deep Ol and Of horizons, respectively. The less dense canopy of oak, in contrast to the dense beech canopy, enhanced species diversity in favour of indifferent herb species (species not closely tied to forests). Lime was correlated with a distinct floristic gradient, but a direct effect on the herb layer cannot be proven with the available data. Effects of hornbeam were less pronounced. Conclusions: The relationship between the tree and herb layer must be partly attributed to pH differences. However, tree species effects on humus characteristics and on light flux to the ground were largely responsible as well. The results suggest that tree species can influence herb layer composition and diversity, but the missing correlation with lime and hornbeam raise questions requiring further detailed investigation.  相似文献   

Large herbivores often co‐occur and share plant resources with herbivorous insects in grassland ecosystems; yet, how they interact with each other remains poorly understood. We conducted a series of field experiments to investigate whether and how large domestic herbivores (sheep; Ovis aries) may affect the abundance of a common herbivorous insect (aphid; Hyalopterus pruni) in a temperate grassland of northeast China. Our exclosure experiment showed that 3 years (2010–2012) of sheep grazing had led to 86% higher aphid abundance compared with ungrazed sites. Mechanistically, this facilitative effect was driven by grazing altering the plant community, rather than by changes in food availability and predator abundance for aphids. Sheep significantly altered plant community by reducing the abundance of unpalatable forbs for the aphids. Our small‐scale forb removal experiment revealed an “associational plant defense” by forbs which protect the grass Phragmites australis from being attacked by the aphids. However, selective grazing on forbs by sheep indirectly disrupted such associational plant defense, making P. australis more susceptible to aphids, consequentially increasing the density of aphids. These findings provide a novel mechanistic explanation for the effects of large herbivores on herbivorous insects by linking selective grazing to plant community composition and the responses of insect populations in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

路颖  李坤  梁强  李传荣  张彩虹 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3175-3186
为研究泰山不同造林树种凋落物叶分解对细菌群落的影响。以泰山4种主要优势造林树种刺槐(Robinia pseucdoacacia)、麻栎(Quercus acutissima)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)和赤松(Pinus densiflora)为研究对象,采用凋落物分解袋法及Illumina Miseq测序平台对细菌16S rDNA V4—V5区扩增产物进行双端测序,分析了4种树种叶片凋落物分解对细菌群落结构及多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)4种树种叶片分解速率差异显著(P0.05),刺槐分解速率显著高于其他3个树种(P0.05),表现为刺槐赤松油松麻栎。(2)4种叶凋落物分解一年后化学元素含量与初始化学元素相比均存在显著差异。C、木质素含量均显著降低(P0.05);N、P含量显著升高(P0.05)。(3)所有样品一共获得643440条有效序列,分属于35门,92纲,121目,246科,410属,206种。细菌群落NMDSβ-多样性分析显示除油松和赤松间差异较小外,其他树种间差异程度均较大。其中,细菌群落相对丰度在5%以上的优势类群是变形菌门、放线菌门、拟杆菌门、酸杆菌门,且在4种处理之间差异显著(PSymbol|@@0.05)。在纲水平上,α-变形菌纲、β-变形菌纲、不明放线菌纲、鞘脂杆菌纲、γ-变形菌纲、δ-变形菌纲为主要的优势纲,其中不明放线菌纲和鞘脂杆菌纲差异显著(PSymbol|@@0.05)。在种水平上,Bradyrhizobium elkanii和Luteibacter rhizovicinus在4个处理中都为优势种,每个处理也都有自己所特有的优势种。(4)4个处理细菌丰富度(OUT、观测到的物种数和ACE指数)和系统发育多样性(PD指数)之间差异显著(PSymbol|@@0.05),且阔叶树种刺槐和麻栎显著高于针叶树种赤松和油松。(5)叶片凋落物性状和细菌群落NMDS分析表明,细菌群落多样性受到凋落物化学性质的影响,尤其是凋落物初始C/N比和木质素/N比。此外,在细菌群落多样性和叶片凋落物化学性质两个因素中,分解速率与凋落物化学性质相关性更大。研究结果有助于理解细菌群落结构和多样性对森林生态系统叶片凋落物分解的影响。  相似文献   

1. Leaves that fall into the water represent a new habitat for microorganisms to colonise in streams, providing an opportunity to study colonisation and the subsequent regulation of community structure. We explored community composition of bacteria and fungi on decomposing alder leaves in nine streams in central Sweden, and describe their relationship with environmental variables. Succession of the microbial community was studied in one of the streams for 118 days. Microbial community composition was examined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis on replicate samples of leaves from each stream. 2. During succession in one stream, maximum taxon richness was reached after 34 days for bacteria and 20 days for fungi respectively. Replicate samples within this stream differed between each other earlier in colonisation, while subsequently such variation among replicate communities was low and remained stable for several weeks. Replicate samples taken from all the nine streams after 34 days of succession showed striking similarities in microbial communities within‐streams, although communities differed more strongly between streams. 3. Canonical analysis of microbial communities and environmental variables revealed that water chemistry had a significant influence on community composition. This influence was superimposed on a statistical relationship between the properties of stream catchments and microbial community composition. 4. The catchment regulates microbial communities in two different ways. It harbours the species pool from which the in‐stream microbial community is drawn and it governs stream chemistry and the composition of organic substrates that further shape the communities. We suggest that there is a random element to colonisation early in succession, whereas other factors such as species interactions, stream chemistry and organic substrate properties, result in a more deterministic regulation of communities during later stages.  相似文献   

We assessed the adaptive potential of seed and leaf phenology in 10 natural populations of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) sampled along two altitudinal transects using common garden experiments. Population differentiation for both phenological traits was observed with high-altitude populations germinating and flushing later than low altitude ones. However, high genetic variation and heritability values were also maintained within populations, despite slightly decreasing for dates of leaf unfolding with increasing altitude. We suggest that biotic and abiotic fluctuating selection pressures within populations and high gene flow are the main mechanisms maintaining high genetic variation for these fitness related traits. Moreover, changes in selection intensity and/or selection pressures along the altitudinal gradient can explain the reduction in genetic variation observed for leaf phenology. We anticipate that the maintenance of high genetic variation will be a valuable resource for future adaptation of sessile oak populations undergoing an upslope shift caused by climate change.  相似文献   

Taking Elaeagnus mollis Diels and seven dominant woody species in its community from Yicheng County of Shanxi Province as research objects, leaf traits including specific leaf area (SLA), nitrogen content in leaf per unit area ( Narea ) , leaf dry matter content ( LDMC ) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency ( PNUE ) were compared, and correlations of SLA value with LDMC and PNUE values were analyzed. The results show that there are different degree variations in four indexes of leaf traits of E. mollis, Vitex negundo var. heterophylla ( Franch.) Rehd., Broussonetia papyrifera ( Linn.) L' Hér. ex Vent., Lespedeza bicolor Turcz., Caragana microphylla Lam., Rosa xanthina Lindl., Amygdalus davidiana ( Carrière) de Vos ex Henry and Periploca sepium Bunge, in which, SLA value with the largest coefficient of variation ( 404%) , and LDMC value with the lowest coefficient of variation ( 103%) . Compared with other tested species, SLA and PNUE values of E. mollis are the lowest ( 103 cm-2 · g-1 and 108 μmol · mol-1 · s-1 , respectively) , while its Narea value is the highest ( 0243 g · m-2 ) , and its LDMC value is also relatively high ( 0380 g·g-1 ) . SLA value of eight tested species show an extremely significant positive correlation ( P<001) with PNUE value, and a significant negative correlation ( P<005 ) with LDMC value, correlation coefficient are 0923 and -0718, respectively, indicating that SLA value is an important parameter of leaf photosynthetic capacity and resource utilization ability. It is suggested that compared with other dominant woody species, E. mollis is more sensitive to environmental change, and has a poor environmental adaptability.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Hybridizing species such as oaks may provide a model to study the role of selection in speciation with gene flow. Discrete species'' identities and different adaptations are maintained among closely related oak species despite recurrent gene flow. This is probably due to ecologically mediated selection at a few key genes or genomic regions. Neutrality tests can be applied to identify so-called outlier loci, which demonstrate locus-specific signatures of divergent selection and are candidate genes for further study.


Thirty-six genic microsatellite markers, some with putative functions in flowering time and drought tolerance, and eight non-genic microsatellite markers were screened in two population pairs (n = 160) of the interfertile species Quercus rubra and Q. ellipsoidalis, which are characterized by contrasting adaptations to drought. Putative outliers were then tested in additional population pairs from two different geographic regions (n = 159) to support further their potential role in adaptive divergence.

Key Results

A marker located in the coding sequence of a putative CONSTANS-like (COL) gene was repeatedly identified as under strong divergent selection across all three geographically disjunct population pairs. COL genes are involved in the photoperiodic control of growth and development and are implicated in the regulation of flowering time.


The location of the polymorphism in the Quercus COL gene and given the potential role of COL genes in adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation makes this a promising candidate speciation gene. Further investigation of the phenological characteristics of both species and flowering time pathway genes is suggested in order to elucidate the importance of phenology genes for the maintenance of species integrity. Next-generation sequencing in multiple population pairs in combination with high-density genetic linkage maps could reveal the genome-wide distribution of outlier genes and their potential role in reproductive isolation between these species.  相似文献   

In temperate forests, juvenile trees anticipate leaf phenology compared to adults, thus avoiding shading and herbivory. This is also expected to occur in seasonal tropical forests due to intense herbivory and shading during the rainy season; however, the anticipation of leaf phenology by juveniles in seasonal tropical forests has yet to be demonstrated. Stem‐succulent species are expected to be prone to juvenile phenological anticipation because these species are able to use water stored in their stems for leaf flushing in the dry season. We investigated this hypothesis by comparing leaf phenology (bud break, leaf expansion) of juveniles and adults of two species with contrasting wood densities in the transition between dry and rainy seasons in a tropical dry woodland. We also investigated the level of light limitation that juveniles experience in the rainy season. Both species exhibited bud break during the dry season, but only expanded their leaves with the occurrence of the first rains. In general, the stem‐succulent species had a more precocious bud break; however, anticipation by juveniles occurred only in the species with more dense wood. Canopy openness was lower than in temperate deciduous forests, but the fact that the full expansion of leaves occurred only with rainfall indicates that bud break in anticipation of canopy closure contributes only to keeping leaf photosynthetic balance from going negative, and not to higher carbon gain. The importance of anticipated budding for escaping herbivory remains an alternative explanation in need of investigation.  相似文献   

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