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The DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase complex was purified over 17,000-fold to near homogeneity from calf thymus using an immunoaffinity column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed three polypeptides with molecular weights of 140, 50 and 47 kDa, in a ratio of 1:2:0.25. The complex showed a sedimentation coefficient of 9.7 S, a Stokes radius of 56 A and a native molecular weight of 250-260 kDa. Taken together, the data suggest that the calf thymus dNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase complex is essentially a heterotrimer of large (140 kDa) and small (50 kDa) subunits in a ratio of 1:2, with a globular conformation. Electron-microscopic studies of the complex revealed a spherical particle of 120 A in diameter, in agreement with the physiochemical results. The binding of the complex to DNA was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

A very highly purified fraction of KB cell DNA polymerase-alpha, prepared with a monoclonal antibody, contains DNA primase activity. The primase synthesizes oligonucleotide chains initiated with ATP in a reaction that is resistant to alpha-amanitin and strictly dependent on added template and ribonucleoside triphosphates (rNTPs). In the presence of added dNTPs and M13 DNA template, the primase produces a uniform population of oligoribonucleotides, predominantly hexamers to decamers, that are extended by polymerase-alpha into DNA chains up to 3000 nucleotides long. There is no evidence for nucleotide preferences at RNA/DNA junctions. In the absence of added dNTPs, the oligomeric products are heterogeneous in size and composition and susceptible to cleavage by pancreatic DNase I due to their content of short oligodeoxynucleotide tracts synthesized by primase from trace contaminant dNTPs in the rNTP substrates. The primase and polymerase-alpha activities are distinguishable by several physical and chemical criteria, and the primase reaction is only partially sensitive to two potent, independent monoclonal antibodies that neutralize polymerase-alpha. Although the presence of both primase and polymerase-alpha activities in a highly purified immune complex prepared with a monoclonal antibody argues for their tight physical association, the chemical, physical, and immunological discriminations indicate the two catalytic entities are functionally and structurally distinct.  相似文献   

The human DNA polymerase alpha catalytic polypeptide has been functionally overexpressed by a recombinant baculovirus in insect cells at greater than 1000-fold higher levels than that found in cultured normal human cells. The recombinant polymerase alpha protein is translated from its natural translation start codon under the control of the baculovirus polyhedron promoter producing a protein of 180 kDa, identical in size to that isolated from cultured human cells. This recombinant polymerase alpha is phosphorylated and reactive to a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against the native polymerase alpha-primase complex and to polyclonal antisera against N- and C-terminal peptides of the polymerase alpha catalytic polypeptide. The recombinant enzyme was immunopurified from insect cells as a single polypeptide. The single subunit recombinant polymerase alpha has no detectable 3'-5' exonuclease activity. The Km for primer-template and dNTP, reactivity to inhibitors, N2-(p-n-butylphenyl)-dGTP (BuPdGTP) and aphidicolin, thermosensitivity, and DNA synthetic processivity and fidelity of the recombinant polymerase alpha are identical to that observed with the four-subunit polymerase alpha-primase complex immunopurified from cultured human cells. These results strongly suggest that the presence of the other subunits, (the p70 and the two primase subunits, p48 and p58), does not influence kinetic parameters of polymerase alpha catalysis, sensitivity to inhibitors, or DNA synthetic fidelity and processivity.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase α-DNA primase complex was purified over 17 000-fold to near homogeneity from calf thymus using an immunoaffinity column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed three polypeptides with molecular weights of 140, 50 and 47 kDa, in a ratio of 1:2:0.25. The complex showed a sedimentation coefficient of 9.7 S, a Stokes radius of 56 Å and a native molecular weight of 250–260 kDa. Taken together, the data suggest that the calf thymus dNA polymerase α-DNA primase complex is essentially a heterotrimer of large (140 kDa) and small (50 kDa) subunits in a ratio of 1:2, with a globular conformation. Electron-microscopic studies of the complex revealed a spherical particle of 120 Å in diameter, in agreement with the physicochemical results. The binding of the complex to DNA was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase alpha from Drosophila melanogaster embryos is a multisubunit enzyme complex which can exhibit DNA polymerase, 3'----5' exonuclease, and DNA primase activities. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) inhibition of DNA polymerase activity in this complex is time dependent and exhibits saturation kinetics. Inhibition can be reversed by incubation with an excess of a primary amine unless the PLP-enzyme conjugate is first reduced with NaBH4. These results indicate that PLP inhibition occurs via imine formation at a specific site(s) on the enzyme. Results from substrate protection experiments are most consistent with inhibition of DNA polymerase activity by PLP binding to either one of two sites. One site (PLP site 1) can be protected from PLP inhibition by any nucleoside triphosphate in the absence or presence of template-primer, suggesting that PLP site 1 defines a nucleotide-binding site which is important for DNA polymerase activity but which is distinct from the DNA polymerase active site. PLP also inhibits DNA primase activity of the DNA polymerase alpha complex, and primase activity can be protected from PLP inhibition by nucleotide alone, arguing that PLP site 1 lies within the DNA primase active site. The second inhibitory PLP-binding site (PLP site 2) is only protected from PLP inhibition when the enzyme is bound to both template-primer and correct dNTP in a stable ternary complex. Since binding of PLP at site 2 is mutually exclusive with template-directed dNTP binding at the DNA polymerase active site, PLP site 2 appears to define the dNTP binding domain of the active site. Results from initial velocity analysis of PLP inhibition argue that there is a rate-limiting step in the polymerization cycle during product release and/or translocation.  相似文献   

Calf thymus DNA primase was examined to determine the kinetic parameters that define its unusual processivity. At 37 degrees C, the major products were 8-9 and 2-3 nucleotides long. The 2-mer was the predominant product when considered on a molar basis. At each polymerization cycle en route to synthesis of a unit length primer (7-10 nucleotides), processivity was defined by competition of enzyme dissociation with ATP binding as well as an ATP independent step(s). Reducing the temperature to 25 degrees C had relatively little effect on the production of primers less than or equal to 6 nucleotides long, but greatly enhanced production of primers twice (16-18 nucleotides) the normal unit length. Kinetic analysis revealed that synthesis of these longer primers largely involves dissociation of the primase after completion of the unit length primer. After synthesis of a primer, the primase-polymerase complex normally switches to polymerase activity. Only primers greater than or equal to 7 nucleotides long were utilized by the polymerase regardless of the dNTP concentration, indicating that the signal for the primase to polymerase activity switch is primer completion. During the switch, either the primer-template does not dissociate from the complex or the complex has extraordinarily high affinity for the primers. At 25 degrees C and physiological dNTP concentrations the activity switch is very efficient, greater than 90% of the primers are elongated. However, at 37 degrees C the switch is much less efficient, likely due to primer-template denaturation.  相似文献   

It has been shown that DNA primase activity is tightly associated with 10S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus (Yoshida, S. et al. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 741, 348-357). In the present study, the primase activity was separated from DNA polymerase alpha by treating purified 10S DNA polymerase alpha with 3.4 M urea followed by a fast column chromatography (Pharmacia FPLC, Mono Q column equilibrated with 2 M urea). Ten to 20 % of the primase activity was separated from 10S DNA polymerase alpha by this procedure but 80-90% remained in the complex. The separated primase activity sedimented at 5.6S through a gradient of glycerol. The separated primase was strongly inhibited by araATP (Ki = 10 microM) and was also sensitive to salts such as KCl (50% inhibition at 30 mM). The primase used poly(dT) or poly(dC) as templates efficiently, but showed little activity with poly(dA) or poly(dI). These properties agree well with those of the primase activity in the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex (10S DNA polymerase alpha). These results indicate that the calf thymus primase may be a part of the 10S DNA polymerase alpha and its enzymological characters are preserved after separation from the complex.  相似文献   

A simple method was developed for the isolation of primase-free DNA polymerase-alpha from the DNA polymerase-alpha-primase complex of mouse FM3A cells. The polymerase was separated from primase subunits by chromatography on a single-stranded DNA-cellulose column in the presence of 50% etylene glycol. The primase-free DNA polymerase-alpha contained two polypeptides with molecular masses of 180,000 and 68,000. Analysis of the DNA products with poly(dA)-oligo(dT)10 as template-primer revealed that both primase-free DNA polymerase-alpha and the DNA polymerase-alpha-primase complex predominantly synthesized short DNA with less than 30 nucleotides, but that the DNA polymerase-alpha-primase complex also synthesized some longer DNA with more than 300-400 nucleotides.  相似文献   

We have determined the fidelity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase I (yPol I) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To determine whether subunits other than the polymerase catalytic subunit influence fidelity, we measured the accuracy of yPol I purified by conventional procedures, which yields DNA polymerase with a partially proteolyzed catalytic subunit and no associated primase activity, and that of yPol I purified by immunoaffinity chromatography, which yields polymerase having a single high-molecular-weight species of the catalytic subunit, as well as three additional polypeptides and DNA primase activity. In assays that score polymerase errors within the lacZ alpha-complementation gene in M13mp2 DNA, yPol I and the yPol I-primase complex produced single-base substitutions, single-base frameshifts, and larger deletions. For specific errors and template positions, the two forms of polymerase exhibited differences in fidelity that could be as large as 10-fold. Nevertheless, results for the overall error frequency and the spectrum of errors suggest that the yPol I-DNA primase complex is not highly accurate and that, just as for the polymerase alone, its fidelity is not sufficient to account for a low spontaneous mutation rate in vivo. The specificity data also suggest models to explain -1 base frameshifts in nonrepeated sequences and certain complex deletions by a direct repeat mechanism involving aberrant loop-back synthesis.  相似文献   

The primase activity of DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The nearly homogeneous 9 S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus contains a primase activity that allows priming of DNA synthesis on single-stranded templates in the presence of ribonucleoside triphosphates. Both on synthetic and natural single-stranded templates, RNA primers of 8-15 nucleotides in length are formed. In the absence of dNTPs, primers of some hundred nucleotides in length are observable. ATP and/or GTP are required for the priming reaction. UTP and CTP cannot initiate the RNA synthesis. M13 single-stranded DNA can be converted to the nicked double helical form upon primase-primed replication by the 9 S enzyme. Priming occurs mostly at specific sites on the M13 genome and replication products of up to 6000 nucleotides in length are formed. In the presence of the single-stranded DNA binding protein from Escherichia coli, specificity of priming is strongly increased. The primase is inhibited by salt and actinomycin; it is insensitive to alpha-amanitin and N-ethylmaleimide. Due to the strong complex formation between DNA polymerase and primase, it has not been possible to separate the two activities of the multisubunit 9 S enzyme.  相似文献   

L M Boxer  D Korn 《Biochemistry》1979,18(21):4742-4749
We have purified the DNA polymerase from Mycoplasma orale to homogeneity. The protein structure of the enzyme was declined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, which revealed a single band of 116 000 daltons that was coincident with the polymerase activity profile in the final step of DNA--cellulose chromatography, and by two-dimensional gel analysis, which demonstrated a single protein species at pI = 6.8 that was congruent with enzyme activity and contained the same 116 000 polypeptide. although severe enzyme aggregation occurs during nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, a monomer species can be resolved with a Mr of 140 000 by the Ferguson plot analysis. Gel filtration and velocity gradient centrifugation yield a Stokes radius of 4.8 nm and a sedimentation coefficient of 5.6 S, respectively, from which Mr values of 106 000--128 000 can be computed. The different size values suggest that the polymerase molecule is asymmetric. The purified enzyme has a specific activity of approximately 6 x 10(5) units/mg of protein and in completely devoid of exodeoxyribonuclease and endodeoxyribonuclease activities, at exclusion limits of 10(-4)--10(-6%) of the polymerase activity. The mechanism of polymerization is moderately processive, with an average of 14 +/- 4 nucleotides incorporated per binding event, and the "effective template length" on activated DNA is approximately 40 nucleotides.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase I and DNA primase complex in yeast   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Chromatographic analysis of poly(dT) replication activity in fresh yeast extracts showed that the activities required co-fractionate with the yeast DNA polymerase I. Since poly(dT) replication requires both a primase and a DNA polymerase, the results of the fractionation studies suggest that these two enzymes might exist as a complex in the yeast extract. Sucrose gradient analysis of concentrated purified yeast DNA polymerase I preparations demonstrates that the yeast DNA polymerase I does sediment as a complex with DNA primase activity. Two DNA polymerase I peptides estimated at 78,000 and 140,000 Da were found in the complex that were absent from the primase-free DNA polymerase fraction. Rabbit anti-yeast DNA polymerase I antibody inhibits DNA polymerase I but not DNA primase although rabbit antibodies are shown to remove DNA primase activity from solution by binding to the complex. Mouse monoclonal antibody to yeast DNA polymerase I binds to free yeast DNA polymerase I as well as the complex, but not to the free DNA primase activity. These results suggest that these two activities exist as a complex and reside on the different polypeptides. Replication of poly(dT) and single-stranded circular phage DNA by yeast DNA polymerase I and primase requires ATP and dNTPs. The size of the primer produced is 8 to 9 nucleotides in the presence of dNTPs and somewhat larger in the absence of dNTPs. Aphidicolin, an inhibitor of yeast DNA polymerase I, is not inhibitory to the yeast DNA primase activity. The primase activity is inhibited by adenosine 5'-(3-thio)tri-phosphate but not by alpha-amanitin. The association of yeast DNA polymerase I and yeast DNA primase can be demonstrated directly by isolation of the complex on a column containing yeast DNA polymerase I mouse monoclonal antibody covalently linked to Protein A-Sepharose. Both DNA polymerase I and DNA primase activities are retained by the column and can be eluted with 3.5 M MgCl2. Part of the primase activity can be dissociated from DNA polymerase on the column with 1 M MgCl2 and this free primase activity can be detected as poly(dT) replication activity in the presence of Escherichia coli polymerase I.  相似文献   

DNA primase associated with 10 S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Among multiple subspecies of DNA polymerase alpha of calf thymus, only 10 S DNA polymerase alpha had a capacity to initiate DNA synthesis on an unprimed single-stranded, circular M13 phage DNA in the presence of ribonucleoside triphosphates (DNA primase activity). The primase was copurified with 10 S DNA polymerase alpha through the purification and both activities cosedimented at 10 S through gradients of either sucrose or glycerol. Furthermore, these two activities were immunoprecipitated at a similar efficiency by a monoclonal antibody directed against calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha. These results indicate that the primase is tightly bound to 10 S DNA polymerase alpha. The RNA polymerizing activity was resistant to alpha-amanitin, required high concentration of all four ribonucleoside triphosphates (800 microM) for its maximal activity, and produced the limited length of oligonucleotides (around 10 nucleotides long) which were necessary to serve as a primer for DNA synthesis. Covalent bonding to RNA to DNA was strongly suggested by the nearest neighbour frequency analysis and the DNAase treatment. The DNA synthesis primed by the RNA oligomers may be carried out by the associating DNA polymerase alpha because it was strongly inhibited by araCTP, resistant to d2TTP, and was also inhibited by aphidicolin but at relatively high concentration. The primase preferred single-stranded DNA as a template, but it also showed an activity on the double-stranded DNA from calf thymus at an efficiency of approx. 10% of that with single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Two forms of DNA polymerase alpha, alpha 1 and alpha 2, have been partially purified from mouse FM3A cells by discriminating one form from the other on the basis of the association of primase activity. The primase activity in the most purified alpha 1 fraction co-sedimented with the DNA polymerase activity in a glycerol gradient, and almost no primase activity was detected in the most purified alpha 2 fraction. The primase activity associated with DNA polymerase alpha was assayed indirectly by measuring ATP-dependent DNA synthesis with poly (dT) as template. Characterization of the assay system was performed with the purified alpha 1. The system was absolutely dependent on the presence of ATP and a divalent cation. Mn2+ was much more effective than Mg2+, and 5-fold higher activity was observed with Mn2+ than with Mg2+ at their optimal concentrations. The primase activity assayed by the above system showed sensitivity to (NH4)2SO4 very similar to that of free primase reported by Tseng and Ahlem (J. Biol. Chem. 258, 9845-9849, 1983). The activity was inhibited by more than 50% by 20 mM (NH4)2SO4. alpha 1 and alpha 2 were very similar as DNA polymerases in their sensitivity to several inhibitors and their preference for template-primers, except that alpha 1 had a slightly greater preference for poly (dT) X (rA)10 than alpha 2 did. The major difference between the two forms was observed in their S values, 8.2 and 6.4 S for alpha 1 and alpha 2, respectively.  相似文献   

L M Boxer  D Korn 《Biochemistry》1980,19(12):2623-2633
We have purified to near homogeneity the single DNA-dependent ATPase activity that we have identified in extracts of KB cell nuclei. The protein structure of the enzyme was defined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, which revealed a single protein band of 75000 daltons that was coincident with the profile of ATPase activity resolved by the final step of agarose-ATP chromatography or by isoelectric focusing. The enzyme has a pI of 8.5, a Stokes' radius by gel filtration of 3.8 nm, and a sedimentation coefficient in high salt of 5.3 S. At low ionic strength the enzyme activity sediments at 7.0 S, suggesting that it may dimerize under these conditions. The purified enzyme has a specific activity of 5.9 X 10(5) nmol of ATP hydrolyzed per h per mg of protein and is devoid of endonuclease, exonuclease, RNA or DNA polymerase, nicking-closing, and gyrase activities at exclusion limits of 10(-6)-10(-8) of the ATPase activity. The enzyme can hydrolyze only ATP or dATP, to generate ADP or dADP plus Pi, but the other NTPs and dNTPs are competitive inhibitors of the enzyme with respect to ATP. A divalent cation (Mg2+ greater than Mn2+ greater than Ca2+) as well as a nucleic acid cofactor is required for activity. Single-stranded DNA or deoxyhomopolymers are most effective, but blunt-ended linear and nicked circular duplex DNA molecules are also used at Vmax values approximately 20% of that obtained with single-stranded DNA. Intact duplex DNA and polyribonucleotides are unable to support ATP hydrolysis. Velocity gradient sedimentation studies corroborate the interpretations of the kinetic analyses and demonstrate enzyme binding to single-stranded DNA and nicked duplex DNA but not to intact duplex DNA. Although we have not succeeded directly in demonstrating DNA unwinding by this protein, preliminary results suggest that in the presence of ATP, the ATPase can stimulate the reactivity of homogeneous human DNA polymerases alpha and beta on nicked duplex DNA substrates.  相似文献   

DNA primase activity has been resolved from a purified DNA primase-polymerase alpha complex of HeLa cells by hydrophobic affinity chromatography on phenylSepharose followed by chromatography on hexylagarose. This procedure provides a good yield (55%) of DNA primase that is free from polymerase alpha. The free DNA primase activity was purified to near homogeneity and its properties characterized. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of the purified free DNA primase showed a major protein staining band of Mr 70,000. The native enzyme in velocity sedimentation has an S20'W of 5. DNA primase synthesizes RNA oligomers with single-stranded M-13 DNA, poly(dT) and poly(dC) templates that are elongated by the DNA polymerase alpha in a manner that has already been described for several purified eukaryotic DNA primase-polymerase alpha complexes. The purified free DNA primase activity is resistant to neutralizing anti-human DNA polymerase alpha antibodies, BuPdGTP and aphidicolin that specifically inhibit the free DNA polymerase alpha and also DNA polymerase alpha complexed with the primase. The free primase activity is more sensitive to monovalent salt concentrations and is more labile than polymerase alpha. Taken together these results indicate that the DNA primase and polymerase alpha activities of the DNA primase-polymerase alpha complex reside on separate polypeptides that associate tightly through hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

A primase activity associated to DNA polymerase alpha from rat liver is described. Both activities were absent in normal adult rat liver but were concomitantly induced after partial hepatectomy. As previously shown for polymerase alpha and DNA topoisomerase II, primase activity reached a maximum value 40-43 h after the partial removal of the liver. Primase activity was shown to catalyze dNMP incorporation on unprimed single-stranded DNA template (M13 DNA) in the presence of rNTP. The activity was not detectable on poly(dA) or poly(dG) but was efficient on poly(dT) or poly(dC). However, the reliability of the primase assay in the presence of poly(dC) was dependent upon the degree of purification of the enzyme. The ribo primers were about 10 nucleotides long, and the reaction was completely independent of alpha-amanitin, a strong inhibitor of RNA polymerases II and III. Primase and polymerase were found tightly associated. A cosedimentation on a 5-20% sucrose gradient was always obtained, independent of the ionic strength. There was also a close coincidence between alpha-polymerase and primase activities during phosphocellulose, hydroxylapatite, and single-stranded DNA Ultrogel chromatography. It has been previously demonstrated by us and others that primase and alpha-polymerase are on separated polypeptides. The association of two activities in the replication complex and the conditions allowing their separation are discussed.  相似文献   

Highly purified DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase from normal human tissue (human placenta) has been prepared by immunoaffinity purification on immobilized anti-human DNA polymerase alpha monoclonal antibody SJK 287-38. According to data from SDS electrophoresis this preparation consists of subunits of 180, 160, 145, 140 kDa (a cluster of DNA-polymerizing subunits), 73 kDa (function unknown) and 59, 52 kDa (corresponding to primase). Three active enzyme forms of 270, 460 and 575 kDa have been revealed using native electrophoresis followed by detection of DNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

This report describes the results of our initial enzymological characterization of a homogeneous preparation of DNA polymerase alpha that we have purified from cultured human KB cells. Although the enzyme is most reactive with duplex DNA substrates that contain short gaps (optimally activated) in incubations that require Mg2+, the polymerase possesses the intrinsic capacity to copy the initiated ribohomopolymer template, (A)-n, (dT)-200, at low rates in the presence of Mn2+. Because of the preponderance of DNA polymerase alpha in actively multiplying vertebrate cells, it is probable that this low level of activity comprises the majority of the ribopolymer copying activity that can be detected in crude tissue extracts. The presence of contaminating or associated deoxyribonuclease activities can be excluded from the purified enzyme to levels of 10(-4) to 10(-7) of the polymerase activity. The mechanism of polymerization on activated DNA under optimum conditions is moderately processive, with 11 +/- 5 nucleotides incorporated per polymerization cycle. The polymerase is unable to work at nicks or at short gaps of approximately 20 to 30 nucleotides in length, and it measures a surprisingly invariant effective template length on optimally activated DNA and on DNA molecules that have been gapped to varying extents with Escherichia coli exonuclease III. In the "Appendix" we present an amplification of the theoretical formulation of Bambara et al. (Bambara, R. A., Uyemura, D., and Choi, T. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 413--423) that permits the use of DNA polymerases with significant associated 3' leads to 5'-exonuclease activities for the accurate measurement of average template lengths (gap sizes) and titration of usable 3'-hydroxyl primer termini in gapped, duplex DNA substrates.  相似文献   

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