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Efficiency of de novo centromere formation in human artificial chromosomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In a comparative study, we show that human artificial chromosome (HAC) vectors based on alpha-satellite (alphoid) DNA from chromosome 17 but not the Y chromosome regularly form HACs in HT1080 human cells. We constructed four structurally similar HAC vectors, two with chromosome 17 or Y alphoid DNA (17alpha, Yalpha) and two with 17alpha or Yalpha and the hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase locus (HPRT1). The 17alpha HAC vectors generated artificial minichromosomes in 32-79% of the HT1080 clones screened, compared with only approximately 4% for the Yalpha HAC vectors, indicating that Yalpha is inefficient at forming a de novo centromere. The 17alpha HAC vectors produced megabase-sized, circular HACs containing multiple copies of alphoid fragments (60-250 kb) interspersed with either vector or HPRT1 DNA.The 17alpha-HPRT1 HACs were less stable than those with 17alpha only, and these results may influence the design of new HAC gene transfer vectors.  相似文献   

Human centromeres remain poorly characterized regions of the human genome despite their importance for the maintenance of chromosomes. In part this is due to the difficulty of cloning of highly repetitive DNA fragments and distinguishing chromosome-specific clones in a genomic library. In this work we report the highly selective isolation of human centromeric DNA using transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning. A TAR vector with alphoid DNA monomers as targeting sequences was used to isolate large centromeric regions of human chromosomes 2, 5, 8, 11, 15, 19, 21 and 22 from human cells as well as monochromosomal hybrid cells. The alphoid DNA array was also isolated from the 12 Mb human mini-chromosome ΔYq74 that contained the minimum amount of alphoid DNA required for proper chromosome segregation. Preliminary results of the structural analyses of different centromeres are reported in this paper. The ability of the cloned human centromeric regions to support human artificial chromosome (HAC) formation was assessed by transfection into human HT1080 cells. Centromeric clones from ΔYq74 did not support the formation of HACs, indicating that the requirements for the existence of a functional centromere on an endogenous chromosome and those for forming a de novo centromere may be distinct. A construct with an alphoid DNA array from chromosome 22 with no detectable CENP-B motifs formed mitotically stable HACs in the absence of drug selection without detectable acquisition of host DNAs. In summary, our results demonstrated that TAR cloning is a useful tool for investigating human centromere organization and the structural requirements for formation of HAC vectors that might have a potential for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Summary Using Southern and in situ hybridization analyses, we have earlier defined four different subfamilies of alpha satellite DNA (designated pTRA-1, -2, -4, and -7), each of which has a unique higher order structure represented almost identically on human chromosomes 13, 14, and 21. Here we present the complete sequence of single isolates of these four subfamilies, representing approximately 12 kb of sequence information. Sequences of the individual 171-bp monomers that constitute these four subfamilies (and a fifth subfamily, Alpha-R1, that is known to be present on chromosomes 13 and 21) were compared both within and between the different clones. The results indicate that, at the level of their primary sequence, the five alpha subfamilies are characterized by structures that are as unrelated to each other as the different alpha subfamilies from other chromosomes. However, sequence comparisons between monomers of these clones indicate the possibility that pTRA-2, -4, and-1 may have arisen, at least in part, from a common ancestral alphoid sequence. We also provide evidence that exchange of pTRA-1 between nonhomologous centromeres and its homogenization throughout the population, perhaps by unequal exchange mechanisms, could have occurred after the divergence of humans and chimpanzees. The evolution of multiple alphoid subfamilies within a single centromere suggests that unequal exchange mechanisms may be restricted to specific domains. This may in turn contribute to some requirement for subregional pairing of sequences along the length of the centromeres of these chromosomes. Offprint requests to: K.H.A. Choo  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA-cytosine 5-methyltransferases methylate cytosines in deoxyinosine containing DNA polymers more rapidly than in other synthetic or naturally occurring DNAs. The initial methylation rate of poly(dI-dC) X poly(dI-dC) is about 10-times higher than that of poly-(dG-dC) X poly(dG-dC) or of the native Micrococcus luteus DNA. In competitive binding experiments, DNA methyltransferase has about 10-fold higher affinity for the dI-containing alternating DNA polymer than for poly(dG-dC) X poly(dG-dC). The observed high methyl accepting capacity of poly(dI-dC) X poly(dI-dC) may be a useful methodological advance to determine de novo DNA methyltransferase activity in extracts of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Silene latifolia is a dioecious plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes that have originated only ~10 million years ago and is a promising model organism to study sex chromosome evolution in plants. Previous work suggests that S. latifolia XY chromosomes have gradually stopped recombining and the Y chromosome is undergoing degeneration as in animal sex chromosomes. However, this work has been limited by the paucity of sex-linked genes available. Here, we used 35 Gb of RNA-seq data from multiple males (XY) and females (XX) of an S. latifolia inbred line to detect sex-linked SNPs and identified more than 1,700 sex-linked contigs (with X-linked and Y-linked alleles). Analyses using known sex-linked and autosomal genes, together with simulations indicate that these newly identified sex-linked contigs are reliable. Using read numbers, we then estimated expression levels of X-linked and Y-linked alleles in males and found an overall trend of reduced expression of Y-linked alleles, consistent with a widespread ongoing degeneration of the S. latifolia Y chromosome. By comparing expression intensities of X-linked alleles in males and females, we found that X-linked allele expression increases as Y-linked allele expression decreases in males, which makes expression of sex-linked contigs similar in both sexes. This phenomenon is known as dosage compensation and has so far only been observed in evolutionary old animal sex chromosome systems. Our results suggest that dosage compensation has evolved in plants and that it can quickly evolve de novo after the origin of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Clinical and cytogenetical findings are described in an infant with a de novo deletion of the long arm of chromosome 2. The boy's karyotype is 46,XY, rec(2)delq,t(2;7) (2pter2q34::7p217pter) (7qter7p21::2q362qter). He showed developmental retardation, low-set ears, micrognathia, short neck, abundant skin of the neck, tetralogy of Fallot, bipartite labialike scrotum, clitorislike penis, cryptorchism, and deformities of the hands and feet.  相似文献   

Reduced lattice models of the three de novo designed helical proteins alpha2, alpha2C, and alpha2D were studied. Low temperature stable folds were obtained for all three proteins. In all cases, the lowest energy folds were four-helix bundles. The folding pathway is qualitatively the same for all proteins studied. The energies of various topologies are similar, especially for the alpha2 polypeptide. The simulated crossover from molten globule to native-like behavior is very similar to that seen in experimental studies. Simulations on a reduced protein model reproduce most of the experimental properties of the alpha2, alpha2C, and alpha2D proteins. Stable four-helix bundle structures were obtained, with increasing native-like behavior on-going from alpha2 to alpha2D that mimics experiment.  相似文献   

Foreign DNA microinjected into the Caenorhabditis elegans syncytial gonad forms episomal extra-chromosomal arrays, or artificial chromosomes (ACs), in embryos. Short, linear DNA fragments injected concatemerize into high molecular weight (HMW) DNA arrays that are visible as punctate DAPI-stained foci in oocytes, and they undergo chromatinization and centromerization in embryos. The inner centromere, inner kinetochore and spindle checkpoint components, including AIR-2, CENP-AHCP-3, Mis18BP1KNL-2 and BUB-1, respectively, assemble onto the nascent ACs during the first mitosis. The DNA replication efficiency of ACs improves over several cell cycles, which correlates with the improvement of kinetochore bi-orientation and proper segregation of ACs. Depletion of condensin II subunits, like CAPG-2 and SMC-4, but not the replicative helicase component, MCM-2, reduces de novo CENP-AHCP-3 level on nascent ACs. Furthermore, H3K9ac, H4K5ac and H4K12ac are highly enriched on newly chromatinized ACs. RbAp46/48LIN-53 and HAT-1, which affect the acetylation of histone H3 and H4, are essential for chromatinization, de novo centromere formation and segregation competency of nascent ACs. RbAp46/48LIN-53 or HAT-1 depletion causes the loss of both CENP-AHCP-3 and Mis18BP1KNL-2 initial deposition at de novo centromeres on ACs. This phenomenon is different from centromere maintenance on endogenous chromosomes, where Mis18BP1KNL-2 functions upstream of RbAp46/48LIN-53.  相似文献   

Alpha t alpha is a de novo designed 38-residue peptide [Fezoui et al. (1995) Protein Sci. 4, 286-295] that adopts a helical hairpin conformation in solution [Fezoui et al. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91, 3675-3679; Fezoui et al. (1997) Protein Sci. 6, 1869-1877]. Since alpha t alpha was developed as a model system for protein folding at the stage where secondary structures interact and become mutually stabilizing, it is of interest to investigate the increase in stability that occurs with helix association. alpha t alpha was dissected into its component helices and the relative stabilities of the individual helices and the parent molecule were assessed. The Delta G0 of unfolding of alpha t alpha measured by guanidine hydrochloride denaturation was determined to be 3.4 kcal/mol. The equilibrium constant for folding of alpha t alpha was estimated from the Delta G0 as 338 and from hydrogen exchange measurements as 259. The stability of the helices in intact alpha t alpha over the individual helices increased by a factor of at least 37 based on amide proton exchange measurements. Sedimentation equilibrium studies showed very little association of the peptides to form either homo- or heterodimers, suggesting that helix association is stabilized by the high effective concentration of the helices caused by the presence of the connecting turn. The effects of salt and pH on the helicity of the component peptides are largely reflected in the intact molecule, implying that short-range interactions still make important contributions to the conformation of the intact molecule even though significant stabilization is caused by helix association.  相似文献   

We report on a currently six-year-old patient with a de novo complex chromosome rearrangement (CCR) involving chromosomes 2 and 12. A translocation 2;12 that appeared to be reciprocal after standard banding turned out to be a complex event with seven breaks after molecular cytogenetic analyses. Array CGH analysis showed no imbalances at the breakpoints but revealed an additional microdeletion of about 80 kb on chromosome 11. The same deletion was also present in the phenotypically normal father. The patient showed relatively mild mental retardation, defined mainly as impaired speech development (orofacial dyspraxia) and psychomotor retardation. In addition, mild dysmorphic facial features like hypertelorism, a prominent philtrum and down-turned corners of the mouth were observed. We narrowed down all breakpoint regions to about 100 kb, using a panel of mapped bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). BACs spanning or flanking all seven breakpoints were identified and no chromosomal imbalances were found consistent with the array CGH results. Our investigations resulted in the following karyotype: 46,XY,t(2;12)(2pter-->2p25.3::2p23.3-->2p25.2::2p23.3-->2p14::2q14.3-->2p14::2q14.3-->2q14.3::12q 12-->12qter;12pter-->12q12::2p25.3-->2p25.2::2q14.3-->2qter).  相似文献   

Three cases of ring G chromosome diagnosed by amniocentesis are reported. In two instances there was paternal transmission of a ring (one r21 and one r22) without clinical manifestation in the fathers, and the two babies resulting from these pregnancies were normal at birth. In the third case, in which a de novo ring 22 was observed in association with IUGR and oligoamnios, the fetus was aborted. The variable phenotypic effects of ring G chromosomes, as well as several aspects of genetic counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

Successful approaches of de novo protein design suggest a great potential to create novel structural folds and to understand natural rules of protein folding. For these purposes, smaller and simpler de novo proteins have been developed. Here, we constructed smaller proteins by removing the terminal sequences from stable de novo vTAJ proteins and compared stabilities between mutant and original proteins. vTAJ proteins were screened from an α3β3 binary-patterned library which was designed with polar/ nonpolar periodicities of α-helix and β-sheet. vTAJ proteins have the additional terminal sequences due to the method of constructing the genetically repeated library sequences. By removing the parts of the sequences, we successfully obtained the stable smaller de novo protein mutants with fewer amino acid alphabets than the originals. However, these mutants showed the differences on ANS binding properties and stabilities against denaturant and pH change. The terminal sequences, which were designed just as flexible linkers not as secondary structure units, sufficiently affected these physicochemical details. This study showed implications for adjusting protein stabilities by designing N- and C-terminal sequences.  相似文献   

We have analyzed three de novo chromosome 16 rearrangements—two with a 16p+ chromosome and one a 16q+—none of which could be fully characterized by conventional cytogenetics. In each case, flow karyotypes have been produced, and the aberrant chromosome has been isolated by flow sorting. The origin of the additional material has been ascertained by amplifying and labeling the DNA of the abnormal chromosome by degenerate-oligonucleotide-primer–PCR and hybridizing it in situ to normal metaphase spreads (reverse chromosome painting). Both 16p+ chromosomes contain more than 30 Mb of DNA from the short arm of chromosome 9 (9p21.2-pter), while the 16q+ contains approximately 9 Mb of DNA from 2q37. The breakpoints on chromosome 16 have been localized in each case; the two breakpoints on the short arm are at different points within the terminal band, 16p13.3. The breakpoint on the long arm of chromosome 16 is very close to (within 230 kb of) the 16q telomere. Determination of the regions of monosomy and trisomy allowed the observed phenotypes to be compared with other reported cases involving aneuploidy for these regions.  相似文献   

Down syndrome is rarely due to a de novo duplication of chromosome 21 [dup(21q)]. To investigate the origin of the dup(21q) and the nature of this chromosome, we used DNA polymorphisms in 10 families with Down syndrome due to de novo dup(21q). The origin of the extra chromosome 21q was maternal in six cases and paternal in four cases. Furthermore, the majority (eight of 10) of dup(21q) chromosomes were isochromosomes i(21q) (four were paternal in origin, and four were maternal in origin); however, in two of 10 families the dup(21q) chromosome appeared to be the result of a Robertsonian translocation t(21q;21q) (maternal in origin in both cases).  相似文献   

Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are widely used in map-based cloning of plant genes. Eastern filbert blight (EFB), caused by the pyrenomycete Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller, is a devastating disease of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in the Pacific Northwest. A dominant allele at a single locus from the obsolete pollenizer “Gasaway” confers complete resistance. Our map-based cloning efforts use a BAC library for “Jefferson” hazelnut, which is heterozygous for resistance. Screening the library with primer pairs designed from RAPD markers closely linked to the EFB resistance locus identified 38 BACs. We sequenced 28 of these BACs using Illumina technology, by multiplexing with barcoded adapters. De novo sequence assembly using the programs Velvet and SOPRA and further alignment using CodonCode Aligner generated contigs whose length ranged from 393 to 108,194 bp. The number of contigs per BAC ranged from 1 to 19, and estimated coverage of assembled BACs ranged from 64 % to 100 %. Preliminary analysis of the sequences identified 779 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), from which we developed 23 markers. Of these, 17 were assigned to linkage group 6 adjacent to the disease resistance locus, five were placed on other linkage groups, and one could not be assigned to a linkage group. The BAC sequences and new SSR markers will be useful for our efforts at map-based cloning of the disease resistance gene.  相似文献   


DNA methylation is a crucial epigenomic mechanism in various biological processes. Using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) technology, methylated cytosine sites can be revealed at the single nucleotide level. However, the WGBS data analysis process is usually complicated and challenging.


To alleviate the associated difficulties, we integrated the WGBS data processing steps and downstream analysis into a two-phase approach. First, we set up the required tools in Galaxy and developed workflows to calculate the methylation level from raw WGBS data and generate a methylation status summary, the mtable. This computation environment is wrapped into the Docker container image DocMethyl, which allows users to rapidly deploy an executable environment without tedious software installation and library dependency problems. Next, the mtable files were uploaded to the web server EpiMOLAS_web to link with the gene annotation databases that enable rapid data retrieval and analyses.


To our knowledge, the EpiMOLAS framework, consisting of DocMethyl and EpiMOLAS_web, is the first approach to include containerization technology and a web-based system for WGBS data analysis from raw data processing to downstream analysis. EpiMOLAS will help users cope with their WGBS data and also conduct reproducible analyses of publicly available data, thereby gaining insights into the mechanisms underlying complex biological phenomenon. The Galaxy Docker image DocMethyl is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/lsbnb/docmethyl/.

EpiMOLAS_web is publicly accessible at http://symbiosis.iis.sinica.edu.tw/epimolas/.


Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy. Sporadic cases of CMT have been described since the earliest reports of the disease. The most frequent form of the disorder, CMT1A, is associated with a 1.5-Mb DNA duplication on chromosome 17p11.2, which segregates with the disease. In order to investigate the prevalence of de novo CMT1A duplications, this study examined 118 duplication-positive CMT1A families. In 10 of these families it was demonstrated that the disease had arisen as the result of a de novo mutation. By taking into account the ascertainment of families, it can be estimated that > or = 10% of autosomal dominant CMT1 families are due to de novo duplications. The CMT1A duplication is thought to be the product of unequal crossing over between parental chromosome 17 homologues during meiosis. Polymorphic markers from within the duplicated region were used to determine the parental origin of these de novo duplications in eight informative families. Seven were of paternal and one of maternal origin. This study represents the first report of a de novo duplication with a maternal origin and indicates that it is not a phenomenon associated solely with male meioses. Recombination fractions for the region duplicated in CMT1A are larger in females than in males. That suggests that oogenesis may be afforded greater protection from misalignment during synapsis, and/or that there may be lower activity of those factors or mechanisms that lead to unequal crossing over at the CMT1A locus.  相似文献   

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