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A number of reports have identified phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase as a downstream effector of Ras in various cellular settings, in contrast to others supporting the notion that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase acts upstream of Ras. Here, we used Xenopus oocytes, a model of Ras-mediated cell cycle progression (G2/M transition) to analyze the contribution of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to insulin/Ras-dependent signaling pathways leading to germinal vesicle breakdown and to ascertain whether phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase acts upstream or downstream of Ras in those signaling pathways. We analyzed the process of meiotic maturation induced by progesterone, insulin or micro-injected oncogenic Ras (Lys12) proteins in the presence and absence of specific inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. As expected, the progesterone-induced maturation was independent of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase since similar rates of germinal vesicle breakdown were produced by the hormone in the presence and absence of wortmannin and LY294002. In contrast, insulin-induced germinal vesicle breakdown was completely blocked by pre-incubation with the inhibitors prior to insulin treatment. Interestingly, similar rates of germinal vesicle breakdown were obtained in Ras (Lys12)-injected oocytes, independently of whether or not they had been pre-treated with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors. The effect of wortmannin or LY294002 on MAPK and Akt activation by progesterone, insulin or Ras was also analyzed. Whereas insulin activated those kinases in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner, progesterone and Ras were able to activate those kinases in the absence of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. Since Ras is a necessary and sufficient downstream component of insulin signaling pathways leading to germinal vesicle breakdown, these observations demonstrate that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is not a downstream effector of Ras in insulin/Ras-dependent signaling pathways leading to entry into the M phase in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor, Met, play a crucial role in regulating adult skeletal myoblast proliferation and differentiation. Met signaling is mediated by phosphorylation of two carboxy-terminal tyrosines, which act as docking sites for a number of intracellular mediators. These include Grb2 and p85, which couple the receptor with the Ras and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways, respectively. In this study, we define the role of these effectors in response to HGF by utilizing Met mutants, designed to obtain preferential coupling of Met to either Grb2 or PI3K or both. We found that relative to the wild-type receptor, enhanced binding to Grb2 further increases the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine and the expression of Twist, while decreasing that of p27(Kip1) and myogenin. Conversely, preferential coupling with PI3K induced cell-cycle withdrawal and differentiation. Whereas enhanced Grb2 binding increased the phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (MAPK/ERK) and abrogated that of p38 MAPK, PI3K had the opposite effect. PD098059 reversed the inhibitory effects of Met on cell proliferation and differentiation, while wortmannin had only a very marginal effect. Taken together, these data suggest that coupling of Met with Grb2 is necessary for HGF-mediated inhibition of muscle differentiation. This inhibition occurs only when PI3K signaling downstream of Met is low. Imposing an efficient coupling of PI3K to Met would lead to upregulation of muscle regulatory factors and subsequent cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is a physiological regulator of monocyte-macrophage lineage. Ectopic expression of the M-CSF receptor (M-CSFR, or Fms) in murine myeloid cell line FDC-P1 (FD/Fms cells) results in M-CSF-dependent macrophage differentiation. Previously, we observed that M-CSF induces two temporally distinct phases of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation. Here we show that levels of phosphorylated MAPK kinase MEK1 follow the same kinetics as MAPK phosphorylation, characterized by an early and transient phase (the first 30 min of M-CSF stimulation) and a late and persistent phase from 4 h of stimulation. The MEK inhibitor U0126 strongly inhibited both phases of MAPK phosphorylation as well as FD/Fms cell differentiation, indicating that MAPK may relay M-CSF differentiation signaling downstream of M-CSFR. Treatment of FD/Fms cells with U0126 during the first hour of M-CSF stimulation reversibly blocked the early phase of MAPK phosphorylation but did not affect differentiation. In contrast, U0126 still inhibited FD/Fms cell differentiation when its addition was delayed by 24 h. This demonstrated that late and persistent MEK activity is specifically required for macrophage differentiation to occur. Furthermore, disrupting Grb2-Sos complexes with a specific blocking peptide did not prevent FD/Fms cells differentiation in response to M-CSF, nor did it abolish MAPK phosphorylation. The role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), another potential regulator of the MAPK pathway, was examined using the specific inhibitor LY294002. This compound could not impede FD/Fms cell commitment to macrophage differentiation and did not significantly affect MAPK phosphorylation in response to M-CSF. Therefore, M-CSF differentiation signaling in myeloid progenitor cells is mediated through persistent MEK activity but it is not strictly dependent upon Grb2-Sos interaction or PI 3-kinase activity.  相似文献   

The Id proteins play an important role in proliferation, differentiation, and tumor development. We report here that Id gene expression can be regulated by the insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-IR), a receptor that also participates in the regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation. Specifically, we found that the IGF-IR activated by its ligand was a strong inducer of Id2 gene expression in 32D murine hemopoietic cells. This activation was not simply the result of cellular proliferation, as Id2 gene expression was higher in 32D cells stimulated by IGF-I than in cells exponentially growing in interleukin-3. The up-regulation of Id2 gene expression was largely dependent on the presence of insulin receptor substrate-1, a major substrate of the IGF-IR and a potent activator of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway. The role of PI3K activity in the up-regulation of Id2 gene expression by the IGF-IR was confirmed by different methods and in different cell types. In 32D cells, the up-regulation of Id2 gene expression by the PI3K pathway correlated with interleukin-3 independence and inhibition of differentiation.  相似文献   

Xenopus oocytes expressing fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) from the hormone-independent breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231, are used as a biological system to analyze the signalling cascades initiated by FGF1. FGF1 induces ERK2 phosphorylation and G2/M transition. These events are dependent on the Shc/Grb2/Ras pathway, on Src and PI3Kinase (PI3K), as shown by the use of SH2 domains or dominant negative proteins, and on PLC gamma and calcium as demonstrated by a PLC gamma inhibitory peptide and BAPTA-AM. FGF1 mobilizes Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive calcium stores, as recorded through the inhibition by caffeine of a chloride calcium-dependent current in expressing oocytes. This study shows that the transduction cascades induced by FGF1 on FGFRs from MDA-MB-231 cells represent the sum of Ras, Src, PI3K, and PLC gamma pathways. It emphasizes the mitogenic effect of the PLC gamma-calcium cascade.  相似文献   

Xenopus oocytes from unprimed frogs possess insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptors but lack insulin and IGF-I receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1), the endogenous substrate of this kinase, and fail to show downstream responses to hormonal stimulation. Microinjection of recombinant IRS-1 protein enhances insulin-stimulated phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 3-kinase activity and restores the germinal vesicle breakdown response. Activation of PtdIns 3-kinase results from formation of a complex between phosphorylated IRS-1 and the p85 subunit of PtdIns 3-kinase. Microinjection of a phosphonopeptide containing a pYMXM motif with high affinity for the src homology 2 (SH2) domain of PtdIns 3-kinase p85 inhibits IRS-1 association with and activation of the PtdIns 3-kinase. Formation of the IRS-1-PtdIns 3-kinase complex and insulin-stimulated PtdIns 3-kinase activation are also inhibited by microinjection of a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein containing the SH2 domain of p85. This effect occurs in a concentration-dependent fashion and results in a parallel loss of hormone-stimulated oocyte maturation. These inhibitory effects are specific and are not mimicked by glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins expressing the SH2 domains of ras-GAP or phospholipase C gamma. Moreover, injection of the SH2 domains of p85, ras-GAP, and phospholipase C gamma do not interfere with progesterone-induced oocyte maturation. These data demonstrate that phosphorylation of IRS-1 plays an essential role in IGF-I and insulin signaling in oocyte maturation and that this effect occurs through interactions of the phosphorylated YMXM/YXXM motifs of IRS-1 with SH2 domains of PtdIns 3-kinase or some related molecules.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) sets up a persistent infection in patients that likely involves a complex virus-host interaction. We previously found that the HCV nonstructural 5A (NS5A) protein interacts with growth factor receptor-binding protein 2 (Grb2) adaptor protein and inhibits the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) by epidermal growth factor (EGF). In the present study, we extended this analysis and investigated the specificity of the Grb2-NS5A interaction and whether the subversion of mitogenic signaling involves additional pathways. NS5A containing mutations within the C-terminal proline-rich motif neither bound Grb2 nor inhibited ERK1/2 activation by EGF, demonstrating that NS5A-Grb2 binding and downstream effects were due to direct interactions. Interestingly, NS5A could also form a complex with the Grb2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) protein in an EGF treatment-dependent manner. However, the NS5A-Gab1 association, which appeared indirect, was not mediated by direct NS5A-Grb2 interaction but was likely dependent on direct NS5A interaction with the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). The in vivo association of NS5A with p85 PI3K required the N-terminal, but not the C-terminal, region of NS5A. The downstream effects of the NS5A-p85 PI3K interaction included increased tyrosine phosphorylation of p85 PI3K in response to EGF. Consistent with this observation and the antiapoptotic properties of NS5A, we also detected enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of the downstream AKT protein kinase and increased serine phosphorylation of BAD, a proapoptotic factor and an AKT substrate, in the presence of NS5A. These results collectively suggest a model in which NS5A interacts with Grb2 to inhibit mitogenic signaling while simultaneously promoting the PI3K-AKT cell survival pathway by interaction with p85 PI3K, which may represent a crucial step in HCV persistence and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Xenopus oocytes expressing fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) were used as a biological model system to analyse the signal transduction pathways that are triggered by fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1). Germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 2 (ERK2) occured 15 h after FGF1 addition. These events were Ras-dependent as they were blocked by a Ras dominant negative form. The Ras activity was promoted by three upstream effectors, growth factor-bound protein 2 (Grb2), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Src cytoplasmic kinase. Ras activation was inhibited by a Grb2 dominant negative form (P49L), by PI3K inhibitors, including wortmannin, LY294002, the N-SH2 domain of p85alpha PI3K and by the SH2 domain of Src. Src activation induced by FGF1 was blocked by the SH2 domain of Src and PP2, a specific inhibitor of Src. The Grb2 adaptor was recruited by the upstream Src homology 2/alpha-collagen-related (Shc) effector, as the SH2-Shc domain prevented the GVBD and the ERK2 phosphorylation induced by FGF1. The importance of another signalling pathway involving phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) was also investigated. The use of the PLCgamma inhibitory peptide, neomycin and the calcium chelator BAPTA-AM on oocytes expressing FGFR1 or the stimulation by PDGF-BB of oocytes expressing PDGFR-FGFR1 mutated on the PLCgamma binding site, prevented GVBD and ERK2 phosphorylation. This study shows that the transduction cascade induced by the FGFR1-FGF1 interaction in Xenopus oocytes represents the sum of Ras-dependent and PLCgamma-dependent pathways. It emphasizes the role played by PI3K and Src and their connections with the Ras cascade in the FGFR1 signal transduction.  相似文献   

In previous work we showed that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), not the mitogen-activated protein kinase, pathway is necessary and sufficient to account for insulin- and epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced DNA synthesis in rat hepatocytes. Here, using a dominant-negative p85, we confirmed the key role of EGF-induced PI3-kinase activation and sought to identify the mechanism by which this is effected. Our results show that EGF activates PI3-kinase with a time course similar to that of the association of p85 with three principal phosphotyrosine proteins (i. e. PY180, PY105, and PY52). We demonstrated that each formed a distinct p85-associated complex. PY180 and PY52 each constituted about 10% of EGF-activated PI3-kinase, whereas PY105 was responsible for 80%. PY105 associated with Grb2 and SHP-2, and although it behaved like Gab1, none of the latter was detected in rat liver. We therefore cloned a cDNA from rat liver, which was found to be 95% homologous to the mouse Grb2-associated binder 2 (Gab2) cDNA sequence. Using a specific Gab2 antibody, we demonstrated its expression in and association with p85, SHP-2, and Grb2 upon EGF treatment of rat hepatocytes. Gab2 accounted for most if not all of the PY105 species, since immunoprecipitation of Gab2 with specific antibodies demonstrated parallel immunodepletion of Gab2 and PY105 from the residual supernatants. We also found that the PI3-kinase activity associated with Gab2 was totally abolished by dominant negative p85. Thus, Gab2 appears to be the principal EGF-induced PY protein recruiting and activating PI3-kinase and mitogenesis.  相似文献   

In this study we have examined CD44 (a hyaluronan (HA) receptor) interaction with a RhoA-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor (p115RhoGEF) in human metastatic breast tumor cells (MDA-MB-231 cell line). Immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analyses indicate that both CD44 and p115RhoGEF are expressed in MDA-MB-231 cells and that these two proteins are physically associated as a complex in vivo. The binding of HA to MDA-MB-231 cells stimulates p115RhoGEF-mediated RhoA signaling and Rho kinase (ROK) activity, which, in turn, increases serine/threonine phosphorylation of the adaptor protein, Gab-1 (Grb2-associated binder-1). Phosphorylated Gab-1 promotes PI 3-kinase recruitment to CD44v3. Subsequently, PI 3-kinase is activated (in particular, alpha, beta, gamma forms but not the delta form of the p110 catalytic subunit), AKT signaling occurs, the cytokine (macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF)) is produced, and tumor cell-specific phenotypes (e.g. tumor cell growth, survival and invasion) are up-regulated. Our results also demonstrate that HA/CD44-mediated oncogenic events (e.g. AKT activation, M-CSF production and breast tumor cell-specific phenotypes) can be effectively blocked by a PI 3-kinase inhibitor (LY294002). Finally, we have found that overexpression of a dominant-negative form of ROK (by transfection of MBA-MD-231 cells with the Rho-binding domain cDNA of ROK) not only inhibits HA/CD44-mediated RhoA-ROK activation and Gab-1 phosphorylation but also down-regulates oncogenic signaling events (e.g. Gab-1.PI 3-kinase-CD44v3 association, PI 3-kinase-mediated AKT activation, and M-CSF production) and tumor cell behaviors (e.g. cell growth, survival, and invasion). Taken together, these findings strongly suggest that CD44 interaction with p115RhoGEF and ROK plays a pivotal role in promoting Gab-1 phosphorylation leading to Gab-1.PI 3-kinase membrane localization, AKT signaling, and cytokine (M-CSF) production during HA-mediated breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) modulates a number of cellular phenotypes as divergent as growth stimulation and growth inhibition. Although the Smad pathway is critical for many of these responses, recent evidence indicates that Smad-independent pathways may also have a critical role. One such protein previously shown to regulate TGF-beta action independent of the Smad proteins is the c-Abl nonreceptor tyrosine kinase. In the current study we determined that TGF-beta receptor signaling activates c-Abl kinase activity in a subset of fibroblast but not epithelial cultures. This cell type-specific response occurs in a membrane-proximal locale independent of receptor internalization and upstream of dynamin action. Although c-Abl activation by TGF-beta is independent of Smad2 or Smad3, it is prevented by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase or PAK2. Thus, c-Abl represents a target downstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-activated PAK2, which differentiates TGF-beta signaling in fibroblasts and epithelial cell lines and integrates serine/threonine receptor kinases with tyrosine kinase pathways.  相似文献   

In Xenopus oocytes, both sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) activate Ca2+-dependent oscillatory Cl currents by acting through membrane-bound receptors. External application of 50 μM S1P elicited a long-lasting oscillatory current that continued over 30 min from the beginning of oscillation, with 300 nA (n = 11) as a usual maximum peak of current, whereas 1-μM LPA treatment showed only transiently oscillating but more vigorous current responses, with 2,800 nA (n = 18) as a maximum peak amplitude. Both phospholipid-induced Ca2+-dependent Cl currents were observed in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, were blocked by intracellular injection of the Ca2+ chelator, EGTA, and could not be elicited by treatment with thapsigargin, an inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ ATPase. Intracellular Ca2+ release appeared to be from inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-sensitive Ca2+ store, because Cl currents were blocked by heparin injection. Pretreatment with the aminosteroid, U-73122, an inhibitor of G protein-mediated phospholipase C (PLC) activation, to oocytes inhibited the current responses evoked both by S1P and LPA. However, when they were injected with 10 ng of antisense oligonucleotide (AS-ODN) against Xenopus phospholipase C (PLC-xβ), oocytes could not respond to S1P application, whereas they responded normally to LPA, indicating that the S1P signaling pathway goes through PLC-xβ, whereas LPA signaling goes through another unknown PLC. To determine the types of G proteins involved, we introduced AS-ODNs against four types of G-protein α subunits that were identified in Xenopus laevis; Gqα, G11α, G0α, and Gi1α. Among AS-ODNs against the Gαs tested, AS-Gqα and AS-Gi1α to S1P and AS-Gqα and AS-G11α to LPA specifically reduced current responses, respectively, to about 20–30% of controls. These results demonstrate that LPA and S1P, although they have similar structural features, release intracellular Ca2+ from the IP3-sensitive pool, use different components in their signal transduction pathways in Xenopus oocytes. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:412–423, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Insulin rapidly stimulates protein synthesis in a wide variety of tissues. This stimulation is associated with phosphorylation of several translational initiation and elongation factors, but little is known about the signaling pathways to these events. To study these pathways, we have used a myeloid progenitor cell line (32D) which is dependent on interleukin 3 but insensitive to insulin because of the very low levels of insulin receptor (IR) and the complete lack of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-signaling proteins (IRS-1 and IRS-2). Expression of more IR permits partial stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase by insulin, and expression of IRS-1 alone mediates insulin stimulation of the 70-kDa S6 kinase (pp70S6K) by the endogenous IR. However, expression of both IR and IRS-1 is required for stimulation of protein synthesis. Moreover, this effect requires activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), as determined by wortmannin inhibition and the use of an IRS-1 variant lacking all Tyr residues except those which activate PI3K. Stimulation of general protein synthesis does not involve activation by IRS-1 of GRB-2-SOS-p21ras or SH-PTP2, since IRS-1 variants lacking the SH2-binding Tyr residues for these proteins are fully active. Nor does it involve pp70S6K, since rapamycin, while strongly inhibiting the synthesis of a small subset of growth-regulated proteins, only slightly inhibits total protein synthesis. Recruitment of mRNAs to the ribosome is enhanced by phosphorylation of eIF4E, the cap-binding protein, and PHAS-I, a protein that specifically binds eIF4E. The behavior of cell lines containing IRS-1 variants and inhibition by wortmannin and rapamycin indicate that the phosphorylation of both proteins requires IRS-1-mediated stimulation of PI3K and pp70S6K but not mitogen-activated protein kinase or SH-PTP2.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the translation repressor eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1) is thought to be partly responsible for increased protein synthesis induced by growth factors. This study investigated the effect of a G(q)-coupled receptor on protein synthesis and the phosphorylation state and function of 4E-BP1 in Rat-1 fibroblasts expressing the human alpha(1A) adrenergic receptor. Treatment of cells with phenylephrine (PE), a specific alpha(1) adrenergic receptor agonist, increased protein synthesis and induced the phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 and its release from translation initiation factor 4E. Although the PE-induced phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 was blocked by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002, neither phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase nor Akt, its downstream effector, is activated in cells treated with PE (Ballou, L. M., Cross, M. E., Huang, S., McReynolds, E. M., Zhang, B. X., and Lin, R. Z., J. Biol. Chem. 275, 4803-4809). The effect of PE on 4E-BP1 phosphorylation was also abolished in cells depleted of intracellular Ca(2+) and in cells pretreated with calmodulin antagonists. By contrast, phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 still occurred in cells in which the Ca(2+)- and diacylglycerol-dependent isoforms of protein kinase C were down-regulated by prolonged exposure to a phorbol ester. We conclude that activation of the alpha(1A) adrenergic receptor in Rat-1 fibroblasts leads to phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 via a pathway that is Ca(2+)- and calmodulin-dependent. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Akt, and phorbol ester-sensitive protein kinase C isoforms do not appear to be required in this signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 has been recognized as a major mediator of basement membrane degradation, angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and metastasis. The factors that regulate its expression have not, however, been fully elucidated. We previously identified the type I insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) receptor as a regulator of MMP-2 synthesis. The objective of the present study was to investigate the signal transduction pathway(s) mediating this regulation. We show here that in Lewis lung carcinoma subline H-59 cells treated with IGF-I (10 ng/ml), the PI 3-kinase (phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase) /protein kinase B (Akt) and C-Raf/ERK pathways were activated, and MMP-2 promoter activity, mRNA, and protein synthesis were induced. MMP-2 induction was blocked by the PI 3-kinase inhibitors LY294002 and wortmannin, by overexpression of a dominant-negative Akt or wild-type PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10), and by rapamycin. In contrast, a MEK inhibitor PD98059 failed to reduce MMP-2 promoter activation and actually increased MMP-2 mRNA and protein synthesis by up to 30%. Interestingly, suppression of PI 3-kinase signaling by a dominant-negative Akt enhanced ERK activity in cells stimulated with 10 ng/ml but not with 100 ng/ml IGF-I. Furthermore, at the higher (100 ng/ml) IGF-I concentration, C-Raf and ERK, but not PI 3-kinase activation, was enhanced, and this resulted in down-regulation of MMP-2 synthesis. This effect was reversed in cells expressing a dominant-negative ERK mutant. The results suggest that IGF-I can up-regulate MMP-2 synthesis via PI 3-kinase/Akt/mTOR (the mammalian target of rapamycin) signaling while concomitantly transmitting a negative regulatory signal via the Raf/ERK pathway. The outcome of IGF-IR (the receptor for IGF-I) activation may ultimately depend on factors, such as ligand bioavailability, that can shift the balance preferentially toward one pathway or the other.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor has been implicated in the regulation of the receptor channel. We investigated the effects of transient (15 min) global ischemia on tyrosine phosphorylation of NMDA receptor subunits NR2A and NR2B, and the interaction of NR2 subunits with the SH2 domain of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) in vulnerable CA1 and resistant CA3/dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Transient ischemia induced a marked increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2A in both regions. The tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2B in CA3/dentate gyrus after transient ischemia was sustained and greater than that in CA1. PI3-kinase p85 was co-precipitated with NR2B after transient global ischemia. The SH2 domain of the p85 subunit of PI3-kinase bound to NR2B, but not to NR2A. Binding to NR2B was increased following ischemia and the increase in binding in CA3/dentate gyrus (4.5-fold relative to sham) was greater than in CA1 (1.7-fold relative to sham) at 10 min of reperfusion. Prior incubation of proteins with an exogenous protein tyrosine phosphatase or with a phosphorylated peptide (pYAHM) prevented binding. The results suggest that sustained increases in tyrosine phosphorylation and increased interaction of NR2B with the SH2 domain of PI3-kinase may contribute to altered signal transduction in the CA3/dentate gyrus after transient ischemia.  相似文献   

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