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The results of the evaluation of the oral inductor of endogenic interferon (amyxin), manufactured in Russia are presented. The use of amyxin was found to produce a drop in morbidity in acute respiratory virus infections (ARVI) among medical workers 3.4 times, i.e. the preparation exhibited a pronounced prophylactic effect with respect to ARVI. The use of the preparation was accompanied by a decrease in the number of manifest forms of ARVI. Persons given the preparation often had ARVI in a mild or asymptomatic form.  相似文献   

The efficacy and safety of azithromycin prophylaxis of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in young adults in a military training centre of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation located in the Central European Region of Russia were studied. Two prophylactic regimens with azithromycin vs. the control were evaluated: azithromycin, 500 mg/w for 8 weeks (R1), azithromycin, 1500 mg once upon the enrolment (R2) and no drugs (R3). Nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcuspneumoniae and its susceptibility to antibacterials were estimated thrice: before the exposure, after the exposure within the 9th week and after the exposure within the 20th week. The MLS(B) phenotype was suspected when the isolates were resistant to erythromycin and clindamycin. During the observation period of 22 weeks CAP was diagnosed in 20.2% of 678 subjects in group R3, 8.6% of 508 subjects in group R1 (Risk Ratio =0.4, 95% Cl = 0.3-0.6) and 10.3% of 507 subjects in group R2 (Risk Ratio = 0.5, 95% Cl = 0.4-0.7). The S.pneumoniae carriage rate at visit 0 was 34-35%, within the 9th week it was 75, 66 and 50% (p<0.05) in groups R1, R2 and R3 respectively, and within the 20th week it was 69, 57 and 36% in the same groups (p<0.05). At visit 0 no macrolide resistance was detected in any of the 40 isolates tested. The background level of intermediate penicillin resistance was revealed in 0-14% of the isolates. Dramatic growth of macrolide resistance was observed within the 9th week in group R1 (95.7%, 44 resistant strains, Azithro+Clinda resistance in 37% of them) and in group R2 (89.5%, 34 resistant strains, Azithro+Clinda resistance in 11.9% of them). By the 20th week the resistance rate decreased up to 40 % (16 resistant strains, Azithro+Clinda resistance in 10% of them) in group R1 and up to 22.6% (7 resistant strains, Azithro+Clinda resistance in 5.4% of them) in group R2. As for penicillin resistance, no unfavourable shifts were detected. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of the azithromycin prophylaxis of CAP in healthy young men at high transient risk of the disease, as well as the possible risk for selection of resistant endemic pathogens.  相似文献   

The relative risks of non-specific upper respiratory tract infections were studied in two well matched groups of military recruits to see whether dapsone-pyrimethamine (Maloprim) given as antimalarial prophylaxis was associated with immunosuppression. Mean risks of upper respiratory tract infection were 64% higher in the study group than in the controls, the largest monthly differences being recorded in the months of harder training. These findings were unlikely to have been due solely to harder training in the study group, as concurrently measured sprains (arguably more likely to have been affected) were increased by only 19%. A more likely explanation was some degree of immunosuppression, physical stress possibly having a synergistic effect.These findings suggest that travellers taking dapsone-pyrimethamine as antimalarial prophylaxis may be rendered more susceptible to commoner infections, especially when engaged in increased physical activity.  相似文献   

Acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are the most common cause of childhood morbidity and an important public health problem. The aim of this study was to identify the significant risk factors for ARTI in children. The study took place in Ivankovo which is a rural area of Eastern Slavonia and with small socio-economic differences. The study population were 159 children who were 3-5 years old at the time of the study, and who were registrated at doctor's office Ivankovo. The study was conducted retrospectively through a questionnaire from January 2008 to December 2008. The risk factors studied were the gender, breastfeeding history, any atopic manifestation in the form of atopic eczema, rhinoconjuctivitis and/or asthma, the size of the family, parents smoking habits and main form of childcare. The number of ARTI requiring the consultation of a doctor throughout 2007 were measured; and whether ARTI had been treated with antibiotic or there were recommendation for symptomatic treatment only. Results of this research show that the risk factor for consulting a doctor because ofARTI in children was passive exposure to cigarette-smoke. For receiving antibiotics because of ARTI in children, the risk factors were passive exposure to cigarette-smoke and atopic manifestation. By giving the available evidence, parents must be told that ceasing smoking offers a significant opportunity to reduce the risk of ARTI in their children.  相似文献   

Fluoroquinolones are present considered as an important independent group of chemotherapeutics within the class of quinolones, DNA-gyrase inhibitors characterized by high clinical efficacy and numerous indications, and clinical efficacy and humerous indications, and are known as a serious alternative to other highly efficient broad spectrum antibiotics. Significant clinical experience is accumulated with respect to ciprofloxacin, one of the first agents of the group up to date used clinically. In spite of the negative tendencies in development and distribution of antibiotic resistance, ciprofloxacin remains valid as an alternative drug in the treatment of many infections of various localization. Ciprofloxacin is one of the most useful agents in step-by-step or combined antibacterial therapy. Its us is substantiated by convincing microbiological, pharmacokintic and pharmacoeconomic reasons.  相似文献   

The results of the placebo-controlled multicenter study of the epidemiological efficiency of the preparation Cycloferon for the prophylaxis of acute respiratory viral infections in children and adolescents are presented. A total of 16,000 children and adolescents were selected for the study. The epidemiological efficiency of the preparation manifested in 1.5- 2.9-fold decreased morbidity level with a protection index equal to 41 - 90%, was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Examination of 700 children with chronic and relapsing respiratory tract infections showed that during the period from 1996 to 2003 Moraxella catarrhalis strains were isolated from the sputum of 5.5-9.7% of the patients. The frequency of the emergence was the third after Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae. In healthy children M. catarrhalis was isolated in 2.7% of the cases. The most frequent detection of M. catarrhalis was stated in children under 1 year (4.5%). The antibiotic susceptibility tests revealed that the majority of the M. catarrhalis isolates had beta-lactamase activity, were resistant to benzylpenicillin, ampicillin and lincomycin and highly susceptible to amoxycillin/clavulanate, macrolides, certain cephalosporins and levofloxacin. The isolates were most frequent in the patients of the rather severe contingent (congenital lung disease, alveolitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma). In such patients the bronchoobstructive syndrome was more frequent (46.6%). High frequency of the affection of the upper respiratory tracts in the examined children was stated (62.1%).  相似文献   

Rifamethoprim is a new formulation containing rifampicin and trimethoprim. Its efficacy was studied in the treatment of a group of patients with various nonspecific diseases of the lungs. It was shown to be highly active against a broad spectrum of pathogens. With inclusion of trimethoprim to the formulation it appeared possible to markedly lower the bacterial ability to develop resistance to rifampicin, which solved the problem of long-term antibiotic use. The unique pharmacokinetic properties of rifampicin such as its capacity to penetrating into the sputum, lung tissues and cells make rifamethoprim be the drug of optimal choice in the treatment of respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a novel polyomavirus present in respiratory secretions from human patients with symptoms of acute respiratory tract infection. The virus was initially detected in a nasopharyngeal aspirate from a 3-year-old child from Australia diagnosed with pneumonia. A random library was generated from nucleic acids extracted from the nasopharyngeal aspirate and analyzed by high throughput DNA sequencing. Multiple DNA fragments were cloned that possessed limited homology to known polyomaviruses. We subsequently sequenced the entire virus genome of 5,229 bp, henceforth referred to as WU virus, and found it to have genomic features characteristic of the family Polyomaviridae. The genome was predicted to encode small T antigen, large T antigen, and three capsid proteins: VP1, VP2, and VP3. Phylogenetic analysis clearly revealed that the WU virus was divergent from all known polyomaviruses. Screening of 2,135 patients with acute respiratory tract infections in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and St. Louis, Missouri, United States, using WU virus-specific PCR primers resulted in the detection of 43 additional specimens that contained WU virus. The presence of multiple instances of the virus in two continents suggests that this virus is geographically widespread in the human population and raises the possibility that the WU virus may be a human pathogen.  相似文献   

The data on changes in the susceptibility of the most frequent respiratory tract pathogens i.e. Pneumococcus spp. and Haemophilus influenzae within the last 15 years and Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. and Moraxella spp. at the present time as well as recommendations based on the original and some literature data on the choice of the antibacterial drugs for the initial treatment of bacterial complications of acute respiratory tract viral infections such as otitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis are presented. The necessity of decreasing the unjustified use of antibiotics in cases of uncomplicated acute respiratory tract viral infections is indicated.  相似文献   

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