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目的,以猪肺为原料,提取能把游离的L-脯氨酸羟化脯氨酸的羟基化酶。方法:把新鲜猪肺在提取液中低温高速匀浆,然后用4000r/min离心分离20min,取上清液进一步用8000r/min高速离心后,分别用盐析和有机溶剂的方法提取羟基化酶;结果;不同的方法都得到棕色的固体。经电泳测定该固体纯度高,溶于水中后能把游离的L-脯氨酸羟化为L-羟脯氨酸。测定其分子量约为66.000;等电点约为4。结论:所采用的提取工艺流程具有简单,效率高和实用的特点,且猪肺便宜,易得,适合较大规模的制备。  相似文献   

细胞壁羟脯氨酸和游离脯氨酸与棉花对枯萎病抗性的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
氟乐灵处理能推迟棉苗枯萎病症状的出现、降低发病株率和病情指数,说明氟乐灵处理能提高棉酋对枯萎病的抗性。在健康棉苗中,抗病品种(中棉12)细胞壁结合的羟脯氨酸含量显著高于感病品种(6037),但游离脯氨酸含量无明显差异。在氟乐灵处理和未处理而接种棉枯萎病菌的两个处理中,两个品种的细胞壁结合的羟脯氨酸和游离脯氨酸含量均高于各自的健康株对照,而且抗病品种中的含量都高于感病品种,说明细胞壁结合的羟脯氨酸和游禹脯氨酸的积累是氟乐灵诱发的抗病性表现及棉苗受枯萎病菌侵染后抗性反应的生化机制之一。  相似文献   

增强UV-B辐射对小麦叶片内源ABA和游离脯氨酸的影响   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:36  
研究温室种植的小麦在0(CK)、8.82KJ/m^2(T1)和12.6KJ/m^2(T2)3种剂量的UV-B辐射下其内源ABA和游离脯氨酸含量的变化。UV-B辐射导致叶绿体膜脂脂肪酸配比改变和IUFA降低,叶片MDA含量升高及ABA和游离脯脯氨酸积累。分析表明,UV-B辐射对膜系统的损坏也许是内源ABA和游离脯氨酸含量增加的原因之一,而后者也是植物抵抗UV-B胁迫所做出的适应性反应。  相似文献   

用添加L 羟脯氨酸的饲料饲喂小鼠一个月后 ,对小鼠体重、抗缺氧、抗饥饿、抗旱、抗疲劳、耐热、耐寒等生理指标进行试验 ,并与对照组进行比较。结果表明 :L 羟脯氨酸有抑制体重增长的作用 ,可增加小鼠的抗缺氧能力、抗旱能力、抗疲劳能力、耐寒能力 ,对小鼠的生命活动有一定影响  相似文献   

低温胁迫对甜椒果实游离脯氨酸的影响(简报)   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
采后甜椒果实在冷害温度胁迫下,花萼、种子及果肉中的游离脯氨酸大量积累,果肉组织透性增大,两者之间存在着显著的相关性。变温处理可降低低温下脯氨酸的积累,减缓果肉细胞电解质的渗漏。  相似文献   

环己亚胺(CHX)单独作用会增加高梁苗中游离脯氨酸的含量,原因可能有:一是CHX抑制了根的正常吸收功能,导致植株失水,游离脯氨酸增加;二是CHX抑制了蛋白质合成,使总的游离氨基酸累积,从而也表现出游离脯氨酸含量的增加,后者可能更为主要。为此,用CHX研究与脯氨酸合成有关的基因活性化或表达时,一定要考虑CHX单独的作用。NaCl诱导的游离脯氨酸的累积可被CHX处理所抑制。在NaCl处理2~4h内加CHX后,抑制效果几乎可达到100%,以后随CHX处理的时间越长,其抑制作用越小。  相似文献   

陈世萍  高玉葆  梁宇  任安芝 《生态学报》2001,21(12):1964-1972
以黑麦草为实验对象,研究了干旱胁迫条件下内生真菌感染对植株叶片含水量和叶内游离脯氨酸含量的影响,同时对渗透胁迫条件下植株叶内ABA含量的变化进行了分析。结果表明:①内生真菌的感染有助于使叶片保持较高的含水量;②在两种形式的水分胁迫下,。前期至中期高感染种群的叶片游离脯氨酸含量低于感染种群,而在末期则有高出低感染种群的趋势;③内生真菌感染对黑麦草叶内ABA累积的正效应只发生在轻度渗透胁迫下的较短时间范围内。  相似文献   

游离细胞法与固定化细胞法生产L-丙氨酸的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游离细胞法与固定化细胞法生产L-丙氨酸的比较徐虹王雪根范伟平欧阳平凯(南京化工大学生物工程与科学系,南京210009)摘要利用假单胞菌的L-天冬氨酸-β-脱羧酶从L-天冬氨酸生产L-丙氨酸,具体方法有两种,一种为游离细胞法,另一种为固定化细胞法。本文...  相似文献   

在含NaCl营养液中培养的小麦幼苗较之无NaCl营养液中的幼苗。其脯氨酸氧化酶活性降低,而游离脯氨酸含量则升高;培养液的渗透势越低,培养时间越长,则脯氨酸氧化酶的活性越低,且游离脯氨酸的含量越高。去除胁迫后酶活性恢复,脯氯酸含量下降。不同渗透剂对氧化酶活性抑制强弱顺序为MgCl_2>NaCl>甘露醇,引起脯氨酸累积效应的强度顺序为MgCl_2>NaCl>甘露醇。超微结构显示,高NaCl浓度下部分线粒体结构受损伤,膜和嵴部分消失。  相似文献   

Conversion of proline to collagen hydroxyproline   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
J M Manning  A Meister 《Biochemistry》1966,5(4):1154-1165

Proline and hydroxyproline when exposed to the hydroxyl free radical generating system of ADP-Fe(II)-H2O2 yielded long-lived free radicals. An analysis of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the long-lived hydroxyl free radical adducts of proline and hydroxyproline is consistent with a free electron on a nitroxyl group interacting with the nitrogen atom as well as with three separate protons. In the case of proline, nitroxide formation was observed under the influence of tert-butyl-hydroperoxide, giving a similar EPR spectrum (Lin, J.S., Tom, T.C. and Olcott, H.S. (1974) J. Agr. Food Chem. 22, 526-528); however, the hydroxyl free radical adduct of hydroxyproline has not been described yet. In the case of the proline nitroxide radical, two of the three protons involved interact with the free electron equivalently. The coupling constants for the hydroxyl free radical adduct of proline are AN = 1.58 mT, AH1 beta = AH2 beta = 2.13 mT, AH3 beta = 1.77 mT and for hydroxyproline are AN = 1.54 mT, AH1 beta = 2.56 mT, AH2 beta = 2.03 and AH3 beta = 1.51. The data are consistent with the amine nitrogen of proline and hydroxyproline being oxidized to a nitroxyl group and the free electron of the nitroxyl interacting with the beta-protons of these amino acid hydroxyl free radical adducts.  相似文献   

Carrot slices convert added free trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline to L-proline by a path that brings about the loss of one half of the tritium from 5[3H]trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline. The first intermediate in this path is therefore most likely 4,5-dehydro-L-proline.  相似文献   

圆背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodianapa cifica)是我国重要的经济贝类,广泛分布于各大水系;营底栖生活,通过滤水作用摄食水中的浮游生物和有机碎屑;其肉多壳薄,是优良的动物饵料;在水体生态系统的物质循环和能量流动及水质净化中起着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

We describe a simple and rapid procedure for the isolation of proline and hydroxyproline from fossil bone based on the isolation of gelatin, hydrolysis, purification with XAD-2, deamination of primary amino acids with aqua regia, and separation of the imino acids by cation exchange chromatography. This procedure will provide material for accurate bone carbon dating, and stable carbon isotope ratio determination for the evaluation of paleodiets.  相似文献   

The presence of hydroxyproline, and the determination of the ratio of the secondary amino acids proline to hydroxyproline, in amino acid hydrolysates specifically identifies collagen and collagen peptides. o-Phthalaldehyde, and then 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate, were used to carry out sequential prederivatization of amino acid hydrolysates in an in-line high-performance liquid chromatography sample loop. After derivatization, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with a C-18 ODS Hypersil cartridge column was used to resolve the hydroxyproline and proline from all primary amino acids, with resolution and detection of hydroxyproline and proline within 2.0 and 2.8 min, respectively, at concentrations in the range of picomoles per microliter of derivatized amino acid. The assay has a turnaround time of 10.75 min.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis grown with phototrophic nutrition at pH 3.0 were compact, while those in cells grown at pH 8.1 were swollen with widely separated lamellae.  相似文献   

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