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The pyrenoid structure of Trebouxia, a photobiont of two lichen species, Umbilicaria cinereorufescens (Schaer.) Frey and Parmelia sulcata Taylor, was investigated. In both lichen species, the pyrenoid of the photobiont exhibited straight, unbranched, long or short tubules. In the first lichen species, multiple pyrenoids were observed occasionally, while in the second one, homogeneous masses, called protein bodies, appeared between the thylakoids. These protein bodies were previously observed in some other species of the family Umbilicariaceae. Serial sections from single pyrenoids showed that tubules of the Impressa-type pyrenoid were closely associated with pyrenoglobuli. The three-dimensional reconstruction of a complete chloroplast of a P. sulcata algal cell showed that the protein bodies were spatially separate structures. Immunolocalization techniques to detect the presence of ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) in the chloroplast showed that this enzyme was present primarily in the pyrenoid matrix. When protein bodies were present in the chloroplast, Rubisco appeared to be localized in these structures. The presence of pyrenoid satellites and protein bodies with reactivity to anti-Rubisco may be related to the nutritional conditions of the thalli.  相似文献   

七种云南地衣植物的化学成分   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文报道分属于三个科的七种云南产地衣植物的化学成分。这些植物是亚洲树发(Alectoria asiatica DR.)、沟树发(Alectoria sulcata Nyl.)、长茎松萝(Usnea longissimaAch.)、胡子松萝(Usnea comosa(Ach.)Rohl.)、林石蕊(Cladonia arbuscula(Rabh.)Rabh.)、砖孢发(Oropogon loxensis(Fee.)Th.Fr.)和卷梢雪花衣(Anaptychiaboryi(Fee.)Mass.)。根据光谱数据测定,其化学成分为:松萝酸(Usnic acid)(1),维任西酸(Virensic acid)(2),赤星衣酸乙酯(Ethyl haematommate)(3),瑞藏酸(Rhizonic acid)(4),赤星衣酸(Haematommic acid)(5),扁枝衣酸乙酯(Ethyleverninate)(6),黑茶渍素(Atranorin)(7)和泽屋萜(Zeorin)(8)。上述资料,对开发利用这些植物资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Drosophila yakuba and D. santomea are sister species that differ in their levels of abdominal pigmentation; D. yakuba shows heavily pigmented posterior abdominal segments in both sexes, whereas D. santomea lacks dark pigment anywhere on its body. Using naturally collected lines, we demonstrate the existence of altitudinal variation in abdominal pigmentation in D. yakuba but not in D. santomea. We use the variation in pigmentation within D. yakuba and two body‐color mutants in D. yakuba to elucidate selective advantage of differences in pigmentation. Our results indicate that although differences in abdominal pigmentation have no effect on desiccation resistance, lighter pigmentation confers ultraviolet radiation resistance in this pair of species.  相似文献   

 根据多年的研究资料并采用聚类分析方法对分布在天山西部山脉的地衣群落结构进行了研究。结果表明,分布在该地区的地衣种类形成了6种群落:1) 土星猫耳衣(Leptogium saturninum)+矮石蕊(Cladonia humilis)+兰灰蜈蚣衣(Physcia caesia)群落;2)黑穗石蕊(Cladonia amaurocr  相似文献   

The influence of desiccation on the mechanical properties of the intertidal macroalga Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory (Rhodophyta) was investigated over a range of water losses (0–83%) that bracketed in situ levels (26–67%). The tissue modulus (stiffness) remained constant for water losses up to about 70%, but increased sharply with losses between 70–83%. Tissue strength of desiccated samples did not fall below the range measured for undesiccated samples. There was a significant increase in breaking strain up to water losses of about 50%, after which breaking strain decreased. The relationship between toughness and desiccation resembled that for breaking strain. Overall, the mechanical properties of Iridaea cordata did not deteriorate when desiccated to levels consistent with those observed in the field.  相似文献   

家兔20只均分成两组:一组为正常家兔,另一组为酒石酸锑钠(SAT)急性中毒的家兔。分别取出窦房结-心房肌标本。用浮置式微电极引导动作电位,观察SAT对两组标本的影响。SAT在两组标本上均能导致如下改变:起搏细胞动作电位幅值、0相平均去极速率和舒张期去极速率增加,动作电位时程(APD_(25)、APD_(50)、APD_(90))缩短;心房肌细胞动作电位幅值增加,动作电位时程(APD_(25)、APD_(50)、APD_(90))延长;心房肌收缩幅值增加,收缩时程延长,心率增加。还观察到各种类型的心律失常:早搏、逸搏、阵发性心动过速和心动过缓、早发性后除极和迟发性后除极。SAT的上述作用可能与细胞内Ca~(2 )增高有关。我们也观察到:锑剂急性中毒组家兔的上述变化值均小于正常家兔的对应值,我们推测可能与锑剂静脉注射对在体心肌的抑制作用有关。  相似文献   

目的探讨淋巴细胞浸润在肥厚性扁平苔藓发病机制中的意义。方法采用免疫组织化学SP法对10例肥厚性扁平苔藓患者皮损、20例非肥厚性扁平苔藓患者皮损及10例正常人皮肤中CD3、CD4、CD8、CD20进行检测。结果所有患者皮损均以CD3^+’T、CD4^+T、CD8^+T细胞浸润为主,散在CD20^+B细胞浸润。肥厚性皮损中浸润T淋巴细胞数少于非肥厚性皮损(P〈0.01),CD20^+B细胞占浸润淋巴细胞百分率高于非肥厚性皮损(P〈0.05)。正常人皮肤仅在真皮偶见CD3^+T细胞。结论肥厚性扁平苔藓皮损T淋巴细胞的减少,B淋巴细胞的增多表达可能与疾病的持续存在及局部过度增殖性改变密切相关。  相似文献   

洋麻(Hibiscus cannabinus)一生中叶形态的变化有着一定的规律性(雅库希金1947)。茎上基部的叶子为锯齿卵形,中部为深裂叶,叶子的分裂程度随着叶子的层次逐渐加大,菜片由3裂、5裂、发展到7裂。以后分裂的程度开始下降由7裂降到5裂、3裂。顶端的叶子篇锯齿狭长叶。根据以上的现象,可以看出随着洋麻发育的进程叶片分裂的程度有着周期性的变化。洋麻可以用缩短光照的处理来加速它的开花结实。在短光照条件下的洋麻是否因为光照期的缩短加速了叶形态周期性的变化?当洋麻从短光照的条件下进入长光照之  相似文献   

应用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了铅对大鼠海马神经细胞H-电流特性的影响。结果表明:铅抑制了H-电流表达;降低了H-通道电压敏感性和升高了H-通道的激活电压。铅对H-电流的压抑效应有其对H-通道电压敏感性的改变,是铅损伤神经活动的一个因素之一。  相似文献   

Abstract— Rats were undernourished by approximately halving the normal food given from the 6th day of gestation throughout lactation. Growth of the foetuses was nearly normal, in marked contrast to the severe retardation caused by undernutrition during the suckling period. In comparison with controls the size and the DNA content of the brain were permanently reduced by undernutrition during the suckling period: this effect was relatively small, approx. 15 per cent decrease at 21 and 35 days. The rate of 14C incorporation into brain DNA at 30 min after administration of [2-14C] thymidine was taken as an index of mitotic activity; compared with controls there was severe reduction in mitotic activity (maximal decrease by about 80 per cent at 6 days in the cerebrum and by 70 per cent at 10 days in the cerebellum). The rate of acquisition of cells was calculated from the slopes of the logistic curves fitted to the estimated DNA contents. In normal animals the maximal slope was attained at 2·7 days and at 12·8 days after birth in cerebrum and cerebellum respectively; the daily acquisition of cells at these times was 4·8 × 106 and 18 × 106 cells respectively. The fractional increase in cell number at the maximum was 5·4 percent per day in the cerebrum and 15·2 per cent per day in the cerebellum. The rate of acquisition of cells relative to the rate of mitotic activity was higher in the brains of undernourished animals than in controls. One of the compensatory mechanisms for the severe depression of mitotic activity in the brain of undernourished animals Seems to involve a reduction in the normal rate of cell loss.  相似文献   

The forehead epidermis of the stage 18–20 R. japonica embryo includes the hatching gland cell (HGC) which contains cell-specific secretory granules. The cilia cell (CC) and common epidermal cell (CEC) constitute the epidermis of the entire body surface, in addition to the forehead region.
Culture of superficial epidermal explants from various embryonic portions at various developmental stages revealed that HGCs are derived from cells localized on the neural crest in the stage 13a (early neural plate) embryo. When explants from the presumptive HGC area were treated with 1 ug/ml actinomycin D (AMD), the formation of secretory granules in HGCs was inhibited either by continuous treatment from stage 13 or by an 8-hr treatment at stage 13b. Similarly, the ciliogenesis in CCs was inhibited. The differentiation of CECs was entirely unaffected by any of the AMD treatment. After release from AMD, mucous vesicles, characteristic of the CEC, were formed in cells whose differentiation into HGC and CC had been suppressed by the antibiotic. Thread complexes and clumps of coiled strings were found in the nuclei of AMD-affected cells.
It is concluded that the DNA-dependent RNA syntheses which direct secretory granule formation in the HGC and ciliogenesis in the CC occur during a limited period at stage 13b, viz. , 20 hr before their cytodifferentiation becomes appreciable.  相似文献   

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