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Human whole blood was irradiated with 220 keV X-rays at doses of 0-4.0 Gy. After incubation periods of 48, 60, 72, 84 and 96 h, lymphocytes were prepared without colcemid pretreatment according to 2 different methods, and micronuclei were scored. The crucial point of lymphocyte preparation was found to be the osmotic pressure of the hypotonic solution. Only a method that preserves the cytoplasm of lymphoblasts is suitable for a correct association of micronuclei with the main nucleus. Similar as for structural chromosome changes, now their intercellular distribution can be analysed. This is necessary for the derivation of appropriate statistical weights which have to be used for more reliable regression analyses. For 48 h, the data can be described by the linear model, for 84 and 96 h, by the linear-quadratic model. For 60 and 72 h no such definite conclusions can be drawn. For calibration purposes a standardized culture time cannot be recommended. Because the background frequency is high, the lymphocyte micronucleus assay system is not sensitive enough to detect a significant increase in the incidence of micronuclei after exposure to low doses (less than 0.3 Gy).  相似文献   

Chromosome damage induced by X-irradiation or bleomycin was measured using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 6 newborn, 8 young and 10 elderly individuals. An increase in the frequency of spontaneous micronuclei with age was observed. There was no difference in the X-irradiation-induced micronucleus frequency between the 3 groups. There was a significant increase with age in the number of micronuclei induced by bleomycin. Kinetochore-labelling studies revealed that the percentage of kinetochore-positive induced micronuclei was higher for bleomycin (36.2-43.3%) than for X-irradiation (17.1-19.7%). The age-related increase in frequency of spontaneous or bleomycin-induced micronuclei was due to increases in both kinetochore-positive and kinetochore-negative micronuclei. The frequency of kinetochore-positive or -negative micronuclei induced by X-irradiation was not different between the 3 age groups. These results suggest that bleomycin is more potent in inducing whole-chromosome loss than X-rays, and that lymphocytes from aged individuals are more sensitive to bleomycin in terms of both chromosome breakage and whole chromosome loss.  相似文献   

The induction of micronuclei (MN) by vincristine, mitomycin C and cyclophosphamide was compared in purified lymphocytes and in whole-blood cultures. With both assays, cytokinesis was blocked by cytochalasin B and MN were only scored in binucleate cells. The data suggest that whole-blood cultures may be considered a better experimental condition for the detection of MN induced by chemicals in vitro.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured in the presence of low concentrations of bleomycin (BLM), 0.01-0.1 microgram/ml, for 48 h and then treated with a high concentration (1.5 microgram/ml) of the same agent or with 1.5 Gy X-rays, became significantly less sensitive to the induction of chromosomal damage than those which did not receive the pre-treatment with BLM. They responded with lower frequencies of chromatid and isochromatid breaks. These results lend further support to the operation of an adaptive repair system in lymphocytes which offers resistance and cross-resistance to the induction of chromosomal damage by the same or similar DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

The new modification of the method of micronucleus (MN) detection without cytochalasin-B is used in this paper. The code name of the method is called "method of micronucleus detection in mononucleated cells". The basis of this method is that it makes possible to analyze MN and chromosome aberrations (CA) at the same slides. To confirm the true supposition of the authors about correlation between MN quantity and chromosome/chromatid type aberrations so called "coefficient of transformation" was calculated and it was 7.9 +/- 0.41 for the chromosome type aberrations and over 67.2 +/- 30.2 for chromatid type aberrations. Mutagenic action of gamma-irradiation and 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP), activated with long-wave UV-light was estimated for the first cell cycle mitosis. When compared in straight experiments results of gamma-induced MN were received by two methods: the method of cytokinesis-block (commonly used) and by the suggested method, the "coefficient of transformation" of CA into MN was 3.6, when cytochalasin-B was used and 6.7 without using it. The total data give a possibility to make a new cytological micronucleus test for mutagens revealing. As we think the modified test is more simple, more reliable less laborious and less expensive.  相似文献   

K X Xue  G J Ma  S Wang  P Zhou 《Mutation research》1992,278(4):259-264
The in vivo micronucleus test in lymphocytes of human capillary blood collected by skin puncture is described. This method needs only 1-2 drops of finger blood. The normal value of micronucleus frequencies in lymphocytes from 250 healthy persons aged 6-88 years was determined. The upper limits of normal values were estimated by means of percentile. The 95th percentiles were 1/1000 and 1.5/1000 for the 6-45-year age group and the 46-88-year age group, respectively. There was no significant difference in micronucleus frequency between men and women. On the basis of micronucleus assays in more than 3000 cases, we consider that the micronucleus test in human capillary blood lymphocytes is a rapid, convenient and sensitive procedure for monitoring a human population exposed to environmental and occupational mutagens and carcinogens.  相似文献   

The in vitro micronucleus test was performed on isolated human lymphocytes using the cytokinesis-block technique with and without a rat liver metabolizing system. Positive control substances were used to evaluate this test: a direct agent (vincristine) requiring no metabolic activation, and three promutagens (cyclophosphamide, benzo[a]pyrene and dimethylbenz[a]anthracene). All of them, when compared with controls, caused a significant increase in micronucleus frequency, with a clear dose response. Five compounds were then tested in this in vitro micronucleus test: safrole, azathioprine, procarbazine, diethylstilbestrol and o-toluidine. The chemicals were examined with and without exogenous metabolic activation. Of these five compound, o-toluidine was found to be a marked direct genotoxic agent and azathioprine gave positive results with or without metabolic activation (a better response was noted without the addition of S9 mix). Diethylstilbestrol gave conflicting results and was considered inconclusive. Two chemicals, safrole and procarbazine, were found to be non-genotoxic in this test system, whatever the protocol used.  相似文献   

It used to be believed that the use of rat peripheral blood for the micronucleus assay would be difficult because micronucleated erythrocytes are captured and destroyed by the spleen quickly. We have applied an acridine orange (AO) supravital staining method to rat peripheral blood using AO-coated glass slides. Normal and splenectomized SD rats were treated once with mitomycin C (i.p.) or cyclophosphamide (p.o.), and 5 microliters of blood was collected at intervals from the tail vein between 0 and 72 h after treatment. For comparison, bone marrow cells were smeared conventionally 30 h after treatment. Although the frequencies of spontaneous and chemically induced micronucleated reticulocytes (MNRETs) from normal rats were lower on average in the highest dose group than those of splenectomized rats, the incidence of micronuclei among type I and II reticulocytes in normal rats at 48 h was almost identical to the incidence of RNA-containing erythrocytes with micronucleus in bone marrow. Thus, we suggest that rat peripheral reticulocytes can be used as target cells for the micronucleus assay.  相似文献   

Ultra-vital staining with acridine orange (AO) is introduced into the micronucleus assay with mouse peripheral blood cells. Peripheral blood was stained vitally by dropping whole blood on an AO-coated slide and covering the sample with a coverslip. With this method, reticulocytes are identified easily by their red fluorescing reticulum structure. The distinction between young and mature erythrocytes was clearer and less subjective than the distinction between polychromatic and normochromatic erythrocytes by Giemsa staining or by conventional AO fluorescent staining. Although the induction of micronucleated peripheral reticulocytes (MNRETs) was delayed by about 12 h compared to that of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs) in the bone marrow, the frequencies of MNRETs and MNPCEs were almost identical at each optimal sampling time. It is concluded that bone marrow cells can be replaced by peripheral blood as material for the micronucleus assay.  相似文献   

Response of a transplantable tumor, S180, grown intradermally in inbred Balb/c mice, was assessed by using micronucleus assay after treating the solid tumors with bleomycin (BLM), radiation (RT) and hyperthermia (HT) vis-a-vis multimodality approach. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) though did not vary greatly during the one week of observation in untreated tumors, it significantly increased in the drug and RT groups at 24 hr post-treatment. However, MN frequency was non-significant in the HT group from the control. A drug dose dependent linear increase in the frequency of MN induction was evident in 10, 15 and 20 mg/kg body weight BLM alone treated groups. Combination of radiation with BLM or HT further increased the MN counts in the bimodality groups. But, MN induction at 24 hr post-treatment in the trimodality group (BLM + RT + HT) was non-significant from that of the bimodality treatments. However, the tumors treated with trimodality treatment presented severe tumor necrosis, indicating increased cell loss, and resulting in immediate tumor regression. In all the bi-modality groups MN counts though declined 3 or 5 days post-treatment, the values remained significantly higher than the control, on day 7 post-treatment. Micronucleus assay could be used as a predictive parameter for the assessment of post-irradiation tumor regression response. However, the tumor response assessment with MN assay alone may not be sufficient and the role of other parameters, such as apoptosis and necrosis, in immediate tumor regression, especially radiosensitive/thermosensitive tumors can not be ignored while taking multimodality approach into consideration for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The response of unstimulated peripheral lymphocytes to a single dose of 3 Gy of 137Cs gamma rays was analysed in blood samples from 30 donors by a conventional micronucleus assay and from 14 donors by the cytokinesis-block (CB) method. Significant interindividual variations could be detected for the baseline levels and for induced levels of micronuclei. An age effect could be demonstrated with the conventional method for the number of spontaneous MN, but not with the CB method. The corresponding numerical estimate was 3.4 +/- 1.3% increase per year. No such increase was apparent for induced frequencies. Provided that cell proliferation kinetics is reliably taken into account the micronucleus assay could be helpful for diagnosing potential radiosensitive individuals.  相似文献   

Purpose: Radiotherapy (RT) alone or in combination with chemotherapy (CT) leads nearly always to increase of DNA damage in cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the variability rate and individual sensitivity of breast cancer (BC) patients to the applied RT and RT in combination with CT. Methods: The analysed sample included 30 women with histologically confirmed BC. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) was estimated in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) by using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay before the administered therapy and one month later. Results: The mean therapy-induced MN value was significantly higher (p < 0.001) compared with mean baseline MN. Both therapies (RT and combined RT+CT) significantly increased the MN frequency in patients' lymphocytes (p<0.001), but without significant differences in the therapy-induced MN frequency between these two groups (p > 0.05). The administered therapy induced significant difference in cell kinetics (p < 0.05). The results showed a wide range of inter-individual variability in both baseline and the therapy-induced MN frequency. Conclusion: The applied therapies increased the MN frequency in PBL in BC patients, and the presented data indicate absence of synergistic effect of these two therapies. None of the variation factors (age, smoking and therapy type) had influence on the noticed variability.  相似文献   

To evaluate the application of the cytokinesis-block (CB) micronucleus (MN) assay as a biological dosimeter following in vivo exposure to ionising radiation we determined the micronucleus frequency in spleen and peripheral blood lymphocytes of the mouse, serially, for 14 days following acute whole-body irradiation. The baseline MN frequency of spleen lymphocytes (7.86 +/- 0.68, mean +/- 1 SD) was significantly (p less than 0.001) elevated when compared to that for peripheral blood lymphocytes (4.10 +/- 0.53). Immediately after irradiation there was a substantial dose-related increase in MN, but the MN frequencies in spleen lymphocytes (120.2 +/- 9.4 for 1 Gy; 409.5 +/- 38.4 for 2 Gy) were significantly (p less than 0.009) elevated compared to those in peripheral blood lymphocytes (78.0 +/- 7.0 for 1 Gy; 200.2 +/- 10.9 for 2 Gy). During the 14 days after irradiation, the MN frequency in spleen lymphocytes declined gradually to approximately half of the value observed immediately after irradiation. By contrast the MN frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes increased during the week after irradiation, but ultimately MN frequencies in blood and spleen became approximately the same by day 14. Study of isolated murine lymphocytes irradiated in vitro showed that the number of MN generated by a given dose of radiation was approximately 2-3 times greater than the number generated by in vivo irradiation. These results suggest that measurement of MN in vivo after irradiation can be used as an in vivo dosimeter. However, precise dosimetry is probably affected by factors such as kinetic changes in different lymphocyte populations and possibly by in vivo factors which influence sensitivity of cells to radiation.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic effect of bleomycin (BLM) in human lymphocytes was studied after exposure to different doses during the G0 and G2 phases. BLM produced a marked specific effect on the cell cycle. The main aberration types after exposure in tg0 were dicentrics and deletions; and after exposure in G2, open chromatid breaks. A linear dose--response was calculated for all these aberration types as well as for the number of aberrant cells. In the G2 experiments, partially and totally pulverized cells also increased linearly with dose. The intercellular distributions of the most frequent aberration types after exposure in G0 and G2--the dicentrics and chromatid breaks, respectively--showed over-dispersion. These results show that the cytogenetic effect of BLM may be compared with that of densely ionizing irradiation. Preliminary results of chromosome analysis of three cancer patients in the course of BLM therapy showed effects similar to those in the G0 experiments.  相似文献   

4-Thujanol, a bicyclic monoterpene alcohol, is present in the essential oils of many medicinal and aromatic plants. It is commonly used as a fragrance and flavouring ingredient in a lot of different products. The potential genotoxic effects of 4-thujanol on human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were investigated in vitro by the chromosome aberrations (CAs), sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs), and micronucleus (MN) tests. The cells were treated with 13, 26 and 52 μg/mL 4-thujanol in the presence and absence of a metabolic activator (S9 mix). 4-Thujanol induced CA (P < 0.001) and MN formation (P < 0.05) at all concentrations (13, 26 and 52 μg/mL) in the presence and absence of the S9 mix without a concentration-dependent manner. However, the treatment of peripheral lymphocytes with 4-thujanol did not produce a statistical difference in the frequency of SCEs when compared with control group. Furthermore, this monoterpene did not significantly decrease the mitotic index (MI), proliferation index (PI), and nuclear division index (NDI). In conclusion, 4-thujanol had a significant clastogenic effect at the tested concentrations (13, 26 and 52 μg/mL) for human PBLs. In addition, no cytotoxic and/or cytostatic effects were observed regardless of the concentrations used. This work presents the first report on genotoxic properties of 4-thujanol.  相似文献   

A micronucleus assay using mouse peripheral blood and supravital staining with acridine orange (AO) was validated by two laboratories on triethylenemelamine-treated mice. Dose- and time-dependent increases in micronucleated peripheral reticulocytes were observed. This new method can be used as an alternative to the conventional bone marrow micronucleus assay.  相似文献   

A flow-cytometric technique was developed to measure the frequency of variant lymphocytes lacking expression of HLA-A2 or A24 allele products among donors heterozygous for HLA-A2 or A24. It was found that the variant frequency of lymphocytes in peripheral blood was of the order of 10(-4) and increased with donor age. Molecular analyses of mutant clones revealed that about one-third were derived from somatic recombinations and that the remaining two-thirds did not show any alterations after Southern blotting analysis. In contrast, mutants obtained after in vitro X-ray mutagenesis study were found to be mostly derived from large chromosomal deletions. A small-scale study on atomic bomb survivors did not show a significant dose effect.  相似文献   

It used to be believed that the use of rat peripheral blood for the micronucleus assay would be difficult because micronucleated erythrocytes are captured and destroyed by the spleen quickly. We have applied an acridine orange (AO) supravital staining method to rat peripheral blood using AO-coated glass slides. Normal and splenectomized SD rats were treated once with mitomycin C (i.p.) or cyclophosphamide (p.o.), and 5 μl of blood was collected at intervals from the tail vein between 0 and 72 h after treatment. For comparison, bone marrow cells were smeared conventionally 30 h after treatment. Although the frequencies of spontaneous and chemically induced micronucleated reticulocytes (MNRETs) from normal rats were lower on average in the highest dose group than those of splenectomized rats, the incidence of micronuclei among type I and II reticulocytes in normal rats at 48 h was almost identical to the incidence of RNA-containing erythrocytes with micronucleus in bone marrow. Thus, we suggest that rat peripheral reticulocytes can be used as target cells for the micronucleus assay.  相似文献   

The plaque-forming cell and proliferative responses of human peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by formalin-treated Staphylococcus aureus of the Cowan strain were studied in vitro. Human blood mononuclear cells were incubated for 6 days with staphylococci in culture medium RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% human AB serum. The number of anti-sheep erythrocyte plaque-forming cells was determined by the Jerne technique. Lymphocyte proliferation was measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation. Individual lymphocyte donors could be classified as high or low responders to staphylococci. Lymphocyte proliferation appeared necessary for the generation of plaque-forming cells. The plaque-forming cell response was greatly influenced by the source of the human AB serum used in the culture medium. The addition of hydrocortisone to the culture medium augmented the plaque-forming cell response. Human B lymphocytes prepared by passage through a column containing Sepharose 4B conjugated to anti-human F(ab)2 generated plaque-forming cells when incubated with staphylococci. However, the addition of T lymphocytes to these B-lymphocyte preparations augmented the plaque-forming cell response to staphylococci.  相似文献   

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