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Spontaneous CD8+ T cell activation in MRL-Faslpr mice is B cell dependent. It is unclear whether this B-dependent activation is mediated by direct Ag presentation via MHC class I proteins (i.e., cross-presentation) or whether activation occurs by an indirect mechanism, e.g., via effects on CD4+ cells. To determine how CD8+ T cell activation is promoted by B cells, we created mixed bone marrow chimeras where direct MHC class I Ag presentation by B cells was abrogated while other leukocyte compartments could express MHC class I. Surprisingly, despite the absence of B cell class I-restricted Ag presentation, CD8+ T cell activation was intact in the chimeric mice. Therefore, the spontaneous B cell-dependent CD8+ T cell activation that occurs in systemic autoimmunity is not due to direct presentation by B cells to CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

The response of H-Y-specific TCR-transgenic CD8(+) T cells to Ag is characterized by poor proliferation, cytolytic activity, and IFN-gamma secretion. IFN-gamma secretion, but not cytotoxic function, can be rescued by the B7.1 molecule, suggesting that costimulation can selectively enhance some, but not all, effector CD8(+) T cell responses. Although the H-Y epitope binds H-2D(b) relatively less well than some other epitopes, it can induce potent CTL responses in nontransgenic mice, suggesting that the observed poor responsiveness of transgenic CD8(+) T cells cannot be ascribed to the epitope itself. Previously reported reactivity of this TCR to H-2A(b) is also not the cause of the poor responsiveness of the H-Y-specific CD8(+) T cells, as H-Y-specific CD8(+) T cells obtained from genetic backgrounds lacking H-2A(b) also responded poorly. Rather, reducing the levels of H-2(b) class I molecules by breeding the mice to (C57BL/6 x B10.D2)F(1) or TAP1(+/-) backgrounds partially restored cytotoxic activity and enhanced proliferative responses. These findings demonstrate that the self MHC class I gene dosage may regulate the extent of CD8(+) T cell responsiveness to Ag.  相似文献   

Engagement of the Ag receptor on naive CD8+ T cells by specific peptide-MHC complex triggers their activation/expansion/differentiation into effector CTL. The frequency of Ag-specific CD8+ T cells can normally be determined by the binding of specific peptide-MHC tetramer complexes to TCR. In this study we demonstrate that, shortly after Ag activation, CD8+ T cells transiently lose the capacity to efficiently bind peptide-MHC tetramer complexes. This transient loss of tetramer binding, which occurs in response to naturally processed viral peptide during infection in vitro and in vivo, is associated with reduced signaling through the TCR and altered/diminished effector activity. This change in tetramer binding/effector response is likewise associated with a change in cell surface TCR organization. These and related results suggest that early during CD8+ T cell activation, there is a temporary alteration in both cell surface Ag receptor display and functional activity that is associated with a transient loss of cognate tetramer binding.  相似文献   

During its developmental cycle, the intracellular bacterial pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis remains confined within a protective vacuole known as an inclusion. Nevertheless, CD8(+) T cells that recognize Chlamydia Ags in the context of MHC class I molecules are primed during infection. MHC class I-restricted presentation of these Ags suggests that these proteins or domains from them have access to the host cell cytoplasm. Chlamydia products with access to the host cell cytoplasm define a subset of molecules uniquely positioned to interface with the intracellular environment during the pathogen's developmental cycle. In addition to their use as candidate Ags for stimulating CD8(+) T cells, these proteins represent novel candidates for therapeutic intervention of infection. In this study, we use C. trachomatis-specific murine T cells and an expression-cloning strategy to show that CT442 from Chlamydia is targeted by CD8(+) T cells. CT442, also known as CrpA, is a 15-kDa protein of undefined function that has previously been shown to be associated with the Chlamydia inclusion membrane. We show that: 1) CD8(+) T cells specific for an H-2D(b)-restricted epitope from CrpA are elicited at a significant level (approximately 4% of splenic CD8(+) T cells) in mice in response to infection; 2) the response to this epitope correlates with clearance of the organism from infected mice; and 3) immunization with recombinant vaccinia virus expressing CrpA elicits partial protective immunity to subsequent i.v. challenge with C. trachomatis.  相似文献   

MHC class I molecules are highly polymorphic within populations. This diversity is thought to be the result of selective maintenance of new class I alleles formed by gene conversion. It has been proposed that rare alleles are maintained by their ability to confer resistance to common pathogens. Investigation has focused on differences in the presentation of foreign Ags by class I alleles, but the majority of peptides presented by class I molecules are self peptides used in shaping the naive T cell repertoire. We propose that the key substrate for the natural selection of class I gene conversion variants is the diversity in immune potential formed by new alleles. We show that T cells compete with each other for niches in the thymus and spleen during development, and that competition between different clones is dramatically affected by class I mutations. We also show that peripheral naive T cells proliferate preferentially in the presence of the class I variant that directed T cell development. The data argue that class I gene conversion mutations dramatically affect both the development and the maintenance of the naive CD8 T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

Tcrb-V-specific positive and negative selection of T cells has been well documented. In contrast, nothing is known about Tcra-V-specific selection. Using Tcra-V8-specific KT50 antibody Tcra-V8-specific selection of T cells has been examined. The CD8+ T cell subpopulation bearing Tcra-V8 are shown to be negatively selected by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I H-2Kd and H-2Dd/Ld molecules. Furthermore, percentages of these T cells are also influenced by Tcra-V haplotypes. Involvement of non-H-2 self (super)antigens in this MHC class I restricted negative selection, however, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial memory CD8+ T cell responses are not readily expanded by either repeated infections or immunizations. This is a major obstacle to the development of T cell vaccines. Prime-boost immunization with heterologous microbes sharing the same CD8+ epitope can induce a large expansion of the CD8+ response; however, different vectors vary greatly in their ability to boost for reasons that are poorly understood. To investigate how efficient memory T cell expansion can occur, we evaluated immune regulatory events and Ag presentation after secondary immunization with strong and weak boosting vectors. We found that dendritic cells were essential for T cell boosting and that Ag presentation by these cells was regulated by cognate memory CD8+ T cells. When weak boosting vectors were used for secondary immunization, pre-established CD8+ T cells were able to effectively curtail Ag presentation, resulting in limited CD8+ T cell expansion. In contrast, a strong boosting vector, vaccinia virus, induced highly efficient Ag presentation that overcame regulation by cognate T cells and induced large numbers of memory CD8+ T cells to expand. Thus, efficient targeting of Ag to dendritic cells in the face of cognate immunity is an important requirement for T cell expansion.  相似文献   

The activation, proliferation, differentiation, and trafficking of CD4 T cells is central to the development of type I immune responses. MHC class II (MHCII)-bearing dendritic cells (DCs) initiate CD4(+) T cell priming, but the relative contributions of other MHCII(+) APCs to the complete Th1 immune response is less clear. To address this question, we examined Th1 immunity in a mouse model in which I-A(beta)(b) expression was targeted specifically to the DCs of I-A(beta)b-/- mice. MHCII expression is reconstituted in CD11b(+) and CD8alpha(+) DCs, but other DC subtypes, macrophages, B cells, and parenchymal cells lack of expression of the I-A(beta)(b) chain. Presentation of both peptide and protein Ags by these DC subsets is sufficient for Th1 differentiation of Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells in vivo. Thus, Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells are primed to produce Th1 cytokines IL-2 and IFN-gamma. Additionally, proliferation, migration out of lymphoid organs, and the number of effector CD4(+) T cells are appropriately regulated. However, class II-negative B cells cannot receive help and Ag-specific IgG is not produced, confirming the critical MHCII requirement at this stage. These findings indicate that DCs are not only key initiators of the primary response, but provide all of the necessary cognate interactions to control CD4(+) T cell fate during the primary immune response.  相似文献   



Type I interferons play important roles in innate immune defense. In HIV infection, type I interferons may delay disease progression by inhibiting viral replication while at the same time accelerating disease progression by contributing to chronic immune activation.


To investigate the effects of type I interferons in HIV-infection, we obtained cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from 10 subjects who participated in AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 5192, a trial investigating the activity of systemic administration of IFNα for twelve weeks to patients with untreated HIV infection. Using flow cytometry, we examined changes in cell cycle status and expression of activation antigens by circulating T cells and their maturation subsets before, during and after IFNα treatment.


The proportion of CD38+HLA-DR+CD8+ T cells increased from a mean of 11.7% at baseline to 24.1% after twelve weeks of interferon treatment (p = 0.006). These frequencies dropped to an average of 20.1% six weeks after the end of treatment. In contrast to CD8+ T cells, the frequencies of activated CD4+ T cells did not change with administration of type I interferon (mean percentage of CD38+DR+ cells = 2.62% at baseline and 2.17% after 12 weeks of interferon therapy). As plasma HIV levels fell with interferon therapy, this was correlated with a “paradoxical” increase in CD8+ T cell activation (p<0.001).


Administration of type I interferon increased expression of the activation markers CD38 and HLA DR on CD8+ T cells but not on CD4+ T cells of HIV+ persons. These observations suggest that type I interferons may contribute to the high levels of CD8+ T cell activation that occur during HIV infection.  相似文献   

In this work, we have studied the role of the MHC class Ib molecules in the selection and maintenance of CD8(+) T splenocytes. We have compared the CD8(+) T cell repertoires of wild-type, H-2K-deficient, H-2D-deficient, or double knockout C57BL/6 mice. We show that the different CD8(+) repertoires, selected either by class Ia and class Ib or by class Ib molecules only, use the various V alpha (AV) and V beta (BV) rearrangements in the same proportion and without biases in the CDR3 size distribution. Furthermore, we have estimated the size of the BV repertoire in the four different strains of mice. Interestingly, we have found that the BV repertoire size is proportional to the overall number of CD8(+) splenocytes. This observation implies that BV diversity is positively correlated with the number of CD8(+) cells, even when the number of CD8(+) splenocytes is dramatically reduced (90% in the double knockout mice).  相似文献   

The uptake, transport, and presentation of Ags by lung dendritic cells (DCs) are central to the initiation of CD8 T cell responses against respiratory viruses. Although several studies have demonstrated a critical role of CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs for the initiation of cytotoxic T cell responses against the influenza virus, the underlying mechanisms for its potent ability to prime CD8 T cells remain poorly understood. Using a novel approach of fluorescent lipophilic dye-labeled influenza virus, we demonstrate that CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs are the dominant lung DC population transporting influenza virus to the posterior mediastinal lymph node as early as 20 h postinfection. By contrast, CD11b(high)CD103(neg) DCs, although more efficient for taking up the virus within the lung, migrate poorly to the lymph node and remain in the lung to produce proinflammatory cytokines instead. CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs efficiently load viral peptide onto MHC class I complexes and therefore uniquely possess the capacity to potently induce proliferation of naive CD8 T cells. In addition, the peptide transporters TAP1 and TAP2 are constitutively expressed at higher levels in CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs, providing, to our knowledge, the first evidence of a distinct regulation of the Ag-processing pathway in these cells. Collectively, these results show that CD11b(low/neg)CD103(+) DCs are functionally specialized for the transport of Ag from the lung to the lymph node and also for efficient processing and presentation of viral Ags to CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

To understand better the endogenous sources of MHC class I peptide ligands, we generated an antigenic reporter protein whose degradation is rapidly and reversibly controlled with Shield-1, a cell-permeant drug. Using this system, we demonstrate that defective ribosomal products (DRiPs) represent a major and highly efficient source of peptides and are completely resistant to our attempts to stabilize the protein. Although peptides also derive from nascent Shield-1-sensitive proteins and "retirees" created by Shield-1 withdrawal, these are much less efficient sources on a molar basis. We use this system to identify two drugs--each known to inhibit polyubiquitin chain disassembly--that selectively inhibit presentation of Shield-1-resistant DRiPs. These findings provide the initial evidence for distinct biochemical pathways for presentation of DRiPs versus retirees and implicate polyubiquitin chain disassembly or the actions of deubiquitylating enzymes as playing an important role in DRiP presentation.  相似文献   

Cancer immunosurveillance failure is largely attributed to insufficient activation signals and dominant inhibitory stimuli for tumor Ag (TAg)-specific CD8 T cells. CD4 T cells have been shown to license dendritic cells (DC), thereby having the potential for converting CD8 T cell responses from tolerance to activation. To understand the potential cooperation of TAg-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells, we have characterized the responses of naive TCR transgenic CD8 and CD4 T cells to poorly immunogenic murine tumors. We found that whereas CD8 T cells sensed TAg and were tolerized, the CD4 T cells remained ignorant throughout tumor growth and did not provide help. This disparity in responses was due to normal TAg MHC class I cross-presentation by immature CD8alpha+ DC in the draining lymph node, but poor MHC class II presentation on all DC subsets due to selective inhibition by the tumor microenvironment. Thus, these results reveal a novel mechanism of cancer immunosubversion, in which inhibition of MHC-II TAg presentation on DC prevents CD4 T cell priming, thereby blocking any potential for licensing CD8alpha+ DC and helping tolerized CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

Deficient immunoregulation by CD4+ T cells is an important susceptibility trait for inflammatory bowel disease, but the role of other regulatory cell types is less understood. This study addresses the role and mechanistic interaction of B cells and CD8+ T cells in controlling immune-mediated colitis. The genetic requirements for B cells and CD8+ T cells to confer protective immunoregulation were assessed by cotransfer with colitogenic Galphai2-/- T cells into immune-deficient mice. Disease activity in Galphai2-/- T cell recipients was evaluated by CD4+ T intestinal lymphocyte abundance, cytokine production levels, and large intestine histology. B cells deficient in B7.1/B7.2, CD40, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II (Abb), or native B cell antigen receptor (MD4) were competent for colitis protection. However, transporter-1-deficient B cells failed to protect, indicating a requirement for peptide MHC I presentation to CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells deficient in native T cell receptor repertoire (OT-1) or cytolysis (perforin-/-) also were nonprotective. These finding reveal an integrated role for antigen-specific perforin-dependent CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity in colitis immunoregulatory and its efficient induction by a subset of mesenteric B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

To determine the CD4 or CD8 phenotype of the Th lymphocyte which recognizes in vivo the MHC class I alloantigens, B10 recombinant mice were treated with anti-CD8 or anti-CD4 mAb and immunized with lymphoid cells from donors differing in the K or D region of the MHC. Alloantibodies were evaluated by a 51Cr-release assay or by indirect immunofluorescence. The production of IgG anti-Dd and anti-Kk alloantibodies was increased by the deletion of the CD8+ and absent in mice depleted of the CD4+ subset. These experiments indicate that the helper influence elicited by the recognition of a MHC class I alloantigen in vivo is due to cells of the CD4+CD8- phenotype.  相似文献   

Conventional MHC class Ia-restricted CD8(+) T cells play a dominant role in the host response to virus infections, but recent studies indicate that T cells with specificity for nonclassical MHC class Ib molecules may also participate in host defense. To investigate the potential role of class Ib molecules in anti-viral immune responses, K(b-/-)D(b-/-)CIITA(-/-) mice lacking expression of MHC class Ia and class II molecules were infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). These animals have a large class Ib-selected CD8(+) T cell population and they were observed to mediate partial (but incomplete) virus clearance during acute LCMV infection as compared with K(b-/-)D(b-/-)β(2)-microglobulin(-/-) mice that lack expression of both MHC class Ia and class Ib molecules. Infection was associated with expansion of splenic CD8(+) T cells and induction of granzyme B and IFN-γ effector molecules in CD8(+) T cells. Partial virus clearance was dependent on CD8(+) cells. In vitro T cell restimulation assays demonstrated induction of a population of β(2)-microglobulin-dependent, MHC class Ib-restricted CD8(+) T cells with specificity for viral Ags and yet to be defined nonclassical MHC molecules. MHC class Ib-restricted CD8(+) T cell responses were also observed after infection of K(b-/-)D(b-/-)mice despite the low number of CD8(+) T cells in these animals. Long-term infection studies demonstrated chronic infection and gradual depletion of CD8(+) T cells in K(b-/-)D(b-/-)CIITA(-/-) mice, demonstrating that class Ia molecules are required for viral clearance. These findings demonstrate that class Ib-restricted CD8(+) T cells have the potential to participate in the host immune response to LCMV.  相似文献   

The activation of naive CD8+ T cells has been attributed to two mechanisms: cross-priming and direct priming. Cross-priming and direct priming differ in the source of Ag and in the cell that presents the Ag to the responding CD8+ T cells. In cross-priming, exogenous Ag is acquired by professional APCs, such as dendritic cells (DC), which process the Ag into peptides that are subsequently presented. In direct priming, the APCs, which may or may not be DC, synthesize and process the Ag and present it themselves to CD8+ T cells. In this study, we demonstrate that naive CD8+ T cells are activated by a third mechanism, called cross-dressing. In cross-dressing, DC directly acquire MHC class I-peptide complexes from dead, but not live, donor cells by a cell contact-mediated mechanism, and present the intact complexes to naive CD8+ T cells. Such DC are cross-dressed because they are wearing peptide-MHC complexes generated by other cells. CD8+ T cells activated by cross-dressing are restricted to the MHC class I genotype of the donor cells and are specific for peptides generated by the donor cells. In vivo studies demonstrate that optimal priming of CD8+ T cells requires both cross-priming and cross-dressing. Thus, cross-dressing may be an important mechanism by which DC prime naive CD8+ T cells and may explain how CD8+ T cells are primed to Ags that are inefficiently cross-presented.  相似文献   

Allogeneic T cell activation triggering by MHC class I antigens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of MHC-encoded class I molecules in allogeneic activation and proliferation of human T lymphocytes was investigated. The study was performed by using primary mixed culture of lymphocytes from MHC recombinant siblings identical for MHC class II Ag (DR, DP, DQ) and displaying MHC class I disparity. The results indicate that such allogeneic combination is sufficient to trigger early activation steps within responder T cells without promoting a significant proliferation. After MHC class I allosensitization, a significant proportion of cells entered the cell cycle (G0----G1). The stimulatory potential of MHC class I Ag was further stressed by the specific induction on responder cells of IL-2R (22% T cell activation Ag positive). Under the same experimental conditions, transferrin receptor expression and IL-2 activity were not detectable. This is consistent with the low T cell proliferation. Exogenous rIL-1 did not improve IL-2 production and the subsequent T cell proliferation indicating that these two events were not associated with a defective accessory cell function involving IL-1 release. MHC class I disparity can also prime precursor CTL to differentiate into IL-2-dependent functional MHC restricted cytotoxic T cells. Conversely IFN-gamma had no effect. Addition to the culture of W6/32, a mAb specifically directed against a monomorphic determinant on human class I HLA-A, -B, and -C Ag was able to block all these activation events. These data clearly indicate a role of HLA class I Ag involvement in the early events triggering allogeneic T cell activation.  相似文献   

The molecular details of antigen processing and presentation by MHC class I and class II molecules have been studied extensively for almost three decades. Although the basic principles of these processes were laid out approximately 10 years ago, the recent years have revealed many details and provided new insights into their control and specificity. MHC molecules use various biochemical reactions to achieve successful presentation of antigenic fragments to the immune system. Here we present a timely evaluation of the biology of antigen presentation and a survey of issues that are considered unresolved. The continuing flow of new details into our understanding of the biology of MHC class I and class II antigen presentation builds a system involving several cell biological processes, which is discussed in this Review.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of influenza-specific CD8(+) T cell immunodominance hierarchies indicated that expression of the H2K(k) MHC class I allele greatly diminishes responses to the H2D(b)-restriced D(b)PA(224) epitope (acid polymerase, residues 224-233 complexed with H2D(b)). The results suggested that the presence of H2K(k) during thymic differentiation led to the deletion of a prominent Vβ7(+) subset of D(b)PA(224)-specific TCRs. The more recent definition of D(b)PA(224)-specific TCR CDR3β repertoires in H2(b) mice provides a new baseline for looking again at this possible H2K(k) effect on D(b)PA(224)-specific TCR selection. We found that immune responses to several H2D(b)- and H2K(b)-restricted influenza epitopes were indeed diminished in H2(bxk) F(1) versus homozygous mice. In the case of D(b)PA(224), lower numbers of naive precursors were part of the explanation, though a similar decrease in those specific for the D(b)NP(366) epitope did not affect response magnitude. Changes in precursor frequency were not associated with any major loss of TCR diversity and could not fully account for the diminished D(b)PA(224)-specific response. Further functional and phenotypic characterization of influenza-specific CD8(+) T cells suggested that the expansion and differentiation of the D(b)PA(224)-specific set is impaired in the H2(bxk) F(1) environment. Thus, the D(b)PA(224) response in H2(bxk) F(1) mice is modulated by factors that affect the generation of naive epitope-specific precursors and the expansion and differentiation of these T cells during infection, rather than clonal deletion of a prominent Vβ7(+) subset. Such findings illustrate the difficulties of predicting and defining the effects of MHC class I diversification on epitope-specific responses.  相似文献   

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