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The spawning distribution of Barents Sea capelin Mallotus villosus off northern Norway in 2002 was restricted to a narrow area at the easternmost spawning grounds. There was an increase in abundance and a marked shift in aggregation area from east towards west during 11 March to 4 April, as the capelin went from prespawning through spawning to spent stages. The capelin stomachs were either empty or contained capelin eggs, often mixed with sand. Both the occurrence of cannibals and stomach fullness increased with stage of maturity, being highest in spent fish, and higher in males than in females. No differences were found between cannibals and non-cannibals of the same sex when adjusted for total length ( L T), age, L T at age and condition factor. At similar stomach fullness, the females had consumed more eggs than the males. This was attributed to a higher proportion of empty and broken eggs and less sand in females compared to males. In the full stomachs, the mean consumption in females and males was 623 and 334 eggs, respectively, whereas the respective maximum egg consumption was 871 and 683 eggs. The minimum estimates (given no digestion) of mean ± 95% CL egg consumption in spent females and males were 75·4 ± 6·9 and 58·4 ± 12·0 eggs, respectively, implying a minimum mortality of 1–2% of the total egg production caused by cannibalism.  相似文献   

The gonad maturation cycle of Siganus sutor (Valenciennes, 1835) (Osteichthyes-Siganidae) is described for both males and females using macroscopic criteria for the testes and both macroscopic and microscopic ones for staging the ovaries. Siganus suror has two major spawning seasons: one in January/February and the other in May/June. The presence of these seasons is established by (a) the temporal variations in the condition factor and in the relative weight of the gonads, (b) the progression of peaks of maturity stages with seasonal occurrence of spent fish in the samples, and (c) the seasonal appearance ofjuveniles. This is a significant result for a tropical marine fish.  相似文献   

The feeding strategy and prey selection of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus related to the benthic infauna in the field were investigated in three different study areas (boxes) in the northern North Sea in 2007. The stomach contents of M. aeglefinus were dominated by invertebrates in all three boxes, mainly echinoderms and polychaetes, similar to the benthic communities in the field. Prey densities in the field significantly determined prey selection and, thus the feeding strategy of M. aeglefinus appeared highly opportunistic. Other prey characteristics, such as the position in the sediment or its palatability, had no significant effect on the selection process although trends were apparent that tubicolous polychaetes of the family spionids, especially Spiophanes kröyeri and Spiophanes bombyx as well as the tentaculate Phoronis spp., were not consumed and potentially avoided due to their ability to withdraw below the feeding depths or due to chemical deterrents. High abundances of echinoderm species with hard calcareous shells in the M. aeglefinus stomachs, such as the ophiurid Ophiocten affinis and the echinoid Echinocyamus pusillus, indicated their use as grinding elements. A gradual shift from benthos to fish feeding with increasing M. aeglefinus size was not found.  相似文献   

To establish if fishes’ consumption of jellyfish changes through the year, we conducted a molecular gut-content assessment on opportunistically sampled species from the Celtic Sea in October and compared these with samples previously collected in February and March from the Irish Sea. Mackerel Scomber scombrus were found to feed on hydrozoan jellyfish relatively frequently in autumn, with rare consumption also detected in sardine Sardina pilchardus and sprat Sprattus sprattus. By October, moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita appeared to have escaped predation, potentially through somatic growth and the development of stinging tentacles. This is in contrast with sampling in February and March where A. aurita ephyrae were heavily preyed upon. No significant change in predation rate was observed in S. sprattus, but jellyfish predation by S. scombrus feeding in autumn was significantly higher than that seen during winter. This increase in consumption appears to be driven by the consumption of different, smaller jellyfish species than were targeted during the winter.  相似文献   

European eels (Anguilla anguilla) spawn in the remote Sargasso Sea in partial sympatry with American eels (Anguilla rostrata), and juveniles are transported more than 5000 km back to the European and North African coasts. The two species have been regarded as classic textbook examples of panmixia, each comprising a single, randomly mating population. However, several recent studies based on continental samples have found subtle, but significant, genetic differentiation, interpreted as geographical or temporal heterogeneity between samples. Moreover, European and American eels can hybridize, but hybrids have been observed almost exclusively in Iceland, suggesting hybridization in a specific region of the Sargasso Sea and subsequent nonrandom dispersal of larvae. Here, we report the first molecular population genetics study based on analysis of 21 microsatellite loci in larvae of both Atlantic eel species sampled directly in the spawning area, supplemented by analysis of European glass eel samples. Despite a clear East-West gradient in the overlapping distribution of the two species in the Sargasso Sea, we only observed a single putative hybrid, providing evidence against the hypothesis of a wide marine hybrid zone. Analyses of genetic differentiation, isolation by distance, isolation by time and assignment tests provided strong evidence for panmixia in both the Sargasso Sea and across all continental samples of European eel after accounting for the presence of sibs among newly hatched larvae. European eel has declined catastrophically, and our findings call for management of the species as a single unit, necessitating coordinated international conservation efforts.  相似文献   

M. Yoda    M. Yoneda 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(10):2338-2354
This study examined the spawning season, spawning frequency and batch fecundity of yellow sea bream Dentex hypselosomus in the East China Sea to reassess the previously reported reproductive characteristics of the species. Time-course sampling showed that this species had a diurnal ovarian maturation rhythm. Late tertiary yolk-stage oocytes appeared 2 days before spawning, starting the process of germinal vesicle movement and breakdown. On the day of spawning, ovulation and subsequent spawning occurred in the early morning (0400–0800 hours). Postovulatory follicles disappeared from the ovaries within c. 24 h of ovulation. Seasonal changes in the ovarian conditions indicated that this species spawned more or less throughout the year, with the peak ranging from spring to autumn. The compositions of the developing oocytes and degenerating postovulatory follicles in the ovaries suggested that most females spawned repeatedly over 2 to 3 consecutive days during the peak of the spawning season. Somatic body condition did not have a significant effect on batch fecundity, but there was a significant relationship between batch fecundity and fork length according to spawning status. Females spawning on consecutive days were more fecund than those spawning every other day. The findings show that this species has much greater reproductive potential than previously estimated.  相似文献   

Environmental variation drives ecological and phenotypic change. How predictable is differentiation in response to environmental change? Answering this question requires the development and testing of multifarious a priori predictions in natural systems. We employ this approach using Gobiomorus dormitor populations that have colonized inland blue holes differing in the availability of fish prey. We evaluated predictions of differences in demographics, habitat use, diet, locomotor and trophic morphology, and feeding kinematics and performance between G. dormitor populations inhabiting blue holes with and without fish prey. Populations of G. dormitor independently diverged between prey regimes, with broad agreement between observed differences and a priori predictions. For example, in populations lacking fish prey, we observed male‐biased sex ratios, a greater use of shallow‐water habitat, and larger population diet breadths as a result of greater individual diet specialization. Furthermore, we found predictable differences in body shape, mouth morphology, suction generation capacity, strike kinematics, and feeding performance on different prey types, consistent with the adaptation of G. dormitor to piscivory when coexisting with fish prey and to feeding on small invertebrates in their absence. The results of the present study suggest great potential in our ability to predict population responses to changing environments, which is an increasingly important capability in a human‐dominated, ever‐changing world. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 588–607.  相似文献   

In July 2008, early juvenile tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris were found in nocturnal pelagic waters of the Vranov Reservoir, Czech Republic. Presence of benthic-living prey in the guts of these fish suggested migration between benthic and pelagic habitats.  相似文献   

This study presents the diet composition of western Baltic cod Gadus morhua based on 3150 stomachs sampled year-round between 2016 and 2017 using angling, gillnetting and bottom trawling, which enhanced the spatio-temporal coverage of cod habitats. Cod diet composition in shallow areas (<20 m depth) was dominated by benthic invertebrate species, mainly the common shore crab Carcinus maneas. Compared to historic diet data from the 1960s and 1980s (limited to depth >20 m), the contribution of herring Clupea harengus decreased and round goby Neogobius melanostomus occurred as a new prey species. Statistical modelling revealed significant relationships between diet composition, catch depth, fish length and season. Generalized additive modelling identified a negative relationship between catch depth and stomach content weight, suggesting reduced food intake in winter when cod use deeper areas for spawning and during peak summer when cod tend to avoid high water temperatures. The results of this study highlight the importance of shallow coastal areas as major feeding habitats of adult cod in the western Baltic Sea, which were previously unknown because samples were restricted to deeper trawlable areas. The results strongly suggest that historic stomach analyses overestimated the role of forage fish and underestimated the role of invertebrate prey. Eventually, this study shows the importance of a comprehensive habitat coverage for unbiased stomach sampling programmes to provide a more reliable estimation of top predator diet, a key information for food web analyses and multispecies models.  相似文献   

Potassium ions diffuse across the cell membrane in a single file through the narrow selectivity filter of potassium channels. The crystal structure of the KcsA K+ channel revealed the chemical structure of the selectivity filter, which contains four binding sites for K+. In this study, we used Tl+ in place of K+ to address the question of how many ions bind within the filter at a given time, i.e. what is the absolute ion occupancy? By refining the Tl+ structure against data to 1.9A resolution with an anomalous signal, we determined the absolute occupancy of Tl+. Then, by comparing the electron density of Tl+ with that of K+, Rb+ and Cs+, we estimated the absolute occupancy of these three ions. We further analyzed how the ion occupancy affects the conformation of the selectivity filter by analyzing the structure of KcsA at different concentrations of Tl+. Our results indicate that the average occupancy for each site in the selectivity filter is about 0.63 for Tl+ and 0.53 for K+. For K+, Rb+ and Cs+, the total number of ions contained within four sites in the selectivity filter is about two. At low concentrations of permeant ion, the number of ions drops to one in association with a conformational change in the selectivity filter. We conclude that electrostatic balance and coupling of ion binding to a protein conformational change underlie high conduction rates in the setting of high selectivity.  相似文献   

Abstract Towards the end of the Wet season in the tropical coastlands of northern Australia, there are dramatic upstream movements of many fish species in some seasonally flowing streams. These movements are considered to be a part of refuge-seeking migrations. Aspects of the dynamics of the movements in Magela Creek (in the ‘Top End’ of the Northern Territory) downstream from the Ranger Uranium Mine have been examined with a range of techniques (mainly direct observation) to facilitate the development of a possible procedure for monitoring impacts of the mine on the fish community of the creek system. Data on diel patterns of movements validated that monitoring, for 1 h at midday at a single point adjacent to the mine, reflects day-to-day changes in total diel movements. To help identify the location of any impacts arising in the future, information on upstream progress rates, longitudinal changes in movements, and movements between the creek and lowland billabongs, were used to (i) demonstrate the creek-long continuity of movements and (ii) indicate the possible sources and destinations of fish approaching the mine. Marked differences in sources were apparent for two groups of species: terapontids originating from the lowland creek channels, and chequered rainbowfish and ambassids originating from the floodplain and lowland billabongs. Identification of the relative contributions from these habitats will require additional monitoring effort.  相似文献   

The feeding strategy of dab Limanda limanda was investigated within a predefined research area in the southern North Sea for 2 years. The aims were: 1) to establish the relationship between prey availability and dab abundance, distribution, body condition and prey selection, and 2) to determine the underlying functional processes of prey choice in dab. Temporal and spatial trends of prey availability in relation to dab abundances, distribution, condition and prey selection were analysed. Temporal trends in dab condition, percentage of empty stomachs and numbers of ingested prey were apparent. In particular in the winter period 2000–2001 dab were in poor condition and prey items were only rarely found in stomachs. Similarly prey availability decreased in the environment while the abundance of dab increased. Thus, temporal changes in the nutritive state were partly thought to be attributed to density‐dependent effects. The stomach composition of dab during the two consecutive summers was mainly dominated by Pariambus typicus and Ophiura albida while in the winter period only O. albida made a significant contribution to the stomach content. Analysis of prey characteristics indicated that only prey densities in the environment significantly influenced prey choice in dab, while other characteristics such as the position of the prey in the habitat, its palatability or mobility did not have significant effects. The feeding strategy of dab thus was highly opportunistic, although trends were apparent that suggested that buried living fauna was less likely to be ingested, which was also observed in previous studies.  相似文献   

De Meester  L.  Cousyn  C. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):169-175
Using a clone that responds to the presence of fishkairomones by a pronounced change in phototacticbehaviour, we determined how fast a change to morenegatively phototactic behaviour occurs in Daphnia magnaadults that are exposed to a highconcentration of fish kairomones. Kairomone exposedanimals showed an approximately linear decrease in thevalue of the phototactic index with time. Though theresponse was almost immediate, it took two hoursbefore the difference between fish-induced and controlanimals was significant. Extrapolation of the observedresponse indicates that a maximal change inphototactic behaviour, equivalent to animals that havebeen cultured in the presence of fish kairomones sincebirth, occurs after about 13 hours exposure. Weconclude that the predator-induced change in dielvertical migration of zooplankton is fast, and isfully developed in less than a day. The response timeto fish kairomones of Daphnia is shorter forphototactic behaviour than for life history traits,which may have important consequences with respect tothe evolution of trait-dependence in induced defenceresponses.  相似文献   

In this study, the identification of major ontogenetic events and the duration of the fresh water and estuarine phases before the seaward exit of young allis shad Alosa alosa were investigated retrospectively, using the otoliths of spawners. Daily growth increment periodicity in the otoliths was validated with an accuracy of 4 days (9·4%) for fish >30 days. The specific limits of the Sr:Ca ratios in the otoliths, indicating fish movements between salinity 'compartments', were up to 1·1 ×10−3 for the freshwater phase, 1·1 to 1·9 × 10−3 for the estuarine phase and 1·9 × 10−3 for the marine phase. In early life history, a major event occured at 22 days, which was marked on the otoliths by a change in the direction of the otolith growth axis. This event was related to a change in larval swimming behaviour. Juvenile freshwater residence time was between 58 and 123 days, with a median duration of 88 days. Contrary to what has been estimated in previous studies, the present study showed that the estuarine phase lasted from 4 to 36 days, with a median value of 11 days. Seaward exit occurred in fish aged from 63 to 150 days, with a median age of 99 days. These results have important implications for the sustainable management of this species.  相似文献   

EMMY is an ecophysiological model of the growth and reproduction of a single mussel (Mytilus edulis L.). It contains feedback loops in the uptake and metabolism of food and in the partitioning of carbon and nitrogen to the internal state variables somatic tissue, storage, organic shell matrix and gametes. In this paper EMMY is used to simulate individual mussel growth in a series of mesocosm experiments with different inorganic nutrient loads (N and P). The experiments explore the impact of eutrophication reduction scenarios on mussel growth under defined and controlled conditions.In earlier studies EMMY was calibrated using expert knowledge on growth and reproduction during a period of 5 years. The resulting calibrated model was validated for system inputs and observations of three ecosystems with significantly different food and silt concentrations. EMMY reproduced the mussel growth sufficiently accurate in ecosystems with moderate or high food concentrations. In this study EMMY was adapted in order to cope with low food concentrations, then recalibrated (using the original calibration data and procedure) and applied without further calibration to 3 replicated mesocosm experiments. The EMMY simulations in this study show the ecophysiological response of mussels to different food (phytoplankton and detritus) concentrations. It is concluded that the mussels can adapt to significantly reduced food concentrations, due to inorganic nutrient load reduction, and still maintain growth.  相似文献   


Euphausiids moult and grow throughout their life, which implies sharing of resources between growth and reproduction for adult krill. In the Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars), female krill produce eggs cyclically. Spawning moult cycles alternate with vitellogenic moult cycles for lipid yolk accumulation. Histology shows that lipids are associated with the R cells of the digestive gland in both sexes, with the yolk platelets of mature oocytes and with the fat body cell membranes and blood lacunae in reproducing females. Mature female krill can have a total lipid content twice as high as males, mostly due to accumulation in the ovary, the fat body and the haemolymph. In contrast, in males, as well as in non-reproducing females, the highest percentage of lipids is found in the digestive gland and the haemolymph. In Meganyctiphanes norvegica, the most abundant lipid fractions are polar lipids and triglycerides, the latter being relatively low in reproducing female gonad and fat body. Triglycerides are believed to be a pure energy source and polar lipids are essential for membrane development in embryos. The fatty acid content and composition of the triglyceride and polar lipid fractions in females are different from males, related to both reproductive and dietary processes. Higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the polar lipid fraction were found in reproductive females. During the non-reproductive season, the converse was found, indicating the specific role PUFA and other fatty acids play in growth and egg production. Adaptive processes linked to reproduction were studied comparatively in three populations of the Northern krill—Clyde Sea (W, Scotland), Kattegat (E, Denmark), Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean)—all differing considerably in climatic and trophic conditions. Such adjustments in lipid synthesis and storage are viewed as reproductive strategies developed by the Northern krill in response to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration provides multiple benefits to nature and human societies, and can play a major role in global and national restoration targets. However, these benefits are context specific and impacted by both biophysical and socioeconomic heterogeneity across landscapes. Here, we investigate the benefits of natural regeneration for climate change mitigation, sediment retention and biodiversity conservation in a spatially explicit way at very high resolution for a region within the global biodiversity hotspot of the Atlantic Forest. We classified current land‐use cover in the region and simulated a natural regeneration scenario in abandoned pasturelands, areas where potential conflicts with agricultural production would be minimized and where some early stage regeneration is already occurring. We then modeled changes in biophysical functions for climate change mitigation and sediment retention, and performed an economic valuation of both ecosystem services. We also modeled how land‐use changes affect habitat availability for species. We found that natural regeneration can provide significant ecological and social benefits. Economic values of climate change mitigation and sediment retention alone could completely compensate for the opportunity costs of agricultural production over 20 yr. Habitat availability is improved for three species with different dispersal abilities, although by different magnitudes. Improving the understanding of how costs and benefits of natural regeneration are distributed can be useful to design incentive structures that bring farmers’ decision making more in line with societal benefits. This alignment is crucial for natural regeneration to fulfill its potential as a large‐scale solution for pressing local and global environmental challenges.  相似文献   

The health-promoting properties of dietary long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LCPUFAs) for humans are well-known. Products of animal-origin enriched with n-3 LCPUFAs can be a good example of functional food, that is food that besides traditionally understood nutritional value may have a beneficial influence on the metabolism and health of consumers, thus reducing the risk of various lifestyle diseases such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. The traditional method of enriching meat, milk or eggs with n-3 LCPUFA is the manipulation of the composition of animal diets. Huge progress in the development of genetic engineering techniques, for example transgenesis, has enabled the generation of many kinds of genetically modified animals. In recent years, one of the aims of animal transgenesis has been the modification of the lipid composition of meat and milk in order to improve the dietetic value of animal-origin products. This article reviews and discusses the data in the literature concerning studies where techniques of genetic engineering were used to create animal-origin products modified to contain health-promoting lipids. These studies are still at the laboratory stage, but their results have demonstrated that the transgenesis of pigs, cows, goats and fishes can be used in the future as efficient methods of production of healthy animal-origin food of high dietetic value. However, due to high costs and a low level of public acceptance, the introduction of this technology to commercial animal production and markets seems to be a distant prospect.  相似文献   

The cineradiographic study of the locomotion of the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) and the functional interpretation of its locomotory system, reveals that the main action of proximal segments is combined with flexed position and low movements of limb joints. This observation can be applied to the locomotion of other small mammals. In the forelimb, scapular rotation and translation account for more than 60% of step length. Effective shoulder joint movements are mostly restricted to less than 20°, and elbow movements range mainly between 20°-50°. The detachment of the shoulder girdle of therian mammals from the axial skeleton, and development of a supraspinous fossa, are correlated with movements at a high scapular fulcrum. Movements at such a high fulcrum are in interdependency with a crouched posture. Only flexed limbs can act as shock absorbers and prevent vertical changes in the center of gravity. Basic differences in forelimb movements exist between larger primates (humeral retraction) and smaller mammals (scapula retraction). In the hyrax, propulsion is due mainly to hip joint movements in symmetrical gaits, but sagittal lumbar spine movements play the dominant role at in-phase gaits. Joint and muscular anatomy, especially of the shoulder region, are discussed in view of the kinematic data.  相似文献   

A novel means of inducing extinction of an exotic fish population is proposed using a genetic approach to shift the ratio of male to females within a population. In the proposed strategy, sex-reversed fish containing two Y chromosomes are introduced into a normal fish population. These YY fish result in the production of a disproportionate number of male fish in subsequent generations. Mathematical modeling of the system following introduction of YY fish at a constant rate reveals that female fish decline in numbers over time, leading to eventual extinction of the population.  相似文献   

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