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The vas deferens forms part of the male reproductive tract and extends from the cauda epididymis to the prostate. Using the patch clamp technique, we have identified a Ca2+-activated, voltage-dependent, maxi K+ channel on the apical membrane of epithelial cells cultured from human fetal vas deferens. The channel had a conductance of 250 pS in symmetrical 140 mm K+ solutions, and was highly selective for K+ over Na+. Channel activity was increased by depolarization and by an elevation of bath (cytoplasmic) Ca2+ concentration, and reduced by cytoplasmic Ba2+ (5 mm) but not by cytoplasmic TEA (10 mm). Channel activity was also dependent on the cation bathing the cytoplasmic face of the membrane, being higher in a Na+-rich compared to a K+-rich solution. We estimated that up to 600 maxi K+ channels were present on the apical membrane of a vas cell, and that their density was 1–2 per 2 of membrane. Activity of the channel was low on intact cells, suggesting that it does not contribute to a resting K+ conductance. However, fluid in the lumen of the human vas deferens has a high K+ concentration and we speculate that the maxi K+ channel could play a role in transepithelial K+ secretion.Funded by grants from the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and the Medical Research Council (UK). We thank Mr. David Stephenson for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp methods were used to study single-channel events in isolated oxyntic cells and gastric glands fromNecturus maculosa. Cell-attached, excised inside-out and outside-out patches from the basolateral membrane frequently contained channels which had conductances of 67±21 pS in 24% of the patches and channels of smaller conductance, 33±6 pS in 56% of the patches. Channels in both classes were highly selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl, and shared linear current-voltage relations. The 67-pS channel was activated by membrane depolarization, whereas the activity of the 33-pS channel was relatively voltage independent. The larger conductance channels were activated by intracellular Ca2+ in the range between 5 and 500nm, but unaffected by cAMP. The smaller conductance channels were activated by cAMP, but not Ca2+. The presence of K+ channels in the basolateral membrane which are regulated by these known second messengers can account for the increase in conductance and the hyperpolarization of the membrane observed upon secretagogue stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp techniques have been applied to characterize the channels in the basolateral membrane of resting (cimetidine-treated, nonacid secreting) oxyntic cells isolated from the gastric mucosa ofNecturus maculosa. In cell-attached patches with pipette solution containing 100mm KCl, four major classes of K+ channels can be distinguished on the basis of their kinetic behavior and conductance: (1) 40% of the patches contained either voltage-independent (a) or hyperpolarization-activated (b), inward-rectifying channels with short mean open times (16 msec fora, and 8 msec forb). Some channels showed subconductance levels. The maximal inward conductanceg max was 31±5 pS (n=13) and the reversal potentialE rev was atV p=–34±6 mV (n=9). (2) 10% of the patches contained depolarization-activated and inward-rectifying channels withg max=40 ±18 pS (n=3) andE rev was atV p=–31±5 mV (n=3). With hyperpolarization, the channels open in bursts with rapid flickerings within bursts. Addition of carbachol (1mm) to the bath solution in cell-attached patches increased the open probabilityP o of these channels. (3) 10% of the patches contained voltage-independent inward-rectifying channels withg max=21±3 pS (n=4) andE rev was atV p=–24±9 mV (n=4). These channels exhibited very high open probability (P o=0.9) and long mean open time (1.6 sec) at the resting potential. (4) 20% of the patches contained voltage-independent channels with limiting inward conductance of 26±2 pS (n=3) andE rev atV p=–33±3 mV (n=3). The channels opened in bursts consisting of sequential activation of multiple channels with very brief mean open times (10 msec). In addition, channels with conductances less than 6 pS were observed in 20% of the patches. In all nine experiments with K+ in the pipette solution replaced by Na+, unitary currents were outward, and inward currents were observed only for large hyperpolarizing potentials. This indicates that the channels are more selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl. A variety of K+ channels contributes to the basolateral K+ conductance of resting oxyntic cells.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we describe current fluctuations in the mammalian epithelium, rabbit descending colon. Pieces of isolated colon epithelium bathed in Na+ or K+ Ringer's solutions were studied under short-circuit conditions with the current noise spectra recorded over the range of 1–200 Hz. When the epithelium was bathed on both sides with Na+ Ringer's solution (the mucosal solution contained 50 m amiloride), no Lorentzian components were found in the power spectrum. After imposition of a potassium gradient across the epithelium by replacement of the mucosal solution by K+ Ringer's (containing 50 m amiloride), a Lorentzian component appeared with an average corner frequency,f c=15.6±0.91 Hz and a mean plateau valueS o=(7.04±2.94)×10–20 A2 sec/cm2. The Lorentzian component was enhanced by voltage clamping the colon in a direction favorable for K+ entry across the apical membrane. Elimination of the K+ gradient by bathing the colon on both sides with K+ Ringer's solutions abolished the noise signal. The Lorentzian component was also depressed by mucosal addition of Cs+ or tetraethylammonium (TEA) and by serosal addition of Ba2+. The one-sided action of these K+ channel blockers suggests a cellular location for the fluctuating channels. Addition of nystatin to the mucosal solution abolished the Lorentzian component. Serosal nystatin did not affect the Lorentzian noise. This finding indicates an apical membrane location for the fluctuating channels. The data were similar in some respects to K+ channel fluctuations recorded from the apical membranes of amphibian epithelia such as the frog skin and toad gallbladder. The results are relevant to recent reports concerning transcellular potassium secretion in the colon and indicate that the colon possesses spontaneously fluctuating potassium channels in its apical membranes in parallel to the Na+ transport pathway.  相似文献   

Alves DP  Tatsuo MA  Leite R  Duarte ID 《Life sciences》2004,74(20):2577-2591
In order to investigate to the contribution of K+ channels on the peripheral antinociception induced by diclofenac, we evaluated the effect of several K+ channel blockers, using the rat paw pressure test, in which sensitivity is increased by intraplantar injection (2 microg) of prostaglandin E2. Diclofenac administered locally into the right hindpaw (25, 50, 100 and 200 microg) elicited a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect which was demonstrated to be local, since only higher doses produced an effect when injected in the contralateral paw. This blockade of PGE2 mechanical hyperalgesia induced by diclofenac (100 microg/paw) was antagonized in a dose-dependent manner by intraplantar administration of the sulphonylureas glibenclamide (40, 80 and 160 microg) and tolbutamide (80, 160 and 320 microg), specific blockers of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, and it was observed even when the hyperalgesic agent used was carrageenin, while the antinociceptive action of indomethacin (200 microg/paw), a typical cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, over carrageenin-induced hyperalgesia was not affected by this treatment. Charybdotoxin (2 microg/paw), a blocker of large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels and dequalinium (50 microg/paw), a selective blocker of small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, did not modify the effect of diclofenac. This effect was also unaffected by intraplantar administration of non-specific voltage-dependent K+ channel blockers tetraethylammonium (1700 microg) and 4-aminopyridine (100 microg) or cesium (500 microg), a non-specific K+ channel blocker. The peripheral antinociceptive effect induced by diclofenac was antagonized by NG-Nitro L-arginine (NOarg, 50 microg/paw), a NO synthase inhibitor and methylene blue (MB, 500 microg/paw), a guanylate cyclase inhibitor, and this antagonism was reversed by diazoxide (300 microg/paw), an ATP-sensitive K+ channel opener. We also suggest that an endogenous opioid system may not be involved since naloxone (50 microg/paw) did not affect diclofenac-induced antinociception in the PGE2-induced hyperalgesia model. This study provides evidence that the peripheral antinociceptive effect of diclofenac may result from activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, possible involving stimulation of L-arginine/NO/cGMP pathway, while Ca2+-activated K+ channels, voltage-dependent K+ channels as well as endogenous opioids appear not to be involved in the process.  相似文献   

We have recently examined slow inactivation of Shab channels. Here we extend our characterization of Shab slow inactivation by presenting the properties of recovery from inactivation. The observations support our proposal that Shab reaches the same inactivated state either from open or closed states and suggest that closed and open state inactivation share the same mechanism. Regarding the latter, we also show that external K+ and TEA slow down recovery from inactivation in agreement with the hypothesis that the mechanism of Shab inactivation qualitatively differs from C-type inactivation.  相似文献   

Summary The properties of Ca2+-activated K+ channels in the apical membrane of theNecturus choroid plexus were studied using single-channel recording techniques in the cell-attached and excised-patch configurations. Channels with large unitary conductances clustered around 150 and 220 pS were most commonly observed. These channels exhibited a high selectivity for K+ over Na+ and K+ over Cs+. They were blocked by high cytoplasmic Na+ concentrations (110mm). Channel activity increased with depolarizing membrane potentials, and with increasing cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations. Increasing Ca2+ from 5 to 500nm, increased open probability by an order of magnitude, without changing single-channel conductance. Open probability increased up to 10-fold with a 20-mV depolarization when Ca2+ was 500nm. Lowering intracellular pH one unit, decreased open probability by more than two orders of magnitude, but pH did not affect single-channel conductance. Cytoplasmic Ba2+ reduced both channel-open probability and conductance. The sites for the action of Ba2+ are located at a distance more than halfway through the applied electric field from the inside of the membrane. Values of 0.013 and 117mm were calculated as the apparent Ba2+ dissociation constants (K d (0 mV) for the effects on probability and conductance, respectively. TEA+ (tetraethylammonium) reduced single-channel current. Applied to the cytoplasmic side, it acted on a site 20% of the distance through the membrane, with aK d (0 mV)=5.6mm. A second site, with a higher affinity,K d (0 mV)=0.23mm, may account for the near total block of chanel conductance by 2mm TEA+ applied to the outside of the membrane. It is concluded that the channels inNecturus choroid plexus exhibit many of the properties of maxi Ca2+-activated K+ channels found in other tissues.  相似文献   

To determine if their properties are consistent with a role in regulation of transepithelial transport, Ca2+-activated K+ channels from the basolateral plasma membrane of the surface cells in the distal colon have been characterized by single channel analysis after fusion of vesicles with planar lipid bilayers. A Ca2+-activated K+ channel with a single channel conductance of 275 pS was predominant. The sensitivity to Ca2+ was strongly dependent on the membrane potential and on the pH. At a neutral pH, the K 0.5 for Ca2+ was raised from 20nm at a potential of 0 mV to 300nm at –40 mV. A decrease in pH at the cytoplasmic face of the K+ channel reduced the Ca2+ sensitivity dramatically. A loss of the high sensitivity to Ca2+ was also observed after incubation with MgCl2, possibly a result of dephosphorylation of the channels by endogenous phosphatases. Modification of the channel protein may thus explain the variation in Ca2+ sensitivity between studies on K+ channels from the same tissue. High affinity inhibition (K 0.5=10nm) by charybdotoxin of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel from the extracellular face could be lifted by an outward flux of K+ through the channel. However, at the ion gradients and potentials found in the intact epithelium, charybdotoxin should be a useful tool for examination of the role of maxi K+ channels. The high sensitivity for Ca2+ and the properties of the activator site are in agreement with an important regulatory role for the high conductance K+ channel in the epithelial cells.Dr. E. Moczydlowsky, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, and Dr. Per Stampe, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, are thanked for introduction to the bilayer technique. Tove Soland is thanked for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Carlsberg Foundation, the Danish Medical Research Council, and the Austrian Research Council.  相似文献   

In a previous work, we have reported that the ionic nature of the outward current recorded in MCF-7 cells was that of a K+ current. In this study, we have identified a Ca2+-activated K+ channel not yet described in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. In cells arrested in the early G1 (depolarized cells), increasing [Ca2+]i induced both a shift in the I-V curve toward more negative potentials and an increase in current amplitude at negative and more at positive potential. Currents were inhibited by r-iberiotoxin (r-IbTX, 50 nM) and charybdotoxin (ChTX, 50 nM). These data indicate that human breast cancer cells express large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels. BK current-density increased in cells synchronized at the end of G1, as compared with those in the early G1 phase. This increased current-density paralleled the enhancement in BK mRNA levels. Blocking BK channels with r-IbTX, ChTX or both induced a slight depolarization in cells arrested in the early G1, late G1, and S phases and accumulated cells in the S phase, but failed to induce cell proliferation. Thus, the expression of the BK channels was cell-cycle-dependent and seems to contribute more to the S phase than to the G1 phase. However, these K+ channels did not regulate the cell proliferation because of their minor role in the membrane potential.  相似文献   

Recent molecular dynamic simulations and electrostatic calculations suggested that the external TEA binding site in K+ channels is outside the membrane electric field. However, it has been known for some time that external TEA block of Shaker K+ channels is voltage dependent. To reconcile these two results, we reexamined the voltage dependence of block of Shaker K+ channels by external TEA. We found that the voltage dependence of TEA block all but disappeared in solutions in which K+ ions were replaced by Rb+. These and other results with various concentrations of internal K+ and Rb+ ions suggest that the external TEA binding site is not within the membrane electric field and that the voltage dependence of TEA block in K+ solutions arises through a coupling with the movement of K+ ions through part of the membrane electric field. Our results suggest that external TEA block is coupled to two opposing voltage-dependent movements of K+ ions in the pore: (a) an inward shift of the average position of ions in the selectivity filter equivalent to a single ion moving approximately 37% into the pore from the external surface; and (b) a movement of internal K+ ions into a vestibule binding site located approximately 13% into the membrane electric field measured from the internal surface. The minimal voltage dependence of external TEA block in Rb+ solutions results from a minimal occupancy of the vestibule site by Rb+ ions and because the energy profile of the selectivity filter favors a more inward distribution of Rb+ occupancy.  相似文献   

In this work, we used a panel prokaryote/eukaryote K+ channel chimeras to generate K+ channel arrays. Their behaviour in solution was compared with that when spotted on a nitrocellulose-supported film and their responses to selective high affinity ligands, including polypeptide toxins and TEA, were studied.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cAMP, ATP and GTP on the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel of fresh (1–2 days) or cold-stored (28–36 days) human red cells were studied using atomic absorption flame photometry of Ca2+-EGTA loaded ghosts which had been resealed to monovalent cations in dextran solutions. When high-K+ ghosts were incubated in an isotonic Na+ medium, the rate constant of Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux was reduced by a half on increasing the theophylline concentration to 40mm. This effect was observed in ghosts from both fresh and stored cells, but only if they were previously loaded with ATP. The inhibition was more marked when Mg2+ was added together with ATP, and it was abolished by raising free Ca2+ to the micromolar level. Like theophylline, isobutyl methylxanthine (10mm) also affected K+ efflux. cAMP (0.2–0.5mm), added both internally and externally (as free salt, dibutyryl or bromide derivatives), had no significant effect on K+ loss when the ghost free-Ca2+ level was below 1 m, but it was slightly inhibitory at higher concentrations. The combined presence of cAMP (0.2mm) plus either theophylline (10mm), or isobutyl methylxanthine (0.5mm), was more effective than cAMP alone. This inhibition showed a strict requirement for ATP plus Mg2+ and it, was not overcome by raising internal Ca2+. Ghosts from stored cells seemed more sensitive than those from fresh cells, to the combined action of cAMP and methylxanthines. Loading ATP into ghosts from fresh or stored cells markedly decreased K+ loss. Although this effect was observed in the absence of added Mg2+ (0.5mm EDTA present), it was potentiated upon adding 2mm Mg2+. The K+ efflux from ATP-loaded ghosts was not altered by dithio-bis-nitrobenzoic acid (10mm) or acridine orange (100 m), while it was increased two-to fourfold by incubating with MgF2 (10mm), or MgF2 (10mm)+theophylline (40mm), respectively. By contrast, a marked efflux reduction was obtained by incorporating 0.5mm GTP into ATP-containing ghosts. The degree of phosphorylation obtained by incubating membranes with (-32P)ATP under various conditions affecting K+ channel activity, was in direct correspondence to their effect on K+ efflux. The results suggest that the K+ channel of red cells is under complex metabolic control, via cAMP-mediated and nonmediated mechanisms, some which require ATP and presumably, involve phosphorylation of the channel proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The voltage- and time-dependent properties of whole-cell, multi-channel (outside-out), and single channel inwardly-rectifying K+ currents were studied using adult and neonatal rat, and embryonic chick ventricular myocytes. Inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship was found in the whole-cell and single channel measurements. The steady-state single channel probability of opening decreased with hyperpolarization from EK, as did the mean open time, thereby explaining the time-dependent inactivation of the macroscopic current. Myocytes dialysed with a Mg++-free K+ solution (to remove the property of inward rectification) displayed a quasi-linear current-voltage relationship. The outward K+ currents flowing through the modified inward rectifier channels were able to be blocked by the local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic agent, lidocaine.  相似文献   

High-conductance potassium channels have been studied in inside-out patches excised from proteoliposomes reconstituted from giant liposomes and rat brain synaptosomes. Acid pH in the medium reduced single channel current amplitude and increased the mean open probability and the frequency of channel opening. This was accompanied by a shortening of the open time constant at positive potential and by shortening of the longer closed time constant. The decrease of channel amplitude, the increase of the open probability and the decrease in the longer closed time constant can be explained by neutralization of negative charges of the membrane and by a decrease in the surface membrane potential which mimics membrane depolarization. The shortening of the mean open time is apparently due to a channel blockade by protons. Correspondence to: H. Zemková  相似文献   

Summary ADH, acting through cAMP, increases the potassium conductance of apical membranes of mouse medullary thick ascending limbs of Henle. The present studies tested whether exposure of renal medullary apical membranes in vitro to the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase resulted in an increase in potassium conductance. Apical membrane vesicles prepared from rabbit outer renal medulla demonstrated bumetanide-and chloride-sensitive22Na+ uptake and barium-sensitive, voltage-dependent86Rb+-influx. When vesicles were loaded with purified catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (150 mU/ml), 1mm ATP, and 50mm KCl, the barium-sensitive86Rb+ influx increased from 361±138 to 528±120pm/mg prot · 30 sec (P<0.01). This increase was inhibited completely when heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor (1 g/ml) was also present in the vesicle solutions. The stimulation of86Rb+ uptake by protein kinase required ATP rather than ADP. It also required opening of the vesicles by hypotonic shock, presumably to allow the kinase free access to the cytoplasmic face of the membranes. We conclude that cAMP-dependent protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation of apical membranes from the renal medulla increases the potassium conductance of these membranes. This mechanism may account for the ADH-mediated increase in potassium conductance in the mouse mTALH.  相似文献   

Summary K+ channels in cultured rat pancreatic islet cells have been studied using patch-clamp single-channel recording techniques in cell-attached and excised inside-out and outside-out membrane patches. Three different K+-selective channels have been found. Two inward rectifier K+ channels with slope conductances of about 4 and 17 pS recorded under quasi-physiological cation gradients (Na+ outside, K+ inside) and maximal conductances recorded in symmetrical K+-rich solutions of about 30 and 75 pS, respectively. A voltage- and calcium-activated K channel was recorded with a slope conductance of about 90 pS under the same conditions and a maximal conductance recorded in symmetrical K+-rich solutions of about 250 pS. Single-channel current recording in the cell-attached conformation revealed a continuous low level of activity in an apparently small number of both the inward rectifier K+ channels. But when membrane patches were excised from the intact cell a much larger number of inward rectifier K+ channels became transiently activated before showing an irreversible decline. In excised patches opening and closing of both the inward rectifier K+ channels were unaffected by voltage, internal Ca2+ or externally applied tetraethyl-ammonium (TEA) but the probability of opening of both inward rectifier K+ channels was reduced by internally applied 1–5mm adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP). The large K+ channel was not operational in cell-attached membrane patches, but in excised patches it could be activated at negative membrane potentials by 10–7 to 10–6 m internal Ca2+ and blocked by 5–10mm external TEA.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeic G proteins are thought to couple receptors to ionic channels via cytoplasmic mediators such as cGMP in the case of retinal rods, cAMP in the case of olfactory cells, and the cAMP cascade in the case of cardiac myocytes. G protein-mediated second messenger effects on K+ channels are dealt with elsewhere in this series. Recently, membrane-delimited pathways have been uncovered and an hypothesis proposed in which the subunits of G proteins directly couple receptors to ionic channels, particularly K+ channels. While direct coupling has not been proven, the membrane-delimited nature has been established for specific G proteins and their specific K+ channel effectors.  相似文献   

Patch-clamp experiments were performed on satellite glial cells wrapped around sympathetic neurons in the rabbit coeliac ganglion. With the cleaning method used, the glial cells could be kept in place and were directly accessible to the patch-clamp pipettes. Whole-cell recordings showed that glial cells had almost ohmic properties. Their resting potential (–79.1±1.2 mV) was found to be very nearly the same as the K+ reversal potential and 20 mV more negative than that of the neurons they encapsulated. Unitary currents from ionic channels present in the glial membrane were recorded in the cell-attached configuration with pipettes filled with various amounts of K+, Na+ and gluconate. Only K+-selective channels with slight inwardly rectifying properties (in the presence of 150 mM [K+]0) were detected. These channels were active (P 0=0.7–0.8) at the cell resting potential. The channel conductance, but not its opening probability, was dependent on the [K+] in the pipette. Cl-selective channels (outwardly rectifying and large conductance channels) were detected in excised patches.The properties of the K+ channels (increased inward current with [K+] and detectable outward current at low [K+]) are well suited for siphoning the K+ released by active neurons.  相似文献   

Potassium channel activity has been shown to facilitate cell proliferation in cancer cells. In the present study, the role of Kv4.1 channels in immortal and tumorigenic human mammary epithelial cells was investigated. Kv4.1 protein expression was positively correlated with tumorigenicity. Moreover, transfection with siRNAs targeting Kv4.1 mRNA suppressed proliferation of tumorigenic mammary epithelial cells. Experiments using mRNA isolated from human breast cancer tissues revealed that the level of Kv4.1 mRNA expression varied depending on the stage of the tumor. Kv4.1 protein expression increased during stages T2 and T3 compared to normal tissue. These results demonstrated that Kv4.1 plays a role in proliferation of tumorigenic human mammary epithelial cells. In addition, elevated Kv4.1 expression may be useful as a diagnostic marker for staging mammary tumors and selective blockers of Kv4.1 may serve to suppress tumor cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The object of the study was to compare the capability of glibenclamide to block the effects of K+-ATP channel activators on action potential duration and steady state whole cell current to its efficiency in counteracting the effects of hypoxia or metabolic poisons in the presence of glycolytic substrate. The modulation of action potential duration by 30 M glibenclamide was tested in perfused hearts subjected to hypoxia or to the K+-ATP channel opener pinacidil. Similar protocols were used to study the modifications of the steady state whole cell current in isolated ventricular myocytes. It was found that glibenclamide did not prevent early action potential shortening induced by hypoxia but produced a partial recovery after 15 min of exposure. At the steady state the action potential duration had lengthened by 53±6% at plateau level and 42±3% at 95% repolarization. In contrast, action potential shortening induced by 100 M pinacidil was fully reversed by glibenclamide within 2 min. Freshly dispersed ventricular myocytes were characterized in control conditions as for the properties of the steady state current. This current, measured at the end of 450 ms long pulses showed typical inward rectification that was abolished by 50 M Ba2+. Cyanide (2 mM), carbonyl-cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP, 200 nM) and BRL 38227 (30 M) produced characteristic increases in time independent outward currents. Glibenclamide abolished the outward current induced by BRL 38227 and the concomitant action potential shortening. Addition of cyanide in the presence of glibenclamide and BRL 38227 produced a new increase in outward current accompanied by action potential shortening. In the absence of K+-ATP channel activators, glibenclamide partly inhibited the CCCP induced current. Our data suggested that the delayed onset of glibenclamide action in hypoxic hearts is not due to diffusion barriers. They rather support the view that mechanisms other than K+-ATP channel activation could determine the early action potential shortening in whole hearts. The partial recovery observed under glibenclamide may be due, in part, to channel desensitization but also reflect the contribution of more than one current system to the action potential shortening because the glibenclamide insensitive fraction of the CCCP induced current is partly blocked by low concentrations of Ba2+. Differences with other data in the literature are attributed to the degree to metabolic blockade, to species differences, and to the inherent heterogeneities of the whole heart model where non-muscle cells may modulate the response to hypoxia.  相似文献   

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