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Binocular cues and the control of prehension   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present study was designed to assess the importance of binocular information (i.e. binocular disparity and angle of convergence) in the control of prehension. Previous studies which have addressed this question have typically used the same experimental manipulation: comparing prehensile movements executed either under binocular conditions to those executed when one eye was occluded (monocular). However this may not be the correct comparison as in addition to depriving the subject of binocular depth cues. it also deprives the subject of any visual information in one eye. Therefore we determined the prehensile performance when the subject viewed the target object and scene with either (i) two different views (binocular), (ii) two identical views (bi-ocular), or (iii) one view only (monocular). Overall, the qualitative and quantitative performance in the bi-ocular and monocular control conditions was very similar on all the main measures (and different from the performance in the binocular condition). We conclude that the deficits in performance observed found for 'monocular' reaches should be attributed to the lack of local depth information specified by the binocular cues. In addition we speculate that convergence angle and binocular disparity, although involved in both the pre-movement and movement-execution phases of the reach, the cues may be weighted differently in both phases of a prehension movement depending on the behavioural strategy involved.  相似文献   

A current doctrine in the dynamometric approach to determine lateralization of hand function states that in 10% of cases, the non-dominant hand will be stronger than the dominant hand. In this study, a novel MRI based modelling approach was applied to the first dorsal introsseus muscle (FDI), to determine whether the 10% rule may be applied to the FDI and may be partially explained by the arrangement of the anatomical components of the FDI.MethodsInitially the force generated by the thumb segment during an isometric pushing task in the horizontal plane was measured from 25 strongly right-handed young males. Nine of these participants then had structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) of the thumb and index osseous compartment. A modelling technique was developed to extract the muscle data and quantify the muscle line of action onto to the first metacarpal bone segment in order to quantify the muscle force at the point of momentary rotation – equilibrium.ResultsEight of 25 subjects exhibited stronger force from the left hand. Six out of nine subjects from the MRI possessed significantly greater angles of attachment of the index osseous compartment on the left (non-dominant) hand. These six subjects also generated greater maximal isometric forces from the FDI of the left side. There was a significantly greater muscle volume for the right FDI muscle as compared to the left as measured from the reconstructed MRI slice data.ConclusionsThe calculated force produced by the muscle is related to the angle of attachment of the muscle to bone in the index osseous compartment. The MRI findings indicate that the 10% rule may be anatomically and biomechanically explained.  相似文献   

In a simulation study the control of maximally fast goal directed movements has been analyzed. For a simple linear model it is shown that the presence of a third input block reduces the movement duration. The time optimal size of the third block depends on the ratio of a neuromuscular time constant (first-order lag) and movement time. As a second step a non-linear muscle model was simulated. By an optimization of input parameters it was found that the time optimal input, as expected, switches between maximal agonist and maximal antagonist activation. As for the linear model, a third phase was required for an optimal movement. It was found that the third phase serves to compensate the slowly decaying antagonist force. Also an input similar to experimentally found activation patterns was simulated. This input contains a silent period between the first two bursts and the second and the third burst have submaximal amplitudes. This input led to a near time optimal movement with a duration 9% larger than the minimal duration but with largely reduced muscle forces. This suggests that a criterion is minimized which also takes into account the effort spent. Including gravity in the model indicates optimality of a silent period between the third phase and a final agonist activity to resist gravity. When assuming different dynamics for agonist and antagonist, the optimal switch times for agonist and antagonist no longer coincide, also after the three block pattern some extra activity is required to obtain a cancellation of the slowly decaying force in agonist and antagonist.  相似文献   

Ants use their mandibles to manipulate many different objects including food, brood and nestmates. Different tasks require the modification of mandibular force and speed. Besides normal mandible movements the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus features a particularly fast mandible reflex during which both mandibles close synchronously within 3 ms. The mandibular muscles that govern mandible performance are controlled by four opener and eight closer motor neurons. During slow mandible movements different motor units can be activated successively, and fine tuning is assisted by co-activation of the antagonistic muscles. Fast and powerful movements are generated by the additional activation of two particular motor units which also contribute to the mandible strike. The trap-jaw reflex is triggered by a fast trigger muscle which is derived from the mandible closer. Intracellular recording reveals that trigger motor neurons can generate regular as well as particularly large postsynaptic potentials, which might be passively propagated over the short distance to the trigger muscle. The trigger motor neurons are dye-coupled and receive input from both sides of the body without delay, which ensures the synchronous release of both mandibles.  相似文献   

Recent studies provide further support for the hypothesis that spatial representations of limb position, target locations, and potential motor actions are expressed in the neuronal activity in parietal cortex. In contrast, precentral cortical activity more strongly expresses processes involved in the selection and execution of motor actions. As a general conceptual framework, these processes may be interpreted in terms of such formalisms as sensorimotor transformation and ‘internal models’.  相似文献   

The patterns of EMG activity in the biceps and triceps muscles were recorded during horizontal oscillatory movements of the forearm. Subjects showed increased frequency of oscillation as they voluntarily reduced movement amplitude. EMG burst duration was significantly correlated with wavelength of oscillation in every case. In almost half the cases burst intensity was also positively correlated with wavelength. Subjects seemed to be using one or both these methods to control amplitude. A model was developed in three stages which satisfactorily accounted for the data.  相似文献   

It was shown by studying control forces and phasic trajectories during oscillation of human forearm, locomotion and rocking of the body on the support that there was an image of accomplished movement in the central nervous system. This image seems to be realized by linear connected displacements of the muscle tension level and threshold of tonic stretch reflex. During the control process, velocity of the threshold and tension level is similarly transformed to that of the body part. The piece constant similarity coefficient is regulated centrally. The main result of such control is moving of the body along energy optimal trajectories.  相似文献   

A theory dealing with the control of human, arbitrary movements is proposed. A schema is set up to suggest how the relevant information flows and what kind of operations affect it. A number of successive steps are distinguished in the production of a movement. It is assumed that the intended movement is carried out in the imagination, and that this imaginary movement is composed of a spatial trajectory and an intensity course, which are considered to be independent features of the intended movement. The spatial trajectory will be encoded in a special coding, which is related to the lengths of the muscles that effect the movement. From this special coding of the intended movement static and dynamic control signals can be derived. Because afferent and efferent signals are encoded in the same way in this schema, the evaluation and correction of the performed movement is quite simple. The higher levels in the control schema may function in an abstract way, i.e. the signals at these levels are barely concerned with details of the peripheral motor system. This abstract functioning of the higher levels is based on the numerous feedback mechanisms involved at all levels of control and in the peripheral motor system. Nevertheless, it is possible to incorporate specific peripheral properties in the generation of the control signals. The assumptions in this theory will be discussed and aspects of the proposed control schema will be compared with general control principles.  相似文献   

The caudal myology of prehensile-tailed monkeys (Cebus apella, Alouatta palliata, Alouatta seniculus, Lagothrix lagotricha, and Ateles paniscus) and nonprehensile-tailed primates (Eulemur fulvus, Aotus trivirgatus, Callithrix jacchus, Pithecia pithecia, Saimiri sciureus, Macaca fascicularis, and Cercopithecus aethiops) was examined and compared in order to identify muscular differences that correlate with osteological features diagnostic of tail prehensility. In addition, electrophysiological stimulation was carried out on different segments of the intertransversarii caudae muscle of an adult spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) to assess their action on the prehensile tail. Several important muscular differences characterize the prehensile tail of New World monkeys compared to the nonprehensile tail of other primates. In atelines and Cebus, the mass of extensor caudae lateralis and flexor caudae longus muscles is more uniform along the tail, and their long tendons cross a small number of vertebrae before insertion. Also, prehensile-tailed monkeys, especially atelines, are characterized by well-developed flexor and intertransversarii caudae muscles compared to nonprehensile-tailed primates. Finally, Ateles possesses a bulkier abductor caudae medialis and a more cranial origin for the first segment of intertransversarii caudae than do other prehensile-tailed platyrrhines. These myological differences between nonprehensile-tailed and prehensile-tailed primates, and among prehensile-tailed monkeys, agree with published osteological and behavioral data. Caudal myological similarities and differences found in Cebus and atelines, combined with tail-use data from the literature, support the hypothesis that prehensile tails evolved in parallel in Cebus and atelines. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The motor control of pointing and reaching-to-grasp movements was investigated using two different approaches (kinematic and modelling) in order to establish whether the type of control varies according to modifications of arm kinematics. Kinematic analysis of arm movements was performed on subjects' hand trajectories directed to large and small stimuli located at two different distances. The subjects were required either to grasp and to point to each stimulus. The kinematics of the subsequent movement, during which subject's hand came back to the starting position, were also studied. For both movements, kinematic analysis was performed on hand linear trajectories as well as on joint angular trajectories of shoulder and elbow. The second approach consisted in the parametric identification of the black box (ARMAX) model of the controller driving the arm movement. Such controller is hypothesized to work for the correct execution of the motor act. The order of the controller ARMAX model was analyzed with respect to the different experimental conditions (distal task, stimulus size and distance). Results from kinematic analysis showed that target distance and size influenced kinematic parameters both of angular and linear displacements. Nevertheless, the structure of the motor program was found to remain constant with distane and distal task, while it varied with precision requirements due to stimulus size. The estimated model order of the controller confirmed the invariance of the control law with regard to movement amplitude, whereas it was sensitive to target size.  相似文献   

Saccade and smooth pursuit are the eye movements used by primates to shift gaze. In this article we review evidence for the effects of reinforcement on several dimensions of these responses such as their latencies, velocities or amplitudes. We propose that these responses are operant behaviours controlled by their consequences on performance of visually guided tasks. Studying the conditions under which particular eye movement patterns might emerge from the cumulative effects of reinforcement provides critical insights about how motor responses are attuned to environmental exigencies.  相似文献   

This report documents the development of the autopodium of the common chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleo) using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Three main periods were distinguished during the morphogenesis of this structure. In the first period (stages 33-35 of chameleon development) the autopodium is paddle-shaped with a prominent apical ectodermal ridge (AER) along the distal margin. During this period the AER has structural features similar to other reptilian and avian vertebrates except for the scarcity or absence of gap junctions. The second period of autopodium morphogenesis (stage 36 of chameleon development) is characterized by the formation of a central cleft which divides this structure into two digital segments. In the forelimb the autopodial cleft occupies the space between digits 3 and 4. In the hindlimb the cleft occupies the space between digits 2 and 3. Mesenchymal cell death constitutes a constant feature during cleft formation. In addition to cell death during this process, we have observed that the AER flattens out in the zone of cleft formation while in the digital portions of the autopodium it takes on a polystratified appearance. In the last period of autopodial morphogenesis (stage 37 of chameleon development) digits become free by means of interdigital mesenchymal cell death.  相似文献   

The successful, coordinated, posture and locomotion of any animal requires a precise and continuous adjustment of limb movements by sensory feedback from extero- and proprioceptors associated with the legs. We here review the recent advances in our understanding of how specific local adjustments of the hind legs of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, are made in response to tactile signals from two different classes of exteroceptor on a leg. The aim is to understand particular features of the organization of neuronal networks and how different types of constituent interneurones contribute to the processing of sensory signals. This information can then be used to define the design principles that govern the organization of sensory-motor networks.  相似文献   

 Accuracy of movements requires that the central nervous system computes approximate inverse functions of the mechanical functions of limb articulations. In vertebrates, this is known to be achieved within the cerebellar pathways, and also in the cerebral cortex of primates. A cybernetic circuit achieving this computation allows accurate simulation of fast movements of the eye or forearm. It is consistent with anatomy, and with the classical view of the cerebellum as permanently supervised by the inferior olive. The inferior olive detects over- or under-shoots of movements, and the resulting climbing fiber activity corrects ongoing movements, regulates the function of cerebellar cortex and nuclei, and sets the gains of the sensorimotor reactions. Received: 25 September 1995/Accepted in revised form: 9 May 1996  相似文献   

Explosive movements such as throwing, kicking, and jumping are characterized by high velocity and short movement time. Due to the fact that latencies of neural feedback loops are long in comparison to movement times, correction of deviations cannot be achieved on the basis of neural feedback. In other words, the control signals must be largely preprogrammed. Furthermore, in many explosive movements the skeletal system is mechanically analogous to an inverted pendulum; in such a system, disturbances tend to be amplified as time proceeds. It is difficult to understand how an inverted-pendulum-like system can be controlled on the basis of some form of open loop control (albeit during a finite period of time only). To investigate if actuator properties, specifically the force-length-velocity relationship of muscle, reduce the control problem associated with explosive movement tasks such as human vertical jumping, a direct dynamics modeling and simulation approach was adopted. In order to identify the role of muscle properties, two types of open loop control signals were applied: STIM(t), representing the stimulation of muscles, and MOM(t), representing net joint moments. In case of STIM control, muscle properties influence the joint moments exerted on the skeleton; in case of MOM control, these moments are directly prescribed. By applying perturbations and comparing the deviations from a reference movement for both types of control, the reduction of the effect of disturbances due to muscle properties was calculated. It was found that the system is very sensitive to perturbations in case of MOM control; the sensitivity to perturbations is markedly less in case of STIM control. It was concluded that muscle properties constitute a peripheral feedback system that has the advantage of zero time delay. This feedback system reduces the effect of perturbations during human vertical jumping to such a degree that when perturbations are not too large, the task may be performed successfully without any adaptation of the muscle stimulation pattern.  相似文献   

1. Experiments with rock lobsters walking on a treadmill were undertaken to obtain information upon the system controlling the movement of the legs. Results show that the position of the leg is an important parameter affecting the cyclic movement of the walking leg. Stepping can be interrupted when the geometrical conditions for terminating either a return stroke or a power stroke are not fullfilled. 2. The mean value of anterior and posterior extreme positions (AEP and PEP respectively) of the walking legs do not depend on the walking speed (Fig. 1). 3. When one leg is isolated from the other walking legs by placing it on a platform the AEPs and PEPs of the other legs show a broader distribution compared to controls (Figs. 2 and 3). 4. Force measurements (Fig. 4) are in agreement with the hypothesis that the movement of the leg is controlled by a position servomechanism. 5. When one leg stands on a stationary force transducer this leg develops forces which oscillate with the step rhythm of the other legs (Fig. 5). 6. A posteriorly directed influence is found, by which the return stroke of a leg can be started when the anterior leg performs a backward directed movement. 7. Results are compared with those obtained from stick insects. The systems controlling the movement of the individual leg are similar in both, lobster and stick insect but the influences between the legs seem to be considerably different.  相似文献   

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