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鼠兔核质杂交胚胎早期发育的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
细胞核移植技术已被证明是研究发育中核质相互关系的非常重要的手段之一,电融合技术也是近十年发展起来的新型细胞融合技术也是近十年发展起来的新型细胞融合技术,本实验运用这两项技术,进行了鼠、兔目间核质杂交实验,小鼠8-细胞核在激活的兔去核卵母细胞中,发五了染色体超前凝聚及核膨胀,融合卵移植到小鼠输卵管4.5天后,冲洗出,有5.4%的重构卵发育到囊胚期,通过染色体检查,囊胚细胞中均为小鼠染色体,其中一个囊  相似文献   

我们以前的细胞核移植工作[1,2]表明:移核卵早期胚胎发育模式(主要指卵裂速度及卵裂模式)与受体卵相同,而与供体核种类无关;供体与受体之间亲缘关系的远近及染色体数目的差异程度,对移核卵囊胚以后的发育有重要影响,但对不同组合间细胞核移植所得囊胚比例影响较小。由此我们可以假定,移核卵最初发育的启动及囊胚以前的发育主要与受体卵有关,而和供体与受体之间亲缘关系的远近关系不大。为了进一步验证这一理论并寻找除染色体数目⑵以外其它影响移核卵囊胚以后发育的因素,在本实验中,我们选择了小鼠(图版Ⅰ—A)和泥鳅(Ⅰ—B)即不同纲间动物作为细胞核移植的材料。  相似文献   

郑瑞  珍杜森  高晓虹  陆德裕 《遗传》1986,8(3):28-30
细胞杂交技术近二十年来取得了巨大的成 就,现已被广泛地应用于医学和生物学各个领 域[4,51。但是体细胞杂交只能得到杂交的细胞, 还不能得到杂交的个体,至少在动物界是如此。 在植物方面已经能通过原生质体的融合产生杂 交细胞,再通过杂交细胞的培养产生新的再生 植株〔2,71。而动物的繁殖只能由生殖细胞通过 胚胎发育才能产生新的个体。虽然不少人曾做 了许多尝试,想通过卵子和体细胞人工融合的 方法产生杂种,但迄今还没有成功[[8-10,1310童第 周等11,11,121在鱼类细胞核移植方面做了不少工 作,利用鱼类囊胚细胞的核,移植到不同属和不 同亚科的去核未受精成熟卵内,得到了几种核 质杂种鱼。这些工作不但证明了鱼类早期囊胚 细胞具有发育的全能性,同时也说明利用动物 早期胚胎的体细胞核育种的可能性。那么用囊 胚细胞的融合引进外来的染色体以及改造原有 细胞的遗传组分,然后把融合的囊胚细胞的核 移植到去核的未受精的成熟卵里去,是不是能 产生具有新的遗传性状的个体呢?本实验正是 基于这样的目的进行的。首先我们使用同源的 囊胚细胞融合,然后移植核,以了解:(1)鱼类 囊胚细胞融合的条件;(2)融合后的囊胚细胞核 移植是否能促使卵子发育;(3)发育的胚胎染色 体组成如何?以便为导人异源染色体创造条件。  相似文献   

鼠猪异种细胞核移植   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
核质关系是细胞生物学和发育生物学研究的核心问题之一。细胞核移植技术是研究发育中核质关系的重要手段。尽管最近哺乳动物的细胞核移植取得了重大突破 (Wilmut等 ,1997;Wakayama等 ,1998) ,但这些成功实验是在种内进行的 ,而异种间核移植的研究报道较少 (McGrath等 ,1986 ;Wolfe等 ,1992 ;梅祺等 ,1993)。最近 ,陈大元等( 1999)报道将大熊猫的子宫上皮细胞、骨骼肌细胞和乳腺上皮细胞的细胞核移入去核的兔卵母细胞后 ,分别有9 9%、6 8%和 11 7%的重构卵发育到囊胚。Dominko等( 1999)把绵羊、猪、猴或大…  相似文献   

电脉冲介导金鱼囊胚细胞融合及其发育能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高晓虹  曹明丹 《动物学报》1990,36(2):199-204
本实验首次成功地利用电脉冲介异法使金鱼的囊胚细胞融合,融合率高于95%,并通过细胞核移植方法,将融合细胞的细胞核移入金鱼成熟未受精的去核卵内,以了解融合后细胞核的发育能力。实验中共移植111个细胞核,得44个囊胚、7个原肠胚和1条活了8天的幼鱼(因不进食而死亡)。并对移核后发育至囊胚的胚胎用静态光度计测定了DNA含量,共测定了11个移核胚胎的细胞,其中9个移核囊胚细胞核的DNA含量增加,这一结果证明:利用电脉冲介导法能有效地转移外源染色体,供体核有促进个体发育的能力。为人工干与鱼类染色体组的组成,进一步研究鱼类个体发育对染色体倍性的依赖关系以及体细胞遗传提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

牛体细胞核移植显微操作环节的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从牛卵母细胞去核方法(纺锤体观测仪法&Hoechst33342染色法)、供体细胞核引入去核卵细胞质的方法(卵细胞质注射法和电融合法)和重构胚胎电融合(3组参数)等3个环节对牛体细胞核移植的显微操作过程及相关参数进行了筛选优化。以核移植胚胎的卵裂率、囊胚发育率作为检测指标,对不同的方法所获得的克隆胚胎的卵分裂率与囊胚发育率进行比较,最后筛选获得1个优化的牛体细胞核移植操作程序,即采用Spindle view系统对牛卵母细胞进行去核操作,将供核体细胞注射到卵周隙,然后通过电融合法将供体核引入去核卵细胞质(电融合参数为1.9kV/cm,脉冲时程10μs,方波2次间隔2s)。以此核移植程序进行牛体细胞核移植实验,自获得克隆胚胎中筛选80枚优质囊胚移植到33头受体牛子宫内,最后2头母牛产下2头克隆牛犊,结果表明利用该优化的显微操作环节进行牛体细胞核移植可以获得体细胞克隆牛犊。  相似文献   

我们以前的细胞核移植工作[1,2]表明:移核卵早期胚胎发育模式(主要指卵裂速度及卵裂模式)与受体卵相同,而与供体核种类无关;供体与受体之间亲缘关系的远近及染色体数目的差异程度,对移核卵囊胚以后的发育有重要影响,但对不同组合间细胞核移植所得囊胚比例影响...  相似文献   

本实验目的是研究demecolcine辅助去核的卵母细胞能否支持牛的核移植胚胎的发育。通过化学药物demecolcine处理牛MII期卵母细胞来辅助去除牛卵母细胞核,并用去核的卵母细胞做受体,进行核移植的研究。实验结果显示,demecolcine辅助去核后的卵母细胞质膜有明显一个或二个突起,并且突起内都含有卵母细胞染色体组,显示去核效果较好(57.89%~73.3%)。药物处理一小时为最适时间,去核率可达73.3%。对demecolcine辅助去核的卵母细胞的核移植胚胎发育情况显示囊胚率较盲吸法核移植胚胎较好(12.5%VS10.2%),但二者差异不显著(p>0.05)。Demecolcine药物处理后的卵母细胞能够支持核移植胚胎的发育。Demecolcine辅助去核可以在牛体细胞核移植中的到应用。  相似文献   

兔体细胞核移植的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验以兔胎儿成纤维细胞为核供体,对兔体细胞核移植技术的融合,激活和发育等环节进行了初步研究。实验通过比较不同电场强度对兔2细胞胚胎卵裂球融合以及卵母细胞激活的影响,证实200和260V/mm的电场强度可有效地诱导2细胞胚胎的融合和兔卵母细胞的孤雌激活。然后将200和260V/mm电场强度用于体细胞核移植,融合率分别为44.4%和48.4%,卵裂率分别为58.8%和53.8%,桑椹胚/囊胚发育率分别为5.9%和5.5%。但112枚核移植胚胎移植到5只受体后没有幼子出生。结果表明,实验中所建立的程序至少可以支持兔体细胞克隆胚胎的早期发育。  相似文献   

硬骨鱼类体细胞核移植的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文用不同属、科、目的硬骨鱼类作材料进行体细胞核移植研究。鲫鱼(Carassiusauratus)、鲮鱼(Cirrhinusmolitorella)和尼罗罗非鲫(Tilapianilotica)的体细胞核(头肾细胞)移植到鲤鱼(Cyprinuscarpio)的成熟去核卵中,通过继代核移植,在鲫鱼体细胞核和鲤鱼去核卵的属间组合中,获得发育到血液循环期的幼鱼;在鲮鱼体细胞核和鲤鱼去核卵的亚科间组合中,获得发育到心脏跳动期的晚期胚胎;在尼罗非鲫体细胞核和鲤鱼去枚卵的目间组合中,获得发育到肌肉效应期的胚胎。由于是直接用成鱼体细胞核作供核体进行核移植,因而能够克服供体鱼和受体鱼不同步产卵的困难。实验结果表明,这对进行硬骨鱼类核质杂交研究无疑是一种简便而又有效的方法。  相似文献   

利用显微操作仪将小鼠精子注入家兔卵母细胞的胞质内和透明带下,对鼠兔异种精卵互作和异种受精胚胎的发育进行了研究,并对注射精子的数量及卵的体外成熟时间等影响鼠兔异种显微受精的因素进行了探讨,结果如下:(1)将小鼠精子分别注入兔卵胞质内和透明带下,均能激活兔卵母细胞,导致精核解聚和原核形成;(2)小鼠精子注入兔卵胞质内和透明带下受精,杂种胚胎体外培养能发育到8-细胞期;(3)鼠兔异种受精4-细胞胚胎染色体标本制备观察结果表明,它们为正常二倍体;(4)鼠兔异种受精4-细胞胚胎的超微结构观察结果表明,它们极近似兔正常4-细胞胚胎的超微结构;(5)将小鼠精子注入兔卵透明带下,注射5—10个精子组卵的受精率(32.4%)和卵裂率(16.2%)均高于注射单个精子组的,但二组间差异不显著(P>0.05);DM 15%NCS液中体外成熟培养11—12h兔卵透明带下注入1—2个小鼠精子后的受精率(42.3%)和卵裂率(30.8%)均高于体外成熟培养24—25h组的,但二组间差异未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are a good material for the study of mammalian development, production of genetically modified animals, and drug discovery because they proliferate infinitely while maintaining a multilineage differentiation potency and a normal karyotype. However, ethical considerations limit the use of human embryos for the establishment of ESCs. Recently, ESCs have been produced from blastomeres divided by biopsy in mice and humans. The method is expected to be less controversial because it does not destroy the embryo. However, no one has yet produced both a pup and an ESC from a single embryo. Here, we describe the production of individual/ESC pairs from each of three embryos out of 20 attempts, and is thus considered efficient. Blastomere-derived ESC could differentiate some types of tissues and contribute to chimera mouse. These results show that each blastomere at two-cell stage possesses pluripotency and separated blastomeres maintain viability to develop to a pup or pluripotent ESC.  相似文献   

This paper describes an efficient technique for the production of metaphase spreads from single blastomeres biopsied from four-cell preimplantation mouse embryos. The karyotype obtained by chromosomal analysis of single biopsied cells is shown to be fully predictive of subsequent fetal karyotype. The data in this study also demonstrate that the entire process of embryo biopsy and karyotypic analysis of biopsied blastomeres does not adversely affect the ability of biopsied embryos to form fetuses after transfer into pseudopregnant recipients. This study has potential clinical relevance in that it demonstrates that chromosomally defective embryos can be accurately identified before implantation. In addition, the techniques developed in this study may facilitate more efficient procedures for the genesis of animal models for human disorders such as Down syndrome and Alzheimers disease.  相似文献   

小鼠精子注入兔卵母细胞受精研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The methods of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and subzonal injection (SUZI) were used to study heterologous fertilization and embryonic development between the mouse and the rabbit. Results were as follows: 1. The mouse sperm nuclei decondensed and formed pronuclei following microinjection into cytoplasm and perivitelline space (PVS) of rabbit oocytes; 2. The hybrid embryos developed to the stage of 8-cell when cultured in vitro; 3. The karyotype analysis showed a normal complement of rabbit oocyte and mouse sperm chromosomes in the 4-cell hybrid embryos; 4. The ultrastructure of 4-cell hybrid embryos was similar to that of normal 4-cell rabbit embryos; 5. The fertilization rate (32.4%) and cleavage rate (22.2%) when 5-10 mouse spermatozoa were injected were higher than those of injection of a single spermatozoon into PVS of the rabbit oocyte, but the difference was not significant (P > 0.05). The fertilization rate (42.3%) and cleavage rate (30.8%) in rabbit oocytes in vitro matured for 11-12 h were higher than those in the oocytes which were in vitro matured for 24-25 h following microinjection of 1-2 mouse spermatozoa into PVS, but the difference was not significant (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

We have reviewed the evidence supporting the notion that the fibrillar extracellular matrix on the basal surface of the blastocoel roof in amphibian embryos directs and guides mesodermal cell migration during gastrulation. Based on extensive experimental evidence in several different systems, we conclude the following: (i) the fibrillar extracellular matrix contains fibronectin (FN) and laminin. (ii) The fibrils are oriented in such a way as to promote directional migration of mesodermal cells during migration. (iii) We have used several different probes to disrupt the interaction between migrating mesodermal cells and the fibrillar extracellular matrix. These probes include: (a) nucleocytoplasmic and interspecific hybridization. Such embryos have defects in FN synthesis and gastrulation. (b) Fab' fragments of anti-FN and anti-integrin VLA-5 IgGs prohibit mesodermal cell adhesion both in vitro and in vivo and gastrulation is arrested. (c) Peptides containing the RGDS sequence specifically inhibit interactions between migrating mesodermal cells and the FN-fibrillar matrix. (d) Tenascin blocks cell adhesion to FN in vitro and gastrulation in vivo. (e) Antibodies against the cytoplasmic domain of beta 1 integrin, when injected into blastomeres, prevent FN-fibrillogenesis in progeny of injected blastomeres and delay mesodermal cell migration selectively in the progeny of injected blastomeres but not in the uninjected blastomere progeny.  相似文献   

本研究应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜的光漂白恢复技术(FRAP)分析兔早期胚胎卵裂球之间通过间隙连接介导的细胞通讯(GJIC)。研究结果发现,用强激光分别将4-细胞期胚胎、异裂胚胎和8-细胞期胚胎的一个卵裂球荧光光漂白后,经过15分钟的荧光恢复,4-细胞期胚胎的光漂白恢复率为17.8%,异裂胚胎的光漂白恢复率为23.7%,二者之间没有明显的差异;8-细胞期胚胎的光漂白恢复率为78.2%,与前二者之间存在明显的差异。推测兔早期胚胎卵裂球细胞间隙连接建立的时间在8-细胞阶段,胚胎卵裂球间隙连接通讯可能是兔胚胎正常发育的重要条件。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to obtain specific information on the characteristics of spontaneous and induced apoptosis during preimplantation development of rabbit in vivo and in vitro developed embryos and mouse in vitro embryos. After reaching appropriate developmental stages, embryos were transferred into culture media with or without apoptotic inductor (actinomycin D 500 ng/mL) and cultured for 10 h. The identification of apoptotic cells was based on morphological assessment of nuclei and on detection of specific DNA degradation, phosphatidylserine redistribution and active caspase-3 under fluorescence microscope. Our experiments proved that apoptosis is a frequent physiological event occurring during normal preimplantation development. A high number of untreated rabbit and mouse blastocysts contained at least one apoptotic cell. Rabbit embryos showed a lower incidence of spontaneous apoptosis. Treated blastocysts of both species responded to the presence of apoptotic inductor by significant decrease in the average number of blastomeres and significant increase in the incidence of apoptotic cell death. The occurrence of spontaneous apoptosis during earlier preimplantation development was sporadic and its presence was observed only at stages following embryonic genome activation (at 4-cell stage and later in mouse, at 16-cell and morula stage in rabbit). The susceptibility of embryos at early stages to the apoptotic inductor was much lower. The presence of actinomycin D did not increase the incidence of apoptotic embryos or apoptotic cells. Nevertheless, it slowed down embryo growth and triggered earlier appearance of some apoptotic features (at the 6-cell stage in rabbit). The results show that the occurrence of both spontaneous and induced apoptosis in preimplantation embryos is stage- and species-specific.  相似文献   

In Xenopus and Drosophila, the nucleocytoplasmic ratio controls many aspects of cell-cycle remodeling during the transitory period that leads from fast and synchronous cell divisions of early development to the slow, carefully regulated growth and divisions of somatic cells. After the fifth cleavage in sea urchin embryos, there are four populations of differently sized blastomeres, whose interdivision times are inversely related to size. The inverse relation suggests nucleocytoplasmic control of cell division during sea urchin development as well. To investigate this possibility, we developed a mathematical model based on molecular interactions underlying early embryonic cell-cycle control. Introducing the nucleocytoplasmic ratio explicitly into the molecular mechanism, we are able to reproduce many physiological features of sea urchin development.  相似文献   

During preimplantation mouse embryo development expression of Cdx2 is induced in outer cells, which are the trophectoderm (TE) precursors. The mechanism of Cdx2 upregulation in these cells remains unclear. However, it has been suggested that the cell position and polarization may play a crucial role in this process. In order to elucidate the role of these two parameters in the formation of TE we analyzed the expression pattern of Cdx2 in the embryos in which either the position of cells and the time of polarization or only the position of cells was experimentally disrupted. Such embryos developed from the blastomeres that were isolated from 8-cell embryos either before or after the compaction, i.e. before or after the cell polarization took place. We found that in the embryos developed from polar blastomeres originated from the 8-cell compacted embryo, the experimentally imposed outer position was not sufficient to induce the Cdx2 in these blastomeres which in the intact embryo would form the inner cells. However, when the polarization at the 8-cell stage was disrupted, the embryos developed from such an unpolarized blastomeres showed the increased number of cells expressing Cdx2. We found that in such experimentally obtained embryos the polarization was delayed until the 16-cell stage. These results suggest that the main factor responsible for upregulation of Cdx2 expression in outer blastomeres, i.e. TE precursors, is their polarity.  相似文献   

Mammalian haploid cell lines provide useful tools for both genetic studies and transgenic animal production. To derive porcine haploid cells, three sets of experiments were conducted. First, genomes of blastomeres from 8-cell to 16-cell porcine parthenogenetically activated (PA) embryos were examined by chromosome spread analysis. An intact haploid genome was maintained by 48.15% of blastomeres. Based on this result, two major approaches for amplifying the haploid cell population were tested. First, embryonic stem-like (ES-like) cells were cultured from PA blastocyst stage embryos, and second, fetal fibroblasts from implanted day 30 PA fetuses were cultured. A total of six ES-like cell lines were derived from PA blastocysts. No chromosome spread with exactly 19 chromosomes (the normal haploid complement) was found. Four cell lines showed a tendency to develop to polyploidy (more than 38 chromosomes). The karyotypes of the fetal fibroblasts showed different abnormalities. Cells with 19–38 chromosomes were the predominant karyotype (59.48–60.91%). The diploid cells were the second most observed karyotype (16.17%–22.73%). Although a low percentage (3.45–8.33%) of cells with 19 chromosomes were detected in 18.52% of the fetus-derived cell lines, these cells were not authentic haploid cells since they exhibited random losses or gains of some chromosomes. The haploid fibroblasts were not efficiently enriched via flow cytometry sorting. On the contrary, the diploid cells were efficiently enriched. The enriched parthenogenetic diploid cells showed normal karyotypes and expressed paternally imprinted genes at extremely low levels. We concluded that only a limited number of authentic haploid cells could be obtained from porcine cleavage-stage parthenogenetic embryos. Unlike mouse, the karyotype of porcine PA embryo-derived haploid cells is not stable, long-term culture of parthenogenetic embryos, either in vivo or in vitro, resulted in abnormal karyotypes. The porcine PA embryo-derived diploid fibroblasts enriched from sorting might be candidate cells for paternally imprinted gene research.  相似文献   

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