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Zusammenfassung Uferschwalben kehren aus den afrikanischen Winterquartieren in Trupps beiderlei Geschlechts zurück. Erste Beringungsergebnisse belegen, daß zunächst mehrjährige, vermutlich untereinander bekannte Vögel eintreffen, die den Brutplatz aus vergangenen Brutperioden her kennen. Die Masse der später ankommenden Vögel dürfte weitgehend aus einjährigen oder ortsfremden Uferschwalben bestehen, die sich größtenteils erst während der Paarbildung persönlich kennenlernen. Der anfängliche Schwarmzusammenhalt der nacheinander eintreffenden Trupps führt zur Bildung von Subkolonien, die für Brutplätze ab einer bestimmten Größenordnung typisch sind. Uferschwalben- gründen nacheinander mehrere Reviere, d. h. sie besetzen Steilwandbereiche, in denen sie ausschließlich mit den Füßen eine Röhre oder Mulde graben, singen und Bogenflüge starten. Bis auf singende oder bekannte werden Artgenossen im Revier geduldet. Uferschwalben- suchen besetzte Reviere auf. Ohne Röhrenbindung verhalten sie sich still und unauffällig, ihre Grabungsaktivitäten sind von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Die Bindung an ein bestimmtes Revier entwickelt sich individuell verschieden und entscheidet über den Abschluß des Röhrenbaues (Herstellung der Nistkammer). Reviere ohne dauerhafte -Bindung werden von den aufgegeben. Aktivitäten, die auf wachsende Revierbindung eines hindeuten, sind: häufige oder/und länger dauernde Aufenthalte des in einem besetzten Revier und sporadisches Mitgraben; aggressives Verhalten gegenüber Artgenossen (i. d. R. fremde ), die im Revier landen wollen; gemeinschaftlicher, leiser Gesang von und im Röhrenbereich. Aktivitäten, die für eine vollzogene Paarbildung sprechen, sind: Fertigstellen der Röhre durch Grabung der Nestkammer; längere gemeinsame Aufenthalte innerhalb und außerhalb der Röhre; Voranfliegen des beim Röhrenanflug; Übernachten von und in der Röhre; Nestbau; ausdauernde Verfolgungsflüge während der Kopulationsphase. Die Paarbildung ist demnach ein individueller Prozeß, bei dem die Aktivitäten der im Revier als Werbung, die der als Revierwahl interpretiert werden.
On pair-formation in the Sand Martin,Riparia riparia
Summary European Sand Martins arrive at their breeding sites in flocks of usually unmated and . Ringing results of a large population in NW-Germany and own observations indicate that the first flocks about a dozen individuals with an approximately balanced sex ratio appear at traditional breeding places and consist of older, experienced resident birds (presumably acquainted with one another). The birds arriving over the next several weeks are mainly first-year or non-resident individuals. The flocks arrive separately in areas with suitable sandcliffs, synchronize the pair-formation activities and avoid disturbances among paired and unpaired birds. This behaviour causes the formation of subcolonies, which are typical for all densely occupied breeding places. Each settles on a fixed area on the sandcliff (territory) in order to excavate a burrow, to sing the territory-song (fig. 2 b) and to perfor the territory-circle-flight (fig. 2 c, 4 a). Silent birds (normally ) are welcomed or tolerated by the resident . The sexes are monomorphic and therefore courtship displays of the are non-aggressive until establishment of pair-bonds. Only intruding singing or individually known neighbouring are driven away, usually at early stages of territory occupation. Unmated are normally shy and very sensitive to protracted disturbances. visit several occupied territories of the colony (fig. 1–3) in order to choose a burrow. leave territories which do not attract a . They settle new territories on the sandcliff, causing a surplus of burrows compared to breeding pairs in the colony. Activities which indicate the development of pair-bonds are: regular visits of a to a particular occupied territory with sporadic excavations by the ; aggressive activities of the towards other visitors usually , but sometimes at first even against the resident (i. e.: vocal threats, bill-gaping, pecking or pushing with the bill or vigorous face-to-face fights, fig. 3 b, 3 c). and sing the soft mating song at or in the burrow (fig. 1 c). Activities which indicate completed pair-bonds are: completion of the burrow by digging the nestchamber, predominantly done by the ; both birds staying together over long periods, both inside and outside the burrow; invitation-flight by the (fig. 4 b); and spending the night together in the burrow; beginning of nest-building, first only by the , then by both birds and finally only by the , accompanied by the (guarding-flight;, fig. 4c); mate-pursuit flights (sexual chases) during copulation phase, in which the singing pursues the silent , often accompanied by other (cp. fig. 4 d). Pair-formation in the Sand Martin occurs on individual territories and not, according toHickling (1959), within the flock.

R. J. Wood 《Genetica》1976,46(3):345-361
Sex ratio in the Trinidad (T-30) strain of Aedes aegypti has remained constant at around 43% during seventeen years of laboratory culture. The divergence from 50% is due to meiotic drive by the M D gene on the Y chromosome. The driving Y chromosome gives a much more distorted sex ratio (mean = 5.7%) when coupled with the highly sensitive X chromosomes from strain 64. This was demonstrated in all of 98 families tested, indicating that all or most of the Y chromosomes in T-30 carry the M D gene. Consequently the low level of sex ratio distortion in T-30 must be due to resistance to M D.Crosses made within T-30 demonstrated wide differences in sex ratio between families, depending on the sensitivity of the male parent's X chromosome to M D. However, sex ratios were not continuously variable but fell within fairly discrete categories. Thus, X chromosomes could be classified according to the modal sex ratios associated with them: m s3 (12.5%), m s2 (32.5%), m s1 (40%), m r1 (47.5%) m r2 (57.5%).The different sex ratio categories were more discrete in the families of sib matings than from random matings, suggesting the possibility of background modification of what is essentially a balanced polymorphism. Evidence is presented suggesting that the polymorphism could be due to interaction at two loci. A further X variant, m s4 (<10%) characterised strain 64 but was absent from T-30.A comparison of fertility between the different sex ratio categories in T-30 established that sex ratio distortion was not caused by differential mortality after fertilisation.  相似文献   

Summary In a population of Great Reed Warbler (42–53 stationary males) the sex ratio was balanced and occurence of polygynous males (on average 15 % of the males) was more or less compensated by respective number of unmated males. Prospective polygynists arrived earlier in spring on average than monogamists, and got the first female quicker. Their territories were larger (statistically insignificant) and more often situated close to good foraging grounds. The reeds around primary female nests were on average thicker (and taller) and not so dense as in the case of monogamous, secondary and tertiary females. The intensity of nestling feeding (no. of visits per nestling per hour) was higher in the nests of monogamous females, than in primary females, and lowest in secondary and tertiary females nests. Nestlings in secondary and tertiary female broods were on average lighter than in monogamous and primary female broods. The male helped feed nestlings in secondary female nest only exceptionally. In monogamous situation their share in feeding was ca. 50%, and less so in primary female nests. Production of fledglings per female was highest in primary females and lowest in secondary and tertiary females, mainly due to the high starvation rate in the nests of secondary and tertiary females. Generally, collected data strongly suggest that female choice is determined by territory quality, and polygyny threshold hypothesis cannot be rejected. The deception hypothesis cannot be rejected as well in some observed special situations (disruptive territories or polyterritoriality; four cases).
Voraussetzungen für fakultative Polygynie beim Drosselrohrsänger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Zusammenfassung Das Geschlechterverhältnis in der untersuchten Drosselrohrsänger-Population von 42 bis 53 war ausgeglichen. Das Auftreten polygyner (durchschnittlich 15 % der ) wurde mehr oder weniger durch eine entsprechende Anzahl unverpaarter kompensiert. Prospektiv polygyne kamen durchschnittlich früher an als monogame und waren schneller verpaart. Ihre Reviere waren (statistisch nicht signifikant) größer und lagen näher zu günstigen Nahrungsgebieten. Das Schilf in der Nähe der Nester von Erst- war durchschnittlich dicker (und höher) als und nicht so dicht wie bei Einzel- oder Zweit- und Dritt- . Die Fütterungsfrequenz der Nestlinge (Anzahl der Besuche beider Altvögel mit Futter pro Nestling pro Stunde) war bei Nestern von Einzel- höher als bei Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Nestern von Zweit- und Dritt-. Nestlinge von Zweit- und Dritt- waren durchschnittlich leichter als solche von Einzel-und Erst- . halfen nur ausnahmsweise bei der Fütterung von Nestlingen von Zweit- . Bei monogamen Paaren beteiligten sich die ungefähr zur Hälfte an der Fütterung der Nestlinge, bei Nestern von Erst- in geringerem Umfang. Der Ausfliegeerfolg war am höchsten beim Erst- und am niedrigsten bei Zweit- und Dritt- , hauptsächlich bedingt durch Verhungern der Nestlinge. Allgemein legen die Daten nahe, da\ die die nach der Revierqualität auswählen und daß das Polygynieschwellenmodell vonOrians undVerner nicht abgelehnt werden kann. Einige Beobachtungen stützen die Hypothese, daß in bestimmten Situationen (unübersichtliche Reviere, Polyterritorialität) durch Täuschung polygyn werden.

Zusammenfassung In einem Aufforstungsgebiet mit Japanlärche und Waldkiefer von 325 ha bei Lingen/Emsland mit 600 künstlichen Nisthöhlen konnten 1974–1993 jährlich 16–98 Brutpaare der Tannenmeise kontrolliert werden; rund zwei Drittel der Paare brüteten im Mittel aller Jahre zweimal pro Saison. Die Reproduktionsrate (Zahl flügger Nestlinge), die lokale Rekrutierungsrate (Zahl der sich fortpflanzenden geburtsortstreuen Jungvögel) und die Überlebensrate einjähriger Tannenmeisen-, die nur einmal brüteten (Gruppe 1), wird verglichen mit einjährigen mit zwei Bruten (Gruppe 2); einjährige mit mißglückter Erst- oder Zweitbrut blieben unberücksichtigt. Als Maß für die Überlebensrate gilt die lokale Wiederfangrate der . Gruppe 2 hatte eine gesichert höhere Reproduktions- und Rekrutierungsrate als Gruppe 1, und zwar nicht nur im 1. Brutjahr, sondern auch über alle Lebenszeit-Brutjahre (lifetime reproduction). Zwischen Brutenzahl und Wiederfangrate der im jeweils nächsten Jahr besteht eine gesichert positive Beziehung. Dies dürfte auf im Duchschnitt bessere Qualität der mit Zweitbruten zurückzuführen sein. Die Ergebnisse stimmen nicht mit der cost of reproduction hypothesis überein.
Costs and benefits of second broods in Coal Tits (Parus ater)
We compared the reproductive output, local recruitment rates and survival rates of 1 year old Coal Tit females breeding only once (group 1) with the corresponding values of 1 year old females breeding twice (group 2). One year old females which failed first or second broods were excluded. Survival was estimated by the local recovery rate of females during the next breeding season. Our data do not fit with the cost of reproduction hypothesis as females with significantly higher reproductive output and recruitment (group 2) did not show lower survival. We even found a significantly positive correlation between production of a second brood and recovery rate the next year.

Summary In spite of the generally well-coordinated synthesis of RNA polymerase core enzyme subunits (, and ) in Escherichia coli, a situation was found during the growth transition from exponential to stationary phase in which this coordination was broken (the order of differential repression being ; Kawakami et al. (1979)). The present study indicates that, during a certain period of the growth transition, twice as much subunit is synthesized as subunit and the overproduced subunit accumulates as the assembly intermediate 2 complex, which is rapidly and preferentially degraded.Two independent factors, i.e., carbon source down-shift and oxygen depletion, were examined separately for their influence on the coordinated regulation of the synthesis of RNA polymerase subunits. The depletion of glucose added as a sole carbon source was accompanied by repression of the synthesis of all core enzyme subunits, while under the same conditions the differential rate of subunit synthesis increased. In contrast, the sudden ending of the oxygen supply resulted in specific repression of the synthesis of only and subunits but not of and subunits. The latter result may be explained by the autogenous repression of the rpoBC genes by a temporal increase in the amount of unused cytoplasmic RNA polymerase.Paper XI in this series is Kawakami and Ishihama (1980)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von 1957–1990 blieb der Brutbestand der Blaumeise in 3 Kontrollgebieten (Flächengröße insgesamt 370 ha) gleich, doch ergaben sich beträchtliche jährliche Fluktuationen. Männliche Brutvögel hatten ein signifikant höheres Durchschnittsalter (2,01±0,04 Jahre) als weibliche (1,72±0,03 Jahre). Die danach ermittelte Mortalität beträgt 50 % () bzw. 58 % (). Im Durchschnitt siedelten gesichert näher am Geburtsort als ( =365 bzw. 700 m). Als maximale Ansiedlungsentfernung konnten 24 km () bzw. 470 km () nachgewiesen werden. Auch die Ortswechsel zwischen Bruthöhlen verschiedener Jahre waren bei gesichert geringer als bei ( =40 bzw. 75 m). Die weitesten Brutumsiedlungen fanden über 0,75 km () bzw. 37 km () statt. Emigration über >5 km vom Geburtsort wurde für maximal 4,2 der Nestlinge nachgewiesen. Abwanderungen vom Geburtsort über große Distanzen (>100 km) erfolgten bevorzugt nach WSW (mittlerer Vektor: 241,5°). Zwischen Brutpaardichte und dem -Wert der Zufallsfunde im 1. Lebensjahr (>5 km vom Geburstort) besteht von 1960–1989 ein gesichert positiver Zusammenhang. Seit 1976 konnte jedoch selbst in Jahren mit Bestandsspitzen keine überdurchschnittliche Emigration mehr festgestellt werden. Die Rückmelderate (alle Funde >5 km vom Geburtsort) nahm von 1960–1989 signifikant ab.
Population dynamics of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus): Longterm investigations in the Braunschweig region
Summary In more than 20 study areas, spread over approximately 1200 km2 near Braunschweig (52.16 N 10.32 E), the population dynamics of Blue Tits breeding in nestboxes has been studied. In three study areas (circa 370 ha overall) no significant long term trend was recognisable from 1957 to 1990. There were, however, considerable fluctuations in the particular years.Males had a significantly higher average age (2,01±0,04 years) than females (1,72±0,03 years). Accordingly the mortality rate of adult Blue Tits amounted to 50 % () and 58 % (). On average males settled significantly nearer from their birth place than females (median values: 365 and 700 m). Maximum distances of 24 km () and 470 km () were recorded. Change of locality between nestboxes of different years was significantly smaller for males than for females (median values: 40 and 75 m). The farthest breeding resettlement was in distances of 0,75 km () and 37 km ().Emigration over more than 5 km from birth place was established for a maximum of 4,2 of all Blue Tit nestlings of a particular years. Migrations over distances >100 km from birth place to recovery area were predominantly in WSW (average vector: 241,5°). There is a significantly positive relationship between the breeding-pair density of Blue Tits and the -rate of chance recoveries (more than 5 km from birth place during first year of life) of the years 1960 to 1989. Since 1976, however, above average emigration — even in years of peak populations — could not be established. The rate of recovery (all findings more than 5 km from birth place) declined significantly in the years 1960 to 1989.

In male hybrids of the cross Chironomus thummi thummi (stock Hl) x Ch. th. piger (stock E) , but not the reciprocal cross, rudimentary testes develop at a growth temperature of 21 ° C. Within the dysgenic testes of these hybrids a number of abnormalities are observed which are restricted to the germ line. Approximately 60% of the hybrid males show allocyclic chromosome behaviour in spermatogonia and spermatocyte I nuclei. Within these nuclei two groups of four chromosomes are formed which differ from one another in their state of condensation. Each chromosome group consists of three long and one short chromosome. In cases where allocycly is very pronounced, the chromosomes of both groups disintegrate into numerous unequally sized fragments at meiotic prometaphase I, and gametes are not produced. In individuals, in which the allocycly is less pronounced or absent the nuclear divisions appear to be normal but chromosome and chromatid aberrations are frequent, and the number of viable sperm is reduced. In these males, the chiasma frequency is also decreased more than 12-fold in comparison with the reciprocal, unaffected piger x thummi hybrids.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein Paar des HonigsaugersNectarinia kilimensis wurde in der Brutzeit beim Nestbau 21 Stunden beobachtet. Über die Bauaktivität gibt Abb. 2 Aufschluß. 140 von 144 Anflügen mit Nistmaterial waren auf 8 Stunden von 8h–16h konzentriert. Das Nistmaterial bestand fast ausschließlich aus Halmen, Pflanzenwolle und Spinnweben; dieses Material wurde von Anfang an abwechselnd verwendet. Nur das hat gebaut. Die Baumethoden werden beschrieben, ebenso verschiedene Balzhandlungen des . Der Nestbau dauerte 4 1/2, beim folgenden Nest 3 1/2 Tage.Beim Brüten waren Schnabel und Oberkopf des sichtbar. Während der Bauzeit wurde ein ausgeflogenes juv. nur vom gefüttert. Als es mindestens 17 Tage alt war, wurde es vom , 6 Tage später auch vom aggressive gejagt, doch war dieses juv. mehr als 3 Wochen nach dem Ausfliegen noch im Revier.
Day-time activity, nest-building method and breeding behaviour of Bronze SunbirdNectarinia (Aidemonia) kilimensis in Central Africa
Summary A pair of Bronze SunbirdsNectarinia kilimensis was observed nest building over a period of 21 hours in the breeding season. Fig. 2 gives information on building activity. Of 144 arrivals with nest material 140 were concentrated in 8 hours from 08.00 to 16.00 hrs. Nest material consisted almost exclusively of grasses, plants, down and spider's webs; this material was, from the outset, used in an alternating pattern. The alone did the building. Nest-building methods are described, also various courtship activities of the . Nest building took 4 1/2 days, in the case of a second nest, 3 1/2 days.The 's bill and crown were visible when she was incubating. One young that had left the nest was fed by the alone. At least 17 days after this young one had fledged, it was chased aggressively by the , 6 days later also by the ; despite this, the same young bird was still in the territory more than three weeks after it had fledged.

We studied age, growth and reproduction of an introduced poeciliid, Gambusia holbrooki (Agassiz, 1859), in the Ebro delta marshes. Maximum ages observed were 2+ in females and 0+ in males. Growth commenced in March and continued until September. Females reached greater sizes, had a higher rate of growth and lived longer than males. The largest sizes found were 63 mm versus 32 mm . Multiple spawning occurred throughout the reproductive cycle (from May to September). The average brood size per female reached its maximum in July in the parental cohort (86 embryos/) and in August in the offspring cohort (29 embryos/). After reproduction the parental cohort decreased drastically. The relationship between fecundity (F) and total length (mm) was calculated for each month of the reproductive period. Sex-ratio deviated significantly from unity.Viviparity, several broods and large larvae provide G. holbrooki with several advantages over oviparous species. The capacity to adjust its life history to a particular environment could explain the life history differences between those in the Ebro delta and other populations.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission of paternal chloroplasts was observed in Nicotiana, considered to inherit organelles in a strictly maternal way. Plants carrying streptomycin resistant plastids were used as pollen donors. Cell lines with paternal plastids in the offspring were selected as green (resistant) sectors on calli induced from the seedlings on streptomycin-containing media. The presence of paternal plastids in the regenerated plants was confirmed by restriction analysis. In the Nicotiana plumbaginifolia xN. plumbaginifolia Np(SR1)3 and the N. plumbaginifolia Np(gos)29 xN. tabacum SR1 crosses 2.5% and 0.07% of the offspring were found to contain paternal (tabacum) plastids, respectively. These plants, however, carried maternal mitochondria exclusively. This sexual cybridization method offers a simple way to transfer chloroplasts solely, a goal not accessible by protoplast fusion.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1980–1984 wurden in Südfrankreich und Portugal Untersuchungen zum agonistischen Verhalten, Territorialverhalten und zur Balz der ZwergtrappeTetrax tetrax durchgeführt.Während der Fortpflanzungsperiode kommt es zwischen Zwergtrappen- häufig zu agonistischen Auseinandersetzungen. Ausdruck aggressiver Erregung ist enges Anlegen des Halsgefieders, Langstrecken des Halses, und nur beim Aufrichten und dachartiges Falten der Schwanzfedern. Aggressive Verhaltensweisen sind Drohen durch Hinlaufen oder -fliegen zu Reviereindringlingen, seitliches Drohen gleichstarker , und nur, wenn Verhaltensweisen niedrigerer Intensität nicht zur Unterlegenheit eines der Rivalen führen, Schnabelkämpfe.Rufen dient der Markierung eines Reviers. Die Intensität des Rufens wird durch die Anwesenheit von nicht beeinflußt, die Anwesenheit fremder nahe der Reviergrenze führt jedoch zu einem deutlichen Anstieg. Die Rufbewegung macht eine gewisse optische Signalwirkung, vor allem auf kurze Distanz, zusätzlich zur akustischen Wirkung, wahrscheinlich.Fliegende erzeugen mit den Schwingen (besondere Struktur der 7. Handschwinge) ein pfeifendes Geräusch, das während der Fortpflanzungszeit Bedeutung in der innerartlichen Kommunikation hat. Es zeigt sowohl als auch den Anflug eines weiteren an und löst damit territoriale bzw. aggressive Verhaltensweisen oder Flucht aus. Weitere Bedeutung erlangt es als Element des Territorialen Flügelschlagens und der Sprungbalz.Über ihrem Revier fliegen territoriale stets mit leicht hochgebogenem Kopf und verhaltenen, flachen Flügelschlägen. Deutungen dieses Fluges als Imponierflug zur besseren Darstellung des auffällig gefärbten Halsgefieders bzw. als Suchflug zum leichteren Auffinden und Verjagen von Reviereindringlingen werden diskutiert.Territoriales Flügelschlagen beginnt mit Fußtrampeln, das sich beschleunigt und in einen Ruf überleitet. Gleichzeitig schlägt das dreimal sehr schnell und flach mit den Flügeln, hebt jedoch nicht vom Boden ab. Alle Elemente des Verhaltens sind deutlich zu hören. Der Verstärkung der beim Fußtrampeln erzeugten Klopfgeräusche dienen Balzplätze, die entweder auf akustisch besonders geeignetem Boden angelegt oder durch das Fußtrampeln der sekundär verbessert werden.Territoriales Flügelschlagen wird ausschließlich in niedrigen Lichtintensitäten während kurzer Zeit in der Morgen- und Abenddämmerung gezeigt. Die Anwesenheit von hat keinen Einfluß auf seine Intensität. Es ist eine territoriale Verhaltensweise mit akustischem Signal und wird als ritualisiertes Anlaufen gegen einen Reviereindringling bzw. ritualisiertes Auffliegen eines Revier- zum Eindringling hin gedeutet. Optische Komponenten kommen in der deckenden Vegetation kaum zur Geltung. können wegen der relativ geringen Reichweite der Signale nicht angelockt werden.Sprungbalz tritt zeitlich streng getrennt vom Territorialen Flügelschlagen in wesentlich höheren Lichtintensitäten auf; seine Intensität hängt ab von Kontakten zu . Sie ähnelt zwar in der Ausführung dem Territorialen Flügelschlagen, der Vogel hebt sich jedoch während der langsameren Flügelschläge durch einen Sprung vom Boden ab, und das Fußtrampeln ist wesentlich weniger intensiv. Charakteristische Flügelbewegungen während des Balzsprunges exponieren schwarzweiße Gefiederpartien bis in 65 cm Höhe. Sprungbalz erhöht im Vergleich zu Territorialem Flügelschlagen stark die optische Auffälligkeit eines ; die Sprunghöhe garantiert zusammen mit der Lage der Balzplätze bei geringstmöglichem Energieaufwand eine maximale Sichtbarkeit des über der umgebenden Vegetation. Sowohl die zeitliche Korrelation der Sprungbalz mit den Aktivitäten der als auch die Art der Interaktionen mit während Sprungbalzphasen machen deutlich, daß diese Verhaltensweise ins Paarungsrevier zieht.Das Hennenjagen dient der Stimulierung der zur Kopulation. Das läuft in charakteristischer Körperhaltung schnell hinter einem her, hat dabei den Kopf tief in die aufgerichtete Halskrause eingezogen, hält oft ruckartig an und ruft unter Zurseitewerfen des Kopfes. Kopulationen sind sehr kurz. Offensichtlich kann das Hennenjagen die sonst sehr ausgeprägte Abwehr des gegen das unterdrücken und zur Kopulationsbereitschaft führen. Die Kopulation selbst jedoch hebt diesen Effekt wieder auf, so daß nach 1–2 Sekunden das abwehrt oder flieht.
Agonistic behaviour, territorial behaviour and courtship display of the Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax)
Summary From 1980 to 1984 studies were made of the agonistic, territorial and courtship behaviour of the Little Bustard in Southern France and Portugal. The behaviour patterns are described in detail, the signals involved are analysed, and factors which could have led to their evolution are discussed.In the reproductive period agonistic encounters between males happen remarkably often. Aggressive excitement is expressed in both sexes by compression of the neck-feathers and stretching of the neck, and in the female by the erection and lateral folding of the tail-feathers. There are several kinds of threat behaviour in territorial encounters: running or flying towards intruders; lateral threat behaviour (if both males are of similar strength); and bill-fighting which only occurs if aggressive behaviour of a lower intensity has not led to the submission of one of the rivals. Calling is a territorial behaviour and serves to mark a territory. The frequency of calls is not affected by the presence of females, but the presence of other males close to the territory borders can result in a marked increase in calling frequency. In addition to the acoustic signal, the call involves a sharp neck-jerk which may act as an optical signal, at least over short distances.In flight males produce a whistling sound by means of the specially adapted 7th primary feather on their wings. This sound has important meaning in intraspecific communication during the reproductive period: it announces a flying male to other males as well as to females, and causes territorial and aggressive behaviour, or fleeing of these birds. The flight sound is also an important element of the behaviour patterns territorial wingbeat display and jumping display. Within their territories males always fly with the neck raised at a slight angle and with suppressed, shallow wing-beats. Two interpretations of this flight are discussed: that it serves to advertise the conspicuously coloured neck-feathers in a display; or that it is a search flight for locating and chasing-off intruders.Territorial wingbeat display begins with an accelerating foot-stamping and leads into a call. During the call the male performs three very fast, whistling wing-beats but remains on the ground. The combined elements, foot-stamping, calling and whistling wings, produce a unique and distinctive acoustic signal. The foot-stamping is only performed at special display sites where the sound is amplified by the substrate structure. At such sites, the soil typically has trapped pockets of air below a compacted surface which may result from the repeated defecating and stamping of the male on the same spot. Territorial wingbeat display behaviour is only performed for short periods in low light intensities at dawn and dusk. The presence of females has no effect on the intensity of the behaviour which serves a territorial function. It is interpreted to be a ritualisation of the aggressive running or flying of a territorial male towards an intruder. Optical elements of this behaviour cannot have much importance because the body and wings of the bird are rarely visible above the vegetation. Territorial wingbeat display behaviour cannot be seen over long distances and from this reason cannot serve to attract females into a males territory.Jumping display is only performed at much higher light intensities than territorial wingbeat display so the two never occur at the same time of day. The intensity of the behaviour increases markedly in the presence of females in sharp contrast to the territorial wingbeat display. The jumping display is performed in a similar way to the territorial wingbeat display except that the foot-stamping is much less intensive, the wing-beats are slower, and the bird jumps off the ground during the wing-beats. During the jumping display the black and white patterns on the body and wings are clearly visible and the behaviour increases the conspicuousness of the male markedly. The jump, advertising the wing-pattern up to a height of 65 cm, together with the specific location of the display site, ensures that maximum visibility of the male above the vegetation is achieved at minimum energetic cost. Activities of the females and their interactions with males during the jumping periods indicate that this behaviour serves to attract females to the males territory.The chasing of females is also a courtship behaviour and serves in stimulating and preparing females for copulation. In a characteristic posture with the head retracted into the neck-collar, the male rapidly runs behind the female, repeatedly stopping abruptly and calling whilst throwing its head and body sideways. Copulations are performed very quickly and only happen after a female has been chased for some time. Under certain preconditions chasing suppresses the aggressive and defence behaviour of the female which normally characterises encounters with males, and thus leads to readiness for copulation. Copulation itself removes this effect and after only one or two seconds aggression leads to the escape of the female.

Summary Two additional types of nuclear determinants involved in the control of spontaneous mutability of rho in S. cerevisiae have been identified: mmc and the pet-ts 1, 2, 10, 52 and 53 genes.These genes in their mutated recessive form increase at various extents the number of respiratory deficient cytoplasmic petite mutants accumulated.The gene mmc does not affect the respiratory activity and is not temperature-dependent whereas the pet-ts genes determine at the non permissive temperature a respiratory deficient phenotypes even if they affect the mutability of rho at the permissve and at the non permissive temperature.The data here reported suggest that a replicative complex exists for the mitochondrial DNA.It is in the purpose of this paper to deal with the relative contrition that mmc and pet-ts gene products have in ensuring the fidelity of this replicative complex.  相似文献   

R. J. Wood 《Genetica》1990,46(1):49-66
A population has been examined in which an overall parity between the sexes hides considerable between-family variation in sex ratio. A proportion of families show highly distorted sex ratios, with either an excess of females or an excess of males. Distorted sex ratios are invariably associated with mortality in the immature stages at a level appropriate to the action of recessive lethal genes. It has been shown that 26% of M-bearing (Y) chromosomes and at least 24% of m-bearing (X) chromosomes carry a recessive lethal gene.Two such genes have been investigated. l kills males and, in a cross between two heterozygotes, gives rise to a sex ratio close to 2:1 (excess families). k kills females and, in a cross between two heterozygotes, gives rise to a sex ratio close to 1:2 (excess families). Selection for excess or excess did not increase the level of sex ratio distortion.No crossing over occurs between k and the M/m locus whereas l shows 5–10% recombination with M/m. A test for allelism confirmed that l and k are not allelic. The penetrance of k is complete whereas l shows somewhat less than full penetrance. The penetrance of l has been improved by selection.The high frequency of lethals remained in the population during the two year period of study. There was evidence for heterosis preserving this frequency, the heterozygotes living longer and producing more progeny. However lethals were no longer to be found after four further years of laboratory culture.  相似文献   

Summary Effect of temperature-sensitive, assembly-defective mutations in Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (rpoB) or subunit gene (rpoC) was investigated on the expression of wild-type rpoB +C+operon, which was introduced by infection of a lambda transducing phage drif + (rpoB +)-6 after UV-irradiation of the mutant cells. In rpoB2·rpoB7 strain which accumulates assembly-intermediates, free , 2 complex and premature core, the expression of rpoB +C+operon measured by the rate of subunit synthesis was considerably inhibited whereas that of EF(translation elongation factor)-Tu, ribosomal proteins L1 and L7/L12, and some -coded proteins remained unaffected. On the other hand, the expression was enhanced specifically for only rpoB +C+operon in either rpoC4 or rpoC1 mutants, which are defective in the association of 2 complex and subunit or the activation of premature core enzyme, respectively. Upon preincubation of the mutant cells at 42° C prior to phage infection, during which assembly intermediates degraded rapidly, the rate of subunit synthesis relative to other phage-corded proteins increased remarkably in rpoB2·rpoB7 mutant as well as in rpoC4 and rpoC1 mutants. These observations strongly suggested the autogenous regulation for at least (rpoB +C+) operon by some trans-active diffusible protein complexes built of RNA polymerase subunits. Nature of the regulatory molecules is discussed.Paper VI in this series is Saitoh and Ishihama (1977)  相似文献   

The effect of different host plant diets on the growth dynamics of the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, was investigated by rearing this specialized seed feeder on the seeds of seven milkweed species occurring in central Missouri. Growth rate, growth efficiency, and : biomass ratio proved to be the most sensitive measures of growth in detecting significant differences between diets. Asclepias syriaca L., A. verticillata L. and A. hirtella (Pennell) Woods, supported the most rapid and efficient growth, while A. incarnata L., A. purpurescens L., A. viridiflora Raf., and A. quadrifolia Jacq. were less suitable host species. In general, O. fasciatus grew best on the host species it utilizes most commonly in the field, thus supporting the proposed host familiarity hypothesis. The most commonly exploited plant species shared three characteristics of seed production and quality which accounted for 87%–96% of the variability in growth dynamics of O. fasciatus. The most important of these was the mean number of pods produced per plant. Seed nitrogen content was the next best parameter in further accounting for variability in growth rate and : biomass ratio but seed cardenolide content was the second parameter for growth efficiency.
Résumé L'élevage d'Oncopeltus fasciatus sur les graines de 7 espèces d'Asclepias de la région centrale du Missouri a permis d'examiner l'influence de l'alimentation sur différentes plantes hôtes sur la dynamique du développement de cet insecte.La survie, la durée du développement, la biomasse des adultes et les calories de l'aliment consommé ou de la biomasse produite, présentent peu de différences significatives suivant les aliments.Par contre, 3 autres paramètres: le taux de croissance, l'efficacité de la croissance, et le rapport des biomasses /, sont plus sensibles pour la mise en évidence de différences. Asclepias syriaca, A. verticillata et A. hirtella permettent la croissance la plus rapide et la plus efficace, tandis que A. incarnata, A. purpurescens, A. viridiflora et A. quadrifolia sont des hôtes moins favorables. En général, O. fasciatus se développe mieux sur la plante qu'il consomme le plus fréquemment dans la nature, ce que était l'hypothèse des hôtes familiers. 87% de la variabilité du développement sur les différents régimes peut être expliquée par 3 paramètres liés à la production et à la qualité des graines. Le nombre moyen de gousses par plante intervient le plus dans la détermination de la variabilité du taux de croissance. La teneur des graines en azote est le paramètre qui intervient ensuite pour le taux de croissance et le rapport de biomasses /, mais la teneur des graines en cardenolide est le second paramètre pour l'efficacité de la croissance.

In this report we provide evidence for the expression of antigenic epitopes on mouse (2-microglobulinb 2m b) that result from assembly with cognate H-2 class I heavy chains. For the cell line 69.9.15 (2ma × 2mb), which expresses a mutant cytosolic form of H-2Kb and wild-type H-2Db, flow cytometry with rabbit antiserum against mouse 2m displayed 2m expression by cells grown in the presence or absence of fetal calf serum. By contrast, the epitopes identified by the 2mb-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) S19.8 and clone 23 were not expressed by 69.9.15 cells grown in serum-containing conditions, and although S19.8 reactivity was weakly recovered by culture in the absence of serum, no such reacitivity was observed with clone 23. Strong expression of these epitopes was achieved following transfection of 69.9.15 cells with the wild-type H-2K b gene, indicating that the 2mb epitopes defined by mAb S19.8 and clone 23 were expressed when 2mb was assembled with an appropriate heavy chain. In support of this conclusion, we observed the recovery of the S19.8 and clone 23 epitopes by in vitro assembly of H-2Kb heavy chains with 2mb in the presence of the VSV N protein p52–59; however, such epitopes were expressed neither by 2mb prior to heterodimer assembly nor by non-conformed 2mb present in tissue culture supernatants recovered from H-2 class I surface positive cells. Taken together, these data indicate that in addition to the property of 2m to modify the antigenicity of the MHC class I heavy chains, 2m epitopes are induced in a reciprocal manner by assembly with MHC class I heavy chain molecules. Correspondence to: R. A. Zeff.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies specific for the mouse T-cell receptor (Tcr) have been established by immunization with a V 11+ T-cell clone, clone C6. One is a rat antibody, KT11 (IgG2b, k), specific for the V chain of C6, V 11. This was demonstrated by the fact that the strain distribution pattern of KT11+ cells was similar to that of V 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13 and that the gene that encodes the molecule detected by KT11 was closely linked to V 8 in (B10 × SJL)F1 × SJL backcross mice. Furthermore, V of C6 has been cloned from a gt10 cDNA library and was demonstrated to be identical to the V 11 published sequences. All strains of mice that do not express major histocompatibility complex class II E molecules had higher numbers of KT11 cells than E+ strains. The KT11+ population in A strain mice and its H-2 congenic strains, however, was not affected by the presence or absence of E molecules. The other is a mouse antibody, KTL2 (IgM), specific for the idiotope of the Tcr expressed on the clone C6. Both antibodies were mitogenic and induced cytotoxicity. Expression of epitopes detected by KT11 or KTL2 was down-modulated by a T3-specific antibody 145-2C11.  相似文献   

Résumé G. mellonella infestée au dernier stade larvaire avec 1, 2, 3 ou 5 planidia/hôte (ph/H) produit 1 à 5 pupes/hôte (pu/H). La mortalité des chenilles augmente avec le nombre de pl/H. Le poids des pupes et décroît avec un nombre croissant de pu/H (18,2 à 12,9 mg pour les et 12,5 à 9,7 mg pour les ). Le développement larvaire dure 8,7 j. chez les et 8,3 chez les ; il est peu affecté par le superparasitisme. Avec 1, 2, 3 et 5 pl/H nous obtenons 0,84–1,61–2,17 et 3,43 pu/H et 0,81–1,48–2,10 et 3,11 imagos/H. L'optimum est de 3 pl/H ou 1 à 2=pl/H pour obtenir des parasitoïdes plus lourds.
Summary The influence of superparasitism on larval and pupal development is investigated. Last-larval instar G. mellonella (200±5 mg) were infected with 1, 2, 3 or 5 planidia/host (pl/H) producing 1 to 5 pupae per host (pu/H). Host mortality (8.6–8.3–14.3 and 22.2%) increased with the number of planidia. The planidia may transmit a bacteriosis. Pupal weight ( and ) decreased as number of pu/H increased. pupae were heavier than ones: 12.9 to 18.2 mg for against 9.7 to 12.5 mg for . Larval development lasted slightly longer for (8.7 d.) than for (8.3 d.), and its duration was little affected by superparasitism. 1, 2, 3 or 5 pl/H yielded 0.84–1.61–2.17 and 3.43 pu/H and 0.81–1.48–2.10 and 3.11 adults/H. An optimum was obtained with 3 planidia of L. diatraeae on G. mellonella or 1 to 2 to obtain heavier parasitoids.

Summary A female Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) built over a Coal Tits' (Parus ater) nest containing five chicks. Nevertheless, the nestlings survived on account of their parents' feedings, and because they were probably lifted up in the nest-box sitting on top of the material brought into the box by the flycatcher-. After nest-completion the Pied Flycatcher- layed four eggs, but refused breeding. Instead, and probably due to the intense begging of the five Coal Tit chicks, the Flycatcher-pair immediatly started to rear its young. Based on the good care the chicks were given by their parents and foster-parents they came along nicely and fledged some days later.  相似文献   

Summary The findings reported here confirm our earlier results that the male game-tophyte of Antirrhinum may transmit plastids into the egg. Reciprocal crosses of green Sippe 50 with the plastom mutant prasinizans gave few variegated descendants. The results show that more chimeras appeared in the cross Sippe 50 xprasinizans than in the reciprocal cross. Paternal plastids of the type prasinizans or gelbgrüne prasinizans seem to be more successful in the egg cell and the developing embryo than plastids of Sippe 50 in the reciprocal cross. It was tried to increase the number of chimeras by cultivating the parent plants in chambers with the same climate but low (13–18°C) or high (25–30°C) temperatures during the whole period of flowering, pollination, fertilization and embryo development. No distinct increase of the number of variegated descendants was observed. Only the cross prasinizans x Sippe 50 in the chamber with low temperature gave more chimeras than the corresponding cross in the chamber with high temperature.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Josef Straub zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Vorgelegt von P. Starlinger  相似文献   

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