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The cellulardistribution of parchorin, a new chloride intracellular channel familymember, was investigated in rabbit tissues by immunohistochemistryusing an antibody recognizing the sequence containing aparchorin-specific repeat. Parchorin preferentially resides in theepithelium of the ducts of the lacrymal, parotid, submandibular, andmammary glands and the pancreas, prostate, and testis. In the tracheaand lung, parchorin was found in the airway epithelium and type IIalveolar cells. In the kidney, parchorin was distributed mainly fromthe thick ascending limb to the distal convoluted tubule. In the eye,both pigment and nonpigment epithelia of the ciliary body werepositive, whereas only the pigment epithelium was positive in theretina. Parchorin was also present in the cochlea and semicircularcanal. The amount of parchorin in the gastric mucosa, but not in thesubmandibular glands, increased after weaning. In the mammary gland,parchorin expression was greater in a lactating rabbit (1 wk afterdelivery) compared with a pregnant (3 wk) rabbit. The cellulardistribution and changes in expression indicate that parchorin plays animportant role, possibly in chloride transport, in the cells thatcreate an ion gradient for water movement.


Full-length cDNA of a novel mouse gene upregulated in late stages of spermatogenic cells was cloned from mouse testis using overlapping RT-PCR and RACE. The mRNA of the gene was expressed mainly in diplotene/pachytene spermatocytes, round and elongating spermatids. We named this gene as SRG-L (Spermatogenesis Related Gene expressed in late stages of spermatogenic cells, GenBank Accession No. AY352586). The tissue-specific analysis showed a higher expression level in testis and spleen. The gene is mapped on chromosome 8q33.1 and contains 18 exons. The full-length of cDNA is 2,843 bp with an open reading frame (ORF) of 2,625 bp that encodes a 104 kDa protein (874 amino acids) with a putative transmembrane region. The bioinformatics analysis revealed that the SRG-L has two conserved regions, transglutaminase-like homologues domain and D-serine dehydratase domain, rich phosphorylation sites and methylation sites. The SRG-L protein was detected in diplotene/pachytene spermatocytes and spermatids by immunohistochemical staining and Western blot. The results suggest that SRG-L may play definite roles regulating differentiation of germ cells during spermatogenesis, particularly during meiosis and spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

A novel full-length cDNA was isolated from a murine T-cell lymphoma library that has an open reading frame encoding 381 amino acids. The predicted protein (termed SLY) contains a Src homology 3 domain and a sterile alpha motif, suggesting that it functions as a signaling adaptor protein in lymphocytes. Northern blot and in situ hybridization analysis showed a preferential expression in lymphoid tissues. The sly gene is located on the X-chromosome in close proximity to genes involved in various immune disorders. This is consistent with an additional role of SLY in immune pathology.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone encoding a novel LIM-only protein was isolated and sequenced from a human fetal heart cDNA library. This full-length clone consists of 1416 base pairs and has a predicted open reading frame (ORF) encoding 279 amino acids. The ORF of this polypeptide codes for the human heart-specific

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(FHL2). It possesses an extra zinc finger that is a half LIM domain and four repeats of LIM domain. When the human FHL2 cDNA probe was used to hybridize with poly-A RNA of various human tissues, a very strong signal could be seen in heart tissues, and only moderately low signals could be detected in placenta, skeletal muscle and ovary. Virtually no signal could be detected in brain, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, thymus, prostate, testis, small intestine, colon or peripheral blood leukocyte. FHL2 was mapped to chromosome 2q12–q13 by fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH).  相似文献   

Hyaluronan has well defined functions in extracellular matrices and at the surface of cells. However, several studies have now shown that significant pools of hyaluronan are also present intracellularly, but its function therein is unknown. One avenue of investigation that may assist in defining the function of intracellular hyaluronan is to identify intracellular hyaluronan-binding proteins. In previous studies we identified CDC37, a cell cycle regulatory protein, using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a novel group of hyaluronan-binding proteins. In this study, we have identified a second hyaluronan-binding protein with this antibody and characterized its properties. This protein, which we have termed IHABP4, was also found to be an intracellular and a specific hyaluronan-binding protein, containing several hyaluronan-binding motifs: (R/K)[X(7)](R/K) (where R/K denotes arginine or lysine and X denotes non-acidic amino acids). Furthermore, we have determined the gene organization of IHABP4 and cloned cDNAs for the chick, mouse, and human homologs. Comparison of the deduced chick, mouse, and human protein sequences showed that the hyaluronan-binding motifs, (R/K)[X(7)](R/K), in these sequences are conserved; both chick and mouse IHABP4 were shown directly to bind hyaluronan. Biochemical fractionation and immunofluorescent localization of epitope-tagged IHABP4 indicated that it is mainly present in the cytoplasm. These data support the possibility that intracellular hyaluronan and its binding proteins may play important roles in cell behavior.  相似文献   

Kringle domain, a triple-disulfide-linked domain, is conserved in diverse proteins which play important roles in various biological processes. We cloned Kremen, a novel member of kringle-containing proteins, using a newly developed unique strategy, 'Kringle-SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression)', which enables comprehensive analysis of kringle-containing proteins. Kremen is likely to be a type-I transmembrane protein composed of 473 amino acid residues. Kremen has a kringle domain, a WSC domain, and CUB domains in the extracellular region, while the intracellular region has no conserved motif involved in signal transduction. In the mouse embryo, the Kremen mRNA level, which was increased during embryonic development, was localized in the apical ectodermal ridge of limb buds, myotome, and sensory organs (e.g. optic vesicle, otic vesicle, nasal pit). In the adult mouse, Kremen mRNA was expressed in a variety of tissues with a relatively strong expression in the lung, heart, and skeletal muscle. Kremen mRNA expression in C2C12 and NIE-115 cells increased during respective differentiation into muscular and neural cells. These results suggest a potential role for Kremen in the regulation of cellular responses upon extracellular stimulus or cell-cell interaction in neuronal and/or muscle cells. Kringle-SAGE is expected to facilitate further elucidation of structure and functions of kringle proteins.  相似文献   

Kim I  Kwak HJ  Ahn JE  So JN  Liu M  Koh KN  Koh GY 《FEBS letters》1999,443(3):353-356
Using homology-based PCR, we have isolated cDNA encoding a novel member (491 amino acids) of the angiopoietin (Ang) family from human adult heart cDNA and have designated it angiopoietin-3 (Ang3). The NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal portions of Ang-3 contain the characteristic coiled-coil domain and fibrinogen-like domain that are conserved in other known Angs. Ang3 has a highly hydrophobic region at the N-terminus (approximately 21 amino acids) that is typical of a signal sequence for protein secretion. Ang3 mRNA is most abundant in adrenal gland, placenta, thyroid gland, heart and small intestine in human adult tissues. Additionally, Ang3 is a secretory protein, but is not a mitogen in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation is recognized to be a major mechanism for the control of intracellular events in eukaryotic cells. From a human fetal brain cDNA library, we isolated a cDNA clone encoding a novel dual specificity protein phosphatase, which showed 88% identity with previously reported mouse LMW-DSP3 at the amino acid level. The deduced protein had a single dual-specificity phosphatase catalytic domain, and lacked a cdc25 homology domain. LMW-DSP3 was expressed in the heart, lung, liver, and pancreas, and the expression level in the pancreas was highest. The LMW-DSP3 gene was located in human chromosome 2q32, and consisted of five exons spanning 21kb of human genomic DNA. LMW-DSP3 fused to GST showed phosphatase activity towards p-nitrophenyl phosphate which was optimal at pH 7.0 and 40 degrees C, and the activity was enhanced by Ca(2+) and Mn(2+). The phosphatase activity of LMW-DSP3 was inhibited by orthovanate. LMW-DSP3 showed phosphatase activity toward oligopeptides containing pSer/Thr and pTyr, indicating that LMW-DSP3 is a protein phosphatase with dual substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Liu X  Wang C  Li N  Zhang X  Zheng Y  Cao X 《Life sciences》2006,79(19):1828-1838
The vacuolar proton-ATPase (V-ATPase) is a ubiquitous ATP-driven H(+) transporter that functions in numerous cell processes. Accumulating evidence shows important roles of V-ATPase in tumor metastasis and antigen presentation of dendritic cells (DC). A novel V-ATPase associated protein, designated as DVA9.2 (dendritic cell-derived V-ATPase associated protein of 9.2 kDa), has been identified from a human DC cDNA library by large-scale random sequencing. Full length cDNA of DVA9.2 encodes an 81-residue protein that shares 70-80% homology with human V-ATPase subunit M9.2. Distant relationship is also found with Vma21p, a yeast protein required for V-ATPase assembly. DVA9.2 contains a conserved domain, ATP synthase subunit H (pafm05493), and two membrane-spanning helices. DVA9.2 mRNA is detectable in several human tumor cell lines as well as some human normal cells and tissues. Moreover, the inducible expression of DVA9.2 mRNA in DC during maturation is observed. DVA9.2 displays integration with membrane and main localization in lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi-associated organelles, only less at the plasma membrane. In addition, DVA9.2 is co-localized with V(0)-sector subunit a. Silencing of DVA9.2 by small interfering RNA (siRNA) does not affect the V-ATPase activity in cell membrane fractions or attenuate the migration and invasion in breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. These results indicate that DVA9.2, as a novel V-ATPase-associated protein, is not essential for the activity of V-ATPase complex and may be involved in functions of DC.  相似文献   

A novel oligodendrocyte (OL)-specific cDNA was isolated from brain capillary endothelial cells and characterized. The cDNA encodes a protein of 1099 amino acids that contains a signal peptide and a transmembrane domain. The protein was expressed in mature OLs in vivo and in vitro cell cultures and was thus designated as mature OL transmembrane protein (MOLT). RT-PCR analysis showed that MOLT mRNA was expressed in brain, lung, pancreas, and testis. A polyclonal antibody raised against a part of the mouse MOLT reacted specifically with multipolar OLs possessing radially oriented processes that penetrated into the gray matter. More cells were detected in the white matter, and these had longitudinally oriented processes. In a rat OL lineage culture system, oligodendrocyte precursor cells did not initially produce MOLT mRNA and protein, but when they begun to differentiate into mature OLs, they started expressing MOLT. Consequently, MOLT may function as OLs become mature and may serve as a cell-surface marker for OL differentiation.  相似文献   

Recently cDNA encoding the histamine H3 receptor was isolated after 15 years of considerable research. However, several studies have proposed heterogeneity of the H3 receptor. We report here the molecular cloning and characterization of a novel type of histamine receptor. A novel orphan G-protein-coupled receptor named GPRv53 was obtained through a search of the human genomic DNA data base and analyzed by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). GPRv53 possessed the features of biologic amine receptors and had the highest homology with H3 receptor among known G-protein-coupled receptors. Mammalian cells expressing GPRv53 were demonstrated to bind and respond to histamine in a concentration-dependent manner. In functional assays, not only an H3 receptor agonist, R-(alpha)-methylhistamine, but also a H3 receptor antagonist, clobenpropit, and a neuroleptic, clozapine, activated GPRv53-expressing cells. Tissue distribution analysis revealed that expression of GPRv53 is localized in the peripheral blood leukocytes, spleen, thymus, and colon, which was totally different from the H3 receptor, whose expression was restricted to the brain. The discovery of the GPRv53 receptor will open a new phase of research on the physiological role of histamine.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA clone specifically expressed in spermiogenesis from a subtracted cDNA library of mouse testis. The cDNA consisted of 1392 nucleotides and had an open reading frame of 873 nucleotides encoding a protein of 291 amino acid residues. Computer-mediated homology search revealed that the nucleotide sequence was unique but the deduced amino acid sequence had similarity to mouse phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (PCTP). We named this newly isolated gene PCTP-like protein. Northern blot analysis revealed a 1.4-kilobase mRNA expressed in the testis, kidney, liver, and intestine with the highest level in the testis. Messenger RNA expression in the testis was detected first on Day 23 in postnatal development and then increased up to adulthood. The protein, having a molecular weight of approximately 40 000, was encoded by the mRNA and was detected at the tail of the elongated spermatids and sperm by immunohistochemical staining.  相似文献   

The Frizzled-type cysteine-rich domain (CRD) is a binding motif for soluble-type glycoprotein WNTs, which play key roles in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. Here, we have cloned and characterized a novel gene MFRP, encoding a type II transmembrane protein with CRD. In addition to CRD, two tandem-repeats containing the Cubilin domain approximately the MFRP domain were present in the extracellular region of MFRP. Although MFRP was homologous to Corin, FZDs, and SFRPs in CRD, amino-acid identities between CRD in MFRP and CRDs in these molecules were less than 40%. The MFRP gene on 11q23 consisted of at least 13 exons. The 4.0-kb MFRP was not detected by Northern blot analysis in normal tissues other than adult and fetal brain. The MFRP mRNA was undetectable in seven gastric cancer cell lines, seven brain tumor cell lines, and other eight tumor cell lines. Regional distribution of the MFRP mRNA in human brain was further investigated, and MFRP was found to be expressed strongly in medulla oblongata, and weakly in hippocampus and corpus callosum. Thus, MFRP with CRD might play key roles in medulla oblongata as a regulator of the WNT signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The phosphoprotein plastin was originally identified as an abundant transformation-induced polypeptide of chemically transformed neoplastic human fibroblasts. This abundant protein is normally expressed only in leukocytes, suggesting that it may play a role in hemopoietic cell differentiation. Protein microsequencing of plastin purified from leukemic T lymphocytes by high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis produced eight internal oligopeptide sequences. An oligodeoxynucleotide probe corresponding to one of the oligopeptides was used to clone cDNAs from transformed human fibroblasts that encoded the seven other oligopeptides predicted for human plastin. Sequencing and characterization of two cloned cDNAs revealed the existence of two distinct, but closely related, isoforms of plastin--l-plastin, which is expressed in leukocytes and transformed fibroblasts, and t-plastin, which is expressed in normal cells of solid tissues and transformed fibroblasts. The leukocyte isoform l-plastin is expressed in a diverse variety of human tumor cell lines, suggesting that it may be involved in the neoplastic process of some solid human tumors.  相似文献   

Zinc finger protein (Zfp) 185 is a mouse protein containing a Lin-l1, Isl-1 and Mec-3 (LIM) domains at its C-terminus. It was recognized by comparing the genome sequence between humans and mice in 1997. In this study, we cloned the full-length Zfp185 by means of RACE and RT-PCR. Zfp185 may be closely associated with F-actin in cells as determined by a confocal microscopy. With a series of deletants of Zfp185 and GST-pull-down assay, we determined that N-terminus region (1–144) but not the LIM domain at C-terminus of Zfp185 protein was essential and sufficient to bind to F-actin cytoskeleton. Thus, our data offered evidence for the association of mouse Zfp185 with F-actin, which supports the potential role of Zfp185 in cell fundamental activity.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells and play an essential role for triggering T-cell-mediated immune responses. In search for novel cell surface molecules expressed on DCs involved in T cell priming by representational differential analysis, we identified a mouse homologue of Tspan-3 (mTspan-3), a novel member of the tetraspanin superfamily. The mTspan-3 consists of four hydrophobic, putative transmembrane regions, forming a small and a large extracellular loop, with short intracellular amino and carboxil tails. Although the mTspan-3 is expressed on a variety of immune cell types including resting DCs, its expression on DCs is downregulated during activation induced by cross-linking CD40 with anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody. These results suggest that mTspan-3 may be involved in the function of DCs in association with T cell stimulation.  相似文献   

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