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Chlorophyll-protein complexes (CPs) obtained from thylakoids of Euglena gracilis Klebs var bacillaris Cori contain the following polypeptides (listed in parentheses in order of prominence after Coomassie R-250 staining of polyacrylamide gels): CP Ia (66, 18, 22, 22.5, 27.5, 21, 28, 24, 25.5, and 26 kilodaltons [kD]); CP I (66 kD); CPx (41 kD); LHCP2 (an oligomer of LHCP) (26.5, 28, and 26 kD); CPy (27 and 19 kD); CPa (54 kD); and LHCP (26.5, 28, and 26 kD). Mutants of bacillaris low in chlorophyll b (Gr1BSL, G1BU, and O4BSL; Chl a/b [mol/mol] = 50-100) which lack CP Ia, LHCP2, and LHCP also lack or are deficient in polypeptides associated with these complexes in wild-type cells. Mutants G1 and O4, which also lack CPy, lack the CPy-associated polypeptides found in wild-type and Gr1. Using an antiserum which was elicited by and reacts strongly and selectively with the SDS-treated major polypeptide (26.5 kD) of the LHCP complexes of wild-type, this polypeptide is undetectable in the mutants (0.25% of the level in wild-type on a cell basis); the antiserum does not react with the SDS-treated 28 kD polypeptide of the Euglena LHCP complexes and cross-reacts only very weakly with components in SDS-treated cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard and chloroplasts of Spinacia oleracea L. cv Winter Bloomsdale. Rates of photosynthesis of the wild-type and mutant cells of Euglena are approximately equal on a cell basis when measured at light saturation, consistent with the selective loss of major antenna components but not CP I or CPa from the mutants.  相似文献   

Photosystem II reaction center (RC) preparations isolated from spinach (Spinacea oleracea) by the Nanba-Satoh procedure (O Nanba, K Satoh 1987 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84: 109-112) are quite labile, even at 4°C in the dark. Simple spectroscopic criteria were developed to characterize the native state of the material. Degradation of the RC results in (a) blue-shifting of the red-most absorption maximum, (b) a shift of the 77 K fluorescence maximum from ~682 nm to ~670 nm, and (c) a shift of fluorescence lifetime components from 1.3-4 nanoseconds and >25 nanoseconds to ~6-7 nanoseconds. Fluorescence properties at 77 K seem to be a more sensitive spectral indicator of the integrity of the material. The >25 nanosecond lifetime component is assigned to P680+ Pheophytin recombination luminescence, which suggests a correlation between the observed spectral shifts and the photochemical competence of the preparation. Substitution of lauryl maltoside for Triton X-100 immediately after RC isolation stabilizes the RCs and suggests that Triton may be responsible for the instability.  相似文献   

Stoichiometries of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII)reaction centers in a cultivar of rice, Norin No. 8, and threechlorophyll b-deficient mutants derived from the cultivar wereinvestigated. Quantitation of PSI by photooxidation of P-700and chromatographic assay of vitamin K1 showed that, on thebasis of chlorophyll, the mutants have higher concentrationsof PSI than the wildtype rice. Greater increases were observedin the PSII contents measured by photoreduction of QA, bindingof a radioactive herbicide and atomic absorption spectroscopyof Mn. Consequently, the PSII to PSI ratio increased from 1.1–1.3in the wild-type rice to 1.8 in chlorina 2, which contains noChl b, and to 2.0–3.3 in chlorina 11 and chlorina 14,which have chlorophyll a/b ratios of 9 and 13, respectively.Measurement of oxygen evolution with saturating single-turnoverflashes revealed that, whereas at most 20% of PSII centers areinactive in oxygen evolution in the wildtype rice, the non-functionalPSII centers amount to about 50% in the three mutant strains.The fluorescence induction kinetics was also analyzed to estimateproportions of the inactive PSII in the mutants. The data obtainedsuggest that plants have an ability to adjust the stoichiometryof the two photosystems and the functional organization of PSIIin response to the genetically induced deficiency of chlorophyllb. (Received July 29, 1994; Accepted February 7, 1996)  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - The effect of chloramphenicol, an often used protein synthesis inhibitor, in photosynthetic systems was studied on the rate of Photosystem II (PSII) photodamage in the...  相似文献   

We isolated highly-purified photochemically active photosystem (PS) II reaction center (RC) complexes from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 using a histidine-tag introduced to the 47 kDa chlorophyll protein, and characterized their spectroscopic properties. Purification was carried out in a one-step procedure after isolation of PS II core complex. The RC complexes consist of five polypeptides, the same as in spinach. The pigment contents per two molecules of pheophytin a were 5.8 +/- 0.3 chlorophyll (Chl) a and 1.8 +/- 0.1 beta-carotene; one cytochrome b(559) was found per 6.0 Chl a molecules. Overall absorption and fluorescence properties were very similar to those of spinach PS II RCs; our preparation retains the best properties so far isolated from cyanobacteria. However, a clear band-shift of pheophytin a and beta-carotene was observed. Reasons for these differences, and RC composition, are discussed on the basis of the three-dimensional structure of complexes.  相似文献   

The functional role of cytochrome (cyt) b559 in photosystem II (PSII) was investigated in H22Kα and Y18Sα cyt b559 mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. H22Kα and Y18Sα cyt b559 mutant carries one amino acid substitution on and near one of heme axial ligands of cyt b559 in PSII, respectively. Both mutants grew photoautotrophically, assembled stable PSII, and exhibited the normal period-four oscillation in oxygen yield. However, both mutants showed several distinct chlorophyll a fluorescence properties and were more susceptible to photoinhibition than wild type. EPR results indicated the displacement of one of the two axial ligands to the heme of cyt b559 in H22Kα mutant reaction centers, at least in isolated reaction centers. The maximum absorption of cyt b559 in Y18Sα mutant PSII core complexes was shifted to 561 nm. Y18Sα and H22Kα mutant PSII core complexes contained predominately the low potential form of cyt b559. The findings lend support to the concept that the redox properties of cyt b559 are strongly influenced by the hydrophobicity and ligation environment of the heme. When the cyt b559 mutations placed in a D1-D170A genetic background that prevents assembly of the manganese cluster, accumulation of PSII is almost completely abolished. Overall, our data support a functional role of cyt b559 in protection of PSII under photoinhibition conditions in vivo.  相似文献   

We have measured fluorescence spectra from Photosystem I (PS I) on a PS II-less mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 at room temperature as a function of excitation wavelength. Our data show a gradual enhancement of long-wavelength fluorescence at 710 nm as the excitation wavelength is increased from 695 to 720 nm. This verifies the presence of low-energy chlorophylls (LE Chls), antenna Chls with energy levels below that of the primary electron donor, P700. The change in fluorescence with excitation wavelength is attributed to the finite time it takes for equilibration of excitations between the bulk and LE Chls. The spectra were deconvoluted into the sum of two basis spectra, one an estimate for fluorescence from the majority or bulk Chls and the other, the LE Chls. The bulk Chl spectrum has a major peak at 688 nm and a lower amplitude vibrational band around 745 nm and is assumed independent of excitation wavelength. The LE Chl spectrum has a major peak at 710 nm, with shoulders at 725 and 760 nm. The relative amplitude of emission at the vibrational side bands increases slightly as the excitation wavelength increases. The ratio of the fluorescence yields from LE Chls to that from bulk Chls ranges from 0.3 to 1.3 for excitation wavelengths of 695 to 720 nm, respectively. These values are consistent with a model where the LE Chls are structurally close to P700 allowing for direct transfer of excitations from both the bulk and LE Chls to P700.  相似文献   

An Isolated photosystem (PS) II reaction center (RC) with altered pigment content was obtained by chemical exchange of native chlorophyll a (Chl) with externally added Cu-Chl a (Cu-Chl). Pigment composition and spectroscopic properties of the RC exchanged with Cu-Chl were compared with native RC and RC treated with Chl In the same way. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed approximately 0.5 Cu-Chl per two pheophytln in the Cu-Chl-reconstltuted RC preparation. Insertion of Cu-Chl resulted in a decrease In absorption at 670 nm and an Increase at 660 nm, suggesting that the peripheral Chl may have been displaced. Fluorescence emission spectra of the Cu-Chl-reconstituted RC displayed a marked decrease In fluorescence yield and a blue shift of the band maximum, accompanied by the appearance of a broad peak at a shorter wavelength, Indicating that energy transfer In the modified RC was disturbed by Cu-Chl, a quencher of the excited state. However, there were few differences in the circular dichrolsm (CD) spectra, suggesting that the arrangement of pigments and proteins responsible for the CD signal was not significantly affected. In addition, no obvious change In peptlde components was found after the exchange procedure.  相似文献   

Several mutant strains of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 with large deletions in the D-E loop of the photosystem II (PSII) reaction center polypeptide D1 were subjected to high light to investigate the role of this hydrophilic loop in the photoinhibition cascade of PSII. The tolerance of PSII to photoinhibition in the autotrophic mutant ΔR225-F239 (PD), when oxygen evolution was monitored with 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone and the equal susceptibility compared with control when monitored with bicarbonate, suggested an inactivation of the QB-binding niche as the first event in the photoinhibition cascade in vivo. This step in PD was largely reversible at low light without the need for protein synthesis. Only the next event, inactivation of QA reduction, was irreversible and gave a signal for D1 polypeptide degradation. The heterotrophic deletion mutants ΔG240-V249 and ΔR225-V249 had severely modified QB pockets, yet exhibited high rates of 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone-mediated oxygen evolution and less tolerance to photoinhibition than PD. Moreover, the protein-synthesis-dependent recovery of PSII from photoinhibition was impaired in the ΔG240-V249 and ΔR225-V249 mutants because of the effects of the mutations on the expression of the psbA-2 gene. No specific sequences in the D-E loop were found to be essential for high rates of D1 polypeptide degradation.  相似文献   

Ogawa T 《Plant physiology》1990,94(2):760-765
Eighty mutants of Synechocystis PCC6803 that require high CO2 for growth were examined with a mass spectrometer for their ability to take up CO2 in the light. Two of these mutants (type A) did not show any CO2 uptake while the rest of the mutants (type B) took up CO2 actively. Type A mutants (RKa and RKb) and one type B mutant (RK11) were partially characterized. At 3% CO2, growth rates of the mutants and the wild type (WT) were similar. Under air levels of CO2, growth of RKa and RKb was very slow, and RK11 did not grow at all. The photosynthetic affinities for inorganic carbon (Ci) in these three mutants were about 100 times lower than the affinity in WT. The following characteristics of type A mutants indicated that the mutants have a defect in their CO2-transport system: (a) the activity of 13C18O2 uptake in RKa and RKb in the light was less than 5% the activity in WT, and (b) each mutant had only a low level of activity of 14CO2 uptake as measured by the method of silicone oil-filtering centrifugation. The HCO3-transport system was also impaired in these mutants. The activity of H14CO3 uptake was negligibly low in RKb and was one-third the activity of WT in RKa. On the other hand, the type B mutant, RK11, transported CO2 and HCO3 into the intracellular Ci pool as actively as WT but was unable to utilize it for photosynthesis. Complementation analysis of type A mutants indicated that RKa and RKb have mutations in different regions of the genome. These results suggested that at least two kinds of proteins are involved in the Ci-transport system.  相似文献   

The structural changes associated to non-photochemical quenching in cyanobacteria is still a matter of discussion. The role of phycobilisome and/or photosystem mobility in this mechanism is a point of interest to be elucidated. Changes in photosystem II fluorescence induced by different quality of illumination (state transitions) or by strong light were characterized at different temperatures in wild-type and mutant cells, that lacked polyunsaturated fatty acids, of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803. The amplitude and the rate of state transitions decreased by lowering temperature in both strains. Our results support the hypothesis that a movement of membrane complexes and/or changes in the oligomerization state of these complexes are involved in the mechanism of state transitions. The quenching induced by strong blue light which was not associated to D1 damage and photoinhibition, did not depend on temperature or on the membrane state. Thus, the mechanism involved in the formation of this type of quenching seems to be unrelated to the movement of membrane complexes. Our results strongly support the idea that the mechanism involved in the fluorescence quenching induced by light 2 is different from that involved in strong blue light induced quenching.  相似文献   

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 when grown in the presence of sublethal (M) levels of cobalt chloride shows an enhancement of Photosystem II (PS II) catalyzed Hill reaction. This stimulation seems to be induced by cobalt ions as other metal ions inhibit para-benzoquinone catalyzed Hill reaction. At saturating white light intensity, this enhancement is two times over that of the control cells on unit chlorophyll basis. Analysis of the PS II electron transport rate at varying intensities of white, blue or yellow light suggests an increased maximal rates but no change in the quantum yield or effective antenna size of CoCl2-grown cells. There were no structural and functional changes in the phycobilisome as judged by the absence of changes in the phycocyanin/allophycocyanin ratio, fluorescence emission spectra, second derivative absorption spectra at 77 K and SDS-PAGE analysis of isolated phycobilisomes. The 77 K fluorescence emission spectra of the cells showed a decrease in the ratio of Photosystem I emission (F725) to Photosystem II emission (F685) in CoCl2-grown cells compared to the control cells. These observations indicate three possibilities: (1) there is an increase in the number of Photosystem II units; (2) a faster turnover of Photosystem II centers; or (3) an alteration in energy redistribution between PS II and PS I in CoCl2-grown cells which causes stimulation of Photosystem II electron transport rate.Abbreviations APC allophycocyanin - Chl a chlorophyll a - DBMIB 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid - PBS phycobilisome - PC phycocyanin - PSI Photosystem I - PS II Photosystem II - pBQ p-benzoquinone - PMSF phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   

The Photosystem II reaction center is rapidly inactivated by light, particularly at higher light intensity. One of the possible factors causing this phenomenon is the oxidized primary donor, P680+, which may be harmful to Photosystem II because of its highly oxidizing nature. However, no direct evidence specificially implicating P680+ in photoinhibition has been obtained yet. To investigate whether P680+ is harmful to Photosystem II, turnover of the D1 protein and of the Photosystem II reaction center complex were measured in vivo in a mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, in which the physiological donor to P680+, Tyrz, was genetically deleted. In this mutant, D1 degradation in the light is an order of magnitude faster than in wild type. The most straightforward explanation of this phenomenon is that accumulation of P680+ leads to an increased rate of turnover of the Photosystem II reaction center complex, which is compatible with the hypothesis of destructive oxidation by P680+ that is damaging to the Photosystem II complex.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterial small CAB-like proteins (SCPs) are one-helix proteins with compelling similarity to the first and third transmembrane helix of proteins belonging to the CAB family of light-harvesting complex proteins in plants. The SCP proteins are transiently expressed at high light intensity and other stress conditions but their exact function remains largely unknown. Recently we showed association of ScpD with light-stressed, monomeric Photosystem II in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (Yao et al. J Biol Chem 282:267–276, 2007). Here we show that ScpB associates with Photosystem II at normal growth conditions. Moreover, upon introduction of a construct into Synechocystis so that ScpB is expressed continuously under normal growth conditions, ScpE was detected under non-stressed conditions as well, and was copurified with tagged ScpB and Photosystem II. We also report on a one-helix protein, Slr1544, that is somewhat similar to the SCPs and whose gene is cotranscribed with that of ScpD; Slr1544 is another member of the extended light-harvesting-like (Lil) protein family, and we propose to name it LilA. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Galyna Kufryk and Miguel Hernandez-Prieto have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Quenching of excess excitation energy is necessary for the photoprotection of light-harvesting complexes. In cyanobacteria, quenching of phycobilisome (PBS) excitation energy is induced by the Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP), which becomes photoactivated under high light conditions. A decrease in energy transfer efficiency from the PBSs to the reaction centers decreases photosystem II (PS II) activity. However, quantitative analysis of OCP-induced photoprotection in vivo is complicated by similar effects of both photochemical and non-photochemical quenching on the quantum yield of the PBS fluorescence overlapping with the emission of chlorophyll. In the present study, we have analyzed chlorophyll a fluorescence induction to estimate the effective cross-section of PS II and compared the effects of reversible OCP-dependent quenching of PBS fluorescence with reduction of PBS content upon nitrogen starvation or mutations of key PBS components. This approach allowed us to estimate the dependency of the rate constant of PS II primary electron acceptor reduction on the amount of PBSs in the cell. We found that OCP-dependent quenching triggered by blue light affects approximately half of PBSs coupled to PS II, indicating that under normal conditions, the concentration of OCP is not sufficient for quenching of all PBSs coupled to PS II.  相似文献   

The use of n-octyl-beta-d-glucopyranoside along with sodium dodecyl sulfate improves the retention of chlorophyll (Chl) by chlorophyll-protein complexes (CPs) prepared from thylakoids of Euglena gracilis Klebs var bacillaris Cori and yields several additional complexes. Thylakoids from wild-type (WT) cells, solubilized in these detergents and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at 0 degrees C, yield the following CPs, in order of relative molecular weight, containing the pigments shown in parentheses with their respective molar ratios where determined: CP Ia (Chl a, diadinoxanthin and beta-carotene; 100:12:5); CP I (Chl a and beta-carotene; 100:6-12); CPx (Chl and carotenoids); LHCP(2) (light-harvesting CP oligomer) (Chl a, Chl b, diadinoxanthin and neoxanthin; 12:4:3:1); CPy (Chl a, diadinoxanthin and beta-carotene; 100:14:8); CPa (Chl a and beta-carotene; 100:18-25) and LHCP (monomer) (Chl a, Chl b, diadinoxanthin and neoxanthin; 12:6:4:1). The LHCP complexes retain up to 40% of the total Chl and 80% of the Chl b in the thylakoids. CP Ia contains only a trace of Chl b (Chl a/b [mol/mol] = 62). The lower amount of Chl b in Euglena (about 10% of Chl a + b) compared to higher plants (about 30% of Chl a + b) is probably a consequence of the lower Chl b (relative to Chl a) in the LHCPs of Euglena rather than of fewer LHCPs being present. G(1)BU, Gr(1)BSL, and O(4)BSL, mutants of bacillaris low in Chl b (1-2% of Chl a + b), lack the CP Ia, LHCP, and LHCP(2) found in wildtype (WT); G(1) and O(4) also lack CPy. The mutants contain reduced amounts of Chl a (two-thirds of WT in Gr(1) and one-third in G(1) and O(4)) and neoxanthin (20-40% of WT) but retain levels of beta-carotene and diadinoxanthin close to those in cells of WT. The CPs remaining in the mutants have pigment compositions very similar to their counterparts from WT.  相似文献   

Degradation of the D1 protein of the Photosystem II (PS II) complex was studied in the Fad6/desA::Kmr mutant of a cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The D1 protein of the mutant was degraded during solubilization of thylakoid membranes with SDS at 0°C in darkness, giving rise to the 23 kDa amino-terminal and 10 kDa carboxy-terminal fragments. Moreover, the D2 and CP43 proteins were also degraded under such conditions of solubilization. Degradation of the D2 protein generated 24, 17 and 15.5 kDa fragments, and degradation of the CP43 protein gave rise to 28, 27.5, 26 and 16 kDa fragments. The presence of Ca2+ and urea protected the D1, D2 and CP43 proteins against degradation. Degradation of the D1 protein was also inhibited by the presence of a serine protease inhibitor suggesting that the putative protease involved belonged to the serine class of proteases. The protease had the optimum activity at pH 7.5; it was active at low temperature (0°C) but a brief heating (65°C) during solubilization destroyed the activity. Interestingly, the protease was active in isolated thylakoid membranes in complete darkness, suggesting that proteolysis may be a non-ATP-dependent process. Proteolytic activity present in thylakoid membranes seemed to reside outside of the PS II complex, as demonstrated by the 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These results represent the first (in vitro) demonstration of strong activity of a putative ATP-independent serine-type protease that causes degradation of the D1 protein in cyanobacterial thylakoid membranes without any induction by visible or UV light, by active oxygen species or by any chemical treatments.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) reaction center core complexes have been isolated and characterized from wild type (WT) Scenedesmus obliquus and from its LF-1 mutant. LF-1 thylakoids are blocked on the oxidizing side of PSII and have a reduced Mn content. Visible absorption and low temperature fluorescence spectra of both core complexes are identical and resemble those reported for spinach (Satoh, Butler 1978 Plant Physiol 61: 373-379). Lithium dodecyl sulfate-polycrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals that a protein alteration, originally observed in thylakoid membranes (Metz, Wong, Bishop 1980 FEBS Lett 114: 61-66), is retained in the PSII core particles. That is, a 34-kilodalton (kD) polypeptide, present in the WT core complex, is missing in the mutant, and the core complex of the mutant contains a 36-kD protein not present in the WT. The 34-kD intrinsic protein is also observed in O2-evolving PSII preparations and PSII core complexes from spinach. It is distinct from the 33-kD extrinsic protein first reported by T. Kuwabara and N. Murata (1979 Biochim Biophys Acta 581: 228-236). We suggest that the 34-kD protein is a site of Mn binding in the PSII membrane.  相似文献   

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