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C H Lee  E Charney  I Tinoco 《Biochemistry》1979,18(25):5636-5641
The conformations of dinucleoside phosphates have been reexamined by semiempirical potential energy calculations. Conformations I, II, and III, proposed by Lee & Tinoco [Lee, C. H., & Tinoco, I., Jr. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 5403], are possible species after refinement of their structures by potential energy minimization. These three conformers can represent three types of dinucleoside phosphate species in solution. Dhingra et al. [Dhingra, M. M., Sarma, R. H., Giessner-Prettre, C., & Pullman, B. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 5815] had concluded that conformations of type II and III were unlikely or impossible. They favored conformations g-g- (equivalent to I), g+g+,g+t, and tg+; the last three conformations have little stacking and are calculated to be energetically less favorable by more than 5 kcal/mol. Common structures of the types I, II, and III are found for dinucleoside phosphates with different purine-pyrimidine sequences. The sequence dependence of the potential energy of these three conformers has been calculated. The experimental nuclear magnetic resonance data of dinucleoside phosphates are consistent with these three conformations.  相似文献   

The effect of sequence on the binding of 9-aminoacridine to DNA has been investigated by studying its interaction with deoxydinucleoside phosphates of different sequences using proton nuclear magnetic resonance. Quantitative binding information can be obtained by comparison of the proton chemical shift behavior of 9-aminoacridine upon addition of dinucleoside phosphate to various models for the interaction using least-squares computer fitting procedures. The simplest model that fits the data includes (1) dimerization of 9-aminoacridine and (2) a mixture of 1:1 and 2:1 (dinucleoside phosphate/9-aminoacridine) complexes. The computed parameters allow comparison of binding constants and stereochemistry for different sequences. The 1:1 complexes seem to involve interaction of the ring nitrogen with the backbone phosphate and stacking of one or both chromophores on the acridine; preference in binding is observed for alternating (purine-pyrimidine or pyrimidine-purine) over non-alternating (purine-purine) dinucleoside phosphates. The 2:1 complexes involve intercalation of the acridine between two complementary dinucleoside phosphate strands with weak sequence preferences in binding. The stereochemistry of intercalation differs between non-alternating purine-purine sequences and the alternating pyrimidine-purine or purine-pyrimidine sequences in having the 9-aminoacridine stacked with the purines of one strand rather than straddling the purines on opposite strands. The difference in stereochemistry could possibly be a determining factor in frameshift sequence specificity.  相似文献   

Our recent studies indicate that enzymatic hydrolysis of the intradimer phosphodiester linkage constitutes an early reaction in processing UV light-induced cis-syn-cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in cultured human fibroblasts. Before characterizing the resultant modified dimer sites in cellular DNA, it is necessary to establish experimental conditions that can distinguish backbone-nicked from intact dimers. We thus constructed a model substrate, i.e. p(dT) 10 <> p(dT)10 containing a dimer with a ruptured sugar-phosphate bond, and determined the products of its reaction with snake venom phosphodiesterase and alkaline phosphatase, an enzymatic digestion mixture known to release dimers from UV-treated poly(dA).poly(dT) within trinucleotides with the photoproduct intact at the 3'-end (d-TpTT). The model substrate was prepared by (i) end labeling p(dT)9 using terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase and [3H]thymine-labeled TTP; and (ii) annealing the chromatographically purified p(dT)10 oligomers to poly(dA) followed by UV (290 nm)-induced ligation. Photoligated 20-mers with one radioactive and modified internal dimer were isolated and enzymatically digested. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of the reaction products revealed a novel trithymidylate with its backbone severed at the 3'-terminus (d-TpT<>dT), demonstrating that this procedure could discriminate between intact and modified dimers. The procedure was then exploited to show that (i) Escherichia coli DNA photolyase can monomerize, albeit inefficiently, backbone-ruptured dimers; and (ii) phage T4 polynucleotide kinase can catalyze the phosphorylation of d-TpT<>dT, thus facilitating the development of a sensitive postlabeling assay suitable for modified dimer detection under biologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

Cyclobutane-type photodimers of dinucleoside monophosphates dCpdT, dTpdC and dTpdT were prepared by ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of acetophenone as photosensitizer. The cytosine-containing derivatives were found to deaminate forming uracil products. Using one- and two-dimensional NMR, the photoproducts were characterized as cis-syn and trans-syn cyclobutane photodimers. On the basis of NOE data the structures of the cis-syn and trans-syn products of dUpdT were determined using distance-geometry and restrained-energy-minimization methods. The cis-syn structures showed (high-ANTI/SYN)/high-ANTI glycosidic linkages while the trans-syn structures were in the SYN-ANTI region. The backbone conformations of both structures were in fair agreement with the coupling-constant-data. The trans-syn structures were found to be very rigid and similar in all three products. For the three cis-syn structures more conformational freedom and more variation among the three structures was observed.  相似文献   

The (GA)(n) microsatellite has been known from previous studies to adopt unusual, ordered, cooperatively melting secondary structures in neutral aqueous solutions containing physiological concentrations of salts, at acid pH values or in aqueous ethanol solutions. To find more about the primary structure specificity of these structures, we performed parallel comparative studies of related tetranucleotide repeats (GAGC)(5), (GAGT)(5), and (GACA)(5). The general conclusion following from these comparative studies is that the primary structure specificity is fairly high, indicating that not only guanines but also adenines play a significant role in the stabilization of these unusual structures. (GAGC)(5) is a hairpin or a duplex depending on DNA concentration. Neither acid pH nor ionic strength or the presence of ethanol changed the secondary structure of (GAGC)(5) in a significant way. (GACA)(5) forms a weakly stable hairpin in neutral aqueous solutions but forms a duplex at acid pH where cytosine is protonated. (GAGT)(5) behaves most similar to (GAGA)(5). Salt induces its hairpin to duplex transition at neutral pH and an isomerization into another, probably parallel stranded, duplex takes place at acid pH. (GAGT)(5) is the only of the three present 20-mers that responds to ethanol like (GAGA)(5).  相似文献   

Acetone-photosensitized UV irradiation of three thymine oligomers, d(TpT), d(TpTpT), and d(TpTpTpT), forms predominantly cis-syn cyclobutyl photodimers. C-18 reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography is used to purify the following positional isomers: d(TpT[p]T), d(T[p]TpT), d(TpTpT[p]T), d(TpT[p]TpT), d(T[p]TpTpT), and d(T[p]TpT[p]T), where T[p]T represents the cis-syn photodimer. Conformational properties of the cis-syn dimers and adjacent thymine nucleotides have been investigated in solution by using 1H, 13C, and 31P NMR spectroscopy. These studies show that (1) the photodimer conformation in longer oligothymidylates is similar to that in the dinucleoside monophosphate and (2) the cis-syn dimer induces alterations to a greater degree on the 5' side than on the 3' side of the photodimer. Specifically, the photodimer distorts the exocyclic bonds epsilon(C3'-O3') in Tp- and gamma(C5'-C4') in -pT[p]- on the 5' side and slightly alters the furanose equilibrium of the -pT nucleotide on the 3' side of the dimer.  相似文献   

B-like minimum energy conformations of deoxydinucleoside monophosphate anions (dDMPs) containing Gua and/or Cyt and their Na+ complexes have been studied by the DFT PW91PW91/DZVP method. The optimized geometry of the dDMPs is in close agreement with experimental observations and the obtained minimum energy conformations are consistent with purine-purine, purine-pyrimidine, and pyrimidine-purine arrangements in crystals of B-DNA duplexes. All the studied systems are characterized by pyramidalization of the amino groups, which participate in the formation of unusual hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen of the second base in the dGpdC, dCpdG dDMPs, and their Na+ complexes. In all the obtained structures the bases assume a nearly parallel disposition to each other and this effect is independent on the degree of their spatial superposition. From this it is concluded that the parallel disposition of the bases in the B-like single-stranded conformations is dictated by the sugar-phosphate backbone. Correspondingly, the base-base interactions attain a secondary role in the formation of these spatial structures. The formation of a weak C6-H6...O5' hydrogen bond between cytosine and the phosphate oxygen is reported, in agreement with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Two isomeric, acyclic tetrapeptides containing a Z-dehydrophenylalanine residue (delta Z-Phe) at position 2 or 3, Boc-Leu-Ala-delta Z-Phe-Leu-OMe (1) and Boc-Leu-delta Z-Phe-Ala-Leu-OMe (2), have been synthesized and their solution conformations investigated by 270 MHz 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy. In peptide 1 the Leu(4) NH group appears to be partially shielded from solvent, while in peptide 2 both Ala(3) and Leu(4) NH groups show limited solvent accessibility. Extensive difference nuclear Overhauser effect (n.O.e.) studies establish the occurrence of several diagnostic inter-residue n.O.e.s (Ci alpha H----Ni+1H and NiH----Ni+1H) between backbone protons. The simultaneous observation of "mutually exclusive" n.O.e.s suggests the presence of multiple solution conformations for both peptides. In peptide 1 the n.O.e. data are consistent with a dynamic equilibrium between an -Ala-delta Z-Phe- Type II beta-turn structure and a second species with delta Z-Phe adopting a partially extended conformation with psi values of +/- 100 degrees to +/- 150 degrees. In peptide 2 the results are compatible with an equilibrium between a highly folded consecutive beta-turn structure for the -Leu-delta Z-Phe-Ala- segment and an almost completely extended conformation.  相似文献   

An extensive Monte Carlo simulation of hydration of various conformations of the dinucleoside monophosphates (DNP), containing thymine, uracil and its 5-halogen derivatives has been performed. An anti-anti conformation is the most energetically stable one for each of the DNPs. In the majority of cases the energy preference is determined by water-water interaction. For other dimers conformational energy is the most important factor, or both the factors are of nearly equal importance. The introduction of the methyl group into the 5-position of uracil ring most noticeably influences the conformational energy and leads to the decrease of its stabilizing contribution to the total interaction energy. The introduction of halogen atoms increases the relative content of anti-syn and syn-anti conformations of DNPs as compared to the parent ones due to the formation of an energetically more favorable water structure around these conformations. A correlation is observed between the Monte Carlo results for the halogenated DNPs and their experimental photoproduct distribution. The data obtained demonstrates a sequence dependence in the photochemistry of the halogenated dinucleoside monophosphates.  相似文献   

Using previously reported ab-initio atom-atom potentials for the interactions of a water molecule with phosphates, sugars and bases and newly computed ab-initio atom-atom potentials for the interaction between a proflavine ion and water, we have analyzed with the Monte-Carlo Metropolis method networks of water molecules hydrating a 2:2 complex of proflavine and deoxycytidylyl-3',5'-guanosine, recently studied with X-ray crystallography. From our simulations we have i) verified the quality of our atom-atom potentials by obtaining patterns of oxygen atoms in very good agreement with the X-ray patterns for the minor groove and in reasonable agreement in the major groove, ii) predicted the water's hydrogen atoms positions and iii) preliminarily predicted the number of water molecules not reported in the X-ray study but present in the major groove. The above data, even if preliminary, and the analyses on the energetics of the water-water, water-proflavine and water-dCpG interactions indicate that very detailed accounts on the water filaments in the above crystal can be obtained optimally by merging computer and X-ray experiments.  相似文献   

Binding of three macrocyclic bis-intercalators, derivatives of acridine and naphthalene, and two acyclic model compounds to mismatch-containing and matched duplex oligodeoxynucleotides was analyzed by thermal denaturation experiments, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry studies (ESI-MS) and fluorescent intercalator displacement (FID) titrations. The macrocyclic bis-intercalators bind to duplexes containing mismatched thymine bases with high selectivity over the fully matched ones, whereas the acyclic model compounds are much less selective and strongly bind to the matched DNA. Moreover, the results from thermal denaturation experiments are in very good agreement with the binding affinities obtained by ESI-MS and FID measurements. The FID results also demonstrate that the macrocyclic naphthalene derivative BisNP preferentially binds to pyrimidine–pyrimidine mismatches compared to all other possible base mismatches. This ligand also efficiently competes with a DNA enzyme (M.TaqI) for binding to a duplex with a TT-mismatch, as shown by competitive fluorescence titrations. Altogether, our results demonstrate that macrocyclic distance-constrained bis-intercalators are efficient and selective mismatch-binding ligands that can interfere with mismatch-binding enzymes.  相似文献   

C Formoso  I Tinoco 《Biopolymers》1971,10(3):531-546
From the study of circular dichroism (CD) spectra and hypochromism we conclude that the dinucleoside phosphates IpA, ApI, and IpI stack, while IpU stacks very little. Studies with various concentrations of IpI in low salt, and 1M NaCl indicate that the stacking geometry of this compound is sensitive to the ionic strength of solution. The CD of poly I is presented and compared to the data for IpI. Little change was found in the CD of poly (G,I) (1 : 1) with change of salt concentration, and we conclude that, unlike Poly I, there is no major structural change. From the CD of poly (G, I), IpI, and GpG, the CD of IpG plus GpI is calculated by using the nearest-neighbor approximation. From the calculated spectrum, we tentatively conclude that there is stacking in either IpG or GpI or both.  相似文献   

C Formoso  I Tinoco 《Biopolymers》1971,10(9):1533-1541
Photoreduction with NaBH4 was used to reduce the dinucleoside phosphates ApU, UpA, and GpU to the corresponding molecules containing dihydrouridine (H). Also obtained from this reaction are dinucleoside phosphates containing (β-N-ribosyl) ureido-propanol, an open ring form of dihydrouridine. The results of CD and ultraviolet absorption studies with these compounds imply that HpA is strongly stacked, but that ApH and GpH are only slightly stacked. The temperature dependence of the CD suggests that the stacking in HpA is unusual. The results with compounds containing open ring forms of dihydrouridine indicate that there is more intramolecular interaction when the ring is open than when it is closed.  相似文献   

Conformations of -D-ribose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Schlosser K  Gu J  Lam JC  Li Y 《Nucleic acids research》2008,36(14):4768-4777
Herein, we sought new or improved endoribonucleases based on catalytic DNA molecules known as deoxyribozymes. The current repertoire of RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes can cleave nearly all of the 16 possible dinucleotide junctions with rates of at least 0.1/min, with the exception of pyrimidine–pyrimidine (pyr–pyr) junctions, which are cleaved 1–3 orders of magnitude slower. We conducted four separate in vitro selection experiments to target each pyr–pyr dinucleotide combination (i.e. CC, UC, CT and UT) within a chimeric RNA/DNA substrate. We used a library of DNA molecules containing only 20 random-sequence nucleotides, so that all possible sequence permutations could be sampled in each experiment. From a total of 245 clones, we identified 22 different sequence families, of which 21 represented novel deoxyribozyme motifs. The fastest deoxyribozymes exhibited kobs values (single-turnover, intermolecular format) of 0.12/min, 0.04/min, 0.13/min and 0.15/min against CC, UC, CT and UT junctions, respectively. These values represent a 6- to 8-fold improvement for CC and UC junctions, and a 1000- to 1600-fold improvement for CT and UT junctions, compared to the best rates reported previously under identical reaction conditions. The same deoxyribozymes exhibited ~1000-fold lower activity against all RNA substrates, but could potentially be improved through further in vitro evolution and engineering.  相似文献   

Fully protected diastereoisomers of deoxyguanylyl (3' leads to 5') deoxyadenosine stereospecifically labelled on phosphorus with oxygen-18 have been synthesized by oxidation of phosphite triester intermediates in the presence of 18O-labelled water. The diastereoisomers have been chromatographically separated and their absolute configuration at phosphorus determined. (Rp)-[18O]deoxyguanylyl (3' leads to 5')deoxyadenosine has been prepared by complete deprotection of the parent diastereoisomer of the Sp configuration. Methylation of the former compound permits assignment of the absolute configurations of the methyl esters of N1-methyldeoxyguanylyl (3' leads to 5') N1-methyldeoxyadenosine.  相似文献   

V S Chauhan  K Uma  P Kaur  P Balaram 《Biopolymers》1989,28(3):763-771
The conformation of an acyclic dehydrophenylalanine (delta Z-Phe) containing hexapeptide, Boc-Phe-delta Z-Phe-Val-Phe-delta Z-Phe-Val-OMe, has been investigated in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO by 270-MHz 1H-nmr. Studies of NH group solvent accessibility and observation of interresidue nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) suggest a significant solvent-dependent conformational variability. In CDCl3, a population of folded helical conformations is supported by the inaccessibility to solvent of the NH groups of residues 3-6 and the detection of several NiH----Ni + 1H NOEs. Evidence is also obtained for conformational heterogeneity from the detection of some Ci alpha H----Ni + 1H NOEs characteristic of extended strands. In (CD3)2SO, the peptide largely favors an extended conformation, characterized by five solvent-exposed NH groups and successive Ci alpha H----Ni + 1H NOEs for the L-residues and Ci beta H----Ni + 1H NOEs for the delta Z-Phe residues. The results suggest that delta Z-Phe residues do not provide compelling conformational constraints.  相似文献   

The nucleosomal distribution of cis-syn cyclobutyl-type thymine photodimers was determined in normal human skin fibroblasts following irradiation with low doses of far-ultraviolet light at 254 nm and nearultraviolet light at 313 nm. The thymine photodimer concentrations were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography in acid hydrolysates of total cellular DNA and of nucleosomal core- and chromatosomal-DNA. The lesion concentrations in linker-DNA were calculated from these data. While thymine photodimers were distributed uniformely following 254 nm irradiation they were enriched by a factor of 2.4 – 4.2 in nucleosomal linker DNA after exposure to 313 nm light.  相似文献   

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