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Activation of the dopamine (DA) D2 receptor inhibits glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in isolated rodent islets in vitro; however, no information is available regarding the cellular localization of DA receptors (DRs, including D1-D5 receptors) in pancreatic islets in situ. We investigate the protein expression and cellular localization of five types of DRs in pancreatic islets by means of Western blotting and double-labeling immunofluorescence in both normal control and alloxan-induced type 1 diabetes model (T1DM) rats. In control rats, D1 immunoreactivity (-IR) was distributed in the core of the islet and co-localized with insulin-IR, D2-IR was peripherally distributed and found only in somatostatin-immunoreactive cells and D5-IR was co-localized with glucagon-IR and pancreatic polypeptide-IR. No IR for either the D3 or D4 receptor was observed in rat islets. The protein level of the D1 receptor was reduced in T1DM rats (D1/D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [GAPDH], 0.63?±?0.05 in control rats compared with 0.16?±?0.03 in T1DM rats, n?=?8, P?n?=?8, P?=?0.42) or the D5 receptor (D5/GAPDH, 0.50?±?0.04 compared with 0.47?±?0.04, n?=?8, P?=?0.58). The present study is the first clear demonstration of the protein expression and cellular localization of the D1, D2 and D5 receptors in rat pancreatic islets and provides crucial morphological evidence for further investigations of the underlying mechanism regarding the DA regulation of pancreatic endocrine function.  相似文献   

D(3) dopamine receptors are expressed by dopamine neurons and are implicated in the modulation of presynaptic dopamine neurotransmission. The mechanisms underlying this modulation remain ill defined. The dopamine transporter, which terminates dopamine transmission via reuptake of released neurotransmitter, is regulated by receptor- and second messenger-linked signaling pathways. Whether D3 receptors regulate dopamine transporter function is unknown. We addressed this issue using a fluorescent imaging technique that permits real time quantification of dopamine transporter function in living single cells. Accumulation of the fluorescent dopamine transporter substrate trans-4-[4-(dimethylamino)styryl]-1-methylpyridinium (ASP(+)) in human embryonic kidney cells expressing human dopamine transporter was saturable and temperature-dependent. In cells co-expressing dopamine transporter and D3 receptors, the D2/D3 agonist quinpirole produced a rapid, concentration-dependent, and pertussis toxin-sensitive increase of ASP(+) uptake. Similar agonist effects were observed in Neuro2A cells and replicated in human embryonic kidney cells using a radioligand uptake assay in which binding to and activation of D3 receptors by [(3)H]dopamine was prevented. D3 receptor stimulation activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase and MAPK. Inhibition of either kinase prevented the quinpirole-induced increase in uptake. D3 receptor activation differentially affected dopamine transporter function and subcellular distribution depending on the duration of agonist exposure. Biotinylation experiments revealed that the rapid increase of uptake was associated with increased cell surface and decreased intracellular expression and increased dopamine transporter exocytosis. In contrast, prolonged agonist exposure reduced uptake and transporter cell surface expression. These results demonstrate that D3 receptors regulate dopamine transporter function and identify a novel mechanism by which D3 receptors regulate extracellular dopamine concentrations.  相似文献   

Vasopressin and bradykinin are two of the most important peptides in regulating vascular tone, water, and ionic balance in the body, and thus they play a key role in controlling blood pressure. In addition to being a potent vasoconstrictor, Vasopressin also has an antidiuretic activity in the kidney, whereas kinins regulate renal blood flow in addition to their vasodilatory and natriuretic activity. We review here the primary evidence for the localization of the vasopressin and kinin receptors and their role in ionic and water regulation in the kidney.  相似文献   

Angiotensin receptors: form and function and distribution   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The peptide hormone, angiotensin II, acts primarily via type I (AT(1)) and type II (AT(2)) angiotensin receptors. Proteolytic fragments of angiotensin II also have biological activity via these and other receptors, with actions that may mimic or antagonise angiotensin II. Most notably, a high affinity-binding site for angiotensin IV (the Val(3)-Phe(8) fragment of angiotensin II) has recently been identified as the insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP). While AT(1) and AT(2) receptors are seven transmembrane-spanning, G protein-coupled receptors with some well-established features of relevance to health and disease, the existence of separate receptor systems for angiotensin fragments offers exciting possibilities for new therapeutics to target the diverse actions of the angiotensin peptides.  相似文献   

APCs, including dendritic cells (DC), are central to Ag surveillance in the respiratory tract (RT). Research in this area is dominated by mouse studies on purportedly representative RT-APC populations derived from whole-lung digests, comprising mainly parenchymal tissue. Our recent rat studies identified major functional differences between DC populations from airway mucosal vs parenchymal tissue, thus seriously questioning the validity of this approach. We addressed this issue for the first time in the mouse by separately characterizing RT-APC populations from these two different RT compartments. CD11c(high) myeloid DC (mDC) and B cells were common to both locations, whereas a short-lived CD11c(neg) mDC was unique to airway mucosa and long-lived CD11c(high) macrophage and rapid-turnover multipotential precursor populations were predominantly confined to the lung parenchyma. Airway mucosal mDC were more endocytic and presented peptide to naive CD4+ T cells more efficiently than their lung counterparts. However, mDC from neither site could present whole protein without further maturation in vitro, or following trafficking to lymph nodes in vivo, indicating a novel mechanism whereby RT-DC function is regulated at the level of protein processing but not peptide loading for naive T cell activation.  相似文献   

We have characterized the muscarinic AChreceptors (mAChRs) expressed in Madin- Darby canine kidney (MDCK)strain II epithelial cells. Binding studies with themembrane-impermeable antagonist N-[3H]methylscopolaminedemonstrated that mAChRs are ~2.5 times more abundant on thebasolateral than on the apical surface. Apical, but not basolateral,mAChRs inhibited forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity inresponse to the agonist carbachol. Neither apical nor basolateralmAChRs exhibited detectable carbachol-stimulated phospholipase Cactivity. Carbachol application to the apical or the basolateralmembrane resulted in a threefold increase in intracellularCa2+ concentration, which wascompletely inhibited by pertussis toxin on the apical side andpartially inhibited on the basolateral side. RT-PCR analysis showedthat MDCK cells express the M4 and M5 receptor mRNAs. These datasuggest that M4 receptors reside on the apical and basolateral membranes of polarized MDCK strain IIcells and that the M5 receptor mayreside in the basolateral membrane of a subset of cells.


Evidence has been presented indicating the existence of distinct dopamine receptors in the brain. The experimental proof that two types of dopamine receptors--the excitation-mediating (DAe) receptors and the inhibition-mediating (DAi) receptors--exist in the snail brain is put forward. The functioning of DAi and DAe receptors in locomotor activity and stereotyped behavior is discussed along with implications of dopaminergic involvement in a gratification system.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the density of receptors and dissociation constants for dopamine D1- and D2-receptors in the striatum, n. accumbens with the olfactory tubercles and in the frontal cortex of Wistar rats, Norway rats and silver foxes. D1 binding was found to be significantly higher than D2 one in all the analysed brain structures of the animals studied, especially in the striatum. Although the analysis of D1- and D2-receptor binding kinetics revealed differences in Wistar and Norway rats, more significant differences were found between rats and silver foxes.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the surface polarity of both the cation-independent (CI-MPR) and the cation-dependent (CD-MPR) mannose 6-phosphate receptors in the epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line grown on polycarbonate filters. The surface localization was studied by plasma membrane domain-specific surface labeling methods and by confocal microscopy using MPR-specific antibodies. The CI-MPR was shown to be exclusively present on the basolateral cell surface. In contrast, the CD-MPR was expressed neither apically nor basolaterally. However, an intracellular pool of CD-MPR could be detected. In MDCKII-RCAr cells, cell surface CI-MPR was shown to recycle between the basolateral plasma membrane and the trans-Golgi network. After exogalactosylation, cell surface CI-MPR acquired sialic acid residues in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the basolateral CI-MPR was shown to be functional. Lysosomal enzymes, bearing the mannose 6-phosphate recognition marker, were taken up from the basolateral medium and endocytosed into the cells. Uptake of lysosomal enzymes from the apical side was insignificant and not MPR mediated. These results extend previous immunoelectron microscopic studies on the intracellular polarity of the CI-MPR (Parton, R. G., Prydz, K., Bomsel, M., Simons, K., and Griffiths, G. (1989) J. Cell Biol. 109, 3259-3272) which showed that the CI-MPR was present in basolateral early endosomes and in late endosomes but absent from apical early endosomes.  相似文献   

Thromboxane (TX) A2 effects in the kidneys include contraction of glomerular mesangial cells and intrarenal vascular tissue. A kidney cDNA encoding a TX receptor expressed in rat renal glomeruli and rat renal arterial smooth muscle cells has been reported. However, TXA2 receptors in human kidneys have not been documented. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize TXA2 receptors in glomeruli and intrarenal arteries isolated from human kidneys. Normal kidneys, not used for transplant because of technical reasons, were kept at -70 degrees C and used for research purposes. The glomeruli and intrarenal arteries were isolated from renal cortical tissue by a mechanical sieving technique. The equilibrium dissociation constant and receptor number were determined by nonlinear analysis of binding inhibition data. The data were generated in radioreceptor assays using [125I]-BOP, a stable analog of TXA2. The dissociation constants (mean +/- SEM) for binding of I-BOP to human glomeruli and intrarenal arterial membranes were 6.6 +/- 1.1 nM (n = 7) and 20 +/- 6 nM (n = 7), respectively (p < 0.05). The receptor number was 311 +/- 91 fmol/mg protein (n = 7) in glomeruli and 74 +/- 16 fmol/mg protein (n = 7) in intrarenal arterial membranes (p < 0.04). The order of specificity of TXA2 analogs for [125I]-BOP binding sites was similar in glomeruli and in arterial membranes and was I-BOP > or = U46619 > or = pinane TXA2 > or = carbocyclic TXA2 > or = PGH2. These findings provide direct evidence for the presence of specific, high-affinity [125I]-BOP binding sites in human renal glomeruli and extraglomerular vascular tissue. These data also indicate that the human binding sites have higher affinity for the TXA2 agonist I-BOP than for PGH2.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) has satisfied many of the criteria for being a major neurochemical in vertebrate retinae. It is synthesized in amacrine and/or interplexiform cells (depending on species) and released upon membrane depolarization in a calcium-dependent way. Strong evidence suggests that it is normally released within the retina during light adaptation, although flickering and not so much steady light stimuli have been found to be most effective in inducing endogenous dopamine release. DA action is not restricted to those neurones which appear to be in "direct" contact with pre-synaptic dopaminergic terminals. Neurones that are several microns away from such terminals can also be affected, presumably by short diffusion of the chemical. DA thus affects the activity of many cell types in the retina. In photoreceptors, it induces retinomotor movements, but inhibits disc shedding acting via D2 receptors, without significantly altering their electrophysiological responses. DA has two main effects upon horizontal cells: it uncouples their gap junctions and, independently, enhances the efficacy of their photoreceptor inputs, both effects involving D1 receptors. In the amphibian retina, where horizontal cells receive mixed rod and cone inputs, DA alters their balance in favour of the cone input, thus mimicking light adaptation. Light-evoked DA release also appears to be responsible for potentiating the horizontal cell-->cone negative feed-back pathway responsible for generation of multi-phasic, chromatic S-potentials. However, there is little information concerning action of DA upon bipolar and amacrine cells. DA effects upon ganglion cells have been investigated in mammalian (cat and rabbit) retinae. The results suggest that there are both synaptic and non-synaptic D1 and D2 receptors on all physiological types of ganglion cell tested. Although the available data cannot readily be integrated, the balance of evidence suggests that dopaminergic neurones are involved in the light/dark adaptation process in the mammalian retina. Studies of the DA system in vertebrate retinae have contributed greatly to our understanding of its role in vision as well as DA neurobiology generally in the central nervous system. For example, the effect of DA in uncoupling horizontal cells is one of the earliest demonstrations of the uncoupling of electrotonic junctions by a neurally released chemical. The many other, diverse actions of DA in the retina reviewed here are also likely to become model modes of neurochemical action in the nervous system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The family of genes encoding G-protein-coupled dopamine receptors continues to grow with the recent cloning of a fifth member. The availability of these clones has revolutionized the dopamine receptor field. Expression of individual dopamine receptors is permitting the detailed analysis of their pharmacology and coupling to second messenger systems, while probes based on the receptors' nucleotide sequences are being used to gain new insights into their tissue distribution and genetics.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) was originally identified because of its essential role in regulating reproduction in all vertebrates. Since then, three phylogenetically related GnRH decapeptides have been characterized in vertebrates and invertebrates. Almost all tetrapods investigated have at least two GnRH forms (GnRH1 and GnRH2) in the central nervous system. From distributional and functional studies in vertebrates, GnRH1 in the hypothalamus projects predominantly to the pituitary and regulates reproduction via gonadotropin release. GnRH2, which is located in the midbrain, projects to the whole brain and is thought to be involved in sexual behaviour and food intake. GnRH3, located in the forebrain, has only been found in teleost fish and appears to be involved in sexual behaviour, as well as, in some fish species, gonadotropin release. Multiple GnRH receptors (GnRH‐Rs), G‐protein‐coupled receptors regulate endocrine functions and neural transmissions in vertebrates. Phylogenetic and structural analyses of coding sequences show that all vertebrate GnRH‐Rs cluster into two main receptor types comprised of four subfamilies. This suggests that at least two rounds of GnRH receptor gene duplications may have occurred in different groups within each lineage. Functional studies suggest that two particular subfamilies of GnRH receptors have independently evolved to act as species‐specific endocrine modulators in the pituitary, and these show the greatest variety in regulating neuron networks in the brain. Given the long evolutionary history of the GnRH system, it seems likely that much more remains to be understood about its roles in behaviour and function of vertebrates.  相似文献   

H Lal 《Life sciences》1975,17(4):483-495
Acute systematic administration of narcotic analgesics increases the firing rate of nerve cells in the zona compacta of the substantia nigra, causes an increase in the rate of dopamine turnover in striatal and mesolimbic areas of the brain, stimulates prolactin release, inhibits brain self-stimulation and discriminated shock-avoidance, blocks cardiovascular effects of systemically injected dopamine, blocks aggression as well as compulsive jumping in mice treated with DOPA and amphetamine, antagonizes stereotypy induced by apomorphine or amphetamine, and blocks apomorphine-induced vomiting in dogs. Chronic administration of narcotic analgesics results in withdrawal signs upon the cessation of the drug administration. These signs include, tolerance to the increase in striatal dopamine turnover caused by narcotic analgesics or haloperidol, aggressive behaviors which are further stimulated by directly or indirectly acting dopamine-receptor agonists and are blocked by dopamine-receptor blockers, facilitation of recovery from the “lateral hypothalamic syndrome”, an increase in basal levels of striatal adenylate cyclase which shows greater sensitivity to dopamine, and, an enhanced sensitivity to apomorphine-induced reduction of dopamine turnover. It is therefore, concluded that acute administration of narcotic drugs results in an inhibition of dopamine-receptor activity while chronic administration of these drugs results in an increased response of these dopamine receptors to dopamine agonists. Recent experiments on the interaction of other drugs with narcotic analgesics suggest that, unlike the direct action of neuroleptics on the dopamine receptors, the narcotic action on dopamine receptors is indirect.  相似文献   

Dopamine has been recognized as an important modulator of central as well as peripheral physiologic functions in both humans and animals. Dopamine receptors have been identified in a number of organs and tissues, which include several regions within the central nervous system, sympathetic ganglia and postganglionic nerve terminals, various vascular beds, the heart, the gastrointestinal tract, and the kidney. The peripheral dopamine receptors influence cardiovascular and renal function by decreasing afterload and vascular resistance and promoting sodium excretion. Within the kidney, dopamine receptors are present along the nephron, with highest density on proximal tubule epithelial cells. It has been reported that there is a defective dopamine receptor, especially D(1) receptor function, in the proximal tubule of various animal models of hypertension as well as in humans with essential hypertension. Recent reports have revealed the site of and the molecular mechanisms responsible for the defect in D(1) receptors in hypertension. Moreover, recent studies have also demonstrated that the disruption of various dopamine receptor subtypes and their function produces hypertension in rodents. In this review, we present evidence that dopamine and dopamine receptors play an important role in regulating renal sodium excretion and that defective renal dopamine production and/or dopamine receptor function may contribute to the development of various forms of hypertension.  相似文献   

K A Young  R E Wilcox 《Life sciences》1991,48(19):1845-1852
We kinetically characterized D2 receptors in thalami pooled from a group of Sprague-Dawley rats and then determined thalamic levels of dopamine (DA), homovanillic acid (HVA), dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), and norepinephrine (NE) in relation to a measure of thalamic DA D2 receptor densities in another group of rats. The equilibrium dissociation constant (kd) was estimated as 0.1 nM by three independent methods, while the Bmax for thalamic D2 receptors was found to be 6.4 fmol/mg p using 3H-spiperone as ligand and ketanserin to occlude 5HT2 binding. Kinetic constants were in agreement with previously reported kinetic data from rodent caudate-putamen. This suggests that thalamic D2 receptors are similar to D2 receptors from other brain areas. Mean thalamic levels of DA (22.6 ng/mg p), DOPAC (1.19 ng/mg p) and HVA (0.31 ng/mg p) concur with previous reports of a sparse distribution of thalamic DA neurons. D2 receptor densities were positively correlated with DA metabolites DOPAC (P less than .05; r = 0.423) and HVA (P less than .05; r = 0.368), but not DA or NE. These results establish fundamental characteristics of thalamic DA neurotransmission to assist in the investigation of behavioral pharmacology of this area.  相似文献   

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