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New methods have been recently developed to explore selectively presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents in humans. They have allowed us to describe a highly specialized organisation in these pathways. A differential control has been disclosed during voluntary movements among various motoneuronal pools: at the onset of a selective voluntary contraction presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents projecting to the 'contracting' motoneurons is strongly decreased whereas presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents to antagonistic or synergistic motoneuronal pools, not involved in the contraction, is increased. Indirect arguments suggested that these modulations are centrally patterned. A differential control has been also disclosed between upper and lower limb pathways. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation to induce a descending corticospinal volley, we have shown that a corticospinal volley inhibits preferentially 'presynaptic interneurons'at the lumbar spinal level, an effect which is strengthened by a cutaneous input whereas it preferentially activates 'presynaptic interneurons' at the cervical spinal level, an effect which is inverted by a cutaneous input.  相似文献   

Modulation of the Aplysia gill withdrawal reflex by dopamine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability of dopamine to modulate gill contractions was tested in Aplysia. When dopamine was perfused through the gill vasculature, gill contractions caused by siphon stimulation (gill withdrawal reflex) and by depolarization of the gill motor neuron L7 were increased in amplitude, as compared with those evoked during seawater perfusion. Habituation of gill movements, brought about by repetitive stimulation of the siphon or of L7, was prevented by dopamine. Despite the absence of reflex habituation, the number of action potentials in central gill motor neurons, evoked by siphon stimulation, showed normal decrement. Dopamine's effects were blocked when the ctenidial nerve was cut or when L7 hyperpolarized. These data suggest that dopamine acts peripherally to increase the efficacy of L7's synaptic transmission onto gill muscle or elements of the gill neural plexus.  相似文献   

During static conditions the nociceptive reflex is known to vary as a function of, for example, the stimulus position, stimulus intensity, and muscle contraction. The aim of the present human study was to investigate whether the reflex and the corresponding perception of pain are modulated by cyclic movements of the limb involved. Reflexes, evoked by nociceptive electric stimulation of the sural nerve, were recorded from the biceps femoris and the rectus femoris muscles in eight volunteers. Four different experiments were performed to compare the nociceptive reflex and pain score elicited during active isometric/dynamic flexion/extension of the knee joint. The amplitudes of the reflexes were largest for the dynamic conditions. The reflexes, evoked during dynamic extension and isometric contraction of the rectus femoris muscle, had the shortest latencies but the recordings from the biceps femoris muscle were larger than from the rectus femoris muscle. Knee joint angle recordings showed that the largest angle variations occurred for the dynamic conditions and were only marginally disturbed for the isometric conditions. A given stimulus intensity evoked the highest pain intensity during isometric contractions. This indicates that there would seem to be no causal relationship between the size of the nociceptive reflex and the pain intensity.  相似文献   

Several investigations have shown that the vagal nerve can affect the reflex responses of the masticatory muscles acting at level either of trigeminal motoneurons or of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (MTN). The present experiments have been devoted to establish the origin of the vagal afferent fibres involved in modulating the masseteric reflex. In particular, the gastric vagal afferents were taken into consideration and selective stimulations of such fibres were performed in rabbit. Conditioning electrical stimulation of truncus vagalis ventralis (TVV) reduced the excitability of the MTN cells as shown by a decrease of the antidromic response recorded from the semilunar ganglion and elicited by MTN single-shock electrical stimulation. Sympathetic and cardiovascular influences were not involved in these responses. Mechanical stimulation of gastric receptors, by means of gastric distension, clearly diminished the amplitude of twitch tension of masseteric reflex and inhibited the discharge frequency of proprioceptive MTN units. The effect was phasic and depended upon the velocity of distension. Thus the sensory volleys originating from rapid adapting receptors reach the brain stem through vagal afferents and by means of a polysynaptic connection inhibits the masseteric reflex at level of MTN cells.  相似文献   

Excitability of the corticospinal pathway increases during observation of an action. However, how corticospinal excitability changes during observation of sequential actions in the course of acquiring novel skills (observational learning) remains unexplored. To investigate this, we used a previously unpracticed sequence of ten hand postures. Participants were asked to repeat observation and replication of the sequence. This block of observation and replication was repeated 5 times. During observation of a given hand posture (OK sign), motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation were recorded from hand muscles. In experiment 1, the OK sign appeared in the 9th position of the sequence. Almost all participants could replicate the OK sign only at the 5th block of the experiment. MEP amplitude was greater than that in the control, and decreased with the stages. This suggested that during observational learning of sequential hand postures MEP changed with the progress of the learning. To evaluate this idea, we performed two additional experiments. In experiment 2, the OK sign appeared in the 2nd position. Almost all participants replicated the OK sign even in the 1st block. The MEP amplitude did not change across stages. In experiment 3, the OK sign appeared in the 9th position, but the order of other signs was randomized in every stage. Many participants were not able to replicate the OK sign even during the 5th block of the experiment. The MEP amplitude did not change across stages. These results suggest that: (1) During observational learning modulation of corticospinal excitability is associated with the learning process. (2) Corticospinal excitability decreases as learning progresses.  相似文献   

We recently identified a vagally mediated excitatory lung reflex by injecting hypertonic saline into the lung parenchyma (Yu J, Zhang JF, and Fletcher EC. J Appl Physiol 85: 1485-1492, 1998). This reflex increased amplitude and burst rate of phrenic (inspiratory) nerve activity and suppressed external oblique abdominal (expiratory) muscle activity. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that bradykinin may activate extravagal pathways to stimulate breathing by assessing its reflex effects on respiratory drive. Bradykinin (1 microg/kg in 0.1 ml) was injected into the lung parenchyma of anesthetized, open-chest and artificially ventilated rabbits. In most cases, bradykinin increased phrenic amplitude, phrenic burst rate, and expiratory muscle activity. However, a variety of breathing patterns resulted, ranging from hyperpnea and tachypnea to rapid shallow breathing and apnea. Bradykinin acts like hypertonic saline in producing hyperpnea and tachypnea, yet the two agents clearly differ. Bradykinin produced a higher ratio of phrenic amplitude to inspiratory time and had longer latency than hypertonic saline. Although attenuated, bradykinin-induced respiratory responses persisted after vagotomy. We conclude that bradykinin activates multiple afferent pathways in the lung; portions of its respiratory reflexes are extravagal and arise from sympathetic afferents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a change in respiratory sensation accompanies an increase in CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) in the absence of any changes in the level and pattern of thoracic displacement and respiratory muscle force. Eleven normal subjects were artificially hyperventilated with a positive-pressure mechanical respirator. In separate trials the tidal volume (VT) was set at 10 and 18 ml/kg and the frequency of ventilation (f) was adjusted to maintain the base-line end-tidal PCO2 at approximately 30 Torr. Thereafter, at a constant controlled VT and f, the PCO2 was progressively increased by raising the inspired CO2 concentration. There were no changes in respiratory motor activity as determined from the peak inspiratory airway pressure (Paw) until the PCO2 reached 40.8 +/- 1.0 and 40.1 +/- 1.0 (SE) Torr in the large and small VT trials, respectively. Initially there was no conscious awareness of the change in respiratory activity. Subjects first signaled that ventilatory needs were not being satisfied only after a further increase in PCO2 to 44.7 +/- 1.3 and 42.3 +/- 1.0 (SE) Torr in the large and small VT trials and after the Paw had fallen to 55-60% of the base-line value. The results suggest that changes in respiratory sensation produced by increasing chemical drive are a consequence of increases in respiratory efferent activity, but a direct effect of changes in PCO2 on respiratory sensation cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Unilateral transection of bulbar pyramid performed prior to ablation of the ipsilateral sensomotor cortex was shown to facilitate recovery of operant conditioning and compensatory processes in rats. There was no such corticofugal plasticity in ablation of the sensomotor cortex alone. The phenomenon may be explained by switching of descending influences on the cortico-rubrospinal system through participation of the loop: corticorubral projection--red nucleus--inferior olive--cerebellum--thalamus--cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine what roles the various cerebellar deep nuclei (CDN) play in modulation of respiration, especially during chemical challenges. Experiments were carried out in 12 anesthetized, tracheotomized, paralyzed, and ventilated rats. The integrated phrenic nerve activity (integralPN) was recorded as an index of respiratory motor output. A stimulating electrode was sequentially placed into the fastigial nucleus (FN), the interposed nucleus, and the lateral nucleus. Only stimulation of the FN significantly altered respiration, primarily via increasing respiratory frequency associated with a pressor response. The evoked respiratory responses persisted after blocking the pressor response via pretreatment with phenoxybenzamine or use of transient stimulation (<2 s) but were abolished by microinjection of kainic acid into the FN. To test the involvement of FN neurons in respiratory chemoreflexes, ventilation with hypercapnic gases mixture and intravenous injection of sodium cyanide were applied before and after CDN lesions induced by kainic acid. CDN lesions did not significantly alter eupneic breathing, but FN lesions attenuated the respiratory response to hypercapnia and sodium cyanide. We conclude that, with respect to the CDN in the rat, FN neurons uniquely modulate respiration independent of cardiovascular effects and facilitate respiratory responses mediated by activation of CO(2) and O(2) receptors.  相似文献   

Cough reflex changes in local tracheitis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors describe changes in the cough reflex in unanaesthetized cats with experimental local tracheitis. Inflammation was produced by a silk suture fixed in the trachea and cough was elicited by mechanical stimulation of different parts of the respiratory tract mucosa. The resultant cough values (the number of efforts, the intensity of the maximum effort and the intensity of the attack) were compared with the corresponding values in healthy cats. In animals with a tracheal suture, inflammation was confined to the trachea. The intensity of cough elicited by stimulation of this region increased significantly compared with normal (on the 15th to 17th day of inflammation), whereas cough elicited from the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial region did not. On about the 20th day of inflammation the authors found a decrease in the intensity of the maximum effort of cough elicited from the inflamed part of the trachea and a decrease in the intensity of the maximum effort and the intensity of the coughing attack elicited from the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial region. They assume that the decrease could have been due to the development of protective inhibition in central structures participating in integration of the cough reflex.  相似文献   

The human respiratory neural drive has an automatic component (bulbospinal pathway) and a volitional component (corticospinal pathway). The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a hypercapnia-induced increase in the automatic respiratory drive on the function of the diaphragmatic corticospinal pathway as independently as possible of any other influence. Thirteen healthy volunteers breathed room air and then 5 and 7% hyperoxic CO2. Cervical (cms) and transcranial (tms) magnetic stimulations were performed during early inspiration and expiration. Transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) and surface electromyogram of the diaphragm (DiEMG) and of the abductor pollicis brevis (apbEMG) were recorded in response to cms and tms. During inspiration, Pdi,cms was unaffected by CO2, but Pdi,tms increased significantly with 7% CO2. During expiration, Pdi,cms was significantly reduced by CO2, whereas Pdi,tms was preserved. DiEMG,tms latencies decreased significantly during early inspiration and expiration (air vs. 5% CO2 and air vs. 7% CO2). DiEMG,tms amplitude increased significantly in response to early expiration-tms (air vs. 5% CO2 and air vs. 7% CO2) but not in response to early inspiration-tms. DiEMG,cms latencies and amplitudes were not affected by CO2 whereas 7% CO2 significantly increased the apbEMG,cms latency. The apbEMG,tms vs. apbEMG,cms latency difference was unaffected by CO2. In conclusion, increasing the automatic drive to breathe facilitates the response of the diaphragm to tms, during both inspiration and expiration. This could allow the corticospinal drive to breathe to keep the capacity to modulate respiration in conditions under which the automatic respiratory control is stimulated.  相似文献   

The quantification of respiratory variability may provide insight into the integrative control of breathing. To test the hypothesis that sleep and/or increased chemical drive modifies respiratory variability, six male adult Sprague-Dawley rats were instrumented with diaphragm electromyographic (EMG) electrodes and exposed to 0, 2.5, and 5.0% CO2 with a balance of room air during wakefulness and behaviorally determined sleep. Respiratory interval (Ttot), peak diaphragm EMG, and ventilation index (peak diaphragm EMG/Ttot) were calculated for 1,024 sequential breaths. The variability of breathing was quantified with a measurement of signal complexity, the approximate entropy, and two autocorrelation measurements, the autoregressive power spectrum slope and the detrended fluctuation analysis slope. Elevated chemical drive and/or sleep significantly modulated the variability of ventilation index and Ttot. There were also significant interactions between state and CO2 drive in all respiratory parameters. We conclude that state (sleep or wakefulness) and increased chemical drive affect respiratory variability differentially.  相似文献   

Stimulation of chemo-, irritant, and pulmonary C-fiber receptors reflexly constricts airway smooth muscle and alters ventilation in mature animals. These reflex responses of airway smooth muscle have, however, not been clearly characterized during early development. In this study we compared the maturation of reflex pathways regulating airway smooth muscle tone and ventilation in anesthetized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated 2- to 3- and 10-wk-old piglets. Tracheal smooth muscle tension was measured from an open tracheal segment by use of a force transducer, and phrenic nerve activity was measured from a proximal cut end of the phrenic nerve. Inhalation of 7% CO2 caused a transient increase in tracheal tension in both age groups, whereas hypoxia caused no airway smooth muscle response in either group. The phrenic responses to 7% CO2 and 12% O2 were comparable in both age groups. Lung deflation and capsaicin (20 micrograms/kg iv) administration did not alter tracheal tension in the younger piglets but caused tracheal tension to increase by 87 +/- 28 and 31 +/- 10%, respectively, in the older animals (both P less than 0.05). In contrast, phrenic response to both stimuli was comparable between ages: deflation increased phrenic activity while capsaicin induced neural apnea. Laryngeal stimulation did not increase tracheal tension but induced neural apnea in both age groups. These data demonstrate that between 2 and 10 wk of life, piglets exhibit developmental changes in the reflex responses of airway smooth muscle situated in the larger airways in response to irritant and C-fiber but not chemoreceptor stimulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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