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Theodolite tracking (61 d; 251 h) was used to quantify dolphin reactions to boats and swimmers in the austral summers of 1995-1996 and 1996-1997. Dolphins were accompanied by swimmers (within 200 m) for 11.2% of the total observation time, whereas boats accounted for an additional 12.4%. Dolphins were not displaced by either of these activities. Swimmers caused only weak, non-significant effects, perhaps because dolphins could very easily avoid them. Reactions to the dolphin-watching boat were stronger. Analyses of relative orientation indicate that dolphins tended to approach the vessel in the initial stages of an encounter but became less interested as the encounter progressed. By 70 min into an encounter dolphins were either actively avoiding the boat or equivocal towards it, approaching significantly less often than would be expected by chance. Analyses of group dispersion indicate that dolphins were significantly more tightly bunched when a boat was in the bay.  相似文献   

The coastal distribution of Hector's dolphins and their attraction to vessels make them easily accessible to commercial tour operations. For over 25 yr, tour operators have been undertaking view and swim‐with‐dolphin trips in Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand. Since 2003, auditory stimulants, in particular stones, have been provided during such swim encounters. The potential effects associated with such stimulants have not, until now, been examined. Here, we investigate the effects of stones and other human‐induced noise on Hector's dolphin behavior. The use of stones significantly affected how dolphins interacted with swimmers. Specifically, swimmers who used stones had a greater probability of close approaches by dolphins than those who sang or simply floated on the surface of the water. The number of close and sustained approaches was also significantly higher for swimmers using stones. Dolphins were more interactive with active swimmers, approaching closer and engaging for longer than with nonactive swimmers. Dolphins socializing had a tendency to be engaged longer with swimmers. The use of stones as an auditory stimulant to sustain or enhance interactions with dolphins by artificial means may not be in the best interest of an endangered species, which already faces a range of challenges due to human activity.  相似文献   

The behavior of dolphins in four Swim-With-Dolphin programs was compared by type of Swim encounter, defined by the presence ("Controlled") or absence ("Not-Controlled") of explicit trainer regulation of interactions between dolphins and human swimmers. Dolphin-swimmer interactions involving aggressive, submissive, or sexual behavior were designated as "high-risk" in the Swim context; sexual behavior was included as high-risk based on analyses that demonstrated co-occurrence of sexual and agonistic behaviors. High-risk activity comprised a substantial proportion of dolphin-swimmer social activity during Not-Controlled Swims. In contrast, high-risk activity rarely occurred during Controlled Swims, even though agonistic and sexual behaviors were normal components of the same dolphins' free-time social repertoire. These results indicated that direct trainer control of dolphin-swimmer interactions virtually eliminated high-risk activity from the Swim context, and thereby diminished the potential for dolphin distress, swimmer injury, and rejection of dolphins from Swim programs due to swimmer injury. This study illustrates effective use of quantitative behavioral sampling techniques for evaluation of captive management concerns and promotes broader use of these techniques for a better understanding of cetacean behavior.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of abundance and distribution for coastal migratory Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that appear seasonally in the nearshore waters of Virginia Beach, Virginia. The study was conducted along 24 km of shoreline at the southern point of the Chesapeake Bay mouth from April 1994 to March 1995. This is the first study to investigate the relationship between the abundance of coastal migratory dolphins and factors that might affect their movement. A profile analysis of variance revealed significant differences in local abundance and distribution throughout the year. Dolphin number was positively correlated with water temperature and not correlated with photoperiod. Although prey distribution and abundance are two factors thought to affect dolphin presence, in this study the relationship between these two factors and dolphin abundance was unclear. Greater numbers of dolphins were found in the ocean section of the study area. However, significantly higher ratios of neonatal dolphins were observed in the bay section, suggesting the bay serves as a nursery area. The observed relationship between local dolphin abundance and environmental factors in Virginia may provide insight into dolphin distribution and migration along the Atlantic coast of the United States.  相似文献   

Spotted dolphins in the eastern Pacific Ocean associate with yellowfin tuna. During the chase and encirclement phases of purse-seining for tunas, dolphin attempt to evade encirclement with the purse-seine net. We used data on evasive behavior (1982–2001) and numbers of purse-seine sets (1959–2001) to study the relationship between evasion and fishing effort. Results show that in nearshore areas first exploited by the fishery in the early 1960s, dolphins exhibited high evasion, but with a limited correlation between evasion and cumulative effort. In areas farther offshore next exploited in the mid-to late-1960s, dolphins showed high evasion and a significant correlation between evasion and cumulative effort. Dolphins in far-western and southern areas, first exploited in the late 1960s to early 1970s, exhibited low evasion, with little relationship to cumulative effort. We hypothesize that this spatial pattern is the result of two types of pressure from fishing: early effort in nearshore areas with a high risk of mortality that generated a lasting evasive response, followed by a longer period of even greater effort but with lower risk of mortality that generated evasion by longer-term learning.  相似文献   

Tuna purse-seiners in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) capture yellowfin tuna by chasing and encircling herds of associated dolphins. This fishery has caused mortality in 14 dolphin species (20 stocks) and has led to significant depletions of at least three stocks. Although observed dolphin mortality is currently low, set frequency remains high and dolphin stocks are not recovering at expected rates. Mortality of nursing calves permanently separated from their mothers during fishery operations may be an important factor in the lack of population recovery, based on the recent discovery that calves do not accompany 75%–95% of lactating females killed in the purse-seine nets. We assessed age-specific potential for mother–calf separations and subsequent mortality of calves by reviewing and synthesizing published data on physiological and behavioral development in delphinids from birth through 3 yr postpartum. Results indicate that evasive behavior of mothers, coupled with the developmental state of calves, provides a plausible mechanism for set-related mother–calf separations and subsequent mortality of calves. Potential for set-related separation and subsequent mortality is highest for 0–12-mo-old dolphins and becomes progressively lower with age as immature dolphins approach adult stamina and attain independence.  相似文献   

Residence patterns of inshore bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) in the Stono River estuary, Charleston County, South Carolina were investigated as part of a larger effort to better understand stock structure of these dolphins along the east coast of the United States. Eighty-seven small-boat surveys for bottlenose dolphins were conducted from October 1994 through January 1996. Dolphins were sighted during all surveys. Approximately 304 h were spent surveying the study area; 64% ( n = 196 h) of this time was spent observing and videotaping dolphins. A catalog, containing 112 individually identified dolphins was compiled. Thirty-two percent ( n = 36) of identified dolphins were sighted once, while 28% ( n = 31) were sighted five or more times. Nineteen percent ( n = 21) of identified dolphins were determined to be year-round residents; eight percent ( n = 9) seasonal residents. The majority (64%, n = 72) of identified dolphins were sighted in the study area during a single season or in two consecutive seasons and were classified as transients. This study documents the northernmost known site of a resident bottlenose dolphin community on the east coast of the United States, suggesting a complex bottlenose dolphin stock structure.  相似文献   

In the first scientific experiment of its kind, two young male bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) were captured in Tampa Bay, Florida, and then returned to the wild at the same locale in October 1990, after two years in captivity. The dolphins' age/sex class and the capture and release site were selected prior to their collection. The ranging and social association patterns of the host community were examined prior to, and, including the two animals, after release. The dolphins remained together for the first month, then began interacting more with other dolphins and less with each other. Within the first year, one dolphin returned to the waters near his capture site and has remained there at least through September 1993. The other dolphin has remained in his original home range at least through June 1996. Observations of each dolphin have shown them to be fully integrated into the local dolphin societies. They displayed typical behavioral, ranging, and social association patterns. Their body condition has been excellent at each observation. They have not been observed interacting with humans. The apparent success of this experiment cannot necessarily be generalized to all potential candidates for return to the wild, but the results can be used to guide future experiments.  相似文献   

Morbillivirus infection is widespread among odontocetes of the western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Serologic evidence of infection in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , was first detected during an epizootic along the mid-Atlantic coast in 1987. Here, we report recurrent epizootics in the coastal dolphin population since at least the early 1980s based on serological surveys and regional stranding frequencies. The first observed epizootic of this series occurred in the Indian and Banana Rivers in 1982 and was followed by others on the mid-Atlantic coast in 1987–1988 and in the Gulf of Mexico between 1992 and 1994. This temporal pattern of infection is likely facilitated by the population size and its fragmentation into relatively discrete coastal communities. Introduction of morbillivirus into a community with a sufficient number of naive hosts may precipitate an epizootic, depending on the potential for transmission within the group. Propagation of an epizootic along the coast is probably determined by frequency of contact between adjacent communities and seasonal migrations.
Morbillivirus antibodies were also detected in serum from offshore bottlenose dolphins. The sero-prevalence in the latter may be higher than in coastal dolphins because of their close association with enzootically infected pilot whales ( Globicephala spp.). Occasional contact between offshore and coastal dolphins may provide an epizootiologic link between pilot whales and coastal dolphin communities.  相似文献   

Residency patterns and population size were examined for Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops aduncus ) in the coastal waters of Amakusa-Shimoshima Island, western Kyushu, Japan, from summer 1994 to fall 1998. A total of 203 individuals were identified. The number of newly identified individuals barely increased after the first 1.5 yr. The identified individuals in one season were frequently resighted with percentages of mostly over 60% during the subsequent seasons. Most of the dolphins off Amakusa were yearround residents, although the total range of their habitat was unknown. The population size estimated by the mark-recapture technique was 218 individuals with a CV of 5.41% in 1995–1997. The group commonly consisted of more than 100 individuals. The large group size was thought to be a response to feeding on schooling fishes.  相似文献   


In recent years, dolphin-assisted therapy has become very popular, and an increasing number of facilities worldwide are offering therapy programs that incorporate dolphins. We observed 83 sessions with five dolphins at “Dolphins Plus,” USA, and 37 sessions with 13 dolphins at “Dolphin Reef.” Israel, during unstructured swim-with-the-dolphin programs. Both facilities are fenced sea pens with ocean water. Our detailed observations focused on contact and distance behaviors between dolphins and amongst dolphins with different groups of human swimmers: adults, children and children with mental and physical disabilities at “Dolphins Plus,” and adults only at “Dolphin Reef.” The dolphins at “Dolphins Plus” showed some signs of stress such as avoidance, speed increase, higher metabolism and intensification of a subgroup. These signs were most evident when the dolphins were with adult swimmers. In contrast, the dolphins at “Dolphin Reef” seemed to be attracted to adult swimmers. We will discuss these opposing findings with reference to the different housing conditions. Our results indicate that limited space results in a reduction of the dolphins' attraction for swimmers.  相似文献   


Published eyewitness accounts and stories from Aboriginal Australians are used to provide an overview of the geographical extent and characteristics of cooperative fishing between Aboriginal Australians and dolphins in eastern Australia. These sources indicate that cooperative fishing was geographically widespread in eastern Australia, involved both bottlenose dolphins and orcas, and had a significance (emotional and spiritual) to Aboriginal people beyond the acquisition of food. These fishing interactions represent both context and precedent for the economic and emotional objectives of contemporary human–dolphin interactions such as dolphin provisioning.  相似文献   

Capture‐recapture methods relying on dorsal fin natural markings have never been applied successfully to striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, and were rarely used to assess abundance of short‐beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis. We used digital photo‐identification to obtain abundance estimates of striped and common dolphins living in mixed groups in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The proportion of either species was calculated based on the relative number of photographs of adult animals showing relevant portions of their body during conspicuous surfacings. Striped dolphins and common dolphins averaged 95.0% and 3.2% of all individuals, respectively. Animals showing intermediate pigmentation accounted for another 1.8%. Striped dolphin numbers were relatively high, with a point estimate of 835 animals (95% CI = 631–1,106). Common dolphins numbers were low (point estimate 28 animals; 95% CI = 11–73) and individuals were scattered within striped dolphin groups, indicating that this common dolphin population may be nonviable. Within a semiclosed Gulf exposed to considerable anthropogenic impact, the future of both dolphin species is of concern due to their suspected geographic isolation and restricted extent of occurrence. Information provided here can be used to inform timely conservation efforts.  相似文献   

This study summarizes occurrence of Pacific white-sided dolphins ( Lagenorhyncus obliquidens ) in the Broughton Archipelago on the west coast of Canada, from October 1984 through December 1998. Dolphins were detected on 472 d. The annual percent of total occurrence rose from 0.4% in 1984 to 19% in 1994 and then declined to 2% in 1998. Seasonal occurrence peaked from 1 October through January. Dolphin group size ranged from 2 to 1,000; the most common range was 11-50. While unreported for the Broughton Archipelago prior to 1984, the species is represented by teeth distributed throughout the past 2,000 yr of First Nations midden sediment, suggesting sporadic long-term occurrence. Increased water temperature from the 1937–1984 mean of 8.6°C, to the 1985–1998 mean of 9.3°C and increased abundance of two fish populations in the study area are considered potential factors in the recent increase in occurrence. Of the 675 naturally marked dolphins that were photo-identified, 214 were resighted. A pair of dolphins was photographed swimming in tandem, fourteen months apart. Tight groups, of five or fewer extensively scarred dolphins with extremely falcate dorsal fins were seen within every aggregation of over 50 animals, suggesting the existence of all-male associations. Prey species were collected from 25 encounters with feeding dolphins; they included herring ( Clupea harengus ), capelin ( Mallotus villosus ), and Pacific sardine ( Sardinops sagax ). Predation on eulachon ( Thaleichthys pacificus ) is suspected. Unreported for the Broughton Archipelago, the capelin sampled in this study may belong to the Bering Sea population. Pacific sardines returned to commercial viability on the British Columbia coast in 1997 after a 60-yr population collapse. Dolphin frequency of occurrence declined following introduction of underwater acoustic deterrent devices into the study area.  相似文献   

Cognitive enrichment aims to provide animals with opportunities to use their cognitive skills and to promote behaviors associated with positive wellbeing. Cooperation in mammals has been recorded during various behavioral contexts such as hunting, mating, playing, and parental care. Coordinated activity, often with some level of problem-solving action included, is required during cooperation. To investigate dolphins’ ability for collaborative problem-solving, an enrichment device was introduced to two adult male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). The device contained fish and ice and was designed to be opened by simultaneously pulling on both ends. After repeated presentation, it became apparent that only one dolphin had active interest in the device. To facilitate opportunities for problem-solving by this individual, an alternative collaborator, a human partner, was provided. Still, both dolphins had access to the device throughout the entire experiment. After the first opening, the same dolphin was highly successful in collaborating with the human in both joined (93%) and delayed (100%) partner conditions. The device provided a novel opportunity for the dolphin to use his cognitive skills. Even though only one dolphin participated actively, both dolphins showed varying degrees of interest to the device throughout the study. Both dolphins spent an average of 48% and 16% of their time, respectively, with the device, which resulted in a significant decrease in their other two most frequently observed behaviors: swimming and poolside observation. As a novel cognitive challenge, the device may be considered as a type of cognitive enrichment.  相似文献   

Despite their high abundance and wide distribution, little is known about the historical or current growth and age structure of coastal bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Between 1986 and 2003, teeth were collected from bottlenose dolphins stranded on the mainland coast of Mississippi and the adjacent barrier islands. Bottlenose dolphin strandings occurred year round, peaking in March and April. Neonate strandings also peaked during these 2 mo. Age estimates were obtained from 111 animals by reading the growth layer groups in the dentine layer of the teeth. The ages ranged from <1 yr to 30 yr of age. The two-stage Laird–Gompertz growth model was fitted to the total length and age data. On the basis of this model, the asymptotic lengths were estimated at 250 cm for females and 255 cm for males. The length at birth estimates were 98–103 cm for females and 100–107 cm for males. These lengths are similar to those of bottlenose dolphin populations from other Gulf of Mexico areas and from the North Atlantic Ocean along the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

Photo-identification surveys conducted between 2002 and 2005 were used to determine dolphin home ranges and site fidelity within the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida. The IRL was divided into six segments based on hydrodynamics and geographic features for purposes of characterization. Among the 615 dolphins with identifiable dorsal fins, 339 had ≥6 sightings and were used in segment and linear range analyses. The majority (98%) of dolphins were seen in ≤3 consecutive segments (331/339); of these, 44% (144/331) occurred in two segments, and 33% (109/331) in one segment. No dolphins were observed in all six segments. The largest number of dolphins was sighted in segment 1C (North Indian River). However, the highest density of dolphins was found in segment 2 (North-Central Indian River). Re-sighting rates for dolphins with ≥6 sightings ranged from 2.8 to 8.7 times observed. The mean linear home range varied from 22 to 54 km. Distributional analyses indicated that at least three different dolphin communities exist within the IRL: Mosquito Lagoon, and the North and South Indian River. No statistically significant correlations were found between the total number or density per km2 of dolphins and surface water area, salinity, or contaminant loads within segments of the lagoon. These results suggest that dolphins do not selectively avoid areas with relatively unfavorable water quality. IRL dolphins should be studied on smaller spatial scales than currently practiced, and potential anthropogenic impacts should be evaluated based on geographic partitioning.  相似文献   


In recent years, dolphin-assisted therapy has become very popular and an increasing number of facilities worldwide offer therapy programs with dolphins. In contrast to other animal-assisted therapy programs, dolphins are not domestic animals; they are mostly caught in the wild and there are still no studies on their behavior during these therapies. However, there is speculation that the behavior of dolphins toward people with mental and physical disabilities may play an important role in the success of the therapy. We observed 83 sessions with five untrained dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) at Dolphins Plus, a fenced area with ocean water in the Florida Keys, USA. Our detailed observations of contact and distance behavior between dolphins and different groups of swimmers (adults, children, and children with mental and physical disabilities) show that, in general, dolphins prefer small humans to adults. One dolphin showed a clear preference toward children with mental and physical disabilities, and we conclude that she showed assisting behavior.  相似文献   

Sightings of white-sided ( Lagenorhynchus acutus ) and common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ) from survey vessels operating on the continental shelf of the northeastern United States were recorded during spring and fall of six years. Distributions of these sightings were compared with sea surface temperature and salinity, and bottom topography. The apparent geographic distributions of the two species are complementary, although there is a broad overlap. White-sided dolphins occurred primarily within the Gulf of Maine, but also on Georges Bank and in the mid-Atlantic region. Common dolphins were abundant within a broad band paralleling the continental slope (100–200 m depth contour) from latitude 35°N to the northeast peak of Georges Bank. Sightings of this species were distributed primarily along the edge of the continental shelf south of 40°N in spring and north of this latitude in fall. Few sightings of common dolphins occurred in the Gulf of Maine.
Although both species of dolphins were sighted more frequently in areas of high sea floor relief, white-sided dolphins occurred in areas where sea surface temperatures and salinities are low while common dolphins were sighted in warmer, more saline waters. However, these environmental conditions may be only secondarily influencing dolphin distribution. Seasonal variation in sea surface temperature and salinity, and local nutrient upwelling in areas of high sea floor relief may affect preferred prey abundances, which in turn may affect dolphin distribution.  相似文献   

Long-term identification surveys were conducted using video records on Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops aduncus ) around Mikura Island, Tokyo, Japan. On 246 surveys, 3,996 min of video were recorded during each summer season from 1994 to 2001. Two hundred and twenty individuals were observed, including juveniles and neonates, that were not cataloged, but could be identified by association with their mothers. Over the eight-year study period, the total number of identified and cataloged individuals was 169. The annual number of newly identified dolphins stabilized at ∼ 10 after 1995. In the middle of each research season, a plateau in the number of reidentified individuals was reached. Most of the dolphins were observed frequently–percentages of reidentified dolphins in adjoining years were greater than 86% and 62 individuals were seen consecutively during the eight years. There were no significant differences in the sex ratio between years. The sex ratio was skewed significantly towards male for subadults and towards female for adults. The survival rate of one-year-old calves was 86.7%, and the mean age at weaning was 3.5 yr. The calving interval averaged 3.4 yr among adult females. The mean annual birth, fecundity, and recruitment rates were 0.071, 0.239, and 0.068, respectively. Mikura Island is located in the pelagic ocean with no protected bay area existing around the island. Dolphins do not regularly inhabit any other locations besides Mikura within the Izu island chain. Thus, this island may be important core habitat of these dolphins.  相似文献   

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