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To assess the functional importance of the J-helix region of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of the following five residues: Asn-675, Gln-677, Asn-678, Ile-679, and Pro-680. Of these, the Q677A mutant is polymerase-defective with no change in its exonuclease activity. In contrast, the N678A mutant has unchanged polymerase activity but shows increased mismatch-directed exonuclease activity. Interestingly, mutation of Pro-680 has a Q677A-like effect on polymerase activity and an N678A-like effect on the exonuclease activity. Mutation of Pro-680 to Gly or Gln results in a 10-30-fold reduction in k(cat) on homo- and heteropolymeric template-primers, with no significant change in relative DNA binding affinity or K(m)((dNTP)). The mutants P680G and P680Q also showed a nearly complete loss in the processive mode of DNA synthesis. Since the side chain of proline is generally non-reactive, mutation of Pro-680 may be expected to alter the physical form of the J-helix itself. The biochemical properties of P680G/P680Q together with the structural observation that J-helix assumes helical or coiled secondary structure in the polymerase or exonuclease mode-bound DNA complexes suggest that the structural alteration in the J-helix region may be responsible for the controlled shuttling of DNA between the polymerase and the exonuclease sites.  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde, a major metabolite of ethanol, reacts with dG residues in DNA, resulting in the formation of the N(2)-ethyl-2'-deoxyguanosine (N(2)-Et-dG) adduct. This adduct has been detected in lymphocyte DNA of alcohol abusers. To explore the miscoding property of the N(2)-Et-dG DNA adduct, phosphoramidite chemical synthesis was used to prepare site-specifically modified oligodeoxynucleotides containing a single N(2)-Et-dG. These N(2)-Et-dG-modified oligodeoxynucleotides were used as templates for primer extension reactions catalyzed by the 3' --> 5' exonuclease-free (exo(-)) Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. The primer extension was retarded one base prior to the N(2)-Et-dG lesion and opposite the lesion; however, when the enzyme was incubated for a longer time or with increased amounts of this enzyme, full extension occurred. Quantitative analysis of the fully extended products showed the preferential incorporation of dGMP and dCMP opposite the N(2)-Et-dG lesion, accompanied by a small amounts of dAMP and dTMP incorporation and one- and two-base deletions. Steady-state kinetic studies were also performed to determine the frequency of nucleotide insertion opposite the N(2)-Et-dG lesion and chain extension from the 3' terminus from the dN.N(2)-Et-dG (N is C, A, G, or T) pairs. These results indicate that the N(2)-Et-dG DNA adduct may generate G --> C transversions in living cells. Such a mutational spectrum has not been detected with other methylated dG adducts, including 8-methyl-2'-deoxyguanosine, O(6)-methyl-2'-deoxyguanosine, and N(2)-methyl-2'-deoxyguanosine. In addition, N(2)-ethyl-2'-deoxyguanosine triphosphate (N(2)-Et-dGTP) was efficiently incorporated opposite a template dC during DNA synthesis catalyzed by the exo(-) Klenow fragment. The utilization of N(2)-Et-dGTP was also determined by steady-state kinetic studies. N(2)-Et-dG DNA adducts are also formed by the incorporation of N(2)-Et-dGTP into DNA and may cause mutations, leading to the development of alcohol- and acetaldehyde-induced human cancers.  相似文献   

The Klenow fragment structure, together with many biochemical experiments, has suggested a region of the protein that may contain the polymerase active site. We have changed 7 amino acid residues within this region by site-directed mutagenesis, yielding 12 mutant proteins which have been purified and analyzed in vitro. The results of steady-state kinetic determinations of Km(dNTP) and kcat for the polymerase reaction, together with measurements of DNA binding affinity, suggest strongly that this study has succeeded in targeting important active site residues. Moreover, the in vitro data allow dissection of the proposed active site region into two clusters of residues that are spatially, as well as functionally, fairly distinct. Mutations in Tyr766, Arg841, and Asn845 cause an increase in Km(dNTP), suggesting that contacts with the incoming dNTP are made in this region. Mutations in the second cluster of residues, Gln849, Arg668, and Asp882, cause a large decrease in kcat, suggesting a role for these residues in catalysis of the polymerase reaction. The DNA-binding properties of mutations at positions 849 and 668 may indicate that the catalytic role of these side chains is associated with their interaction with the DNA substrate. Screening of the mutations in vivo for the classical polA-defective phenotype (sensitivity to DNA damage) demonstrated that a genetic screen of this type may be a reasonable predictor or kcat or of DNA binding affinity in future mutational studies.  相似文献   

The Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli has two enzymatic activities: DNA polymerase and 3'-5' exonuclease. The crystal structure showed that the fragment is folded into two distinct domains. The smaller domain has a binding site for deoxynucleoside monophosphate and a divalent metal ion that is thought to identify the 3'-5' exonuclease active site. The larger C-terminal domain contains a deep cleft that is believed to bind duplex DNA. Several lines of evidence suggested that the large domain also contains the polymerase active site. To test this hypothesis, we have cloned the DNA coding for the large domain into an expression system and purified the protein product. We find that the C-terminal domain has polymerase activity (albeit at a lower specific activity than the native Klenow fragment) but no measurable 3'-5' exonuclease activity. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that each of the three enzymatic activities of DNA polymerase I from E. coli resides on a separate protein structural domain.  相似文献   

Affinity modification of E. coli DNA polymerase I and its Klenow fragment by imidazolides of dNMP (Im-dNMP) and dNTP was studied. DNA polymerase activity of DNA polymerase I was reduced by both Im-dNMP and Im-dNTP. However Im-dNTP does not inactivate of the Klenow fragment. The level of covalent labelling of both enzymes by radioactive Im-dNTP did not exceed 0.01 mol of reagent per mol of enzyme. But the deep inactivation of DNA polymerase I by Im-dNTP was observed. It is likely that this inactivation is due to the formation of intramolecular ether followed by phosphorylation of the carboxyl group. This assumption is strongly supported by the increase of the isoelectrical point of DNA polymerase I after its incubation with Im-dNTP in conditions of enzyme inactivation. All data permit us to suggest that the affinity modification of both enzymes by Im-dNMP and covalent labeling by Im-dNTP takes place without complementary binding of dNTP moiety with the template. However inactivation of DNA polymerase I by Im-dNTP occurs only if the dNTP-moiety is complementary to the template in the template.primer complex. It was shown that His residue was phosphorylated by Im-dNMP and Tyr or Ser residues between Met-802 and Met-848 were phosphorylated by Im-dNTP. We suppose that there are two states of DNA polymerase active site for the binding of dNTPs. One of them is independent on the template, in the other state the dNTP hydrogen bond with the template is formed.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde is produced in most living systems and is present in the environment. Evidence that formaldehyde causes cancer in experimental animals infers that it may be a carcinogenic hazard to humans. Formaldehyde reacts with the exocyclic amino group of deoxyguanosine, resulting in the formation of N2-methyl-2′-deoxyguanosine (N2-Me-dG) via reduction of the Schiff base. The same reaction is likely to occur in living cells, because cells contain endogenous reductants such as ascorbic acid and gluthathione. To explore the miscoding properties of formaldehyde-derived DNA adducts a site-specifically modified oligodeoxynucleotide containing a N2-Me-dG was prepared and used as the template in primer extension reactions catalyzed by the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. The primer extension reaction was slightly stalled one base before the N2-Me-dG lesion, but DNA synthesis past this lesion was readily completed. The fully extended products were analyzed to quantify the miscoding specificities of N2-Me-dG. Preferential incorporation of dCMP, the correct base, opposite the lesion was observed, along with small amounts of misincorporation of dTMP (9.4%). No deletions were detected. Steady-state kinetic studies indicated that the frequency of nucleotide insertion for dTMP was only 1.2 times lower than for dCMP and the frequency of chain extension from the 3′-terminus of a dT:N2-Me-dG pair was only 2.1 times lower than from a dC:N2-Me-dG pair. We conclude that N2-Me-dG is a miscoding lesion capable of generating G→A transition mutations.  相似文献   

During DNA synthesis, high-fidelity DNA polymerase (DNAP) translocates processively along the template by utilizing the chemical energy from nucleotide incorporation. Thus, understanding the chemomechanical coupling mechanism and the effect of external mechanical force on replication velocity are the most fundamental issues for high-fidelity DNAP. Here, based on our proposed model, we take Klenow fragment as an example to study theoretically the dynamics of high-fidelity DNAPs such as the replication velocity versus different types of external force, i.e., a stretching force on the template, a backward force on the enzyme and a forward force on the enzyme. Replication velocity as a function of the template tension with only one adjustable parameter is in good agreement with the available experimental data. The replication velocity is nearly independent of the forward force, even at very low dNTP concentration. By contrast, the backward force has a large effect on the replication velocity, especially at high dNTP concentration. A small backward force can increase the replication velocity and an optimal backward force exists at which the replication velocity has maximum value; with any further increase in the backward force the velocity decreases rapidly. These results can be tested easily by future experiments and are aid our understanding of the chemomechanical coupling mechanism and polymerization dynamics of high-fidelity DNAP.  相似文献   

B T Eger  S J Benkovic 《Biochemistry》1992,31(38):9227-9236
The minimal kinetic mechanism for misincorporation of a single nucleotide (dATP) into a short DNA primer/template (9/20-mer) by the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I [KF(exo+)] has been previously published [Kuchta, R. D., Benkovic, P., & Benkovic, S.J. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 6716-6725]. In this paper are presented refinements to this mechanism. Pre-steady-state measurements of correct nucleotide incorporation (dTTP) in the presence of a single incorrect nucleotide (dATP) with excess KF-(exo+) demonstrated that dATP binds to the KF(exo+)-9/20-mer complex in two steps preceding chemistry. Substitution of (alpha S)dATP for dATP yielded identical two-step binding kinetics, removing nucleotide binding as a cause of the elemental effect on the rate of misincorporation. Pyrophosphate release from the ternary species [KF'(exo+)-9A/20-mer-PPi] was found to occur following a rate-limiting conformational change, with this species partitioning equally to either nucleotide via internal pyrophosphorolysis or to misincorporated product. The rate of 9A/20-mer dissociation from the central ternary complex (KF'-9A/20-mer-PPi) was shown to be negligible relative to exonucleolytic editing. Pyrophosphorolysis of the misincorporated DNA product (9A/20-mer), in conjunction with measurement of the rate of dATP misincorporation, permitted determination of the overall equilibrium constant for dATP misincorporation and provided a value similar to that measured for correct incorporation. A step by step comparison of the polymerization catalyzed by the Klenow fragment for correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporation emphasizes that the major source of the enzyme's replicative fidelity arises from discrimination in the actual chemical step and from increased exonuclease activity on the ternary misincorporated product complex owing to its slower passage through the turnover sequence.  相似文献   

Reaction of DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase I KF in the presence of 2'-deoxynucleoside 5'-alpha-thiotriphosphates (dNTP alpha S) was investigated. DNA with thiophosphate groups (DNA[P=S]) obtained by such a way was studied in reactions of hydrolysis and pyrophosphorolysis catalyzed by DNA polymerase I KF. It is shown that the rate of DNA elongation is decreased both on the step of incorporation of dNMP alpha S residues and on the step of incorporation of the next dNMP residue. The rate of pyrophosphorolysis of 3'-terminal dNMP alpha S was demonstrated to be one order of magnitude less in comparison with the corresponding reaction with the natural dNMP residue. Contrary, the rate of 3'----5'-exonuclease hydrolysis of both DNA[P=S] and DNA of the same structure revealed no distinguishable differences.  相似文献   

In order to study the structural principles governing DNA polymerase fidelity we have measured the rates of insertion of incorrect nucleotides and the rates of extension from the resulting mismatched base pairs, catalyzed by the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I. Using a combination of semi-quantitative and qualitative approaches, we have studied each of the 12 possible mismatches in a variety of sequence contexts. The results indicate that Klenow fragment discriminates between mismatches largely on the basis of the identity of the mismatch, with the surrounding sequence context playing a significant, but secondary, role. For purine-pyrimidine and pyrimidine-pyrimidine mispairs, the relative ease of mismatch synthesis and extension can be rationalized using a simple geometrical model, with the important criterion being the extent to which the mismatched base pair can conform to normal DNA geometry. Essentially similar conclusions have been reached in studies of other polymerases, suggesting that this aspect of mispair geometry is sensed and responded to in a similar way by all polymerases. Purine-purine mismatches form a less cohesive class, showing more variable behavior from mispair to mispair, and a greater apparent susceptibility to sequence context effects. Comparison of our data with studies of other polymerases also suggests that different polymerases respond to purine-purine mismatches in distinct and characteristic ways. An extensive analysis of each of the four purine-purine mispairs in approximately 100 different sequence contexts suggests that the reaction is influenced both by the local DNA structure and by the ability of the mismatched terminus to undergo slippage.  相似文献   

D J Allen  S J Benkovic 《Biochemistry》1989,28(25):9586-9593
Resonance energy transfer was used to determine separation distances between fluorescent derivatives of substrates for Klenow fragment and a unique sulfhydryl, cysteine 907, on the enzyme. Fluorescent derivatives of duplex DNA, deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTP), and deoxynucleotide monophosphates (dNMP), modified with aminonaphthalenesulfonates (ANS), served as energy-transfer donors to the fluorophore used to modify cysteine 907, 4-[N-[(iodoacetoxy)ethyl]-N-methylamino]-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (IANBD). The labeling of cysteine 907 with NBD caused no decrease in the enzyme's polymerase activity, suggesting that the probe did not significantly alter the conformation of the enzyme. The efficiency of singlet-singlet resonance energy transfer was determined from the quantum yield of the donor in the presence and absence of acceptor. By F?rster's theory, the measured distances between cysteine 907 and binding sites for duplex DNA, dNTP, and dNMP were 25-39, 19-28, and 17-26 A, respectively. As the fluorophores, attached to the substrates via a tether arm, are separated from the substrates by approximately 12 A, the distances measured between binding sites are subject to this uncertainty. To measure the separation between binding sites for duplex DNA and dNMP, and to reduce the uncertainty introduced by the tether arm, two experiments were carried out. In the first, duplex DNA was labeled with the acceptor fluorophore NBD and used with the donor ANS-modified dNMP to yield a measured distance separating these two sites of 19-28 A.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sheriff A  Motea E  Lee I  Berdis AJ 《Biochemistry》2008,47(33):8527-8537
Translesion DNA synthesis represents the ability of a DNA polymerase to incorporate and extend beyond damaged DNA. In this report, the mechanism and dynamics by which the Escherichia coli Klenow fragment performs translesion DNA synthesis during the misreplication of an abasic site were investigated using a series of natural and non-natural nucleotides. Like most other high-fidelity DNA polymerases, the Klenow fragment follows the "A-rule" of translesion DNA synthesis by preferentially incorporating dATP opposite the noninstructional lesion. However, several 5-substituted indolyl nucleotides lacking classical hydrogen-bonding groups are incorporated approximately 100-fold more efficiently than the natural nucleotide. In general, analogues that contain large substituent groups in conjunction with significant pi-electron density display the highest catalytic efficiencies ( k cat/ K m) for incorporation. While the measured K m values depend upon the size and pi-electron density of the incoming nucleotide, k cat values are surprisingly independent of both biophysical features. As expected, the efficiency by which these non-natural nucleotides are incorporated opposite templating nucleobases is significantly reduced. This reduction reflects minimal increases in K m values coupled with large decreases in k cat values. The kinetic data obtained with the Klenow fragment are compared to that of the high-fidelity bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase and reveal distinct differences in the dynamics by which these non-natural nucleotides are incorporated opposite an abasic site. These biophysical differences argue against a unified mechanism of translesion DNA synthesis and suggest that polymerases employ different catalytic strategies during the misreplication of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Upon associating with a proofreading polymerase, the nascent 3' end of a DNA primer/template has two possible fates. Depending upon its suitability as a substrate for template-directed extension or postsynthetic repair, it will bind either to the 5'-3' polymerase active site, yielding a polymerizing complex, or to the 3'-5' exonuclease site, yielding an editing complex. In this investigation, we use a combination of biochemical and biophysical techniques to probe the stoichiometry, thermodynamic, and kinetic stability of the polymerizing and editing complexes. We use the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (KF) as a model proofreading polymerase and oligodeoxyribonucleotide primer/templates as model DNA substrates. Polymerizing complexes are produced by mixing KF with correctly base paired (matched) primer/templates, whereas editing complexes are produced by mixing KF with multiply mismatched primer/templates. Electrophoretic mobility shift titrations carried out with matched and multiply mismatched primer/templates give rise to markedly different electrophoretic patterns. In the case of the matched primer/template, the KF.DNA complex is represented by a slow moving band. However, in the case of the multiply mismatched primer/template, the complex is predominantly represented by a fast moving band. Analytical ultracentrifugation measurements indicate that the fast and slow moving bands correspond to 1:1 and 2:1 KF.DNA complexes, respectively. Fluorescence anisotropy titrations reveal that KF binds with a higher degree of cooperativity to the matched primer/template. Taken together, these results indicate that KF is able to dimerize on a DNA primer/template and that dimerization is favored when the first molecule is bound in the polymerizing mode, but disfavored when it is bound in the editing mode. We suggest that self-association of the polymerase may play an important and as yet unexplored role in coordinating high-fidelity DNA replication.  相似文献   

A mutant of DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) with reduced fidelity   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The kinetic parameters governing incorporation of correct and incorrect bases into synthetic DNA duplexes have been investigated for Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I [Klenow fragment (KF)] and for two mutants, Tyr766Ser and Tyr766Phe. Tyr766 is located at the C-terminus of helix O in the DNA-binding cleft of KF. The catalytic efficiency for correct incorporation of dNTP is reduced 5-fold for Tyr766Ser. The catalytic efficiencies of all 12 possible misincorporations have been determined for both KF and Tyr766Ser by using single-turnover kinetic conditions and a form of the enzyme that is devoid of the 3'-5' exonuclease activity because of other single amino acid replacements. Tyr766Ser displays an increased efficiency of misincorporation (a reduction in fidelity) for several of the 12 mismatches. The largest increase in efficiency of misincorporation for Tyr766Ser occurs for the misincorporation of TMP opposite template guanosine, a 44-fold increase. In contrast, the efficiencies of misincorporation of dAMP opposite template A, G, or C are little affected by the mutation. A determination of the kinetic parameters associated with a complete kinetic scheme has been made for Tyr766Ser. The rate of addition of the next correct nucleotide onto a preexisting mismatch is decreased for Tyr766Ser. The fidelity of Tyr766Phe was not substantially different from that of KF for the misincorporations examined, indicating that it is the loss of the phenolic ring of the side chain of Tyr766 that leads to the significant decrease in fidelity. The results indicate that KF actively participates in the reduction of misincorporations during the polymerization event and that Tyr766 plays an important role in maintaining the high fidelity of replication by KF.  相似文献   

Frameshift mutagenesis occurs through the misalignment of primer and template strands during DNA synthesis and involves DNA intermediates that contain one or more extrahelical bases in either strand of the DNA substrate. To investigate whether these DNA structures are recognized by the proofreading apparatus of DNA polymerases, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy was used to examine the interaction between the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I and synthetic DNA primer-templates containing extrahelical bases at defined positions within the template strand. A dansyl probe attached to the DNA was used to measure the fractional occupancies of the polymerase and 3'-5' exonuclease sites of the enzyme for DNA substrates with and without the extrahelical bases. The presence of an extrahelical base at the first position from the primer 3' terminus increased the level of partitioning of the DNA substrates into the 3'-5' exonuclease site by 3-7-fold, relative to the perfectly base-paired primer-template, depending on the identity of the extrahelical base. The ability of different extrahelical bases to promote partitioning of DNA into the 3'-5' exonuclease site decreased in the following order: G > A approximately T > C. The results of partitioning measurements for DNA substrates containing a bulged adenine base at different positions within the template showed that an extrahelical base is recognized up to five bases from the primer 3' terminus. The largest effects were observed for the extrahelical base at the third or fourth positions from the primer terminus, which increased the level of partitioning of DNA into the 3'-5' exonuclease site by 8- and 18-fold, respectively, relative to that of the perfectly base-paired substrate. Steady-state fluorescence measurements of analogous primer-templates containing 2-aminopurine (AP) at the primer 3' terminus indicate that extrahelical bases increase the degree of terminus unwinding, especially when close to the terminus. In addition, steady-state kinetic measurements of removal of AP from the primer-templates indicate that the exonucleolytic cleavage activity of Klenow fragment is correlated with the increased level of partitioning of bulged DNA substrates to the 3'-5' exonuclease site relative to that of properly base-paired DNA. The results of this study indicate that misalignment of primer and template strands to generate an extrahelical base strongly promotes transfer of a DNA substrate to the 3'-5' exonuclease site, suggesting that the premutational intermediates in frameshift mutagenesis are subject to proofreading by the polymerase.  相似文献   

Gangurde R  Modak MJ 《Biochemistry》2002,41(49):14552-14559
We have investigated the roles of four active-site carboxylates in the formation of a prepolymerase ternary complex of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment), containing the template-primer and dNTP. The analysis of nine mutant enzymes with conserved and nonconserved substitutions of Asp(705), Glu(710), Asp(882), and Glu(883) clearly shows that both catalytically essential aspartates, Asp(705) and Asp(882), are required for the formation of a stable ternary complex. Of the two glutamates, only Glu(710) is required for ternary complex formation, while Glu(883) does not participate in this process. This investigation also reveals two interesting properties of the Klenow fragment with regard to enzyme-template-primer binary and enzyme-template-primer-dNTP ternary complex formation. These are (a) the significant resistance of enzyme-template-primer-dNTP ternary complexes to the addition of high salt or template-primer challenge and (b) the ability of the Klenow fragment to form ternary complexes in the presence of noncatalytic divalent cations such as Ca(2+), Co(2+), Ni(2+), and Zn(2+).  相似文献   

Dzantiev L  Romano LJ 《Biochemistry》2000,39(17):5139-5145
The carcinogen N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene forms two major DNA adducts: the N-(2'-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-acetylaminofluorene adduct (dG-C8-AAF) and its deacetylated derivative, the N-(2'-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene adduct (dG-C8-AF). It is well established that the AAF adduct is a very strong block for DNA synthesis in vitro while the AF adduct is more easily bypassed. In an effort to understand the molecular mechanism of this phenomenon, the structure of the complex of an exonuclease-deficient Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) bound to primer-templates containing either an AF or AAF adduct in or near the active site was probed by nuclease and protease digestion analyses. The results of these experiments suggest that positioning the AAF adduct in the polymerase active site strongly inhibits the conformational change that is required for the insertion of a nucleotide. Similar experiments with AF-modified primer-templates shows a much less pronounced effect. The inhibition of the conformational change by either adduct is not detected if they are positioned in the single-stranded part of the template just one nucleotide before the active site. These findings may explain the different abilities of these lesions to block DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The sequences of more than 600 frameshift mutations produced as a consequence of in vitro DNA replication on an oligonucleotide-primed, single-stranded DNA template by the Escherichia coli polymerase I enzyme (PolI) or its large fragment derivative (PolLF) were compared. Four categories of mutants were found: (1) single-base deletions, (2) base substitutions, (3) multiple-base deletions and (4) complex frameshift mutations that change both the base sequence and the number of bases in a concerted mutational process. The template sequence 5'-Py-T-G-3', previously identified as a PolLF hotspot for single-base deletions opposite G, is also a hotspot for PolI. A PolI-specific warm spot for single-base deletions was identified. Among base substitutions, transitions were more frequent than transversions. Transversions were mediated by (template)G.G, (template)G.A, and (template)C.T mispairs. Multiple-base deletions were found only after PolI replication. Although each of these deletions can be explained by a misalignment mediated by directly repeated DNA sequences, deletion frequencies were often different for repeats of the same length. Both PolI and PolLF produced many complex frameshift mutants. The new sequences at the mutant sites are exactly complementary to nearby DNA sequences in the newly synthesized DNA strand. In each case, palindromic complementarity could mediate the misalignment needed to initiate the mutational process. The misaligned DNA synthesis accounts for the nucleotide changes at the mutant site and for homology that could direct realignment of the DNA onto the template. Most of the complex mutant sequences could be initiated by either intramolecular misalignments involving fold-back structures in newly synthesized DNA or by strand-switching during strand-displacement synthesis. The striking differences between the specificities of complex frameshift mutations and multiple-base deletions by PolI and PolLF identify the existence of polymerase-specific determinants that influence the frequency and specificity of misalignment-mediated frameshifts and deletions.  相似文献   

Kornyushyna O  Burrows CJ 《Biochemistry》2003,42(44):13008-13018
Oxidative damage to DNA by endogenous and exogenous reactive oxygen species has been directly linked to cancer, aging, and a variety of neurological disorders. The potential mutagenicity of the primary guanine oxidation product 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (Og) has been studied intensively, and much information is available about its miscoding potential in vitro and in vivo. Recently, a variety of DNA lesions have been identified as oxidation products of both guanine and 8-oxoguanine, among them spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) and guanidinohydantoin (Gh). To address questions concerning the mutagenic potential of these secondary products of guanine oxidation, the effect of the lesions on proofreading by DNA polymerase was studied in vitro using the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli polymerase I (Kf exo+). For the first time, k(cat)/K(m) values were obtained for proofreading of the X:N mismatches (X = Og, Gh, or Sp; N = A, G, or C). Proofreading studies of the terminal mismatches demonstrated the significance of the sequence context flanking the lesion on the 3' side. In addition, a sequence dependence was observed for Gh based on the identity of the base on the 5' side of the lesion providing evidence for a primer slippage mode if N was complementary to the 5' base. Internal mismatches were recognized by Kf exo+ resulting in the excision of the correct base pairs flanking mismatches from the 5' side. The absence of a sequence effect for the Gh- and Sp-containing duplexes can be attributed to the severe destabilization of the lesion-containing duplexes that promotes interaction with the exonuclease domain of the Klenow fragment.  相似文献   

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