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Biological control of different species of pest with various species of generalist predators can potentially disrupt the control of pests through predator-predator interactions. We evaluate the impact of three species of generalist predatory mites on the biological control of green peach aphids, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) with the aphidophagous gall midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani). The predatory mites tested were Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans), Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) and Amblyseius swirskii Athias–Henriot, which are all commonly used for pest control in greenhouse sweet pepper. All three species of predatory mites were found to feed on eggs of A. aphidimyza, even in the presence of abundant sweet pepper pollen, an alternative food source for the predatory mites. In a greenhouse experiment on sweet pepper, all three predators significantly reduced population densities of A. aphidimyza, but aphid densities only increased significantly in the presence of A. swirskii when compared to the treatment with A. aphidimyza only. This stronger effect of A. swirskii can be explained by the higher population densities that this predator reached on sweet pepper plants compared to the other two predator species. An additional experiment showed that female predatory midges do not avoid oviposition sites with the predator A. swirskii. On the contrary, they even deposited more eggs on plants with predatory mites than on plants without. Hence, this study shows that disruption of aphid control by predatory mites is a realistic scenario in sweet pepper, and needs to be considered when optimizing biological control strategies.  相似文献   

The degree to which resident biota can inhibit the ability of an introduced biological control agent to establish and be effective is termed biotic interference. Studying biotic interference prior to a release using the actual agent is logistically difficult, however, due to quarantine restrictions. An alternative solution is to study biotic interference against a surrogate species in the intended range of introduction, with the expectation that biotic interference against the actual agent will be similar. This study assessed how biotic interference, mostly by generalist predators, may affect establishment of classical biological control agents of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, in North America. The parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck was used as a surrogate for Asian aphidiine braconids such as Binodoxys communis (Gahan). We conducted a factorial field experiment that measured the effect of releasing A. colemani and of excluding resident natural enemies using field cages on soybean aphid populations. We also conducted molecular gut-contents analyses on predators collected in release plots to determine which species fed upon A. colemani. Releasing A. colemani in open field plots increased soybean aphid control beyond that observed in open field plots alone, despite indications that intraguild predation of A. colemani occurred. Thus, biotic interference was not sufficient to eliminate the contribution of A. colemani on soybean aphid suppression during the course of our experiment. Molecular gut-contents analysis revealed that at least two predators, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) and Chrysoperla carnea Stephens, engaged in intraguild predation against A. colemani. The prolonged effect of intraguild predation on parasitoid establishment remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Biological control of the soil-inhabitating larvae (cutworms) of Agrotis segetum Schiff. using the entomogenous nematode Neoaplectana bibionis Bovien was investigated under field conditions. Cutworms were introduced to plots planted with lettuce, Lactuca sativa L. After planting and infection with cutworms the plots were treated with either N. bibionis, the insecticide endosulfan or water. The trials were sited on locations with loamy and sandy soil. Adequate control of cutworms was obtained using 2.5×105 nematodes/m2 on sandy soil and 1×106 nematodes/m2 on loamy soil. Effects of these treatments with nematodes were equal to the effect of endosulfan.
Neoaplectana bibionis ein entomophager nematode zur biologischen bekämpfung von Agrotis segetum an salat
Zusammenfassung Unter Freilandbedingungen wurde die biologische Bekämpfung von Erdraupen (Agrotis segetum Schiff., Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) mit dem entomophagen Nematoden Neoaplectana bibionis Bovien geprüft. Mit Salat bepflanzte Parzellen wurden mit Erdraupen besetzt. Anschliessend wurde auf die Parzellen N. bibionis, das Insektizid Endosulfan oder Wasser ausgebracht. Die Versuche wurden in Gebieten mit lehmigen und sandigen Böden durchgeführt. Für eine ausreichende Bekämpfung der Erdraupen waren auf dem sandigen Boden 2.5×105 Nematoden/m2 und auf dem lehmigen Boden 1×106 Nematoden/m2 erforderlich. Die Wirkung dieser Behandlungen entsprach der mit Endosulfan.

Experimental studies can be useful tools to test plant responses to herbivory and to quantify the impact of potential biological control agents prior to their release. We evaluated the per-capita effect of Ceutorhynchus alliariae and C. roberti, two stem-boring weevils currently being investigated as potential biological control agents for garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, in North America. Weevils were released at three different densities in individual and mixed-species treatments onto potted plants of A. petiolata. Damage by C. roberti alone and by both weevils combined caused an increase in the numbers of inflorescences produced per plant. Although plants could compensate for low levels of damage, moderate to high levels of damage by both C. alliariae and C. roberti, individually and in combination, caused a decrease in plant height and a reduction in seed output per plant. The damage inflicted by both weevil species is similar so the overall impact of both species combined can be predicted by summing the impact of each species alone. Provided they are sufficiently host specific, both weevils could be released as biocontrol agents. Because reduced seed production is necessary to suppress A. petiolata populations, both species have the potential to contribute to control of A. petiolata in North America.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the nine species groups of the predominately Australian ant genus Myrmecia were inferred using 38 Myrmecia species and an outgroup using DNA sequences from two nuclear genes (622nt from 28S rRNA and 1907nt from the long-wave opsin gene). Nothomyrmecia macrops was selected as the most appropriate outgroup based on recent reliable studies showing monophyly of Myrmecia with Nothomyrmecia. The four species groups with an occipital carina (those of gulosa, nigrocincta, urens, and picta) were found to form a paraphyletic and basal assemblage out of which the five species groups lacking an occipital carina (those of aberrans, mandibularis, tepperi, cephalotes, and pilosula) arise as a strongly supported monophyletic assemblage. Monophyly was supported for four groups (those of gulosa, nigrocincta, picta, and mandibularis) but the situation is unclear for four others (those of urens, aberrans, tepperi, and pilosula). The aberrans group appears to be basal within the group lacking an occipital carina; a previous suggestion that it is the sister group to the rest of the genus is thus not supported.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2002, symptoms of rust disease were observed for the first time on Phragmites australis in Saudi Arabia. Light brown lesions of regular shape indicating uredinia of Puccinia isiacae appeared on the leaves. The morphology and characteristics of the fungus were described in detail with both light and scanning electron microscopy. The possibility of using this fungus as a biological control agent was also discussed.  相似文献   

W. O. C. Symondson 《BioControl》1994,39(3-4):323-333
Previous work has shown thatAbax parallelepipedus Piller &; Mitterpacher preys upon slugs in the field, and can be effectively employed to control slugs in polythene tunnels. To be a viable biological control agent this carabid must also be amenable to mass culturing. Manipulation of the substrate ensured that eggs were laid in soil capsules, but deposited in peat, facilitating collection and monitoring. Up to 570 eggs per beetle were laid at 20°C. No cannibalism was exhibited at any stage by this species. Larvae were reared intensively in batches and fed ad libitum on live earthworms, eliminating the need for regular feeding and the removal of decaying food. Rearing experiments were undertaken under a number of different temperature regimes. At constant 20°C it was found that growth was arrested in some 2nd instar larvae for long periods. Co-ordinated changes between 2nd and 3rd instar stages were induced by reduction of the temperature to 14°C between days 24–31 from hatching. The complete life cycle, from newly laid egg to adult beetle, could be reduced to less than 110 days. Mortality was greatest at the late 3rd instar and pre-pupal stages, and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Amoebophrya is a marine parasite recently found to infect and kill bloom-forming dinoflagellates in the California Current System (CCS). However, it is unknown whether parasitism by Amoebophrya can control dinoflagellate blooms in major eastern boundary upwelling systems, such as the CCS. We quantified the abundance of a common bloom-forming species Akashiwo sanguinea and prevalence of its parasite (i.e., % infected cells) in surface water samples collected weekly from August 2005 to December 2008 at the Santa Cruz Wharf (SCW), Monterey Bay, CA. Additionally, we measured physical and chemical properties at the SCW and examined regional patterns of wind forcing and sea surface temperature. Relative abundance of the net phytoplankton species was also analyzed to discern whether or not parasitism influences net phytoplankton community composition. Epidemic infection outbreaks (>20% parasite prevalence in the host species) may have contributed to the end or prevented the occurrence of A. sanguinea blooms, whereas low parasite prevalence was associated with short-term (≤2 weeks) A. sanguinea blooms. The complete absence of parasitism in 2007 was associated with an extreme A. sanguinea bloom. Anomalously strong upwelling conditions were detected in 2007, suggesting that A. sanguinea was able to outgrow Amoebophrya and ‘escape’ parasitism. We conclude that parasitism can strongly influence dinoflagellate bloom dynamics in upwelling systems. Moreover, Amoebophrya may indirectly influence net phytoplankton species composition, as species that dominated the net phytoplankton and developed algal blooms never appeared to be infected.  相似文献   

Summary. Mature colonies of Atta leaf-cutting ants are dominant herbivores throughout the Neotropics. Although young colonies have natural enemies, mature colonies, which live in extensive nests containing millions of workers, currently have no recognised predators. New World army ants (Ecitoninae) are specialist social predators of other ants, and the army ant Nomamyrmex esenbeckii, a primarily subterranean species, is known to prey upon young Atta colonies. Here we present the results of the first long-term study of the predator-prey interaction between N. esenbeckii and Atta. Our study establishes the army ant N. esenbeckii as the only known predator capable of successfully attacking and killing mature as well as young colonies of Atta leaf-cutting ants. In natural raids, and experimental tests, Atta rapidly recruited their largest workers (majors) as a specific defensive response to N. esenbeckii raiders and both taxa used their largest individuals in the frontline of battles. The deployment and behaviour of these large workers demonstrates a size-related division of labour and agrees with the predictions of Lanchesters Linear Law of Combat. Both taxa also used cooperative combat teams to overwhelm large combatants from the other side. The success of N. esenbeckii raids varied greatly, such that they were prevented from entering Atta nests in the least successful raids, and completely overran Atta colonies in the most successful raids. The speed and magnitude of the defensive response of mature Atta colonies was key in determining the level of success of N. esenbeckii raids.Received 12 December 2003; revised 25 March 2004; accepted 1 April 2004.Work conducted at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Ancon, Republic of Panama  相似文献   

Celatoria compressa (Wulp) (Diptera: Tachinidae), a parasitoid of adult chrysomelid beetles in the subtribe Diabroticina in North America, has been selected as a candidate for classical biological control of the alien invader, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), into Europe. We conducted host specificity testing to evaluate the fundamental host range of C. compressa and potential risks to native European coleopteran species. Nine potential non-target beetles were tested for host selection with D. v. virgifera in no-choice tests, sequential no-choice tests, choice tests and sequential choice tests in small experimental arenas in a quarantine laboratory. The nine representative non-target species were selected for experimentation based on (1) ecological host range information of C. compressa, (2) ecological similarities to D. v. virgifera, (3) close phylogenetic/taxonomic relationships, (4) safeguard considerations, (5) morphological similarities, geographical distributions, overlap of temporal occurrences with D. v. virgifera and C. compressa, and (6) accessibility and availability. Of the potential nine non-target hosts tested, gravid C. compressa only parasitized a few red pumpkin beetles, Aulacophora foveicollis (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), regardless of the presence or absence of D. v. virgifera. However, C. compressa significantly preferred D. v. virgifera (44.6% parasitized) over A. foveicollis (2.7%) in choice tests. Of the 1110 A. foveicollis tested among all experiment types, only 23 were parasitized and only one C. compressa successfully developed from the parasitism, demonstrating that A. foveicollis is a poor host. In conclusion, C. compressa has a fundamental host range restricted to the subtribes Diabroticina and Aulacophorina, and would therefore be unlikely to have a direct impact on indigenous species in Europe.  相似文献   

Tilapia zilli (Gervais), a larvivorous fish identified in the Mwea Rice Irrigation System (Kenya), was evaluated in the field to assess its potential for biological control of mosquito larvae. The study was conducted from October 1991 to April 1992 in experimental ponds constructed at Mbui-Njeru, which is one of the 36 villages in the irrigation scheme. T. zilli was found to be extremely effective in controlling mosquito breeding that persisted throughout the study period. However, the presence of vegetation and turbidity significantly reduced its efficiency in predation. The negative effects of vegetation could be averted by combining T. zilli with an herbivorous fish to control weeds. Similarly, breeding of other larvivorous organisms, including frogs, should be encouraged to enhance mosquito control efficiency. It is suggested that positive measures should be taken to deter colonization of catfish whose presence aggravates the turbidity problem and also depletes the fish population due to its substrate feeding and carnivorous behaviour.  相似文献   

The great flexibility of the feeding strategies exhibited by the ponerine ant Brachyponera senaarensis (Mayr) allows it to exploit either seeds or animal prey items as food resources. Predation is generally limited to small prey and is very similar to scavenging behavior. In laboratory conditions, the predatory behavior of B. senaarensis is not different in structure from that known in other carnivorous ants species. The workers forage individually and return to the nest using a series of cues involving light, a chemical graduated marking system near the nest entrance, and memory. During nest-moving, recruitment by tandem running was observed. However, in colonies where the food supply is regular, workers that discover food do not recruit nestmates, but make repeated trips between the nest and the food source. On the contrary, in starved colonies, the introduction of prey may produce a massive exit of foragers, corresponding to a primitive form of mass recruitment similar to that observed in some other ant species.  相似文献   

The biology of the noctuid,Tyta luctuosa (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lep.: Noctuidae), a defoliator of field bindweed,Convolvulus arvensis L., was studied in southern Europe.T. luctuosa is widely distributed and feeds on both thick stands and scattered host populations growing in a diversity of habitats. It undergoes 2 and perhaps a partial 3rd generation/year in southern Europe and is active during most of the growing season ofC. arvensis. In the laboratory the total time from egg to adult averages 45.6 days. There are 5 larval instars. Adult females deposit on average over 400 eggs. The larvae being able to feed and develop on native North AmericanCalystegia spp. in the laboratory, there are some reservations about its release in North America. However, the moth has potential value as a biological control agent for field bindeed in the western USA where it would fill an almost unoccupied niche.   相似文献   

The potential for classical biological control to cause unintended harm to native species was evaluated in the case of the endemic Hawaiian koa bug, Coleotichus blackburniae White (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), and parasitoids introduced to Hawaii for control of an agricultural pest, the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Parasitism of C. blackburniae eggs, nymphs and adults by biocontrol agents was quantified across a wide range of habitats and compared to other sources of mortality. Egg mortality due to the biocontrol agent Trissolcus basalis Wollaston (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was low (maximum 26%) and confined to elevations below 500 m on a single host plant. Predation, mainly by alien spiders and ants, was the greatest source of egg mortality (maximum 87%). Parasitism of adult C. blackburniae by the biocontrol agent Trichopoda pilipes (F.) (Diptera: Tachinidae) was near zero at 21 of 24 sites surveyed. Three sites with high bug density had higher levels of T. pilipes parasitism, reaching maxima of 70% among adult female bugs, 100% among males and 50% among fifth instars. Male-biased parasitism indicated that T. pilipes is adapted to using male aggregation pheromone for finding C. blackburniae hosts. The relative impacts of biocontrol agents and other sources of mortality were compared using life tables. Invasive species, particularly generalist egg predators, had the greatest impacts on C. blackburniae populations. Effects of intentionally introduced parasitoids were relatively minor, although the tachinid T. pilipes showed potential for large impacts at individual sites. In retrospect, non-target attacks by biological control agents on C. blackburniae were predictable, but the environmental range and magnitude of impacts would have been difficult to foresee.  相似文献   

We compared egg parasitization of two sporadic pests of avocado, Persea americana Miller, by Trichogramma platneri Nagarkatti reared on Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver) (=smaller parasitoids) with those reared on Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (= larger parasitoids) in the laboratory. Large T. platneri females invested less time than smaller parasitoids in obtaining offspring from eggs of either Amorbia cuneana Walsingham or Sabulodes aegrotata (Gueneé). Furthermore, large T. platneri invested substantially more time (ca. 3-fold) in obtaining offspring from S. aegrotata than A. cuneana eggs. These investment times positively correlated with percentage egg-load retained by a female after it had ceased exploiting a host species. This occurred even though the offspring produced by a parasitoid from either host species manifested the same size and fecundity (= quality). Host species utilization in the laboratory mirrored that observed in the avocado groves of southern California following augmentative release of commercially produced T. platneri (Oatman & Platner, 1985). Explanations for these differences in host utilization are discussed along with their implications for augmentative biological control.  相似文献   

J. Zee  D. Holway 《Insectes Sociaux》2006,53(2):161-167
Invasive ants often displace native ants, and published studies that focus on these interactions usually emphasize interspecific competition for food resources as a key mechanism responsible for the demise of native ants. Although less well documented, nest raiding by invasive ants may also contribute to the extirpation of native ants. In coastal southern California, for example, invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) commonly raid colonies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex subnitidus. On a seasonal basis the frequency and intensity of raids vary, but raids occur only when abiotic conditions are suitable for both species. In the short term these organized attacks cause harvester ants to cease foraging and to plug their nest entrances. In unstaged, one-on-one interactions between P. subnitidus and L. humile workers, Argentine ants behaved aggressively in over two thirds of all pair-wise interactions, despite the much larger size of P. subnitidus. The short-term introduction of experimental Argentine ant colonies outside of P. subnitidus nest entrances stimulated behaviors similar to those observed in raids: P. subnitidus decreased its foraging activity and increased the number of nest entrance workers (many of which labored to plug their nest entrances). Raids are not likely to be the result of competition for food. As expected, P. subnitidus foraged primarily on plant material (85% of food items obtained from returning foragers), but also collected some dead insects (7% of food items). In buffet-style choice tests in which we offered Argentine ants food items obtained from P. subnitidus, L. humile only showed interest in dead insects. In other feeding trials L. humile consistently moved harvester ant brood into their nests (where they were presumably consumed) but showed little interest in freshly dead workers. The raiding behavior described here obscures the distinction between interspecific competition and predation, and may well play an important role in the displacement of native ants, especially those that are ecologically dissimilar to L. humile with respect to diet. Received 15 July 2005; revised 19 October 2005; accepted 26 October 2005.  相似文献   

Previous work with the antCamponotus floridanus demonstrated that perception of competition can be clearly differentiated from effects of mortality and decreased resources. That is, brood biomass in ant colonies decreases as a consequence of a behavioral decision(s) rather than because of limited food availability or reduced numbers of brood tenders. The experiments presented here extend that work. Under experimental conditions, colony growth inC. floridanus is modified by distance between brood and unrelated conspecifics and by worker age distribution. When nonnestmates are encountered at the nest versus at a separate foraging site, less brood is maintained by a colony. Although colonies with older workers maintain a brood biomass similar to that of colonies with younger workers, that biomass is concentrated in fewer, larger, more rapidly maturing larvae. These effects seem to be due entirely to worker control.  相似文献   

Carthamus lanatus L. (Compositae, saffron thistle) is a major weed of worldwide distribution that originated in southern Europe. Surveys, rearings, tests of specificity, and in-depth field studies undertaken between 1990 and 1995 have considerably improved our understanding of the complex of natural enemies associated withC. lanatus in its native range. The root-feeding fly,Botanophila turcica Hennig (Dipt.: Anthomyiidae) is herewith recorded for the first time fromC. lanatus; the rosette rust fungus,Puccinia sommieriana Saccardo (Basid.: Pucciniaceae) is reported for the first time fromC. lanatus in Greece; the flowerhead fly,Urophora mauritanica Macquart (Dipt.: Tephritidae) is shown to concentrate its attacks onC. lanatus in the field in presence of the closely relatedCarthamus tinctorius L. (cultivated safflower). According to site and year the direct mortality caused by each of these three organisms to populations ofC. lanatus fluctuated between 10 and 50%. In addition, each of them had a whole range of indirect effects of some importance onC. lanatus populations, all of which were also cumulative. Strong phenological (in the case ofB. turcica), and practical evidence (field records, plus results of host specificity tests) are presented, and discussed which document the fact that the three phytophagous species may be considered as specifically attackingC. lanatus, but without damaging field crops of its close relative,C. tinctorius. Contrary to traditional belief, biological control may therefore be considered a promising, safe approach for reducingC. lanatus populations.
Importantes découvertes récentes permettant de ré-évaluer le potentiel de la lutte biologique contreCarthamus lanatus L.
Résumé Prospections, dissections, élevages au laboratoire et études détaillées en sites permanents, effectués de 1990 à 1995 en Europe méridionale dans toute la région d’origine deCarthamus lanatus L. (Compositae), une mauvaise herbe de grande importance économique à travers le monde, ont permis d’approfondir notablement la connaissance de ses ennemis naturels. La mouche des rosettes (Botanophila turcica Hennig; Dipt. : Anthomyiidae) a ainsi été détectée pour la première fois surC. lanatus. La rouillePuccinia sommieriana Saccardo (Basid. : Pucciniaceae) est signalée pour la première fois de Grèce sur cette adventice. Enfin, il est montré que la mouche des capitulesUrophora mauritanica Macquart (Dipt. : Anthomyiidae) concentre ses attaques en champ surC. lanatus. Chacun de ces trois organismes a engendré sur les populations de la mauvaise herbe une mortalité directe fluctuant entre 10 et 50 % suivant les sites et les années, induisant en outre des effets indirects de moindre importance, certes, mais apparemment tous cumulatifs. Ces trois espèces de phytophages peuvent être considérées comme pratiquement inféodées àC. lanatus. Ils ne présentent donc aucun danger pour les cultures de carthame cultivé (C. tinctorius L.), pourtant très proche parent de l’adventice, pour des raisons tenant à leur incompatibilité phénologique (dans le cas deB. turcica notamment). L’absence de tout relevé signalant leur présence surC. tinctorius dans une aire où les deux espèces végétales cohabitent depuis des décennies, et les résultats des premiers tests de spécificité confortent en outre cette hypothèse. Contrairement aux appréhensions formulées jusqu’ici, la lutte biologique constitue donc une solution réellement prometteuse pour l’avenir en vue de réduire les populations nuisibles de cette mauvaise herbe.

In a laboratory study, we determined the potential of threeTrichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) species,T. brassicae Bezdenko,T. minutum Riley andT. nr.sibiricum Sorokina, for biological control against six species of forest lepidopteran pests, black army cutworm, hemlock looper, eastern spruce budworm, western spruce budworm, white-marked tussock moth, and gypsy moth. Females of each parasitoid species were offered eggs from each of the six host species. Parasitization and the effect of the host species on the emerging progeny were examined and recorded.Trichogramma minutum had the broadest host range and successfully parasitized four host species out of the six offered.Trichogramma nr.sibiricum had the narrowest host range and parasitized only two species of hosts. Of the six host species, black army cutworm was the most preferred by all threeTrichogramma species; white-marked tussock moth and gypsy moth were not parasitized by any parasitoids. There was a positive correlation between the size of female offspring and their corresponding egg complement in all three parasitoid species. The developmental time of parasitoids from egg to adult was influenced by both the parasitoid and host species. Our results suggest thatT. minutum has the greatest potential for biological control against various forest lepidopteran pests and that the black army cutworm may be the best target candidate for further study.  相似文献   

The egg parasitoid Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), was introduced into French Polynesia as a biological control agent to control the invasive plant feeding pest Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). The short-distance dispersal of G. ashmeadi was monitored as part of the biological control program. G. ashmeadi showed exponential dispersal capacity with 47 m/day being a minimum estimate of its natural rate of spread at high host densities (>150 nymphs per minute of sweep net sampling) in urbanized areas at sea level, which were characterized by a high diversity of exotic ornamental plants. This rate of spread contrasted starkly with almost nonexistent establishment and dispersal where host densities were very low (<2 nymphs per minute of sweep net sampling) at high elevation (800 m) with relatively undisturbed native vegetation. Survey results across different altitudes revealed an effect of vegetative diversity and host density on the measurable mobility and establishment of G. ashmeadi. In contrast, no significant influence of wind direction was found on G. ashmeadi dispersal rate or direction. Survey results for G. ashmeadi from French Polynesia suggest that the best release establishment strategies for classical biological control of H. vitripennis are: (1) many small releases where host density is high, or (2) larger and fewer releases where host densities are low.  相似文献   

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