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In species with bi-parental care, individuals must partition energy between parental effort and mating effort. Typically, female songbirds invest more than males in reproductive activities such as egg-laying and incubation, but males invest more in secondary sexual traits used in attracting mates. Animals that breed more than once within a season must also allocate time and energy between first and subsequent breeding attempts and between current and future breeding seasons. To investigate strategies of reproductive investment by males and females and the consequences of such strategies, we manipulated the size of broods of Eastern Bluebirds Sialia sialis . Pairs with enlarged first broods were less likely to produce a second clutch or took longer to initiate one than pairs with reduced broods. After rearing enlarged broods, females were less likely than males to survive to the following year. Although plumage coloration is a sexually selected trait in Eastern Bluebirds that is influenced by nutritional stress, we did not detect an effect of brood-size manipulation on female coloration. Past research, however, demonstrates that, in males, plumage colour is negatively affected by increasing brood size. We suggest that there are sex-specific strategies of reproductive investment in Eastern Bluebirds, and that researchers should incorporate measures of residual reproductive value in studies of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

Life-history theory centres around trade-offs between current and future reproduction, but we have little understanding of how such trade-offs are mediated. We supplementary fed Ural owls (Strix uralensis) during the nestling period and quantified parents' current and future life-history components as well as their physiological health by monitoring haematocrit, leucocyte profile, intra- and extracellular blood parasites. Feeding led to reduced parental effort but did not improve offspring viability, male parasite defence, or parental survival. Intracellular leucocytozoan infection was reduced in fed females which lasted to the following year's reproductive season (carry-over effect), when fed females also laid larger and earlier clutches. Leucocytozoon infection therefore may mediate the life-history trade-off between current and residual reproduction in this species.  相似文献   

Although the function of ornamental traits in males has been the focus of intensive research for decades, expression of such traits in females has received much less study. Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) display structurally based ultraviolet/blue and melanin-based chestnut plumage, and in males this plumage coloration is related to both reproductive success and competitive ability. Compared to males, female bluebirds show a subdued expression of blue and chestnut ornamental coloration, and we used a combination of an aviary nutritional-stress experiment and four years of field data to test the hypothesis that coloration functions as a signal of female quality. First, we tested the effect of food intake on expression of structural and melanin coloration in female eastern bluebirds to determine whether structural or melanin coloration are condition-dependent traits. Females that were given ad libitum access to food displayed more ornamented structural coloration than females on a food-restricted diet, but there was no effect of the experiment on melanin ornamentation. Second, we used field data to assess whether female ornamentation correlated with measures of mate quality and parental effort. The structural coloration of females predicted first egg date, maternal provisioning rates, and measures of reproductive success. These data indicate that structural coloration is dependent on nutritional condition and suggest that sexual selection is acting on structurally based plumage coloration in female eastern bluebirds.  相似文献   

Investment in present vs. future reproduction is a life-history trade-off faced by many animals. Because males generally pay a higher cost from lost mating opportunities than females, males are expected to react more strongly to changes in brood value. We examined the effect of an experimental brood reduction on male desertion in the substrate-brooding biparental cichlid Aequidens coeruleopunctatus under field conditions. We tested the prediction that brood reduction should decrease the duration of male care and examined the effect of brood reduction on the quality of male and female parental care. Our results show that males with reduced broods stopped providing parental care earlier than males with control broods. Males with reduced broods, however, also stayed longer with their broods as the season progressed. Brood reduction did not decrease daily investment in male or female parental care. We conclude that males trade off present and future reproduction by changing the duration but not the quality of parental care. The longer duration of male care in the experimental group later in the season suggests that the trade-off between present and future reproduction changes as the season progresses because the payoffs of desertion progressively decrease.  相似文献   

Male structural plumage coloration and UV signals in particular can provide information on individual quality and influence female choice, while melanin-pigmented plumage is largely considered to be important in intrasexual competition. Many avian species demonstrate both types of plumage ornamentation that may convey different information about the signaller's quality or condition in addition to age. We examine rufous and blue plumage ornamentation across multiple body regions in relation to age, condition and reproductive performance in male western bluebirds Sialia mexicana. We demonstrate a strong positive relationship between head plumage brightness and both male age and the mass of the offspring. Older males are in better condition and display a reduced plumage patch on the back while the size of the rufous breast patch increases with increasing condition but not with age. Spectral characters from the wings and rump were not associated with any of the reproductive parameters measured. In conjunction with published evidence showing that females preferentially accept extrapair copulations from older males, these data suggest a need for experimental manipulation of plumage colour in known-aged birds to understand mate choice in this species.  相似文献   

Reproducing parents face the difficult challenge of trading-off investment in current reproduction against presumed future survival and reproduction. Glucocorticoids are supposed to mediate this trade-off because the adrenocortical response to stress disrupts normal reproductive behaviour in favour of self-maintenance and own survival. According to the brood-value hypothesis, individuals with a low survival probability until the next reproductive season have to invest in current reproduction, a process driven by a down-regulation of their adrenocortical response. If the adrenocortical response to stress effectively mediates the trade-off between current reproduction versus future survival and reproduction, we expect a negative relationship with reproductive success and a positive correlation of the adrenocortical stress response with survival. We studied the relationship between corticosterone secretion in parents and their current brood value, reproductive success and survival in a short-lived multi-brooded bird, the Eurasian hoopoe Upupa epops. The adrenocortical response to acute handling stress was correlated with the brood value within the individual (first and second broods of the year) and between individuals. Birds breeding late in the season mounted a lower total corticosterone response to acute stress than birds breeding earlier, while females showed lower levels than males. We observed a negative relationship between the adrenocortical stress response and rearing success or fledging success in females, as predicted by the brood-value hypothesis. However, we could not evidence a clear link between the adrenocortical stress response and survival. Future research testing the brood-value hypothesis and trade-offs between current reproduction and future survival should also measure free corticosterone and carefully differentiate between cross-sectional (i.e. between-individual) and individual-based experimental studies.  相似文献   

Fisher DO  Blomberg SP 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e15226
Evolutionary explanations for life history diversity are based on the idea of costs of reproduction, particularly on the concept of a trade-off between age-specific reproduction and parental survival, and between expenditure on current and future offspring. Such trade-offs are often difficult to detect in population studies of wild mammals. Terminal investment theory predicts that reproductive effort by older parents should increase, because individual offspring become more valuable to parents as the conflict between current versus potential future offspring declines with age. In order to demonstrate this phenomenon in females, there must be an increase in maternal expenditure on offspring with age, imposing a fitness cost on the mother. Clear evidence of both the expenditure and fitness cost components has rarely been found. In this study, we quantify costs of reproduction throughout the lifespan of female antechinuses. Antechinuses are nocturnal, insectivorous, forest-dwelling small (20-40 g) marsupials, which nest in tree hollows. They have a single synchronized mating season of around three weeks, which occurs on predictable dates each year in a population. Females produce only one litter per year. Unlike almost all other mammals, all males, and in the smaller species, most females are semelparous. We show that increased allocation to current reproduction reduces maternal survival, and that offspring growth and survival in the first breeding season is traded-off with performance of the second litter in iteroparous females. In iteroparous females, increased allocation to second litters is associated with severe weight loss in late lactation and post-lactation death of mothers, but increased offspring growth in late lactation and survival to weaning. These findings are consistent with terminal investment. Iteroparity did not increase lifetime reproductive success, indicating that terminal investment in the first breeding season at the expense of maternal survival (i.e. semelparity) is likely to be advantageous for females.  相似文献   

One of the common assumptions in the study of the evolution of parental care is that trade-offs exist between parental investment and other fitness-related traits. In general, this body of work follows the traditional definition that parental investment (in the current offspring) decreases that individual's ability to invest in future reproduction ( Trivers 1972 ). However, examination of the empirical evidence shows that assuming a trade-off between parental and mating effort is not always appropriate. This overemphasis on a trade-off between mating and parental effort has arisen in part because of an oversimplification of female reproductive strategies, a failure to consider interactions between the sexes, and a tendency to consider behaviours as unifunctional, thereby ignoring the more complex relationship between mating and parental effort in many species. Here, we first examine the empirical evidence for trade-offs between mating and parental effort in males and females to ask when trade-offs occur and what pattern they take. By highlighting a number of exemplar species, we then explore how the presence or absence of trade-offs relates to mate choice and sexual selection in both sexes. Finally, we highlight the importance of considering individual variation, which has been particularly overlooked in examinations of female investment, and how preferences in one sex may influence the existence and our interpretation of apparent trade-offs in the other sex.  相似文献   

Many of the brilliant plumage coloration displays of birds function as signals to conspecifics. One species in which the function of plumage ornaments has been assessed is the Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis). Studies of a population breeding in Alabama (USA) have established that plumage ornaments signal quality, parental investment, and competitive ability in both sexes. Here we tested the additional hypotheses that (1) Eastern bluebird plumage ornamentation signals nest defense behavior in heterospecific competitive interactions and (2) individual variation in plumage ornamentation reflects underlying differences in circulating hormone levels. We also tested the potential for plumage ornaments to signal individual quality and parental investment in a population breeding in Oklahoma (USA). We found that Eastern bluebirds with more ornamented plumage are in better condition, initiate breeding earlier in the season, produce larger clutches, have higher circulating levels of the stress hormone corticosterone, and more ornamented males have lower circulating androgen levels. Plumage coloration was not related to nest defense behavior. Thus, plumage ornamentation may be used by both sexes to assess the physiological condition and parental investment of prospective mates. Experimental manipulations of circulating hormone levels during molt are needed to define the role of hormones in plumage ornamentation.  相似文献   

Male eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) have two types of ornamentalplumage coloration: a brilliant blue-ultraviolet head, back,and wings, and a patch of chestnut breast feathers. The blue-UVcoloration is produced from feather microstructure, whereasthe chestnut coloration is produced by a combination of pheaomelaninand eumelanin pigments deposited in feathers. We tested thehypothesis that plumage coloration reflects male quality ineastern bluebirds, a socially monogamous, sexually dichromaticbird. We investigated whether male ornamentation correlateswith mate quality and parental effort. We quantified three aspectsof male ornament coloration: (1) size of the patch of chestnutbreast feathers, (2) reflectance properties of the chestnutplumage coloration, and (3) reflectance properties of the blue-ultravioletplumage coloration. We found that males with larger breast patchesand brighter plumage provisioned nestlings more often, fledgedheavier offspring, and paired with females that nested earlier.Males with plumage coloration that exhibit more ultraviolethues fledged more offspring. These results suggest that plumagecoloration is a reliable indicator of male mate quality andreproductive success. Both melanin-based and structural-basedplumages appear to be honest signals of male quality and parentalcare that can be assessed by competitors or by potential mates.  相似文献   

Darwin (1871) and later Fisher (1958) suggested that sexual selection can drive the evolution of ornamental traits in monogamous species when female preferences for these traits allow well-ornamented males to begin breeding earlier in a season and, as a result, gain reproductive advantages over poorly ornamented males. However, few studies have been conducted to test this fundamental concept upon which much of the sexual selection theory for monogamous species has been based. In this study, we examined the relationship between breeding onset, reproductive success, and male ornamentation in the House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus , a species in which males display bright carotenoid-based plumage pigmentation. In previous work, it has been shown that bright male House Finches are preferred as social mates by females and, as a result, begin nesting earlier in the season than do drab orange and yellow males. Here we show that, by initiating breeding earlier in the season, brightly colored males fledge more offspring in a season than do drab males. Thus, differential timing of breeding generates considerable variance in reproductive success among male House Finches and contributes to sexual selection for male plumage ornamentation in this species.  相似文献   

A fundamental premise of life-history theory is that organisms that increase current reproductive investment suffer increased mortality. Possibly the most studied life-history phenotypic relationship is the trade-off between parental effort and survival. However, evidence supporting this trade-off is equivocal. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to test the generality of this tenet. Using experimental studies that manipulated parental effort in birds, we show that (i) the effect of parental effort on survival was similar across species regardless of phylogeny; (ii) individuals that experienced reduced parental effort had similar survival probabilities than control individuals, regardless of sex; and (iii) males that experienced increased parental effort were less likely to survive than control males, whereas females that experienced increased effort were just as likely to survive as control females. Our results suggest that the trade-off between parental effort and survival is more complex than previously assumed. Finally, our study provides recommendations of unexplored avenues of future research into life-history trade-offs.  相似文献   

One of the benefits of mate choice based on sexually selected traits is the greater investment of more ornamented individuals in parental care. The choosy individual can also adjust its parental investment to the sexual signals of its partner. Incubation is an important stage of avian reproduction, but the relationship between behaviour during incubation and mutual ornamentation is unclear. Studying a population of Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis, we monitored the behaviour of both sexes during incubation in relation to their own and their partner's plumage traits, including plumage‐level reflectance attributes and white patch sizes. There was a marginally positive relationship between male feeding rate during incubation and female incubation rate. Female but not male behavioural traits were associated with the laying date of the first egg and clutch size. The behaviour of the two sexes jointly determined the relative hatching speed of clutches and the hatching success of eggs. Females with larger white wing patches spent less time incubating eggs and left the nestbox more frequently. Males with larger white wing patches fed females less frequently, whereas males with brighter white plumage areas visited the nestbox more regularly without feeding. Females tended to leave the nest less often when mated to males with larger wing patches, and females spent less time incubating when males had more UV chromatic plumage. The behaviour of both partners during incubation therefore predicted hatching patterns and was correlated with their own and sometimes with their partner's plumage ornamentation. These results call for further studies of mutual ornamentation and reproductive effort during incubation.  相似文献   

Compromise of immune function during reproduction may form a link between parental effort and the cost of reproduction, but the role of environmental variation in structuring intra-individual life-history trade-offs has been poorly investigated. We manipulated the need for parental effort in Eurasian kestrels, Falco tinnunculus, by food-supplementing broods for three nestling periods, during which the natural main food supply (voles) varied, and found that parental parasitaemia was inversely related to yearly vole densities. The level of parasitaemia in females was, however, reduced by food supplements. No effect on males was expected, as earlier work has shown that only females responded to the supplements by changing their behaviour. We show directly that the likelihood of female parasitaemia was diminished by spending less time in flight-hunting, which was related to reproduction during a good vole year, to our supplementary feeding, and to being mated to a male with high parental effort. Our results represent a novel direct benefit for females in resource - providing species, linked to female, as well as offspring, well-being, and they provide insight into why the appearance of reproductive costs may be linked to gender or environmental conditions.  相似文献   

During reproduction, birds face trade-offs between time and energy devoted to parental effort and traits associated with self-maintenance. We manipulated brood sizes to investigate the effects of such trade-offs on feather bacterial densities and the structure of bacterial assemblages on feathers in adult European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, and in vitro feather degradation. As predicted by a trade-off between parental effort and self-maintenance, we found that birds with enlarged broods had more free-living bacteria on their feathers than birds with reduced broods. Furthermore, we found a significant interaction between brood manipulation and original brood size on free-living bacterial densities suggesting that the trade-off is mediated by the adults' initial reproductive investment. In contrast, brood size manipulations had no significant effect on densities of attached bacteria. Using ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA), we demonstrated that brood manipulations significantly modified the structure (band pattern) of feather-degrading bacterial assemblages, but had no significant effect on their richness (number of bands) or the in vitro feather degradation. In vitro feather degradation varied in relation to the premanipulation brood size and positively with the richness of the feather degrading bacterial community. Besides brood manipulation effect, we found that ecological factors and individual traits, such as the age, the nest location or the capture date, shaped bacterial assemblages and feather degradation capacities.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction in male lizards, Sceloporus virgatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allison J. Abell 《Oikos》2000,88(3):630-640
Models of life history evolution typically assume a balance between the benefits of current reproductive activity and the costs to future reproductive success or survivorship, but empirical studies often find positive correlations between such components of fitness in undisturbed animal populations. I examined possible survivorship costs of reproduction in free-ranging male lizards, Sceloporus virgatus , and found that males with low levels of mating success were less likely to survive to the following breeding season. I also investigated two possible indicators of reproductive effort, increase in ectoparasite load and decrease in body weight during the breeding season. Levels of parasitism with trombiculid mites at the end of the breeding season were not associated with any measure of fitness or body condition (mating success, survivorship to the following year, relative weight loss). Yearling males (which have low levels of mating success) usually gained weight during the breeding season, while older males generally lost weight during this period. This suggests that young males may have postponed reproduction in favor of body growth and that seasonal weight loss of older males might reflect reproductive effort. Within the group of older males, individuals with the highest levels of mating success did not have high levels of either weight loss or mortality. Mate guarding behavior, an alternative to the aggressive territorial behavior typical of many lizard species, may allow certain males to obtain mates without expending large amounts of energy or exposing themselves to great mortality risks.  相似文献   

Annual reproductive success in many species is influenced by the number of breeding attempts within a season. Although previous studies have shown isolated effects of female quality, food, and timing of breeding on the probability of female birds producing second broods, to our knowledge, none have tested the relative importance of multiple factors and their interactions using simultaneous manipulations within populations of free-living birds. In this study, we show that individual quality and timing of breeding interact to affect the probability of double-brooding in female mountain bluebirds (Sialia currucoides). High-quality females (those that naturally initiated clutches early in the season) were more likely to double-brood, regardless of whether their hatching date was advanced or delayed, whereas later breeding, lower quality females were much less likely to double-brood when their first attempt was delayed. This indicates that annual fecundity of poorer quality (or younger) female bluebirds may be more sensitive to seasonal variation in environmental conditions. In addition, birds that were provided with supplemental food throughout first breeding attempts were more likely to double-brood in one of the study years, suggesting that female bluebirds may be energetically limited in their capacity to initiate a second brood. Females that had their first brood delayed also had a shorter inter-brood interval and were moulting fewer feathers during second broods compared to controls, while females in better condition showed more advanced moult in second breeding attempts. Taken together, our results demonstrate the combined effects of age- or individual quality-mediated energetic trade-offs between current and future reproduction, and between investments in offspring and self-maintenance, on annual fecundity of female birds.  相似文献   

The two main trade-offs considered determining reproductive patterns in iteroparous organisms are the one between current and future reproduction, and the one between the number and quality of offspring. Recently, it has been suggested that these trade-offs may be mediated by stress-induced reduction in immunocompetence. To test the hypothesis that stress reduces immune function, we investigated the effects of brood size manipulation on stress hormone levels, leukocyte profiles and immune responses against challenge with novel antigens in nestling and parent male pied flycatchers ( Ficedula hypoleuca). In male parents, heterophil (H) and lymphocyte (L) numbers, as well as H/L ratio increased with experimentally enlarged brood size, and corticosterone levels tended to do so, indicating that high parental work load altered their stress level and physiological state. Despite this, we found no effects on humoral immune responsiveness, measured as antibody production against diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. In nestlings, heterophil numbers and H/L ratio increased in enlarged broods, whereas T-cell-mediated immune responsiveness, measured against phytohemagglutinin (PHA), decreased in enlarged broods. The results support the view that growth-stress-induced immunosuppression may be an important physiological pathway mediating the trade-off between the number and viability of offspring. The difference in the observed immune-related responses between nestlings and males may be because we measured different aspects of the immune system (cellular vs humoral). However, it may also be a result of males lowering their own costs by feeding less, (and their mate possibly compensate by feeding more), whereas nestlings cannot escape the costs of increased intra-brood competition.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraindividual variation of the breeding plumage ornamentation in male Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca from the Moscow province population (55 degrees 44' N 36 degrees 51' E) was studied using long-term data (1996-2005). Eumelanin prevailing colour type (CT) scored according to the seven-step Dorst scale (Dorst, 1936), age, and reproductive status during the current breeding season were analyzed as potential sources of variation of the white ornamentation on the forehead, the wings, and the tail in males. Male CT strongly varied, from almost black to cryptic brownish (2-7, average 4.4, N = 1403). On average CT became I1degree darker with age and tended to be stable after the age of two years. Initial and final CT strongly correlated (r = 0.76). Wing ornamentation and forehead patch (FP) were associated with both initial and final CT, whereas correlation between tail ornamentation and CT was observed only in aged males. Ornamentation was most variable in males with cryptic (pale) CT. Such males had, on average, less intense forehead and wing ornamentation than conspicuous males, compensating this difference by having more intense ornamentation next year. These data suggest the weakening of morphogenetic relations between prevailing colour and ornamentation in males with cryptic phenotype. The return rate (rate of conspicuous males returning to their previous nesting territory) was not related to the success of their previous breeding attempts. Among pale males, the return rate was higher in breeders than in non-breeders. The relation between FP shape and reproductive status was pronounced only in pale males. Among pale males, previous breeders and non-breeders displayed no difference in the degree of prevailing colour darkening next year. In conspicuous males, previous breeding led to the weakening of dorsal eumelanin pigmentation of the new plumage, which suggests the existence of tradeoffs between reproductive efforts and the development of rich eumelanin coloration. Among pale males, previous breeders displayed a higher rate of FP widening next year than previous non-breeders. Diffrerent patterns of relations between male ornamentation and reproductive experience suggest that the females can use plural clues to evaluate the quality of their potential mates.  相似文献   

Life-history theory suggests that the variation in the seasonal timing of reproduction within populations may be explained on the basis of individual optimization. Optimal breeding times would vary between individuals as a result of trade-offs between fitness components. The existence of such trade-offs has seldom been tested empirically. We experimentally investigated the consequences of altered timing of current reproduction for future reproductive output in the European coot (Fulica atra). First clutches of different laying date were cross-fostered between nests, and parents thereby experienced a delay or an advance in the hatching date. The probability and success of a second brood, adult survival until and reproduction in the next season were then compared to the natural variation among control pairs. Among control pairs the probability of a second brood declined with the progress of season. Delayed pairs were less likely and advanced pairs were more likely to produce a second brood. These changes were quantitatively as predicted from the natural seasonal decline. The number of eggs in the second clutch was positively related to egg number in the first clutch and negatively related to laying date. Compared to the natural variation, delayed females had more and advanced females had fewer eggs in their second clutch. The size of the second brood declined with season, but there was no significant effect of delay or advance. Local adult survival was higher following a delay and reduced following an advance. The effect of the experiment on adult survival was independent of sex. Laying date and clutch size of females breeding in the next year were not affected by treatment. The study demonstrates the existence of a trade-off between increased probability of a second brood and decreased parental survival for early breeding. Timing-dependent effects of current reproduction on future reproductive output may thus play an important role in the evolution of the seasonal timing of reproduction.  相似文献   

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