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The cyclopoid copepod Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides, a dominant invertebrate predator in many shallow ponds and temporary water bodies in northern India, feeds on cladocerans, rotifers, ciliates and when present, on mosquito larvae also. We studied in the laboratory the prey consumption rates of the copepod on first and fourth instar larvae of two species of mosquito (Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus) in relation to their density. We also studied its prey selectivity with mosquito larvae in the presence of an alternate prey (the cladocerans‐either Moina macrocopa or Ceriodaphnia cornuta) in different proportions. With either mosquito species, the copepod actively selected Instar‐I larvae, avoiding the Instar‐IV larvae, and with either instar, selected Anopheles stephensi over Culex quinquefasciatus. When prey choice included the cladoceran as an alternate prey, the copepod selected the cladoceran only when the other prey was Instar‐IV mosquito larvae. Our results point to the potential and promise of M. thermocyclopoides as a biological agent for controlling larval populations of vectorially important mosquito species.  相似文献   

We measured the food consumption rates in the omnivorous copepod Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides on different animal prey types in the presence of, and in the absence of one of the algal food types, the small, nonmotile Chlorella, or the large, motile Chlorogonium. Animal prey tested included different zooplankton species covering a size range of 88 to 1446 μm. The number of animal prey consumed was inversely proportional, but the total weight consumed was directly proportional, to the body size and dry weight of the prey item. There was a significant reduction in animal prey consumption in the presence of algae, being higher with cladoceran prey than with ciliates and rotifers, and in the presence of Chlorogonium than in the presence of Chlorella. Cannibalism in M. thermocyclopoides was low when algal food was available.  相似文献   

The status of the Mesocyclops from lake Biwa is reexamined and a new species, Mesocyclops dissimilis n. sp., distinct from M. thermocyclopoides Harada, 1931, is described.  相似文献   

In the shallow and eutrophic subtropical aquatic ecosystems, which it generally inhabits, the omnivorous copepod Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides encounters a wide variety of animal prey types including ciliates, rotifers, and cladocerans. We studied prey selectivity in laboratory-reared adult females of this species given a choice of (i) prey types belonging to different taxa (ciliates, rotifers, cladocerans, and cyclopoid nauplii), and (ii) different prey species within a taxonomic group differing in body size, morphology or behaviour. We also tested the effect of different proportions of prey species on its selectivity. Prey type proportion had no significant effect on selectivity of the copepod, nor was there any evidence of switching based on the relative abundance of prey. Among the ciliate prey species tested, the largest species, Stylonychia mytilus was positively selected regardless of its relative abundance, while the smallest, S. notophora was selected only when its density was higher. Offered a choice of three species of a brachionid rotifer differing in size, the copepod selected the largest of them, Brachionus calyciflorus, and avoided the smallest B. angularis. The evasive rotifer Hexarthra mira was also avoided. When prey choice included three cladoceran species Daphnia similoides, Moina macrocopa and Ceriodaphnia cornuta, the copepod selected the intermediate-sized M. macrocopa regardless of the abundance of the other two species. Although it fed on Mesocyclops nauplii when there was no choice, M. thermocyclopoides avoided them when alternative food was available. In a multispecies prey choice test, the copepod selected predominantly the rotifer B. calyciflorus and the cladoceran M. macrocopa. We suggest that the prey selectivity patterns shown by M. thermocyclopoides are adaptive in that they lead to ingestion of the most profitable prey.  相似文献   

记录了目前分布在中国的中剑水蚤属共计10个种:刘氏中剑水蚤Mesocyclops leuckarti(Claus,1857)、温中剑水蚤M.thermocyclopoides Harada,1931、特异中剑水蚤M.dissimilis Defaye&Kawabata,1993、北碚中剑水蚤M.pehpeiensis Hu,1943、奥贡中剑水蚤M.ogunnus Onabamiro,1957、邬氏中剑水蚤M.woutersi Van de Velde,1987、糙角中剑水蚤M.aspericornis(Daday,1906)、玛丽中剑水蚤M.mariae Guo,2000、深圳中剑水蚤M.shenzhenensis Guo,2000、蒙古中剑水蚤M.mongoliensis Kiefer,1981。对每一种的主要形态特征和地理分布分别做了详尽描述,给出了如何鉴定这10个种的检索表。同时还讨论和更正了过去一些学者对分布在中国的中剑水蚤属个别种诸如同物异名或同名异物的错误。  相似文献   

Hołyńska  Maria  Sinh Nam  Vu 《Hydrobiologia》2000,429(1-3):197-206
Mesocyclops ferjemurami sp. nov. is described from Central Vietnam, North India and Sri Lanka. It differs from all congeners in having a unique spinule ornamentation on the caudal surface of the antennary basipodite: the `leuckarti-type' spinule pattern is supplemented with a group of spinules at the height of implantation of the medial setae, and proximal to this group a triangular spinule field occurs, the longest side of which runs more or less parallel to the oblique row of tiny spinules starting at distal half of the medial rim. It is suggested that Mesocyclops ferjemurami is closely related to Mesocyclops pehpeiensis Hu, 1943 and Mesocyclops papuensis Van de Velde, 1987.  相似文献   

Food preference of M. leuckarti was experimentally analysed in relation to different species of live and dead crustaceans. Also their possibility of using detritus from bottom sediments as a source of food was tested.It has been found that M. leuckarti readily feed on dead organisms, and detritus from bottom sediments is sufficient for their survival.On the basis of experimental results the feeding strategy of M. leuckarti in lakes is discussed. It seems that the availability of different species of live prey depends on the mode of their swimming and on their body cover, while the availability of dead prey depends only on the body cover. Detritus may be an important source of food, particularly when the live prey are scarce in the pelagic zone, or not easily available.  相似文献   

Paracyclops longispina n. sp. and Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. are described. New characters derived from detailed examination of body and limb ornamentation are used to differentiate them from other Paracyclops species. Paracyclops longispina n. sp. resembles Paracyclops fimbriatus (Fischer, 1853) and Paracyclops imminutus Kiefer, 1929. It differs from the former by the presence of a well-developed spinular row near the base of the inner setae on the antennal coxobasis in both sexes, and from the latter in the structure of the seminal receptacle and the position of the mid-distal spinular row on the posterior surface of the coxa of leg 1. Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. can be distinguished from other members of genus mainly by the structure of the seminal receptacle and leg 5. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

All the naupliar stages of Mesocyclops cf. thermocyclopoidesHarada, 1931 and Thermocyclops decipiens (Kiefer, 1929) aredescribed. The external morphology of the nauplii of these speciesis compared with that of Mesocyclops aequatorialis similis andThermocyclops consimilis from Ethiopia. Diagnostic featuresof adults of the two species that were studied are illustratedand described.  相似文献   

Kumar  Ram  Rao  T. Ramakrishna 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):261-268
In many shallow, eutrophic subtropical ponds, brachionid rotifers are common prey of the predatory copepod Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides. The predatory rotifer Asplanchna intermedia, which is itself a potential prey of the copepod, also feeds preferentially on brachionids. We studied in the laboratory the population dynamics of two mutually competing prey species, Brachionus angularis and B. calyciflorus, in the presence of the two predators A. intermedia and M. thermocyclopoides. The experimental design included separate population dynamics studies with one prey–one predator, two prey–one predator, one prey–two predator, and two prey–two predator systems. These combinations were compared with controls, in which both the prey species (B. angularis and B. calyciflorus) were grown separately and in combination with each other. In the absence of any predator, B. angularis generally eliminated the larger B. calyciflorus. Selective predation by the copepod allowed B. calyciflorus to persist longer in competition with B. angularis. Feeding by M. thermocyclopoides on A. intermedia reduced the predation pressure on B. calyciflorus. However, given enough time, the cyclopoid copepod was able to eliminate both the brachionids as well as the predatory Asplanchna.  相似文献   

Diacyclops paralanguidoides sp.n., Diacyclops paolae sp.n., Diacyclops maggii sp.n. and Diacyclops sardous sp.n., all belonging to the languidoides-group of species, are described from groundwaters (wells, hyporheic habitats) in Italy.New localities are reported, from the same country, for other remarkable species of the genus, viz. Diacyclops clandestinus (Kiefer) and Diacyclops zschokkei (Graeter).The absence of a vestigial exopod and the armature of the basipodite of the antenna are considered as useful diagnostic characters for species demarcations.Research supported by a M.P.I. 60% grant. Gruppo Nazionale C.N.R.-Biologia Naturalistica.Contribution to the knowledge of the underground water fauna in central and southern Italy: XXXVIII.  相似文献   

Four new species of Halicyclops are described and figured from plankton samples of the brackish waters of Pomonga River, Sergipe State (NE Brazil). The ornamentation of the median apical setae of the furcal rami is proposed as useful diagnostic character for species distinction.  相似文献   

The morphology of a cyclopoid copepod, Mesocyclops aspericornis(Daday, 1906), from a tropical pond is redescribed in detail.This species is clearly distinguished from Mesocyclops leuckarti.New diagnostic characters, such as the distribution of featheredand non-feathered outgrowths on the antennule, the presenceof aesthetascs in both genders, circular groups of spinulesalong the dorsal and ventral surface of caudal rami, a groupof 14 spinules on the coxa of P2 and P3 and eight spinules onP1 and P4, are described. In the case of males, a stouter firstendopodite segment of the antennae and an upwardly bent spineon the first exopodite segment of P2 and spinules on the genitalsegment are described for the first time. The taxonomy of M.aspericornis is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of cyclopoid copepod, Ochridacyclops nipponensis is described from Japan. This is the third species of the genus. The type material was collected from small streams in the mountainous regions in Shikoku. The new species can easily be distinguished from other members of genus by its 12-segmented antennule, by the proportional length of genital double-somite relative to the length of 3 free abdominal somites, and by the shape of caudal rami. The male is unknown.  相似文献   

Two new species ofHalicyclops are described from plankton samples taken in two localities in the Amazon River mouth area, State of Pará, Brazil.Halicyclops lindbergi sp.n. resemblesH. hurlberti andH. clarkei from which it differs by a combination of characters in leg 5, the anal pseudoperculum and the caudal rami. The other new species,H. dussarti, is most morphologically similar toH. pilosus, but they are separated by differences in legs 1 and 5 as well as in the ornamentation of the middle caudal setae.  相似文献   

Reid  Janet W. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):429-434
Yansacyclops ferrarii, new genus, new species (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) is described from the plankton of Rios Guamá and Acará Grande near Belém, State of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

Four species of the genusMesocyclops (Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) are reported from Israel:Mesocyclops kieferi Van de Velde, 1984,Mesocyclops aequatorialis similis Van de Velde, 1984,Mesocyclops ogunnus Onabamiro, 1957 andMesocyclops arcanus n.sp. The new species, close toM. kieferi, is described and some remarks are given for the other species.  相似文献   

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