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Deamidase of Pup (Dop), the prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein (Pup)-deconjugating enzyme, is critical for the full virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is unique to bacteria, providing an ideal target for the development of selective chemotherapies. We used a combination of genetics and chemical biology to characterize the mechanism of depupylation. We identified an aspartate as a potential nucleophile in the active site of Dop, suggesting a novel protease activity to target for inhibitor development.  相似文献   

The genes for dihydropteroate synthase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae were isolated by hybridization with probes amplified from the genomic DNA libraries. DNA sequencing revealed an open reading frame of 840 bp encoding a protein of 280 amino acids for M. tuberculosis dihydropteroate synthase and an open reading frame of 852 bp encoding a protein of 284 amino acids for M. leprae dihydropteroate synthase. The dihydropteroate synthases were expressed under control of the T5 promoter in a dihydropteroate synthase-deficient strain of Escherichia coli. Using three chromatography steps, we purified both M. tuberculosis and M. leprae dihydropteroate synthases to >98% homogeneity. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed molecular masses of 29 kDa for M. tuberculosis dihydropteroate synthase and 30 kDa for M. leprae dihydropteroate synthase. Gel filtration of both enzymes showed a molecular mass of ca. 60 kDa, indicating that the native enzymes exist as dimers of two identical subunits. Steady-state kinetic parameters for dihydropteroate synthases from both M. tuberculosis and M. leprae were determined. Representative sulfonamides and dapsone were potent inhibitors of the mycobacterial dihydropteroate synthases, but the antimycobacterial agent p-aminosalicylate, a putative dihydropteroate synthase inhibitor, was a poor inhibitor of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Cysteine biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is crucial for this pathogen to combat oxidative stress and for long term survival in the host. Hence inhibition of this pathway is attractive for developing novel drugs against tuberculosis. In the present study, the crystal structure of the mycobacterial enzyme O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase CysK1 bound to an oligopeptide inhibitor was used as a framework for virtual screening of the BITS-Pilani in-house database to identify new scaffolds as CysK1 inhibitors. Thirty compounds were synthesized and evaluated in vitro for their ability to inhibit CysK1, activity against M. tuberculosis and cytotoxicity as steps towards the derivation of structure–activity relationships (SAR) and lead optimization. Compound 8-nitro-4-(2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-4,4a-dihydro-2H-pyrimido[5,4-e]thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-2,5(3H)-dione (4n) emerged as the most promising lead with an IC50 of 17.7 μM for purified CysK1 and MIC of 7.6 μM for M. tuberculosis, with little or no cytotoxicity (>50 μM).  相似文献   

It has been proposed that Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulent strains inhibit apoptosis and trigger cell death by necrosis of host macrophages to evade innate immunity, while non-virulent strains induce typical apoptosis activating a protective host response. As part of the characterization of a novel tuberculosis vaccine candidate, the M. tuberculosis phoP mutant SO2, we sought to evaluate its potential to induce host cell death. The parental M. tuberculosis MT103 strain and the current vaccine against tuberculosis Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) were used as comparators in mouse models in vitro and in vivo. Our data reveal that attenuated SO2 was unable to induce apoptotic events neither in mouse macrophages in vitro nor during lung infection in vivo. In contrast, virulent MT103 triggers typical apoptotic events with phosphatidylserine exposure, caspase-3 activation and nuclear condensation and fragmentation. BCG strain behaved like SO2 and did not induce apoptosis. A clonogenic survival assay confirmed that viability of BCG- or SO2-infected macrophages was unaffected. Our results discard apoptosis as the protective mechanism induced by SO2 vaccine and provide evidence for positive correlation between classical apoptosis induction and virulent strains, suggesting apoptosis as a possible virulence determinant during M. tuberculosis infection.  相似文献   

It is expected that the obligatory human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis must adapt metabolically to the various nutrients available during its cycle of infection, persistence, and reactivation. Cholesterol, which is an important part of the mammalian cytoplasmic membrane, is a potential energy source. Here, we show that M. tuberculosis grown in medium containing a carbon source other than cholesterol is able to accumulate cholesterol in the free-lipid zone of its cell wall. This cholesterol accumulation decreases the permeability of the cell wall for the primary antituberculosis drug, rifampin, and partially masks the mycobacterial surface antigens. Furthermore, M. tuberculosis was able to grow on mineral medium supplemented with cholesterol as the sole carbon source. Targeted disruption of the Rv3537 (kstD) gene inhibited growth due to inactivation of the cholesterol degradation pathway, as evidenced by accumulation of the intermediate, 9-hydroxy-4-androstene-3,17-dione. Our findings that M. tuberculosis is able to accumulate cholesterol in the presence of alternative nutrients and use it when cholesterol is the sole carbon source in vitro may facilitate future studies into the pathophysiology of this important deadly pathogen.Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is a very successful pathogen that infects one-third of the human population (21). Only 10% of primary infected individuals develop active disease during their lifetimes. Tubercle bacilli are able to persist in a dormant state, from which they may reactivate and induce the contagious disease state (13). In asymptomatic hosts, M. tuberculosis exists in reservoirs called granulomas, which are cellular aggregates that restrict bacterial spreading (40). Granulomas are organized collections of mature macrophages that exhibit a certain typical morphology and that arise in response to persistent intracellular pathogens (1, 4). Pathogenic mycobacteria can induce the formation of foamy macrophages filled with lipid-containing bodies; these have been postulated to act as a secure, nutrient-rich reservoir for tubercle bacilli (31). Moreover, M. tuberculosis DNA has been detected in fatty tissues surrounding the kidneys, as well as those of the stomach, lymph nodes, heart, and skin. Tubercle bacilli are able to enter adipocytes, where they accumulate within intracytoplasmic lipid inclusions and survive in a nonreplicating state (26). In vivo, it is expected that M. tuberculosis adapts metabolically to nutrient-poor conditions characterized by glucose deficiency and an abundance of fatty acids (25, 26). The presence of a complex repertoire of lipid metabolism genes in the genome of M. tuberculosis suggests that lipids, including steroids, are important alternative carbon and energy sources for this pathogen (7).One attractive potential alternative nutrient that is readily available in the mammalian host is cholesterol, a major sterol of the plasma membrane. The presence of cholesterol in lipid rafts is required in order for microorganisms to enter the intracellular compartment (14). Studies have shown that cholesterol is essential for the uptake of mycobacteria by macrophages, and it has been found to accumulate at the site of M. tuberculosis entry (2, 12, 30). Moreover, cholesterol depletion overcomes the phagosome maturation block experienced by Mycobacterium avium-infected macrophages (10).It is well known that cholesterol can be utilized by fast-growing, nonpathogenic mycobacteria (5, 20, 22), but it was previously thought that pathogenic mycobacteria might not be able to use cholesterol as a carbon and energy source (3). Recently, however, bioinformatic analysis identified a cassette of cholesterol catabolism genes in actinomycetes, including the M. tuberculosis complex (41). Microarray analysis of Rhodococcus sp. grown in the presence of cholesterol revealed the upregulation of 572 genes, most of which fell within six clearly discernible clusters (41). Most of the identified genes had significant homology to known steroid degradation genes from other organisms and were distributed within a single 51-gene cluster that appears to be very similar to a cluster present in the genome of M. tuberculosis (41). Many of the cholesterol-induced genes had been previously selected by transposon site hybridization analysis of genes that are essential for survival of tubercle bacilli (33) and/or are upregulated in gamma interferon-activated macrophages (37, 42). It was also demonstrated that the M. tuberculosis complex can grow on mineral medium with cholesterol as a primary source of carbon (27, 41). Moreover, the growth of tubercle bacilli on cholesterol was significantly affected by knockout of the mce4 gene, which encodes an ABC transporter responsible for cholesterol uptake (24, 27). Earlier studies had shown that disruption of mce4 attenuated bacterial growth in the spleens of infected animals that had developed adaptive immunity (17, 35).In the present study, we demonstrate for the first time that M. tuberculosis utilizes cholesterol via the 4-androstene-3,17-dione/1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione pathway (AD/ADD) and that this process requires production of an intact KstD enzyme. We also show that tubercle bacilli growing in medium containing an alternative carbon source can accumulate cholesterol in the free-lipid zone of their cell walls, and this accumulation affects cell wall permeability.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is thought to preferentially rely on fatty acid metabolism to both establish and maintain chronic infections. Its metabolic network, however, allows efficient co-catabolism of multiple carbon substrates. To gain insight into the importance of carbohydrate substrates for Mtb pathogenesis we evaluated the role of glucose phosphorylation, the first reaction in glycolysis. We discovered that Mtb expresses two functional glucokinases. Mtb required the polyphosphate glucokinase PPGK for normal growth on glucose, while its second glucokinase GLKA was dispensable. 13C-based metabolomic profiling revealed that both enzymes are capable of incorporating glucose into Mtb''s central carbon metabolism, with PPGK serving as dominant glucokinase in wild type (wt) Mtb. When both glucokinase genes, ppgK and glkA, were deleted from its genome, Mtb was unable to use external glucose as substrate for growth or metabolism. Characterization of the glucokinase mutants in mouse infections demonstrated that glucose phosphorylation is dispensable for establishing infection in mice. Surprisingly, however, the glucokinase double mutant failed to persist normally in lungs, which suggests that Mtb has access to glucose in vivo and relies on glucose phosphorylation to survive during chronic mouse infections.  相似文献   

To develop agents for the treatment of infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a novel phenotypic screen was undertaken that identified a series of 2-N-aryl thiazole-based inhibitors of intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Analogs were optimized to improve potency against an attenuated BSL2 H37Ra laboratory strain cultivated in human macrophage cells in vitro. The insertion of a carboxylic acid functionality resulted in compounds that retained potency and greatly improved microsomal stability. However, the strong potency trends we observed in the attenuated H37Ra strain were inconsistent with the potency observed for virulent strains in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of enormous human morbidity and mortality each year. Although this bacterium can infect and cause disease in many animals, humans are the natural host. For the purposes of studying the pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis, as well as the protective and immunopathologic host responses against this pathogen, suitable animal models must be used. However, modeling the human infection and disease in animals can be difficult, and interpreting the data from animal models must be done carefully. In this paper, the animal models of tuberculosis are discussed, as well as the limitations and advantages of various models. In particular, the lessons we have learned about tuberculosis from the mouse models are highlighted. The careful and thoughtful use of animal models is essential to furthering our understanding of M. tuberculosis, and this knowledge will enhance the discovery of improved treatment and prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Allosteric regulation often controls key branch points in metabolic processes. Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2-hydroxy-3-oxoadipate synthase (HOAS), a thiamin diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzyme, produces 2-hydroxy-3-oxoadipate using 2-ketoglutarate and glyoxylate. The proposed chemical mechanism in analogy with other ThDP-dependent carboligases involves multiple ThDP-bound covalent intermediates. Acetyl coenzyme A is an activator, and GarA, a forkhead association domain-containing protein known to regulate glutamate metabolism, is an allosteric inhibitor of HOAS. Steady state kinetics using assays to study the first half and the full catalytic cycle suggested that the regulators act at different steps in the overall mechanism. To explore the modes of regulation and to test the effects on individual catalytic steps, we performed circular dichroism (CD) studies using a non-decarboxylatable 2-ketoglutarate analog and determined the distribution of ThDP-bound covalent intermediates during the steady state of the HOAS reaction using one-dimensional 1H gradient carbon heteronuclear single quantum coherence NMR. The results suggest that acetyl coenzyme A acts as a mixed V and K type activator and predominantly affects the predecarboxylation steps. GarA does not inhibit the formation of the predecarboxylation analog and does not affect the accumulation of the postdecarboxylation covalent intermediate derived from 2-ketoglutarate; however, it decreases the abundance of the product ThDP adduct in the HOAS pathway. Thus, the two regulators act on different halves of the catalytic cycle in an unusual regulatory regime.  相似文献   

Novel type-specific lipooligosaccharides from Mycobacterium tuberculosis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain Canetti) is characterized by the presence of two novel glycolipids of the alkali-labile, trehalose-containing lipooligosaccharide class. Their structures were established by permethylation, partial acid hydrolysis, infrared and high-field NMR spectroscopy, and electron-impact and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry of the native glycolipids and hydrolysis products. The trehalose substituent is unique in that it is methylated at the 6'-position. The structure of the simpler of the two glycolipids is 2-O-Me-alpha-L-Fucp(1----3)-beta-D-Glcp(1----3)-2-O-Me- alpha-L-Rhap(1----3)-2-O-Me-alpha-L- Rhap(1----3)-beta-D-Glcp(1----3)-4-O-Me-alpha-L-Rhap(1----3) -6-O-Me-alpha-D- Glc. Further glycosylation of the octaglycosyl unit of this nonantigenic glycolipid by an incompletely defined N-acyl derivative of a 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-Galp residue results in the second, highly antigenic nonasaccharide-containing glycolipid. Application of two-dimensional proton correlation spectroscopy demonstrated that the fatty acyl substituents are located on the 2,3,6 and 3,4,6 hydroxyl groups of the terminal glucosyl unit in the proportions of 2:3. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and optical rotation measurement allowed identification of the fatty acyl esters as primarily 2L-, 4L-dimethylhexadecanoate, 2L-,4L-,6L-,8L-tetramethyloctadecanoate, and 2-methyl-3-hydroxyeicosanoate. The relationship of these glycolipids to different morphological forms of M. tuberculosis and to virulence is discussed.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT-6 (MtbESAT-6) reportedly shows membrane/cell-lysis activity, and recently its biological roles in pathogenesis have been implicated in rupture of the phagosomes for bacterial cytosolic translocation. However, molecular mechanism of MtbESAT-6-mediated membrane interaction, particularly in relation with its biological functions in pathogenesis, is poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the pH-dependent membrane interaction of MtbESAT-6, MtbCFP-10, and the MtbESAT-6/CFP-10 heterodimer, by using liposomal model membranes that mimic phagosomal compartments. MtbESAT-6, but neither MtbCFP-10 nor the heterodimer, interacted with the liposomal membranes at acidic conditions, which was evidenced by release of K+ ions from the liposomes. Most importantly, the orthologous ESAT-6 from non-pathogenic Mycobacterium smegmatis (MsESAT-6) was essentially inactive in release of K+. The differential membrane interactions between MtbESAT-6 and MsESAT-6 were further confirmed in an independent membrane leakage assay using the dye/quencher pair, 8-aminonapthalene-1,3,6 trisulfonic acid (ANTS)/p-xylene-bis-pyridinium bromide (DPX). Finally, using intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence approaches, we probed the pH-dependent conformational changes of MtbESAT-6 and MsESAT-6. At acidic pH conditions, MtbESAT-6 underwent a significant conformational change, which was featured by an increased solvent-exposed hydrophobicity, while MsESAT-6 showed little conformational change in response to acidification. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that MtbESAT-6 possesses a unique membrane-interacting activity that is not found in MsESAT-6 and established the utility of rigorous biochemical approaches in dissecting the virulence of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

In bacteria, most secreted proteins are exported through the SecYEG translocon by the SecA ATPase motor via the general secretion or “Sec” pathway. The identification of an additional SecA protein, particularly in Gram-positive pathogens, has raised important questions about the role of SecA2 in both protein export and establishment of virulence. We previously showed in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, the accessory SecA2 protein possesses ATPase activity that is required for bacterial survival in host macrophages, highlighting its importance in virulence. Here, we show that SecA2 binds ADP with much higher affinity than SecA1 and releases the nucleotide more slowly. Nucleotide binding also regulates movement of the precursor-binding domain in SecA2, unlike in SecA1 or conventional SecA proteins. This conformational change involving closure of the clamp in SecA2 may provide a mechanism for the cell to direct protein export through the conventional SecA1 pathway under normal growth conditions while preventing ordinary precursor proteins from interacting with the specialized SecA2 ATPase.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains 15 class III adenylyl cyclase genes. The gene Rv1264 is predicted to be composed of two distinct protein modules. The C terminus seems to code for a catalytic domain belonging to a subfamily of adenylyl cyclase isozymes mostly found in Gram-positive bacteria. The expressed protein was shown to function as a homodimeric adenylyl cyclase (1 micromol of cAMP x mg(-1) x min(-1)). In analogy to the structure of the mammalian adenylyl cyclase catalyst, six amino acids were targeted by point mutations and found to be essential for catalysis. The N-terminal region represents a novel protein domain, the occurrence of which is restricted to several adenylyl cyclases present in Gram-positive bacteria. The purified full-length enzyme was 300-fold less active than the catalytic domain alone. Thus, the N-terminal domain appeared to be autoinhibitory. The N-terminal domain contains three prominent polar amino acid residues (Asp(107), Arg(132), and Arg(191)) that are invariant in all seven sequences of this domain currently available. Mutation of Asp(107) to Ala relaxed the inhibition and resulted in a 6-fold increase in activity of the Rv1264 holoenzyme, thus supporting the role of this domain as a potential novel regulator of adenylyl cyclase activity.  相似文献   

Heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) is a virulence factor of tuberculosis which is responsible for extrapulmonary dissemination of this disease. A thorough biochemical characterization of HBHA has provided experimental evidence of a coiled-coil nature of HBHA. These data, together with the low-resolution structures of a full-length form and a truncated form of HBHA obtained by small-angle X-ray scattering, have unambiguously indicated that HBHA has a dimeric structure with an elongated shape.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium africanum (MAF) is a common cause of human pulmonary tuberculosis in West Africa. We previously described phenotypic differences between MAF and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) among 290 patients. In the present analysis, we compared 692 tuberculosis patients infected with the two most common lineages within the (MTB) complex found in the Gambia, namely MAF West African type 2 (39% prevalence) and Euro-American MTB (55% prevalence). We identified additional phenotypic differences between infections with these two organisms. MAF patients were more likely to be older and HIV infected. In addition, they had worse disease on chest X-ray, despite complaining of cough for an equal duration, and were more likely severely malnourished. In this cohort, the prevalence of MAF did not change significantly over a 7-year period.  相似文献   

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