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It is known that Fas death domain-associated protein (Daxx) possesses both putative nuclear and cytoplasmic functions. However, the nuclear transport mechanism is largely unknown. This study examined the nuclear location signal (NLS) of Daxx and whether the nuclear transport of Daxx was mediated by small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO). Two NLS motifs of Daxx, leucine (L)-rich nuclear export signal (NES)-like motif (188IXXLXXLLXL197) and C-terminal lysine (K) rich NLS2 (amino acids 627-634) motif, were identified and the K630 and K631 on the NLS2 motif were characterized as the major sumoylation sites of Daxx by in vitro sumoylation analysis. Proteins of inactive SUMO (SUMO-delta), a sumoylation-incompetent mutant, and Daxx NLS mutants (Daxx-NES(mut) and Daxx NLS2(mut)) were dispersed in cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic dispersed Daxx mutants could be relocalized to nucleus by cotransfection with active SUMO, but not with inactive SUMO-delta, demonstrating the role of SUMO on regulating the cytoplasmonuclear transport of Daxx. However, inactive SUMO-delta could also be relocalized to nucleus during cotransfection with wild-type Daxx, suggesting that SUMO regulation of the cytoplasmonuclear transport of its target protein Daxx does not need covalent modification. This study shows that cytoplasmic SUMO has a biological role in enhancing the cytoplasmonuclear transport of its target protein Daxx and it may be done through the non-sumoylation interactions.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase HIPK2 regulates gene expression programs controlling differentiation and cell death. HIPK2 localizes in subnuclear speckles, but the structural components allowing this localization are not understood. A point mutation analysis allowed mapping two nuclear localization signals and a SUMO interaction motif (SIM) that also occurs in HIPK1 and HIPK3. The SIM binds all three major isoforms of SUMO (SUMO-1-3), while only SUMO-1 is capable of covalent conjugation to HIPK2. Deletion or mutation of the SIM prevented SUMO binding and precluded localization of HIPK2 in nuclear speckles, thus causing localization of HIPK2 to the entire cell. Functional inactivation of the SIM prohibited recruitment of HIPK2 to PML nuclear bodies and disrupted colocalization with other proteins such as the polycomb protein Pc2 in nuclear speckles. Interaction of HIPK2 with Pc2 or PML in intact cells was largely dependent on a functional SIM in HIPK2, highlighting the relevance of SUMO/SIM interactions as a molecular glue that serves to enhance protein/protein interaction networks. HIPK2 mutants with an inactive SIM showed changed activities, thus revealing that non-covalent binding of SUMO to the kinase is important for the regulation of its function.  相似文献   

The ZNF198/FGFR1 fusion gene in atypical myeloproliferative disease produces a constitutively active cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase, unlike ZNF198 which is normally a nuclear protein. We have now shown that the ZNF198/FGFR1 fusion kinase interacts with the endogenous ZNF198 protein suggesting that the function of ZNF198 may be compromised in cells expressing it. Little is currently known about the endogenous function of ZNF198 and to investigate this further we performed a yeast two-hybrid analysis and identified SUMO-1 as a binding partner of ZNF198. These observations were confirmed using co-immunoprecipitation which demonstrated that ZNF198 is covalently modified by SUMO-1. Since many of the SUMO-1-modified proteins are targeted to the PML nuclear bodies we used confocal microscopy to show that SUMO-1, PML and ZNF198 colocalize to punctate structures, shown by immunocytochemistry to be PML bodies. Using co-immunoprecipitation we now show that PML and sumoylated ZNF198 can be found in a protein complex in the cell. Mutation of the SUMO-1 binding site in wild-type ZNF198 resulted in loss of distinct PML bodies, reduced PML levels and a more dispersed nuclear localization of the PML protein. In cells expressing ZNF198/FGFR1, which also lack the SUMO-1 binding site, SUMO-1 is preferentially localized in the cytoplasm, which is associated with loss of distinct PML bodies. Recently, arsenic trioxide (ATO) was proposed as an alternative therapy for APL that was resistant to traditional therapy. Treatment of cells expressing ZNF198/FGFR1 with ATO demonstrated reduced autophosphorylation of the ZNF198/FGFR1 protein and induced apoptosis, which is not seen in cells expressing wild-type ZNF198. Overall our results suggest that the sumoylation of ZNF198 is important for PML body formation and that the abrogation of sumoylation of ZNF198 in ZNF198/FGFR1 expressing cells may be an important mechanism in cellular transformation.  相似文献   

The small ubiquitin-like modifiers (SUMOs) regulate many essential cellular functions. Only one type of SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) has been identified that can extend the β-sheet of SUMO as either a parallel or an antiparallel strand. The molecular determinants of the bound orientation and paralogue specificity of a SIM are unclear. To address this question, we have conducted structural studies of SUMO1 in complex with a SUMO1-specific SIM that binds to SUMO1 with high affinity without post-translational modifications using nuclear magnetic resonance methods. In addition, the SIM sequence requirements have been investigated by peptide arrays in comparison with another high affinity SIM that binds in the opposing orientation. We found that antiparallel binding SIMs tolerate more diverse sequences, whereas the parallel binding SIMs prefer the more strict sequences consisting of (I/V)DLT that have a preference in high affinity SUMO2 and -3 binding. Comparison of two high affinity SUMO1-binding SIMs that bind in opposing orientations has revealed common SUMO1-specific interactions needed for high affinity binding. This study has significantly advanced our understanding of the molecular determinants underlining SUMO-SIM recognition.  相似文献   

Mx proteins are interferon-induced large GTPases, some of which have antiviral activity against a variety of viruses. The murine Mx1 protein accumulates in the nucleus of interferon-treated cells and is active against members of the Orthomyxoviridae family, such as the influenza viruses and Thogoto virus. The mechanism by which Mx1 exerts its antiviral action is still unclear, but an involvement of undefined nuclear factors has been postulated. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified cellular proteins that interact with Mx1 protein. The Mx1 interactors were mainly nuclear proteins. They included Sp100, Daxx, and Bloom's syndrome protein (BLM), all of which are known to localize to specific subnuclear domains called promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies (PML NBs). In addition, components of the SUMO-1 protein modification system were identified as Mx1-interacting proteins, namely the small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO-1 and SAE2, which represents subunit 2 of the SUMO-1 activating enzyme. Analysis of the subcellular localization of Mx1 and some of these interacting proteins by confocal microscopy revealed a close spatial association of Mx1 with PML NBs. This suggests a role of PML NBs and SUMO-1 in the antiviral action of Mx1 and may allow us to discover novel functions of this large GTPase.  相似文献   

SUMO modification plays a critical role in a number of cellular functions including nucleocytoplasmic transport, gene expression, cell cycle and formation of subnuclear structures such as promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies. In order to identify the sites where SUMOylation takes place in the cell, we developed an in situ SUMOylation assay using a semi-intact cell system and subsequently combined it with siRNA-based knockdown of nucleoporin RanBP2, also known as Nup358, which is one of the known SUMO E3 proteins. With the in situ SUMOylation assay, we found that both nuclear rim and PML bodies, besides mitotic apparatuses, are major targets for active SUMOylation. The ability to analyze possible SUMO conjugation sites would be a valuable tool to investigate where SUMO E3-like activities and/or SUMO substrates exist in the cell. Specific knockdown of RanBP2 completely abolished SUMOylation along the nuclear rim and dislocated RanGAP1 from the nuclear pore complexes. Interestingly, the loss of RanBP2 markedly reduced the number of PML bodies, in contrast to other, normal-appearing nuclear compartments including the nuclear lamina, nucleolus and chromatin, suggesting a novel link between RanBP2 and PML bodies. SUMOylation facilitated by RanBP2 at the nuclear rim may be a key step for the formation of a particular subnuclear organization. Our data imply that SUMO E3 proteins like RanBP2 facilitate spatio-temporal SUMOylation for certain nuclear structure and function.  相似文献   

Sumoylation represents a conserved mechanism of post-translational protein modification. We report that Pli1p, the unique fission yeast member of the SP-RING family, is a SUMO E3 ligase in vivo and in vitro. pli1Delta cells display no obvious mitotic growth defects, but are sensitive to the microtubule-destabilizing drug TBZ and exhibit enhanced minichromosome loss. The weakened centromeric function of pli1Delta cells may be related to the defective heterochromatin structure at the central core, as shown by the reduced silencing of an ura4 variegation reporter gene inserted at cnt and imr. Interestingly, pli1Delta cells also exhibit enhanced loss of the ura4 reporter at these loci, likely by gene conversion using homologous sequences as information donors. Moreover, pli1Delta cells exhibit consistent telomere length increase, possibly achieved by a similar process. Point mutations within the RING finger of Pli1p totally or partially reproduce the pli1 deletion phenotypes, thus correlating with their sumoylation activity. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that Pli1p, and by extension sumoylation, is involved in mechanisms that regulate recombination in particular heterochromatic repeated sequences.  相似文献   

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The RanGTPase activating protein RanGAP1 has essential functions in both nucleocytoplasmic transport and mitosis. In interphase, a significant fraction of vertebrate SUMO1-modified RanGAP1 forms a stable complex with the nucleoporin RanBP2/Nup358 at nuclear pore complexes. RanBP2 not only acts in the RanGTPase cycle but also is a SUMO1 E3 ligase. Here, we show that RanGAP1 is phosphorylated on residues T409, S428, and S442. Phosphorylation occurs before nuclear envelope breakdown and is maintained throughout mitosis. Nocodazole arrest leads to quantitative phosphorylation. The M-phase kinase cyclin B/Cdk1 phosphorylates RanGAP1 efficiently in vitro, and T409 phosphorylation correlates with nuclear accumulation of cyclin B1 in vivo. We find that phosphorylated RanGAP1 remains associated with RanBP2/Nup358 and the SUMO E2-conjugating enzyme Ubc9 in mitosis, hence mitotic phosphorylation may have functional consequences for the RanGTPase cycle and/or for RanBP2-dependent sumoylation.  相似文献   

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  • •cGAS acetylations and phosphorylations under basal and immune-stimulated states.
  • •K384 and K414 acetylations and S305 phosphorylation inhibit cGAS-mediated apoptosis.
  • •Acetylation at K198 stimulates cGAS-dependent interferon signaling.
  • •K198 acetylation is decreased upon herpesvirus infection.

Caenorhabditis elegans PEB-1 is a novel protein containing a DNA-binding domain in its N terminus, which includes a Cys/His-rich FLYWCH motif also found in Drosophila Mod(mdg4) proteins, and a large C-terminal domain of unknown function. PEB-1 is expressed in most pharyngeal cell types, but its molecular function remains unclear. Here we describe comparative and functional analyses of PEB-1. Characterization of the PEB-1 sequence from C.briggsae indicates highest conservation in the DNA-binding domain (including the FLYWCH motif) and the C terminus, suggesting two functional domains. The PEB-1 FLYWCH motif is essential for DNA-binding and in vivo function; however, it does not bind detectable metal. Likewise, the PEB-1 C terminus is necessary for full activity in vivo, although the DNA-binding domain alone is sufficient for partial function. Both the FLYWCH motif and the C-terminal domain are required for efficient nuclear localization, suggesting PEB-1 must bind DNA and other components to remain in the nucleus. Analysis of binding sites revealed a YDTGCCRW PEB-1 consensus-binding site, and matches to this consensus are widespread in the C.elegans genome.  相似文献   

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