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The pivotal event for sterol-induced degradation of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme HMG-CoA reductase is binding of its membrane domain to Insig proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. Insigs are carriers for gp78, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that marks reductase for proteasomal degradation. We report here the isolation of mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell lines, designated SRD-16, -17, and -18, in which sterol-induced ubiquitination and degradation of reductase are severely impaired. These cells were produced by chemical mutagenesis and selection with SR-12813, a compound that mimics sterols in stimulating ubiquitination and degradation of reductase. Each SRD cell line was found to contain a point mutation in one reductase allele, resulting in substitutions of aspartate for serine-60 (SRD-16), arginine for glycine-87 (SRD-17), and proline for alanine-333 (SRD-18). Sterols failed to promote ubiquitination and degradation of these reductase mutants, owing to their decreased affinity for Insigs. Thus, three different point mutations in reductase, all of which localize to the membrane domain, disrupt Insig binding and abolish sterol-accelerated degradation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Previously human cytochrome P450 3A4 was efficiently and specifically photolabeled by the photoaffinity ligand lapachenole. One of the modification sites was identified as cysteine 98 in the B-C loop region of the protein [B. Wen, C.E. Doneanu, C.A. Gartner, A.G. Roberts, W.M. Atkins, S.D. Nelson, Biochemistry 44 (2005) 1833-1845]. Loss of CO binding capacity and subsequent decrease of catalytic activity were observed in the labeled CYP3A4, which suggested that aromatic substitution on residue 98 triggered a critical conformational change and subsequent loss of enzyme activity. To test this hypothesis, C98A, C98S, C98F, and C98W mutants were generated by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed functionally as oligohistidine-tagged proteins. Unlike the mono-adduction observed in the wild-type protein, simultaneous multiple adductions occurred when C98F and C98W were photolabeled under the same conditions as the wild-type enzyme, indicating a substantial conformational change in these two mutants compared with the wild-type protein. Kinetic analysis revealed that the C98W mutant had a drastic 16-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency (V(max)/K(m)) for 1'-OH midazolam formation, and about an 8-fold decrease in catalytic efficiency (V(max)/K(m)) for 4-OH midazolam formation, while the C98A and C98S mutants retained the same enzyme activity as the wild-type enzyme. Photolabeling of C98A and C98S with lapachenole resulted in monoadduction of only Cys-468, in contrast to the labeling of Cys-98 in wild-type CYP3A4, demonstrating the marked selectivity of this photoaffinity ligand for cysteine residues. The slight increases in the midazolam binding constants (K(s)) in these mutants suggested negligible perturbation of the heme environment. Further activity studies using different P450:reductase ratios suggested that the affinity of P450 to reductase was significantly decreased in the C98W mutant, but not in the C98A and C98S mutants. In addition, the C98W mutant exhibited a 41% decrease in the maximum electron flow rate between P450 and reductase as measured by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate consumption at a saturating reductase concentration. In conclusion, our data strongly suggest that cysteine 98 in the B-C loop region significantly contributes to conformational integrity and catalytic activity of CYP3A4, and that this residue or residues nearby might be involved in an interaction with P450 reductase.  相似文献   

Latent nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was detected in corn (Zea mays L., Golden Jubilee) root microsome fractions. Microsome-associated NRA was stimulated up to 20-fold by Triton X-100 (octylphenoxy polyethoxyethanol) whereas soluble NRA was only increased up to 1.2-fold. Microsome-associated NRA represented up to 19% of the total root NRA. Analysis of microsomal fractions by aqueous two-phase partitioning showed that the membrane-associated NRA was localized in the second upper phase (U2). Analysis with marker enzymes indicated that the U2 fraction was plasma membrane (PM). The PM-associated NRA was not removed by washing vesicles with up to 1.0 M NACl but was solubilized from the PM with 0.05% Triton X-100. In contrast, vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity was not solubilized from the PM by treatment with 0.1% Triton X-100. The results show that a protein capable of reducing nitrate is embedded in the hydrophobic region of the PM of corn roots.Abbreviations L1 first lower phase - NR nitrate reductase - NRA nitrate-reductase activity - PM plasma membrane - T:p Triton X-100 (octylphenoxy polyethoxyethanol) to protein ratio - U2 second upper phase  相似文献   

The sterol-sensing domain (SSD) is a conserved motif in membrane proteins responsible for sterol regulation. Mammalian proteins SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) and HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) both possess SSDs required for feedback regulation of sterol-related genes and sterol synthetic rate. Although these two SSD proteins clearly sense sterols, the range of signals detected by this eukaryotic motif is not clear. The yeast HMG-CoA reductase isozyme Hmg2, like its mammalian counterpart, undergoes endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation that is subject to feedback control by the sterol pathway. The primary degradation signal for yeast Hmg2 degradation is the 20-carbon isoprene geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, rather than a sterol. Nevertheless, the Hmg2 protein possesses an SSD, leading us to test its role in feedback control of Hmg2 stability. We mutated highly conserved SSD residues of Hmg2 and evaluated regulated degradation. Our results indicated that the SSD was required for sterol pathway signals to stimulate Hmg2 ER-associated degradation and was employed for detection of both geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate and a secondary oxysterol signal. Our data further indicate that the SSD allows a signal-dependent structural change in Hmg2 that promotes entry into the ER degradation pathway. Thus, the eukaryotic SSD is capable of significant plasticity in signal recognition or response. We propose that the harnessing of cellular quality control pathways to bring about feedback regulation of normal proteins is a unifying theme for the action of all SSDs.  相似文献   

To characterize proteins that interact with single-stranded/double-stranded (ss/ds) DNA junctions in whole cell free extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we used [32P]-labeled photoreactive partial DNA duplexes containing a 3′-ss/ds-junction (3′-junction) or a 5′-ss/ds-junction (5′-junction). Identification of labeled proteins was achieved by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry peptide mass fingerprinting and genetic analysis. In wild-type extract, one of the components of the Ddc1-Rad17-Mec3 complex, Ddc1, was found to be preferentially photocrosslinked at a 3′-junction. On the other hand, RPAp70, the large subunit of the replication protein A (RPA), was the predominant crosslinking product at a 5′-junction. Interestingly, ddc1Δ extracts did not display photocrosslinking of RPAp70 at a 5′-junction. The results show that RPAp70 crosslinked to DNA with a 5′-junction is subject to limited proteolysis in ddc1Δ extracts, whereas it is stable in WT, rad17Δ, mec3Δ and mec1Δ extracts. The degradation of the RPAp70-DNA adduct in ddc1Δ extract is strongly reduced in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor MG 132. We also addressed the question of the stability of free RPA, using anti-RPA antibodies. The results show that RPAp70 is also subject to proteolysis without photocrosslinking to DNA upon incubation in ddc1Δ extract. The data point to a novel property of Ddc1, modulating the turnover of DNA binding proteins such as RPAp70 by the proteasome.  相似文献   

Temporal relationships between hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity, biosynthesis of C27 sterols, and [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA were studied in a rat embryo fibroblast cell line synchronized by double thymidine block and cultured in cholesterol-containing medium. Cyclic variations of HMG-CoA reductase activity and C27 sterols occurred, with two maxima in S and G2M phases; the relative shortness of the G1 phase (3 h) in these cells could be responsible for the shift of sterol synthesis in the S phase. No noticeable variation of the individual C27 sterols was observed during the entire cell cycle. In each experiment, there was a good linear correlation between HMG-CoA reductase activity and C27 sterol synthesis, but from one experiment to another, a given level of enzymatic activity led to varying levels of [2-14C]acetate incorporation into sterols. In our experimental conditions, total HMG-CoA reductase activity is measured, and the preceding observation could be explained by a varying degree of phosphorylation of the enzyme depending on the metabolic state of the cells at the start of the experiment. The cyclic variations of the enzyme activity seem to be due more to increased synthesis at given times of the cycle than to periodic dephosphorylation. We question the existence of a relationship between cell division and cyclic sterol synthesis occurring in cells cultured in cholesterol-containing medium.  相似文献   

Receptor‐like proteins (RLPs), forming an important group of transmembrane receptors in plants, play roles in development and immunity. RLPs contain extracellular leucine‐rich repeats (LRRs) and, in contrast with receptor‐like kinases (RLKs), lack a cytoplasmic kinase required for the initiation of downstream signalling. Recent studies have revealed that the RLK SOBIR1/EVR (SUPPRESSOR OF BIR1‐1/EVERSHED) specifically interacts with RLPs. SOBIR1 stabilizes RLPs and is required for their function. However, the mechanism by which SOBIR1 associates with RLPs and regulates RLP function remains unknown. The Cf immune receptors of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), mediating resistance to the fungus Cladosporium fulvum, are RLPs that also interact with SOBIR1. Here, we show that both the LRR and kinase domain of SOBIR1 are dispensable for association with the RLP Cf‐4, whereas the highly conserved GxxxGxxxG motif present in the transmembrane domain of SOBIR1 is essential for its interaction with Cf‐4 and additional RLPs. Complementation assays in Nicotiana benthamiana, in which endogenous SOBIR1 levels were knocked down by virus‐induced gene silencing, showed that the LRR domain as well as the kinase activity of SOBIR1 are required for the Cf‐4/Avr4‐triggered hypersensitive response (HR). In contrast, the LRRs and kinase activity of SOBIR1 are not required for facilitation of Cf‐4 accumulation. Together, these results suggest that, in addition to being a stabilizing scaffold for RLPs, SOBIR1 is also required for the initiation of downstream signalling through its kinase domain.  相似文献   

RBBP6 (retinoblastoma binding protein 6) is a 250-kDa multifunctional protein that interacts with both p53 and pRb and has been implicated in mRNA processing. It has also been identified as a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase due to the presence of a RING finger domain, although no substrate has been identified up to now. Using the RING finger domain as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified YB-1 (Y-box binding protein 1) as a binding partner of RBBP6, localising the interaction to the last 62 residues of YB-1. We showed, furthermore, that both full-length RBBP6 and the isolated RING finger domain were able to ubiquitinate YB-1, resulting in its degradation in the proteosome. As a result, RBBP6 was able to suppress the levels of YB-1 in vivo and to reduce its transactivational ability. In the light of the important role that YB-1 appears to play in tumourigenesis, our results suggest that RBBP6 may be a relevant target for therapeutic drugs aimed at modifying the activity of YB-1.  相似文献   

GidA is a flavin-adenine-dinucleotide (FAD)-binding protein that is conserved among bacteria and eucarya. Together with MnmE, it is involved in the addition of a carboxymethylaminomethyl group to the uridine base in the wobble position (nucleotide 34) of tRNAs that read split codon boxes. Here, we report the crystal structures of the GidA proteins from both Escherichia coli and Chlorobium tepidum. The structures show that the protein can be divided into three domains: a first FAD-binding domain showing the classical Rossmann fold, a second α/β domain inserted between two strands of the Rossmann fold, and an α-helical C-terminal domain. The domain inserted into the Rossmann fold displays structural similarity to the nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-(phosphate)-binding domains of phenol hydroxylase and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, and, correspondingly, we show that GidA binds NADH with high specificity as an initial donor of electrons. GidA behaves as a homodimer in solution. As revealed by the crystal structures, homodimerization is mediated via both the FAD-binding domain and the NADH-binding domain. Finally, a large patch of highly conserved, positively charged residues on the surface of GidA leading to the FAD-binding site suggests a tRNA-binding surface. We propose a model for the interaction between GidA and MnmE, which is supported by site-directed mutagenesis. Our data suggest that this interaction is modulated and potentially regulated by the switch function of the G domain of MnmE.  相似文献   

We have reported that the rat liver lipophilic extract (LE) synergized with insulin to induce Gck and Srebp-1c in primary rat hepatocytes. After identification of retinol and retinal in LE, only their effects in the absence or presence of insulin on Gck, but not that on Srebp-1c, were investigated subsequently. The retinoid effects on the Srebp-1c expression and the activation of its promoter were examined with real-time PCR and reporter gene assays, respectively. In primary hepatocytes, retinal and retinoic acid (RA) synergized with insulin to induce Srebp-1c expression. This induction was followed by the elevation of its target gene, fatty acid synthase. Activation of retinoid X receptor, but not retinoic acid receptor, was responsible for the induction of Srebp-1c expression. RA, but not retinal, also induced Srebp-1c expression in a dose dependent manner in INS-1 cells. The RA responsive elements in Srebp-1c promoter were determined as previously identified two liver X receptor elements responsible for mediating insulin action. We conclude that retinoids regulate hepatic Srebp-1c expression through activation of retinoid X receptor. The RA- and insulin-induced Srebp-1c expression converged at the same sites in its promoter, indicating the roles of vitamin A in regulation of hepatic gene expression.  相似文献   

Human LANCL2, also known as Testis-specific Adriamycin Sensitivity Protein (TASP), is a member of the highly conserved and widely distributed lanthionine synthetase component C-like (LANCL) protein family. Expression studies of tagged LANCL2 revealed the major localization to the plasma membrane, juxta-nuclear vesicles, and the nucleus, in contrast to the homologue LANCL1 that was mainly found in the cytosol and nucleus. We identified the unique N-terminus of LANCL2 to function as the membrane anchor and characterized the relevant N-terminal myristoylation and a basic phosphatidylinositol phosphate-binding site. Interestingly, the non-myristoylated protein was confined to the nucleus indicating that the myristoylation targets LANCL2 to the plasma membrane. Cholesterol depletion by methyl-β-cyclodextrin caused the partial dissociation of overexpressed LANCL2 from the plasma membrane in vitro, whereas in vivo we observed an enhanced cell detachment from the matrix. We found that overexpressed LANCL2 interacts with the cortical actin cytoskeleton and therefore may play a role in cytoskeleton reorganization and in consequence to cell detachment. Moreover, we confirmed previous data that LANCL2 overexpression enhances the cellular sensitivity to the anticancer drug adriamycin and found that this sensitivity is dependent on the myristoylation and membrane association of LANCL2.  相似文献   

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

Breast cancer cells that have undergone partial epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) are believed to be more invasive than cells that have completed EMT. To study metabolic reprogramming in different mesenchymal states, we analyzed protein expression following EMT in the breast epithelial cell model D492 with single-shot LFQ supported by a SILAC proteomics approach. The D492 EMT cell model contains three cell lines: the epithelial D492 cells, the mesenchymal D492M cells, and a partial mesenchymal, tumorigenic variant of D492 that overexpresses the oncogene HER2. The analysis classified the D492 and D492M cells as basal-like and D492HER2 as claudin-low. Comparative analysis of D492 and D492M to tumorigenic D492HER2 differentiated metabolic markers of migration from those of invasion. Glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 2 (GFPT2) was one of the top dysregulated enzymes in D492HER2. Gene expression analysis of the cancer genome atlas showed that GFPT2 expression was a characteristic of claudin-low breast cancer. siRNA-mediated knockdown of GFPT2 influenced the EMT marker vimentin and both cell growth and invasion in vitro and was accompanied by lowered metabolic flux through the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway (HBP). Knockdown of GFPT2 decreased cystathionine and sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQOR) in the transsulfuration pathway that regulates H2S production and mitochondrial homeostasis. Moreover, GFPT2 was within the regulation network of insulin and EGF, and its expression was regulated by reduced glutathione (GSH) and suppressed by the oxidative stress regulator GSK3-β. Our results demonstrate that GFPT2 controls growth and invasion in the D492 EMT model, is a marker for oxidative stress, and associated with poor prognosis in claudin-low breast cancer.  相似文献   

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