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All former publications on the reproductive biology of burying beetles (genus Necrophorus) state that in these species copulations take place on carcasses only, this being the only place for the sexes to meet. Our laboratory investigations have shown that males emit pheromones if no carrion is around. We now present data from a field investigation showing the effects of pheromone emission by males that have not secured a carcass. Such males are successful in attracting conspecific females. But conspecific males and individuals of other species are also attracted by the scent. Possible benefits for attracted individuals of different species and sex are discussed. Pheromone emission and attraction of conspecifics are restricted to a distinct species-specific period of the day in at least two of the common species.  相似文献   

Males should increase their investment in ejaculates whenever they are faced with an increased risk of sperm competition. Burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides), insects that breed on small vertebrate carcasses, offer an ideal model with which to examine sperm allocation tactics because females typically mate with many males prior to laying eggs. Males compete directly for control of carcasses, and males losing such contests often become satellites, lurking in the vicinity of the carcass and attempting surreptitious copulations with the resident female. We predicted that both the dominant resident male and the satellite male would increase their sperm allocation in the presence of the other, but that relative to dominant males, satellite males would allocate a greater number of sperm per ejaculate. We employed a repeated-measures design in which two full-sib rival males, differing only in their dominance status, were each mated a single time to a previously-inseminated female under two conditions, once in the absence of their rival and once in the presence of their rival. Satellite males exhibited longer copulation durations than dominant resident males when both males were present on a carcass. Copulation durations of dominant males did not differ in the presence or absence of satellite males. Contrary to expectation, the increased copulation durations of satellite males did not result in a greater share of paternity relative to dominant males. The absence of any discernible effect of increased copulation durations on paternity in satellite males could be due to post-copulatory preferences of females or, alternatively, satellite males may require longer durations of copulation to transfer the same amount of sperm as dominant males.  相似文献   

Drosophila montana females have been found to prefer overwintered males with short and dense (high-frequency) sound pulses in the wild. In the present study males producing high-frequency song succeeded in their courtship more often than males producing low-frequency song in mate-choice experiments. Male mating success correlated with the carrier frequency of the male song recorded after, but not before, an artificial winter (flies kept 6 months at 4°C). The finding that female preference is based on a male song trait changing considerably during overwintering suggests that this trait may reflect the viability and condition of the males during the mating season of the flies in spring.  相似文献   

In lower termites, functionally sterile larval helpers are totipotent—capable of becoming reproductively active with the loss of their colony’s king or queen. Full reproductive development may take several weeks, but initiation of this developmental response most likely occurs shortly after colony members detect when a reproductive-specific signal is missing. We investigated the early response of termite helpers to the removal of their king and queen in the basal termite species Zootermopsis nevadensis. Within 6–12 h after reproductives were removed, helpers displayed an increase in head-butting—a behavior associated with dominance in other termite species as well as in closely related roaches. The loss of just one reproductive, either the king or queen, was also sufficient to cause an increase in head-butting. We did not find evidence, however, that this response was sex-specific: males and females were equally likely to increase head-butting independent of the sex of the reproductive that was removed. Finally, we discovered that reproductive-specific compounds present on the cuticle of king and queen termites were also present in their feces, but the presence of the feces did not seem sufficient to inhibit the increased head-butting after the reproductives were removed. Collectively, these results indicate that termite workers readily detect the loss of reproductives in their colony and that they at least initially respond in a non sex-specific manner.  相似文献   

Male Reproductive Tactics in an Explosive Breeding Toad Population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
American toad (Bufo amencanus) males use one of two differentreproductive tactics. Some males are stationary and call. Othersare silent and mobile. Based on field studies, I developed acomputer program that simulates the behavior of females andmales to determine the probability of mating success of malesengaging the different tactics and the factors that effect malereproductive success. Field studies indicate that non-calling males can be successful.Non-calling males were more numerous and smaller than callingmales. Population size changed greatly both between and withinnights. Contact rates for non-calling males were greater thanthose for calling males. The results of the preliminary simulations indicate that malemating success is a function of the population size and theoperational sex ratio. In small populations, contact rate hasno effect on male success. The effect of contact rate on malesuccess has not been tested in large populations. In large populations,mating success is also a function of the ratio of calling tonon-calling males. Generally, in small populations (n > 20)calling males are more successful than non-calling males. Inlarge populations (n > 40) the success of noncalling malesis equal to or greater than the success of calling males.  相似文献   

A striking increase of the depth of giant petroleum discoveries in the past 15 years coincides with a shift to discoveries in subsalt plays that require more challenging exploration and drilling. Technological advances have facilitated these changes, but technological advances alone could not have induced these changes in petroleum exploration on a planet in which shallow and less challenging targets remained in abundance like that of previous decades. Instead, the trends toward greater discovery depths and more challenging plays suggest that most of the conventional petroleum accumulations of the kind that fueled the global economic system of the 1900s have already been found.  相似文献   

Male costs of mating are now thought to be widespread. The two-spot ladybird beetle (Adalia bipunctata) has been the focus of many studies of mating and sexual selection, yet the costs of mating for males are unknown. The mating system of A. bipunctata involves a spermatophore nuptial gift ingested by females after copulation. In this study, we investigate the cost to males of mating and of transferring spermatophores in terms of lifespan, ejaculate production and depletion of nutritional reserves. We found that males faced a strong trade-off between mating and survival, with males that were randomly assigned to mate a single time experiencing a 53% reduction in post-mating lifespan compared to non-mating males. This is among the most severe survival costs of a single mating yet reported. However, spermatophore transfer did not impact male survival. Instead, the costs associated with spermatophores appeared as a reduced ability to transfer spermatophores in successive matings. Furthermore, males ingested more food following spermatophore transfer than after matings without spermatophores, suggesting that spermatophore transfer depletes male nutritional reserves. This is to our knowledge the first report of an effect of variation in copulatory behaviour on male foraging behaviour. Overall, our study highlights the advantages of assessing mating costs using multiple currencies, and suggests that male A. bipunctata should exhibit mate choice.  相似文献   

Inbreeding avoidance reduces the probability that an individual will mate with a related partner, thereby lowering the risk that it produces inbred offspring suffering from inbreeding depression. Inbreeding avoidance can occur through several mechanisms, including active mate choice, polyandry and sex‐biased dispersal. Here, we focus on the role of active mate choice as a mechanism for inbreeding avoidance. Recent evidence suggests that the experimental design used in mate choice experiments (i.e. simultaneous versus sequential choice) can have a strong impact on the strength of the reported mating preferences. In this study, we examine whether similar effects of experimental design also apply in the context of inbreeding avoidance. To this end, we designed two experiments on the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides that matched two different contexts under which females encounter potential mates in the wild; that is, when females encounter males simultaneously and sequentially. We found that females were as likely to mate with related and unrelated males regardless of whether they encountered male partners simultaneously or sequentially. Thus, our study provides no evidence for inbreeding avoidance in this species, and suggests that the number of mates present did not influence the degree of inbreeding avoidance. We discuss potential explanations for the lack of inbreeding avoidance through mate choice, including lack of mechanisms for recognizing close relatives, low costs and/or low risks of inbreeding and the presence of other inbreeding avoidance mechanisms, such as sex‐biased dispersal and polyandry coupled with post‐copulatory mate choice.  相似文献   

The writer has made an investigation of various samples of basic fuchsin for use in the Endo medium for differentiating the bacteria of the colon-typhoid group. Various different concentrations of the fuchsin samples have been used in making the media. The conclusions are as follows:

American made fuchsins differ markedly in their alcohol solubility properties. They contain materials which are very readily soluble in 95% alcohol, but which are precipitated by sodium sulphite.

This precipitation may be prevented by increasing the dilution of the fuchsin in alcohol.

In order to secure more dependable results in the use of decolorized basic fuchsin as an indicator in Endo Agar, it is advisable to test the fuchsin in different dilutions in alcohol in order to secure a completely decolorized solution. It is also advisable to carefully test those fuchsins which decolorize only in high dilutions with a known organism in Endo agar before relying on it as a satisfactory indicator for the presence of sewage organisms.  相似文献   

Culturability as an Indicator of Succession in Microbial Communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Successional theory predicts that opportunistic species with high investment of energy in reproduction and wide niche width will be replaced by equilibrium species with relatively higher investment of energy in maintenance and narrower niche width as communities develop. Since the ability to rapidly grow into a detectable colony on nonselective agar medium could be considered as characteristic of opportunistic types of bacteria, the percentage of culturable cells may be an indicator of successional state in microbial communities. The ratios of culturable cells (colony forming units on R2A agar) to total cells (acridine orange direct microscopic counts) and culturable cells to active cells (reduction of 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride) were measured over time in two types of laboratory microcosms (the rhizosphere of hydroponically grown wheat and aerobic, continuously stirred tank reactors containing plant biomass) to determine the effectiveness of culturabilty as an index of successional state. The culturable cell:total cell ratio in the rhizosphere decreased from approximately 0.25 to less than 0.05 during the first 30-50 days of plant growth, and from 0.65 to 0.14 during the first 7 days of operation of the bioreactor. The culturable cell:active cell ratio followed similar trends, but the values were consistently greater than the culturable cell:total cell ratio, and even exceeded I in early samples. Follow-up studies used a cultivation-independent method, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (TRFLP) from whole community DNA, to assess community structure. The number of TRFLP peaks increased with time, while the number of culturable types did not, indicating that the general decrease in culturability is associated with a shift in community structure. The ratio of respired to assimilated C-14-labeled amino acids increased with the age of rhizosphere communities, supporting the hypothesis that a shift in resource allocation from growth to maintenance occurs with time. Results from this work indicate that the percentage of culturable cells may be a useful method for assessing the successional state of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) are wild South American camelids that live in high-altitude grasslands (Puna). Their social organization is based on family and bachelor groups. The amount of time they allocated to walking, running, lying, grazing and alert behaviour was studied in Abrapampa, northwestern Argentina, during the 1988–1990 reproductive seasons. Females and yearlings spent significantly more time grazing, and less time walking, running and alert than territorial males and bachelors. This result suggests that females maximized the time spent foraging to fulfil the energetic demands of reproduction. The alertness of the territorial males increased and the grazing decreased with the number of females in the families, suggesting that males that incurred a higher cost of lost feeding time through vigilance activities increased their mating success.  相似文献   

CMTM2是首次发现的基因超家族CMTM(CKLF—like MARVEL transmembrance domain containing)的成员,位于染色体16q22.1。大多数CMTM成员在睾丸组织中均有较高表达。前期体外实验研究表明CMTM2在睾丸组织中高度表达,并主要位于精原细胞的细胞质和曲细精管周围液中;在LNCaP细胞中,CMTM2能够加强配体介导的雄激素受体(androgen receptor,AR)的转录;CMTM2在不育患者睾丸组织中具有明显差异表达,其基因和蛋白表达量随着不育程度的加深而减少。CMTM2与它上游的CMTM1、下游的9紧密连接,它们之间可能相互作用发挥作用。  相似文献   

Silver Staining as an Indicator of Active Ribosomal Genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Most accounts of human life history propose that women have short reproductive spans relative to their adult lifespans, while men not only remain fertile but carry on reproducing until late life. Here we argue that studies have overlooked evidence for variation in male reproductive ageing across human populations. We apply a Bayesian approach to census data from Agta hunter-gatherers and Gambian farmers to show that long post-reproductive lifespans characterise not only women but also males in some traditional human populations. We calculate three indices of reproductive ageing in men (oldest age at reproduction, male late-life reproduction, and post-reproductive representation) and identify a continuum of male reproductive longevity across eight traditional societies ranging from !Kung, Hadza and Agta hunter-gatherers exhibiting low levels of polygyny, early age at last reproduction and long post-reproductive lifespans, to male Gambian agriculturalists and Turkana pastoralists showing higher levels of polygyny, late-life reproduction and shorter post-reproductive lifespans. We conclude that the uniquely human detachment between rates of somatic senescence and reproductive decline, and the existence of post-reproductive lifespans, are features of both male and female life histories, and therefore not exclusive consequences of menopause.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which we used a mass spectrometer to monitor O2 uptake of enclosed soil samples as a function of temperature. We found that an Arrhenius plot of the rate of O2 uptake showed pronounced local maxima attributable to biological activity, whereas similar plots of rates obtained with abiotic soils yielded straight lines. This procedure thus provides a basis for distinguishing biological from chemical activity for reactions, such as O2 uptake, that can occur via either biological or chemical pathways.  相似文献   

Inflammatory disorders of the central nervous system such as multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis involve an invasion of immune cells that ultimately leads to white matter demyelination, neurodegeneration and development of neurological symptoms. A clinical diagnosis is often made when neurodegenerative processes are already ongoing. In an attempt to seek early indicators of disease, we studied the temporal and spatial distribution of brain modifications in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). In a thorough magnetic resonance imaging study performed with EAE mice, we observed significant enlargement of the ventricles prior to disease clinical manifestation and an increase in free water content within the cerebrospinal fluid as demonstrated by changes in T2 relaxation times. The increase in ventricle size was seen in the lateral, third and fourth ventricles. In some EAE mice the ventricle size started returning to normal values during disease remission. In parallel to this macroscopic phenomenon, we studied the temporal evolution of microscopic lesions commonly observed in the cerebellum also starting prior to disease onset. Our data suggest that changes in ventricle size during the early stages of brain inflammation could be an early indicator of the events preceding neurological disease and warrant further exploration in preclinical and clinical studies.  相似文献   

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