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Locally relevant conditions, such as water stress in irrigated agricultural regions, should be considered when assessing the risk of crop allele introgression into wild populations following hybridization. Although research in cultivars has suggested that domestication traits may reduce fecundity under water stress as compared to wild-like phenotypes, this has not been investigated in crop-wild hybrids. In this study, we examine phenotypic selection acting on, as well as the genetic architecture of vegetative, reproductive, and physiological characteristics in an experimental population of sunflower crop-wild hybrids grown under wild-like low water conditions. Crop-derived petiole length and head diameter were favored in low and control water environments. The direction of selection differed between environments for leaf size and leaf pressure potential. Interestingly, the additive effect of the crop-derived allele was in the direction favored by selection for approximately half the QTL detected in the low water environment. Selection favoring crop-derived traits and alleles in the low water environment suggests that a subset of these alleles would be likely to spread into wild populations under water stress. Furthermore, differences in selection between environments support the view that risk assessments should be conducted under multiple locally relevant conditions.  相似文献   

Competitive Calcium Binding: Implications for Dendritic Calcium Signaling   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Action potentials evoke calcium transients in dendrites of neocortical pyramidal neurons with time constants of <100 ms at physiological temperature. This time period may not be sufficient for inflowing calcium ions to equilibrate with all present Ca2+-binding molecules. We therefore explored nonequilibrium dynamics of Ca2+ binding to numerous Ca2+ reaction partners within a dendritelike compartment using numerical simulations. After a brief Ca2+ influx, the reaction partner with the fastest Ca2+ binding kinetics initially binds more Ca2+ than predicted from chemical equilibrium, while companion reaction partners bind less. This difference is consolidated and may result in bypassing of slow reaction partners if a Ca2+ clearance mechanism is active. On the other hand, slower reaction partners effectively bind Ca2+ during repetitive calcium current pulses or during slower Ca2+ influx. Nonequilibrium Ca2+ distribution can further be enhanced through strategic placement of the reaction partners within the compartment. Using the Ca2+ buffer EGTA as a competitor of fluo-3, we demonstrate competitive Ca2+ binding within dendrites experimentally. Nonequilibrium calcium dynamics is proposed as a potential mechanism for differential and conditional activation of intradendritic targets.  相似文献   

Benzene and toluene were biodegraded when chelated Fe(III) served as the terminal electron acceptor in aquifer sediments contaminated by a petroleum refinery. Benzene biodegradation ceased when Fe(III) was depleted but resumed upon reamendment. Microorganisms from the same sediments degraded toluene, but not benzene, under nitrate reducing conditions. However, the anaerobic oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) was also observed in toluene-degrading incubations. Fe(II) oxidation was dependent on the presence of nitrate and enhanced when organic electron donors were provided. Microbial nitrate-linked Fe(II) oxidation was also documented in other petroleum-contaminated aquifer sediments, sludge from an oil–water separator, a landfill leachate-impacted aquifer and a garden soil. These observations suggest that some of the reported effects of nitrate on hydrocarbon biodegradation may be indirect through the reoxidation of Fe(II).  相似文献   

Facultative methylotrophic bacteria of the genus Methylobacterium are commonly found in association with plants. Inoculation experiments were performed to study the importance of methylotrophic metabolism for colonization of the model legume Medicago truncatula. Competition experiments with Methylobacterium extorquens wild-type strain AM1 and methylotrophy mutants revealed that the ability to use methanol as a carbon and energy source provides a selective advantage during colonization of M. truncatula. Differences in the fitness of mutants defective in different stages of methylotrophic metabolism were found; whereas approximately 25% of the mutant incapable of oxidizing methanol to formaldehyde (deficient in methanol dehydrogenase) was recovered, 10% or less of the mutants incapable of oxidizing formaldehyde to CO2 (defective in biosynthesis of the cofactor tetrahydromethanopterin) was recovered. Interestingly, impaired fitness of the mutant strains compared with the wild type was found on leaves and roots. Single-inoculation experiments showed, however, that mutants with defects in methylotrophy were capable of plant colonization at the wild-type level, indicating that methanol is not the only carbon source that is accessible to Methylobacterium while it is associated with plants. Fluorescence microscopy with a green fluorescent protein-labeled derivative of M. extorquens AM1 revealed that the majority of the bacterial cells on leaves were on the surface and that the cells were most abundant on the lower, abaxial side. However, bacterial cells were also found in the intercellular spaces inside the leaves, especially in the epidermal cell layer and immediately underneath this layer.  相似文献   

P. Keim  K. N. Paige  T. G. Whitham    K. G. Lark 《Genetics》1989,123(3):557-565
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were used to distinguish genotypes of two species of Populus, P. fremontii ('Fremont') and P. angustifolia ('narrowleaf'). Both inter- and intraspecific polymorphisms were detected in these cottonwood trees. The interspecific variation was much greater than the intraspecific variation. This permitted identification of parental genotypes within individual trees of a hybrid swarm which exists in an overlap zone between the two species. Within this hybrid swarm, individual trees are either F1 hybrids or backcrosses with a pure 'narrowleaf' parent; no progeny were found that could be attributed to crossing between F1 hybrid trees, or to backcrossing between F1 hybrid trees and 'Fremont'.  相似文献   

土壤条件对向日葵列当寄生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高感列当的向日葵品种‘龙食葵2号’为试验材料,采用室内接种列当温室培养的方法,研究土壤条件对向日葵列当寄生与生长的影响。结果表明:(1)土壤质地对向日葵列当的寄生具有显著影响,培养50 d时,沙壤土、壤土、粘土中列当的出土数分别为 32.2、19.5和4.6个,平均单株寄生列当数量分别为38.8、24.0和8.2个,说明通透性好的沙壤土有利于列当瘤的形成与生长。(2)在沙壤土条件下,随着处理温度的上升,列当的出土数量和寄生数量均呈先升高后降低的趋势;当培养温度为25 ℃和30 ℃时,向日葵列当有较高的寄生数量与生长速度,列当出土数和平均单株寄生列当数量分别为30.4、31.6和39.8、39.4个。(3)在沙壤土条件下,随着土壤湿度的增加,列当的出土数量和寄生数量呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,并在土壤湿度为60%和70%达到较高值,列当出土数和平均单株寄生列当数量分别为32.6、30.9和39.9、40.9个,而在高湿条件下列当的寄生数量显著减少。(4)在沙壤土条件下,随着土壤pH值的增加,列当的出土数量和寄生数量也呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,并均在土壤pH值为8时达到最大值,列当出土数和平均单株寄生列当数量分别为47.5和51.1个,即列当在偏碱性的土壤环境中有着较高的寄生数量。研究发现,当土壤类型为沙壤土、土壤温度为25~30 ℃、土壤湿度为60%~70%、土壤 pH为8时有利于向日葵列当的寄生与生长;在实际生产中应选择中性或偏酸性的非沙壤土地种植向日葵,并注意调整播期和控制田间灌水量,以降低向日葵列当的危害。  相似文献   

The rates of thermal transformation of organic molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen were systematically examined in order to identify the kinetic constraints that governed origin-of-life organic chemistry under mild aqueous conditions. Arrhenius plots of the kinetic data were used to estimate the reaction of half-lifes at 50 degrees C. This survey showed that hydrocarbons and organic substances containing a single oxygenated group were kinetically the most stable; whereas organic substances containing two oxygenated groups in which one group was an alpha- or beta-positioned carbonyl group were the most reactive. Compounds with an alpha- or beta-positioned carbonyl group (aldehyde or ketone) had rates of reaction that were up to 10(24)-times faster than rates of similar molecules lacking the carbonyl group. This survey of organic reactivity, together with estimates of the molecular containment properties of lipid vesicles and liquid spherules, indicates that an origins process in a small domain that used C,H,O-intermediates had to be catalytic and use the most reactive organic molecules to prevent escape of its reaction intermediates.  相似文献   

Safe and practical solar‐driven hydrogen generators must be capable of efficient and stable operation under diurnal cycling with full separation of gaseous H2 and O2 products. In this study, a novel architecture that fulfills all of these requirements is presented. The approach is inherently scalable and provides versatility for operation under diverse electrolyte and lighting conditions. The concept is validated using a 1 cm2 triple‐junction photovoltaic cell with its illuminated photocathode protected by a composite coating comprising an organic encapsulant with an embedded catalytic support. The device is compatible with operation under conditions ranging from 1 m H2SO4 to 1 m KOH, enabling flexibility in selection of semiconductor, electrolyte, membrane, and catalyst. Stable operation at a solar‐to‐hydrogen conversion efficiency of >10% is demonstrated under continuous operation, as well as under diurnal light cycling for at least 4 d, with simulated sunlight. Operational characteristics are validated by extended time outdoor testing. A membrane ensures products are separated, with nonexplosive gas streams generated for both alkaline and acidic systems. Analysis of operational characteristics under different lighting conditions is enabled by comparison of a device model to experimental data.  相似文献   

The relative fitnesses of the different Adh genotypes under normal laboratory conditions and in the absence of alcohol stress were estimated in Drosophila melanogaster according to Prout's method. The larval component (viability) did not reveal fitness differences between the genotypes but for the adult component significant differences were observed. The female adult component (fecundity) showed an overdominant pattern: both homozygous genotypes showed a relative fitness significantly lower than the heterozygous genotype. For the male adult component (virility) also differences were observed. The homozygous SS genotype showed a lower relative fitness than the other two genotypes. Predictions for gene frequency changes based on the estimated fitness values do show a reasonably good correspondence with frequency changes actually observed in a number of experimental cage populations and indicate a globally stable equilibrium around a frequency of the F allele of 0.40-0.70. The relevance of these fitness estimates, obtained under conditions with no alcohol stress, for the explanation of the Adh polymorphisms observed in nature is discussed.  相似文献   

Brucella is an expanding genus of major zoonotic pathogens, including at least 10 genetically very close species occupying a wide range of niches from soil to wildlife, livestock, and humans. Recently, we have shown that in the new species Brucella microti, the glutamate decarboxylase (Gad)-dependent system (GAD system) contributes to survival at a pH of 2.5 and also to infection in mice by the oral route. In order to study the functionality of the GAD system in the genus Brucella, 47 isolates, representative of all known species and strains of this genus, and 16 strains of the closest neighbor genus, Ochrobactrum, were studied using microbiological, biochemical, and genetic approaches. In agreement with the genome sequences, the GAD system of classical species was not functional, unlike that of most strains of Brucella ceti, Brucella pinnipedialis, and newly described species (B. microti, Brucella inopinata BO1, B. inopinata-like BO2, and Brucella sp. isolated from bullfrogs). In the presence of glutamate, these species were more acid resistant in vitro than classical terrestrial brucellae. Expression in trans of the gad locus from representative Brucella species in the Escherichia coli MG1655 mutant strain lacking the GAD system restored the acid-resistant phenotype. The highly conserved GAD system of the newly described or atypical Brucella species may play an important role in their adaptation to acidic external and host environments. Furthermore, the GAD phenotype was shown to be a useful diagnostic tool to distinguish these latter Brucella strains from Ochrobactrum and from classical terrestrial pathogenic Brucella species, which are GAD negative.  相似文献   

The epiphytic fitness of four Tn5 mutants of Pseudomonas syringae that exhibited reduced epiphytic fitness in the laboratory was evaluated under field conditions. The mutants differed more from the parental strain under field conditions than under laboratory conditions in their survival immediately following inoculation onto bean leaves and in the size of the epiphytic populations that they established, demonstrating that their fitness was reduced more under field conditions than in the laboratory. Under both conditions, the four mutants exhibited distinctive behaviors. One mutant exhibited particularly large population decreases and short half-lives following inoculation but grew epiphytically at near-wild-type rates, while the others exhibited reduced survival only in the warmest, driest conditions tested and grew epiphytically at reduced rates or, in the case of one mutant, not at all. The presence of the parental strain, B728a, did not influence the survival or growth of three of the mutants under field conditions; however, one mutant, an auxotroph, established larger populations in the presence of B728a than in its absence, possibly because of cross-feeding by B728a in planta. Experiments with B728a demonstrated that established epiphytic populations survived exposure of leaves to dry conditions better than newly inoculated cells did and that epiphytic survival was not dependent on the cell density in the inoculum. Three of the mutants behaved similarly to two nonpathogenic strains of P. syringae, suggesting that the mutants may be altered in traits that are missing or poorly expressed in naturally occurring nonpathogenic epiphytes.  相似文献   

Thirty polymorphic Oryza sativa microsatellite loci (SSRs) were used to study population genetic structure of O. rufipogon Griff. natural populations in Malaysia. A total of 445 alleles were detected with an average of 14.8 alleles per locus in 176 individuals of O. rufipogon sampled from the states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu where the natural populations are still found. The Kelantan population in the northeast of Peninsular Malaysia had the highest level of genetic diversity as measured by the mean number of alleles per locus, Aa?=?7.67, average number of effective alleles, Ae?=?5.50, percentage of polymorphic loci, P?=?100%, observed heterozygosity, Ho?=?0.631 and expected heterozygosity, He?=?0.798. In contrast, the Terengganu population in the east showed the lowest level of genetic diversity measured by the same criteria (Aa?=?4.23, Ae?=?2.10, P?=?100%, Ho?=?0.549 and He?=?0.449). Model–based clustering analysis using the STRUCTURE 2.2 program placed all the individuals into 12 clusters that corresponded to the geographic sampling locations. Neighbour-joining tree was constructed based on Nei’s genetic distance to further assess the genetic structure of the O. rufipogon individuals, showed good agreement (93.8%) with the model-based cluster analysis. However, the neighbour-joining tree identified sub-populations that STRUCTURE could not identify. The classification of individuals from the same populations under the same cluster supported the population differentiation. These two analyses seemed to indicate expansion of populations from the northeast of Peninsular Malaysia (Tumpat, Pasir Mas and Kota Bahru, Kelantan) not only to the immediate south of the region i.e. Terengganu but also into the northwest (i.e. Penang and Kedah) with the former being more recent. Oryza rufipogon accession IRGC105491 and O. sativa ssp. indica cultivar MR219, which were included in this study for comparisons with the local wild rice accessions, indicated that introgression of cultivated rice could change genetic composition and affect the population genetic structure of wild rice. This possibility should be carefully considered in plans to conserve this wild rice.  相似文献   

Genome rearrangements are associated with eukaryotic evolutionary processes ranging from tumorigenesis to speciation. Rearrangements are especially common following interspecific hybridization, and some of these could be expected to have strong selective value. To test this expectation we created de novo interspecific yeast hybrids between two diverged but largely syntenic Saccharomyces species, S. cerevisiae and S. uvarum, then experimentally evolved them under continuous ammonium limitation. We discovered that a characteristic interspecific genome rearrangement arose multiple times in independently evolved populations. We uncovered nine different breakpoints, all occurring in a narrow ∼1-kb region of chromosome 14, and all producing an “interspecific fusion junction” within the MEP2 gene coding sequence, such that the 5′ portion derives from S. cerevisiae and the 3′ portion derives from S. uvarum. In most cases the rearrangements altered both chromosomes, resulting in what can be considered to be an introgression of a several-kb region of S. uvarum into an otherwise intact S. cerevisiae chromosome 14, while the homeologous S. uvarum chromosome 14 experienced an interspecific reciprocal translocation at the same breakpoint within MEP2, yielding a chimaeric chromosome; these events result in the presence in the cell of two MEP2 fusion genes having identical breakpoints. Given that MEP2 encodes for a high-affinity ammonium permease, that MEP2 fusion genes arise repeatedly under ammonium-limitation, and that three independent evolved isolates carrying MEP2 fusion genes are each more fit than their common ancestor, the novel MEP2 fusion genes are very likely adaptive under ammonium limitation. Our results suggest that, when homoploid hybrids form, the admixture of two genomes enables swift and otherwise unavailable evolutionary innovations. Furthermore, the architecture of the MEP2 rearrangement suggests a model for rapid introgression, a phenomenon seen in numerous eukaryotic phyla, that does not require repeated backcrossing to one of the parental species.  相似文献   

Fluorescent dyes are vital for studying static and dynamic patterns and pattern formation in cell biology. Emission properties of the dyes incorporated in a biological interface are known to be sensitive to their local environment. We report that the fluorescence intensity of dye molecules embedded in lipid interfaces is indeed a thermodynamic observable of the system. Opto-mechanical coupling of lipid-dye system was measured as a function of the thermodynamic state of the interface. The corresponding state diagrams quantify the thermodynamic coupling between intensity I and lateral pressure π. We further demonstrate that the coupling is conserved upon varying the temperature T. Notably, the observed opto-mechanical coupling is not limited to equilibrium conditions, but also holds for propagating pressure pulses. The non-equilibrium data show, that fluorescence is especially sensitive to dynamic changes in state such as the LE-LC phase transition. We conclude that variations in the thermodynamic state (here π and T, in general pH, membrane potential V, etc also) of lipid membranes are capable of controlling fluorescence intensity. Therefore, interfacial thermodynamic state diagrams of I should be obtained for a proper interpretation of intensity data.  相似文献   

Diverse and abundant bacterial populations play important functional roles in the multi-partite association of the coral holobiont. The specificity of coral-associated assemblages remains unclear, and little is known about the inheritance of specific bacteria from the parent colony to their offspring. This study investigated if broadcast spawning and brooding corals release specific and potentially beneficial bacteria with their offspring to secure maintenance across generations. Two coral species, Acropora tenuis and Pocillopora damicornis, were maintained in 0.2 μm filtered seawater during the release of their gametes and planulae, respectively. Water samples, excluding gametes and planulae, were subsequently collected, and bacterial diversity was assessed through a pyrosequencing approach amplifying a 470-bp region of the 16S rRNA gene including the variable regions 1–3. Compared to the high bacterial diversity harboured by corals, only a few taxa of bacteria were released by adult corals. Both A. tenuis and P. damicornis released similar bacteria, and the genera Alteromonas and Roseobacter were abundant in large proportions in the seawater of both species after reproduction. This study suggests that adult corals may release bacteria with their offspring to benefit the fitness in early coral life stages.  相似文献   

We evaluated the competitive fitness of three phenanthrene-mineralizing isolates that were provided with nonsorbed or sorbed phenanthrene in competition experiments. One isolate had a clear advantage when presented with Amberlite IRC-50-sorbed phenanthrene, yet none were favored when presented with nonsorbed or Amberlite XAD-7-sorbed phenanthrene. Our results indicate that contaminant availability alone does not determine the isolates’ competitive fitness.  相似文献   

This article uses models to propose an explanation for three observations in community ecology: the apparent overreaction of prey to attack by specialist predators, the existence of a common trade-off among components of competitive ability in communities of unrelated competitors, and the ability of invading species to break the native trade-off. Strategies that increase resource collection ability are assumed to increase vulnerability to attack by specialist consumers according to a vulnerability function. If competitors compete for a common resource and share the same form of the vulnerability function, then they are favored to converge on the same evolutionarily stable level of competitiveness or trade-off curve even if the parameters describing their specialized consumers differ. The position of the common strategy or trade-off curve depends on the whole guild, with more speciose guilds tending to favor higher levels of competitiveness. Invaders can break the native trade-off if they come from a guild with a higher trade-off curve, an effect possibly enhanced evolutionarily by escape from specialist consumers.  相似文献   

DENISON  R. FORD 《Annals of botany》1989,64(2):167-169
An earlier paper which analysed the implications of diffusionlimitation for acetylene reduction by intact legume noduleshas recently been criticized for ignoring competitive inhibitionof acetylene reduction by dinitrogen. Mathematical analysesof competitive inhibition show that the dependence of acetylenereduction rate on acetylene concentration under atmosphericN2 is described adequately by an equation functionally equivalentto the Michaelis—Menten equation, despite competitiveinhibition. Therefore, no modification of the original analysisis required. However, competitive inhibition is shown to bea significant factor when experiments under atmospheric N2 andunder argon are compared. Acetylene reduction, dinitrogen fixation, competitive inhibition, diffusion limitation, legume nodules  相似文献   

Arrowhead (AR) third chromosome arrangements of Drosophila pseudoobscura, whose competitive fitnesses had been determined in population cages, were tested for their genetic loads in homozygous, heterozygous (homokaryotypic), and heterokaryotypic (AR/CH) combinations. The results showed that their competitive population cage performances were correlated to their viabilities as homozygotes but were not correlated to their viabilities as heterozygotes or as heterokaryotypes. However, the results do not fit in too simply with the mutational model of population structure, since the improvement of homozygous viability with increased competitive fitness was not accompanied by a significant degree of dominance as measured by the regression of viabilities of heterozygotes on homozygotes. Only the AR chromosomes derived from the population with poorest competitive fitness showed marked partial dominance (h=.35). The viabilities of heterokaryotypes were markedly uniform for all chromosomes tested and produced significantly greater numbers of flies per culture than the homokaryotypes. In general, the results show that the ranking of relative competitive fitnesses of these chromosomes is not a simple extrapolation of their viabilities, although marked changes in the populations tested have occurred. It is proposed that the differences in competitive fitness, homozygous viability, and degree of dominance observed among these chromosomes, arise from differences in genetic variability which enable different linkage relationships to be established for genes affecting these attributes.  相似文献   

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