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Fast swimming pelagic cetacean species have osteological characteristics that promote a more stable spine in comparison to that of coastal species. The Peale's dolphin (Lagenorhynchus australis) and the hourglass dolphin (Lagenorhynchus cruciger) have a close phylogenetic relationship and are found in coastal and pelagic waters in the Southern Hemisphere, respectively. The aim of this work was to study the relationship between the vertebral column's morphology and its flexibility, across these species of contrasting habitats. Vertebral counts and multiple measurements of each vertebra were used to infer intervertebral flexibility. Bivariate plots and discriminant multivariate analyses were employed to compare each functional region along the vertebral column. Both species displayed a regionalization of the column into three stable regions and two flexible areas, which statistically differ in the proportion of the skeleton occupied in each species. While the Peale's dolphin has rounder vertebrae, associated with higher flexibility, the hourglass dolphin has disk‐shaped vertebrae and strongly inclined processes related to high stability. Although the species are closely related phylogenetically, vertebral morphology is influenced by a diverse set of ecological and behavioral factors, reflecting a high degree of vertebral plasticity within the genus.  相似文献   


The discussion of the age of some South American Late Cretaceous fossil vertebrate localities by Van Valen led this author to admit the possible persistence of Dinosaurs at the base of the Paleocene. Van Valen's arguments resting on the selachians are reviewed and it can be asserted that the selachian‐bearing localities of the El Molino Formation of Bolivia are Cretaceous and not Tertiary.  相似文献   

The appearance of leaf mesophyll chloroplasts in angiosperms is characterized by their uniform and static shape, which is molded by symmetric division of the preexisting organelles, involving three prokaryote-derived proteins: the division executor protein, FtsZ, and the division site positioning proteins, MinD and MinE. On the other hand, noncolored plastids in roots, where the involvement of the known chloroplast division factors in plastid morphogenesis is yet unclear, are morphologically heterogeneous and transform dynamically. This is further emphasized by the active formation of long tubular protrusions called stromules from the main body of those plastids. Molecular regulation and physiological significance of such dynamic morphology of root plastids also remain unknown. In this context, we have recently demonstrated that the mitochondrial respiratory inhibitor antimycin A induces rapid and reversible filamentation of root plastids (leucoplasts) in Arabidopsis thaliana. In contrast, the same treatment with antimycin A did not affect the morphology of amyloplasts in the columella cells at the root tip. The alternative oxidase inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid suppresses the antimycin-induced plastid filamentation, perhaps implying an alternative oxidase-mediated interorganellar signaling between the mitochondria and the leucoplasts in the root cells. Our data may provide some clues as to how the formation of stromules is initiated.Key words: antimycin A, interorganellar crosstalk, plastid morphology, respiration, stress response, stromule  相似文献   

The record of an opossum is reported here coming from a Middle–Late Pleistocene fluvial sedimentary sequence outcropping in the austral Chaco geomorphological region, Santa Fe province. Despite this family has different living forms widely distributed in South American plains, with great tolerance to diverse habitats conditions, the Pleistocene occurrence of didelphoids is very scarce and only limited to Holocene deposits sensu lato from austral pampean plains. The specimen found represents at the moment the only Pleistocene didelphoid opossum from Argentina with an accurate stratigraphical context. In a taphonomic framework, MFA-Pv 1582 shows no evidence of abrasion produced by transport, probably resulting of a very short time-transport. This intertropical form of Didelphis genus from Pleistocene sequences displays undoubtedly novel and sustancial paleoenvironmental and ecomorphological conditions to test in the austral Chaco region. Although the specimen shares a generalized didelphoid form, some morphologies in the humerus are closer with arboreal habits. In this context, added to the sedimentological and stratigraphical framework, it’s possible to suggest that subtropical conditions with some woodlands and wetlands dominate the provenance region of the fossil material, over a late Middle–Late Pleistocene interglacial period.  相似文献   

The Palpada genus, which belongs to the Diptera order (family, Syrphidae), has been rarely reported to cause accidental myiasis in humans. Herein, we report the first case of genitourinary myiasis caused by a larva of the Palpada genus in a 9-year-old girl from Colombia. The girl, who resided in a rural area in the municipality of Floridablanca, Santander, near Bucaramanga city, in eastern Colombia, presented with lower abdominal pain accompanied by oliguria, followed by the subsequent elimination of a larva through the urine. The next day, the patient visited a primary healthcare centre, and no signs or symptoms were observed on clinical examination. Haematological analysis showed high plateletcrit levels and platelet large cell counts. The results of the urine test revealed a decrease in specific gravity and a slight increase in bacterial content and mucus. DNA barcoding analyses showed that the etiological agent corresponded to a third instar larva of the Palpada scutellaris species. This is the first case to report genitourinary myiasis caused by larvae of the genus Palpada in humans. However, we believe that additional cases might be accurately detected if adequate tests are performed to confirm the clinical and molecular features associated with this infection.  相似文献   

A previous comparison of whistles using data sampled at 48 kHz suggested that certain frequency parameters vary along a latitudinal gradient. This geographical pattern may be biased because whistles sampled at higher frequencies could potentially have very different frequency contents. The current study compared the acoustic parameters of Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) whistles recorded at a higher sampling rate (96 kHz) and from groups occupying two never before sampled sites, Benevente Bay, Espírito Santo, Brazil, and Formosa Bay, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, with recordings of other populations in South America. By only considering data sampled at a rate of at least 96 kHz, we aimed to detect differences in whistles across locations. Contrary to previous findings, our analyses do not indicate any clear separation between northern and southern populations based on whistles, and do not corroborate the hypothesis of latitudinal acoustic variation in this species. The variation in Guiana dolphin whistle parameters found here appears to be influenced by latitude to some extent, but several other factors, including sampling method, environmental fluctuations, and social influence on vocal learning, may be confounding the detection of a geographic pattern in these whistle samples.  相似文献   

Extreme large body size is rare in modern Zygoptera (damselflies). Only the South and Central American damselfly family Pseudostigmatidae and one African species, Coryphagrion grandis, share the morphological trait of gigantism. By means of phylogenetic analyses using two mitochondrial markers (16S rDNA and ND1) and one nuclear marker (EF1) in combination with an existing morphological data set, we trace the evolution of gigantism in damselflies. Individual and combined data sets were analyzed using the maximum parsimony, minimum evolution and maximum likelihood algorithms. Regardless of the algorithm used and the data set analyzed all principal tree topologies support a monophyly of the damselfly taxa displaying giant body size. This supports the view that the evolution of gigantism in damselflies from Africa and South America is not the result of convergent evolution due to strikingly similar habitat preferences, but rather the result of close genealogical relationship. Because modern odonates evolved before the split of Africa from Gondwanaland, the proposed phylogeny suggests that C. grandis represents a Gondwana relict.  相似文献   

Rhabdias bakeri n. sp. is described from specimens found in lungs of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica, from North Dakota. The new species has previously been mistakenly identified as Rhabdias ranae Walton, 1929, a common parasite of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. The new species differs from R. ranae and Rhabdias joaquinensis Ingles, 1935 by the shape and size of pseudolabia, shape and size of buccal capsule, and wider esophageal bulb. Molecular analysis based on the partial sequences of nuclear 18S rDNA gene, complete sequences of internal transcribed spacer region, and partial sequences of 28S gene demonstrates clear differences between Rhabdias from Ra. sylvatica and Ra. pipiens, and supports the status of R. bakeri as a new species.  相似文献   

Hünicken's paleobotanical collection is one of the most important in South America because it was the first one to be related to a documented stratigraphic profile. This floristic assemblage (Oligocene) recovered from Río Guillermo Formation, at Estancia Tres Marías, Río Guillermo Valley, Santa Cruz, Argentina, is described by the first time in this paper. Five species of genus Nothofagus (N. subferruginea, N. serrulata, N. crenulata, N. elongata and N. variabilis) together with Myrcia bagualense are components of the assemblage. The presence of Acaena brandmayri is confirmed for the first time for the area. Paleoenviromental and paleoclimate implications are also discussed. Characteristic species from a temperate-cold climate such as the genus Nothofagus are present in the material studied. A phylogenetic study of the fossil species herein described and the extant South American species of Nothofagus is presented. The preliminary results support the hypothesis that fossil species of Nothogafus are closely related to the modern species.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Primate research and conservation may inadvertently reproduce neocolonial dynamics when primatologists from affluent, imperialist nations conduct studies in...  相似文献   

A 48-h starvation period resulted in a great increase in muscle proteolysis-as measured following the release of tyrosine into the medium-in incubated isolated rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles. We have quantified the contribution of the different proteolytic systems to the increased protein degradation and observed a considerable activation in the ATP-dependent proteolytic (60%) and in the calcium-dependent (125%) systems, while no increases were observed in lysosomal proteolysis. The addition of 10 mM leucine to the incubation medium did not result in any changes in either total proteolytic rate or the activity rates of any of the different systems studied. In addition, the presence of the amino acid did not influence the levels of mRNA for the different genes studied-ubiquitin, C8 proteasome subunit, E2 conjugating enzyme, m-calpain, and cathepsin B. In a similar way, as observed during starvation, tumor growth resulted in increased protein degradation in incubated isolated EDL muscles from animals bearing the Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma. The increased rate of protein degradation affected all the proteolytic systems studied: ATP- and calcium-dependent and lysosomal. Finally, leucine addition (10 mM), although not able to revert the increased proteolytic rate, resulted in a decrease in the gene expression for ubiquitin, C8 proteasome subunit and cathepsin B.  相似文献   

Of the few studies that have examined in situ coral growth responses to recent climate change, none have done so in equatorial waters subject to relatively high sea temperatures (annual mean >27°C). This study compared the growth rate of Porites lutea from eight sites at Phuket, South Thailand between two time periods (December 1984–November 1986 and December 2003–November 2005). There was a significant decrease in coral calcification (23.5%) and linear extension rates (19.4–23.4%) between the two sampling periods at a number of sites, while skeletal bulk density remained unchanged. Over the last 46 years, sea temperatures (SST) in the area have risen at a rate of 0.161°C per decade (current seasonal temperature range 28–30°C) and regression analysis of coral growth data is consistent with a link between rising temperature and reduced linear extension in the order of 46–56% for every 1°C rise in SST. The apparent sensitivity of linear extension in P. lutea to increased SST suggests that corals in this part of the Andaman Sea may already be subjected to temperatures beyond their thermal optimum for skeletal growth. Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. Rob van Woesik  相似文献   

South America was isolated from other continents during most of the Cenozoic, developing a singular mammalian fauna. In contrast to North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, up to the late Neogene, the carnivore adaptive zone in South America was populated by crocodiles (Sebecidae), large snakes (Madtsoiidae), large birds (Phorusrhacidae), and metatherian mammals (Sparassodonta). Sparassodonta were varied and comprised a wide range of body masses (≈ 2–50 kg) and food habits. Their diversity decreased towards the late Miocene (Huayquerian Stage/Age) and the group became extinct in the “middle” Pliocene (≈ 3 Ma, Chapadmalalan Stage/Age). Several authors have suggested that the cause of this decline and extinction was the ingression of carnivorans to South America (about 6–7 Ma ago), because they competed with the Sparassodonta; although this hypothesis has been criticized in recent years. With the intention of testing the hypothesis of “competitive displacement,” we review the fossil record of South American Sparassodonta and Carnivora, collect data about diversity, estimate size and diet, and determine first and last appearances. The diversity of Sparassodonta is low relative to that of Carnivora throughout the Cenozoic with the early Miocene (Santacrucian Stage/Age) showing the greatest diversity with 11 species. In the late Miocene-middle Pliocene (Huayquerian Stage/Age), the fossil record shows overlap of groups, and the Sparassodonta’s richness curve begins to decline with the first record of Carnivora. Despite this overlap, carnivorans diversity ranged from four or fewer species in the late Miocene-Pliocene to a peak of around 20 species in the early Pleistocene (Ensenadan Stage/Age). Carnivora was initially represented by small-sized, omnivorous species, with large omnivores first appearing in the Chapadmalalan Stage/Age. Over this period, Sparassodonta was represented by large and small hypercarnivores and a single large omnivorous species. From this review of the fossil record, it is suggested that factors other than competitive displacement may have caused the extinction of the Sparassodonta.  相似文献   

In the 1980s, a conservation programme involving a feral horse population, the Retuertas horses from the Guadalquivir marshes, was started in the Doñana National Park. The analysis of an extensive genetic survey of this population, which now numbers 100 animals, and 10 additional European and North African breeds using DNA polymorphisms from 22 microsatellites is presented. Highly significant fixation indexes were obtained for all pairwise comparisons between the Retuertas population and other breeds. A population neighbour‐joining breed phenogram was built using different distance measures, but the Retuertas population failed to cluster with either of the two major clades of European and North African breeds, highlighting its uniqueness. In fact, the Retuertas population was positioned at the base of the trees, which were rooted using donkey samples. Furthermore, assignment tests and the individual Q‐matrices obtained with the structure programme isolated the Retuertas breed from the other breeds with only four K groups. Interestingly, some local semi‐feral horses, known as Marismeño, also currently living in the Guadalquivir marshes, have some microsatellite genotypes that fall well within the Retuertas cluster. This raises the possibility of incorporating horses from the Marismeño population in a future conservation programme.  相似文献   

Individuals in groups can suffer costs through interactions with adversarial or unknown conspecifics. Social niche construction allows individuals to buffer such potential costs by only engaging in preferred associations. This may be particularly beneficial in insect aggregations, which are often large and highly fluid. However, little is known regarding the structuring of such aggregations. Here we use social network analyses to test for fine‐scale social structure in resting aggregations of the sub‐social cockroach Diploptera punctata and to explore the social pressures that contribute towards such structure. We showed that females were significantly more gregarious than males and formed the core of the proximity network, thus demonstrating a higher level of social integration. This fine‐scale structure is likely to result from females displacing males; females initiated most displacements whilst males received the majority. We explain this behaviour in terms of social niche construction by showing that females received significantly fewer approaches and investigations at more female‐biased local sex ratios. We therefore suggest that female social clustering occurs in this, and presumably other, species to reduce potential costs associated with male harassment. This demonstrates how social niche construction can lead to higher level social structure; we suggest this approach could be used across a range of species in order to improve our understanding of the evolution of sociality.  相似文献   

Living species of mammals, crocodiles and most species of birds exhibit parental care, but evidence of this behaviour is extremely rare in the fossil record. Here, we present a new specimen of varanopid 'pelycosaur' from the Middle Permian of South Africa. The specimen is an aggregation, consisting of five articulated individuals preserved in undisturbed, close, lifelike, dorsal-up, subparallel positions, indicating burial in 'life position'. Two size classes are represented. One is 50% larger than the others, is well ossified, has fused neurocentral sutures and is distinguished by a coat of dermal ossifications that covers the neck and shoulder regions. We regard this individual to be an adult. The remaining four skeletons are considered to be juveniles as they are approximately the same size, are poorly ossified, have open neurocentral sutures and lack dermal ossifications. Aggregates of juvenile amniotes are usually siblings. Extant analogues of adult and juvenile groupings suggest that the adult is one of the parents, leading us to regard the aggregation as a family group. The Late Middle Permian age of the varanopid family predates the previously known oldest fossil evidence of parental care in terrestrial vertebrates by 140 Myr.  相似文献   

Direct optimization was used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the 26 diploid taxa included in the genus Hordeum. The total data set was composed of 16 nucleotide sequence regions from the nuclear as well as the plastid genome. The nine nuclear regions were from single‐copy, protein coding genes located on six of the seven chromosome pairs in the diploid H. vulgare genome. The seven plastid regions comprise protein coding genes as well as intergenic regions. Studies of character congruence between data partitions showed no correlation between chromosomal location and congruence among the nuclear sequences and a level of congruence among the plastid sequences comparable with the level among the nuclear sequences. Combined analysis of all data resolved the phylogeny completely with most clades being robust and well supported. However, due to incongruence among data partitions some relationships are still and likely to remain ambiguously inferred. Rather than adding still more genes to the phylogenetic analyses, patterns of incongruence may be better explored by adding data from multiple specimens per taxon. For some species relationships the plastid data appear positively misleading, emphasizing the need for caution if plastid data are the only or dominant type of data used for phylogenetic reconstruction and subsequent re‐classification.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2011.  相似文献   

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