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Saks V. A. Khuchua Z. A. Vasilyeva E. V. Belikova O. Yu Kuznetsov A. V. 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1994,133(1):155-192
The published experimental data and existing concepts of cellular regulation of respiration are analyzed. Conventional, simplified considerations of regulatory mechanism by cytoplasmic ADP according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics or by derived parameters such as phosphate potential etc. do not explain relationships between oxygen consumption, workload and metabolic state of the cell. On the other hand, there are abundant data in literature showing microheterogeneity of cytoplasmic space in muscle cells, in particular with respect to ATP (and ADP) due to the structural organization of cell interior, existence of multienzyme complexes and structured water phase. Also very recent experimental data show that the intracellular diffusion of ADP is retarded in cardiomyocytes because of very low permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane for adenine nucleotidesin vivo. Most probably, permeability of the outer mitochondrial membrane porin channels is controlled in the cellsin vivo by some intracellular factors which may be connected to cytoskeleton and lost during mitochondrial isolation. All these numerous data show convincingly that cellular metabolism cannot be understood if cell interior is considered as homogenous solution, and it is necessary to use the theories of organized metabolic systems and substrate-product channelling in multienzyme systems to understand metabolic regulation of respiration. One of these systems is the creatine kinase system, which channels high energy phosphates from mitochondria to sites of energy utilization. It is proposed that in muscle cells feed-back signal between contraction and mitochondrial respiration may be conducted by metabolic wave (propagation of oscillations of local concentration of ADP and creatine) through cytoplasmic equilibrium creatine and adenylate kinases and is amplified by coupled creatine kinase reaction in mitochondria. Mitochondrial creatine kinase has experimentally been shown to be a powerful amplifier of regulatory action of weak ADP fluxes due to its coupling to adenine nucleotide translocase. This phenomenon is also carefully analyzed.It is easier to explain biochemistry in terms of transport than it is to explain transport in terms of biochemistry. P. Mitchell The Ninth Sir Hans Krebs Lecture, Dresden, July 2, 1978. 相似文献
Lipskaya TY 《Biochemistry. Biokhimii?a》2001,66(2):115-129
The development of ideas concerning the buffer and transport functions of the creatine kinase system is described. The concept of ATP compartmentation at sites of its production and utilization is critically analyzed. Kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural data used as a basis for a hypothesis on the structural and functional coupling of mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase are comprehensively analyzed, and experimental evidence inconsistent with this hypothesis is presented. It seems that the mitochondrial creatine kinase may serve to equilibrate ADP concentration in the intermembrane space with fluctuating ADP concentrations in the cytoplasm. It is suggested that creatine kinase molecules bound to other intracellular structures (e.g., to myofibrils) may equilibrate local ADP concentrations with those present in the cytoplasm. 相似文献
Gellerich Frank Norbert Kapischke Matthias Kunz Wolfram Neumann Wolfram Kuznetsov Andrey Brdiczka Dieter Nicolay Klaas 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1994,133(1):85-104
Summary Cytosolic proteins as components of the physiological mitochondrial environment were substituted by dextrans added to media normally used for incubation of isolated mitochondria. Under these conditions the volume of the intermembrane space decreases and the contact sites between the both mitochondrial membranes increase drastically. These morphological changes are accompanied by a reduced permeability of the mitochondrial outer compartment for adenine nucleotides as it was shown by extensive kinetic studies of mitochondrial enzymes (oxidative phosphorylation, mi-creatine kinase, mi-adenylate kinase). The decreased permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane causes increased rate dependent concentration gradients in the micromolar range for adenine nucleotides between the intermembrane space and the extramitochondrial space. Although all metabolites crossing the outer membrane exhibit the same concentration gradients, considerable compartmentations are detectable for ADP only due to its low extramitochondrial concentration. The consequences of ADP-compartmentation in the mitochondrial intermembrane space for ADP-channelling into the mitochondria are discussed. 相似文献
N Yamamoto M B Oliveira A de P Campello L C Lopes M L Klüppel 《Cell biochemistry and function》1988,6(1):61-66
Effect of methotrexate (MTX) on mitochondrial oxygen uptake, oxidative phosphorylation and on the activity of several enzymes linked to respiratory chain was studied. MTX was able to inhibit state III respiration activated by ADP and to decrease the respiratory coefficient with the substrates alpha-ketoglutarate and glutamate; these effects became pronounced when mitochondria were pre-incubated with MTX for 10 min. No effect was observed on ATPase activity of undamaged or broken mitochondria; the same was true for NADH-oxidase, NADH-dehydrogenase, NADH-cytochrome c reductase, succinate oxidase, and cytochrome c oxidase activity. The effect on the steady-state of cytochrome b, as well as, the inhibitory effect on state III of respiration with NAD+-linked substrates, offers a reasonable possibility to suggesting that the inhibition site of MTX could be in a place anterior to cytochrome b region, and not linked to respiratory chain. 相似文献
R. Bohnensack 《Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes》1982,14(1):45-61
A minimum model of adenine nucleotide exchange through the inner membrane of mitochondria is presented. The model is based on a sequential mechanism, which presumes ternary complexes formed by binding of metabolites from both sides of the membrane. The model explains the asymmetric kinetics of ADP-ATP exchange as a consequence of its electrogenic character. In energized mitochondria, a part of the membrane potential suppresses the binding of extramitochondrial ATP in competition with ADP. The remaining part of the potential difference inhibits the back exchange of internal ADP for external ATP. The assumption of particular energy-dependent conformational states of the translocator is not necessary. The model is not only compatible with the kinetic properties reported in the literature about the adenine nucleotide exchange, but it also correctly describes the response of mitochondrial respiration to the extramitochondrial ATP/ADP ratio under different conditions. The model computations reveal that the translocation step requires some loss of free energy as driving force. The size of the driving force depends on the flux rate as well as on the extra- and intramitochondrial ATP/ADP quotients. By both quotients the translocator controls the export of ATP formed by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. 相似文献
We have investigated the regulation of oxygen consumption and modulation of glutathione levels in CHO-K1 cells under oxygen-limiting conditions. We report here suppression of oxygen consumption and alteration of the supply-dependent relationship as a consequence of prolonged hypoxic or anoxic exposure. The suppression is characterized by an increase in the value of P(o(2)/50) (the oxygen tension at which oxygen consumption is half maximal). Under prolonged anoxia there is also a decrease in the cells' potential to use oxygen. Elevated glucose consumption under low oxygen conditions may contribute to the suppression in respiration. The glutathione concentration remains constant throughout hypoxic exposure but may decrease by as much as 40% under anoxia. The glutathione level in hypoxic and anoxic cells increases by two- and four-fold, respectively, over that of the control cells when exposed to a cytotoxic level of oxygen (93%). This suggests that anoxic and hypoxic exposure sensitizes CHO cells to oxidative stress. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Substitution of physiologically present macromolecules during isolation of mitochondria and investigation of their functions led to a significant change in regulation of oxidative phosphorylation. The differences compared to conventionally isolated mitochondria were that stimulation of oxidative phosphorylation appeared to rather depend on the activity of peripheral kinases than on the addition of free ADP. The localisation of peripheral kinases such as hexokinase and mitochondrial creatine kinase are described as well as the effects of macromolecules on the regulation of bound hexokinase and of oxidative phosphorylation via this enzyme. 相似文献
Hans R. Scholte Yihong Yu John D Ross Imma I. Oosterkamp Adriana M.C. Boonman Herman F.M. Busch 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1997,174(1-2):61-66
We modified the isolation procedure of muscle and heart mitochondria. In human muscle, this resulted in a 3.4 fold higher yield of better coupled mitochondria in half the isolation time. In a preparation from rat muscle we studied factors that affected the stability of oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos) and found that it decreased by shaking the preparation on a Vortex machine, by exposure to light and by an increase in storage temperature. The decay was found to be different for each substrate tested. The oxidation of ascorbate was most stable and less sensitive to the treatments.When mitochondria were stored in the dark and the cold, the decrease in oxidative phosphorylation followed first order kinetics. In individual preparations of muscle and heart mitochondria, protection of oxidative phosphorylation was found by adding candidate stabilizers, such as desferrioxamine, lazaroids, taurine, carnitine, phosphocreatine, N-acetylcysteine, Trolox-C and ruthenium red, implying a role for reactive oxygen species and calcium-ions in the in vitro damage at low temperature to oxidative phosphorylation.In heart mitochondria oxphos with pyruvate and palmitoylcarnitine was most labile followed by glutamate, succinate and ascorbate.We studied the effect of taurine, hypotaurine, carnitine, and desferrioxamine on the decay of oxphos with these substrates. 1 mM taurine (n = 6) caused a significant protection of oxphos with pyruvate, glutamate and palmitoylcarnitine, but not with the other substrates. 5 mM L-carnitine (n = 6), 1 mM hypotaurine (n = 3) and 0.1 mM desferrioxamine (n = 3) did not protect oxphos with any of the substrates at a significant level.These experiments were undertaken in the hope that the in vitro stabilizers can be used in future treatment of patients with defects in oxidative phosphorylation. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 61–66, 1997) 相似文献
Morphological correlations of the functional regulation of oxygen consumption have been studied on single isolated crayfish mechanoreceptor neurons. An enhancement of oxygen consumption is promoted by the following: (1) redistribution of mitochondria and an increase in cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity in mitochondria near the plasmatic membrane, (2) coordination of mitochondria aggregation rhythms with pO2 rhythms in the medium external for a cell, (3) a decrease in the area of high CO activity and mitochondria and a shortening of the oxygen diffusion pathway, (4) an increase of the CO activity gradient from the neuron body periphery to its center, (5) a transfer of oxygen with the water flow during neuron body hydration and cytoplasm dilution during the transfer of a portion of the gel into sol, (6) cyclic changes in the ratio of the neuron body and hillock sizes at which there is a transfer of oxygen with the water flow into the neuron body, its mitochondrial uptake in the neuron body, and transfer of the oxygen-free water from the neuron body into the axonal hillock and further into the external medium. 相似文献
Recent advances in the in vivo control and regulation of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in yeast and tumor cells is revised. New insigths are presented from old and new experimental data interpreted in the light of powerful new technologies (e.g. NMR confocal microscopy) and quantitative techniques combined with mathematical modeling. Those new aspects are mainly concerned with the dynamical organization of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation which emerges from the multiple interactions between compartments and processes inside the cells. Those compartments may be of structural origin, e.g. plasma membrane defining the cell boundary, mitochondrial-cytoplasmic, or functional ones such as the alternative association-dissociation of enzymes to subcellular structures (e.g. mitochondria, cytoskeleton) with different kinetic properties in each state. A novel regulatory mechanism concerning polymerization-depolymerization of microtubular protein may add a new dimension to the in vivo physiological properties of cells. One main suggestion coming from the modulatory power of the polymeric status and concentration of cytoskeleton components is that it could function as an intracellular mechanism of synchronization between microscopic (local) to macroscopic (global) processes. How the cell "mixes" or switches on or off those regulatory steps or effectors under different physiological and environmental conditions and for different genetic backgrounds, is a main avenue of systematic research for the future. 相似文献
In the present study, we found that ionic interactions are not essential for the binding of nucleoside diphosphate kinase
of liver mitochondria outer compartment to outer mitochondrial membrane and that the proportion of the enzyme activity involved
in functional coupling with oxidative phosphorylation (we demonstrated the existence of functional coupling earlier) is only
17%. Additional evidence was obtained that functionally coupled activity of nucleoside diphosphate kinase is associated with
the outer surface of mitochondria. Dextran (10%) did not increase functional coupling. The physological importance of these
effects is discussed.
Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2008, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. 395–407. 相似文献
《Free radical research》2013,47(9):1070-1084
AbstractIn addition to serving as the power house of mammalian cells, mitochondria are crucial for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis in response to physiological or environmental changes. Several lines of evidence suggest that posttranslational modification (PTM) of proteins plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the bioenergetic function of mitochondria. Among them, reversible lysine acetylation of mitochondrial proteins has been established as one of the key mechanisms in cellular response to energy demand by modulating the flux of a number of key metabolic pathways. In this article, we focus on the role of Sirt3-mediated deacetylation in: (1) flexibility of energy metabolism, (2) activation of antioxidant defense, and (3) maintenance of cellular redox status in response to dietary challenge and oxidative stress. We suggest that oxidative stress-elicited down-regulation of Sirt3 plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes, cardiac hypotrophy, mitochondrial diseases, and age-related diseases. Besides, the physiological role of newly identified lysine acylation mediated by Sirt5 and its biochemical effects on oxidative metabolism are also discussed. Moreover, we have integrated the regulatory function of several protein kinases that are involved in the phosphorylation of mitochondrial enzymes during oxidative stress. Finally, the functional consequence of the synergistic regulation through diverse protein modifications is emphasized on the maintenance of the bioenergetic homeostasis and metabolic adaptation of the animal and human cells. Together, we have provided an updated review of PTM in mitochondrial biology and their implications in aging and human diseases through an intricate regulation of energy metabolism under oxidative stress. 相似文献
Mitochondrial respiratory rates and regulation by phosphate acceptors were studied on permeabilized fiber bundles differing in their myosin heavy chain profiles. The acceptor control ratio, an indicator of oxidation to phosphorylation coupling, and mitochondrial Km for ADP were the highest in type I, intermediate in mixed IIa/IIx and the lowest in IIx and predominantly IIb fiber bundles. A functional coupling between mitochondrial creatine kinase and oxidative phosphorylation occurred in type I and IIa/IIx fiber bundles, exclusively. Our study suggests that mitochondrial functioning in fast IIa fibers is closer to that of the slow/I than fast IIx or IIb fibers. (Mol Cell Biochem 276: 15–20, 2005) 相似文献
A probability approach was used to describe mitochondrial respiration in the presence of substrates, ATP, ADP, Cr and PCr. Respiring mitochondria were considered as a three-component system, including: 1) oxidative phosphorylation reactions which provide stable ATP and ADP concentrations in the mitochondrial matrix; 2) adenine nucleotide translocase provides exchange transfer of matrix adenine nucleotides for those from outside, supplied from medium and by creatine kinase; 3) creatine kinase, starting these reactions when activated by the substrates from medium. The specific feature of this system is close proximity of creatine kinase and translocase molecules. This results in high probability of direct activations of translocase by creatine kinase-derived ADP or ATP without their leak into the medium. In turn, the activated translocase with the same high probability directly provides creatine kinase with matrix-derived ATP or ADP. The catalytic complexes of creatine kinase formed with ATP from matrix together with those formed from medium ATP provide activation of the forward creatine kinase reaction coupled to translocase activation. Simultaneously the catalytic complexes of creatine kinase formed with ADP from matrix together with those formed from medium ADP provide activation of the reverse creatine kinase reaction coupled to translocase activation. The considered probabilities were arranged into a mathermatical model. The model satisfactorily simulates the available experimental data by several groups of investigators. The results allow to consider the observed kinetic and thermodynamic iriegularities in behavior of structurally bound creatine kinase as a direct consequence of its tight coupling to translocase. 相似文献
Rigoulet Michel Leverve Xavier Fontaine Eric Ouhabi Rachid Guérin Bernard 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1998,184(1-2):35-52
The purpose of this work was to show how the quantitative definition of the different parameters involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation makes it possible to characterize the mechanisms by which the yield of ATP synthesis is affected. Three different factors have to be considered: (i) the size of the different forces involved (free energy of redox reactions and ATP synthesis, proton electrochemical difference); (ii) the physical properties of the inner mitochondrial membrane in terms of leaks (H+ and cations); and finally (iii) the properties of the different proton pumps involved in this system (kinetic properties, regulation, modification of intrinsic stoichiometry).The data presented different situations where one or more of these parameters are affected, leading to a different yield of oxidative phosphorylation.(1) By manipulating the actual flux through each of the respiratory chain units at constant protonmotive force in yeast mitochondria, we show that the ATP/O ratio decreases when the flux increases. Moreover, the highest efficiency was obtained when the respiratory rate was low and almost entirely controlled by the electron supply. (2) By using almitrine in different kinds of mitochondria, we show that this drug leads to a decrease in ATP synthesis efficiency by increasing the H+/ATP stoichiometry of ATP synthase (Rigoulet M et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1018: 91-97, 1990). Since this enzyme is reversible, it was possible to test the effect of this drug on the reverse reaction of the enzyme i.e. extrusion of protons catalyzed by ATP hydrolysis. Hence, we are able to prove that, in this case, the decrease in efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation is due to a change in the mechanistic stoichiometry of this proton pump. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a modification in oxidative phosphorylation yield by a change in mechanistic stoichiometry of one of the proton pumps involved. (3) In a model of polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency in rat, it was found that non-ohmic proton leak was increased, while ohmic leak was unchanged. Moreover, an increase in redox slipping was also involved, leading to a complex picture. However, the respective role of these two mechanisms may be deduced from their intrinsic properties. For each steady state condition, the quantitative effect of these two mechanisms in the decrease of oxidative phosphorylation efficiency depends on the values of different fluxes or forces involved. (4) Finally the comparison of the thermokinetic data in view of the three dimensional-structure of some pumps (X-ray diffraction) also gives some information concerning the putative mechanism of coupling (i.e. redox loop or proton pump) and their kinetic control versus regulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. 相似文献
Ventura-Clapier R. Kuznetsov A. Veksler V. Boehm E. Anflous K 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1998,184(1-2):231-247
Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes are present in all vertebrates. An important property of the creatine kinase system is that its total activity, its isoform distribution, and the concentration of guanidino substrates are highly variable among species and tissues. In the highly organized structure of adult muscles, it has been shown that specific CK isoenzymes are bound to intracellular compartments, and are functionally coupled to enzymes and transport systems involved in energy production and utilization. It is however, not established whether functional coupling and intracellular compartmentation are present in all vertebrates. Furthermore, these characteristics seem to be different among different muscle types within a given species. This study will review some of these aspects.It has been observed that: (1) In heart ventricle, CK compartmentation and coupling characterize adult mammalian cells. It is almost absent in frogs, and is weakly present in birds. (2) Efficient coupling of MM-CK to myosin ATPase is seen in adult mammalian striated muscles but not in frog and bird heart where B-CK is expressed instead of M-CK. Thus, the functional efficacy of bound MM-CK to regulate adenine nucleotide turnover within the myofibrillar compartment seems to be specific for muscles expressing M-CK as an integral part of the sarcomere. (3) Mi-CK expression and/or functional coupling are highly tissue and species specific; moreover, they are subject to short term and long term adaptations, and are present late in development. The mitochondrial form of CK (mi-CK) can function in two modes depending on the tissue: (i) in an ADP regeneration mode and (ii) in an ADP amplification mode. The mode of action of mi-CK seems to be related to its precise localization within the mitochondrial intermembrane space, whereas its amount might control the quantitative aspects of the coupling. Mi-CK is highly plastic, making it a strong candidate for fine regulation of excitation-contraction coupling in muscles and for energy transfer in cells with large and fluctuating energy demands in general. (4) Although CK isoforms show a binding specificity, the presence of a given isoform within a tissue or a species only, does not predict its functional role. For example, M-CK is expressed before it is functionally compartmentalized within myofibrils during development. Similarly, the presence of ubiquitous or sarcomeric mi-CK isoforms, is not an index of functional coupling of mi-CK to oxidative phosphorylation. (5) Amongst species or muscles, it appears that a large buffering action of the CK system is associated with rapid contraction and high glycolytic activity. On the other hand, an oxidative metabolism is associated with isoform diversity, increased compartmentation, a subsequent low buffering action and efficient phosphotransfer between mitochondria and energy utilization sites.It can be concluded that, in addition to a high variation of total activity and isoform expression, the role of the CK system also critically depends on its intracellular organization and interaction with energy producing and utilizing pathways. This compartmentation will determine the high cellular efficiency and fine specialization of highly organized and differentiated muscle cells. 相似文献
Sun Young Ahn Yon-Sik ChoiHyun-Jung Koo Jae Hoon JeongWook Ha Park Minseok KimYing Piao Youngmi Kim Pak 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects》2010
Atherosclerosis is one of the major complications of diabetes, which may result from insulin resistance via mitochondrial dysfunction. Although a strong association between insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease has been suggested, it is not clear yet whether stress-inducing factors damage mitochondria and insulin signaling pathway in cardiovascular tissues.Methods
We investigated whether stress-induced mitochondrial dysfunction might alter the insulin/Akt signaling pathway in A10 rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC).Results
The treatment of oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) decreased ATP contents, mitochondrial respiration activity, mRNA expressions of OXPHOS subunits and IRS-1/2 and insulin-mediated phosphorylations of Akt and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Similarly, dideoxycytidine (ddC), the mtDNA replication inhibitor, or rotenone, OXPHOS complex I inhibitor, inhibited the insulin-mediated pAkt while increased pAMPK regardless of insulin. Reciprocally, an inhibitor of Akt, triciribine (TCN), decreased cellular ATP contents. Overexpression of Akt dominant positive reversed the oxLDL- or ddC-mediated ATP decrease but AMPK activator did not. Akt activation also normalized the aberrant VSMC migration induced by ddC.Conclusions
Defective insulin signaling and mitochondrial function may collectively contribute to developing cardiovascular disease.General significance
Akt may be a possible therapeutic target for treating insulin resistance-associated atherosclerosis. 相似文献18.
Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) belong to the mitochondrial anion carrier protein family and mediate regulated proton leak across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Free fatty acids, aldehydes such as hydroxynonenal, and retinoids activate UCPs. However, there are some controversies about the effective action of retinoids and aldehydes alone; thus, only free fatty acids are commonly accepted positive effectors of UCPs. Purine nucleotides such as GTP inhibit UCP-mediated mitochondrial proton leak. In turn, membranous coenzyme Q may play a role as a redox state-dependent metabolic sensor that modulates the complete activation/inhibition of UCPs. Such regulation has been observed for UCPs in microorganisms, plant and animal UCP1 homologues, and UCP1 in mammalian brown adipose tissue. The origin of UCPs is still under debate, but UCP homologues have been identified in all systematic groups of eukaryotes. Despite the differing levels of amino acid/DNA sequence similarities, functional studies in unicellular and multicellular organisms, from amoebae to mammals, suggest that the mechanistic regulation of UCP activity is evolutionarily well conserved. This review focuses on the regulatory feedback loops of UCPs involving free fatty acids, aldehydes, retinoids, purine nucleotides, and coenzyme Q (particularly its reduction level), which may derive from the early stages of evolution as UCP first emerged. 相似文献
Alexander V. Zhdanov Alicia H.C. Waters Anna V. Golubeva Ruslan I. Dmitriev Dmitri B. Papkovsky 《BBA》2014
Active glycolysis and glutaminolysis provide bioenergetic stability of cancer cells in physiological conditions. Under hypoxia, metabolic and mitochondrial disorders, or pharmacological treatment, a deficit of key metabolic substrates may become life-threatening to cancer cells. We analysed the effects of mitochondrial uncoupling by FCCP on the respiration of cells fed by different combinations of Glc, Gal, Gln and Pyr. In cancer PC12 and HCT116 cells, a large increase in O2 consumption rate (OCR) upon uncoupling was only seen when Gln was combined with either Glc or Pyr. Inhibition of glutaminolysis with BPTES abolished this effect. Despite the key role of Gln, addition of FCCP inhibited respiration and induced apoptosis in cells supplied with Gln alone or Gal/Gln. For all substrate combinations, amplitude of respiratory responses to FCCP did not correlate with Akt, Erk and AMPK phosphorylation, cellular ATP, and resting OCR, mitochondrial Ca2 + or membrane potential. However, we propose that proton motive force could modulate respiratory response to FCCP by regulating mitochondrial transport of Gln and Pyr, which decreases upon mitochondrial depolarisation. As a result, an increase in respiration upon uncoupling is abolished in cells, deprived of Gln or Pyr (Glc). Unlike PC12 or HCT116 cells, mouse embryonic fibroblasts were capable of generating pronounced response to FCCP when deprived of Gln, thus exhibiting lower dependence on glutaminolysis. Overall, the differential regulation of the respiratory response to FCCP by metabolic environment suggests that mitochondrial uncoupling has a potential for substrate-specific inhibition of cell function, and can be explored for selective cancer treatment. 相似文献