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目的:在大肠杆菌中高效表达并纯化大鼠热休克蛋白(HSP)70与麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)的融合蛋白,以进一步研究细胞外HSfr70的生物学功能。方法:用RT-PCR方法扩增目的基因,并将其克隆到原核表达载体pMAL-c2X中,酶切鉴定并进行DNA测序;将该重组表达载体转化大肠杆菌B121,用IPTG在不同温度及时间下进行诱导表达,建立最佳诱导表达条件;采用Amylose树脂预装柱对目的蛋白进行亲和纯化,并对不同表达条件下的产物进行SDS-PAGE及Westernblot分析。结果:克隆出目的基因,构建了融合表达载体pMAL-c2X/hsp70;诱导表达后经SDS-PAGE检测表明获得了目的条带,并纯化出纯度较高的融合蛋白;免疫印迹鉴定表明其具有抗原活性。结论:在大肠杆菌中高效表达并纯化了融合蛋白MBP-HSP70,为进一步研究细胞外HSP70的生物学效应提供了有用的材料。  相似文献   

Induction of the 70-kDa heat shock protein, hsp70, was evaluated in cultured cerebellar astrocytes and granule cell neurons subjected to a hyperthermic stress, using a monoclonal antibody and an oligonucleotide probe that selectively recognize stress-inducible species of hsp70-related proteins and RNAs, respectively. Immunoblots of cultures enriched in either granule cells or astrocytes, and immunocytochemical localization studies in cocultures of these cell types, demonstrated that hsp70 induction was restricted to the astrocyte population. Amino acid incorporation experiments showed little difference in the loss and recovery of overall protein synthesis activity in these two cell types following transient hyperthermic stress. RNA blot hybridizations confirmed the preferential glial induction of hsp70. In vivo immunocytochemical studies in brains of adult rats following hyperthermia were consistent with earlier observations that suggested a primarily glial and vascular localization of the heat shock response in most brain regions, although the intense immunoreactivity in the cerebellar granule cell layer suggests that there is induction of hsp70 in these neurons under in vivo conditions. These results suggest the potential value of such defined cell cultures in identifying mechanisms responsible for differences in the heat shock response of various cell types in vitro, and in revealing factors that may account for the apparent absence of the stress response in cultured cerebellar granule cell neurons.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recently, preinduction of the heat shock response has been shown to protect CNS neurons undergoing various stressful insults, e.g., heat, ischemia, or exposure to excitotoxins. However, it is not known which of the proteins induced by the heat shock response mediate the protective effects. Previous correlative evidence points to a role for the highly stress-induced 72-kDa heat shock protein (hsp72). However, it is not known whether hsp72 expression alone can protect against a range of acute neuronal insults. We constructed a herpes simplex virus-1 vector carrying the rat brain stress-inducible hsp72 gene and the Escherichia coli lacZ (marker) gene. Infection with the vector caused hippocampal neurons to coexpress hsp72 and β-galactosidase. Infection with a control vector led to marker gene expression only. Overexpression of hsp72 protected cultured hippocampal neurons against a heat shock but not against the metabolic toxin 3-nitropropionic acid or the excitotoxin glutamate. This is the first published report of protection following heat shock protein transfection in CNS neurons.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白(heat shock protein70,HSP70)是HSP家族中重要成员,在生物细胞中含量最高,可诱导性最强,具有保护细胞免受刺激损伤,促进受损细胞修复及抗炎、抗凋亡、耐受缺血/缺氧损伤等多种生物学功能。许多研究发现在心肌组织中HSP70表达升高可减轻心肌细胞损伤程度,利于损伤心肌细胞的恢复,在预防和延缓心血管疾病中起到重要作用。因此,热休克蛋白70诱导剂在心血管疾病的防治中具有潜在的临床价值。本文主要对HSP70在心血管疾病中的保护作用进行综述。  相似文献   

热激蛋白70(hsp70s)具有分子伴侣的功能,其中在非胁迫条件下表达的hsp70s称为热激同源蛋白70(hsc70).为更好地了解hsc70基因的特性,鉴定了盐芥(Thellungiella halophila(C.A.Mey.)O.E. Schulz)中编码胞质hsc70蛋白的基因Thhsc70.实验结果表明:在非胁迫条件下,Thhsc70基因具有组织特异性表达;Thhsc70基因受热胁迫和冷胁迫的诱导表达,但几乎不受盐诱导和干旱诱导.Thhsc70基因在拟南芥中过量表达后提高了转基因拟南芥的热耐受性和冷耐受性.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Altered mRNA levels in postmortem brain tissue from persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or other neurological diseases are usually presumed to be characteristic of the disease state, even though both agonal state (the physiological state immediately premortem) and postmortem interval (PMI) (the time between death and harvesting the tissue) have the potential to affect levels of mRNAs measured in postmortem tissue. Although the possible effect of postmortem interval on mRNA levels has been more carefully evaluated than that of agonal state, many studies assume that all mRNAs have similar rates of degradation postmortem.2. To determine the postmortem stability of inducible heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) mRNAs, themselves unstablein vivo at normal body temperature, rats were heat shocked in order to induce synthesis of the hsp70 mRNAs. hsp70 mRNA levels in cerebellum and cortex were then compared to those of their heat shock cognate 70 (hsc70) mRNAs, as well as to levels of 18S rRNAs, at 0 and at 24 hr postmortem.3. Quantiation of northern blots after hybridization with an hsp70 mRNA-specific oligo probe indicated a massive loss of hsp70 mRNA signal in RNAs isolated from 24-hr postmortem brains; quantitation by slot-blot hybridization was 5- to 15-fold more efficient. Even using the latter technique, hsp70 mRNA levels were reduced by 59% in 24-hr-postmortem cerebellum and by 78% in cortex compared to mRNA levels in the same region of 0-hr-postmortem brain. There was little reduction postmortem in levels of the hsp70 mRNAs or of 18S rRNAs in either brain region.4.In situ hybridization analysis indicated that hsp70 mRNAs were less abundant in all major classes of cerebellar cells after 24 hr postmortem and mRNAs had degraded severalfold more rapidly in neurons than in glia. There was no corresponding loss of intracellular 18S rRNA in any cell type.5. We conclude from these results that the effect of postmortem interval on mRNA degradation must be carefully evaluated when analyzing levels of inducible hsp70 mRNAs, and perhaps other short-lived mRNAs, in human brain.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白70 (HSP70) 在细胞修复、存活和维持细胞正常功能方面有着重要作用。作为分子伴侣,它起着心肌保护的作用。已经对重症心脏病人的心肌组织进行了蛋白组学研究,得到了HSP70在心衰病人心肌组织中较正常人心肌组织表达升高的结论,并且在血液中得到了进一步的验证。在进一步的离体细胞实验中用不同剂量的肿瘤坏死因子-alpha (TNF-α) 刺激乳鼠心肌细胞,以观察不同时间点HSP70的动态表达情况。培养乳鼠心肌细胞,分别对细胞进行热休克(42 ℃)、TNF-α和缺血缺氧处理,在不同的时间点收获细胞,以观察HSP70的动态表达情况。用免疫化学、ELISA以及Western blotting的方法对HSP70蛋白进行分析。结果表明,在正常对照细胞中基本没有阳性信号出现,而在经缺血缺氧、热休克(42 ℃)以及TNF-α处理的细胞中有明显的阳性表达。以上研究首次在乳鼠心肌细胞中证明TNF-α诱导的HSP70表达具有时间和浓度依赖性。通过运用TNF-α对HSP70蛋白表达影响的研究,初步推断HSP70的表达模式,为体内诱导产生HSP70从而发挥心肌保护作用的研究提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

热激蛋白70(hsp70s)具有分子伴侣的功能,其中在非胁迫条件下表达的hsp70s称为热激同源蛋白70(hsc70)。为更好地了解hsc70基因的特性,鉴定了盐芥(Thellungiella halophila(C. A. Mey. )O. E. Schulz)中编码胞质hsc70蛋白的基因Thhsc70。实验结果表明:在非胁迫条件下,Thhsc70基因具有组织特异性表达;Thhsc70基因受热胁迫和冷胁迫的诱导表达,但几乎不受盐诱导和干旱诱导。Thhsc70基因在拟南芥中过量表达后提高了转基因拟南芥的热耐受性和冷耐受性。  相似文献   

热休克反应中小鼠心脏HSP70表达的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用免疫组织化学方法研究了小鼠心脏在不同温度(40、41、44、46℃)热休克处理后,各恢复期(2、4、8、12、24小时)HSP70的表达。结果表明,(1)44、46℃热处理能诱导心肌细胞合成HSP70,以46℃为多(P<0.01),且于恢复期4-8小时为合成高峰(P<0.01)。(2)阳性免疫反应定位于心肌细胞质中,核呈阴性反应。提示了心脏有较强的耐热能力。  相似文献   

Abstract: The expression of the 70-kDa heat shock cognate (HSC70) and stress-inducible (HSP70) proteins, and their mRNAs, was examined in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a model of inflammatory demyelination in the CNS. This study was undertaken as an extension of previous work demonstrating an abrupt decline in mRNA levels of both glial fibrillary acidic protein and the low-molecular-weight neurofilament subunit in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis spinal cord at 12 days after inoculation, the height of inflammation and clinical signs. Using the same total RNA preparations as our previous study, we report here that mRNA levels for HSC70 increased approximately sixfold over control values at the same time that glial fibrillary acidic protein and low-molecular-weight neurofilament subunit messages decreased and were similar to controls by 21 days after inoculation. In situ hybridization experiments showed that HSC70 mRNA was predominantly expressed in neurons and that the influx of inflammatory cells into the CNS was not responsible for the large increase in HSC70 message. Despite this elevation in mRNA, only small (if any) increases in protein levels for HSC70 were detected by both western blotting and in vitro cell-free translation systems. However, by quantitative immunoblotting, we determined that constitutive levels of HSC70 comprised a substantial portion of CNS proteins, representing 2–3% of the total protein content of spinal cord. Immunohistochemical staining illustrated that the distribution of HSC70 was consistent with that of its message. In contrast, no HSP70 mRNA or protein was detected in either control or experimental animals.  相似文献   

We determined the changes in the levels of the mammalian small heat shock protein of 25-28 kDa (hsp27) and the hsp alphaB-crystallin in various regions of rat brain after kainic acid-induced seizure activity by means of specific immunoassays. The levels of hsp27 in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex were markedly increased and reached a maximum (1.5-2 microg/mg of protein) 2-4 days after the seizure. The levels of hsp27 in these regions were considerably high even 10 days after the seizure. A marked increase in levels of mRNA for hsp27 was also observed in the hippocampus of rats 1-2 days after the seizure. A severalfold increase in the levels of alphaB-crystallin was observed in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex of rats 2 days after the seizure. However, the maximum levels were <50 ng/mg of protein. The levels of protein sulfhydryl group and glutathione were significantly reduced in the hippocampus of rats at 24 h after the seizure, which might have enhanced the expressions of hsp27 and alphaB-crystallin. The expression of inducible mammalian hsp of 70 kDa (hsp70) was also enhanced in the hippocampus of rats after the seizure, as detected by western and northern blotting analyses. Immunohistochemically, an intensive staining of hsp27 was observed in both glial cells and neurons in the hippocampus, piriform cortex, and entorhinal cortex of rats with kainic acid-induced seizure. However, in the cerebellum, where the receptors for kainic acid are also rich, hsp27 was barely induced in the same rats. This might be due to high levels of the cerebellar calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin and 28-kDa calbindin-D, which might have a protective effect against the kainic acid-inducible damage.  相似文献   

Abstract: Glucocorticoids have been shown to exacerbate the damaging effects of a variety of neurotoxic insults in the hippocampus and other brain areas. Evidence suggests that the endangering effects of glucocorticoids may be due to augmenting the cascade of events, such as elevations in intracellular calcium levels, because of excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptor stimulation. A potential mechanism responsible for EAA-induced neuronal damage is activation of calcium-sensitive proteases, such as calpain, which then proteolytically degrade cytoskeleton structural proteins, such as spectrin. The present study was designed to determine if glucocorticoids can regulate the spectrin proteolysis produced by the EAA agonist, kainic acid. Rats were adrenalectomized (ADX) or sham operated and 7 days later injected with kainic acid (10 mg/kg). Twenty-four hours later rats were killed and tissues obtained for western blot analyses of the intact spectrin molecule and the proteolytically derived breakdown products. Kainic acid produced an approximate sevenfold increase in the 145–155-kDa spectrin breakdown products in the hippocampus relative to ADX or sham rats injected with vehicle. ADX attenuated the kainic acid-induced increase in breakdown products by 43%. In a similar way, kainic acid produced a large 10-fold increase in spectrin breakdown products in the frontal cortex, which was also significantly attenuated (?80%) by ADX. Induction of heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) by neurotoxic insults has been suggested to be a sensitive indicator of cellular stress in neurons. Kainic acid induced large amounts of hsp70 in both hippocampus and frontal cortex of sham-operated rats that was markedly attenuated (85–95%) by ADX. There was a strong positive correlation between the amount of spectrin proteolysis and the degree of hsp70 induction in both the hippocampus and frontal cortex. In contrast, kainic acid did not significantly produce spectrin proteolysis and induced only a very modest and inconsistent increase of hsp70 in the hypothalamus. This is consistent with the observation that the hypothalamus is relatively insensitive to the neurotoxic effects of systemically administered kainic acid. The dose of kainic acid (10 mg/kg) used in this experiment produces a 10-fold elevation in circulating corticosterone levels at both 1 and 3 h after administration. These results suggest that part of the endangering effects of glucocorticoids on hippocampal and cortical neurons may be due to augmentation of calpain-induced spectrin proteolysis. The attenuation of kainic acid-induced synthesis of hsp70 by ADX indicates that the cellular stress produced by EAAs is regulated in part by glucocorticoids. In addition, the elevation in endogenous corticosterone levels produced by kainic acid appears to be a significant factor contributing to the neuronal damage produced by this agent.  相似文献   

结核杆菌热休克蛋白70在毕赤酵母中的分泌表达与鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
获得结核杆菌热休克蛋白70在毕赤酵母中的分泌表达。构建了酵母表达质粒pPIC9K-hsp70,并将其线性化后用电穿孔法导入Pichia pastoris GS115,经PCR方法筛选出阳性菌落,在0.5%甲醇诱导下分泌表达。所得产物经离心收集上清、超滤浓缩脱盐、亲和层析后,分别用 SDSPAGE、Western blot和动物免疫实验对上清中的重组Hsp70进行鉴定,并考察产物对DC的作用。经SDSPAGE、Western blot分析表明表达的Hsp70表观分子量为70kD并能特异性地与抗Mt.Hsp70单抗结合,动物实验表明重组的Hsp70能在体诱导免疫应答。重组Hsp70能够诱导DC成熟并释放Th1型细胞因子。摇瓶发酵表达量达120mg/L,占培养上清30%以上。这为研究结核杆菌热休克蛋白70的生理功能提供了必要的物质条件。  相似文献   

Elevation of body temperature by 2–3°C induces a 2.7 kilobase hsp70 mRNA species in the rabbit retina within 1 hr. In situ hybridization with thin sections derived from plastic-embedded tissue permitted a higher level of resolution of retinal cell types compared to procedures which involved the use of frozen tissue sections. A prominent induction of hsp70 mRNA in retinal ganglion cells was observed when an hsp70 riboprobe was utilized for in situ hybridization. These results indicate that this neuronal cell type responds rapidly to fever-like body temperatures by inducing one of the major heat shock genes.  相似文献   

以抗旱性较强的棉花品种‘KK1543’为材料,采用RT-PCR技术克隆了1个棉花HSP70基因,命名为GhHSP70。研究结果表明:GhHSP70基因开放阅读框长1 997bp,编码648个氨基酸,GhHSP70蛋白相对分子量为70.94kD,等电点为4.83。氨基酸序列比对和系统进化树分析发现,GhHSP70与欧洲大叶杨HSP70的亲缘关系最近,氨基酸序列一致性达到96.4%。为进一步分析基因的功能,构建原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1-GhHSP70,并在大肠杆菌中异源表达。SDS-PAGE分析表明所表达蛋白与预期蛋白大小一致,重组蛋白在37℃,0.2mmol/L IPTG诱导2h时表达量最大。研究为进一步研究棉花HSP70基因功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

飞蝗热休克蛋白70cDNA片段的克隆和序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王宪辉  陈兵  康乐 《动物学研究》2003,24(5):349-354
采用R-PCR方法对海南、河北和辽宁3个飞蝗(Locusta migratoria L.)种群的热休克蛋白70(HSP70)基因cDNA片段进行克隆。在事先优化的条件下,通过简并性上游引物和下游引物扩增出了河北种群飞蝗HSP70基因的604bp cDNA片段(GenBank登录号为AY299637),推导的氨基酸序列包含201个氨基酸残基。分析表明,由飞蝗该片段推导的氨基酸序列与其他昆虫的同源性较高;3个种群该片段的核苷酸序列相似性更高达98.75%。由此推测,飞蝗种群间抗寒性的差异可能不是HSP70的序列变异引起的,而与HSP70的诱导表达有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨原发性高血压患者热休克蛋白70(HSP-70)的表达水平,并分析其与炎症因子、血压的关系。方法:选择2017年3月至2019年3月我院收治的原发性高血压患者84例作为研究组,根据患者血压水平分为Ⅰ级组25例,Ⅱ级组37例和Ⅲ级组22例,另选同期体检健康者60例作为对照组,应用逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)检测各组血HSP70 m RNA水平,应用双抗体酶联免疫吸附法检测各组血清HSP-70、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)和C反应蛋白(CRP)水平,比较各组血HSP70 m RNA、血清HSP70、IL-6、TNF-α和CRP水平,并分析相关性。结果:研究组血HSP-70mRNA相对表达量高于对照组(P0.05)。随高血压分级的升高各组患者血HSP-70mRNA相对表达量呈升高趋势,各组血HSP-70mRNA水平比较有统计学差异(P0.05)。研究组血清HSP-70、IL-6、TNF-α和CRP水平均高于对照组(P0.05)。随高血压分级的升高,各组患者血清HSP-70、IL-6、TNF-α和CRP水平呈升高趋势,不同组别血清HSP-70、IL-6、TNF-α和CRP水平比较有统计学差异(P0.05)。经Pearson相关分析显示,高血压患者血HSP-70 m RNA、HSP-70、IL-6、TNF-α和CRP水平与血压呈正相关(P0.05),血HSP-70 m RNA与IL-6、TNF-α和CRP水平呈正相关(P0.05),血清HSP-70与IL-6、TNF-α和CRP呈正相关(P0.05)。结论:高血压患者HSP-70和炎症因子异常升高,HSP-70与炎症因子水平和血压相关,提示HSP-70在高血压发生、发展中起到关键作用。  相似文献   

A number of studies have demonstrated increased synthesis of heat shock proteins in brain following hyperthermia or transient ischemia. In the present experiments we have characterized the time course of heat shock RNA induction in gerbil brain after ischemia, and in several mouse tissues after hyperthermia, using probes for RNAs of the 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (hsp70) family, as well as ubiquitin. A synthetic oligonucleotide selective for inducible hsp70 sequences proved to be the most sensitive indicator of the stress response whereas a related rat cDNA detected both induced RNAs and constitutively expressed sequences that were not strongly inducible in brain. Considerable polymorphism of ubiquitin sequences was evident in the outbred mouse and gerbil strains used in these studies when probed with a chicken ubiquitin cDNA. Brief hyperthermic exposure resulted in striking induction of hsp70 and several-fold increases in ubiquitin RNAs in mouse liver and kidney peaking 3 h after return to room temperature. The oligonucleotide selective for hsp70 showed equivalent induction in brain that was more rapid and transient than observed in liver, whereas minimal induction was seen with the ubiquitin and hsp70-related cDNA probes. Transient ischemia resulted in 5- to 10-fold increases in hsp70 sequences in gerbil brain which peaked at 6 h recirculation and remained above control levels at 24 h, whereas a modest 70% increase in ubiquitin sequences was noted at 6 h. These results demonstrate significant temporal and quantitative differences in heat shock RNA expression between brain and other tissues following hyperthermia in vivo, and indicate that hsp70 provides a more sensitive index of the stress response in brain than does ubiquitin after both hyperthermia and ischemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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