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Fast stochastic equilibrium fluctuations (time scale: 10–10–10–13 seconds) in purple membranes (PM) and in disk membranes (DM) have been measured with quasielastic incoherent neutron scattering. The comparison of predominantly stochastic motions occurring in purple membranes and in disk membranes revealed qualitatively similar dynamical behaviour. Models of internal motions within restricted volumes have been shown to be useful to fit the spectra from both samples. From fits using these models we found “amplitudes” 15 to 20% larger for motions in DM samples compared to PM samples. This indicates a higher internal flexibility of the DM. Because the dynamical behaviour is very sensitive to the hydration of the protein-lipid complex, we also performed neutron diffraction experiments to determine lamellar spacings as a measure of level of hydration and as a function of temperature. From these studies the interaction of solvent molecules with the surface of the protein-lipid complex appears to be qualitatively similar for both types of membranes. Received: 12 February 1998 / Revised version: 18 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 March 1998  相似文献   

Incoherent elastic neutron scattering (IENS) has been widely used to measure intramolecular atomic mean square displacements (MSDs) of proteins in powder and in solution. The instrumental energy resolution and the wave vector transfer (Q-range) determine, respectively, the time and length scales of observable motions. In order to investigate contributions of diffusive motions to MSDs measured by this method, we calculated the elastic intensity for several simple scattering functions. We showed that continuous translational diffusion contributes to MSDs in a Q-range where the energy width of the scattering function is of the order of the instrumental energy resolution. We discuss the choice of instruments adapted to focus on intramolecular motions in the presence of solvent or global macromolecular diffusion. The concepts developed are applied to interpret experimental data from H2O- and D2O-hydrated proteins. Finally, analogies between the Gaussian approximation in IENS and the Guinier approximation in small-angle scattering are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of water binding on the conformational dynamics of the cyclic decapeptide antamanide dissolved in the model lipophilic environment chloroform is investigated by NMR relaxation measurements. The water-peptide complex has a lifetime of 35 s at 250 K, which is longer than typical lifetimes of water-peptide complexes reported in aqueous solution. In addition, there is a rapid intracomplex mobility that probably involves librational motions of the bound water or water molecules hopping between different binding sites. Water binding restricts the flexibility of antamanide. The experimental findings are compared with GROMOS molecular dynamics simulations of antamanide with up to eight bound water molecules. Within the simulation time of 600 ps, no water molecule leaves the complex. Additionally, the simulations show a reduced flexibility for the complex in comparison with uncomplexed antamanide. Thus, there is a qualitative agreement between the experimental NMR results and the computer simulations.  相似文献   

The effects of a static electric field on the dynamics of lysozyme and its hydration water are investigated by means of incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS). Measurements were performed on lysozyme samples, hydrated respectively with heavy water (D 2O) to capture the protein dynamics and with light water (H 2O), to probe the dynamics of the hydration shell, in the temperature range from 210 < T < 260 K. The hydration fraction in both cases was about ~ 0.38 gram of water per gram of dry protein. The field strengths investigated were respectively 0 kV/mm and 2 kV/mm ( ~2 × 10 6 V/m) for the protein hydrated with D 2O and 0 kV and 1 kV/mm for the H 2O-hydrated counterpart. While the overall internal protons dynamics of the protein appears to be unaffected by the application of an electric field up to 2 kV/mm, likely due to the stronger intra-molecular interactions, there is also no appreciable quantitative enhancement of the diffusive dynamics of the hydration water, as would be anticipated based on our recent observations in water confined in silica pores under field values of 2.5 kV/mm. This may be due to the difference in surface interactions between water and the two adsorption hosts (silica and protein), or to the existence of a critical threshold field value E c ~2–3 kV/mm for increased molecular diffusion, for which electrical breakdown is a limitation for our sample.  相似文献   

The structure and hydration of a stratum corneum (SC) lipid model membrane composed of N-(-hydroxyoctadecanoyl)-phytosphingosine (CER6)/cholesterol (Ch)/palmitic acid (PA)/cholesterol sulfate (ChS) were characterized by neutron diffraction. The neutron scattering length density across the SC lipid model membrane was calculated from measured diffraction peak intensities. The internal membrane structure and water distribution function across the bilayer were determined. The low hydration of the intermembrane space is a major feature of the SC lipid model membrane. The thickness of the water layer in the SC lipid model membrane is about 1 Å at full hydration. For the composition 55% CER6/25% Ch/15% PA/5% ChS, in a partly dehydrated state (60% humidity) and at 32°C, the lamellar repeat distance and the membrane thickness have the same value of 45.6 Å . The hydrophobic region of the membrane has a thickness of 31.2 Å . A decrease of the Ch content increases the membrane thickness. The water diffusion through the SC lipid model multilamellar membrane is a considerably slow process relative to that through phospholipid membranes. In excess water, the membrane hydration follows an exponential law with two characteristic times of 93 and 44 min. At 81°C and 97% humidity, the membrane separates into two phases with repeat distances of 45.8 and 40.5 Å . Possible conformations of CER6 molecules in the dry and hydrated multilayers are discussed.  相似文献   

We combine the physics of gels with the hydrodynamics of two-phase fluids to construct a set of equations that describe the hydration dynamics of polyelectrolyte gels. We use the model to address three problems. First, we express the effective diffusion constants for neutral and charged spherically distributed gels in terms of microscopic parameters. Second, we use the model to describe the locomotion of nematode sperm cells. Finally, we describe the swelling dynamics of polyelectrolyte gels used for drug release.  相似文献   

Vaiana AC  Westhof E  Auffinger P 《Biochimie》2006,88(8):1061-1073
Aminoglycoside antibiotics interfere with the translation mechanism by binding to the tRNA decoding site of the 16S ribosomal RNA. Crystallographic structures of aminoglycosides bound to A-site systems clarified many static aspects of RNA-ligand interactions. To gain some insight on the dynamic aspects of recognition phenomena, we conducted molecular dynamics simulations of the aminoglycoside paromomycin bound to a eubacterial ribosomal decoding A-site oligonucleotide. Results from 25 ns of simulation time revealed that: (i) the neamine part of the antibiotic represents the main anchor for binding, (ii) additional sugar rings provide limited and fragile contacts, (iii) long-resident water molecules present at the drug/RNA interface are involved in the recognition phenomena. The combination of MD simulations together with systematic structural information offers striking insights into the molecular recognition processes underlying RNA/aminoglycoside binding. Important methodological considerations related to the use of medium resolution starting structures and associated sampling problems are thoroughly discussed.  相似文献   

Neutron activation analysis with a SLOWPOKE reactor relies on the stability of the neutron flux in the irradiation sites. Flux monitors were irradiated to measure the flux variation with the reactor temperature and with the amount of moderator in the irradiation vial. The thermal flux decreased by 2.7% for a 10‡C increase in reactor temperature. The thermal flux increased by up to 8% and the fast flux decreased by up to 13% depending on sample size and hydrogen content.  相似文献   

The results of inelastic neutron scattering experiments on water in the temperature interval 300–623 K along the coexistence curve are compared with data obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. In general, a good agreement between experiments and calculations is observed and it serves as a satisfactory test of the potential models employed. The temperature dependence of the generalized frequency distribution of water molecules obtained by both experiment and computer simulation demonstrates the accordance with the temperature evolution of the water structure, extracted from neutron and X-ray diffraction measurements.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, SecA is a large, multifunctional protein that is a vital component of the general protein secretion pathway. In its membrane-bound form it functions as the motor component of the protein translocase, perhaps through successive rounds of membrane insertion and ATP hydrolysis. To understand both the energy conversion process and translocase assembly, we have used contrast-matched, small-angle neutron-scattering (SANS) experiments to examine SecA in small unilamellar vesicles of E.coli phospholipids. In the absence of nucleotide, we observe a dimeric form of SecA with a radius of gyration comparable to that previously observed for SecA in solution. In contrast, the presence of either ADP or a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog induces conversion to a monomeric form. The larger radius of gyration for the ATP-bound relative to the ADP-bound form suggests the former has a more expanded global conformation. This is the first direct structural determination of SecA in a lipid bilayer. The SANS data indicate that nucleotide turnover can function as a switch of conformation of SecA in the membrane in a manner consistent with its proposed role in successive cycles of deep membrane penetration and release with concommitant preprotein insertion.  相似文献   

Using molecular modeling techniques we have built the full atomic structure and performed molecular dynamics simulations for the complexes formed by Escherichia coli RecX protein with a single-stranded oligonucleotide and with RecA presynaptic filament. Based on the modeling and SANS experimental data a sandwich-like filament structure formed two chains of RecX monomers bound to the opposite sides of the single stranded DNA is proposed for RecX::ssDNA complex. The model for RecX::RecA::ssDNA include RecX binding into the grove of RecA::ssDNA filament that occurs mainly via Coulomb interactions between RecX and ssDNA. Formation of RecX::RecA::ssDNA filaments in solution was confirmed by SANS measurements which were in agreement with the spectra computed from the molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Serena Seren  Rita Casadio  M.Catia Sorgato   《BBA》1985,810(3):370-376
Submitochondrial particles were fused with purple membranes of Halobacterium halobium cells by means of a freeze-thawe sonication procedure. It is reported that fusion of inner mitochondrial membranes with a bacterial membrane yields a new particle which shows not only retention of redox- and photon-linked energy-coupling activities, but also creation of an additional energy-coupling process, light-driven ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron scattering and contrast variation were used to study the solution structure of GroEL and GroEL/GroES chaperonins complexed with a nonnative variant of the polypeptide substrate, subtilisin (PJ9). The subtilisin was 86% deuterated (dPJ9) so that it contrasted sufficiently with the chaperonin, allowing the contrast variation technique to be used to separate the scattering from the two components bound in the complex. Both the native double-ring GroEL and a single-ring mutant were used with dPJ9 bound in a 1:1 stoichiometry per GroEL toroid. This allowed both the position and the shape of dPJ9 in the GroEL/dPJ9 complexes to be determined. A single-ring GroEL/GroES variant complexed with one dPJ9 molecule was used to study the structural changes of dPJ9 in GroEL/GroES/dPJ9 complexes formed with ADP and with ATP. It was found that both the shape and the position of the bound dPJ9 in the GroEL/GroES/dPJ9 complex with ADP were the same as those in the GroEL/dPJ9 complex. However, dPJ9 assumed a more symmetric shape when bound in the GroEL/GroES/dPJ9 complex with ATP. This important observation reflects the relative ability of ATP to promote refolding of protein substrates relative to that of ADP.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is second only to malaria in prevalence and severity, and is still a major health problem in many tropical countries worldwide with about 200–300 million cases and with more than 800 million people at risk of infection. Based on these data, the World Health Organization recommends fostering research efforts for understanding at any level the mechanisms of the infection and then decreasing the social and economical impact of schistosomiasis. A key role is played by the parasite apical lipid membrane, which is entirely impervious to the surrounding elements of the immune system. We have previously demonstrated that the interaction between schistosomes and surrounding medium is governed by a parasite surface membrane sphingomyelin-based hydrogen barrier. In the present article, the elastic contribution to the total motion as a function of the exchanged wave-vector Q and the mean square displacement values for Schistosoma mansoni larvae and worms and Schistosomahaematobium worms have been evaluated by quasi elastic neutron scattering (QENS). The results point out that S. mansoni larvae show a smaller mean square displacement in comparison to S. mansoni and S. haematobium worms. These values increased by repeating the measurements after one day. These differences, which are analogous to those observed for the diffusion coefficient we previously evaluated, are interpreted in terms of rigidity of the parasite-medium interaction. S. mansoni larvae are the most rigid systems, while S. haematobium worms are the most flexible. In addition, temperature and hypoxia induce a weakening of the schistosome-medium interaction. These evidences are related to the strength of the hydrogen-bonded interaction between parasites and environment that we previously determined. We have shown that S. mansoni worms are characterized by a weakened interaction in respect to the larvae, while the S. haematobium worms more weakly interact with the surrounding medium than S. mansoni. The present QENS analysis allowed us to characterize the rigidity of larval- and adult S. mansoni and S. haematobium-host interface and to relate it to the parasite resistance to the hostile elements of the surrounding medium and to the immune effectors attack.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin A (IgA), the most abundant human immunoglobulin, mediates immune protection at mucosal surfaces as well as in plasma. It exists as two subclasses IgA1 and IgA2, and IgA2 is found in at least two allotypic forms, IgA2m(1) or IgA2m(2). Compared to IgA1, IgA2 has a much shorter hinge region, which joins the two Fab and one Fc fragments. In order to assess its solution structure, monomeric recombinant IgA2m(1) was studied by X-ray and neutron scattering. Its Guinier X-ray radius of gyration R(G) is 5.18 nm and its neutron R(G) is 5.03 nm, both of which are significantly smaller than those for monomeric IgA1 at 6.1-6.2 nm. The distance distribution function P(r)for IgA2m(1) showed a broad peak with a subpeak and gave a maximum dimension of 17 nm, in contrast to the P(r) curve for IgA1, which showed two distinct peaks and a maximum dimension of 21 nm. The sedimentation coefficients of IgA1 and IgA2m(1) were 6.2S and 6.4S, respectively. These data show that the solution structure of IgA2m(1) is significantly more compact than IgA1. The complete monomeric IgA2m(1) structure was modelled using molecular dynamics to generate random IgA2 hinge structures, to which homology models for the Fab and Fc fragments were connected to generate 10,000 full models. A total of 104 compact best-fit IgA2m(1) models gave good curve fits. These best-fit models were modified by linking the two Fab light chains with a disulphide bridge that is found in IgA2m(1), and subjecting these to energy refinement to optimise this linkage. The averaged solution structure of the arrangement of the Fab and Fc fragments in IgA2m(1) was found to be predominantly T-shaped and flexible, but also included Y-shaped structures. The IgA2 models show full steric access to the two FcalphaRI-binding sites at the Calpha2-Calpha3 interdomain region in the Fc fragment. Since previous scattering modelling had shown that IgA1 also possessed a flexible T-shaped solution structure, such a T-shape may be common to both IgA1 and IgA2. The final models suggest that the combination of the more compact IgA2m(1) and the more extended IgA1 structures will enable human IgA to access a broader range of antigens than either acting alone. The hinges of both IgA subclasses appear to show reduced flexibility when compared to their equivalents in IgG, and this may be important for maintaining an extended IgA structure.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) with contrast variation was used to obtain the low-resolution structure of nascent HDL (nHDL) reconstituted with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) in the absence and presence of cholesterol, [apoA1:DMPC (1:80, mol:mol) and apoA1:DMPC:cholesterol (1:86:9, mol:mol:mol)]. The overall shape of both particles is discoidal with the low-resolution structure of apoA1 visualized as an open, contorted, and out of plane conformation with three arms in nascent HDL/dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine without cholesterol (nHDLDMPC) and two arms in nascent HDL/dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine with cholesterol (nHDLDMPC+Chol). The low-resolution shape of the lipid phase in both nHDLDMPC and nHDLDMPC+Chol were oblate ellipsoids, and fit well within their respective protein shapes. Modeling studies indicate that apoA1 is folded onto itself in nHDLDMPC, making a large hairpin, which was also confirmed independently by both cross-linking mass spectrometry and hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry analyses. In nHDLDMPC+Chol, the lipid was expanded and no hairpin was visible. Importantly, despite the overall discoidal shape of the whole particle in both nHDLDMPC and nHDLDMPC+Chol, an open conformation (i.e., not a closed belt) of apoA1 is observed. Collectively, these data show that full length apoA1 retains an open architecture that is dictated by its lipid cargo. The lipid is likely predominantly organized as a bilayer with a micelle domain between the open apoA1 arms. The apoA1 configuration observed suggests a mechanism for accommodating changing lipid cargo by quantized expansion of hairpin structures.  相似文献   

Protein engineering techniques were employed to graft the known anticoagulant Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif-containing sequences onto the surface of a mutant, inactive insulin framework. To probe the effect of a disulfide bond on the resultant anticoagulant activity, a native RGD-containing sequence from disintegrin dendroaspin, CFTPRGDMPGPYC, as well as a modified sequence, SFTPRGDMPGPYS, were each examined. The peptide was placed between the C-terminal of the B chain and the N-terminal of the A chainand connected with B27 and A1 residues of the inactive insulin that lacks the characteristic intramolecular A6-11 disulfide bondwithin the A chain. The two RGD-containing insulin genes were over-expressed in E. coli, and purified and designatedas RGD-Cys-Ins and RGD-Ser-Ins, respectively. Their amino acid compositions and mass data were in good agreement with those ofexpected. The RGD-Cys-Ins showed inhibition of platelet aggregation with an IC50 of 3 M, while the latter was3.5-fold less active. The in vivo assay also indicatedthat the RGD-Cys-Ins had a higher activity in prolonging the bleeding time in mice than RGD-Ser-Ins. Both RGD-Cys-Ins and RGD-Ser-Ins retained about 25% of the proinsulin immunoactivity and had almost no insulin receptor binding activity. The results indicate the necessity for the RGD motif to be conformationally constrained for it to elicit a greater anticoagulant activity.  相似文献   

Summary Protein engineering techniques were employed to graft the known anticoagulant Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motifcontaining sequences onto the surface of a mutant, inactive insulin framework. To probe the effect of a disulfide bond on the resultant anticoagulant activity, a native RGD-containing sequence from disintegrin dendroaspin, CFTPRGDMPGPYC, as well as a modified sequence, SFTPRGDMPGPYS were each examined. The peptide was placed between the C-terminal of the B chain and the N-terminal of the A chain and connected with B27 and A1 residues of the inactive insulin that lacks the characteristic intramolecular A6–11 disulfide bond within the A chain. The two RGD-containing insulin genes were over-expressed inE. coli, and purified and designated as RGD-Cys-Ins and RGD-Ser-Ins, respectively. Their amino acid compositions and mass data were in good agreement with those of expected. The RGD-Cys-Ins showed inhibition of platelet aggregation with an IC50 of 3 μM, while the latter was 3.5-fold less active. Thein vivo assay also indicated that the RGD-Cys-Ins had a higher activity in prolonging the bleeding time in mice than RGD-Ser-Ins. Both RGD-Cys-Ins and RGD-Ser-Ins retained about 25% of the proinsulin immunoactivity and had almost no insulin receptor binding activity. The results indicate the necessity for the RGD motif to be conformationally constrained for it to elicit a greater anticoagulant activity.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulation was used to study a colloidal suspension with explicit solvent to determine how inclusion of the solvent affects the structure and dynamics of the system. The solute was modelled as a hard-core particle enclosed in a Weeks–Chandler–Andersen (WCA) potential shell, while the solvent was modelled as a simple WCA fluid. We found that when the solute–solvent interaction included a hard core equal to half of the solute hard-core diameter, large depletion effects arose, leading to an effective attraction and large deviations from hard-sphere structure for the colloidal component. It was found that these effects could be eliminated by reducing the hard-core distance parameter in the solute–solvent interaction, thus allowing the solvent to penetrate closer to the colloidal particles. Three different values for the solute–solvent hard-core parameter were systematically studied by comparing the static structure factor and radial distribution function to the predictions of the Percus–Yevick theory for hard spheres. When the optimal value of the solute–solvent hard-core interaction parameter was found, this model was then used to study the dynamical behaviour of the colloidal suspension. This was done by first measuring the velocity autocorrelation function (VACF) over a large range of packing fractions. We found that this model predicted the sign of the long-time tail in the VACF in agreement with experimental values, something that single component hard-sphere systems have failed to do. The intermediate scattering functions at low wavevector were briefly studied to determine their behaviour in a dilute system. It was found that they could be modelled using a simple diffusion equation with a wavevector independent diffusion coefficient, making this model an excellent analogue of experimentally studied hard-sphere colloids.  相似文献   

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