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One of the key measures that have been used to describe the topological properties of complex networks is the “degree distribution”, which is a measure that describes the frequency distribution of number of links per node. Food webs are complex ecological networks that describe the trophic relationships among species in a community, and the topological properties of empirical food webs, including degree distributions, have been examined previously. Previously, the “niche model” has been shown to accurately predict degree distributions of empirical food webs, however, the niche model-generated food webs were referenced against empirical food webs that had their species grouped together based on their taxonomic and/or trophic relationships (aggregated food webs). Here, we explore the effects of species aggregation on the ability of the niche model to predict the total- (sum of prey and predator links per node), in- (number of predator links per node), and out- (number of prey links per node) degree distributions of empirical food webs by examining two food webs that can be aggregated at different levels of resolution. The results showed that (1) the cumulative total- and out-degree distributions were consistent with the niche model predictions when the species were aggregated, (2) when the species were disaggregated (i.e., higher resolution), there were mixed conclusions with regards to the niche model's ability to predict total- and out-degree distributions, (3) the model's ability to predict the in-degree distributions of the two food webs was generally inadequate. Although it has been argued that universal functional form based on the niche model could describe the degree distribution patterns of empirical food webs, we believe there are some limitations to the model's ability to accurately predict the structural properties of food webs.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long debated the properties that confer stability to complex, species‐rich ecological networks. Species‐level soil food webs are large and structured networks of central importance to ecosystem functioning. Here, we conducted an analysis of the stability properties of an up‐to‐date set of theoretical soil food web models that account both for realistic levels of species richness and the most recent views on the topological structure (who is connected to whom) of these food webs. The stability of the network was best explained by two factors: strong correlations between interaction strengths and the blocked, nonrandom trophic structure of the web. These two factors could stabilize our model food webs even at the high levels of species richness that are typically found in soil, and that would make random systems very unstable. Also, the stability of our soil food webs is well‐approximated by the cascade model. This result suggests that stability could emerge from the hierarchical structure of the functional organization of the web. Our study shows that under the assumption of equilibrium and small perturbations, theoretical soil food webs possess a topological structure that allows them to be complex yet more locally stable than their random counterpart. In particular, results strongly support the general hypothesis that the stability of rich and complex soil food webs is mostly driven by correlations in interaction strength and the organization of the soil food web into functional groups. The implication is that in real‐world food web, any force disrupting the functional structure and distribution pattern of interaction strengths (i.e., energy fluxes) of the soil food webs will destabilize the dynamics of the system, leading to species extinction and major changes in the relative abundances of species.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat connectivity on food webs have been studied both empirically and theoretically, yet the question of whether empirical results support theoretical predictions for any food web metric other than species richness has received little attention. Our synthesis brings together theory and empirical evidence for how habitat connectivity affects both food web stability and complexity. Food web stability is often predicted to be greatest at intermediate levels of connectivity, representing a compromise between the stabilizing effects of dispersal via rescue effects and prey switching, and the destabilizing effects of dispersal via regional synchronization of population dynamics. Empirical studies of food web stability generally support both this pattern and underlying mechanisms. Food chain length has been predicted to have both increasing and unimodal relationships with connectivity as a result of predators being constrained by the patch occupancy of their prey. Although both patterns have been documented empirically, the underlying mechanisms may differ from those predicted by models. In terms of other measures of food web complexity, habitat connectivity has been empirically found to generally increase link density but either reduce or have no effect on connectance, whereas a unimodal relationship is expected. In general, there is growing concordance between empirical patterns and theoretical predictions for some effects of habitat connectivity on food webs, but many predictions remain to be tested over a full connectivity gradient, and empirical metrics of complexity are rarely modeled. Closing these gaps will allow a deeper understanding of how natural and anthropogenic changes in connectivity can affect real food webs.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that high-resolution, empirical food webs possess a non-random network structure, typically characterized by uniform or exponential degree distributions. However, the empirical food webs that have been investigated for their structural properties represent local communities that are only a subset of a larger pool of regionally coexisting species. Here, we use a simple model to investigate the effects of regional food web structure on local food webs that are assembled by two simple processes: random immigration of species from a source web (regional food web), and random extinction of species within the local web. The model shows that local webs with non-random degree distributions can arise from randomly structured source webs. A comparison of local webs assembled from randomly structured source webs with local webs assembled from source webs generated by the niche model shows that the former have higher species richness at equilibrium, but have a nonlinear response to changing extinction rates. These results imply that the network structure of regional food webs can play a significant role in the assembly and dynamics of local webs in natural ecosystems. With natural landscapes becoming increasingly fragmented, understanding such structure may be a necessary key to understanding the maintenance and stability of local species diversity.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a key component of global change, and understanding the drivers of global invasion patterns will aid in assessing and mitigating the impact of invasive species. While invasive species are most often studied in the context of one or two trophic levels, in reality species invade communities comprised of complex food webs. The complexity and integrity of the native food web may be a more important determinant of invasion success than the strength of interactions between a small subset of species within a larger food web. Previous efforts to understand the relationship between food web properties and species invasions have been primarily theoretical and have yielded mixed results. Here, we present a synthesis of empirical information on food web connectance and species invasion success gathered from different sources (estimates of food web connectance from the primary literature and estimates of invasion success from the Global Invasive Species Database as well as the primary literature). Our results suggest that higher‐connectance food webs tend to host fewer invaders and exert stronger biotic resistance compared to low‐connectance webs. We argue that while these correlations cannot be used to infer a causal link between food web connectance and habitat invasibility, the promising findings beg for further empirical research that deliberately tests for relationships between food web connectance and invasion.  相似文献   

Extinction affected food web structure in paleoecosystems. Recent theoretical studies that examined the effects of extinction intensity on food web structure on ecological time scales have considered extinction to involve episodic events, with pre-extinction food webs becoming established without dynamics. However, in terms of the paleontological time scale, food web structures are generated from feedback with repeated extinctions, because extinction frequency is affected by food web structure, and food web structure itself is a product of previous extinctions. We constructed a simulation model of changes in tri-trophic-level food webs to examine how continual extinction events affect food webs on an evolutionary time scale. We showed that under high extinction intensity (1) species diversity, especially that of consumer species, decreased; (2) the total population density at each trophic level decreased, while the densities of individual species increased; and (3) the trophic link density of the food web increased. In contrast to previous models, our results were based on an assumption of long-term food web development and are able to explain overall trends posited by empirical investigations based on fossil records.  相似文献   

Past models have suggested host-parasite coextinction could lead to linear, or concave down relationships between free-living species richness and parasite richness. I explored several models for the relationship between parasite richness and biodiversity loss. Life cycle complexity, low generality of parasites and sensitivity of hosts reduced the robustness of parasite species to the loss of free-living species diversity. Food-web complexity and the ordering of extinctions altered these relationships in unpredictable ways. Each disassembly of a food web resulted in a unique relationship between parasite richness and the richness of free-living species, because the extinction trajectory of parasites was sensitive to the order of extinctions of free-living species. However, the average of many disassemblies tended to approximate an analytical model. Parasites of specialist hosts and hosts higher on food chains were more likely to go extinct in food-web models. Furthermore, correlated extinctions between hosts and parasites (e.g. if parasites share a host with a specialist predator) led to steeper declines in parasite richness with biodiversity loss. In empirical food webs with random removals of free-living species, the relationship between free-living species richness and parasite richness was, on average, quasi-linear, suggesting biodiversity loss reduces parasite diversity more than previously thought.  相似文献   

Using a bioenergetic model we show that the pattern of foraging preferences greatly determines the complexity of the resulting food webs. By complexity we refer to the degree of richness of food-web architecture, measured in terms of some topological indicators (number of persistent species and links, connectance, link density, number of trophic levels, and frequency of weak links). The poorest food-web architecture is found for a mean-field scenario where all foraging preferences are assumed to be the same. Richer food webs appear when foraging preferences depend on the trophic position of species. Food-web complexity increases with the number of basal species. We also find a strong correlation between the complexity of a trophic module and the complexity of entire food webs with the same pattern of foraging preferences.  相似文献   

Link arrangement in food webs is determined by the species' feeding habits. This work investigates whether food web topology is organized in a gradient of trophic positions from producers to consumers. To this end, we analyzed 26 food webs for which the consumption rate of each species was specified. We computed the trophic positions and the link densities of all species in the food webs. Link density measures how much each species contributes to the distribution of energy in the system. It is expressed as the number of links species establish with other nodes, weighted by their magnitude. We computed these two metrics using various formulations developed in the ecological network analysis framework. Results show a positive correlation between trophic position and link density across all the systems, regardless the specific formulas used to measure the two quantities. We performed the same analysis on the corresponding binary matrices (i.e. removing information about rates). In addition, we investigated the relation between trophic position and link density in: a) simulated binary webs with same connectance as the original ones; b) weighted webs with constant topology but randomized link strengths and c) weighted webs with constant connectance where both topology and link strengths are randomized. The correlation between the two indices attenuates, vanishes or becomes negative in the case of binary food webs and simulated data (weighted and unweighted).
According to our analysis, link density in food webs decreases with trophic position so that it is greatly reduced toward the top of the trophic hierarchy. This outcome, that seems to challenge previous conclusions based on null models, strongly depends on link quantification. Including interaction strengths may improve substantially our understanding of food web organization, and possibly contradict results based on the analysis of binary webs.  相似文献   

While the relationship between food web complexity and stability has been well documented, how complexity affects productivity remains elusive. In this study, we combine food web theory and a data set of 149 aquatic food webs to investigate the effect of complexity (i.e. species richness, connectance, and average interaction strength) on ecosystem productivity. We find that more complex ecosystems tend to be more productive, although different facets of complexity have contrasting effects. A higher species richness and/or average interaction strength increases productivity, whereas a higher connectance often decreases it. These patterns hold not only between realized complexity and productivity, but also characterize responses of productivity to simulated declines of complexity. Our model also predicts a negative association between productivity and stability along gradients of complexity. Empirical analyses support our predictions on positive complexity-productivity relationships and negative productivity-stability relationships. Our study provides a step forward towards reconciling ecosystem complexity, productivity and stability.  相似文献   

The diversity and structure of ecosystems has been found to depend both on trophic interactions in food webs and on other species interactions such as habitat modification and mutualism that form non-trophic interaction networks. However, quantification of the dependencies between these two main interaction networks has remained elusive. In this study, we assessed how habitat-modifying organisms affect basic food web properties by conducting in-depth empirical investigations of two ecosystems: North American temperate fringing marshes and West African tropical seagrass meadows. Results reveal that habitat-modifying species, through non-trophic facilitation rather than their trophic role, enhance species richness across multiple trophic levels, increase the number of interactions per species (link density), but decrease the realized fraction of all possible links within the food web (connectance). Compared to the trophic role of the most highly connected species, we found this non-trophic effects to be more important for species richness and of more or similar importance for link density and connectance. Our findings demonstrate that food webs can be fundamentally shaped by interactions outside the trophic network, yet intrinsic to the species participating in it. Better integration of non-trophic interactions in food web analyses may therefore strongly contribute to their explanatory and predictive capacity.  相似文献   

Ecological communities are constantly being reshaped in the face of environmental change and anthropogenic pressures. Yet, how food webs change over time remains poorly understood. Food web science is characterized by a trade‐off between complexity (in terms of the number of species and feeding links) and dynamics. Topological analysis can use complex, highly resolved empirical food web models to explore the architecture of feeding interactions but is limited to a static view, whereas ecosystem models can be dynamic but use highly aggregated food webs. Here, we explore the temporal dynamics of a highly resolved empirical food web over a time period of 18 years, using the German Bight fish and benthic epifauna community as our case study. We relied on long‐term monitoring ecosystem surveys (from 1998 to 2015) to build a metaweb, i.e. the meta food web containing all species recorded over the time span of our study. We then combined time series of species abundances with topological network analysis to construct annual food web snapshots. We developed a new approach, ‘node‐weighted’ food web metrics by including species abundances to represent the temporal dynamics of food web structure, focusing on generality and vulnerability. Our results suggest that structural food web properties change through time; however, binary food web structural properties may not be as temporally variable as the underlying changes in species composition. Further, the node‐weighted metrics enabled us to detect that food web structure was influenced by changes in species composition during the first half of the time series and more strongly by changes in species dominance during the second half. Our results demonstrate how ecosystem surveys can be used to monitor temporal changes in food web structure, which are important ecosystem indicators for building marine management and conservation plans.  相似文献   

We employ size-based theoretical arguments to derive simple analytic predictions of ecological patterns and properties of natural communities: size-spectrum exponent, maximum trophic level, and susceptibility to invasive species. The predictions are brought about by assuming that an infinite number of species are continuously distributed on a size–trait axis. It is, however, an open question whether such predictions are valid for a food web with a finite number of species embedded in a network structure. We address this question by comparing the size-based predictions to results from dynamic food web simulations with varying species richness. To this end, we develop a new size- and trait-based food web model that can be simplified into an analytically solvable size-based model. We confirm existing solutions for the size distribution and derive novel predictions for maximum trophic level and invasion resistance. Our results show that the predicted size-spectrum exponent is borne out in the simulated food webs even with few species, albeit with a systematic bias. The predicted maximum trophic level turns out to be an upper limit since simulated food webs may have a lower number of trophic levels, especially for low species richness, due to structural constraints. The size-based model possesses an evolutionary stable state and is therefore un-invadable. In contrast, the food web simulations show that all communities, irrespective of number of species, are equally open to invasions. We use these results to discuss the validity of size-based predictions in the light of the structural constraints imposed by food webs.  相似文献   

Human induced global change has greatly altered the structure and composition of food webs through the invasion of non‐native species and the extinction of native species. Much attention has been paid to the effects of species deletions on food web structure and stability. However, recent empirical evidence suggests that for most taxa local species richness has increased as successful invasions outpace extinctions at this scale. This pattern suggests that food webs, which represent feeding interactions at the local scale, may be increasing in species richness. Knowledge of how food web structure relates to invasive species establishment and the effect of successful invaders on subsequent food web structure remains an unknown but potentially important aspect of global change. Here we explore the effect of food web topology on invasion success in model food webs to develop hypotheses about how the distribution of biodiversity across trophic levels affects the success of invasion at each trophic level. Our results suggest a connectance (C) based framework for predicting invasion success in food webs due to the way that C constrains the number of species at each trophic level and thus the number of potential predators and prey for an invader at a given trophic level. We use the relationship between C and the proportion of species at each trophic level in 14 well studied food webs to make the following predictions; 1) the success of basal invaders will increase as C increases due to the decrease in herbivores in high C webs, 2) herbivore invasion success will decrease as C increases due to the decrease in the proportion of basal species and increase in intermediate species and omnivores in high C webs. 3) Top predator invasion success will increase as C increases due to the increase in intermediate prey species. However, it is not clear how the relative influence of trophic structure compares to empirically known predictors of invasion success such as invader traits, propagule pressure, and resource availability.  相似文献   

王少鹏 《生物多样性》2020,28(11):1391-537
食物网刻画了物种间通过捕食而形成的复杂网络关系。阐明食物网结构与功能之间的关系, 既是生态学的基本理论问题, 也是预测全球变化背景下生态系统响应的重要依据。早期关于食物网结构与功能的研究往往是分离的, 或是基于食物链等的简单网络模型, 而近期研究基于复杂食物网模型取得了重要理论进展。本文综述了食物网研究的理论方法和近期进展, 特别介绍了复杂食物网中的结构、多样性和功能的度量指标、结构-多样性-功能之间的关系以及全球变化对食物网结构与功能的影响。本文最后对未来的一些研究方向进行了展望, 包括与功能性状和化学计量学的整合、食物网与其他网络类型的整合以及拓展食物网研究的空间和时间尺度。  相似文献   

The trophic link density and the stability of food webs are thought to be related, but the nature of this relation is controversial. This article introduces a method for estimating the link density from diet tables which do not cover the complete food web and do not resolve all diet items to species level. A simple formula for the error of this estimate is derived. Link density is determined as a function of a threshold diet fraction below which diet items are ignored ("diet partitioning function"). Furthermore, analytic relationships between this threshold-dependent link density and the generality distribution of food webs are established. A preliminary application of the method to field data suggests that empirical results relating link density to diversity might need to be revisited.  相似文献   

Synthesis Metacommunity theory aims to elucidate the relative influence of local and regional‐scale processes in generating diversity patterns across the landscape. Metacommunity research has focused largely on assemblages of competing organisms within a single trophic level. Here, we test the ability of metacommunity models to predict the network structure of the aquatic food web found in the leaves of the northern pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea. The species‐sorting and patch‐dynamics models most accurately reproduced nine food web properties, suggesting that local‐scale interactions play an important role in structuring Sarracenia food webs. Our approach can be applied to any well‐resolved food web for which data are available from multiple locations. The metacommunity framework explores the relative influence of local and regional‐scale processes in generating diversity patterns across the landscape. Metacommunity models and empirical studies have focused mostly on assemblages of competing organisms within a single trophic level. Studies of multi‐trophic metacommunities are predominantly restricted to simplified trophic motifs and rarely consider entire food webs. We tested the ability of the patch‐dynamics, species‐sorting, mass‐effects, and neutral metacommunity models, as well as three hybrid models, to reproduce empirical patterns of food web structure and composition in the complex aquatic food web found in the northern pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea. We used empirical data to determine regional species pools and estimate dispersal probabilities, simulated local food‐web dynamics, dispersed species from regional pools into local food webs at rates based on the assumptions of each metacommunity model, and tested their relative fits to empirical data on food‐web structure. The species‐sorting and patch‐dynamics models most accurately reproduced nine food web properties, suggesting that local‐scale interactions were important in structuring Sarracenia food webs. However, differences in dispersal abilities were also important in models that accurately reproduced empirical food web properties. Although the models were tested using pitcher‐plant food webs, the approach we have developed can be applied to any well‐resolved food web for which data are available from multiple locations.  相似文献   

Jonathan J. Borrelli 《Oikos》2015,124(12):1583-1588
Food web structure can be characterized by the particular frequencies of subgraphs found within them. Although there are thirteen possible configurations of three species subgraphs, some are consistently over‐represented in empirical food webs. This is a robust pattern that is found across marine, freshwater or terrestrial environments. The preferential elimination of unstable subgraphs during the assembly of the food web can explain the observed pattern. It follows from this hypothesis that there should be differences in the stability of different subgraphs, and that stability should be positively correlated to their frequency in food webs. Using 50 food webs collected from a variety of databases I determined the frequency of each of the thirteen possible subgraphs with respect to randomized webs. Then by numerical simulation I determined the quasi sign stability (QSS) of each subgraph. My results clearly show a positive correlation between QSS and over‐representation of the different subgraphs in empirical food webs.  相似文献   

How species richness is distributed across trophic levels determines several dimensions of ecosystem functioning, including herbivory, predation, and decomposition rates. We perform a meta‐analysis of 72 large published food webs to investigate their trophic diversity structure and possible endogenous, exogenous, and methodological causal variables. Consistent with classic theory, we found that published food webs can generally be described as ‘pyramids of species richness’. The food webs were more predator‐poor, prey‐rich and hierarchical than is expected by chance or by the niche or cascade models. The trophic species richness distribution also depended on centrality, latitude, ecosystem‐type and methodological bias. Although trophic diversity structure is generally pyramidal, under many conditions the structure is consistently uniform or inverse‐pyramidal. Our meta‐analysis adds nuance to classic assumptions about food web structure: diversity decreases with trophic level, but not under all conditions, and the decrease may be scale‐dependent. Synthesis The distribution of species richness across trophic levels has not been evaluated in recent decades, despite improvement in food web resolution and the relevance of biodiversity distribution to ecosystem function. Our meta‐analysis of 72 large, recent food webs, illustrates that published food webs can generally be described as basal‐rich, top‐poor ‘pyramids of species richness’, consistent with classic theory. Although trophic diversity structure is generally pyramidal, under some environmental and ecological conditions the structure is uniform or inverse‐pyramidal. Our meta‐analysis confirms classic theory about food web structure, while adding nuance by describing conditions under which classic pyramid structure is not observed.  相似文献   

While the recent inclusion of parasites into food‐web studies has highlighted the role of parasites as consumers, there is accumulating evidence that parasites can also serve as prey for predators. Here we investigated empirical patterns of predation on parasites and their relationships with parasite transmission in eight topological food webs representing marine and freshwater ecosystems. Within each food web, we examined links in the typical predator–prey sub web as well as the predator–parasite sub web, i.e. the quadrant of the food web indicating which predators eat parasites. Most predator– parasite links represented ‘concomitant predation’ (consumption and death of a parasite along with the prey/host; 58–72%), followed by ‘trophic transmission’ (predator feeds on infected prey and becomes infected; 8–32%) and predation on free‐living parasite life‐cycle stages (4–30%). Parasite life‐cycle stages had, on average, between 4.2 and 14.2 predators. Among the food webs, as predator richness increased, the number of links exploited by trophically transmitted parasites increased at about the same rate as did the number of links where these stages serve as prey. On the whole, our analyses suggest that predation on parasites has important consequences for both predators and parasites, and food web structure. Because our analysis is solely based on topological webs, determining the strength of these interactions is a promising avenue for future research.  相似文献   

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