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Couchman, J. R., King, P. E. 1980. Ovariole sheath structure and its relationship with developing embryos in a parthenogenetic viviparous aphid. (Zoology Department, University College, Swansea, U.K.) — Acta zool. (Stockh.) 61(3): 147–155. The ovariole sheath of the viviparous parthenogenetic aphid Brevicoryne brassicae has been the subject of an ultrastructural examination, particularly with regard to its relationship with embryos at various stages of ontogeny. The sheath is a unilaminar, squamous epithelial layer enclosing germarium and embryos, but does not have an intrinsic trophic role until the connection between the embryo and germarial trophocytes, in the form of the trophic cord, is lost. At this time there is a degree of thickening and an increase in the number of cell organelles with ultrastructural indications of metabolic activity, a situation paralleled in the embryonic serosa. There is also evidence that haemolymph components may have direct access to the embryos through intercellular spaces in the sheath. Intercellular junctions, microtubules and cell overlap in regions of the sheath adjacent to embryos at a more advanced state of development are all implicated in a mechanism which resists deformation, maintains sheath integrity and allows embryo passage. A tunica propria and microfilament bundles are absent in the ovariole sheath of this species.  相似文献   

Most bird eggs have evolved a suite of remarkably consistentadaptations for appropriate exchanges of respiratory gases andwater vapor during incubation in nests above ground. Howeverunderground incubation is associated with selective forces differentfrom those operating at the surface. New information from mound-buildingbirds living reptiles and extinct dinosaurs shows comergentadaptations to nest atmospheres that are high in CO2 low inO2 and nearly saturated with water vapor. High humidity eliminatesthe danger of excessive dehydration so gas conductance of theeggshell may be higher than normal, as a compensation for theunusual nest gases. In contrast with embryos of birds that nextabove ground and initiate breathing inside the shell, thoseof megapode birds lack an aircell and can breathe only afterthe shell is broken. Extreme precocity of megapode chicks isrelated to long incubation time and large energy stores in theegg. Because the material around a buried nest restricts diffusionthe size of the nest must be limited to prevent intolerablegas tensions adjacent to the eggs. This effect may have forcedcertain large reptiles to separate their layings into severalclutches and some megapodes to actively ventilate their mounds.  相似文献   

The eutherian placenta shows remarkable evolutionary plasticity. To date, however, success in identifying selection pressures behind the observed diversity of placental structures has been limited. Evolutionary convergence among definitive placental morphologies and between placental morphologies and life-history variables can be used to suggest functions of derived aspects of placentation. In this paper, we use, for the first time, a comprehensive phylogenetic comparative approach to map phenotypic character states of both placental morphologies and life-history characteristics of species onto hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships in Eutheria. We employ phylogenetic methods for ancestral reconstruction, mutational mapping, and association analysis to resolve associations between five aspects of placental structure and to identify dominant combinations, or syndromes, of placental morphology. We map twenty life-history characters onto the eutherian phylogeny to examine how they correlate, over evolutionary time, with the multivariate diversification of placental structures. We identify two distinct eutherian constellations, based on associations between life-history and placental structure, which broadly reflect a dichotomy between slow and fast life-history strategies. In addition, we suggest that the observed association between placental invasiveness and group size is indicative of the effect of social behavior on the utility of genomic-imprinting in eutherian evolution.  相似文献   

稻属植物胚的形态结构与二(异)型子叶   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
长久以来植物学界认定稻 (OryzasativaL .)是单子叶植物。作者从稻胚发育的研究中确认稻胚具二型子叶 ,并非单子叶。稻属其他种的胚胎形态与O .sativa是否相同 ?是否具二型子叶 ?根据扫描电子显微镜的观察结果 ,稻属 (Oryza) 2 2个种和亚种的胚的形态结构可以分为两种类型。O .sativa等 16个种胚具腹鳞和侧鳞 ,属第一类型 ;O .meyeriana (Zoll.etMor.exSteud .)Baill.ssp .tuberculataW .C .WuetY .G .Lu ,G .C .Wang等 6个种 (亚种 )胚缺腹鳞和侧鳞 ,属第二类型。O .sativa和O .meyerianassp .tuberculata的胚胎发育过程所出现的盾片原基、胚根鞘原基、胚芽鞘原基和生长锥均来自原胚 ,前二者发育成胚套 ,是外围子叶 ;胚芽鞘原基发育成围在生长锥外并盖住生长锥的空心的倒锥状胚芽鞘 ,是顶生子叶。第一类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶。第二类型稻胚在盾片原基发育过程中并不分化出腹鳞和侧鳞 ,因而造成第二类型稻胚缺腹鳞与侧鳞。稻的二型子叶源于原胚的背腹极性分化  相似文献   

长久以来植物学界认定稻(Oryza sativa L.)是单子叶植物.作者从稻胚发育的研究中确认稻胚具二型子叶,并非单子叶.稻属其他种的胚胎形态与O.sativa是否相同?是否具二型子叶?根据扫描电子显微镜的观察结果,稻属(Oryza) 22个种和亚种的胚的形态结构可以分为两种类型.O.sativa等16个种胚具腹鳞和侧鳞,属第一类型;O. meyeriana (Zoll. et Mor. ex Steud.) Baill.ssp. tuberculata W. C. Wu et Y. G. Lu, G. C. Wang等6个种(亚种)胚缺腹鳞和侧鳞,属第二类型.O.sativa和O. meyeriana ssp. tuberculata的胚胎发育过程所出现的盾片原基、胚根鞘原基、胚芽鞘原基和生长锥均来自原胚,前二者发育成胚套,是外围子叶;胚芽鞘原基发育成围在生长锥外并盖住生长锥的空心的倒锥状胚芽鞘,是顶生子叶.第一类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶.第二类型稻胚在盾片原基发育过程中并不分化出腹鳞和侧鳞,因而造成第二类型稻胚缺腹鳞与侧鳞.稻的二型子叶源于原胚的背腹极性分化.  相似文献   

Lipid Storage and Utilization in Reptiles   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lipids represent a biochemically efficient mechanism for storingenergy to be used at a later date for maintenance and/or reproduction.This storage and utilization at different times results in seasonalpatterns of lipid cycling. Reptiles exhibit a number of lipidcycling patterns which can be explained by seasonal patternsof food availability. Seasonality in food availability determinesthe quantity of lipids stored, when lipids are stored, and forwhat purposes these lipids are utilized. Lipid cycling patternsare in turn correlated with life histories.  相似文献   

Root exudate composition and quantity vary in relation to plant nutritional status, but the impact of the differences on rhizosphere microbial communities is not known. To examine this question, we performed an experiment with barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants under iron-limiting and iron-sufficient growth conditions. Plants were grown in an iron-limiting soil in root box microcosms. One-half of the plants were treated with foliar iron every day to inhibit phytosiderophore production and to alter root exudate composition. After 30 days, the bacterial communities associated with different root zones, including the primary root tips, nonelongating secondary root tips, sites of lateral root emergence, and older roots distal from the tip, were characterized by using 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) fingerprints generated by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Our results showed that the microbial communities associated with the different root locations produced many common 16S rDNA bands but that the communities could be distinguished by using correspondence analysis. Approximately 40% of the variation between communities could be attributed to plant iron nutritional status. A sequence analysis of clones generated from a single 16S rDNA band obtained at all of the root locations revealed that there were taxonomically different species in the same band, suggesting that the resolving power of DGGE for characterization of community structure at the species level is limited. Our results suggest that the bacterial communities in the rhizosphere are substantially different in different root zones and that a rhizosphere community may be altered by changes in root exudate composition caused by changes in plant iron nutritional status.  相似文献   

The National Research Council's document, Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards (2000) describes an elementary science classroom as one that is composed of learners who are engaged in scientific processes. In such a setting, children ask real-world questions and seek real-world solutions. As students pursue their inquiries, they often move away from science textbooks, and they implement mathematical skills, read literature, conduct research in electronic databases, write stories, and so forth in a larger context. What was originally a regular science lesson becomes an opportunity for integration across the curriculum. This article describes an integrated unit on bats and specifically addresses the National Science Education Standards.  相似文献   

Cenozoic reptiles are characterized by physiological morphologicaland ecological systems with low energy requirements comparedto those of mammals. Ectothermy and low resting rates of metabolismare the primary physiological adaptations of reptiles that producelow energy demand. Adjustments of the oxygen-transport systemto different thermoregulatory characteristics among reptilesmay be reflected in blood viscosity oxygen capacity oxygen affinityand the temperature sensitivity of oxygenation. Other adaptationsreduce the energy cost of oxygen transport. Reptiles have lowhematocrits and large, widely spaced capillaries that contributeto a low fluid resistance in the vascular system but also limitthe oxygen transport capacity. The low oxygen affinity characteristicof the blood of most reptiles appears to facilitate diffusionof oxygen to the tissues, overcoming the intrinsic limitationsimposed by the morphological specializations of the cardiovascularsystem. The low blood oxygen affinity permits virtually allof the oxygen carried by the blood to be delivered to the tissuesduring periods of stress. It may also help to maintain a relativelyhigh arterial Po2 even when a right-to-left shunt occurs inthe heart. Reptilian erythrocytes are capable of reducing methemoglobinrapidly. The high concentrations of methemoglobin and polymerizedhemoglobin that occur in vivo may indicate that these compoundshave a functional role. In their blood physiology as in otheraspects of their biology reptiles are specialized animals thatreflect selective forces quite different from those that haveshaped the evolution of mammals.  相似文献   

The Epiphyseal Complex in Fish and Reptiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From a phylogenetic point of view, few organs of vertebrateshave shown such a plasticity of form and presumed function ashas the epiphyseal complex. From paired, probably sensory, evaginationsthrough the skulls of primitive vertebrates, the single remnantremaining in the higher vertebrates has evolved into a denselycellular, vascular organ with presumably secretory functions.Too few studies are available from throughout the vertebrateseries to allow conclusions as to function. Demonstrated effectson reproductive mechanisms, on phototaxis and pigment migration,on behavior, activity, and a variety of other mechanisms aretoo inconsistent among and between the various groups to permitgeneralizations other than the likelihood that the epiphysealcomplex directly or indirectly is responsive to some manifestationof light or to its absence. Working backward from this assumption,it seems likely that underlying the activity of these complexstructures will be a modulation of some basic, homeokineticmechanism having much to do with the seasonal adjustment ofthe organism to its environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent use of prescribed fire and fire surrogates to reduce fuel hazards has spurred interest in their effects on wildlife. Studies of fire in the southern Appalachian Mountains (USA) have documented few effects on reptiles and amphibians. However, these studies were conducted after only one fire and for only a short time (1–3 yr) after the fire. From mid-May to mid-August 2006 and 2007, we used drift fences with pitfall and funnel traps to capture reptiles and amphibians in a control and 3 replicated fuel-reduction treatments: 1) twice-burned (2003 and 2006), 2) mechanical understory cut (2002), and 3) mechanical understory cut (2002) followed by 2 burns (2003 and 2006). We captured fewer salamanders in mechanical + twice-burned treatment areas than in twice-burned and control treatment areas, but we captured more lizards in mechanical + twice-burned treatment areas than in other treatment areas. Higher lizard captures in mechanical + twice-burned treatment areas likely was related to increased ground temperatures and greater thermoregulatory opportunities. Higher and more variable ground temperatures and faster drying of remaining litter and duff may have led to fewer salamander captures in mechanical + twice-burned treatment areas. Our longer term results, after 2 prescribed burns, differ from shorter term results. After one prescribed burn at the same site, eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) captures were greater in mechanical + burn treatment areas but salamander captures did not differ among treatment areas. Our results indicate that multiple (≥2) fuel-reduction treatments that decrease canopy cover may benefit lizards but negatively affect salamanders.  相似文献   

Concern for both humans and wildlife has prompted regulatory agencies to search for methods to screen chemicals for disruption of regulation and responses to estrogen and other reproductive hormones. It is not clear whether tests suitable for hazard assessment in mammals also apply to oviparous (egg-laying) animals, or vice versa. Although estrogenic structures are similar across species, estrogen receptor (ER) differences affecting binding affinity and gene activation do occur. The primary function of estrogen in all species is control of ovulation; secondary functions are gender determination, development of secondary sex characteristics, regulation of mating and breeding behaviors, and regulation of calcium and water homeostasis. Major differences between mammals and egg-layers are production of the egg yolk protein vitellogenin by rrthe liver of oviparous species and eggshell formation. Methods for measuring estrogenic activity include production of gene products, cell proliferation assays, tissue responses, vitellogenin induction, hormone assays, egg production and fertility studies, and development of secondary sex characteristics. General cellular/subcellular tests are proposed for initial chemical screening; those that show estrogenic effects would be tested further using species-specific in vitro assays (e.g., relative binding affinity to the ER). Only those chemicals that elicit effects in this second tier, might need to be tested in a higher tier of whole organism studies.  相似文献   

IntroductionPreeclampsia is a maternal hypertensive disorder with uncertain etiology and a leading cause of maternal and fetal mortality worldwide, causing nearly 40% of premature births delivered before 35 weeks of gestation. The first stage of preeclampsia is characterized by reduction of utero-placental blood flow which is reflected in high blood pressure and proteinuria during the second half of pregnancy. In human placenta androgens derived from the maternal and fetal adrenal glands are converted into estrogens by the enzymatic action of placental aromatase. This implies that alterations in placental steroidogenesis and, subsequently, in the functionality or bioavailability of placental aromatase may be mechanistically involved in the pathophysiology of PE.MethodsSerum samples were collected at 32–36 weeks of gestation and placenta biopsies were collected at time of delivery from PE patients (n = 16) and pregnant controls (n = 32). The effect of oxygen tension on placental cells was assessed by incubation JEG–3 cells under 1% and 8% O2 for different time periods, Timed-mated, pregnant New Zealand white rabbits (n = 6) were used to establish an in vivo model of placental ischemia (achieved by ligature of uteroplacental vessels). Aromatase content and estrogens and androgens concentrations were measured.ResultsThe protein and mRNA content of placental aromatase significantly diminished in placentae obtained from preeclamptic patients compared to controls. Similarly, the circulating concentrations of 17-β-estradiol/testosterone and estrone/androstenedione were reduced in preeclamptic patients vs. controls. These data are consistent with a concomitant decrease in aromatase activity. Aromatase content was reduced in response to low oxygen tension in the choriocarcinoma JEG–3 cell line and in rabbit placentae in response to partial ligation of uterine spiral arteries, suggesting that reduced placental aromatase activity in preeclamptic patients may be associated with chronic placental ischemia and hypoxia later in gestation.ConclusionsPlacental aromatase expression and functionality are diminished in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia in comparison with healthy pregnant controls.  相似文献   

Effects of chlorpyrifos (CPF) on soft tissues of mollusks, Unio tigridis and Viviparous benglensis, have not been studied for biochemical and molecular traits. Therefore, the changes of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)), malondialdehyde (MDA), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and DNA damage in these mollusks were assessed during 21-day exposure to three concentrations of CPF. The results showed that SOD and CAT enzymes in the two mollusk species decreased with highest CPF concentration, while MDA significantly increased with highest CPF concentration. AChE concentrations also showed a clear reduction in soft tissues of both mollusks. DNA damage parameters showed significant differences between controls and three CPF concentrations for each parameter measured in the digestive gland of U. tigridis; and for V. bengalensis significant differences were observed between controls and highest two concentrations of CPF for comet length and tail length. CPF has the ability to prevent reproduction status for the snail V. bengalensis compared to the controls. In this study, we can conclude from the significant changes occurring in the concentrations of CAT, SOD, MDA, AChE, and DNA damage that the concentrations of these biomolecules in the soft tissues of the mussel and snail can be considered suitable biomarkers for a sublethal exposure and/or effects of CPF at the tested concentrations, and we can then use it in biomonitoring of water bodies.  相似文献   

The middle ear regions of reptiles and amphibians frequentlyare grouped into morphological types on the basis of structuralresemblances. The arrays of animals resulting from such a groupinghave a fair degree of taxonomic continuity. The types in mostinstances include a "central" pattern, presumed to be primitive,and modifications that are considered to have been derived fromthe "central" type by evolutionary processes. Some understandingof phylogeny, thus, is a necessary precursor to the formationof the groups. This raises problems when, as is often the case,the groups based on ear structures are used as a basis for phylogeneticinterpretations. Among reptiles the theropsid-sauropsid caseis the best known. The principal morphological types are described and discussed.The middle ear, as a sound-transmitting apparatus and in itsassociations with the masticatory apparatus, is highly susceptibleto adaptive modifications. Some morphological types, such asthose in archosaurs and labyrinthodonts, are quite stable. Othersshow marked evolutionary diversity. The middle ear structures,hence, appear quite useful as phylogenetic indicators withinmorphological types but less so when relationships between typesare considered.  相似文献   

Olmo E 《Genetica》2005,125(2-3):185-203
The chromosome changing rate (i.e. the number of chromosome rearrangements per million years) was studied in 1329 reptile species in order to evaluate the karyological evolutionary trend and the existence of possible correlations between chromosome mutations and some aspects of the evolution of this class. The results obtained highlight the existence of a general direct correlation between chromosome changing rate and number of living species, although different trends can be observed in the different orders and suborders. In turtles, the separation of pleurodires from cryptodires was accompanied by a considerable karyological diversification. Among pleurodires, the evolution of the Chelidae and Pelomedusidae was also characterised by chromosome variation, while in cryptodires a marked karyological homogeneity is observed between and within infraorders. Similarly there is no correlation between changing rate and species number in crocodiles, where the evolution of the families and genera has entailed few chromosome mutations. Chromosome variability was greater in lizards and snakes. In the formers variations in chromosome changing rate accompanied the separation of the infraorders and the evolution of most of the families and of some genera. The origin of snakes has also been accompanied by a marked karyological diversification, while the subsequent evolution of the infraorders and families has entailed a high level of chromosome variability only in colubroids. The karyological evolution in reptiles generally entailed a progressive reduction in chromosome changing rate, albeit with differences in the diverse orders and suborders. This trend seems to be consistent with the “canalization model” as originally proposed by Bickham and Baker in [Bickham, J.W. & R J. Baker, 1979. Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. 13: 70–84.]  However, several inconsistencies have been found excluding that in this class the ultimate goal of chromosome variations was the achievement of a so-called ``optimum karyotype' as suggested by the above-mentioned theory. Other mechanisms could underpin chromosome variability in Reptiles. Among them a genomic composition more or less favourable to promoting chromosome rearrangements and factors favouring the fixation of a mutant karyotype in condition of homozygosis. Turtles and crocodiles would have a genome characterised by large chromosomes and a low level of chromosome compartmentalisation limiting the recombination and the frequency of rearrangements. A low rate of chromosome variability modifying little if at all the gene linkage groups would have favoured a conservative evolutionary strategy. In the course of evolution, lizards and snakes could have achieved a genome characterised by smaller chromosomes and a higher level of compartmentalisation. This would have raised the frequency of recombination and consequently an evolutionary strategy promoting a higher degree of variability and a greater level of speciation.  相似文献   

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