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Summary In order to document the natural CO2 environment of the moss Hylocomium splendens, and ascertain whether or not the moss was adapted to this, and its interactions with other microenvironmental factors, two studies were carried out. Firstly, the seasonal variations of CO2 concentration, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), tissue water content and temperature were measured in the natural microenvironment of H. splendens in a subarctic forest during the summer period (July–September). Secondly, the photosynthetic responses of the species to controlled CO2 concentrations, PAR, temperature, and hydration were measured in the laboratory. CO2 concentrations around the upper parts of the plant, when PAR was above the compensation point (30 mol m–2 s–1), were mostly between 400 and 450 ppm. They occasionally increased up to 1143 ppm for short periods. PAR flux densities below saturating light levels for photosynthesis (100 mol m–2 s–1), occurred during 65% (July), 76% (August) and 96% (September) of the hours of the summer period. The temperature optimum of photosynthesis was 20° C: this temperature coincided with PAR above the compensation point during 5%, 6% and 0% of the time in July, August and September, respectively. Optimal hydration of tissues was infrequent. Hence PAR, temperature and water limit CO2 uptake for most of the growing season. Our data suggest that the higher than normal ambient CO2 concentration in the immediate environment of the plant counteracts some of the limitations in PAR supply that it experiences in its habitat. This species already experiences concentrations of atmospheric CO2 predicted to occur over the next 50 years.  相似文献   

To assess the long-term effect of increased CO2 and temperature on plants possessing the C3 photosynthetic pathway, Chenopodium album plants were grown at one of three treatment conditions: (1) 23 °C mean day temperature and a mean ambient partial pressure of CO2 equal to 350 bar; (2) 34 °C and 350 bar CO2; and (3) 34 °C and 750 bar CO2. No effect of the growth treatments was observed on the CO2 reponse of photosynthesis, the temperature response of photosynthesis, the content of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), or the activity of whole chain electron transport when measurements were made under identical conditions. This indicated a lack of photosynthetic acclimation in C. album to the range of temperature and CO2 used in the growth treatments. Plants from every treatment exhibited similar interactions between temperature and CO2 on photosynthetic activity. At low CO2 (< 300 bar), an increase in temperature from 25 to 35 °C was inhibitory for photosynthesis, while at elevated CO2 (> 400 bar), the same increase in temperature enhanced photosynthesis by up to 40%. In turn, the stimulation of photosynthesis by CO2 enrichment increased as temperature increased. Rubisco capacity was the primary limitation on photosynthetic activity at low CO2 (195 bar). As a consequence, the temperature response of A was relatively flat, reflecting a low temperature response of Rubisco at CO2 levels below its km for CO2. At elevated CO2 (750 bar), the temperature response of electron transport appeared to control the temperature dependency of photosynthesis above 18 °C. These results indicate that increasing CO2 and temperature could substantially enhance the carbon gain potential in tropical and subtropical habitats, unless feedbacks at the whole plant or ecosystem level limit the long-term response of photosynthesis to an increase in CO2 and temperature.Abbreviations A net CO2 assimilation rate - C a ambient partial pressure of CO2 - C i intercellular partial pressure of CO2 - Rubisco Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - VPD vapor pressure difference between leaf and air  相似文献   

Summary In tussock tundra areas of the foothills north of the Brooks Range, Alaska, up to two-thirds of annual precipitation may occur during intermittent summer thunderstorms. The seasonal pattern in capitulum water content of Sphagnum spp. depends on the frequency and duration of these precipitation events, on the microtopography of the habitat including depth of thaw, and on morphological characteristics of the individual species. The response of net photosynthesis to varying water content in Sphagnum squarrosum and S. angustifolium growing under willow canopies in a tussock tundra area near the Dalton Highway on the North Slope of Alaska was examined in the field. After a period in June required to develop photosynthetic capability, capitula water content was essentially optimal for photosynthesis in the range from 6 to 10 g H2O/g DW. Above this range, the rate of CO2 uptake was reduced, presumably due to limitations on CO2 diffusion to the photosynthetically active sites. At water contents below the optimum, net photosynthesis fell rapidly until reaching compensation at approximately 1 g H2O/g DW. Dependent on changes in weather conditions, average water content of Sphagnum samples collected in the field occasionally fell below 5 g H2O/g DW. During a particularly dry period, water content of individual Sphagnum hummocks fell below 1 g H2O/g DW, indicating that water stress does limit Sphagnum photosynthetic production in this habitat.  相似文献   

Photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf net gas exchanges (CO2 and H2O) were measured simultaneously on bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) submitted either to different ambient CO2 concentrations or to a drought stress. When leaves are under photorespiratory conditions, a simple fluorescence parameter F/ Fm (B. Genty et al. 1989, Biochem. Biophys. Acta 990, 87–92; F = difference between maximum, Fm, and steady-state fluorescence emissions) allows the calculation of the total rate of photosynthetic electron-transport and the rate of electron transport to O2. These rates are in agreement with the measurements of leaf O2 absorption using 18O2 and the kinetic properties of ribulose-1,5bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The fluorescence parameter, F/Fm, showed that the allocation of photosynthetic electrons to O2 was increased during the desiccation of a leaf. Decreasing leaf net CO2 uptake, either by decreasing the ambient CO2 concentration or by dehydrating a leaf, had the same effect on the partitioning of photosynthetic electrons between CO2 and O2 reduction. It is concluded that the decline of net CO2 uptake of a leaf under drought stress is only due, at least for a mild reversible stress (causing at most a leaf water deficit of 35%), to stomatal closure which leads to a decrease in leaf internal CO2 concentration. Since, during the dehydration of a leaf, the calculated internal CO2 concentration remained constant or even increased we conclude that this calculation is misleading under such conditions.Abbreviations Ca, Ci ambient, leaf internal CO2 concentrations - Fm, Fo, Fs maximum, minimal, steady-state fluorescence emission - Fv variable fluorescence emission - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - qp, qN photochemical, non-photochemical fluorescence quenching - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   

F. Yoshie  S. Yoshida 《Oecologia》1987,72(2):202-206
Summary Seasonal changes in the photosynthetic characteristics of intact involucral leaves of Anemone raddeana were investigated under laboratory conditions. Net photosynthesis and constant water vapor pressure deficit showed almost the same seasonal trend. They increased rapidly from mid-April immediately after unfolding of the leaves and reached the maximum in late-April, before the maximum expansion of the leaves. They retained the maximum values until early-May and then decreased toward late-May with a progress of leaf senescence. The calculated values of intercellular CO2 concentration and relative stomatal limitation of photosynthesis showed no significant change throughout the season. The carboxylation efficiency as assessed by the initial slope of Ci-photosynthesis curve and the net photosynthesis under a high Ci regime varied seasonally in parallel with the change of the light-saturated photosynthesis. The results indicate that the seasonal changes in light-saturated net photosynthesis are not due to a change of stomatal conductance, but to a change in the photosynthetic capacity of mesophyll. Nevertheless, leaf conductance changed concomitantly with photosynthetic capacity, indicating that the seasonal change in stomatal conductance is modulated by the mesophyll photosynthetic capacity such that the intercellular CO2 concentrations is maintained constant. The shape of light-photosynthesis curve was similar to that of sun-leaf type. The quantum yield also changed simultaneously with the photosynthetic capacity throughout the season.Contribution No. 2965 from the Institute of Low Temperature Science  相似文献   

We investigated responses of chloroplasts from flag leaves of a newly-developed super-high-yield rice (Oryza sativa L.) hybrid LiangYouPeiJiu (LYPJ) to water stress (withholding irrigation) during the grain-filling period. In the early stage of water stress (0–6 d) only the activity of Hill reaction was inhibited, whereas activities of photophosphorylation and Ca2+-ATPase, and ATP content were increased and peaked in the day 6 of withholding irrigation. In the late stage of water stress (6-12 d), the activities of photosynthetic O2 evolution, Hill reaction, photophosphorylation, and Ca2+- ATPase, and ATP content were significantly reduced. The membrane lipid content was sharply decreased, especially of sulfoquinovosyl-diacylglycerol (SQDG) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG). The changes in the ultrastructure of chloroplasts included mainly a decrease in number of grana and increase in number of osmiophilic granules.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

Open-top chambers were used to study the effects of CO2 enrichment on leaf-level photosynthetic rates of the C4 grass Andropogon gerardii in the native tallgrass prairie ecosystem near Manhattan, Kansas. Measurements were made during a year with abundant rainfall (1993) and a year with below-normal rainfall (1994). Treatments included: No chamber, ambient CO2 (A); chamber with ambient CO2 (CA); and chamber with twice-ambient CO2 (CE). Measurements of photosynthesis were made at 2-hour intervals, or at midday, on cloudless days throughout the growing season using an open-flow gas-exchange system. No significant differences in midday rates of photosynthesis or in daily carbon accumulation as a result of CO2 enrichment were found in the year with abundant precipitation. In the dry year, midday rates of photosynthesis were significantly higher in the CE treatment than in the CA or A treatments throughout the season. Estimates of daily carbon accumulation also indicated that CO2 enrichment allowed plants to maximize carbon acquisition on a diurnal basis. The increased carbon accumulation was accounted for by greater rates of photosynthesis in the CE plots during midday. During the wet year, CO2 enrichment decreased stomatal conductance, which allowed plants to decrease transpiration while still photosynthesizing at rates similar to plants in ambient conditions. During the dry year, CO2 enrichment allowed plants to maintain photosynthetic rates even though stomatal conductance and transpiration had been reduced in all treatments due to stress. Estimates of instantaneous water-use efficiency were reduced under CO2 enrichment for both years. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Gas exchange and abscisic acid content of Digitalis lanata EHRH. have been examined at different levels of plant water stress. Net photosynthesis, transpiration and conductance of attached leaves declined rapidly at first, then more slowly following the withholding of irrigation. The intercellular partial pressure of CO2 decreased slightly. The concentration of 2-cis(S)ABA increased about eight-fold in the leaves of non-irrigated plants as compared with well-watered controls. A close linear correlation was found between the ABA content of the leaves and their conductance on a leaf area basis. In contrast, the plot of net assimilation versus ABA concentration was curvilinear, leading to an increased efficiency of water use during stress. After rewatering, photosynthesis reached control values earlier than transpiration, leaf conductance and ABA content. From these data it is concluded that transpiration through the stomata is directly controlled by the ABA content, whereas net photosynthesis is influenced additionally by other factors.Possible reasons for the responses of photosynthesis and water use efficiency to different stress and ABA levels are discussed.Abbreviations A net CO2 assimilation - ABA abscisic acid - Ci intercellular CO2 concentration - g stomatal conductance - T transpiration - WUE water use efficiency  相似文献   

The interaction of extreme temperature events with future atmospheric CO2 concentrations may have strong impacts on physiological performance of desert shrub seedlings, which during the critical establishment phase often endure temperature extremes in conjunction with pronounced drought. To evaluate the interaction of drought and CO2 on photosynthesis during heat stress, one-year-old Larrea tridentata[DC] Cov. seedlings were exposed to nine days of heat with midday air temperature maxima reaching 53 °C under three atmospheric CO2 concentrations (360, 550 and 700 mol mol–1) and two water regimes (well-watered and droughted). Photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and water potential responses were measured prior to, during and one week following the high temperature stress event. Heat stress markedly decreased net photosynthetic rate (A net), stomatal conductance (g s), and the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (F v/F m) in all plants except for well-watered L. tridentata grown in 700 mol mol–1 CO2. A net and g s remained similar to pre-stress levels in these plants. In droughted L. tridentata, A net was ca. 2× (in 550 mol mol–1 CO2) to 3× (in 700 mol mol–1 CO2) higher than in ambient-CO2-grown plants, while g s and F v/F m were similar and low in all CO2 treatments. Following heat stress, g s in all well-watered plants rose dramatically, exceeding pre-stress levels by up to 100%. In droughted plants, g s and A net rose only in plants grown at elevated CO2 following release from heat. This recovery response was strongest at 700 mol mol–1 CO2, which returned to A net and g s values similar to pre-heat following several days of recovery. Extreme heat diminished the photosynthetic down-regulation response to growth at elevated CO2 under well-watered conditions, similar to the action of drought. Ambient-CO2-grown L. tridentata did not show significant recovery of photosynthetic capacity (A \max and CE) after alleviation of temperature stress, especially when exposed to drought, while plants exposed to elevated CO2 appeared to be unaffected. These findings suggest that elevated CO2 could promote photosynthetic activity during critical periods of seedling establishment, and enhance the potential for L. tridentata to survive extreme high temperature events.  相似文献   

Plants of six weedy species (Amaranthus retroflexus, Echinochloa crus-galli, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Setaria faberi, Setaria viridis, Sorghum halapense) and 4 crop species (Amaranthus hypochondriacus, Saccharum officinarum, Sorghum bicolor and Zea mays) possessing the C4type of photosynthesis were grown at ambient (38 Pa) and elevated (69 Pa) carbon dioxide during early development (i.e. up to 60 days after sowing) to determine: (a) if plants possessing the C4photosynthetic pathway could respond photosynthetically or in biomass production to future increases in global carbon dioxide and (b) whether differences exist between weeds and crops in the degree of response. Based on observations in the response of photosynthesis (measured as A, CO2assimilation rate) to the growth CO2condition as well as to a range of internal CO2(Ci) concentrations, eight of ten C4species showed a significant increase in photosynthesis. The largest and smallest increases observed were for A. retroflexus (+30%) and Z. mays (+5%), respectively. Weed species (+19%) showed approximately twice the degree of photosynthetic stimulation as that of crop species (+10%) at the higher CO2concentration. Elevated carbon dioxide also resulted in significant increases in whole plant biomass for four C4weeds (A. retroflexus, E. crus-galli, P. dichotomiflorum, S. viridis) relative to the ambient CO2condition. Leaf water potentials for three selected species (A. retroflexus, A. hypochondriacus, Z. mays) indicated that differences in photosynthetic stimulation were not due solely to improved leaf water status. Data from this study indicate that C4plants may respond directly to increasing CO2concentration, and in the case of some C4weeds (e.g. A. retroflexus) may show photosynthetic increases similar to those published for C3species.  相似文献   

The CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) was induced in the green unicellular alga Chlorella when cells were transferred from high (5% CO2) to low (0.03%) CO2 concentrations. The induction of the CCM correlated with the formation of a starch sheath specifically around the pyrenoid in the chloroplast. With the aim of clarifying whether the starch sheath was involved in the operation of the CCM, we isolated and physiologically characterized a starchless mutant of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, designated as IAA-36. The mutant strain grew as vigorously as the wild type under high and low CO2 concentrations, continuous light and a 12 h light/12 h dark photoperiod. The CO2 requirement for half-maximal rates of photosynthesis [K0.5(CO2)] decreased from 40 μM to 2–3 μM of CO2 when both wild type and mutant were switched from high to low CO2. The high affinity for inorganic carbon indicates that the IAA-36 mutant is able to induce a fully active CCM. Since the mutant does not have the pyrenoid starch sheath, we conclude that the sheath is not involved in the operation of the CCM in Chlorella cells.  相似文献   

Here we examined the influence of high CO2 concentrations on the structure and functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. Presented in this work are: chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence induction kinetics, measurements of photosynthetic and respiration rates, estimation of Chl a/Chl b ratios, isolation and quantitative assessment of the photosynthetic subcomplexes, quantitative analyses of thylakoid bound polyamines, and experiments with exogenously supplied polyamines with cultures grown in low- and high-CO2 concentrations. Together, they indicated that high-CO2 concentrations affect polyamines and, more specifically, increase the thylakoid bound putrescine (PUT) level that leads to an increase of the active reaction center density combined with a decrease in the LHCII-size and the ratio of LHCII-oligomeres/LHCII-monomeres. This reorganization of the photosynthetic apparatus leads to enhanced photosynthetic rates, which in combination with the high-CO2 concentrations, leads to an immense increase of biomass (800%). Further incubation for longer time periods under the same conditions produces, due to an increase in cell density, a self-shading effect and photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to low light conditions and therefore also results in reduction of the high-CO2 effect. The photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to high-light conditions (Kotzabasis et al. 1999) and the acclimation to high-CO2 concentrations (present work) lead to the same changes in the structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus. These changes could be induced or inhibited through the manipulation of intracellular polyamines, especially through the putrescine/spermine ratio. The possibility that polyamines influence the photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus and its acclimation to high-CO2 concentrations through a common mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Forest trees are involved in root symbioses with hundreds of species of ectomycorrhizal fungi which constitute functional guilds able to improve the water and mineral nutrition of host trees. In temperate ecosystems, water shortage is a main factor limiting tree vitality. To assess how soil water conditions affected the physiological state of beech (Fagus silvatica L.) ectomycorrhizal roots, we monitored glucose respiration of two ectomycorrhizal types (Lactarius sp. and Cenococcum geophilum) during two complete growing seasons. Five stands of contrasting soil conditions were chosen in north-eastern France. The top soil horizons were equipped with micropsychrometers for measuring water potential and temperature. Glucose respiration on individual ectomycorrhizas was measured in vitro by trapping [14C]-CO2 from radiolabelled glucose. For soil water potential <-0.2 MPa, the potential respiration activity of C. geophilumectomycorrhizas was significantly less altered than that of Lactariussp. ectomycorrhizas, indicating that C. geophilumis more likely than Lactariussp. to maintain the physiological integrity of beech roots facing drought stress.  相似文献   

The direct effects of CO2 level changes on plant water availability are usually ignored in plant habitat models. We compare traditional proxies for water availability with changes in soil water (fAWC) predicted by a process-based ecosystem model, which simulates changes in vegetation structure and functioning, including CO2 physiological effects. We modelled current and future habitats of 108 European tree species using ensemble forecasting, comprising six habitat models, two model evaluation methods and two climate change scenarios. The fAWC models' projections are generally more conservative. Potential habitats shrink significantly less for boreo-alpine and alpine species. Changes in vegetation functioning and CO2 on plant water availability should therefore be taken into account in plant habitat change projections.  相似文献   

Small shrubs ofCeanothus thyrsiflorus were grown in 19-1 pots irrigated under natural conditions in a chaparral region of Southern California and then subjected to soil drying. Characteristics of leaf gas exchange, leaf water potential, and concentrations of the stress hormone abscisic acid in the xylem sap, ABAxyl, were determined at various stages of drought. Diurnal changes in conductance were strongly correlated with leaf net photosynthesis rate, which provides an effective, integrative predictor of above-ground climate effects on conductance. In drought conditions, ABAxyl concentration increased. Increases in the concentration range of 50–500 nmol/l appeared to induce stomatal closure, restricting water loss and carbon dioxide uptake. When the momentary water potential is related to ABAxyl, ABA appeared to increase significantly only after a threshold of approximately –1.5 MPa was exceeded. At less negative water potentials, large variation in ABAxyl in the 50–1000 nmol/l range occurred for all water-potential values, because ABAxyl remains relatively constant over diurnal courses as water potentials decrease and then recover. When the water potential became more negative than –1.5 MPa, ABAxyl concentrations occurred between approximately 500 and 10 000 nmol/l and even greater in isolated cases. An approximately linear relationship is recognizable between ABAxyl and momentary water potential in this range because in plants under drought conditions, ABAxyl increases during the course of the day as water potential decreases. Increases in ABAxyl in the high concentration range were associated with relatively minor additional restrictions in gas exchange, but they might contribute to improved water use efficiency and explain diurnal changes in the potential for stomatal opening that have been observed in Mediterranean sclerophyllous species. When we examined long-term seasonal change in the response of irrigated plants, changes in average daily temperature greater than 10°C occurred (also associated with shifts in relative humidity and radiation input), which apparently led to small changes in predawn water potential in the –0.1 to –0.7 MPa range. Increases in ABAxyl occurred that were in turn negatively correlated with daily maximum leaf conductance. Thus, chaparral shrubs under non-drought conditions seem to sense even small changes in environmental conditions, in our opinion most probably due to initial drying of the uppermost soil and synthesis of ABA in the shallow roots. The results support the hypothesis that information of photosynthesis rate and predawn water potential may be used as primary variables to predict canopy conductance of Mediterranean sclerophyll shrub vegetation.  相似文献   

The rotifer fauna has been investigated at three littoral brackish water localities in the Öresund, Denmark. Samples taken from plankton, periphyton and psammon yielded 14 rotifer species. Two of these are new to science and are described herein. Both species were found in psammon at the same locality. Erignatha longidentata n. sp. is characterised by having toes with swollen bases, convex outer margins and concave inner margins. The trophi have a pair of large subunci and relatively large unci. The other new species, Paradicranophorus wesenberglundi n. sp., is characterised by having two large red pigmented eyespots and large conical toes. The rami are lyrate, and intramallei and supramanubria are present in the mallei.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fitness and work level on the O2 uptake and CO2 output kinetics when the increase in work rate step is adjusted to the subject's maximum work capacity. Nine normal male subjects performed progressive incremental cycle ergometer exercise tests in 3-min steps to their maximum tolerance. The work rate step size was selected so that the symptom-limited maximum work rate would be reached in four steps at 12 min in all subjects. Oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were calculated breath by breath. For the group, the time (mean, SEM) to reach 75% of the 3-min response (T0.75) for VO2 increased significantly (P less than 0.01) at progressively higher work rate steps, being 53.3 (5.5) s, 63.5 (4.6) s, 79.5 (5.0) s, and 94.5 (5.8) s, respectively. In contrast, T0.75 for VCO2 did not change significantly [74.9 (7.4) s, 75.6 (5.0) s, 85.1 (5.3) s, and 89.4 (6.3) s, respectively]. VCO2 kinetics were slower than VO2 kinetics at the low fractions of the subjects' work capacities but were the same or faster at the high fractions because of the slowing of VO2 kinetics. The first step showed the fastest rise in VO2. While VO2 kinetics slowed at each step, they were faster at each fraction of the work capacity in the fitter subjects. The step pattern in VO2 disappeared at high work rates for the less fit subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pythium fluminum produced zoospores most abundantly at 15°C, whereas the optima forPythium group F andP. marsipium were 20 and 25°C, respectively. Increasing the incubation temperature above the optimum resulted in the decrease of the duration of zoospore production. InPythium group F the ability to produce zoospores was not lost even after incubation at 40°C for 24 h. On the other hand,P. marsipium andP. fluminum lost the ability under these conditions. Zoospore production was inhibited at pH 4.5 and 10.5 in all the species tested.Pythium fluminum andP. marsipium were found to have two pH optima for zoospore production (7.5 and 9.5 for the former and 5.5 and 8.5 for the latter). The optimum pH for zoospore production byPythium group F was 6.5–7.5. Moderate osmotic potentials (–0.27–0.47 MPa) appeared to favor zoospore production by the pythia tested. The effect of temperature, pH and osmotic potential on zoospore production was discussed in relation to pollution of pond water.  相似文献   

Oospore germination occurred over a temperature ranging of 15–35°C forPythium coloratum, 10–35°C forP. diclinum, 15–30°C forP. dissotocum, 7–30°C forP. monospermum, and 10–30°C forP. pleroticum. Optimum temperature was 25°C for all species tested. In case of pH, oospore germination occurred over a range of 4.76–8.55 with an optimum of 6.40–7.40. The least germination occurred at pH 4.76 forP. coloratum, P. diclinum, P. monospermum andP. pleroticum, whileP. dissotocum germinated from pH 5.02. Oospores of the all tested pythia were able to germinate at –0.13 to –1.65 MPa and could not germinate at –3.40 MPa, with the highest germination rate at –0.27 to –0.47 MPa. The effect of temperature, pH and osmotic potential on oospore germination was discussed in relation to pollution of pond water.  相似文献   

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